Red spot with a lump on the leg. What does the appearance of bumps under the skin on the leg indicate? Warts, papillomas, condylomas, soft fibromas

Prehistory: Two weeks ago, my son (2.7 years old) fell ill, the local doctor diagnosed him with acute respiratory infections, he was treated with Bisseptol. Halfway through the discharge, a red rash appeared on the child's legs, followed by the formation of hard bumps, the doctor diagnosed it as an allergy, they gave it, and ruled out all possible allergens. The temperature rose to 41 degrees last Friday evening. The ambulance took him to the hospital, put him in the infectious diseases room. The next morning, the temperature dropped to normal and persisted until yesterday in ...


yersiniosis. Is very similar. We somehow lay in the same room with a boy with such a disease (but only he, unlike your child, could not be diagnosed for a long time). Yersiniosis is treated with a specific class of antibiotics. Long and boring. Its other name is pseudotuberculosis. In our case, that sick boy ate unwashed parsley from his grandmother's garden right from the garden. Doctors said the pathogen can be transmitted from dirty hands and unwashed vegetables.

Inexpensive vacation in the most famous resort in France

Girls, please advise a good dermatologist. And in general, maybe someone knows what it could be. A year ago, red spots appeared on the legs from the knees down to the ankle, oval, similar to small burns, the edges are red, paler inside, they don’t hurt, they don’t itch, but this is clearly something wrong. I went around several dermatologists in a year, everyone shrugged, prescribe different ointments, pills, zero sense. I was already all tormented, and all sorts of thoughts climb into my head. I would be very grateful for your...

I found today on my right leg, just above the ankle, 2 bumps the size of a pea, cm apart. Solid, mobile, painless, they are not visually visible, only by touch ... What could it be? Who has come across this? Where to run? a surgeon? Is ultrasound in such cases informative? Could this be somehow related to pregnancy ()?

Prompt, whether it is possible to make something with a lump on a foot (near a big toe). Appeared recently, only on one leg. If you actively run during the day, it starts to ache. In general, what is it? Salt deposits, bone deformity or what? Yes, tight shoes high heels I don `t wear.

Vtryanka - the most common disease in children.

Some diseases, such as chickenpox, leave immunity for the rest of your life, so often only children get these diseases. Symptoms Red itching, spots or blisters are usually scattered throughout the body, spreading to the arms, legs and face. Conditions caused by the varicella-zoster virus most often occur during the first decade of life. The child has a mild fever and mild flu-like symptoms of an obvious rash. This is possible in some children, so ...

I have never seen anything like this - well, so that the bone on the leg DOES act SO, really perpendicular to the foot and a centimeter by 3. He is going to operate - not only they are crushed with a laser, and then everything grows again for 30 sput, but it’s a direct operation, expensive is impossible, with screws Maybe, I did, I need to help her find a place that has been tested and gives a 100% result, otherwise every sandpiper praises her swamp, but she hasn’t found any specific reviews yet: (Pts I want to help - I really got scared of this and ...


they also found horror for me))) my mother was sawed off in the simplest city provincial hospital back in the 80s. Since then everything is fine. I wish you that this was the most terrible thing that you will have to face in life)))

05/19/2012 19:10:10, Echidna

On the legs, it seems to me, bumps begin to grow - on the inside of the foot (below that place, the big toe begins to grow). What is it called and what to do with it? Is this padagra? Thank you

Have you had surgery to remove a lump on your foot? Advise a doctor or clinic, recommendations after surgery, recovery period Which? Please. Thank you in advance.

Actually the whole question. Go to the gynecologist (in the area he is zero with a minus)?

Maybe someone has come across such a phenomenon ... Today the child is covered with red spots, and there are spots with bumps on the feet and ankles, like some kind of swelling, as if from a bruise. Whether there can be such reaction to a dysbacteriosis? On Wednesday, he fell ill with something intestinal, gargled for 2 days with a high temperature, refused to eat at all, slept a lot, on the 4th day he began to eat quietly. Dad got infected. our pediatrician said gastroenteritis, my therapist said a virus. They gave and give enterofuril, linex ... They smeared the spots ...


Called the doctor. We wait.

We had similar bumps with spots, only all over the body. It turned out to be a super allergic reaction to Nurofen syrup (given to slow down the pace). She called an ambulance. While driving - gave suprastin. When we arrived (40 minutes: () - only swelling remained ...

About a month ago, my daughter hit the front of her shin hard. She rode sleds. There was swelling, it hurt. They smeared it with a rescuer, the bruise came off, but a bump remained on the front of the lower leg on the bone: (((Now I’m worried, what if the tumor is some kind or something. Which doctor should I go to? To the surgeon? X-ray at least clarify something?


We had something, we went to the surgeon, he said that it takes a long time to resolve on the lower leg, 1.5 years, but go to calm down.

Katya got me on the forehead with a swing. The usual bump quickly came down, and such a hard bump at the site of impact was about a year old.

Treatment of varicose veins: sclerotherapy, laser, compression stockings, gymnastics

We are talking about the so-called "bumps on the legs." My sister has a long-term problem, it seems that she decided to have an operation. Girls, maybe someone came across? He is interested in almost everything on this issue: they did it, how the operation went, what rehabilitation period etc. *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


my colleague's mother did in 31 hospitals. True, according to the usual policy, a referral from a surgeon at the place of residence was necessary. Well, they also paid for self-absorbable either screws or knitting needles. Everything is tolerable .... I didn’t climb the wall.

My friend did it a month ago.
she says that the first days of the day after the operation, there were wild, terrible pains, she sobbed, now everything seems to be normal.
I don’t know where and how much I did it, but if necessary, I can ask.

Girls, talk to me about pain in the legs: (something began to bother me in earnest. To be honest, I always thought that it was sneaking up on varicose veins. But after listening to myself and reading the doctor on the Internet, I understand that this is very similar to pain with flat feet. Very similar! feet, toes. Especially with the slightest heel: (It is clear that this is a self-diagnosis. It is clear that you need to go to the doctor. But I would just like to collect information from experienced people and somehow get ready. Otherwise I'm a girl ...


I have severe pain in my legs from standing work. A friend advised me to do contrast foot baths, lower my legs first in hot water, and then into the cold, then the same thing. Advised to finish the procedure with cold water. Every evening after work I do contrast baths to my legs. After the procedure, I feel relief, but after a while my legs start to hurt again.

If the fingers and feet hurt - maybe, indeed, transverse flat feet. Special insoles help well, but I would not rule out varicose veins either - everything usually goes together, in a complex. For two years I suffered the same until I went to the doctor - insoles + normal for edema and for the prevention of varicose veins - they did their job, I wear heels without problems ...

Can pregnant women walk in heels: advice from an orthopedist
... A similar diagnosis is in every third expectant mother. flat feet - not the only problem. The heel redistributes the load from the heel raised by it to the forefoot. From excessive pressure, coarse calluses appear - corns. Gradually, the thumb deviates outward, the so-called bump is formed, putting an end to the predilection for elegant model shoes. Still want to wear heels? Then think about the aesthetic implications. In a pregnant woman, the center of gravity is already shifted forward, and standing on her heels, she aggravates the situation. This in turn causes more protrusion and sagging of the abdomen. Due to excessive stretching of the skin, st...
...Do you still want to wear stilettos? Then think about the aesthetic implications. In a pregnant woman, the center of gravity is already shifted forward, and standing on her heels, she aggravates the situation. This in turn causes more protrusion and sagging of the abdomen. Due to excessive stretching of the skin, stretch marks are guaranteed. Every month there are more and more blue and pale purple streaks on the legs. The process is natural: weight increases, respectively, the load on the muscles and vessels of the legs increases, the risk of developing varicose veins increases. If even before pregnancy you had signs of this disease, then high heels will only exacerbate the problem. Leg fatigue will increase, the risk of dislocations will increase, swelling will appear or increase. On late term calf muscles h...

It doesn’t look like a lymph node, it’s much lower, it’s hard, scary, and I’m really panicking, my son has not just been sick for the last year, but has become medical guide for doctors, diabetes was questionable, then hypoglycemia has not yet been removed, now it is questionable bronchial asthma, now this bump. to run, right? Tired of doctors who can’t explain anything (((*** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"

If you notice more than five of these spots, see your doctor. Dark birthmarks- different shapes, sometimes covered with hairs - can appear on any part of the body. They also persist for life and usually do not cause trouble. You need to consult a doctor if they begin to change shape or grow. Red birthmarks sometimes occur in newborns on the forehead, wings of the nose, eyelids, lips, or on the back of the head. Their reason is expansion small vessels at the time of the baby's birth. If such formations are located symmetrically, for example on both eyelids or on the wings of the nose, they will most likely disappear within a year. And spots that appear one by one can remain for life. Mongoloid spot - a blue-purple mark on the lower back or buttocks ...

girls, I recently adopted a boy, the child is very active, he initially had a bump on his forehead, I thought as a result of a blow, but after a few months the bump does not go away, yesterday a friend came to visit and scared me that this was not normal, that I urgently need to see a doctor (but to which one), maybe someone knows what it could be ??? p.s. BIOmoms had spontaneous ones, maybe this is somehow connected with this!?


My 2-year-old son had a bump and redness between the eyebrows yesterday, and today the swelling has increased a little, it didn’t seem to fall or an insect bite, I don’t know exactly what to advise?

02/14/2019 08:30:27, Guest

Hello! Unfortunately, I stumbled across this discussion a little too late. I’m 29 years old, and as far as I can remember I’ve been having a complex because of such a lump ((once Mom decided - we’ll cover it with a bang, and it’s not visible at all, but in the end I don’t have the opportunity to bare my forehead all my life. Girls often change their hairstyles, and it remains for me to envy ... (It is worth blowing a breeze and I am in a panic, especially if I am in a male society. The question terribly offends and annoys - what is it with you, bump?
Dear Moms, do everything possible so that your child does not experience such embarrassment, because the bump is ON THE FOREGO!

07/04/2012 11:42:26, ​​Alisa Adamova

Our girl, our favorite Lanochka, died quite unexpectedly and quickly, and she was only 11 years old, she could still live. And we still cannot understand the cause of her death. Can anyone comment or express their opinion? The background is this: 2.5 months ago, Lana began to limp heavily on back leg, we went to the doctor, the dog had a torn ligament on knee joint. The doctor suggested an operation, we doubted for a long time, after all, age ... But, we still did the operation. After...


condolences to you...
my first dog got soft bumps first on her paws at the joints, then on her back .. she died in 3 days ... a veterinarian (a good friend who had watched her from the moment she appeared with us), took blood tests from a vein on the first day of her illness ... the tests came, when she was no longer with us .. the diagnosis was sarcoma.

I sympathize and understand you very much. Ours also didn’t pick up anything on the street, he just sniffed. And April 13 became a black day. The puppy was 11 months old (((. It’s definitely poison! bitten by a dog. And from a small ball it grew to the size of a chicken egg. We called the veterinarian, and he performed an operation at home - cut off the bump. The dog was 10 years old. Now he is 12, he feels great. Hold on, it's very hard to lose a friend. I still since I do not believe and roar.

I hope they don't moderate it, because there is no one in medicine .. but a serious question for me. 2 months ago I was hit very hard on the shin, I was very big bruise, he gradually came down, but in this place (right on the tibia) there was a large hard seal .. Dear mom, I somehow didn’t pay attention, but then I touched it and I felt naturally ill. such a hard big bump. the eternal question "who is to blame "we don’t ask, another one remains -" What to do ???


At the age of 14, I fell on the bandwagon of a bus, I remember that there was a big bruise, it hurt for a long time. Then, at the site of impact, a seal formed ... well, that's how I live with it. I am 45. I show this to every new surgeon, they say that the hematoma is overgrown with vessels and it is better not to touch it.

11/20/2016 20:58:59, the same garbage.

I had such a bump that resolved itself after 3 years.

We got up yesterday morning, my daughter has red dots on her face and looks like pimples. I found the same on the handles. A friend reassured me that it was mosquitoes that had bitten me, indeed I had killed two bloodsuckers in the bedroom. But why didn't they bite us? Or my husband and I sleep like the dead and do not hear anything. I'm afraid it's some kind of "disease". In favor of the theory mosquito bites: these pimples in my daughter are only on the face and on the arms, i.e. on exposed skin. But for some reason they don't work...


Like insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, or maybe a flea jumped off the animal), especially if pimples are visible only in open places. It didn't take more than a week for us, although I lubricated it with "Psilo-Balm", after it the itching is less and the swelling begins to subside. And inside I also gave "Fenistil" in drops, to enhance the effect.

Please help or good advice! The dog is 11.5 years old, two months ago she underwent surgery on her leg, during the operation the doctor removed a wen, sent the analysis for histology, later said that everything was fine. Recently, a dog found bumps on the body, there are quite a lot of them both on the back and on the withers, they are dense. What could it be? What to prepare for?


fat bumps that can develop into you know what.
My 13 years old, she already has 3, one huge.
A colleague’s dog is now dying - he had these bumps all over his body, and now it turned out that one tumor is right on the liver ...

And our yard had them. Lived with them old age(almost 19 years old) and died, so to speak, of natural causes.

Cuperosis: treatment and prevention. How to achieve an impeccable complexion: cosmetics against rosacea - we test it on ourselves.

Clarks UK dimension. IrinaM's blog on

7.5 fit perfectly on the foot of size 41. - Shoes Alpine Clover [link-1] Size 5.5 - English. On the insole 24.3 cm. Heel 6 cm. - Model Halloween Fun on the leg 25.5 cm excellent 6 size Fullness D on a high instep is cramped - I will stretch [link-1] - 7 ka Clarks at 40.5 is perfect! - Sneakers d / m, as per the link: [link-1] R.1 - 21cm and R.2 - 22cm. - Shoes d / d r. 1.5 - 21.5 cm. - Sneakers for children r.7 - 15cm. - Children's shoes r. 7.5 (European 25) - 15.5 cm. - Children's river 8...


Boots Clarks - oversized [link-1] Leather / suede, fabric lining, leather insole. Marking 5.5, measured 25.5 cm along the insole, but the insole cannot be removed. They are 25 cm too big for me.

leg 24.5 cm, usually wear 38 size. Sandals ordered:
[link-1] (soft cushions in the heel and toe area), 25.5 cm on the insole and loafers, 25 cm on the insole [link-2] , size 5D. Everything fit perfectly. The quality is top notch.

Mosquitoes bitten or something more serious? The type of rash and location on the body can tell a lot about its origin. What do rashes look like with childhood infections, allergic reactions, scabies, prickly heat and what should be the treatment? Insect bites What it looks like. In late spring, summer and early autumn, children often suffer from insect bites. The skin is covered with bumps and spots. Usually only exposed areas of the body and face are affected. Most often, the rash is...


Why among possible causes no roseola? Two of my three children were sick. Or maybe the eldest was also sick, but that was a long time ago, and then I completely relied on the doctors. And they often also "forget" some diseases.

25.10.2013 11:55:48, OksanaV

Allergies do not always come out on new products, my nephew has a terrible rash on dairy, but at first it did not appear, he ate porridge with milk - everything is fine, but after that. once in complementary foods for the same porridge, he has spots all over his face, tears and snot flow, apparently there is an accumulation in the body ... The doctor wrote out a zirtek and a diet - exclude all dairy for six months, they should outgrow it, she says, we'll wait - we'll see, I hope so and get

08/14/2013 04:12:39 PM, Verochka09

Varicose veins: symptoms, treatment, prevention. can a phlebologist help?

Prevention of varicose veins, or you can not sit cross-legged. Phlebologist's advice.

It is produced either as a result of a disease or after vaccination. In children whose mothers had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it, immunity to chickenpox is transmitted from the mother in utero and persists for the first 6-12 months of life. Incubation period A: 10 to 23 days. Infectious period: the entire period of the rash +5 days after the last rash. Manifestations: red dots appear simultaneously with the rise in temperature. However, sometimes the temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. The spots very quickly turn into single vesicles filled with a clear yellowish liquid. Soon they dry up and become covered with crusts. Distinctive feature chickenpox - a rash on the head under the hair and on the mucous membranes (in the mouth on the eyelid, etc.)
... The temperature rises extremely rarely. Treatment: special antiviral ointments, for example with acyclovir, etc. Important: use immediately after the onset of itching and soreness, even before the appearance of bubbles. In this case, rashes may not occur at all. Hand-foot-mouth syndrome (from the English name Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, HFMD), or enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema. Pathogen: enteroviruses. Mode of transmission: fecal-oral and airborne. The virus is transmitted from person to person when communicating, talking, using common household items (dishes, toys, bedding, etc.). Immunity: after past illness- for life. Incubation period: 2 days to 3 weeks


""bubbles"; or "####" - she always" - I'm freaking out, dear editors:))))))))))))

I had chickenpox at the age of 14, gave birth at the age of 28. The child, being on breastfeeding, fell ill with chickenpox at the age of 1 month. So, not everyone has immunity up to 6 months, or was it not transmitted from me?

24.04.2010 14:45:00, irra

We forget that it is ours that should adapt to the shape of the leg, and not vice versa. In addition, not only the feet suffer from improperly selected shoes - high heels increase the load on the knees and spine, pain in the back and neck appears. It turns out that our legs inevitably take revenge for our love for stilettos, and when in the evening you literally fall off your feet, nothing pleases you anymore. No matter how much time you spend on your appearance, if your legs hurt, you will not be able to look and feel good. Heels and everything connected with them There are three types of heels in height. A low heel is considered to be up to 4 centimeters high, medium - from 4 to 6 cm. And a high heel - from 6 cm and above. Pay attention n...

The normal structure of the feet is very important for right position spine. So pay attention Special attention on the legs of a child, so as not to miss such a common ailment as flat feet. Usually it is detected by a pediatrician, but flat feet can also be determined at home.


Dear Natalya Stepanovna! I enjoyed reading your article and decided to ask you for help. I am 28 years old. I have never suffered from flat feet ... but since last year, I have faced the problem of "bumps" on my legs. Terribly not pretty. Now I'm embarrassed to wear shoes, as they stick out. What should I do? I really count on your help. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, Julia...

02/21/2007 12:40:45 pm, Julia

Hello dear Natalya Stepanovna! I am writing to you from sunny Tajikistan and I would like to know your opinion about my child. Doctors recently diagnosed my daughter 1 year old with flat feet, please tell me proper treatment about this May, the daughter still does not walk, but when she puts her legs, it seems to me that they do not completely touch the floor. I earnestly ask you to answer my letter, I look forward to it. Respect to you mom.

07/11/2006 10:27:04 AM, Nasiba

Why ? Because it is a vascular tumor that requires observation, and, if there is a tendency to grow, removal. Such a serious attitude towards her is due to her ability to widespread growth. In such cases, serious ...
... Their characteristic feature is concomitant malformations of the skin appendages such as Pringle's adenoma or dystopia of immature hair follicles, as well as hyperplastic transformations of the epidermis. Lateral or lateral vascular nevi. They are a common lesion of the capillaries of the skin with characteristic localization: occupy half of the face, side surfaces neck, torso and legs on one side. Large lateral nevi or Unna nevi are always present from birth and do not change throughout life. The color intensity changes with pressure and temperature changes. Osler-Rendu disease - multiple hereditary telangiectasias with hemorrhages are characterized by the presence of Osler's "papules" on the mucous membranes ...


06.12.2007 17:45:47, Natasha

Today we went to remove a hemangioma to the hospital, which is located near Filatovskaya. We had a hemangioma on the head, at first it was like a scratch, and then it grew up to 1 cm in a month, which had to be removed and removed. I read a lot of information on this, looked for the best place to do it, and as a result, I settled on the Filatov Hospital. My husband and I were very worried, but the procedure turned out to be very fast and painless, it took about 5 minutes in total, which should not be delayed, it is better to remove it earlier and not remember it. By the way, there were a lot of children in the hospital with the removal of hemangiomas, it is not clear where the hemangiomas come from, the same for many.

06.12.2007 17:45:41, Natasha

With mastodynia and diffuse mastopathy an old proven remedy is: drink a 0.25% solution of potassium iodine with milk, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals (from 6-28 days menstrual cycle within 6-12 months). Well helps and treatment with vitamins E, A, B 1. Alarms You are breastfeeding and one of your breasts has turned red and you have a fever. Droplets of milk appeared from the breast, not related to pregnancy and feeding the baby. A reddish discharge began from one of the nipples. Malignant tumors of the breast can manifest as a lump that does not roll under the fingers, and skin changes (small folds in certain places or deformation of the bend ...

Once upon a time in the Swedish army, soldiers were bandaged under the knees: it was believed that rounded, full calves symbolize strength and masculinity.
... Firstly, this is a payment for motherhood - during pregnancy, the growing fetus squeezes the veins and prevents the reverse flow of blood, and the increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which is natural for this period, weakens the walls of blood vessels (by the way, the disease can be caused by taking hormonal contraceptives containing progesterone). There is one consolation here: for most women, after some time after giving birth, the nodes and bumps on the legs disappear. Secondly, the desire of every woman to be the most charming and attractive is usually not as harmless as many people think: high heels, narrow

Varicose veins: how the disease occurs, symptoms, possible complications. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins.

I go in the heat in short trousers. Today in the middle of the day I noticed that the open parts of my legs from the ankle to the middle of the calf are covered with red blurry spots, as if scalded with boiling water. It doesn’t itch, there are no sensations at all, if I didn’t look by chance, I wouldn’t notice all this beauty. Very similar to the band-aid allergy I recently discovered. I was on a hike, rubbed my legs, sealed it with a plaster, all the skin under the plaster and around it swelled up and turned purple. But this time...


May be a reaction to the sun. Have you changed your soap recently? Or maybe some kind of cream they smeared on their feet? Some cosmetic supplements increase sun sensitivity.
About the patch - this is sensitivity to latex, many people have it. Buy a latex-free patch.

Allergies are unpredictable. I, for example, urticaria in the first place climbs on the elbows and knees. Then, if no action is taken, it spreads all over the body, but at first the elbows and knees turn red.

My daughter (7 years old) complains that the lump on her head has been hurting for a week, even if she doesn't touch it. Another one came up the other day. It hurts too. What is it can be and it is possible to treat cones?

A person's life is filled with events that further affect well-being. Predominantly feel the load during the day legs, gradually too active image life affects the condition of the limbs. Veins begin to appear, a soft bump suddenly appeared on the leg under the skin, joints periodically hurt.

Common on legs modern man seals become in the form of cones, they are quite soft to the touch. In most cases, at first a person does not attach importance to the formations, considering them just a cosmetic defect - until they begin to bring discomfort. A person is already going to the doctor when the bump begins to rapidly increase in size, creates pain.

Often, these bumps under the skin flow into serious accumulations of pus, causing development serious inflammatory process. The reasons for the appearance of bumps under the skin are varied, they can represent enlarged lymph nodes or nodules of veins. Formations become a sign of skin cancer or eczema, cysts, and other disorders. Treatment primarily depends on the nature of the occurrence.

There are many reasons for the appearance of compaction under the skin. Appear on the leg, other parts of the body. Consider the reasons that can provoke the appearance of bumps under the skin:

Listed individual reasons the formation of bumps on the legs under the skin. If a red bump appears on the leg, it is shown to immediately consult a doctor to establish the nature of the formation and prescribe the only correct treatment.

How to get rid of bumps

If a pathology is detected, you should immediately contact a therapist. By prescribing a known number of tests and procedures, the doctor will see results that help to correctly establish the diagnosis and nature of the neoplasm. The doctor has the right to start from the results when prescribing treatment. Each type of bump under the skin has its own treatment.

Consider the popular treatment options:

  • If the bump appeared as a result of an infectious disease, a course is prescribed medications, primarily composed of antibiotics, antifungal agents. It is important to monitor the hygiene of the areas where the bumps have formed, to eliminate the friction of the affected areas with clothing.
  • If the lump is diagnosed as a cyst under the skin, often no treatment is needed. The cyst resolves on its own, during periods of inflammation cortisone injections are prescribed. Periodically, after examinations, the doctor prescribes a surgical operation to remove it.
  • Cones after lipoma do not require surgical intervention, do not damage neighboring tissues. Removal occurs at the request of the patient and if the formation has become an impressive cosmetic defect.
  • At oncological disease bumps are removed with adjacent affected tissues.
  • For the treatment of warts, sometimes representing bumps under the skin, a method suitable, according to the doctor, is used in a particular case. Sometimes removal is done with medicines or exposure to a laser beam.
  • Bumps resulting from blows, especially in children. The first step is to apply a cold compress. After stopping the formation of puffiness, a cream or gel is applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, designed to relieve swelling and resorption of hematomas.

Important for surgical removal bumps under the skin choose a highly qualified doctor with experience in performing surgeries. If the formation is not completely removed, the violation will appear again, and repeated removal will be required.

Often, in the absence of movement in growth, or if the bump under the skin does not cause inconvenience to the owner, the doctor leaves the formation without treatment. Tumors often disappear on their own. This applies to moles, small cysts, lipomas.

Often, bumps on the skin appear due to insect bites; it is recommended to use special insect repellents before going outside.

Traditional medicine recipes

Not all types of bumps under the skin will help recipes from the bins of grandmothers. Sometimes the solutions work. From bumps on the legs and pain caused by tumors, it is possible to get rid of in simple ways:

Carry out procedures traditional medicine is regular, not occasional. That's the only way to treat folk remedies will give results. Basically, the course is a month for compresses and baths, often carried out at night just before bedtime. achieve maximum effect it will turn out with a decrease in the load on the legs and carrying out procedures several times a day, but for a modern person this is not always possible.

For the period of treatment, doctors recommend adhering to a diet that categorically prohibits the use of salted, smoked, fried foods. The diet is based on dairy and vegetable products. If possible, it is worth eating more berries of bone and blueberries, to provide the body plentiful drink, at least 2 liters per day.

It is worth forgetting about bad habits, first of all, about the use alcoholic beverages. Replace ethanol with cocktails vitamin content. Such a diet will help to fight with more force with the resulting disease, will help get rid of extra pounds, if any.

The article is for informational purposes only. Without the consent of the doctor, you should not resort to any of these methods of treatment, the consequences can become a difficult test for the body. The only doctor, after the diagnostic examinations, will be able to identify the structure of neoplasms under the skin and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the body and possible consequences and complications. Any bump requires immediate examination for the nature of the occurrence and appropriate treatment.

A light gait, a beautiful posture, good health - all this can ruin a bump on the leg under the skin, which is normal at first glance. Its appearance often indicates the beginning of the development of a disease in the body. Checking this neoplasm, eliminating its cause gives chances for preventing the disease and maintaining health.

Bump on legs

Bumps on the legs under the skin are not uncommon. Their appearance initially does not cause concern in humans. Only a rapid increase in the size of the bump, redness, strong pain, the unaesthetic appearance of the legs is forced to come to the doctor.

Such neoplasms can be different in size, origin, location on the legs, appearance. There are multiple and single, soft and hard, painful and painless, ulcerative and inflamed, malignant and benign.

Often, some of their types running treatment flow into serious complications: inflammation, suppuration, the acquisition of a malignant nature.

Common types of cones

There are many diseases that lead to the formation of a subcutaneous bump. Let's name the most common of them.

A disease that develops in violation of metabolism, metabolism and hormonal background. With him salt uric acid begin to rapidly deposit in the joints. Pain and swelling appear, redness near the affected joint, luster of the skin, the temperature rises, and there is weakness. When gout passes into chronic stage red bumps (tophi) form under the skin, which soften a little during attacks. They can appear anywhere on the body, including the arms.


This is the development of inflammation in the synovial joint sacs. There are acute and chronic forms. The first is the result of an injury in the region of the periarticular sac, and may also be a consequence of the flu, furunculosis, and osteomyelitis. The knee, elbow joints, less often the hip joints are affected. A soft elastic ball is formed under the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint. He is constantly in pain and has a fever. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease will progress and become chronic.

It develops when acute form, regular exposure to the periarticular bag. Pathology does not lead to violation motor function, but causes some of its limitations. Neglect of treatment leads to the fact that such a “ball” hurts, forms a long-term non-healing hole in the form of a fistula under the skin, and arthritis develops.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are an increase in the volume of veins located close to the surface of the skin. The disease often manifests itself on the legs, but its manifestation on the walls of the esophagus, rectum and Bladder, vagina, hands. Pathology provokes the development of inflammation in the veins. They gradually harden and form aneurysm-like local expansions - red nodes or bumps.

The main signs of varicose veins are:

  • swelling of the ankles and lower legs;
  • the appearance of a venous subcutaneous network;
  • the formation of ulcers, calluses;
  • development of eczema, pigmentation on the legs and ankles;
  • edema.

The causative factors of the disease are: age-related transformation of the walls of the veins, sedentary image life, prolonged sitting, pregnancy, posture defects.

Valgus deformity

If there is a seal on thumb with the curvature of this finger and the middle one - this is. It externally represents a rounded ball from the inside of the foot. The bump is hard, constantly hurts, redness and swelling are present. The root cause of the appearance are weak tendons, endocrine disorders, osteoporosis, arthrosis, flat feet, uncomfortable shoes.

subcutaneous cyst

This is a benign abdominal neoplasm filled with pus or fluid. It can form not only on the legs, but also on the hands. The bump feels like a medium density small ball. It is formed due to infection, closure of the sebaceous glands, ingress of a foreign body. Possesses the following symptoms: does not hurt, increases slowly, when pressed, it shifts slightly to the side.

Harmless red, round growths that form subcutaneously on the legs and arms. The exact reasons for its appearance are unknown. Their main features are:

  • purple, brown, or red growths;
  • their diameter fluctuates within 0.3-0.6 cm;
  • V rare cases cause itching, burning and pain.


These neoplasms are red balls formed from soft subcutaneous tissue. To the touch, lipomas are elastic and soft bumps. They grow slowly and are not harmful to health. Both single and group cones appear. The size of the majority is in the chapel of 5 cm, they do not cause discomfort and discomfort. Pain occurs only in the case of pressing lipomas on the nerve endings.

Enlarged lymph nodes

A small ball (up to 0.5 cm) located on the back of the foot or sole. When palpated, the lymph nodes are dense and hot. The formation of such a “tubercle” is combined with infectious symptoms: general weakness, temperature.

If subcutaneous seals appear on the leg, you should immediately consult a doctor. Early diagnosis is the key successful treatment and preventing the development of complications.

How is the treatment going?

The therapist, rheumatologist, dermatologist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist will help to cope with the pathology. After studying all the received analyzes, accurate diagnosis and the causative factor is determined.

Each type of bump has its own method of treatment.

  • If the appearance of a bump is a consequence of the transition of gout to the chronic stage, then the treatment consists in preventing attacks, relieving pain and swelling. Used drugs that reduce the level of uric acid, decongestants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, the patient is advised to special diet and a course of physiotherapy.
  • When a lump is formed as a result of the progression of bursitis, the synovial sac is washed, injections with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are performed. Physiotherapy is carried out, compresses and contrast lotions are prescribed. The patient is required to comply with hygiene requirements, limit physical activity. The advanced stage of bursitis does not lend itself drug treatment. The patient is undergoing surgery.
  • If a seal on the leg under the skin has formed due to the progression of varicose veins, treatment is carried out by non-surgical methods: sclerotherapy, laser, medication. Treatment of damaged veins by surgical excision is carried out in a severe form of the disease.
  • When a lump appears hallux valgus doctors recommend regular wearing of special shoes and insoles. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal and corticosteroid (rarely) drugs are prescribed. But in order to completely eliminate the "ball", a surgical operation is required.
  • If the subcutaneous "ball" is a cyst, then the treatment is prescribed in extreme cases. It usually resolves on its own over time. If the cyst is inflamed and its growth progresses, a therapeutic course is carried out, followed by surgical removal.
  • Dermatofibroma bump does not require removal, but if the patient wishes, it can be removed surgically. To reduce its size, to make it flat, cryotherapy is used - freezing with liquid nitrogen.
  • Lipoma ball surgical treatment does not require, since neighboring tissues are not damaged. Its removal is performed only at the request of the patient or in the case when it is a visible cosmetic defect.
  • The formation of a seal due to inflammation of the lymph nodes is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. To avoid further development inflammation, warming and warming compresses cannot be used!

Any of the bumps that appear on the leg cannot be ignored. Even if she does not bother, you still need to see a doctor.

You should be careful about your health. The appearance of any type of seal is a weighty argument in favor of visiting a specialist.

The formation of bumps on the legs is a common occurrence. Sometimes a person does not attach any importance to this education. A visit to the doctor is postponed until the moment when the seal begins to rapidly increase in size, hurt when walking, blush.

Bumps on legs

These formations can be multiple, single, soft, hard to the touch. They can be benign and malignant. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, subcutaneous bumps can cause an inflammatory process, suppuration. Favorite place - shin.

According to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet has pain in the legs. People do not attach importance to this, referring to a bruise and visit a doctor at advanced stages. Consider the main seals that occur on the skin and have negative consequences.


A very common disease with painful sensations. Corns occur due to keratinization of dead skin and its compaction. Causes: incorrect selection of shoes, in which the foot feels discomfort, excessive sweating feet, flat feet, excess weight and so on.

In appearance, they can be flat and concave, with a rod, yellow-brown color. This area of ​​the skin is almost completely devoid of sensitivity. Excessive dryness of the skin can cause cracks. Absence drug therapy can cause the process of foot deformity to start.


Very often on the legs can form. They are easy to distinguish from corns, because they have clear contours and round shape. By type, corns are classified into dry and wet. The reasons for the appearance may be wearing uncomfortable shoes, small in size, new shoes. wet corn looks like an elevation above the skin with fluid inside. When it is damaged, fluid or blood is released from the wound. This phenomenon very dangerous because big risk entry into the wound infection.

It is forbidden to cut off, open the seals at home.

If these manipulations are shown, then they are carried out only in a hospital setting.


on the photo bumps on the legs under the skin

They belong to benign formations that appear in the fleshy areas of the body. Warts are thought to be caused by papillomavirus infection. Occurs when there is a decrease protective functions organism. In appearance, a wart is very similar to a corn, but unlike latest skin characterized by increased roughness. The wart gives the feeling of having a stone in the shoe, which causes pain when pressed.

The superficial wart strain is not contagious to humans. Cases of transmission of the virus from person to person are quite rare. Favorable conditions for the development of the virus is a moist, warm environment. Any damage opens the virus to the body. When he manifests himself, a matter of time and the state of the immune system.


Preventive measures

So that an annoying and painful nodule does not appear on the body, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • selection of comfortable, proportionate shoes, from high-quality and natural materials;
  • choose shoes with the most comfortable rise, too high or low heels adversely affect the health of the foot;
  • For added comfort, you can use orthopedic insoles that support the foot in the correct position;
  • cope with rubbing, and silicone liners will help reduce impacts on the foot;
  • everyday hygiene procedures which include washing the feet, baths, removing rough skin with a stone;
  • at night, grease your legs with a fat cream and put on cotton socks;
  • cold and hot shower.

Experts say that moderate physical exercise have a beneficial effect on the condition of the legs. Good for walking, cycling, jogging, skiing and ice skating. Performing special gymnastic exercises. Self-massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the feet, promotes blood circulation.

It is very useful to walk barefoot on the grass, especially in the morning when the grass is still in the dew. Any injuries, microcracks and cuts must be carefully treated with antiseptics. After all, this is a direct way for the penetration of infections into the body. If, nevertheless, a seal appears on the leg, it is necessary not to delay it and proceed to treatment. Constant monitoring of your health will allow you to cope with many problems.

Various formations under the skin: bumps, balls, seals, tumors - this is a common problem that almost every person faces. In most cases, these formations are harmless, but some of them require urgent treatment.

Bumps and seals under the skin can develop on any part of the body: face, arms and legs, back, abdomen, etc. Sometimes these formations are hidden in the folds of the skin, on the scalp or grow so slowly that they remain invisible for a long time and are found, reaching large sizes. They are usually asymptomatic benign neoplasms skin and soft tissues.

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bumps, seals, causing pain or discomfort, more often due to infection. They may be accompanied by an increase in general or local temperature. The skin over them usually turns red. Arise comorbid disorders: general malaise, headache, weakness, etc. When timely treatment such formations usually pass quickly.

Much less common are malignant neoplasms of the skin and underlying tissues that can be felt or noticed on their own. These diseases need to be able to recognize in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Below, we'll cover the most common skin growths that can cause concern.

Lipoma (wen)

Lumps under the skin are most often lipomas. These are benign, completely harmless tumors of fat cells. Lipoma is palpable under the skin as a soft formation with clear boundaries, sometimes a bumpy surface. The skin over the lipoma is of normal color and density, easily folded.


Atheroma is often confused with lipoma, also called a wen. In fact, it is a cyst, that is, stretched sebaceous gland, which is clogged excretory duct. The content of atheroma - sebum, gradually accumulates, stretching the capsule of the gland.

To the touch it is a dense rounded formation, with clear boundaries. The skin over the atheroma cannot be folded, sometimes the surface of the skin takes on a bluish color and you can see a point on it - a clogged duct. Atheroma can become inflamed and suppurate. If necessary, it can be removed by the surgeon.

Nodules on the joints

Various diseases joints: arthritis and arthrosis are often accompanied by the appearance of small, firm, immovable nodules under the skin. Similar formations in the elbow joint are called rheumatoid nodules and are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Nodules on the extensor surface of the joints of the fingers - Heberden's and Bouchard's nodules accompany deforming osteoarthritis.

Gouty nodes can reach a significant size - tophi, which are an accumulation of uric acid salts and grow on the joints in people, long years suffering from gout.


Feels like a soft bulge under the skin that can appear with exertion and disappear completely when lying down or at rest. A hernia is formed in the navel, postoperative scar on the stomach, in the groin, on inner surface hips. The hernia may be painful when palpated. Sometimes fingers manage to set it back.

Hernia form internal organs abdomen, which are squeezed out through weak spots V abdominal wall during the rise intra-abdominal pressure: when coughing, lifting weights, etc. Find out if a hernia can be cured with folk methods, and why it is dangerous.

Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)

Most often accompanied colds. Lymph nodes are small rounded formations that can be felt under the skin in the form of soft elastic balls ranging in size from a pea to a plum, not soldered to the surface of the skin.

Lymph nodes are located in groups in the neck, under lower jaw, above and below the collarbones, in the armpits, in the elbows and knees, in the groin and other parts of the body. These are components of the immune system that, like a filter, pass interstitial fluid through themselves, cleansing it from infection, foreign inclusions and damaged cells, including tumor cells.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), which become painful when probed, usually accompanies infectious diseases: sore throat, otitis media, flux, panaritium, as well as wounds and burns. Treatment of the underlying disease leads to a decrease in the node.

If the skin over the lymph node turns red, and probing it becomes sharply painful, the development of lymphadenitis is likely - a purulent lesion of the node itself. In this case, you need to contact the surgeon. Minor surgery may be needed, and if treated early, the infection can sometimes be managed with antibiotics.

Their causes are different: more often it is a viral infection, mechanical trauma, hormonal disorders. Sometimes warts and papillomas grow out of the blue, without apparent reason and can be located on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs. For the most part, these are harmless outgrowths that cause only cosmetic discomfort or interfere with wearing clothes or underwear. However, the variety of their shapes, colors and sizes does not allow one to independently distinguish a benign wart, condyloma or soft fibroma from malignant diseases skin. Therefore, when a suspicious outgrowth appears on the skin, it is advisable to show it to a dermatologist or oncologist.

Thickening in the breast (in the mammary gland)

Almost every woman faces breast seals in different periods life. In the second phase of the cycle, especially on the eve of menstruation, small seals can be felt in the chest. Usually, with the onset of menstruation, these formations disappear and they are associated with normal change mammary glands under the action of hormones.

If hardening or peas in the chest are palpable and after menstruation it is advisable to contact a gynecologist who will examine the mammary glands and, if necessary, prescribe additional research. In most cases, breast formations are benign, some of them are recommended to be removed, others are amenable to conservative treatment.

Reason for urgent appeal to the doctor are:

  • rapid increase in node size;
  • pain in the mammary glands, regardless of the phase of the cycle;
  • the formation does not have clear boundaries or the contours are uneven;
  • retracted or deformed skin above the node, ulcer;
  • there is discharge from the nipple;
  • enlarged lymph nodes are palpable in the armpits.

Skin inflammation and ulcers

A whole group of skin lesions can be associated with infection. The most common cause of inflammation and suppuration is the bacterium staphylococcus aureus. The skin in the affected area turns red, swelling and compaction of various sizes appear. The surface of the skin becomes hot and painful to the touch, and the general body temperature may also rise.

Sometimes inflammation quickly spreads through the skin, capturing large areas. Such a diffuse lesion is characteristic of erysipelas (erysipelas). More serious condition- phlegmon is purulent inflammation subcutaneous adipose tissue. Frequent are focal inflammatory diseases: carbuncle and furuncle, which are formed when the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are damaged.

Surgeons are involved in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues. With the appearance of redness, pain and swelling on the skin, accompanied by fever, you need to contact them for help as soon as possible. In the initial stages, the problem can be solved with antibiotics, in more advanced cases, you have to resort to surgery.

Malignant tumors

Compared to other skin lesions malignant tumors are very rare. As a rule, at first there is a focus of compaction or a nodule in the thickness of the skin, which gradually grows. Usually the tumor does not hurt or itch. The surface of the skin may be normal, flaky, crusty, or dark in color.

Signs of malignancy are:

  • uneven and indistinct borders of the tumor;
  • enlargement of adjacent lymph nodes;
  • fast growth education;
  • cohesion with the surface of the skin, immobility when probing;
  • bleeding and ulceration on the surface of the focus.

A tumor can develop at the site of a mole, like melanoma. It can be located under the skin, like a sarcoma, or at the site of a lymph node - a lymphoma. If you suspect malignant neoplasm skin, you need to contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

Which doctor should I contact with a lump or lump on the skin?

If you are concerned about formations on the body, find a good doctor using the On the Correction service:

  • - if the seal looks like a wart or papilloma;
  • surgeon - if surgical treatment of an abscess is required or benign tumor;
  • an oncologist to rule out a tumor.

If you think a different specialist is needed, please use our Who Treats This Help section. There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately determine the choice of a doctor. You can also start with primary diagnosis at the therapist.



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