We select orthopedic insoles for adults. Insoles DoctorOrtho two-layer blue with red coating

And today we will start a conversation about how to help her, poor thing.

We will analyze what products for the foot are, when what needs to be purchased (and offered to visitors), we will talk about WHAT they are, WHERE, i.e. in which shoes to place them, WHEN and TO WHOM to recommend them, HOW to tell the buyer about them.

Yesterday I was at the Healthcare 2014 exhibition, listened to the speakers of a business conference, and they were just talking about the fact that sales for the foot on the pharmaceutical market are not going well, and pharmacies are also buying them not very well.

So I strongly advise pharmacies to pay closer attention to this group of products. Moreover, there are much more pharmacies in every city than orthopedic salons. Therefore, orthopedic products for the foot are guaranteed to bring new visitors to your pharmacy. And if the whole point is a lack of knowledge, then I am ready to explain everything to you as fully and accessible as possible. For this, this one was created.

This concludes the prelude and proceeds to the main part.

What are orthopedic products for the foot?

All products for the foot are divided into three groups.

  1. Products that are invested in shoes.
  2. Products that are worn on the foot or fingers (or inserted between them).

So that you don’t get porridge in your head, today we will begin to disassemble the second group, which includes insoles, half-insoles, padded inserts and heel pads.

Orthopedic insoles

WHAT they represent?

Orthopedic insoles occupy the entire volume of the internal space of the shoe.

They are hard and soft.

Hard insoles

See how the hard insole works.

She has two major structural element:

  1. Frame that supports the longitudinal arch of the foot. It is thanks to the frame that the insole has an arched bend. The height of this arch in mass-produced insoles is suitable for most users.

The frame can be visible to the eye, as in the picture above, or built into the insole.

  1. Pelot of the anterior section, which supports the transverse arch. It is also called the metatarsal cushion or the metatarsal pillow.

Additional I will show the structural elements using the example of these insoles:

Heel shock absorber reduces shock loads on the musculoskeletal system that it experiences during movements.

And it also happens that there is no shock absorber in the insole, but there is shock-absorbing layer , which performs a similar function, plus reduces pain in the foot when walking, if any (their reasons may be different).

WHERE place them?

In shoes with a heel 2-4 cm high with a closed toe and heel.

  1. With flat feet 1-2 degrees.
  2. For pain and fatigue in the legs after long walks.
  3. With legs and.
  4. With heavy physical exertion, prolonged stay on the legs.

In general, diseases of the veins and feet go side by side. If there is varicose veins, as a result of venous stasis, the load on the foot increases, and the risk of flat feet increases.

On the other hand, if the foot does not work properly, the work of the calf muscles is disturbed, which, when contracted, compress the veins passing deep in them and “drive” blood from the bottom up. And the violation of this mechanism is a direct path to.

In addition, the root of evil in these sores is one: the failure of the connective tissue.

  1. For those who know that he has longitudinal or combined flat feet of 1-2 degrees. It occurs most often in adults.
  2. Young or middle aged people, since in the elderly the foot often no longer springs, the vaults sank and, as a result of age-related changes, were fixed in this position. In addition, they often have arthrosis of the foot, bones, deformities, and wearing a hard insole will bring them additional suffering.
  3. When selling drugs for back pain or arthrosis of the joints of the legs, to reduce shock load and speed up recovery.
  4. When selling remedies for injuries of the joints of the legs (bruises, sprains) for the same purpose.

HOW tell the buyer about them?

Here is the finished speech:

Due to their design, orthopedic insoles support the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot, and thereby improve its function, prevent the progression of foot disease. They correctly distribute the load on the foot, relieve pain and fatigue in the legs.

There is a heel shock absorber in the heel area, which reduces the shock load on the entire musculoskeletal system, and you recover much faster (we say this if you buy drugs for pain in the joints and spine).

Soft insoles

WHAT they represent?

Now let's see how the soft insole works.

In this insole, the longitudinal arch is supported by a soft latex liner. There is also a forefoot pad that supports the transverse arch of the foot.

WHERE place them?

In closed shoes.

WHEN recommended?

It is a mistake to think that if this insole is soft, then it is the coolest.

The soft latex liner, which is designed to support the longitudinal arch, collapses under the weight of the body, and does not provide sufficient support for the arch.

Which means...

TO WHOM are they shown?

  1. Older people whose arches no longer spring back as a result of age-related changes in the ligaments and muscles that support its arched shape.
  2. In the presence of deformed fingers, protruding bones.
  3. If the foot is non-standard: wide or with a high instep.
  4. In severe forms of longitudinal or combined flat feet.

HOW tell the buyer about them?

And like this:

These insoles evenly distribute the load on the foot and gently, carefully support the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. This reduces pain when walking, leg fatigue, swelling in the ankles.

Insoles for every season

It's great if you have insoles for any season in your pharmacy. There are summer, winter, demi-season. This is not counting universal leather or synthetic materials.
Summer Made from materials that absorb sweat well.

Winter They have an upper covering made of wool, and the materials of the lower part prevent heat transfer, keeping the feet warm.

Demi-season insoles keep feet warm and protect them from dampness.

Which insoles are best?

In the production of insoles, different manufacturers use different materials, which, of course, affect the cost of products.

Of course, it is best to choose insoles, the top of which is made of genuine leather. After all, the feet are perhaps the most sweaty part of the body. The skin is able to absorb almost half a glass of sweat, leaving the feet dry. In addition, the skin of the foot “breathes” in them, unlike synthetic analogues.

And other insole materials should ideally be natural for greater comfort.

How to choose orthopedic insoles?

They're getting picked up by foot size. Please note: not shoes, but feet! Because only in this case all the structural elements of the insole will fall into place, which means that the insole will work to its fullest, and the buyer will not come to you tomorrow and say that he cannot walk in these insoles.

And finally...


ORTHOPEDIC are only those insoles that have the registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor.

On the package orthopedic insoles, as a rule, there is such information: "Registered by the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Supervision in the Sphere of Healthcare as medical devices."

Only medical products have proven and guaranteed therapeutic efficacy!

That's all for today, although we have not yet sorted it out with you, pads, heel pads, insole care and something else important. But that's next time.

Do you, dear Pharmacists, wear orthopedic insoles yourself?

What difficulties do you have with their sales? Be sure to write!

And also ask what is not clear, comment. If you liked the article, click on the social buttons. networks below so that your friends are also aware of how to save the most precious thing they have - HEALTH!

You can buy a full course in orthopedics at a pharmacy.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

The most complex natural mechanism - the human foot - consists of 26 bones and 33 joints, connected by 107 ligaments and 31 tendons. This is a full-fledged foundation of the entire human musculoskeletal system in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Many criteria of our general well-being depend on how correctly the impact step force from the feet is distributed upwards throughout the skeleton. The result of the "heroic" overcoming of shoe inconveniences can be not only diseases of the joints, nerve endings, spine, but also constant headaches, as well as a decrease in mental activity.

Doctors advise you to ask yourself how to choose and, without waiting for unpleasant diagnoses. And if a record of flat feet or hallux valgus appears in the medical card, the presence of such devices in your wardrobe becomes vital.

How to choose the right orthopedic insoles for flat feet?

Flattening of the foot is a problem for many categories of patients. Orthopedists diagnose flat feet in children, women, and men. Main risk groups:
  • women who cannot imagine their lives without high heels;
  • men who expose their muscles and ligaments to dangerous power loads;
  • children whose parents did not cease to be touched in time at the sight of the amusing clubfoot of their child.

Depending on the specific causes, flat feet have a longitudinal, transverse or combined character. It is important that for each type of disease, the patient and the treating doctor choose the right orthopedic insoles. This can only be done in a pharmacy or a specialized medical salon. When switching from winter shoes to spring and summer shoes, the replacement of orthopedic insoles is considered mandatory.

If a flat foot has already formed, it is necessary to select medical (corrective) insoles. The best solution, how to choose the right orthopedic insoles, here will be the manufacture of goods to order at a special orthotic enterprise. During the production process of the model, a number of nuances will be of particular importance to you.

  • Material. Choose orthopedic insoles only from leather, cork or special polymers.
  • Structural features. Any insole for foot correction should have a recess under the heel, an instep support, an elevated rollover zone, special hard inserts (wedges) under the heel zone.
  • Perfect fit for the foot.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for hallux valgus?

Valgus-type foot deformity in adult women is expressed in the displacement of the bones of the big toe, which leads to an ugly and painful protrusion of the resulting bump. Women tend to endure uncomfortable shoes for the sake of external beauty, and this terrible consequence of blindly following fashion at the expense of their own comfort leads to the fact that after 40 years, ladies are already forced to figure out how to choose the right orthopedic insoles.
  1. . Valgus curvature of the feet in babies requires wearing shoes with a high back and orthopedic insoles. The supple young bones, clamped with the help of shoes and insoles in the correct position, straighten out over time. The complex of saving measures also includes therapeutic exercises, massage, swimming.
  2. Women's orthopedic insoles. The product is made according to individual measurements, indicated for permanent wear after surgery. It has a high arch support, supports the heel of the foot in the correct position and distributes the pressure of the entire surface of the foot to the ground.

How to choose a supinator?

This question is sure to come to the mind of anyone who has ever thought about the anatomical convenience of their shoes, sneakers, sandals, boots, and so on. Even in ordinary (non-medical) shoes, arch supports are quite common, and quite acceptable in quality. The main thing that a person who wants to know how to choose arch supports should remember is the following:
  • soft, easily squeezed by a finger, drawers have a preventive effect, and hard ones have a corrective effect;
  • shoes with arch supports should fit exactly (this is especially true for children) so that the beneficial effect of the part falls precisely on the address part of the foot without displacement.

Any orthopedic surgeon will select the right insoles for orthopedic purposes, based on your specific circumstances and physical characteristics. Feel free to contact doctors.

If your legs do not bother your head and back yet and we are talking about the prevention of their health, then a successful purchase is destined to be made by someone who listens to the advice of a sales assistant in a pharmacy or a specialty store. Properly selected orthopedic insoles will give a tangible effect in the first days of operation. Most likely, it will be an invaluable feeling of light (or even flying) gait in routine marches on foot.

There is a valgus deformity of the feet in children. It looks like a slightly turned out heel. The disease, as a rule, is accompanied by flat feet, has completely different causes than in women, and is successfully treated in the early stages.

Orthopedic insoles are a common attribute of the treatment and rehabilitation process after medical procedures for all owners of this diagnosis, and only a doctor knows how to choose a useful device for shoes.

There is no “homemade” recipe for how to determine the height of the arch support and independently choose the best option - this is determined exclusively in the doctor’s office during special diagnostics.

The benefits of something as small as shoe insoles can be priceless. Perhaps we do not even realize that the fresh and life-affirming appearance of our acquaintances, who now and then surprise with their performance, is a pleasant consequence of the fact that a person at one time correctly chose orthopedic insoles.

The so-called "ready-made insoles"

Below you will find out:

I. What are they?

II. Indications for use and when do adults need them?

III. How to determine if the insole is effective?

IV Advantages of ready-made insoles.

V. Which ready-made insoles do you need? (Choose your insoles)

I. What are ready-made insoles?

"Ready insoles" - the term, as they say, is common, everyday. In fact, we are talking about insoles made at the factory, which have structural elements (undersole, metatarsal ridge, etc.) that have predetermined dimensions. To change the size of these structural elements, their location, is usually either impossible, or possible only to a very limited extent. This is their main difference from individual insoles. Everything can be changed in individual insoles. Recently, another "subclass" of insoles has appeared - the so-called "individualized", i.e. amenable to small but extremely useful changes to the insole. Do not confuse with "individual"!

II. Indications for use.

Factory insoles, like medicines, have indications for use.

The main indications for their use are:

1. Pain in the feet as a result of congenital or acquired deformation of the lower extremities (flat feet of various types, hollow foot, varus, equinus position of the foot, adducted feet, different lengths of the lower extremities, etc.).

2. A feeling of fatigue in the legs and a feeling of "sagging" of the arches of the foot, if necessary, to be on your feet for a long time (often happens when working "on your feet" with doctors, hairdressers, cooks).

3. Flattening of the arches of the foot during pregnancy if standard insoles are uncomfortable (the action of certain hormones during pregnancy leads to an increase in the elasticity of the tendons and ligaments and to the "flattening" of the feet).

4. Uncomfortable sole in shoes.

IMPORTANT! These indications are very similar to those for custom insoles. This is not surprising, since in this and in that case we are talking about insoles. It’s just that individual insoles are needed when ready-made insoles are ineffective or, according to the doctor, the problem cannot be solved with ready-made factory insoles. Individual insoles are, one might say, the next stage of assistance, its higher level. Of course, you can immediately resort to a more modern way to help the feet. However, experience shows that many problems can be solved effectively with good "ready-made" insoles.

You can read about what happens to the feet over the course of life and which parts of the feet can be influenced by insoles in the section on individual insoles. The same effects can be achieved with "ready-made" insoles, but with less pronounced problems with the feet.

III. How to determine if the insole is effective?

Very simple: the symptoms for which you use "ready-made" insoles should decrease.

IV. Advantages of "ready-made" insoles

1. Ready-made insoles are usually (but not always) more technologically advanced, i.e. more perfect in execution than individual ones. They have good wear resistance. You can choose coverage depending on the tasks and it does not require large financial costs. Recently, ultralon insoles have appeared that adapt well to the shape of the sole of the foot. At the same time, special devices are not required to improve the performance properties of such an insole. Ultralon insoles are easy to put on and wear. After some time, through the effect of the so-called "cold molding", such an insole itself adapts as much as possible to the shape of the foot.

2. The main advantage of ready-made insoles is their low price!

V. Which insoles do you need? (We choose an orthopedic ready-made insole for ourselves).

The insoles that we sell in the salon can be divided into 2 groups:

1. insoles with a plastic frame that holds a given shape;
2. insoles that do not have a frame.

In order to make the right choice of ready-made insoles, you can consult a doctor on our website. To do this, write to our feedback form on the site or ask a question by clicking on the "Question? Ask!" in the lower right corner of the screen.

However, now you can form your preference:

Insoles with a frame are better suited for relaxed walking and for those who stand on their feet for a long time. They are thinner and will fit into everyday shoes. If you are dealing with foot pain, then it is better to choose soft insoles. They are more comfortable, although somewhat thicker.
- Insoles without a frame are better suited to sports shoes. If there is not enough space in the shoes - take single-layer ones, if there is enough space - you can take two-layer ones. Some double-layer insole options are especially good for rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, as they are the best at distributing pressure on the foot and relieving excess stress on painful bones.


1. The insole should be selected in accordance with the advice of the doctor. If it is absolutely impossible to consult a doctor, ask a question on our website. This will help improve the quality of the selection.

2. An insole is an insole for footwear. The insole is chosen only taking into account the type and shape of the shoes in which you are going to walk. Not otherwise. No need to try to fit thick insoles into dress shoes. Shoes with such an insole will become cramped and there will be no sense in such treatment.

3. The insole should always be suitable for the tasks for which you will use it. Some insoles are needed for sports, others for long standing and normal walking.

Below is a table where you can quickly see which insoles are best for you. We very conditionally (!) divided all insoles into 3 large categories: "prophylactic" insoles, "pain relievers" and "insoles with special properties".

"Prophylactic" insoles

Orto Soft Tech insoles

Soft material

Wear resistant coating

No frame

For regular shoes (except high heels).

Choose if you need to replace an ordinary shoe insole with a more advanced product for preventive purposes.

Selki Orto Sport

Soft intersole material

Coating that allows the use of insoles with active sweating

There is a frame

For spacious shoes

Choose shoes for hiking in nature (Travel sneakers, rough hiking boots, etc.). Can be used in the gym.

DoctorOrtho insoles green with blue coating

Comfort coverage

Made from evapora (EVA). The material has a number of useful properties - it easily slips under places of excessive loads under the sole of the foot. The load is distributed more evenly. And most importantly, the foot is as comfortable as possible in the boot.


For regular shoes

Buy in sneakers if sneakers are uncomfortable. Can also be used for travel shoes if the shoes are not wide enough to accommodate the previous Orto Sport insoles.

Insoles DoctorOrtho single layer black

- as thin as possible due to the fact that single-layer

Made from Ultralon. Ultralon has a number of unique properties - it easily slips under places of excessive loads under the sole of the foot. The load is distributed more evenly, the foot is as comfortable as possible in the boot. You can heat the insole with a hair dryer right in the shoes (temperature is about 80 degrees for 3-4 minutes). Then put on shoes and walk around. This will allow you to adapt the insole even better.


For regular shoes (except high heels)

Buy for shoes that are narrower than classic shoes with laces (lacing is necessary to be able to adjust the volume of the boot).

Pain relief insoles

Fabric coated silicone insoles

Made entirely of silicone

Cloth coating gives comfort when walking (without coating, the foot sweats a lot, it is difficult to put on a boot).

small thickness

For regular shoes

Buy insoles if you need to relieve heel pain with a heel spur or forefoot, but there is no way to buy softer but thicker insoles. This is a good help for feet in ordinary shoes.

Orto Mix insoles

Comfort coverage

Made from Memopur material. This material adapts well to the shape of the plantar surface of the foot and painful areas, for example in the forefoot, are relieved. This reduces pain with moderate changes in the foot.

For spacious shoes

Wear these insoles with loose shoes if you experience pain in the forefoot or heel while walking. These insoles are good for situations where your feet just need a break from high heels, or when you have to walk a lot and you already know that your feet under the base of your toes in the forefoot will hurt. Get such insoles for shoes in which the foot "sleeps" - in shoes of the "weekend". The coating allows you to cope with the problem of excessive sweating of the foot.

Insoles DoctorOrtho two-layer blue with red coating

Two layers with different densities - shaping blue layer, soft red layer coating.

One layer of Ultralon and that's it! The ability to adapt to problem areas on the sole is maximum. At the same time, control over the underwater part is maintained.

For spacious shoes

Take these insoles in spacious shoes - if you almost constantly experience pain in the forefoot when walking. These insoles are perhaps the most versatile solution for people who, despite chronic forefoot pain, need to be on their feet or travel a lot. These insoles work perfectly in loose comfortable shoes (sneakers, travel boots).

For a fierce winter, these insoles are cold.

For excessive sweating, use "sports" socks with a high cotton content.

Insoles with special properties

Insoles Orto Fun Tech

Comfort coverage

High sides and high arches


For loose or orthopedic shoes

Such insoles are suitable for patients after a heel fracture, provided that the longitudinal internal arch of the foot was normal or even somewhat high and preserved after the injury. Insoles can be used in adults with certain diseases of the nervous system (for example, cerebral palsy) in special orthopedic shoes. Of course, a doctor's consultation is necessary to determine the appropriateness of using these insoles for a particular patient.

Orto Supreme insoles

Wear resistant coating

Special plastic insert to limit mobility in the joint of the big toe

For spacious shoes

The insole is used for pain and inflammation in the joint of the big toe (the first metatarsophalangeal joint). It is best suited for those conditions in which pain is associated with arthrosis of the joint. A special plastic insert in the sole of the insole limits flexion in the first metatarsophalangeal joint and this greatly relieves pain.

Insoles Extempo winter

Natural sheepskin cover

Has a plastic frame

For regular shoes

Buy when the cold has come and you need an orthopedic insole in winter shoes.

Understanding that Towhich insoles are best, each person decides individually. First of all, you need to find out if everything is in order with the legs. Indeed, for people with flat feet and people who experience inconvenience when walking due to any health problems, there are special orthopedic insoles. Orthopedic insoles help correct the arch of the foot and prevent flat feet. For those who suffer from the appearance of corns, orthopedic insoles are also suitable. If you experience discomfort while walking due to arthrosis, then consider purchasing Formtotics insoles or similar ones.

Now there are insoles that are made of elastic materials change their shape when heated, which allows you to adjust the insole to the foot. Thus, you get an almost individual insole that suits you.

An important quality of walking shoes is depreciation. Proper depreciation is especially worth taking care of for those who have joint problems and pain in the spine.

Certainly, best insoles are made from natural materials. From materials that allow the skin to breathe. After all, the hygiene of the feet depends on how well the insoles are chosen. Often the shoes have an unpleasant smell associated with the fact that the insoles are made of poor quality material.

To prevent the insole from slipping, choose options with adhesive side for fixing the insoles in shoes.

For the cold season it is better to choose But at the same time, do not forget to pay attention to the presence of a special layer,absorbing excess moisture. After all best insolesThese are insoles that will help keep your feet dry. In winter, due to warm shoes, the feet are placed AI often sweat, and then freeze outside. To prevent this from happening, get warm insoles withcoal layer.

For those who are still cold, manufacturers produce warming insoles. Some warming insoles keep feet warm for up to 6 hours, maintaining a temperature of about 38-45 ° C. These insoles are usually disposable. You can take an interest in the products of the Get Warm company, which specializes in the manufacture of shoe insulation.

An interesting option nettle insoles. Such insoles are not only very warm, but also have a healing effect. Wearing shoes with such insoles, you can give your feet acupressure.

Do you know that there are different types of insoles that differ from each other in the material from which they are made and are designed for different weather? When buying new shoes, the insoles are, of course, included, but they can wear out much faster than the shoes themselves and therefore you will need to buy new ones for replacement.

By the way, in addition to insoles for shoes, there are also various analogues or even additions:

  • heel pads,
  • half insoles,
  • shoe inserts.

Recently, manufacturers have been producing insoles in universal sizes - from 36 to 46, and not each size separately, as it was before. Now, after the purchase, you need to cut the insole from the maximum size 46 along the contour of the line, which corresponds to your shoe size.

How to choose shoe insoles

To choose the right insoles for your shoes, you should know all their varieties and differences. Knowing the types and descriptions of various winter and summer shoe insoles, you can make the right choice of the necessary accessory.

Charcoal filter insoles are new to the shoe accessories market. They are designed to maximally remove odors and moisture that form during wear.

Insoles should also be selected depending on what kind of shoes they will be used in:

  • working,
  • sports,
  • everyday.

Summer shoe insoles

They are new to the market and have already gained popularity. They are made by domestic manufacturers, so the price for them is optimal. They are great for sports shoes, such as sneakers. Products made of natural latex with activated carbon eliminate unpleasant odors and excess moisture using the unique properties of coal to absorb harmful substances.

textile insoles are universal and therefore the most common. They are made of material (for example, cotton fabric, as well as terry or linen). You can wear them every day. By the way, today manufacturers often pre-treat them with a special bactericidal agent so that there is no fungus. By the way, it is believed that they can be worn even on bare feet.

Silicone insoles know and use many girls and women in the summer. In addition, many use special silicone pads and inserts that are anti-slip in high-heeled shoes and sandals, fixing the foot and preventing it from slipping closer to the toe (which causes the shoes to literally fly off their feet). Such liners provide comfort to the legs, taking away unnecessary stress on the ligaments and muscles of the legs. In addition, they usually have excellent cushioning and antifungal properties.

Leather insoles nowadays they are usually made of several layers (for example, the upper layer of the insole is made of genuine leather or suede), and the lower layer is made of soft latex. Leather insoles will not soar your feet, and due to the naturalness of the material, they will not cause irritation. A high-quality product will ensure normal air circulation, regulate the temperature, removing excess moisture and odors, and thereby increase the shelf life of shoes.

Orthopedic insoles or instep supports designed for those who have a deformed foot (for example, flat feet) or circulatory disorders in the feet. They perfectly keep the correct shape of the foot, softening the load on it while walking (improve depreciation). Deformation of the foot affects the entire musculoskeletal system, causing pain even in the knees and spine, so the doctor may prescribe the wearing of just such insoles.

Prophylactic gel insoles for maximum foot comfort suitable for daily use in work, casual or sports shoes. Special certified products (such as gels) can also be used as a preventive measure for musculoskeletal problems, as they provide comfort while wearing shoes with them. They can also help prevent corns and swelling with a gel structure that absorbs the impact of walking where you need it most.

Winter shoe insoles

Winter insoles come with shoes and often they perform their necessary functions. But it happens that native insoles do not cope with their duties, are too thin or wear out quickly. In this case, you need to take care of the health of your feet in particular and the body as a whole and buy good winter insoles for shoes. Remember what folk wisdom says: you need to keep your feet warm.

Felt insoles are probably the simplest and most affordable solution. They are sold in the cold season on almost every corner. Such products perfectly absorb moisture, are worn for quite a long time, without deforming during operation. They are affordable for the price. We are familiar with them often even from childhood.

Woolen or fur insoles good for cold winters. In winter boots, they provide proper air circulation, preventing the feet from sweating during their operation and therefore freezing.

Multilayer insoles appeared relatively recently and have already gained popularity among hunters and fishermen. They usually consist of the following layers: wool, polymer and cork (or foil). They are very durable and warm.

Remember that shoes need to be dried if necessary and do it right, as well as replace worn insoles with new ones in time. For drying, nowadays there are simple electric shoe dryers that dry shoes well without spoiling them. Proper care and drying of insoles and shoes will extend the life of the products, saving you money and protecting your feet from the cold.



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