How to put mustard plasters correctly? Indications and contraindications, instructions for use. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The cold manifests differently for each person. Someone suffers from fever and a runny nose, while someone has to deal with constant body aches. The most annoying symptom of a cold is a cough. The patient, because of him, cannot rest normally, because. attacks happen even in a dream. You can quickly put your health in order by putting on chest mustard plasters when coughing dry or wet. They will help get rid of phlegm and improve tissue metabolism.

Do mustard plasters help cough

This remedy local action used for deep heating of organs. You can use mustard plasters for coughing if it is protracted. At the first symptoms of a cold, this remedy is not used. Mustard plasters can be used to prevent diseases during hypothermia. The drug is used to treat the following diseases:

What are useful

The essential oils that make up the mustard irritate the receptors of the skin, respiratory organs and dilate blood vessels. They have a beneficial effect during a runny nose, removing congestion from the nose. The irritating effect of mustard is due to the glucosides contained in it. These substances penetrate the skin well, speed up the metabolism. For this reason, mustard powder products are used not only for the treatment of cough, but also for hypertensive crisis, myositis, neuralgia, radiculitis.

What kind of cough put mustard plasters

This tool will help bacterial diseases. It can be used dry and wet cough. It is impossible to treat a patient with mustard plasters if his temperature is more than 37.5 ° C. It is strictly forbidden to use this remedy for cough with obstruction. Under the influence of heat broncho-obstructive syndrome the patient may develop asthma, which will put his life at risk. When coughing against the background of pulmonary or bronchial bleeding, tuberculosis, warming drugs are not used.

Mechanism of action

Mustard plaster - a small paper bag with dry and defatted mustard seeds. Some companies use mustard powder and paper containers with thick foil cells to produce the product. It is believed that such a filter package will warm tissues and organs better, but there is no official confirmation of this. pharmachologic effect mustard plasters the following:

  1. Upon contact with water, mustard essential oil is released.
  2. The skin at the site of application is irritated, due to which blood circulation begins to increase.
  3. Skin receptors are irritated, which leads to activation sympathetic department nervous system.
  4. Sympathin and adrenaline begin to accumulate in the blood, which causes an increase in protective functions organism.
  5. The result of all biochemical reactions becomes a waste of sputum, saturation of the respiratory organs with useful nutrients and oxygen.

Cough treatment with mustard plasters

Before preparing the patient, it is necessary to shake the mustard plasters. Seeds should be evenly distributed throughout the bag. Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging. If it is damaged, the product cannot be used, because. if mustard seeds are spilled, the patient will get burned. The tool is not used if the skin on the affected area is damaged. In addition to the compress, for the procedure you will need:

  • a container with water heated to 40-45 ° C;
  • parchment paper or gauze;
  • large towel;
  • cover.

Before placing mustard plaster when coughing, you should check the patient's reaction to mustard powder. If there is an allergy, the procedure is not carried out. The place of fixation of the bag with mustard is wiped dry. Adults and children with sensitive skin Cover the affected area with napkins. After fixing the compress, the patient's condition should be monitored. If he complains of burning, the procedure should be stopped, and the inflamed area should be lubricated vaseline oil.

For wet cough and bronchitis

Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions for using the product. It describes in detail where you need to place mustard plasters when coughing in order to achieve sputum withdrawal. Remember that the product cannot be kept on the skin for longer than 10-15 minutes, otherwise it will appear at the place of its placement. severe irritation or burn. Medical procedure performed in the following way:

  1. In a bowl filled warm water(not higher than 45 degrees), put bags of mustard for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After 10 minutes, the bag is removed, shaken off excess water and then applied to the patient's body.
  3. A towel is placed on top of the compress, and then the patient is wrapped in a blanket.
  4. After 5-15 minutes (the time depends on the age and characteristics of the patient's body), the compress is removed.
  5. Remains of mustard are removed from the skin with warm water.
  6. Wipe the skin dry with a thin cotton napkin.
  7. Vaseline oil is applied to the wiped skin.

You can enhance the effect of treatment with hot bath or tea. If the patient has a fever, then water procedures should be postponed. The patient is wrapped in a warm blanket and tea with raspberries or honey is prepared for him. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. It is recommended to carry out no more than 2 procedures per day. With more long-term therapy due to constant thermal exposure, microtraumas of the skin may appear in patients.

For dry cough

Mustard-based products are not used if a person suffers from acute infectious process. Additional heating of the body and respiratory tract will accelerate the spread of the disease, and will not help the patient to recover. You can put mustard plasters with a dry cough, only if it bacterial origin. For a complete recovery, you will have to do 6-7 procedures. Some doctors recommend treating dry, lingering coughs with mustard boots. Use the remedy in the same way as in the treatment of bronchitis.

Instructions for use

Mustard plasters for coughs and other diseases are used externally. You can fix the product on the body with a bandage or gauze. Therapeutic effect from the mustard bag can be strengthened by covering it with plastic wrap on top. The duration of the procedure is determined by the degree of redness of the skin. Average usage time is 10 minutes. When pain the compress is removed.

Where do they put mustard plasters for coughing?

Many people fix compresses on the back or chest. With cough and bronchitis, this arrangement of mustard plasters is correct. At prolonged runny nose packs of mustard are fixed on the calf muscles. If the nose is very stuffy, it is recommended to fix them on the soles of the feet, and put on woolen socks on top. There should be no cracks on the heel area. At persistent cough doctors advise to place mustard plasters as follows:

  1. If an unpleasant symptom is caused by bronchitis, then the packages are attached simultaneously to the back and chest. Compresses are placed between the shoulder blades. They are fixed on the chest approximately 5-10 cm below each collarbone. It is important not to touch the heart area.
  2. With tracheitis and dry cough, mustard plasters are placed on the area between the shoulder blades. The patient's body temperature should not exceed 37 °C.

How much to keep

The standard procedure time is 10 minutes. People with sensitive skin are advised to keep mustard plasters for no more than 5-7 minutes. For some patients, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to increase the procedure time up to 20 minutes. The patient's condition must be constantly monitored. The holding time of the compress is affected not only by the condition of the skin, but also by the age of the patient:

  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, warming compresses are placed for 2-3 minutes.
  • The duration of manipulations at the age of 3 to 7 years should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • For children from 8 to 12 years old, mustard plasters are put on for 5-10 minutes.

How often can you repeat the procedure

Mustard plasters are allowed to put 2 times a day. It is impossible to carry out the procedure more often, because. can harm the skin. The total duration of therapy is 4-5 days. It is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition. Patients with sensitive skin are allowed to put mustard plaster 1 time per day. If, after several days of using compresses, the cough has not decreased, you should find another way to treat a cold.

How to put mustard plasters on a child when coughing

Care must be taken when using this topical agent for the treatment of children. Mustard plasters for children when coughing are placed through a thin cotton cloth. It can be pre-soaked vegetable oil. The procedure is not advisable to carry out if the child is under 2 years old. The recommended age for starting treatment with mustard plasters is 6 years. By this time, parents already know how their child reacts to allergens. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The mustard leaf is dipped into warm water for 15-20 seconds.
  2. The product is applied to the back of the child and lightly pressed with a towel.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, the compress is removed, the remains of mustard are removed from the skin with warm water.
  4. The affected area is lubricated with Vaseline.

Mustard plasters for children when coughing can be replaced with homemade patches. For their manufacture, mustard powder and cellophane film are needed. 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are diluted in a liter of warm water, and then 1 liter of boiling water is added to the mixture. A cellophane film is moistened in a solution, then placed on the child's body. After 5 minutes, the compress is removed. Treatment of children with mustard plasters and homemade patches is best done at bedtime.

How to put an adult

Activate defensive forces body mustard plasters can only with the right location. For an adult, mustard packets can be placed on the back and chest area without additional skin protection. In the treatment of cough, the patient should adhere to bed rest. After taking alcohol, the drug can be used after 3-4 hours. If you feel a burning sensation, the compress is removed to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

Features of use during pregnancy

When carrying a child, it is undesirable to use mustard compresses, because. they increase the tone of the uterus. You can use this remedy to treat a cold after consulting a doctor. If the therapist and gynecologist do not see the danger in using mustard bags, then you can try to cure a cough with their help. It is categorically impossible to use this remedy in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, because. its warming effect can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Contraindications and side effects

With tumor and oncological diseases from therapy with mustard plasters should refrain. They will not help if the patient has an acute respiratory infection, accompanied by fever, chills and general weakness. During pregnancy and lactation, mustard plasters are not recommended for coughing. It is forbidden to use this remedy at:

Some patients experience severe irritation after using the product. skin. Possible appearance small burns and allergic rash. These side effects are more likely to occur with long-term use compresses, so you should not increase the treatment time without the advice of a doctor. In case of burns and local irritation, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the remnants of the product, and then lubricate it with vaseline oil or Panthenol.


Dear readers, hello! All of you are obviously familiar with mustard plasters. They were especially popular in Soviet times in the treatment of colds. Currently, modern doctors do not particularly favor them and are rarely prescribed in complex treatment. Although knowing how to put mustard plasters correctly, you can achieve quite effective results during treatment. Some consider mustard plasters folk remedy, but this is not so, because this is an ordinary drug used for external use.

The active principle is ethereal. mustard oil. When wet in water, mustard powder begins to release essential oil. At the point of contact on the skin, chemical irritation of skin receptors occurs, local inflammation with the corresponding reactions of the body. Blood and lymphatic vessels expand, and hyperemia appears on the skin, local boost temperature, burning and slight itching.

Adrenaline released into the blood stimulates the work of many organs, phagocytes are activated - cells immune system, destroying pathogenic microorganisms as well as dead and dying cells.

Increasing local blood supply improves blood flow in the underlying tissues, due to this, inflammation decreases, toxins, including lactic acid, are removed, a distracting effect occurs and pain is relieved.

The therapeutic effect is exerted by the substances that make up the composition mustard powder:

  • Glycosides have an irritating effect - synargin contained in black mustard, or sinalbin - from white mustard. This is similar to the action of allergens, it is they, when they enter the bloodstream, that cause the release of adrenaline.
  • Unsaturated fatty acid and phytosterols have a bactericidal effect.
  • The enzyme myrosin breaks down and activates glycosides, which penetrate deep into the skin and have antiseptic properties.
  • Mustard powder, like the mustard seeds from which it is obtained, is rich in vitamins and minerals. It should be noted that they are special influence they do not affect the body, as they are absorbed in very small quantities.

In general, mustard plasters have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic effects. Official studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of mustard plasters, however, numerous reviews of those who used them in their treatment are only positive.

Indications for use

Mustard plasters are made of 2 types: leaf blades with thin layer dried mustard and sachets of 4 cells with dry mustard powder.

As an expectorant, distracting and analgesic, mustard plasters are used for both adults and children, starting from 2 years of age and are shown

  • at colds upper and lower respiratory tract (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • with myalgia;
  • with lumbago, sciatica, sciatica;
  • with neuralgia;
  • with a hypertensive crisis;
  • with angina pectoris;
  • with bruises and sprains.

Recommended places for applying mustard plasters

  • With a dry and obsessive cough, which occurs with tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis - the back surface of the back or calf muscles, the soles of the feet. If the sputum began to move away, then it is necessary to consult a doctor first.
  • With tracheitis - top part sternum (projection of the throat).
  • With bronchitis and pneumonia - the projection of the lungs (anterior, posterior, side surfaces chest).
  • For pain in the muscles and joints, which occur with myalgia, sprain, sciatica, sciatica, mustard plasters are applied to the area of ​​pain.
  • With neuralgia - along the affected nerves.
  • and headaches - on the back surface of the calf muscles or on the back of the head.
  • With an attack of angina pectoris -.

Mustard plasters cannot be placed on spinal column, mammary glands and the area of ​​​​the heart, if this is not an angina attack.


Mustard must not be used, even in the presence of the above indications, if there are diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin: neurodermatitis, eczema, various dermatitis, allergic rashes, ulcers, wounds, sores, warts, moles.

In addition, a contraindication is individual intolerance mustard, lack of sensitivity on the skin, malignant neoplasms, existing or already cured, so warming up can cause tumor growth again.

A relative contraindication is pregnancy, so any warming up can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, if there is still a need for this procedure, then mustard plasters are applied to the neck or upper shoulder girdle.

For breastfeeding mothers, the use of mustard plasters is not contraindicated if mustard plasters are not applied to the mammary glands.

Mustard plasters should not be used for children under 2 years of age, as they will not be able to tell about their feelings, and their skin is very delicate and this can cause a burn.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to put mustard plasters at a temperature. The answer is unambiguous - it is impossible. This is explained by the fact that temperature is the response defensive reaction organism. The body reacts by increasing the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. And mustard plasters will create an even greater burden.

If the recommendations are not followed, side effects are possible. Basically, this is the appearance of burns on the skin. They appear most often when they are kept longer than the prescribed time and in persons with thin and sensitive skin. Allergic reactions and skin irritations are possible, which is extremely rare.

Before proceeding with the procedure for applying mustard plasters, prepare a container with hot water(water temperature should not be higher than 45º), cling film or bandage, if mustard must be applied to the limb, and a warm towel or blanket.

Most often, mustard plasters are placed on the back, so it is better for the patient to lie on his stomach. The skin must be clean and dry.

Before putting on the skin, dip the mustard plaster in hot water for 5-7 seconds, and then apply to the skin, slightly pressing the mustard plaster. Cover the top with a thick towel or blanket. If mustard plasters were placed on the joints or calf muscles, then fix them with a bandage, bandage or cling film.

The first procedure should not last more than 5 minutes. If there is no particular sensitivity to mustard and the procedure is easily tolerated, then the next time the duration is increased. If you feel discomfort and burning, mustard plasters are removed immediately. After the time has elapsed, the mustard plasters are removed, and the skin is wiped with a dry cloth. After that, you need to put on dry and warm underwear.

  1. Mustard plasters can be placed at any time of the day, but preferably at night or at least after the procedure, it is necessary to lie down in warmth for 1-2 hours.
  2. The course of treatment with mustard plasters is not more than 5 days, in exceptional cases up to 7-10 days.
  3. Mustard plasters are applied no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Start the duration of the procedure from 5 minutes, each time increasing it by 1-2 minutes, but in total the procedure should not be 10 minutes for children, and for adults - no more than 20 minutes.

How to put mustard plasters for children

Mustard plasters are not recommended for children under 2 years of age. In this case, other types of treatment can be applied. For children older than this age, mustard plasters are placed on the opposite side or under the mustard plasters, put on the skin, moistened with water and wrung out, 2-layer gauze or cotton fabric.

Children are such restless people that it is very difficult for them to lie still even for 2 minutes. I also put mustard plasters for my daughters,. I had to. But I did it. Of course, she explained that this should be done in order to recover and told them to imagine that they were sitting in the sun, and the sun was warming their backs.

She stuck the mustard plasters on her back, tightly wrapped her in a towel so that the mustard plasters did not fall off, and wrapped her with a blanket on top and sat her in front of the TV and turned on cartoons. Timed it. My girls sat quietly and warmed themselves. It happened that the mustard plasters were fresh and very warm, then I took off the mustard plasters at their request. Try to do it too.

And yet, whether or not to put mustard plasters on children, find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky in this video.

Mustard plaster is a local irritant. Its action is due to reflex reactions that occur due to irritation. nerve endings skin.

Release form and composition

Mustard plaster is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Plate - a sheet of paper measuring 12.5 × 8 cm, covered with a layer of mustard powder yellow color having a characteristic odour. Dark inclusions are also allowed. 1.1 g of powder is applied to 1 plate, which is fixed with a contact lubricant gel for ultrasonic devices. Mustard plasters are packed in polyethylene or polypropylene bags of 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 pieces, or simply wrapped with a label and placed in a bag;
  • Mustard plaster package - yellow mustard powder with dark inclusions without lumps and with characteristic odor, placed in a bag of waterproof, heat-sealed paper, porous on one or both sides. Package size 13.2×9.5 cm (±0.5 cm). In bags that are only porous on one side, the other side consists of a combined paper-based material. The package is divided by seams into 4 cells with dimensions of 5.7 × 3.7 cm. The content of mustard powder in one mustard plaster is 3.3 ± 0.4 g. Mustard plasters are packed in 10, 15 or 20 pieces in marked plastic bags, hermetically sealed by heat sealing;
  • Mustard plaster package universal - grayish-yellow mustard mixture with dark inclusions and a specific smell characteristic of mustard cake. The composition of 100 g of such a powder includes 24 g of mustard powder of the highest and first grade, as well as 76 g of a mixture of crushed mustard seed kernels and mustard cake. One paper bag, divided by seams into 4 cells, contains 3 g of powder. Universal mustard plasters are packed in a protective bag of 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 pieces;
  • Mustard-bag with eucalyptus oil - light yellow or grayish yellow or yellowish brown or brown mustard mixture with dark inclusions and a characteristic specific smell. Ratio active components in one package of the drug the following: 24% - mustard powder of the first and highest grade, 75% - crushed kernels of mustard seeds and cake, 1% - Eucalyptus oil. Each paper bag of such Mustard plaster contains 3 g of powder. Mustard-bags are packed in protective bags of 10 or 20 pieces.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, mustard plaster is used in the complex treatment of such diseases and conditions as:

  • Pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • Acute respiratory infections;
  • cardialgia;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Arthralgia;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Sciatica;
  • myalgia;
  • Sprain.


Contraindications to the use of mustard plasters are:

  • Hyperthermia;
  • Eczema;
  • Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis);
  • Psoriasis;
  • pyoderma;
  • Open wounds and violation of the integrity of the treated skin;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage

The drug is intended for topical use.

Ordinary mustard plaster is dipped in warm water (37 ° C) for 15-20 seconds, after which it is applied to the skin. To strengthen healing effect, it is recommended to cover the treated area with plastic wrap and press the mustard plaster to the body with a bandage or elastic bandage. The duration of this procedure in adults is 5-20 minutes (until persistent redness appears), in children - from 2 to 10 minutes, depending on individual sensitivity, irritant and age of the child. If you feel severe burning, you can loosen the pressure of the drug for a while or remove it.

The method of using mustard plasters in packages is similar to the method described above, the only difference is that before the procedure, the mustard plaster package is shaken to uniform distribution mustard powder in cells.

Side effects

From side effects from the use of mustard plaster, excessively strong burning sensation and allergic reactions can be noted.


Full structural analogues the drug does not exist, but according to the mechanism of action (local irritants) analogues of Mustard are Camphor, Amol, Dr. Theiss Arnica, Camphor ointment, Levomenthol, Turpentine ointment, liquid balm Golden Star, Gum turpentine, Health balm, Mentoclar, Kutenza, Racemic menthol, Capsicum extract, Ungapiven, Common viper venom, Mucophytin.

Terms and conditions of storage

According to the instructions, mustard plasters should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

Surely, mustard plasters can be found in home first aid kit practically everyone. They are one of the most effective, not expensive, and also simple ways, allowing to cure many respiratory diseases.

Many people have quite logical questions about where and how to put mustard plasters correctly in the presence of a particular disease, as well as how long they need to be kept. To apply this medicinal product was effective, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. You should also know in which cases the setting of mustard plasters will be appropriate, and in which it is contraindicated. But first things first. So.

Indications for the use of mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are great help in the fight:

  • with pleurisy;
  • with bronchitis;
  • with headaches;
  • with bronchopneumonia;
  • with dry and wet cough having severe course and continuing for a long time;
  • with insomnia;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • with radiculitis;
  • with a runny nose.
  • with myositis;
  • with neuralgia;
  • with laryngotracheitis;
  • with angina. At coronary disease heart mustard plasters are used infrequently. It all depends on the severity this disease. The possibility and necessity of using mustard patches in this case can only be determined by a doctor.

In what cases mustard plasters not be placed?

The use of mustard plasters is unacceptable in the presence of:

  • cough (dry or wet) accompanied by acute respiratory infection, which is characterized by symptoms such as chills, fever body and weakness;
  • pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • dermatological diseases, including psoriasis and weeping eczema (if there are pustules, boils, ulcers, etc. on the skin in the area of ​​​​contact with mustard plasters);
  • asthma;
  • body temperature exceeding 37.5°C;
  • individual intolerance, and hypersensitivity to the mustards.

How to determine the quality of mustard plasters?

Mustard patches are a great way to fight a cold. They are thick paper sheets, on the surface of which a layer of mustard is applied. For their manufacture, as a rule, defatted powder of two types of mustard seeds is used - Sarepta and black.

But, unfortunately, not all mustard plasters that are commercially available are of high quality. For the treatment to be positive result, it is necessary to know which distinctive features have quality mustard plasters.

First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the degree of strength with which a layer of mustard powder is held on a sheet of paper. If it lags behind the paper when wet or crumbles when dry, then you have purchased low-quality patches.

No less important is the issue of storage of mustard plasters. After all, the composition of the mustard powder can change, which will affect the quality of the patches. They should not be stored indoors higher degree air humidity.

How to make mustard plasters at home?

If you doubt the quality of the purchased mustard patches, you can try to make them yourself. It should be noted right away that it is necessary to make mustard plasters immediately before using them.

For making you will need rectangular paper or fabric sheets, table mustard powder (seeds can be ground with a coffee grinder), rye flour and warm boiled water.

In a 1:1 ratio, mix mustard powder and flour. Then dilute the resulting mixture with water until a mass is formed, the consistency of which should resemble batter. After that, the mustard-flour mass must be applied in a thick layer (no more than 0.5 cm) on the prepared sheets.

Is it permissible to put mustard plasters on children?

Many parents are puzzled by the question of whether it is possible to put mustard plasters on children with coughs and other pathological conditions. For children under 1 year of age, the use of mustard patches is unacceptable. For children from 2 years old, mustard plasters are placed only through gauze and for a short period of time (no more than 2-3 minutes).

Babies suffering from dry and wet cough, doctors recommend procedures mustard wrap. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution. Take half a liter of warm boiled water, add 10 g of dry mustard powder to it, mix thoroughly. After that, moisten a soft terry towel in the prepared solution and roll the child into it. Put the patient on the couch and cover with a warm blanket.

Let the baby lie down in this position for about 5 minutes. Then the baby can be washed with warm water and wrapped in a warm flannelette diaper or dressed in a clean one. warm clothes(depending on age). After this procedure, the baby is shown bed rest. It will be good if he sleeps.

The mechanism of action of mustard plasters

Mustard plasters, being on the surface of the skin in certain places, expand blood vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and increased protective functions of the body. Vegetative system, in turn, is excited - this helps to increase its tone.

How to put mustard plasters: step by step instructions

  1. Remove the mustard plasters from the packaging and place (in horizontal position) for 10-15 seconds in a container with warm boiled water, the temperature of which should vary between 36°C and 40°C.
  2. After taking them out of the container with water, shake them well so that there is no excess liquid left on them.
  3. Then place the mustard plasters in the chosen place and hold for no more than 5 minutes. Cover the top with a soft terry towel. Wrap the patient in a warm blanket.
  4. After a certain time (depending on the disease and the number of procedures performed), remove the mustard plasters.
  5. After the procedure, the patient should also continue to observe bed rest, wrapped in a warm blanket.
  1. If during the procedure you will feel a strong burning sensation, place a thin moistened sheet of paper or gauze between the mustard plaster and the skin. If the burning sensation does not go away, stop the procedure immediately.
  2. To soothe areas of the skin irritated by mustard, rinse them with warm water and lubricate with petroleum jelly (it is permissible to replace any vegetable oil). This will soften the skin and prevent the formation of severe irritation.
  3. In no case do not wipe the burnt places on the skin with mustard plasters with cologne or any other alcohol-containing product.

How long to keep mustard plasters?

  1. The course of treatment with mustard patches lasts no more than 5 days. In some cases, it is allowed to increase the course up to 10 days. However, you should consult your doctor about this.
  2. Do not apply mustard plasters more than twice a day.
  3. During the first procedure, keep mustard plasters on the skin for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise you can get burns.
  4. Mustard plasters when coughing must be kept for at least 3-4 minutes during the first procedure, and at least 5-6 minutes in subsequent times.
  5. Each time, the residence time of mustard plasters on the skin can be increased by no more than 1-2 minutes.
  6. The maximum residence time of mustard patches on the skin is 10 minutes. It doesn't matter what time you do the procedure.

How and where to put mustard plasters when coughing?

With such pathological condition, like a cough, mustard plasters must be placed under the shoulder blades and between them, in the upper back, as well as on the front and side of the chest.

The most effective will be the treatment of cough with mustard plasters for several days, depending on the severity of the course of the disease.

Also, mustard plasters are placed on the calves or feet. This method is colloquially called "mustard boots". To achieve the most pronounced effect, it is recommended to wear warm socks, for example, woolen ones, on top of the applied mustard patches.

In some cases, mustard plasters with a dry cough are applied to the skin of the palms (in the area thumb). According to experts, this zone is closely related to the work of the organs of the respiratory system.

  1. Mustard plasters should not be applied to the sensitive surface of the skin, as well as to areas that have any damage.
  2. Do not apply mustard patch to the area of ​​the heart and spine.
  3. If a person has hypersensitive skin, it is recommended to put them through gauze or thin paper. You can also put mustard plasters reverse side. Failure to take these precautions may result in burns.
  4. With increased blood pressure mustard plasters are placed in the calf muscles.
  5. If severe and prolonged headaches torment, mustard plasters must be put on back neck.
  6. It is important to understand when mustard plaster simply burns the skin, and when an allergic reaction occurs - individual intolerance. So, an allergy manifests itself after 10-15 minutes, and with a normal burning sensation, a feeling of discomfort will be felt already in the 2nd minute after their application.
  7. If there is an allergy on the skin where the mustard plasters were located, rashes may appear - small red papules. Itching may also be present.
  8. If the patient has a body temperature above 37.5 ° C, it is better to refuse to put mustard plasters. When the temperature returns to normal, the course of treatment with mustard plasters can be continued.

Runny nose and mustard plasters: how to put it right?

One of the most unpleasant symptoms that accompanies most colds is rhinitis (runny nose). Mustard plasters can help not only alleviate the condition with a runny nose, but also completely overcome it.

To quickly get rid of a runny nose, you need to put mustard plasters on your feet. For more effective heating, they should be wrapped with cling film and put on warm socks on your feet.

The described procedure must be carried out in evening time days. Thus, you can maximize therapeutic effect mustard plasters on the body.

Many people confuse how to put mustard plasters for coughing and rhinitis. Remember, if a person suffers from a runny nose, mustard plasters are placed only on the feet, and with rhinitis - in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and on the chest. The fact is that when coughing, it is necessary to warm up the bronchi, and with a runny nose, the places responsible for the state of health of the nasopharynx, that is, the feet.
After each procedure for setting mustard patches, the patient's health will only improve. And after a few days, you can already talk about full recovery. In conclusion, it should be noted that if the disease does not subside from the treatment with mustard plasters, then the body is not sensitive to such therapy. In such situations, you should stop putting them and use other methods of treatment.

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The benefits of mustard plasters for whole scale diseases: instructions for use, indications, contraindications

The benefits of mustard plasters have been known since ancient times. Even our grandparents, as children, were indignant because of the fact that they “sting”, but thanks to this they got rid of the cough. The local irritating effect of Sarepta mustard, which is part of this drug, is still used successfully in medicine.

Active substance

Main active ingredient Mustard plaster is the seeds of Sarepta mustard, crushed into powder. The composition of the medicinal mixture includes both kernels and cake in various proportions.

There is a special dosage form in which mustard is mixed with essential oil eucalyptus, which also has an irritating effect.

Indications for use

The use of mustard plasters is most often indicated for colds, especially those accompanied by a cough:

  • respiratory viral infections;
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs (or pneumonia).

Undoubtedly, the benefits of mustard plasters and with moderate pain syndrome associated with sprains, soft tissue bruises and other minor injuries.

Finally, this medicine is very effective for:

  • lumbago;
  • sciatica;
  • cardialgia caused by neuritis of the intercostal nerve;
  • neuralgia;
  • pain in the joints;
  • muscle pain;
  • osteochondrosis.

When using mustard plasters, the indications for such treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Composition and form of release

Mustard plasters are produced in two types:

  • classic - sheets of thick paper 8x12.5 cm, with a mixture of crushed cake and mustard kernels of Sarepta applied on one side (10 sheets per pack),
  • in bags of special paper, in which 3 g of the mixture is poured; Available in 2-20 pieces per pack.

The use of mustard plasters of the second type can be considered more "clean", since there is no need to erase or wash off the remnants of the mixture from the skin. They are also convenient for use in childhood due to its relatively small size.

The benefits of mustard plasters of both types are the same.

Method of application and dosage

In the presence of medical indications mustard plasters are used externally as follows:

  • first, a sheet (package) of the required size is immersed in water heated to 37 degrees;
  • after 2-3 seconds of getting wet, apply in right place on the skin;
  • to enhance the effect, it is recommended to cover with a plastic film and press it tightly to the body either with an elastic bandage or any other bandage.

The procedure is carried out until a subjective sensation of burning and obvious reddening of the skin appears. This usually occurs after 5-20 minutes in adults and 2-10 minutes in children.

In some cases, you can first weaken the pressure on the mustard plaster, but in case of an intolerable burning sensation, it is better to remove it. When using ordinary sheets, remove mustard residues from the patient's skin with a soft, damp towel and cover him with a warm blanket.

pharmachologic effect

Mustard is a local irritant. Its action is based on the appearance of a reflex reaction in response to irritation of nerve receptors by plant components.

predecessor active substance is sinigrin, which in humid and warm conditions, under the influence of the enzyme myrosin, turns into allyl oil. That is what causes the local irritating effect.


The components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood, are not metabolized in the body (the conversion reaction occurs exclusively in the mustard plaster itself), and, accordingly, are not excreted from the body. This is an exclusively local remedy.


The use of mustard plasters is contraindicated for any violations of the integrity of the skin at the site of their application:

  • scratches, abrasions, wounds;
  • eczema;
  • purulent lesions of the skin and its appendages;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • diffuse neurodermatitis;
  • any condition associated with an increase in temperature (even a slight one!)

Side effects

In case of hypersensitivity, there may be strong feeling burning at the site of application. In addition, there may be allergic reactions contact type.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use with other local irritants may cause excessive discomfort at the place of application. Other effects that can reduce the benefits of mustard plasters or cause adverse influences on the body, not detected.

Pregnancy and lactation

If there are medical indications, mustard plasters can be used to treat this category of patients.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug can be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

The above information on the use of the drug is presented For informational purposes only and intended for professionals. Read the full official information on the use of the drug, indications for use in the territory of the Russian Federation in the instructions for use in the package.
The portal site is not responsible for the consequences caused by taking the drug without a doctor's prescription.
Do not self-medicate, do not change the regimen prescribed by your doctor!



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