A purple plant similar to basil. Useful properties and contraindications of purple basil for the body, its use and varieties

Purple basil: description, application and benefits

Purple basil is a spicy plant with medicinal properties. It is used in cooking as a seasoning and decoration of dishes.

Basil purple: description and application

Basil - herbaceous plant 25–55 cm tall. The branched stem is covered with purple-violet rough leaves up to 7 cm long. Purple or pink-white flowers are collected in inflorescences. The leaves and stems of the plant exude a specific spicy aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

Purple basil is used for headaches and joint pain.

All parts purple basil have medicinal properties. The plant is consumed fresh, frozen and dried.

Basil juice repels blood-sucking insects. It is used as a regenerating and decongestant.

In cooking, basil is used as a seasoning and added to soups, salads and main dishes. Thanks to the rich color of the leaves, the plants decorate desserts and drinks.

Health Benefits of Purple Basil

IN folk medicine basil is called "royal grass": in Rus', tsars and high-ranking persons were treated with tinctures of the plant. The herb cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, cures rheumatism and gout.

Powder from the rhizome raises potency and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Used as an aphrodisiac.

Fresh juice from leaves and stems contains essential human body substances:

  • carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • Sahara;
  • vitamins C, B2, PP.

Daily consumption of basil strengthens memory, increases the intensity of cerebral circulation, stimulates immune system. Decoctions from inflorescences relieve irritation and improve sleep.

Essential oil from basil eliminates bloating and flatulence. When applied externally, it strengthens nails, smoothes the skin, improves its elasticity. It is used for inhalations for colds, sore throats and flu.

Basil tincture relieves viral and fungal diseases, treats colitis, gastritis and intestinal ulcers. A decoction of dried leaves is used for inflammation of the eyes and gums, headache and joint pain.

Basil has antimicrobial properties and is used to disinfect wounds and burns. The plant protects the body from radiation exposure.

Refuse to use basil during pregnancy and lactation. Take the plant with caution in case of hypotension, dystonia and diabetes mellitus.

Basil purple is a useful plant with medicinal properties. It is used in folk medicine and cooking.

Basil has many health benefits. Therefore, it must be grown in your backyard or at home on the balcony. Some grow green, while others prefer purple. There are quite a few varieties. Basil is well known to many. It has a specific fresh, mustard, spicy aroma. Counts royal grass and such status is justified.

The very name of the spicy herb basil originates from the Greek word Basilica, which means emperor. Therefore, the plant was treated with great respect, royally. In India, the plant personified the cult of hospitality. For the ancient Italians, basil is a symbol of love, as well as a traditional spice in their cuisine. But the love for this grass not only did not pass over time, but, on the contrary, grew significantly. If you remember tomato sauce, then the association with basil immediately works!

Basil properties: useful herbs

The plant is rich in flavonoids. These are special organic compounds that stabilize the structure of cell chromosomes and prevent them from breaking down. And the stabilization of the genetic material with the help of these enzymes has an anti-cancer effect.

The specific aroma thinned by basil is its essential oils. They have a very useful bactericidal property, especially on harmful intestinal bacteria. Plus, the grass is rich in dietary fiber. The main components of the essential oil are camphor, rutin, vitamin C, A, organic acids, natural sugars. Another important component of basil essential oil - eugenol - relieves spasms and reduces inflammation. The use of the leaves fresh has a powerful disinfecting effect on the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

But the biggest advantage of basil over other similar herbs is great content vitamin K. Vitamin K is hemostatic, improves the coagulation system, strengthens bones. 100 grams of product contains 45 micrograms. This is important to know for people who take warfarin or other thinning medications. Basil, celery, and oregano are the biggest sources of vitamin K, and they interfere with the work of these drugs.

Beauticians and dermatologists are very delighted with the plant. Free radicals, which the fragrant spice contains, slow down aging, speed up the metabolism. Purple basil is a fountain of youth for the skin. Basil masks have a tonic, nourishing, cleansing effect on the epidermis. In addition, they accelerate the regeneration process, heal wounds or abrasions.

Green basil is especially useful for those who are going to treat their nerves. Green leaves are richer in magnesium. And purple basil contains colors such as anthocyanins. All vegetable paints have beneficial properties, they have a vitamin-like effect, and they are also powerful antioxidants, that is, they prevent cell destruction.

Fragrant herbs help replace salt and pepper. Basil has a good effect on digestion, but it does not cause an increase in appetite and dependence, like salt or spicy seasonings. Which is very important especially for people with a lot of weight who want to get rid of extra pounds.

Basil is a natural antibiotic. Lowers body temperature during colds, bronchitis facilitates breathing. The best medicine from it is tea. 1 tablespoon of leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. Just one cup a day will boost your immune system. In addition, basil tea home remedy to lower cholesterol, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, to speed up metabolism.

Basil improves appetite and digestion before lunch or dinner, but not before breakfast. May irritate the stomach lining in the morning. Due to the fact that greens contain some heavy metals, in particular mercury, it daily use dose better.

The most popular culinary use of basil is in pesto sauce. To prepare it, a bunch of basil is crushed, sprinkled on top pine nuts and is not filled big amount olive oil to cover the raw material. For the pestle, only green is used according to the traditional recipe. But red basil is an excellent component of marinade for barbecue.

Useful properties of basil for men

Powerful natural aphrodisiac. Modern men it is high time to become "herbivorous" and fall in love with greens such as basil, dill, parsley, so that potency is always on top. Firstly, it is good for health, and also has a beneficial effect on male power enhances sexual desire.

How does basil work? Medicine has proven that this herb enhances blood circulation, normalizes sugar levels, removes excess cholesterol, and has an anti-inflammatory property on the urinary system. Improves performance digestive tract, eliminates unpleasant bloating, gas formation, constipation and other, at first glance, unpleasant signs, but on which an erection directly depends. Improves sleep, stabilizes nervous system, tones the whole body.

Weakness often occurs due to stress, poor metabolism, poor local blood circulation. Thanks to the basil, the body is gradually restored, cured. It is good to combine basil tea with others. folk remedies for potency.

Basil: beneficial features for pregnant

Should pregnant women include this plant in their daily diet? As is known, food addictions expectant mothers are sometimes simply shocked. Basil is living plant, its harm is initially an order of magnitude lower than artificial sweets or fatty food. But greens tend to accumulate heavy metals like a sponge, so before you eat, find out about the environmental friendliness of the treasured bunch.

Basil can be of great benefit to the body of a pregnant woman, such as providing the necessary vitamins, minerals, natural sugars. But this greenery has a useful property, which during pregnancy can threaten miscarriage due to additional contraction of the uterus, to prevent the unborn child from forming incorrectly. Basil increases the tone of the uterus, which is unsafe especially in the first weeks. But it is quite acceptable to use small doses without abusing, but it is better to consult a doctor.

But basil essential oil can be used by pregnant women as much as you like. Basil inhalations perfectly treat colds, fight respiratory replenishment, and have an antipyretic effect. A decoction or tea can be an excellent mouthwash for gum problems or sore throats.

But beautiful ladies are pregnant and not, it is not recommended to eat basil with unstable blood pressure, especially in leaps and bounds. To people suffering diabetes, epilepsy, diseases of the heart muscle, it is also forbidden to use this plant.

Basil Essential Oil Benefits

  • Aroma oil refers to a tonic aroma. Obtained from basil flowers using steam. Indications for the use of basil oil:

nervousness, stress, chronic fatigue, problematic dry, brittle hair, skin diseases, warts, colds, runny nose, inflammation of the nasal passages with a throat, vasospasm, dizziness, migraine, colic, diseases of the oral cavity, periodontal disease, itching after a bite of insects.

  • Basil Essential Oil Usage:

Can be applied pure or combined with other aroma oils. Complimentary fragrances: nutmeg, juniper, lime, lavender, rosemary, ginger, eucalyptus, sage, citrus, myrtle. It is believed that basil ether protects a person from meeting with difficult people that drain energy. Especially relevant for secretaries, consultants, hairdressers, cashiers, salespeople.

  • Skin care:

Saturation of shampoo, day or night cream, balm, mask or fatty oil. Concentration 7 caps for a few tablespoons of the base.

  • From Warts:

Moisten a cotton swab with a few drops of basil oil and apply a lotion to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Apply in the morning and also in the evening.

  • For hair:

After shampooing, apply 4-7 caps on wet strands. essential oil. Distribute randomly along the entire length with the scalp.

  • Massage:

On a few tablespoons of almond, apricot, avocado or other, drip 5 drops of basil oil. You can use the cream as a base.

  • From a cold

For the treatment of infections, steam inhalations have proven themselves well. Boiling water is poured into the container, it is convenient to use a wide bowl or saucepan. Add 2-3 drops of basil oil. Cover your head and shoulders with a towel. Inhale for about 5 minutes. Cover your eyes.

  • Basil Soothing Baths

Take a bath at a comfortable temperature for you 37 - 39 C. Take a handful sea ​​salt or soda. Drop 6 - 7 drops of aroma oil there. Enrich your bath. Lie down for 20 minutes. There is a powerful relaxation of the muscles and nervous system, the skin is completely cleansed.

  • For toothache:

Apply a drop of basil oil to the painful tooth. A solution helps against bleeding gums: 5 drops of ether + 10 ml of alcohol + 1/4 of water. Rinse throughout the day 2-4 times.

  • Contraindications:

Poor blood coagulation, pregnancy, epilepsy, allergy to basil. When applied to the skin, it causes a feeling of coldness for several minutes.

The best, and also the only remedy for recovery olfactory function the nose is basil oil. There are simply no similar specialists in the field of smell. Sniffers use this oil to keep their noses from getting clogged. Because when the task is to test great multitude scent shades. Some smells turn out to be too intrusive, sitting tightly on the olfactory receptors. They interfere with the release of new flavors.

Basil oil is used to peel off such sticky aromas from the receptors, as if to calibrate the nose. It also restores receptors after severe, protracted, chronic rhinitis. The mucous membrane of the nose is constantly moistened due to the secretion secreted - mucus. The receptors responsible for the function of smell should always be moist - this is a physiological necessity.

When the nasal mucosa is normally moistened, the receptors perceive the aroma and send an impulse to the central nervous system, the hypothalamus. But when this principle is violated. A person's psycho is deteriorating - emotional condition, sexual behavior is disturbed, especially in men, since they clearly react to smells on a subconscious level. Men who smell badly are extremely irritable, inadequate, and often do not even understand the reasons for this condition. And the whole answer lies in degeneration of the nasal receptors. Here is the only basil that solves this problem.

Basil is oil for the mind. Its intelligence is, if a person is not able to concentrate, prioritize for today, tomorrow and life in general, then this essential oil will help. Sutra, waking up and realizing that today there is no condition at all, it is not clear why they opened their eyes at all today, their hands dropped. Essential oil of basil is a must have for each of us to avoid such blues. As a healing perfume, you need to apply essential oil to sensitive or reflex points of the body. earlobes, Temple area, behind the ears, parietal point on the head, jugular fossa at the bottom of the neck. The aroma helps to get rid of melancholy and depression, instantly invigorates and tones up brain activity.

Basil is also a super find to enhance immune protection. He is able to cope with severe lung replacements, as well as other severe inflammatory foci. If a person does not vomit, then a few drops of aromatic oil are dripped onto bread, and then they are allowed to eat three times a day before meals for 30 minutes, so that the oil has time to nourish the mucous membranes and enter the bloodstream. But it is advised to eat basil oil for a short period of time, no more than 7 days. Reception for more than 7 days can only be prescribed by a specialist aromatherapist. Due to the fact that basil oil, with some disorders of the body, can significantly increase blood coagulation. With a tendency to increase prothrombin above the norm, after suffering a heart attack, with a stroke condition, with circulatory disorders, complications may appear.

Basil oil removes nerves associated with the gastrointestinal tract through the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, that is, uncontrolled overeating is solved, or, on the contrary, refusal of food or anorexia, the optimal weight is gradually normalized. It also eliminates the earthy complexion, which indicates dysbacteriosis. To solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, basil oil is best used as microclysters. It improves the enzymatic composition gastric juice. Improves microcirculation and blood supply to tissues. Therefore, basil solves the problem of prostatitis.

Solves articular issues due to eugenol or warming properties. Especially recommended for the treatment of joints associated with impaired metabolism. Poor metabolism on the one hand wears psychological aspect, and on the other hand, this is a problem of the gastrointestinal tract. Basil connects and solves both problems at the same time.

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Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about purple basil. Basil came to Europe from South Asia. It was discovered there and the first to be cultivated by the Germans in the 12th century. The beneficial properties of the plant were known much earlier and the ancient peoples already knew how to use it for medical purposes.

An annual plant has several dozen varieties. They can vary in size and yield. The color and shape of the leaves also differ.

Purple varieties differ from green-leaved varieties in a more pronounced aroma. But on chemical composition and properties are almost identical. Grass is commonly used in cooking as a seasoning. But the medical and cosmetic benefits of purple basil are known.

Composition and health benefits

Basil composition trace elements

Basil is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to them, the plant contains fiber, ash, phytoncides. Basil owes its pronounced aroma to essential oils, which contain camphor, saponins, glycosides, and tannins.


  • A. It has skin regenerating properties. Provides a healthy looking face. Participates in metabolism. Useful for the eyes, preventing the development of blindness. Improves the production of breast milk.
  • AT 3. It is a component of about three hundred enzymes and is involved in most metabolic processes. Stabilizes blood glucose levels. Regulates content. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels and normalization of blood circulation. Important for the functioning of the brain and gastrointestinal tract.
  • AT 4. Essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Vitamin deficiency leads to memory impairment and reduced learning ability. Calms the nervous system. Important for the liver and heart.
  • AT 9. Necessary for the intestines, maintaining hormonal balance, full-fledged work genitourinary system.
  • WITH. Maintains vascular elasticity. Needed by the immune system, is an antioxidant and helps the body fight off allergens.
  • E. Calms the nervous system, normalizes hormonal background. Helps lower cholesterol levels, is the prevention of thrombosis. Essential for skin, hair and nails. The regenerative abilities of the vitamin are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • TO. Essential for protein synthesis and proper metabolism. Required by the kidneys.
  • RR. Improves metabolism and tissue respiration. Helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Micro, macro elements:

  • Iron. Participates in tissue respiration and in the production of immune cells, hemoglobin. Essential for the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Potassium. Helps to regulate the water content in the tissues, prevents their stagnation and stimulates the cleansing of toxins. Important for the heart.
  • Calcium. It is one of the main elements in the basis bone tissue. Provides good sleep and metabolic rate. Calms the nervous system, is necessary for the heart and blood vessels. Promotes the removal of toxins and salts of heavy metals.
  • Magnesium. It is important for almost all body systems: central nervous system, endocrine, genitourinary, heart, brain. Helps normalize blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Manganese. Important for normal exchange various substances including insulin.
  • Copper. Helps iron to transform into hemoglobin. Important for the liver, immune system and brain.
  • Sodium. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Maintains water-salt balance, ensures uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Phosphorus. Requires bone and muscular system. Participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Zinc. Required, the brain. Important for the male genitourinary system, positively affects the quality of sperm. Helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Benefit for health

The beautiful and fragrant herb has many health benefits. Therefore, they should not be neglected.

Basil properties:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Astringents.
  • Carminative.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Regenerating.
  • Tonic.
  • Diuretic.

Benefit for health:

  1. Helps to increase blood pressure.
  2. Effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.
  3. Indicated in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  4. Can boost immunity.
  5. Effective in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Improves function bronchopulmonary system: helps with cough and bronchial asthma.
  7. Increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress and depression.
  8. Improves blood circulation, removes bad cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels.
  9. Eliminates headaches.
  10. Effective in therapy festering wounds.
  11. Eliminates inflammation of the gums.
  12. Helps with inflammation in the throat.

The benefits of basil for men

The plant belongs to the category of natural aphrodisiacs - it increases sexual desire. Improving blood circulation enhances potency, and diuretic qualities have a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

Basil contains a high concentration of protein, which helps to recover from physical training.

Benefits of basil for women

The plant promotes weight loss. Regular consumption of basil seeds activates lipid metabolism, which leads to fat burning. Antidepressant and tonic qualities help to get a boost of energy and avoid bad mood to which women on a diet are susceptible.

Purple basil is shown to be used in home cosmetology. For these purposes, oil and leaves are used, which positively affects the condition of the skin and hair.

Basil during pregnancy and lactation

The plant strengthens the immune system, regulates processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and is effective for bloating and abdominal cramps. Basil calms the nervous system and eliminates headaches.

Some experts do not recommend using purple basil during pregnancy due to its tonic properties. At the same time, most doctors talk about the expediency and usefulness of using it in a limited amount. A safe amount is 2 branches per week.

During lactation, it is necessary to monitor the amount of basil tea drunk, as it can act excitingly on the baby. In addition, the drink can lead to a significant increase in the amount of milk.


Do not use purple basil as a remedy more than three weeks. Then you should take a break. Abuse of it can lead to a serious deterioration in well-being with pronounced signs poisoning.

The plant is contraindicated:

  • After heart attacks and strokes.
  • With epilepsy.
  • Children up to 7 years old.
  • With varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
  • With hypotension.
  • During the period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of basil in cooking

The herb is widely used as a seasoning for various dishes. Basil often acts as a component of sauces. In cooking, fresh and dried leaves, seeds.

The plant is combined with vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes. It is added to desserts and drinks. The breadth of application is explained by its multifaceted taste: at first it is slightly bitter, and when opened it acquires a pleasant sweetness. Pairs very well with turkey.

The use of basil in medicine

The herb is widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions, infusions, ointments, teas are prepared from it. Seeds and leaves are used. The juice of the plant helps to quickly restore damaged skin. It is also effective in the treatment of purulent wounds. To do this, the required area must be lubricated with juice 3 times a day for a week.


An effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis of the joints. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, a children's cream is needed, which will become the base. Essential oil of basil is added to it at the rate of 5 drops per 10 ml. bases. The finished ointment is rubbed into the inflamed joints and the area is insulated with clothing. The procedure takes 1-2 hours, during which you should be at rest.

seed preparation

Purple basil seeds are best for cleansing the body and aiding in weight loss. They must be assembled independently or purchased at a specialized place. Seeds intended for planting cannot be used for food, as they are processed with chemicals.

Seeds (1 tsp) should be poured warm water, stir well and let it brew a little. After a couple of minutes, the seeds will change their appearance and will look like eggs with a mucous membrane. Finished product you can eat with fruit, drink tea or juice.

Basil infusion

It is prepared from the leaves of the plant. The drink has calming properties, it will help relieve stress and improve sleep.


You need a dry plant (1 tsp) pour boiling water (1 cup). Infuse for half an hour in a thermos, strain.


  1. Treatment of inflammation in the kidneys and urinary system. It is necessary to drink daily in small portions of 0.5 liters. infusion.


You need dry basil (1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 1 hour, strain.


  1. Cough treatment. It is necessary to drink ¼ cup in 20 minutes. before meals 4 times a day.
  2. Throat treatment. The infusion is used to gargle an inflamed throat. The procedure is performed 3 times a day.

Basil decoction

Used for cooking fresh leaves basil (2 handfuls), which are filled with water (1 l.). The mixture is put on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the drink must be removed from the fire and insisted for 1 hour, strain, cool.


  1. Regular rinsing of the feet with a decoction can reduce their sweating.
  2. At urolithiasis you should drink ½ cup of decoction 2 times a day.

basil tea

To prepare the drink, fresh leaves of the plant (1 handful) are used, which are poured with boiling water (1 l.). Tea is infused for 5 minutes. The drink is drunk in a filtered and slightly cooled form. You can add lemon and honey.


  1. Treatment of flatulence. It is necessary to drink 2 glasses of tea daily for a week. The course is repeated after 2 weeks of break.
  2. Elimination of nausea and vomiting.

Application in cosmetology

Basil for the face

Basil well tones the skin, eliminates inflammation. Helps to solve the problems inherent in mature skin: wrinkles, age spots.


An effective remedy that eliminates various skin inflammation. Helps deal with acne. Ready tonic to wipe the skin in the morning and evening.

How to cook:

  1. Purple basil leaves (20 gr.) Wash and dry thoroughly.
  2. Grind as much as possible in a blender.
  3. Pour boiling water (0.2 l.).
  4. Insist 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Toning mask

The easy-to-prepare composition refreshes the skin, improves elasticity and evens out the relief of the skin of the face.

How to use:

  1. Grind fresh basil leaves in a blender and mix with a small amount of water (the composition must remain thick enough, otherwise it will not stick to the face).
  2. Cleanse your skin first.
  3. Apply the composition on the face, neck and décolleté.
  4. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Revitalizing mask

The composition with the essential oil of the plant is intended for mature skin. It will provide deep nutrition, increase elasticity and firmness.

How to use:

  1. mix egg yolk, honey (1/2 tsp), basil oil (3 drops).
  2. Cleanse your face.
  3. Apply composition for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.
  5. Rinse skin with cool water.

Hair care

Basil purple can improve the condition of the hair. They become stronger, shiny and more obedient. To do this, it is recommended to regularly use a rinse prepared from fresh leaves of the plant.

How to use:

  1. Leaves (20 gr.) Grind in a blender.
  2. Pour boiling water (1 l.).
  3. Infuse for 40 minutes, strain.
  4. Rinse shampooed hair.

Basil purple is useful plant used not only in cooking. Based on the fact that it has some contraindications, a specialist consultation is required before using basil for medical purposes.

Basil is an annual medicinal plants. In the wild nature of South Asia, and there is its homeland, it can grow up to 75 centimeters, scattering its tetrahedral stems around. A plant in nature is able to have many shades ranging from green to purple, while its smells can be different. It was the smell that made this plant attractive to humans.

The name of the basil in translation means "royal". It was believed that only the monarch himself, with a golden sickle, could cut the leaves of the plant. There are about 70 varieties of plants in the world. It has been used as a medicinal plant in Russia since the 18th century.

Basil came to Europe in the 12th century, and having conquered the countries of Italy and France, it gradually won our love. In Russia, it began to be used both for culinary and medical purposes.

Composition of basil

Basil - 18 Health Benefits

Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are edible. But it is the leaves that are most rich in essential oils, so when the plants bloom, they try to remove the flowers to keep the stem and leaves fresh and soft.

  1. Basil Promotes Heart Health

    Saturated by nature with useful properties, the plant has high performance provitamin A - beta - carotene, which performs a function aimed at intercepting and eliminating free radicals. It is these radicals that are so detrimental to our body. Beta-carotene protects our body from the formation malignant tumors and prevents aging. Given these properties, basil is distinguished by its ability to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and related heart attacks, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens general state blood vessels reducing cardiac spasms. Beta-carotene lowers blood cholesterol levels, which helps strengthen arteries and prevent heart attacks.

  2. Maintaining healthy skin and hair

    Basil extract is included in many formulations of shampoos and balms for hair and skin care. Essential oils of the plant have good moisturizing properties. Using them to care for dry and brittle hair, it is possible to achieve the effect of healing the strands to a large extent. By improving blood circulation, basil-based products activate hair follicles, improve their condition and are able to therapeutic effect with manifestations of psoriasis.

    Essential oil based on basil is able to prevent rashes on skin faces. In cosmetology, it is used to eliminate the manifestations of anke - acne. Possessing bacterial properties, oil, penetrating into blocked pores of the face, prevents the spread of acne and eliminates the growth of bacteria that cause this process. In addition, basil is widely used for other skin problems. Anti-inflammatory qualities fresh juice plants are used for insect bites, ringworm and psoriasis. In cosmetology, basil oil is aimed at giving the skin a soft, velvety look.

  3. Help basil in the prevention of malignant neoplasms

  4. Basil strengthens the immune system

    Studies conducted in the field of studying the properties of the plant have shown the ability of basil to resist the formation of various types of pathogenic bacteria. Antioxidants present in the essential oil of the plant act as a defense mechanism in the fight against bacterial infections. Scientists have found that the presence of rosemary, linolenic and oleic acids in it gives the plant an antibacterial ability, it is their combination that helps the plant resist diseases such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staph infection and enterococcus. Basil leaves are applied to wounds, they are part of the preparations intended for the treatment of herpes and other viral infections.

  5. Help basil in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Basil has powerful anti-inflammatory potential. It normalizes the process of the digestive tract and improves digestive activity. Basil infusions relieve intestinal inflammation, reduce gas formation, stomach cramps and maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. Fresh vegetables and fruits can be rinsed with a 1% solution of basil essential oil, this will significantly reduce the presence of germs and bacteria on them. And the fresh leaves of the plant in the salad will not only give the dish a spicy flavor, but also antibacterial properties safe from Escherichia coli.

    Basil extract is often used as part of remedies aimed at solving digestive problems. In particular, with the causes of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), in which there is a reverse reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, resulting in inflammation of the walls of the esophagus.

  6. The ability of basil to improve blood clotting

    Naturally rich in anti-hemorrhagic vitamin K, basil is able to assist in the synthesis of proteins responsible for blood clotting (coagulation). And it also provides positive influence on the process of calcium absorption, which plays important role in the metabolism of bones and connective bone tissue. daily rate vitamin K is able to replenish only two tablespoon finely chopped basil herb.

  7. Help basil for arthritis pain

    Based on the essential oil of basil, a colorless liquid eugenol is obtained. In eugenol basil oil, it is from 70 to 89 percent. The liquid is used in the composition of painkillers, biocidal and antiseptic preparations. Eugenol, reducing the activity of cyclooxygenase, prevents the formation of anti-inflammatory cells and proteins. Studies conducted at the University of Science in Malaysia have found that eugenol basil applications significantly reduce arthritic pain and swelling in the knees. The use of leaves in the daily diet significantly alleviates the condition of patients with arthritis.

  8. Prevents colds

    Drinking basil tea is effective during seasonal colds. Rich in vitamin C, it will help reduce body temperature, relieve coughs, and eliminate throat infections. The spicy leaves of the plant are also good for inhalation of the upper respiratory tract.

  9. The ability of basil to support mental activity

    Plants are also widely used to improve cognitive abilities. It has a special effect on the improvement of the process associated with memorization, i.e. memory. The ability to improve blood circulation secured the plant's ability to withstand age-related damage to the brain. In addition, basil has anti-depressant properties.

    Numerous research data have shown that the leaves of the plant have anti-stress properties and are able to protect the nervous system from adverse overloads. Health experts recommend consuming 10 to 12 fresh green leaves of the plant per day for this purpose, chewing them well. Such a simple anti-stress recipe is not only able to cleanse the blood of toxins, but also take it easy stressful situations. Regular consumption of basil can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, increased content which can cause weight gain.

  10. For respiratory disease

    Basil is one of the components of many syrups and expectorants. The chemical constituents of the plant contribute to the removal of phlegm from the bronchi and relieve dry cough. Everyone can make a cough infusion based on a spicy plant at home. To do this, you need to boil for 10 minutes in 100 grams of water 7-8 basil leaves and 4 cloves of garlic. It is necessary to use the infusion during the day. It is effective not only for coughing, but is also able to relieve asthma exacerbations.

  11. Improves oral health

    Basil is able to perfectly care for the oral cavity, maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It helps eliminate bad smell out of the mouth, caused various symptoms. For hygienic purposes, for the care of the oral cavity, it is practiced to use a powder prepared on the basis of a plant. A few dried leaves, ground into a powdery state, are used as toothpaste. Such a tool will not only strengthen tooth enamel but take care of healthy condition gums

  12. Help basil with urolithiasis

    The leaves of the plant have the ability to positively affect the functioning of the kidneys. 5-7 leaves of the plant consumed before meals will improve the secretion of bile. And basil juice with an equal amount of honey, taken for 5 months, will help remove stones from the kidneys and urinary system.

  13. Help with headaches

    Basil has excellent properties in relieving head pain caused by muscle tension, as it can act as a muscle relaxant, relaxing the muscles, blocking the centers of overexcitation and at the same time, without exerting any negative influences on the human body. Tea from basil leaves is taken for pain in the head, or just apply the leaves of the plant to the temples. At mild pain you can chew the leaves, or massage using basil oil.

  14. Antimicrobial properties of the plant

    The plant is distinguished by powerful anti-microbial properties. The presence of linalool, cineol, myrcene in the essential oil of basil helps stop the development of harmful bacteria and antibiotic microorganisms. In surgery, the properties of the plant are used during the rehabilitation of postoperative patients. Applications with the addition of basil stimulate tissue growth, promote healing of sutures and prevent the formation of keloid scars.

    Many people suffer from yeast and fungal infections. skin disease candidiasis Lately affects not only the elderly, but also young people. Basil essential oil is extremely "unfriendly" to the opportunistic fungus of the genus Candida and is able to effectively fight it.

  15. Help basil with inflammation of the ear

    Ear infections that cause pain in the ear area are perhaps one of the most unpleasant and painful. This issue becomes especially relevant when it comes to children. For diseases of this kind, it is recommended to use basil essential oil, which has antibacterial properties and copes well with inflammatory processes caused by ear infections. Two or three drops of oil will be enough to reduce pain syndrome and relieve inflammation.

  16. The positive effect of basil on vision

    The use of spicy basil herbs will also have a beneficial effect on the health of the retina. Saturated with vitamin A, it maintains the health of the mucous membranes of the eye and improves visual functions.

  17. Benefits of basil for men's and women's health

    The peculiarity of the plant to show a stimulating effect on the body classifies it as an aphrodisiac. This makes basil indispensable for men. The use of seasoning in the diet enhances potency and male power, stabilizing the work of other organs and systems. In addition, it increases overall performance and well-being.

    It is no less useful for women. Basil herb is able to relieve spasmodic pain during the period of " critical days". Based on the essential oil of the plant, masks and creams with a rejuvenating effect are prepared. Basil is present in diet meals and is able to speed up metabolic processes, thereby removing extra, unwanted kilograms from the waist.

  18. Help for people with diabetes

    The properties of basil are widely used in helping to maintain patients with vascular diseases and diabetic problems. In patients with cardiovascular diseases, basil reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood and cholesterol levels, and helps reduce the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. Laboratory research confirmed the ability of basil to reduce sugar levels, which makes it useful for people suffering from various stages of diabetes.

If you are sick in transport, you should simply take a few leaves of the plant into your mouth and chew.

Contraindications to the use of basil

Despite the above positive properties, has basil and its contraindications, which should not be neglected. Namely:

  • in acute cerebrovascular accident - stroke;
  • with chronic neurological diseases manifesting a predisposition to the occurrence of seizures - epilepsy;
  • with vascular pathology, expressed in the form of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • in clinical forms coronary disease heart, proceeding in the form of myocardial infarction;
  • people with impaired blood clotting;
  • in acute and chronic hypotension - low blood pressure;
  • high concentration essential oils in the plant is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women;
  • spicy grass is not recommended for children under the age of seven;
  • basil content is different great content mercury. As a result, it is not recommended to use the leaves of the plant in in large numbers. IN large doses Basil can harm the body, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

In Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, spicy herbs are added to the water for aroma, which is illuminated during worship.

IN Central Asia basil is called fragrant grass- regan or reyhan.

In Romania, a girl who agrees to an engagement gives her chosen one a sprig of basil, but Mexicans believe that the mystical properties of the plant will help keep her lover close, so they sew the dry plant into the folds of men's clothing.

The essential oils of the plant are toxic to insects and repel mosquitoes and flies well. Bags of grass hung in the closet will save the owner of things from the appearance of moths.

Industrially, camphor and eugenol are obtained from basil, using them in the perfumery and medical industries. Dentists often recommend the use of basil infusion in the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, as it is able to kill about 90 percent of bacteria and prevents the development of cavities.

People on a salt-free diet replace salt with a combination of basil and rosemary.

Basil plant is quite whimsical, loves fertilized soil, good watering, warmth and care. Only hardworking gardeners can please themselves with the green leaves of the plant grown on the site. The insecticidal properties of the plant will help get rid of spider mites and aphids in the garden.

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