Maintaining health. Preserving and strengthening human health is the primary task of humanity

It’s not for nothing that most often in toasts and congratulations we wish each other health.

This is truly a most valuable treasure that must be handled with care and everything must be done so that it does not fail. old age.

But how to stay healthy at this crazy pace, when there is not enough time for anything healthy sleep, nor to the correct one good nutrition, neither for regular medical examinations nor for much else that is necessary in order not to get sick?

To keep healthy? But as?

Now almost all information is in the public domain, so everyone knows (or should know) what to do to stay healthy:

  • eat right, consuming plenty of vitamins;
  • sleep 8 hours a day;
  • do not overwork;
  • take daily walks fresh air;
  • exercise;
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • undergo preventive medical examinations, consult a doctor on time if something bothers you, etc.

We know this, but our lack of organization forces us to act in our own way: to lead sedentary image life, eating unhealthy processed foods, sleeping little, being nervous a lot, and remembering doctors only when you can no longer bear the pain.

Naturally, all of the above negatively affects our health and prevents us from maintaining it.

What prevents us from maintaining health?

The main enemies that prevent us from maintaining our health in good condition until old age is:

    Sedentary lifestyle.

    If you have a sedentary job, if you spend a lot of time in front of the TV, you should use every free minute to walk, get some fresh air, or go to the gym.

    And you don’t need to talk about how busy you are.

    The hackneyed phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves is still relevant.

    Stress “eats” our health, so we need to do everything to not let it into our lives.

    Learn to relax (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises) and don’t get nervous over trifles.

    Overwork and lack of adequate sleep.

    We want to do everything, but there is so little time in the day, so we begin to steal the time allotted for sleep and rest.

    At first we sleep 7 hours and work with one day off, but gradually there is no more than 5 hours left for sleep and we have to work without any days off at all.

    Do you think it’s possible with this rhythm of life to keep healthy?

    Absorption of junk food.

    Availability bad habits : Consuming alcohol and cigarettes will definitely not help you stay healthy.

    A glass of red wine or a glass of cognac from time to time will not hurt, but drinking liters of alcohol poisons the body.

    I'm not talking about cigarettes.

    Stop with both.

    Taking minor illnesses to chronic illnesses due to fear of doctors or unwillingness to waste time visiting them.

    How is it possible without regular medical examinations to keep healthy?

    Excess weight.

    Fat people cannot be healthy.

    I am very concerned about the Internet trend that has appeared in Lately: praise fat women.

    Like, it’s much sexier than “soup sets” and “ironing boards.”

    Firstly, there is no need to lie: few men will choose a chubby woman with a set of fat folds and cellulite when a girl with a slender, toned figure looms nearby.

    And secondly, even if we discard the “like/dislike” aspect, then why advertise something that ruins health and provoke women to eat more and run away from the gym like the plague?

Without proper nutrition you cannot stay healthy

We are what we eat.

Of course, not everything is so banal and straightforward, but still, the state of our health depends on what we eat and what we deny ourselves.

Irreparable harm is caused to him by:

    Semi-finished products.

    Yes, they save time on cooking, but they contain practically no useful substances.

    Their only benefit is that they satisfy the feeling of hunger, but at what cost?

    Anything that is not cooked correctly: by smoking, frying in a large amount of fat, etc.

    Most healthy food– baked in its own juice or steamed, it helps to maintain health.

    Nasty things, such as crackers, chips, snacks and other things.

    Read at least once the composition of the product you are buying, and you will be horrified by the number of different emulsifiers and flavorings in its composition.

  1. Greens - many and different.
  2. Vegetables and fruits - both raw and cooked.
  3. Fish - sea high content calcium and those rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, mackerel.
  4. Liver – especially if you have low hemoglobin.
  5. Seafood.
  6. Lean meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef.
  7. Nuts - they have a good effect on brain activity and memory and will allow you to remain sane into old age.
  8. Whole grain bread.
  9. Cereals, peas, beans.
  10. Potatoes - just don’t fry them, but bake them in the oven in their skins, so they will retain all their beneficial properties.
  11. Eggs - those who say that the yolk contributes to the formation of cholesterol are lying.
  12. Honey is one of the few healthy sweets and a powerful source of various nutrients.

You also need to drink a lot of water: at least two liters per day. winter period and three - in the summer.

Remember that the body does not consider tea, soups, compotes, sweet soda And so on.

If you have seriously decided to maintain your health until old age, then here is another five for you useful tips that will help you achieve this:

  1. Take care of your body hygiene: Take a shower twice a day, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, wash your hands when returning home, especially if you have been in contact with money.
  2. Take vitamins.

    Even if you eat right, it won’t hurt (especially in early spring) to strengthen your health with vitamins from a jar.

    Forget about elevators, use only the stairs.

    Climbing stairs is a great cardio workout that helps tone your legs and butt.

  3. Take not the usual one, but cold and hot shower – it not only helps maintain health, but also prolongs the youth of the skin.
  4. Visit the gym gym at least twice a week or go for morning jogs.

I think these 5 original tips on how to stay healthy will not be superfluous.

    Don’t get into empty arguments, especially with fools.

    It is useless to prove anything to a fool; he will not understand anyway.

    You will start to get nervous and upset - and this is bad for your health.

    Sterility battle.

    I have a friend whose home resembles an operating room, and I have never seen so many means to combat various bacteria even in hospitals.

    And yet, she gets sick often.

    Do you know why?

    Because her sterile “operating room” destroys her immunity and, if she finds herself in more unfavorable circumstances, she immediately catches the infection.

  1. Make love– this pleasant activity strengthens the body, maintains the level hormonal background and helps maintain health.
  2. Don't lie, don't envy and don't gossip.

    Such harmful tendencies have a negative impact on health and lead to various diseases.

    Become an optimist.

    American scientists have proven that optimists manage to maintain health longer than pessimists.

    What is not a reason to stop grumbling, complaining, truly love this life, start enjoying every minute of it and always believe in the best?

Another non-standard advice from Jacques Fresco to stay healthy,

shown in the video:

I don't understand why people don't know how to stay healthy.

In my opinion, all the tips are as simple, understandable and easy to implement as possible.

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To keep healthy much easier than treating earned in the wrong way life of illness. Some people need to get sick to finally understand how valuable their body is and how important it is to think about what you do to yourself every day. Why not be inspired by the idea that in the near future people will learn to extend their earthly life? In this case, taking care of your “spacesuit” becomes natural need. Keep your body healthy so you can live longer and do more good things!
Another great motivation is that health is inextricably linked with youth and beauty. Everyone wants to be beautiful, especially young. To do this, you just need to adjust some habits. Let these 13 tips help you lucky ticket to a healthy future!

How to maintain good health

  1. Metabolism.
    To eat meat or not to eat? How to eat properly? The Internet is replete with conflicting opinions on this matter, it’s unclear who to believe... But you need to believe in yourself, your body! Every person has individual characteristics, your metabolism. Some people tolerate it better carbohydrate diet and he doesn’t need to eat meat at all. Carbohydrates are contraindicated for some, because even fruits make this unfortunate person fat... Experimentally, choose the most best diet for myself. You know that sweets cause skin problems - don’t eat sweets. Heartburn from certain products? Stop eating them. Do you feel sleepy after eating a piece of meat? You should give it up! Remember: you are what you eat.

  2. Semi-finished products.
    Never buy this crap! Most the right way disrupt hormonal balance and ruin your stomach - eat semi-finished products. Just a couple of times a week is enough to achieve a devastating effect. Walk past shelves with semi-finished products without stopping. You'll be healthier!

  3. Hearty breakfast.
    Be sure to have breakfast! This is the most important technique food. Those who don't eat breakfast tend to gain weight excess weight- metabolism slows down if not added to the body in time the right products immediately after waking up. Oatmeal is good for breakfast, but it is not suitable for everyone. If only two hours have passed since morning oatmeal, and you feel ravenous, replace the oatmeal with soft-boiled eggs or lean meat with vegetables. Everyone has their own sensitivity to carbohydrates, but everyone needs to be careful with carbohydrates. Important point: Eat a low-key dinner, always.

  4. Water.
    Drink filtered water! Because of Bad quality waters arise different problems with bones, teeth and general condition body. Your body itself will tell you how much water you need to drink - focus on the rhythm of work gastrointestinal tract. The stomach does not work well with a lack of water, and the intestines even more so. Let yourself drink mineral water, this is not worth saving on.

  5. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
    Fatty acids are necessary for the body, as well as fatty foods, V in moderation. The main thing is to maintain balance. Omega-6 acids are found in vegetable oils, salad dressings and margarine, and omega-3 is in flaxseeds, cod liver and in fresh fatty fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring. The consumption of omega-6 acids should be limited, but omega-3 acids should be consumed more often. The health of your brain, skin and nervous system depend on it!

  6. More natural products!
    Go to the grandmothers' market and actively get to know them. You can always buy at the market fresh milk, eggs, meat, high-quality vegetables and fruits without chemical impurities. This is a thousand times better products from the supermarket, and if you become a regular customer of some old lady, it’s even cheaper. Natural products are the most beneficial for health, don’t forget about it.

  7. Acid-base balance
    The body needs to maintain a healthy environment in which bacteria die. This can be achieved if there is more products, rich in alkali. True, everything here is also very individual: the type of metabolism determines how the body reacts to various foods. Understand these serious issues by consulting with a nutritionist once. It's worth it! At healthy environment In the body, no viruses or bacteria are scary.

  8. Sport
    Every day you need to move, giving your body healthy exercise. Walking, running, basic exercises - everything that makes you feel alive is good! A living person is always active, energetic, cheerful. Lethargy and inactivity are the companions of dying.

  9. Chemistry
    Ecology and so on terrible condition, stop bringing additional chemicals into your home. It's really bad for your health! Buy natural cleaning products and use lifehacks to clean using harmless substances.

  10. Breath
    Learn to breathe correctly, filling your lungs completely with oxygen. Deep, calm breathing- a guarantee of health. This will help you feel better and get sick less. respiratory diseases. Headaches can also be associated with improper breathing. Yoga is a good way to force your body to breathe the way it should.

  11. Bad habits
    Both smoking and alcohol damage your cells irrevocably. To get rid of bad habits, it is enough to understand why and why you are doing it. A person differs from an animal in that he can control his actions. If he wants, of course.

  12. Temperature
    Don't rush to bring down the temperature! Drink plenty of fluids, rest and give your body the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own. You only need to lower the temperature extreme cases- for example, with fever in children, because this is a real killer of the immune system.

  13. Depression
    Chronic depression - serious reason for concern. This is a sign that the body lacks vitamins B12, C and folic acid. Depression can also be caused by hormonal imbalances and allergies, constant contact with harmful chemicals. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice prolonged blues. Mental health is also very valuable, take care of it!

Happiness is possible only when a person is healthy. Try to keep this in mind. Who said being healthy is difficult?

We can talk a lot about this wonderful and great man; his contribution to the development of medicine is simply invaluable. Nikolay Amosov- Not only famous doctor, a pioneer in the field of cardiac surgery, but also the author of many books on a healthy lifestyle.

How to stay healthy

“To become healthy, you need your own constant and significant efforts. Nothing can replace them. Fortunately, man is so perfect that it is almost always possible to regain health. Only necessary efforts increase with old age and worsening diseases", - said Nikolay Amosov. He believed that only through effort and work on oneself can one maintain one’s health for a long time. long years.

He said that there are four main conditions to maintain health: physical activity, hardening, time and the ability to rest. If you skillfully fulfill all these conditions, you are guaranteed longevity and health until old age.

One of the main incentives for creating a healthy lifestyle system for Amosov was his own health. In one of his books he said: “During the war, there was an attack of radiculitis for the first time, then it often recurred, possibly due to long-term operations. In 1954, things got really bad: X-rays revealed changes in the vertebrae. That’s when I developed my own gymnastics of 1000 movements: 10 exercises, each 100. It helped.”.

“Physical education for me is one of the foundations of life!” - says Amosov. He claims that to keep the body in good shape, you need to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day.

Amosov gave a special place to nutrition in his system. He said it's about what you eat and how much you eat. He also emphasized the exceptional role of vitamins and microelements, which can only be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore replace raw vegetables he did not recommend boiled ones, because heat treatment destroys vitamins.

The basis of all our food is fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Amosov said that fats in pure form our body does not need them at all. Therefore, you can safely refuse oil and lard. Our body is able to synthesize fats from proteins and carbohydrates.

He considered the assertion that a person cannot survive without complete proteins to be a myth. Our body needs them, but we shouldn’t get carried away. It is also false to say that for health you need to give up carbohydrates. The body needs them, but not pure sugar, but cereal porridges and sweet fruits.

He believed that if a person works on himself, he leads healthy image life and loads his body, then diseases are not scary for him. He said “A doctor treats illnesses, but you need to find health yourself.”

To feel good, so that your blood pressure and pulse are always normal, training is necessary. Physical activity, cold, hunger - prerequisites, thanks to which the body is hardened and the immune system is strengthened. The effort you put into training will pay off in spades.

Despite the fact that he himself was a doctor, he had his own point of view about medicine: “You shouldn’t rely on medicine: be afraid of being captured by doctors! It cures many diseases, but cannot make a person healthy. It can’t even teach a person how to become healthy.” Unfortunately, he is right, because curing a disease and becoming healthy are not the same thing.

Throughout his life, this man saved thousands of people and revolutionized medicine. At the same time, he does not say that medicine is a panacea; on the contrary, he argues that the key to real health is only in efforts and work on oneself, in proper nutrition And physical activity. He stopped operating only at the age of 79, and lived until he was 89, isn’t this confirmation that his system works?

What do you think about this? Share with us in the comments.

Ekaterina Khodyuk’s main hobby is literature. She also likes to watch a good movie, enjoy autumn, pet cats and listen to the band “Spleen”. He is interested in Japanese culture, the thinking and way of life of the Japanese, and dreams of visiting this country. Katya strives to live a rich life, full of impressions and travel. The girl’s favorite book is “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera.

Preservation and strengthening of human health - priority task humanity. Today, against the backdrop of unfavorable environmental situation, economic and social instability, the health problem is particularly acute.

The above factors directly affect the incidence rate, life expectancy, level of physical development, and also adversely affect the condition mental health, which in turn entails negative changes in the area of ​​creating healthy, stable family relationships.

Basics modern views The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of humans and society was laid down by ancient philosophers and doctors. In particular, Pythagoras defined health as the harmony of all elements human body, making up his spiritual and physical life.

A healthy person not only has no physical illnesses or defects, but feels completely well physically, mentally and socially. Bad habits, poor nutrition, and stress negatively affect health, so the healthier a person leads a lifestyle, the greater his chances of maintaining and strengthening his health.

Factors of maintaining and promoting health

Main factors influencing health:

Judge for yourself, if a person cannot influence biological (age, heredity, gender, type of constitution, etc.) and geophysical (temperature and humidity, landscape, flora, etc.), then the influence of socio-economic ( state environment, working conditions, living conditions, lifestyle, etc.), and therefore psychophysiological factors can be adjusted both by society as a whole and by each person personally.

Ways to preserve and improve health

The main condition for strengthening and maintaining health is a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle implies the whole complex standards of behavior: balanced diet, physical activity, giving up bad habits, controlling emotions, increasing the level of medical knowledge, maintaining good hygiene, healthy sexual behavior, living in accordance with circadian rhythms, harmony with nature, positive thinking and much more. – the key to good physical and psychological health.

Scientific evidence suggests that, provided the above standards of behavior are observed, most people can maintain health and significantly increase their life expectancy.

Factors negatively affecting health:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition;
  • drugs;
  • frequent use of medications;
  • working conditions harmful to health;
  • stressful situations (they also negatively affect health);
  • unfavorable material and living conditions.

If a person gets rid of risk factors for the occurrence and development of many diseases, then he maintains and strengthens his health.

IN different cultures There are numerous health improvement systems, ways and methods of health promotion. In the East, traditionally, greater importance is attached to the spiritual, psychological component; in the West, significant attention is paid to strengthening physical health person.

Ways to preserve human health:

  • optimal (walking, running, during which all muscles work, the lungs are ventilated, and the heart contracts rhythmically);
  • hardening and steam room (this is a system of special training of the body’s thermoregulation processes, which increases the body’s resistance to hypothermia or overheating);
  • periodic cleansing of the body;
  • refusal of chemicals;
  • qigong - Chinese system healing the body;
  • yoga;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sea ​​water and mountain air.

These are the main ways to stay healthy. By applying these methods and systems for maintaining and promoting health, any person can successfully resist negative factors modernity.

Any stagnation is detrimental to the human body and leads to various diseases. Therefore, try to move more: travel less often and use the elevator. There is no need to accumulate laundry and dirty dishes to put in a car, something can be done manually. Active walks in the fresh air are a must! Lead a busy social life. At active image life, previously unused energy is used, as a result a person not only does not get tired, but, on the contrary, is restored!


Since products contain more and more harmful additives, this can be compensated for by dietary cooking methods: stewing, boiling, using a double boiler, avoid frying, large quantity hot spices and fat. Consume more fish(rich in omega-3 acids), fruits and vegetables (these are natural antioxidants and fiber), cereals (natural drainage, a large set of vitamins). Reducing your sugar and salt intake will reduce your risk of disease diabetes mellitus and hypertension. And under no circumstances overeat!


Bad habits are so called because they cause harm of varying severity, primarily to our body. Whether it is the habit of staying up late, eating a lot, smoking, biting nails or something else, all this provokes diseases and shortens life expectancy. Getting rid of such addictions will act as powerful therapy!


During the years of crisis, constant stress and depression it is very difficult to remain calm. But a depressed, irritable state greatly wears out not only nervous system, but also the body as a whole. The ability to pull yourself together and calm down in a critical situation will help prevent more than one disease.

At least a more or less constant regime is simply necessary. This allows the body to prepare in advance for stress and unfavorable conditions, as well as harmoniously distribute energy costs throughout the day. The health benefits are amazing.


It's actually not that simple! How to make good use of your free minute? How to correctly prioritize routine tasks? Here the approach is individual. The most important thing is not to grab onto everything at once, distribute what should be followed logically. Changing types of activities and frequent short breaks will help you perform all tasks calmly without overloading your body. We must remember that profit and reputation can always be restored, unlike health!


You don't have to spend hours in the gym or play any sport professionally. It is enough to do a little warm-up, but every day. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the pool. Regular walking down the street can be replaced with a quick step, even a light jog. Any sports movements accelerate blood circulation and disperse lymph. Breathing during sports increases, enriching the cells with oxygen. The condition is significantly improving.


The environment around us already has a composition that is harmful to health. Therefore, it is better to stay away from chemicals. Cleaning, detergents, cosmetics should be chosen with the lowest concentration of scent and color. Replace aerosols with sprays, balls, sticks. In general, try to use less household chemicals. Then the body will have time to remove harmful substances leading to many diseases.


It would seem that what does health have to do with it? But in fact, a person’s state, mood, and well-being are highly dependent on the atmosphere around him. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with those people who act favorably on you, and with “ energy vampires”, irritable, fussy and aggressive colleagues, try to reduce communication to a minimum. Notice how much better you will feel.


Rest is by no means inaction! The best relaxation is doing something that brings you pleasure. The state of satisfaction in a person is associated with the process of restoration of the body, and positive emotions catalyze any treatment! Therefore, rest should be active and bring maximum pleasant sensations.



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