Use folk remedies for cough. Treatment of cough in an adult quickly with folk remedies - the best recipes

Despite modern advances in medicine, folk remedies sometimes they become an indispensable aid in the treatment of colds and coughs themselves. Sometimes they even help to completely get rid of the disease. In order for treatment to help, you need to know what type of cough the sick person has.

Cough is divided into the following main forms:

When selecting treatment methods for each type of cough, you need to adhere to the recommendations in order to increase efficiency. Our history home medicine stores the best folk remedies that will appeal to both adults and children. Traditional medicine recipes include ingredients that our grandmothers used to prepare miracle cures. They are not just productive, but also very useful, which will help you quickly overcome any type of cough.

How to cure a mild cough with folk remedies

Basic and simplest folk recipes for treatment mild cough these are syrups, burnt sugar candies and ginger tea. With proper and frequent enough use of these remedies, you can quickly get rid of this form of the disease:

How to cure dry cough with folk remedies

This type of cough is very unpleasant and characteristic acute attacks reflex act. To treat it, agents are used that help soothe the mucous membranes and help moisten the cough. There are many herbs in folk medicine that do an excellent job of this task. They are used in preparation:

  • Inhalations. Inhalations are often used to treat dry cough. Traditional medicine full of all kinds auxiliary components for this treatment method. This oil products: oil of eucalyptus, rosehip, sea buckthorn, which is added to boiling water and their vapors are inhaled. Herbal infusions is also widely used for this procedure. In order to relieve a dry cough, steam is often used when boiling potatoes. It is enough to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it and you will get a wonderful remedy for treatment. To carry out inhalation correctly, you need to monitor the temperature, do not lean too low over a container of boiling water and control the time of use of the procedure.
  • Decoction of nuts and elderberries. With a dry cough it is very active agent is a decoction of the nut. To prepare it, take four unshelled walnuts and boil it with 1 tbsp. elderberries in 0.5 l. water for about half an hour. After cooking, strain it and add a little honey. The product is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • Blackcurrant syrup. A very simple and effective remedy is blackcurrant juice syrup. To prepare it, take a glass of juice and one and a half glasses of honey. Mix and take several tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
  • Infusion of coltsfoot. Throw a small pinch of dry coltsfoot into boiling water. Water should not be more than 200 ml. Immediately remove the infusion from the heat and wait about half an hour until it brews. Drink 50 ml several times a day.

How to cure a wet cough using traditional methods

In the treatment of wet cough, the main task is to thin the mucus and its rapid removal. Many folk remedies are used for this. various shapes. These are mainly infusions and decoctions that help improve bronchial passage, increase expectoration and make sputum more liquid:

  • Viburnum infusion. To prepare, take a handful of viburnum berries and fill them to the top with honey. Insist until they release juice. After this, a couple of spoons of the resulting mixture are poured with boiling water and drunk instead of tea.
  • Milk drink for cough. IN warm milk add soda on the tip of a knife and a spoonful of honey. Mix and consume immediately after preparation.
  • Sage decoction. Sage is a well-known folk expectorant from time immemorial. To prepare this medicine you will need dried leaves and stems. Pour a handful of sage with water, place over medium heat and boil. Cool the resulting broth until warm and strain. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

How to cure acute and bronchial cough using traditional methods

These types are characterized by prolonged attacks that torment the patient not only during the day, but also at night. When treating them, it is necessary to soften and calm a strong cough, reduce the number of reflex acts, lead to relief from the disease and achieve full recovery. Syrups, infusions, rubs and compresses help with this:

How to cure a lingering and chronic severe cough using traditional methods

If the treatment is chosen incorrectly or the disease is advanced, the cough becomes prolonged or chronic form. A sick person begins to feel worse, attacks of a reflex act appear more and more often, although no longer as painful as in acute and bronchial cough. But for traditional medicine nothing is impossible. There are recipes for syrups, decoctions, and other medicines that help cope with this disease:

When treating any type of cough, there is no need to ignore grandmother’s recipes, which our people have long used, since they deserve only positive reviews. They treat comfortably, affordably, and most importantly – without side effects. The only exception is individual intolerance one or another ingredient. Therefore, you can easily find a product to suit the taste of both adults and children.

A debilitating cough not only torments a person and undermines the condition of the body, but also causes sidelong glances from others. It is necessary to get rid of a cough as soon as possible, and there are many ways to do this. It is not at all necessary to empty the pharmacy shelves in pursuit of an effective antitussive remedy - the public pharmacy comes to the rescue.

How to get rid of cough at home? Before you start fighting the painful syndrome, you should know the enemy. AND traditional treatment at home, select based on the type of cough. Only in this case will grandma’s methods help cure the unpleasant symptom.

Types of cough syndrome

Certain areas of the brain are responsible for the development of the cough reflex. There are many reasons why such zones respond. These include entry into the bronchi foreign body, runny nose, polluted air. Cough is also caused by various diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Cancer diseases.
  • Heart failure.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, airway obstruction, tracheitis.

Doctors divide cough into two main types:

Dry (or unproductive). Develops at the very beginning of diseases. The main feature of a dry cough is the absence of sputum. The patient always wants to clear his throat, empty his lungs and bronchi, and his throat feels sore. But relief does not come. A dry cough is dangerous due to injury to small blood vessels, which leads to loss of voice and hoarseness.

Wet (or productive). Cough accompanied by mucous mucus. This syndrome means that the person is on the mend, and the body is getting rid of bacteria accumulated in the bronchi. Long and painful wet cough causes insomnia, high pressure and even become the culprit of heart problems.

The cough reflex is also classified according to the duration of the syndrome:

  1. Spicy. Lasts up to 2.5-3 weeks. An acute cough torments a person continuously. This cough syndrome helps the body clear the lungs and bronchi of accumulated mucus. More often, an acute cough develops against the background of pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory infections, and pharyngitis.
  2. Protracted. Duration of cough from 3 weeks to 3 months. A feature of the syndrome is its wave-like nature (coughing attacks come for 2-3 days, then leave the person, only to return after some time). More often than not, a cough begins at a certain time.
  3. Chronic. If the cough is not cured within 3 months, it becomes chronic. This syndrome indicates the presence of serious pathological conditions organism or the development of complications past illness. Chronic cough fickle - it either intensifies or subsides.

Based on the type and characteristics of the cough symptom, doctors can pre-diagnose possible reason painful condition:

Type of cough. Possible illness.
Sharp and painful. At the beginning of the disease it is dry, after 4-5 days it turns into wet. The sputum is initially watery and gradually becomes viscous and mucous Bronchitis
Prolonged cough, debilitating, dull. In the cold there is an exacerbation of attacks. Purulent sputum comes out Obstructive bronchitis
Dry barking cough, accompanied by suffocation (children especially suffer from this symptom) Bronchial asthma
Explosive, constant, painful, with phlegm. The expectorated mucus is rusty in color and has bloody spots. Pneumonia
A dry, painful cough that often appears at night. When the cough syndrome becomes wet, the sputum is thick, viscous, difficult to separate Tracheitis
At the beginning of the disease there is a weak cough, unobtrusive, with exacerbations at night. As the disease develops, the cough becomes painful, wet, and chronic. Sputum is bloody and purulent Tuberculosis
A persistent, severe cough syndrome that often develops in the morning (smoker's cough). Dry at first, quickly becomes wet. Greenish or grayish sputum Obstructive pulmonary disease

Fighting dry cough

To cure this type of cough syndrome, it is necessary to reduce the intensity, pain and help in the production of mucus. Folk remedies successfully help cope with the second problem. And the resulting sputum reduces the strength of coughing attacks. How to treat dry cough at home in adults?

Black pepper. Small inconspicuous peas - strong helpers in the fight against dry cough. They help cure weakened bronchial mucosa, open up accumulations of sputum and remove it, transforming dry cough syndrome into wet one. Treatment of cough at home using black pepper is carried out in the following ways:

  • Fans of spicy taste are recommended to chew 2-3 peas daily.
  • Add 3-4 peppercorns to a glass of hot milk. After 15-20 minutes, drink the healing liquid.
  • Grind 4-5 peppercorns, mix with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and 2 basil leaves. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder to the mixture. Brew the aromatic mass with boiling water and drink.
  • Mix crushed pepper (3-4 g) with sugar syrup And melted butter(10 ml). Melt the mixture and make sucking lozenges.
  • Mix equal quantities of black pepper and ginger powder. Dilute the mixture with liquid honey (5 ml). Take a tablespoon orally 2-3 times daily.

Onions. Onion medicines have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. The drug liquefies well sticky sputum, increases its quantity and helps with expectoration. How to use onions to cure an annoying cough at home:

  • Boil 2-3 medium peeled onions in milk (200 ml). After infusion (4-5 hours), the product is taken orally. Drink it every 3-4 hours, a tablespoon.
  • Pour boiling water (1 liter) over the husks of 10-12 onions. Cook the mixture over low heat until ½ of the liquid has evaporated. Filter the broth and drink 150 ml three times a day.
  • Finely chop one onion and grind through a meat grinder. Add equal amounts of honey to the mixture and mix well. Take the aromatic mass orally, a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind 4 large onions. Stir honey (50 g) and sugar (400 g) into the onion puree. Pour a liter of boiling water over the mixture and cook for 50-60 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, strain it and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times daily.

Inhalations. Inhalations are great for dry coughs. Such procedures are carried out daily after meals for 15-20 minutes. How to cure a cough at home using inhalations:

  • With soda. Mix soda with boiling water (calculate ½ teaspoon of soda per glass of water).
  • Potato. Boil ½ kilogram of potatoes in their jackets, drain the water and breathe in the resulting steam.
  • Herbal infusions. For inhalation, it is recommended to mix 2-3 types of medicinal plants in equal parts (15 g per liter of boiling water) and breathe in the steam. Thyme, plantain, sage and thyme are beneficial for treating dry cough.
  • Garlic. Mash 1-2 cloves of garlic and pour in mint decoction. Bring the mixture to a boil and breathe in the healing steam.

Attention! Inhalations for coughs at home are not recommended for elevated temperature, availability allergic reactions, with purulent tonsillitis, bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

To cure a wet cough, the main emphasis is on thinning the mucus. Mucus with a liquid consistency is easier to remove from the bronchi. And along with it, they will leave the body pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammatory processes. The more sputum the patient coughs up, the faster he will cure the disease.

Black (bitter) radish. A powerful and effective folk remedy for treating wet cough at home. To effectively cure a wet cough, use not young radishes, but sprouted, large ones. How to cook radish to treat cough at home:

  • Wash the root vegetable and make a depression in the upper part. Place in the hole natural honey and wait for the juice to form. Healing liquid take a tablespoon 2-3 times daily.
  • Cut the radish into pieces and grate or chop in a blender. Squeeze the juice from the mass and take 15-20 ml 3 times a day.
  • Bake the radish and chop the vegetable. Add sugar (2 tbsp) to the mixture and place the container in the oven for 2-3 hours. Pour the resulting juice into a jar. Take the medicine twice a day (in the evening and in the morning) after meals, 20-25 ml.

Nuts. A real Klondike of amino acids, vitamins and tannins, helping to thin phlegm. Since ancient times, nuts, along with herbs, have successfully helped people cure painful cough syndrome. How to use them at home:

  • Unroasted pine nuts(200 g) boil in a liter of milk. Cook the mixture over low heat for 20-25 minutes (until the milk becomes brown tint). Strain the broth and take 150-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Dilute crushed milk in a liter of milk walnuts(6-7 cores). Place the mixture in a warm place to infuse. The next day, throughout the day (3-4 times), gradually drink the resulting healing drink.
  • Crush the walnuts. Mix nut mass (1-2 tsp) with warm boiled water(100 ml). Drink the mixture in small sips.

Medicinal herbs. With a wet cough and sputum, pathogenic microorganisms are released. To quickly help a patient cure a cough at home, you need to: medicinal plants not only helped with the removal of mucus, but also had antiseptic properties.

The best herbs for treating coughs are wild rosemary and eucalyptus. How to best use them:

  • Brew eucalyptus leaves in boiling water (2 tablespoons of leaves per liter of water). Leave for 30-40 minutes and take warm three times a day.
  • Boil wild rosemary herb (30 g) in water (250 ml). Let it brew for half an hour and take 1.5-2 tbsp. three times a day.

Herbal infusions made from mallow and marshmallow leaves, chamomile flowers and flax seeds (20 g of each herb) can also help cure a wet cough at home. Steam the herbal mixture with ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and strain. Drink the infusion warm in the amount of ½ liter per day.

Severe cough. Cure an annoying cough at home that debilitates a person with attacks long time possible by the following means:

  • Simmer the lemon fruit over low heat for 3-4 minutes to soften. Then squeeze out the juice. Add glycerin (2 tbsp) to it, mix thoroughly and pour in honey (20-30 ml). Take the mixture one teaspoon 4-5 times daily. As soon as the cough reduces intensity, drink 1 tsp of the mixture. 2-3 times a day.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of hot milk butter. Add 4-5 drops of turpentine to a tablespoon of milk and drink the mixture in one gulp. Then add the remaining milk.

Wet cough and runny nose. If the patient suffers from a runny nose along with a cough, try the following treatment method at home: mix heated sunflower oil and finely chopped onions (2 tsp each).

Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours to infuse. Then squeeze the onion and remove it. Place the remaining mixture in your nose, 2-3 drops into each nostril.

Smoker's cough. To quickly soften and cure a wet cough in smokers at home, traditional healers It is recommended to take decoctions of marshmallow, oregano, thyme, elecampane, fennel and calendula.

What to do if you have an allergic cough

The cough of an allergy sufferer goes away without fever or increase in temperature. Attacks of the dry type, they develop suddenly and last a long time, accompanied by itching in the larynx, nose, sneezing and runny nose. Such conditions are dangerous, they cause breathing problems and even suffocation.

To cure allergic cough syndrome at home, you need to use folk remedies that help stop the cough reflex and reduce susceptibility to the irritant allergen. What will help cure a cough?

Soothing baths. To prevent nighttime cough attacks, take a bath every night using:

  • Decoctions of herbs: sage, lemon balm, oregano and motherwort.
  • Clay powder (4-5 tbsp per half liter of water).
  • Essential oils of lemon, patchouli, calamus, cypress or lavender (20-25 drops per 100 ml of water).
  • Infusion of red currant leaves (a large handful of leaves per liter of boiling water). After infusing for 10-15 minutes, filter the mass and pour into water.

The duration of healing baths when fighting allergic cough at home is 10-15 minutes. Such procedures must be taken once every 3 days.

With a runny nose. At home they will help cure obsessive allergic runny nose, which accompanies an uncontrollable cough, infusions of the following medicinal herbs:

  • Field horsetail. Infuse a couple of teaspoons of the herb in a water bath for 30-40 minutes (in a liter of boiling water). Place 2-3 drops in each nostril twice a day.
  • Every evening, lubricate the nasal mucosa with Kalanchoe juice.

Ingestion. What to do when coughing allergic attacks torment a person every day? The following recipes will help treat cough at home:

  • Drink 3-4 teaspoons of celery root squeeze every day.
  • Mix the juice from 2 carrots, 3 cauliflower inflorescences and a large apple. Before use, add the chopped greens of one bunch of parsley to the squeeze. Take the product 4-5 times daily, ½ cup.
  • Make a nettle infusion (3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water), drink the healing tincture four times a day, a tablespoon.
  • On an empty stomach, in the mornings and evenings, take orally a mixture of mummy (0.2 g), milk (200 ml) and a teaspoon of natural honey.
  • Grind the lemon fruit, mix the mixture with honey (60 ml) and water (70 ml). Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring, until thickened. Take the product cold, a tablespoon 5-6 times daily.
  • Chop 4-5 garlic cloves and mix them with ½ cup of honey. Let the mixture brew for 1.5-2 weeks and take 1-2 tablespoons with each cough attack.
  • A decoction of honey, bay leaves (a tablespoon each) and a pinch of soda helps cure coughs. Drink ¼ cup daily 2-3 times.
  • Boil milk (½ l), mix with cream (10 ml), honey (5 ml) and egg yolk. Mix the mixture quickly and thoroughly (so that the yolk does not curdle). Take the product 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
  • Stir anise seeds (2-3 tbsp) in a glass of water and boil. After an hour of infusion, drink a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalations. Inhaling healing steam - effective remedy for coughs of an allergic nature. Selected for inhalation medicinal herbs that help cure cough at home and reduce the frequency of attacks:

  • Place chopped dope leaves on a hot frying pan. Breathe the steam for a quarter of an hour.
  • Steam sage (2-3 tablespoons) in 2 liters of boiling water, and after a quarter of an hour begin inhalation.
  • I'm going to fill in the seed rye cold water(400 ml). Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. Breathe the vapors of the hot broth.
  • Boil the peelings of the potatoes, add thyme and eucalyptus leaves to them. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. IN ready-made remedy add 2-3 drops of fir oil and breathe in the healing steam for 10 minutes.

Healing syrup. Mix cayenne pepper powder (red, capsicum) with ground ginger (¼ tsp each). Add to mass warm water, melted honey and apple cider vinegar(a tablespoon). Stir the mixture and drink throughout the day (as soon as the next coughing attack begins).

The People's Pharmacy is a reliable and dedicated assistant that helps cure coughs at home. Natural remedies are effective and safe. But they should not become a panacea, but only complement medical treatment. Required before starting home therapy Visit your doctor for advice.

Good health and don't cough!

With the onset of the first cold weather, the number of people suffering from colds increases. Frequent accompaniments of ARVI are inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, causing a debilitating cough, which is very difficult to cope with. There is a whole arsenal medications aimed at fighting colds. However, their use is not always possible. Then folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis come to the rescue. The most popular are considered herbal infusions, honey and . They help cope with the disease without causing harm to the body.

Benefits of traditional methods of treatment

During its existence, traditional medicine has included huge amount treatment methods. Each of them, before reaching us, has been tested for more than one generation. The effectiveness of using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis has been confirmed by recognition official medicine. Herbal infusions are prescribed as part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics, and are sometimes used as independent remedy to treat an illness. This is explained by the presence of advantages traditional methods before medications, among them:

  • Environmental safety.
  • Mild effect on the body as a whole.
  • Long-term performance testing.
  • Possibility to combine several treatment methods.
  • Minimum quantity contraindications.
  • No addiction.
  • Minimal likelihood of side effects.
  • Fortification of the body and strengthening of the immune system.

The most effective folk remedies for coughs

How to get rid of a cough? There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that help defeat the disease. An important condition the effectiveness of their use is to determine the characteristics of the disease. The cough can be morning, night, dry, with sputum, constant or intermittent. In addition, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. Special attention requires an approach to treating infants. Let's look at effective folk remedies for severe cough, bronchitis and tracheitis:

For adults

How to quickly cure an adult? Folk remedies for cough, acute bronchitis and tracheitis in adults include decoctions, infusions from herbal raw materials, applications and inhalations. Chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies:

  • Goose fat for oral administration. Helps cure dry, scratchy cough. Main action goose fat consists in liquefying sputum, removing it from the lungs. Used to make drugs suet poultry that is drowned by overcooking. To cure prolonged cough, drink one tablespoon of fat in the morning on an empty stomach. Relief occurs on the second day. It is possible to completely get rid of a prolonged cough within 7 days of treatment with fat.

  • Milk, honey, onion and garlic. A decoction prepared using these ingredients helps with severe wet cough, relieves wheezing. To get the medicine, take half a liter of milk, boil three pre-chopped onions and a head of garlic in it for 10 minutes. After this, let it cool slightly and pour the entire contents into a blender, where it is ground to a pulp. Then add a couple of tablespoons of honey, preferably linden honey. Drink this cough medicine at least 5 times a day after warming it up a little. Relief occurs after the first dose.
  • Bogorodskaya herb (thyme). This aromatic plant helps against chronic dry cough, including smoker's cough. A very good expectorant folk remedy. A decoction is prepared from 250 ml of water and one tablespoon of dry herbs. The herb is added to cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. The broth must be strained. Adults drink the product warm instead of tea. Children are given 1/3 glass in the morning and evening. Taking a cough decoction will thin the mucus, which helps cleanse the lungs even of tobacco products. You need to take the medicine for at least two weeks.
  • Potato. This vegetable is used to make an effective application that helps to cope with an old cough. To do this, take 2-3 potatoes, peel them and boil them. Without allowing to cool, the finished potatoes are kneaded and placed in plastic bag. A cotton napkin is placed on the patient’s back, on top of which a bag of puree is placed. It is necessary to check whether the compress is too hot before applying it. Cover with a blanket on top. Keep the cough application until the potatoes have cooled.

For children

Children's cough it is more difficult to cure, if only because it is more difficult to clear the respiratory tract of phlegm. But there are a number of folk remedies that treat even persistent cough in a child. Dr. Komarovsky suggests easing it by thinning the sputum. For this purpose, the doctor recommends using folk remedies to treat cough in children. Among them, the following methods stand out for their effectiveness and ease of use:

  • Eggs, milk, honey. These ingredients are used to prepare sweet mixture which will quickly cure slight cough. To prepare the product, take a glass of boiled milk, add 30 g of honey and butter. Let's beat separately egg yolk, put it in milk. It is better to take this medicine at night.

  • Onions, sugar. A sweet syrup made from these ingredients relieves severe coughs. For it you need 2 onions, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. The washed onions are dipped into boiling water with sugar dissolved in it and simmered for about an hour. Then the syrup is drained. Children are given one tablespoon of warm medicine every three to four hours.
  • Honey, cabbage. These products are used to make a cough application on the chest. The product is very effective, relief occurs the next day after the first procedure. To prepare you will need one cabbage leaf and a couple of spoons of honey. The leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. The cough application is kept on all night. In the morning, remove the cabbage leaf that has become limp. Honey is completely absorbed into the patient's skin. Before using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to measure the temperature; if it is above 37.5 degrees, then it is better to postpone the procedure.

Recipes for treating bronchitis at home

Bronchitis is a serious disease that begins as simple cold, which results in inflammation of the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by hard breathing, first a dry cough, then a wet, sometimes almost squelching cough. Patients develop fever and chest pain when coughing. Chronic bronchitis symptoms can only be diagnosed by a doctor. The presence of this form of the disease is indicated by thickening of the walls of the bronchi. Treating the disease is more difficult and you cannot do without folk remedies. The causes of bronchitis are common seasonal infections.

If a child gets sick, how to treat bronchitis in children? In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Signs of bronchitis in a child do not appear immediately. It may take about a week from the moment of illness. In such cases great value acquires the removal of sputum. Otherwise, a complication in the form of bronchopneumonia is possible, which can only be treated in a hospital setting. We offer the most effective, easy ways to treat bronchitis:

  • Black radish. The juice of this root vegetable will help cope with acute bronchitis. To do this, you need a couple of vegetables that are thoroughly washed. Using a knife, cut off the cap of each root vegetable and scoop out the pulp in the form of a funnel. Only a small puncture is made in the lower part. Take a tea cup and put a radish in it. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting funnel. From below, through the puncture, after about 30 minutes, sweet juice begins to drip. Give it a tablespoon 5 times a day. This syrup is used for dry cough. Relief of bronchitis symptoms occurs on the third day.
  • Ginger. This miracle root has antiseptic, expectorant, bactericidal effect, copes with heavy cough, relieves bronchospasms. Can be used as a prophylaxis against pneumonia and bronchitis. To prepare the medicine you will need one teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger and honey, and 0.5 cups of boiling water. The juices are mixed, honey is added. Let the mixture stand and pour boiling water over it. Cover the container with something warm and let it sit for another 10 minutes. You need to drink the medicine for bronchitis one teaspoon at a time. every 30 minutes.
  • Badger fat. A strong remedy for atrophic and obstructive bronchitis. Drink cough fat undiluted, one tablespoon in the morning. The product helps restore the bronchial epithelium. You can drink not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but also for prevention in the autumn-winter period. It is not recommended to give this remedy for bronchitis to children: it can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

How to treat tracheitis with folk remedies

Tracheitis is a cold that often takes a chronic form. Accompanies ARVI, sinusitis, bronchitis. More often it affects women and children. It is characterized by a sore throat, a dry “barking” cough, and a change in voice during the illness. How to treat tracheitis? Traditional medicine offers a lot of easy ways to get rid of this problem. The most effective are the following:

  • Birch tar. This ingredient is used to make strong remedy for cough. To do this, take 1 fly in the ointment and dilute it with 8 spoons boiled water. Stir and leave for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the liquid, pour it into another container and put it in the refrigerator. You need to drink this remedy one spoon at night. In the morning tar water you should gargle. To cure a severe cough, three procedures are enough.
  • Cocoa butter. This product helps cure tracheitis, dry, hard cough and bronchitis. The chocolate aroma of the oil allows the medicine to be used in the treatment of children. To do this, mix the oil with hot milk in proportions of 1:30 and drink. Take no more than 100 ml of the drug at a time. Allowed to be consumed 3 times a day.

Video: inhalations that soften cough

How to cure a cough? At colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough, use inhalation. This procedure helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and mucus in the nasopharynx and removes them from the body. For this you will need an inhaler, herbal decoctions (sage, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile), soda, iodine, mineral water"Borjomi" fresh juice onions and garlic. In some cases, when severe cough use combinations of the listed ingredients. For the procedure to work, follow some rules, which you will learn about in the following video:

Every year, every person has to deal with a cough. In some patients this happens more than once. IN lately people increasingly began to resort to alternative medicine. The popularity of folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough is explained by the fact that patients want to protect themselves. Whether this is advisable and correct is something everyone decides for themselves.

Classic treatment involves the use of synthetic medications. It is believed that medications are more effective than herbal remedies.

For dry cough, an effective remedy is selected in accordance with the causes of this symptom. What will have a positive effect on the patient’s health in one case will be inappropriate in another.

Independently determine the cause of the appearance painful symptom quite difficult. Even if you do not plan to take classical medications and are an adherent alternative medicine, it would be a good idea to see a doctor and find out what exactly is causing sudden appearance cough.

Causes of dry cough

The cough reflex is a reaction to any irritant. Its appearance indicates that something is going wrong in the body. During forced exhalations, accompanied by a dull sound, irritating particles are expelled from lower sections respiratory system. The reasons for this may vary.

Depending on the pathogen, a specific treatment strategy is selected for the patient:

  • viruses – require the use of immunomodulators and antiviral agents;
  • bacteria – suggest the prescription of antibiotics, probiotics;
  • allergens - eliminated by using antihistamines;
  • foreign body in the respiratory tract - requires immediate surgical or minimally invasive intervention

The listed reasons are the most common of all that provoke the appearance of a dry cough.

Pathologies that provoke dry cough:

  • Atypical pneumonia

The disease is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms (for example, chlamydia or mycoplasma). Pathology occurs with periodic exacerbation and usually does not cause serious concern to the patient until the next relapse. Treatment tactics are determined depending on the causative agent of the disease. It can be determined using enzyme immunoassay blood.

  • Whooping cough and measles

These diseases are quite rare among adult patients. Mass vaccination has significantly reduced the number of cases. Treatment of whooping cough and measles is usually symptomatic and does not have any special tactics.

  • Tuberculosis

A long-lasting dry cough may indicate this serious illness like tuberculosis. Of course, this pathology is no longer as insidious and dangerous as it was in the last century. However, the lack modern treatment and availability concomitant diseases can lead to fatal outcome. Tactics to combat Koch's bacillus involve the use of antibiotics, immunomodulators, symptomatic remedies. For each patient it is necessary to select separate complex effective medicines.

  • Tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis
  • Oncology

One more key reason dry cough, which today is recognized as the most dangerous - cancer. Oncology can affect the respiratory tract, heart muscle and organs attached to it. A lingering dry cough should alert the patient and force him to undergo examination. Depending on the stage of cancer and the type of organ affected, individual treatment tactics are selected.

  • Other reasons

A dry cough can torment a person due to bronchial asthma. This symptom classified as allergic cough and it is caused by the influence environment: dry air, irritants, tobacco smoke, inhalation of toxic household substances. Worms, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and heart can provoke this symptom. To establish the cause of concern, the patient will have to undergo more than one examination, take tests and visit specialists.

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Folk remedies

If you do not know how to cure a cough using folk remedies, but at the same time do not want to resort to the use of synthetic medications, then the information presented will be useful. Remember that almost all methods have their contraindications or limitations.

Do not resort to self-use folk recipes for the treatment of cough in children. All methods described are safe to use only for adults.

To with minimal costs time and effectively treat cough, it is necessary to choose a comprehensive tactic. It usually involves the use herbal remedies, compresses and warming, inhalations and the organization of a special regime.

Effective compresses

It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

Compresses have long been popular in the treatment of coughs. different types. They are especially effective in dry conditions, as they have a warming effect and improve lymph flow in the lung area. A properly placed compress can relieve a disturbing symptom in short terms.

The result of the manipulation depends on what you use. Most often, mustard, honey, alcohol, garlic, radish or fat are used for dry cough.

The components are designed to improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, and warm the body. As a result of this, it begins active struggle organism with an infectious agent. Compresses will help if the cough is caused by the proliferation of bacteria or viruses.

  • Exposure to heat

In a bowl, heat a spoonful of honey, vinegar and three tablespoons of water. As soon as the temperature of the substance rises to 50 degrees, transfer it to a thick, clean napkin. Place the latter on the patient's back, cover with a towel. You need to keep this compress for at least 20 minutes. It shows its effectiveness at the very beginning of the disease, when the cough is just beginning.

  • Potato compress

To prepare you will need three boiled medium-sized root vegetables, a spoon vegetable oil, as well as alcohol.

Mix the ingredients, knead, form two planes. Place the cakes on your chest and back, wrap with gauze. Duration of the procedure is one hour.

  • Flour with honey

An excellent remedy for coughs accompanied by... Take two tablespoons of flour, honey, water. Mix the ingredients and apply to the sternum area, avoiding the heart area. This compress can be left overnight or removed after 1-2 hours.

  • Mustard is a popular cough medicine

Despite the fact that this remedy is classified as a pharmaceutical product, it is actively used by lovers of traditional medicine.

Mustard plasters can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. The first option turns out to be more convenient. Soak the powder packets in water and apply to the back and chest area. Cover the patient with a warm cloth. Mustard plasters should be kept for 3 to 15 minutes, depending on the patient’s condition.

Hot inhalations

Hot inhalations are contraindicated at fever, as they further increase it.

To treat cough with folk remedies quickly, it is worth considering inhalation. They are recognized as very effective and give immediate results. But their use is not always justified. If a dry cough is caused by inflammation vocal cords or trachea, then such manipulations may not only not help, but also cause harm.

With laryngitis, strong temperature changes are strictly prohibited. The patient is not recommended to inhale cold or hot air or eat scalding foods. If you do not adhere to these rules, then swelling of the larynx is guaranteed.

Therefore, it is worth thinking several times, weighing the pros and cons before resorting to the use of hot inhalations. In some cases, they actually turn out to be useful and speed up recovery.

There are several ways to inhale vapors. Common grandma's method is to cover the pan with a blanket. You can also build a homemade kuf from thick cardboard and put it, for example, on the spout of a teapot in which a folk cough potion is prepared.

  • Eucalyptus– a remedy that has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, makes breathing easier. Brew dry leaves of the plant with boiling water and inhale their vapors for 15 minutes.
  • Elecampane– softens cough and facilitates sputum separation. Grind the herb root and pour boiling water over it. Breathe steam for at least 10 minutes in the morning. It is not recommended to do this inhalation before bedtime, as the cough may intensify.
  • Potato broth– everyone known remedy to warm the respiratory tract. Boil 2-3 root vegetables in their skins until tender. Breathe in pairs for 10-20 minutes, as much as you can.

Essential oils– an effective remedy for combating dry cough. You can use mint, lavender, cedar, orange, eucalyptus oil. To inhale, boil water in a kettle or saucepan. Add 2-3 drops of one or more oils to it, breathe in the steam for 7-10 minutes.

It is better to start such inhalations with the use of one component ( essential oil), since an allergy may occur, and you will not know what exactly.

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If you have a cough, treatment with folk remedies must necessarily involve organizing your daily routine, nutrition, drinking regime. This will help you recover faster from your illness and return to your normal rhythm of life.


Warm, dry air aggravates a dry cough. Often this becomes fatal mistake, which causes complications and prolongs the period of illness.

The patient's conditions of stay should be as comfortable as possible. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which it is located as often as possible. But at the same time it is unacceptable to create drafts. Try to open windows in one room when you go into another.

If you feel well and not, then you should walk several times a day. It is completely wrong to close yourself within four walls and wrap yourself in a ton of blankets.

In order for the patient to recover faster and get rid of a dry cough, the following rules must be followed:

  • the air temperature in the room is no more than 23, but not less than 18 degrees (if it is cold, it is better to wear an additional layer of clothing, but do not turn on the heating devices);
  • humidity not lower than 40, but not higher than 60 percent (in a very dry or too humid room, pathogenic microorganisms multiply at incredible speed);
  • peace (physical and mental) will speed up the recovery of the body, since all its strength will be devoted to fighting the infection.


Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of a person suffering from a cough. You cannot leave your usual diet, especially if it is not very correct. Lack of appetite - a clear sign diseases. Often this symptom accompanies infectious diseases.

If you don’t want to eat, then you don’t need to force yourself. The body spends a lot of strength and energy on digesting food. When this is not required, energy reserves can be used to eliminate the causative agent of dry cough. If you still have an appetite, then when choosing food, follow the recommendations:

  • give preference to food with high content vitamins, proteins;
  • exclude fatty, salty, spices from your diet;
  • prefer soups and pureed dishes, they will not irritate the larynx;
  • all food should be warm, not hot;
  • It is worth completely eliminating alcohol, sour, sweet, carbonated drinks;
  • if after eating you are used to smoking a cigarette, then you will have to give up this habit.

What to drink for dry cough?

You will have to give up coffee, cocoa and soda.

Drinking plays a special role in the treatment of dry cough. If you can deny yourself food when you don’t want to, then you can’t do the same with drinking liquid. For any type of cough, especially dry cough, you need to drink as much as possible. Consume what you like best: fruit drink, juice, compote, tea, water.

The more you drink, the faster the cough pathogens will leave your body. This kind of cleansing is part of the path to recovery. The volume of water consumed should be at least two liters per day. If you supplement your drink with certain healing agents, then you can get rid of a dry cough in a short time.

  • Chamomile– a plant that can have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

You can brew tea using ready-made packages (purchase at a pharmacy) or yourself. The amount of decoction consumed is unlimited, unless you have allergies.

  • Herbal infusions have an antitussive, regenerating and restorative effect. Some of them actively dilute bronchial mucus, removing it from the respiratory tract. You can combine the options yourself. Even the most capricious patient can find suitable remedy which he will like.

Effective herbs for the treatment of dry cough are: elecampane, licorice, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, marshmallow, oregano and calendula.. Each component gives the broth its own taste. The herbs should be brewed with boiling water, then filtered, cooled and taken warm three times a day in a glass.

  • Honey milkpopular remedy for the treatment of dry cough. It is often used for children, but doctors do their best to prevent it. This is because honey is a strong allergen, and milk is often not tolerated by children.

But for adult patients this is folk way can be quite effective. Heat low-fat milk to a comfortable temperature, dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in it. Take the medicine while in bed before going to bed. This folk remedy will soften an irritated throat and have a warming effect.

Any drinks with increased content vitamin C will have a beneficial effect and speed up recovery if a dry cough is caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

Lingonberry, cranberry juice, raspberry tea, viburnum decoction are the best and most effective remedies. Vitamin C not only strengthens immune system and protects the body from additional infection, but also promotes the healing of damaged mucosa.

Prevention of dry cough

To avoid a dry cough in an adult, treatment with folk remedies is not needed, and the use of synthetic medications could be avoided altogether, preventive measures should be taken.

Infectious diseases can be prevented if you constantly harden the body and strengthen the immune system. Do not uncontrollably use immunomodulators and antibiotics - they are not your allies if you are not sick. Eat right, drive active image life.

If you suffer from an allergy that causes a periodic dry cough, then you should take care to eliminate the allergen from your life. When contact cannot be completely prevented, take antihistamines. Alas, folk remedies are not enough.

Effective folk remedies for dry cough to prepare at home

We all periodically face such a problem as coughing. The causes of this ailment are varied, it can be diseases of the lungs, respiratory tract, acrid odor, tobacco smoke and even getting food into the throat. In any case, the occurrence of a cough is quite unpleasant phenomenon, especially if it turns into a protracted one.

How to get rid of this ailment in a short time? First you need to determine what kind of cough is bothering you, dry or wet. Typically, a dry cough does not produce sputum, but a wet cough is accompanied by it. copious discharge.

Along with using medications, received widespread among the entire population. The advantage of this method is that it does not involve the use of antibiotics or any other medicines, but involves treatment exclusively with healing natural drugs.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies. Recipes.

  • Boil a glass of milk and add two tablespoons of figs to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave for at least thirty minutes. Grind it thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass, and take 100 grams four times a day.
  • Mix cranberry juice and honey in the same amount, take 30 grams (tablespoon) 3 times a day. This recipe most effective for treatment strong manifestation this illness.
  • Treatment of cough with folk remedies involves the use of herbal infusions. Take a teaspoon of coltsfoot, the same amount of marshmallow and half a spoon of dried oregano. Place the herbs in a container with boiling water and leave for at least four hours with the lid tightly closed. After this, strain the infusion well and drink it warm during the day, half a glass.
  • You can also treat dry cough using badger and This remedy is considered the most effective. Rub the fat on the chest of a sick person for several days and positive effect will come immediately. This tool can be safely used by pregnant women.
  • Treatment of cough with folk remedies widely uses honey. Take a large radish, wash it, cut it top part knife and cut a hole to place a few spoons of honey. Place the radish in a bowl, cover tightly with paper and leave for four hours. After some time, honey juice forms in the recess. It should be taken 30 grams (a tablespoon), and for children - a teaspoon four times a day 25 minutes before meals.
  • Pour two tablespoons of anise seeds into half a liter of boiling water and close the lid well. Then place the product on water bath for about 15 minutes. After that, let it brew for half an hour, strain and add honey at the rate of 1 spoon of honey per glass of infusion. Take 50 grams 4 times a day.
  • Wash 100 grams of viburnum fruits and pour 200 grams of honey. Cook the mixture a little (no more than 5 minutes), cool and drink the product five times a day, 2 tablespoons, with water.

What to do if you have a wet cough?

  • If you have it, you can get rid of it using next remedy. Mix a glass of linden honey, a glass of linden inflorescences and half a glass of birch buds. Pour the ingredients into 120 ml of boiled hot water. Take the infusion one spoon (tablespoon) 4 times a day.
  • They also help with a wet cough. Boil them for a few minutes, then rub through a sieve and mix in equal proportions with honey. Take one tablespoon throughout the day.
  • Pour the following herbs into the jar: 2 tablespoons of wild rosemary, 2 tablespoons of dry coltsfoot. Pour boiling water (0.5 liters) over it all and leave to steep in a closed container for four hours. Strain and squeeze out the infusion, drink it 3 times a day, about half a glass.



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