Autoimmune system. Which doctor treats autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases– these are diseases the occurrence of which is provoked by autoallergy (immune reaction to the body’s own tissues).

The immune system is a collection of organs and cells that protect our body from various foreign agents. In the formation of immunity, the leading role is given to lymphocytes, which are produced bone marrow, and then undergo the process of maturation into lymph nodes or thymus.

U healthy person a combination of T and B lymphocytes, when an infection is detected that the body has not encountered before, forms an antigen that destroys the foreign agent. This is how vaccines “introduce” our immune system to pathogens, forming stable immunity against various infections.

But, if the system fails, white blood cells begin to perceive a certain type of cell as a dangerous object. human body. Instead of viruses and bacteria, antigens attack healthy and beneficial cells. The process of self-destruction begins.

Causes of autoimmune diseases

Despite the rapid development modern medicine, the process of occurrence of autoallergy has not been fully studied. All known reasons The occurrence of diseases associated with the aggression of lymphocytes against the cells of their own body is divided into external and internal (gene mutations of types I and II).

The cause of a system failure may be:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • negative impact environment;
  • severe and prolonged illness;
  • changes in tissue structure;
  • destruction of the tissue barrier as a result of injury or inflammation;
  • pathological growth of immune cells.

Diseases caused by an autoallergic reaction affect people of different age groups. According to statistics, similar problems are more common in women, and many develop a pathological immune response during their childbearing years.

Symptoms of autoimmune diseases

Symptoms depend entirely on the cause of the development. pathological changes. Most diseases in this spectrum are characterized by the following manifestations:

  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dizziness;
  • pain syndromes;
  • low-grade fever.
Important! An autoimmune disease can be suspected if, while taking vitamins, microelements, amino acids or adaptogens general state the person is deteriorating.

Diseases caused by the pathological activity of lymphocytes often occur without a clear clinical picture, and each individual symptom can lead down the wrong path, masking the disease as another, often found in medical practice disease.

List of autoimmune diseases

The manifestations of a particular disease depend on the type of cells being attacked by the antigen and the degree of activity lymphatic system. The most common types of diseases for which you should blame your own immunity include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Vasculitis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
  • Graves' disease.
  • Julian-Barre syndrome.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Scleroderma.
  • Myasthenia.
  • Myopathy.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Alopecia areata.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis.
  • Psoriasis.

Which doctor should I contact?

Having identified symptoms characteristic of this group of diseases, first of all, you need to consult a therapist. It is this specialist who deals primary diagnosis all ailments and determines which doctor the patient needs to consult.

To identify the causes of symptoms, the doctor will perform an examination, review the diagnoses in the medical history, and also prescribe a set of tests and the necessary hardware diagnostics (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI or other research methods).

Why shouldn’t you immediately make an appointment with a specialist?

  1. Even the most experienced doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis without having the examination results in hand.
  2. The symptom that worries you is not necessarily caused by an autoallergy, and in many cases a visit to a therapist will be sufficient.
  3. Appointments with specialists are often made in advance, several days, and sometimes a week in advance, while therapists conduct appointments daily, which will allow you not to waste precious time and have time to complete the necessary diagnostics.

Taking into account complaints and test results, the therapist may refer you to a specific specialist. Since an autoallergic reaction is systemic in nature and can cause very diverse symptoms, the help of doctors such as:

  • immunologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • hepatologist;

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, consultation of several specialists is required and complex treatment, aimed not only at eliminating symptoms, but also at normalizing work immune system.

For some diseases, it is not enough for a person to simply take the drug and follow the recommendations. So, with multiple sclerosis, causing problems with speech, you need the help of a phoniatrist, and in case of hearing problems, an audiologist, and to restore motor functions a specialist will help physical therapy. An adaptologist will tell you how to adapt to life taking into account the new requirements of the body. Since many of the diseases listed on the list significantly reduce the quality of life, which inevitably affects the psychological state of a person, for many, the help of a psychologist will be truly indispensable.

Treatment of autoallergy

Because the autoimmune response causes various diseases, then treatment should be prescribed taking into account the diagnosis, the severity of the symptoms and their severity. Traditional methods suggest:

  • relieving symptoms and improving the patient’s quality of life;
  • replacement therapy;
  • suppression of the immune system.

Some techniques alternative medicine can be used to reduce pain and improvement psychological state. But they cannot fully replace drug treatment, and therefore can be prescribed as additional if the attending physician finds it appropriate.

Do not self-medicate. Many homeopathic remedies can aggravate the condition, introducing an even greater imbalance in the functioning of the body's systems. Application of any unconventional methods Treatments must be agreed with your doctor!

Autoimmune diseases are diseases associated with dysfunction of the human immune system, which begins to perceive its own tissues as foreign and damage them. Similar diseases also called systemic, because, as a rule, it affects the whole system or even the entire body.

Nowadays, we often talk about new infections that pose a threat to all of humanity. This is, first of all, AIDS, as well as SARS ( atypical pneumonia), bird flu and others viral diseases. If we recall history, most dangerous viruses and the bacteria were defeated, largely due to stimulation of one’s own immune system (vaccination).

The mechanism of occurrence of these processes has not yet been identified. Experts cannot understand what is causing negative reaction immune system on its own tissues. Injuries, stress, hypothermia, various infectious diseases, etc. can trigger a malfunction in the body.

Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases can be carried out by doctors such as a therapist, immunologist, rheumatologist and other specialists.


The most known disease from this group is rheumatoid arthritis. However, this disease is by no means the most common autoimmune pathology. The most common autoimmune diseases thyroid gland- diffuse toxic goiter(Graves' disease) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. By autoimmune mechanism they also develop diabetes Type I, systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis.

Not only diseases, but also some syndromes can have an autoimmune nature. A typical example is chlamydia, a disease caused by chlamydia and sexually transmitted. With this disease, the so-called Reiter's syndrome may develop, which is characterized by damage to the eyes, joints and genitourinary organs. These manifestations are not associated with direct exposure to the microbe, but arise as a result of autoimmune reactions.


In the process of maturation of the immune system, the main time of which occurs from the birth of a person to 13-15 years, lymphocytes - cells of the immune system - undergo “training” in the thymus and lymph nodes. At the same time, each cell clone acquires the ability to recognize certain foreign proteins in order to fight various infections in the future.

Some lymphocytes learn to recognize the proteins of their body as foreign. Normally, such lymphocytes are tightly controlled by the immune system and probably serve to destroy defective or diseased cells of the body. However, in some people, control over these cells is lost, their activity increases and the process of destruction of normal cells begins - an autoimmune disease develops.

The causes of autoimmune diseases are not well understood, but existing information allows us to divide them into external And internal.

External causes are mainly pathogens of infectious diseases or physical impact, For example, ultraviolet radiation or radiation. In case of defeat certain fabric human body, they change their own molecules in such a way that the immune system perceives them as foreign. After an “attack” on the affected organ, the immune system causes chronic inflammation and, accordingly, further damage to one’s own tissues.

Another external cause is the development of cross immunity. This happens when the infectious agent turns out to be “similar” to its own cells - as a result, the immune system simultaneously attacks both the microbe and the cells (one explanation for Reiter's syndrome in chlamydia).

Internal causes are, first of all, gene mutations that are inherited.

Some mutations can change the antigenic structure of a particular organ or tissue, preventing lymphocytes from recognizing them as “their own” - such autoimmune diseases are called organ-specific. Then the disease itself will be inherited (in different generations the same organs will be affected).

Other mutations can disrupt the balance of the immune system by disrupting the control of self-aggressive lymphocytes. Then a person, when exposed to stimulating factors, can develop an organ-nonspecific autoimmune disease that affects many systems and organs.

Treatment. Promising methods

Treatment for autoimmune (systemic) diseases involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that suppress the immune system (they are very toxic and such therapy contributes to susceptibility to various kinds infections).

Existing medications do not act on the cause of the disease, or even on the affected organ, but on the entire body. Scientists are striving to develop fundamentally new methods that will act locally.

Search for new drugs against autoimmune diseases diseases are coming along three main routes.

The most promising method seems to be gene therapy, with which it will be possible to replace a defective gene. However, before practical application gene therapy is still far away, and mutations corresponding specific disease, are not found in all cases.

If the cause turns out to be a loss of body control over the cells of the immune system, then some researchers suggest simply replacing them with new ones, first carrying out strict immunosuppressive therapy. This technique has already been tested and showed satisfactory results in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis, however, it is still unknown how long this effect lasts, and whether suppression of the “old” immunity is safe for the body.

Perhaps, before others, methods will become available that do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but specifically remove its manifestations. These are, first of all, antibody-based drugs. They are able to block the immune system from attacking their own tissues.

Another way is to prescribe substances that take part in the fine regulation of the immune process. That is, we're talking about not about substances that suppress the immune system as a whole, but about analogues of natural regulators that act only on certain types cells.

The immune system is a complex interconnection of organs and cells. And when failures occur, which are also called systemic diseases, the entire body is affected, the entire system is destroyed, like a computer when virus attack. It is interesting that scientists still cannot identify what causes these same autoimmune diseases; they can only assume possible provoking factors for such failures. Today, more than eighty types of such diseases are known, each of which affects some part of the body or organ.

What are autoimmune diseases: a simple explanation

Unfortunately, autoimmune diseases are quite common, affecting about seven percent of the world's population. Among them there are both rare and well-known diseases, which can be divided into two types: organ-specific (directed against one organ), and systemic (with wide range antigens).

Statistically, autoimmune diseases occur more often in women than in men.

Today, autoimmune diseases are considered incurable, because it is impossible to cure something that cannot be fixed or reinstalled, like an operating system. Therefore, all that doctors can do in this area is to diagnose and alleviate the patient’s condition. Although such relief is quite temporary, because all medications are aimed primarily at suppressing the entire immune system, which makes the body weakened and unprotected.

Classification of common organ-specific diseases:

  • Joint diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, sacroiliitis);
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (diseases of the thyroid gland, Graves' disease, diabetes mellitus, non-thyroid diseases);
  • Nervous system disorders (myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis);
  • Liver and gastrointestinal diseases (cirrhosis, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, insulitis);
  • Defeat circulatory system(neutropenia, anemia);
  • Abnormalities in kidney function (Goodpasture syndrome, glomerulopathy and glomerulonephritis);
  • Skin inflammation (psoriasis, vitiligo, lupus, urticaria);
  • Pulmonary diseases (sarcoidosis, fibrosing alveolitis of the lungs);
  • Heart pathology (myocarditis, fever).

All “orderly diseases” of this type develop very slowly, and then haunt a person throughout his life. On initial stages symptoms can be like pictures, very blurry, which makes it difficult correct positioning diagnosis. The treatment of such diseases is carried out by specialized doctors, sometimes the help of several specialists is required at once, on whose professionalism the state of health, and sometimes the life of autoimmune patients, depends.

Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases: how not to waste time

Since autoimmune diseases develop slowly and their symptoms remain in the shadows for a long time, a person, as a rule, does not take it seriously and delays visiting a doctor. Then the local therapist long years unsuccessfully treats and tries to help the patient. He prescribes a whole list of tests before he decides to conduct an autoimmune examination. Therefore, if you are worried about some kind of sluggish inflammatory process, it is better to pay attention to it in time, as they say in Latin “periculum in mora” (the danger is in delay).

A laboratory can make a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease using a special blood test.

If an autoimmune disease is suspected, the patient is prescribed a full range of diagnostic procedures. Despite the fact that the list of these diseases is very wide, it is necessary to determine the presence of the behavior of antibodies. To do this, it is necessary to test the subject's blood for these antibodies.

Necessary tests:

  • Fluorescent antinuclear antibody testing (a blood test that detects certain autoimmune antibodies) and lymphocytotoxic autoantibodies;
  • For C-reactive protein (allows us to understand the nature of the inflammatory process);
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (allows you to control the inflammatory process);
  • The degree of increase in ESR (will help assess the activity of the disease);

Although full picture The disease will not yet be clear enough; based on the test results, it will be possible to draw preliminary conclusions. For example, if during a normal infection the doctor diagnoses a slight increase in titers, then with an autoimmune deviation the indicators will be significantly exceeded.

Causes of autoimmune diseases: expert opinion

Autoimmune diseases are mysterious to world medicine to this day, because it is still not possible to establish the true causes of their occurrence and find a way to cure them. All we have are hypotheses based on practical and laboratory observations. According to this data, there are several true reasons the development of such diseases and a list of so-called trigger mechanisms that are the impetus for disorientation of the human immune system.

Genetic and psychological reasons– this, according to world doctors, is the basis for the development of autoimmune disorders.

When a person is admitted to the hospital with an autoimmune disease, he is treated by a specialist doctor like a regular patient - with the same methods and medications. But recent developments by scientists have proven that this is fundamentally wrong, especially since no special results from such treatment are visible. Today it has become generally known that the etiology of various autoimmune diseases is common, outdated methods are recognized as ineffective, and there is hope to soon make these diseases curable.

Probable causes of autoimmune disorders:

  1. Unhealthy gut. It is known that more than 80% of the immune system is located in the intestines and its normal functioning means the health of the whole body.
  2. Gluten (gluten). This is a complex protein that is found in many foods; it has a similar structure to thyroid tissue. Increased sensitivity to gluten can cause autoimmune diseases.
  3. Toxins (mycotoxins, heavy metals).
  4. Infection.
  5. Stress. It has been proven that stress is not only emotions, but also biochemical changes that can destroy immune functions.

The genetic code is the main component that carries not only physical, but also psychological information. The code for health, or disease, is formed in the family and is inherited, just like gene mutations. The human nervous system has a very close relationship with the hormonal and immune systems. It controls the production of hormones and affects immune cells. There is a direct connection between the health of the body and psychological mood The placebo effect has long been proven, and all diseases begin with the head.

What to do and can it be helped: autoimmune diseases in children

Autoimmune disease is the name given to an aggressive reaction of the body directed against its own healthy tissues for a reason unknown to this day. Medicine does not know how to properly treat these people. Children who are faced with such diseases often suffer from such diseases. serious violations work of the body, it is especially difficult for them during an exacerbation.

Children suffering from autoimmune diseases quite often encounter problems in social environment– poor adaptation, problematic communication with peers, aggression.

All drugs used to treat immune problems, are highly toxic, so they are prescribed to children by a specialist with great caution and in minimal doses. Doctors advise parents to tirelessly monitor the disease, keeping it in remission. The child must follow a daily routine, eat healthy and healthy food, walk on fresh air. A positive psychological atmosphere in the family is no less important, because an unhealthy psychological climate in the house can cause an autoimmune conflict in the child.

The main types of childhood autoimmune diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation and destruction of the joints of the hands and feet);
  • Bechterew's disease (damage to the joints of the spine);
  • Periarteritis nodosa (inflammation of the walls of blood vessels);
  • Red systemic lupus(defeat connective tissue).

If a child is often harassed by external, skin, allergic manifestations, occurs with complications postoperative period, something is long and hard to bear infection, or it repeats, it means a malfunction has occurred in the body and immunological tests must be done. If their results show deviations from the norm of more than 20%, then this may indicate signs of an autoimmune disease.

What are autoimmune diseases: list of diseases (video)

Diseases that are also called autoallergic must be distinguished from diseases that have an autoallergic component in their development, that is, those for which autogenous allergens are simply a complication. There are also a number pathological processes, the pathogenesis of which is immune complexes, in some cases this is normal, and in some cases immune complex diseases may occur. An autoimmune disease cannot be considered as convective (especially dangerous), it is not contagious, is not transmitted by airborne droplets, but, unfortunately, is incurable. Scientists all over the world are working on this problem and are fundamentally looking for new approach and new treatment.

What are autoimmune diseases? The list of them is very wide and includes about 80 heterogeneous in flow and clinical signs diseases, which, however, are united by a single development mechanism: for reasons still unknown to medicine, the immune system mistakes the cells of its own body for “enemies” and begins to destroy them.

One organ can fall into the attack zone - then we are talking about an organ-specific form. If two or more organs are affected, then we are dealing with a systemic disease. Some of them may occur as systemic manifestations, and without them, for example rheumatoid arthritis. Some diseases are characterized by simultaneous damage different organs, with others, systematicity appears only in case of progression.

These are the most unpredictable diseases: they can arise unexpectedly and also pass spontaneously; appear once in a lifetime and never bother a person again; quickly progress and end fatal... But most often they accept chronic form and require lifelong treatment.

Systemic autoimmune diseases. List

What other systemic autoimmune diseases are there? The list can be continued with such pathologies as:

  • dermatopolymyositis is a severe, rapidly progressive lesion of connective tissue involving transverse smooth muscle, skin, internal organs;
  • which is characterized by venous thrombosis;
  • sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease that most often affects the lungs, but also the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, spleen, reproductive and endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Organ-specific and mixed forms

Organ-specific types include primary myxedema, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis ( diffuse goiter), autoimmune gastritis, pernicious anemia, (adrenal insufficiency), and myasthenia gravis.

From mixed forms Crohn's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, celiac disease, chronic active hepatitis and others should be mentioned.

Autoimmune diseases. List by predominant symptoms

This type of pathology can be divided depending on which organ is predominantly affected. This list includes systemic, mixed, and organ-specific forms.


Diagnostics is based on clinical picture And lab tests for autoimmune diseases. As a rule, a general, biochemical and immunological blood test is performed.

The body's defenses are aimed at maintaining its stable state and destroying pathogenic agents. Special cells fight pests and promote their removal from the internal environment. It happens that a disturbance occurs in the body, and its own cells begin to be perceived as foreign. In science, such phenomena are called autoimmune diseases: in simple words, the body destroys itself. Over the years, the number of patients with such diagnoses is only growing.

What are autoimmune diseases

The essence of the phenomenon described above comes down to the fact that an overly active immune system begins to attack individual tissues, organs or entire systems, which causes their functioning to malfunction. Autoimmune diseases, what are they and why do they occur? The mechanism of origin of such processes is still not completely clear to researchers in the field of medicine. There are a number of reasons why the immune system may fail. In addition, it is important to recognize the symptoms in time in order to be able to correct the course of the disease.


Each pathology in this group triggers its own characteristic autoimmune processes, so the symptoms may differ. However there is general group conditions, which suggests the development of autoimmune diseases:

  • Abrupt loss weight.
  • Increased body weight combined with rapid fatigue.
  • Pain in joints and muscles for no obvious reason.
  • Decrease in the quality of mental activity - a person has difficulty concentrating on work, he experiences foggy consciousness.
  • A common autoimmune reaction is a skin rash. The condition is aggravated by exposure to the sun and consumption certain products.
  • Dry mucous membranes and skin. The eyes and mouth are mainly affected.
  • Loss of sensation. Tingling in the limbs, insensitivity of any part of the body often indicates that the autoimmune system has launched its mechanisms.
  • Increased blood clotting up to the formation of blood clots, spontaneous abortions.
  • Severe loss hair, appearance of baldness.
  • Digestive disorders, stomach pain, changes in the color of stool and urine, the appearance of blood in them.


Diseases of the defense system arise due to the activation of special cells in the body. What are autoantibodies? This is a group of cells that destroy healthy structural units organism, mistaking them for foreign. The task of specialists is to order laboratory tests and determine which highly active cells are present in the blood. When making a diagnosis, the attending physician relies on the presence of markers of autoimmune diseases - antibodies to substances that are natural to the human body.

Markers of autoimmune diseases are agents whose action is aimed at neutralizing:

  • yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae;
  • double-stranded native DNA;
  • extractable nuclear antigens;
  • neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens;
  • insulin;
  • cardiolipnin;
  • prothrombin;
  • basement membrane glomeruli (determines kidney disease);
  • Fc fragment of immunoglobulin G ( rheumatoid factor);
  • phospholipids;
  • gliadin.


All lymphocytes develop mechanisms for recognizing foreign proteins and methods for combating them. Some of them eliminate “native” proteins, which is necessary if the cellular structure is damaged and needs to be eliminated. The defense system strictly controls the activity of such lymphocytes, but sometimes they fail, which becomes the cause of an autoimmune disease.

Among other probable factors of autoimmune disorders, scientists identify:

  1. Gene mutations, the occurrence of which is influenced by heredity.
  2. Transferred severe infections.
  3. Penetration internal environment viruses that can take the form of body cells.
  4. Adverse influence environment – ​​radiation, atmospheric, water and soil pollution with chemicals.


Almost all cases of autoimmune diseases occur in women; women are especially vulnerable childbearing age. Men suffer from lymphocyte disorientation much less frequently. However, the consequences of these pathologies are equally negative for everyone, especially if the patient does not undergo maintenance therapy. Autoimmune processes threaten the destruction of body tissue (one or more types), uncontrolled organ growth, and changes in organ functions. Some diseases significantly increase the risk of cancer of any location and infertility.

List of human autoimmune diseases

Crashes in protective system the body can provoke damage to any organ, so the list autoimmune pathologies wide. They disrupt the functioning of the hormonal, cardiovascular, nervous systems, cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system, affect the skin, hair, nails and more. These diseases cannot be cured at home; the patient requires qualified assistance medical personnel.


Hematologists are involved in treatment and prognosis of the success of therapy. The most common diseases in this group are:


A dermatologist will treat patients for autoimmune skin diseases. The group of these pathologies is wide:

  • psoriasis disease (in the photo it looks like red, too dry, raised spots above the skin that merge with each other);
  • isolated cutaneous vasculitis;
  • some types of alopecia;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus disease;
  • pemphingoid;
  • chronic urticaria.

Thyroid gland

Autoimmune thyroid disease can be cured if you seek treatment in time. qualified assistance. There are two groups of pathologies: the first, in which the amount of hormones is increased ( Graves' disease, or Graves' disease), the second hormones are less than normal (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Autoimmune processes in thyroid gland lead to primary hypothyroidism. Patients are examined by an endocrinologist or family therapist. A marker of autoimmune thyroid diseases are antibodies to TPO (thyroid peroxidase).

Symptoms autoimmune thyroiditis:

  • often the disease is asymptomatic and is detected during examination of the thyroid gland;
  • when the disease develops into hypothyroidism, apathy, depression, weakness, swelling of the tongue, hair loss, joint pain, slow speech, etc. are observed.
  • when the disease thyrotoxicosis occurs, the patient experiences mood swings, rapid heartbeat, fever, disruptions in menstrual cycle, decrease in strength bone tissue etc.


Common autoimmune liver diseases:

  • primary biliary;
  • autoimmune hepatitis disease;
  • primary sclerosing cholangitis;
  • autoimmune cholangitis.

Nervous system

Neurologists treat the following diseases:

  • Guillain-Bart syndrome;
  • Myasthenia Gravis.


This group of diseases, especially, affects even children. The process begins with inflammation of the connective tissue, which leads to joint destruction. As a result, the patient loses the ability to move. Autoimmune diseases of the joints also include spondyloarthropathy - inflammatory processes joints and entension.

Treatment methods

For a specific autoimmune disease, specialized treatment is prescribed. A referral is issued for a blood test, which identifies pathological markers. At systemic diseases(, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome) it is necessary to consult several specialists and approach treatment comprehensively. This process will be lengthy, but with proper therapy it will allow you to live a quality and long life.


Mostly, the treatment of diseases is aimed at strongly reducing the activity of the immune system, for which the patient needs to take special drugs– immunosuppressants. These include the following medicines, like Prednisolone, Cyclophosphamide, Azathioprine. Doctors weigh the factors that determine the benefit-harm ratio. The immune system is suppressed, and this condition is very dangerous for the body. The patient is under the supervision of specialists at all times. The use of immunomodulators, on the contrary, is often considered a contraindication for such therapy.

Using autoimmune therapy

For autoimmune diseases, corticosteroid drugs are also used. They are also aimed at suppressing protective forces body, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is not advisable to use these drugs long time because they give a lot side effects. In some cases, blood transfusions – plasmapheresis – are used to treat autoimmune diseases. Highly active antibodies are removed from the blood, then it is transfused back.

Folk remedies

It is important to adjust your lifestyle - moderately monitor hygiene, do not give up walking in sunny weather, drink natural green tea, use less deodorants and perfumes, stick to an anti-inflammatory diet. Each individual disease allows the use of specific folk remedies, but you should definitely consult a doctor, because different cases the same recipe can be disastrous.

Video about autoimmune system disease

Autoimmune diseases– this is such a wide group of pathologies that we can talk about it for a very long time. Scientists from all over the world are still arguing about the origin, treatment methods and manifestations individual diseases. We present to your attention an episode of the “Be Healthy” program, in which experts talk about the essence of autoimmune processes, the most common pathologies, and recommendations for maintaining health.



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