Britney Spears has psoriasis. Who suffers from psoriasis among the stars, celebrities, famous people? Celebrities suffering from the disease

The diagnosis of psoriasis is a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world. Although the disease appeared a long time ago, so far neither scientists nor doctors of medical sciences have been able to establish clear reasons for the appearance of the disease, nor have they found a 100% cure for this disease. Often, patients with a similar diagnosis fall into a depressive state and succumb to panic, but depression and panic are considered the worst helpers in treating the disease.

Among celebrities there are also those who suffer from psoriasis.

Most often, the disease makes itself felt by minor psoriatic plaques, which, with inappropriate treatment, grow and affect increasingly larger areas of the epithelium. Pathological changes in the body cause the patient not only physical discomfort, pain and itching, but also lower a person’s self-esteem and affect his psycho-emotional state. However, the diagnosis of psoriasis is not a death sentence; with it you can achieve success, make a career and live a full life, and we will try to prove this in this article by talking about famous people whom the whole world knows who suffer or have suffered from psoriasis.

Features of the occurrence and course of psoriasis

Psoriasis, as a dermatological disease, is expressed by pathological changes on the patient’s skin that appear in different areas of the body. The only advantage of this disease is its non-infectious nature, which does not require isolation of the patient from society and allows a person to simultaneously treat the disease and lead a normal lifestyle.

Doctors refer to dermatological diseases in most cases as heredity, exposure to stress, heavy physical labor, poor diet and problems with the immune system. The variety of factors for the appearance of psoriasis does not guarantee safety from the occurrence of this disease for anyone; the disease can occur in older people, both rich and poor.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that even today, with the presence of various new developments in pharmacology, there is no drug that can permanently cure the disease. The main mistake of a patient diagnosed with psoriasis is falling into depression. Stressful overexertion and experiences only intensify the intensification of the disease, which negatively affects the person’s condition. External manifestations of the disease often cause ridicule from others or disgust, which also negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The treatment methodology at the present time allows only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, as well as to prolong periods of its remission.

Timely contact with a dermatology specialist and compliance with his instructions guarantee a reduction in the external manifestations of the disease, as well as the risk of progression of the disease to more serious stages that are dangerous for normal human life.

Although psoriasis is a chronic disease, it does not threaten a person’s life and allows one to live a normal life, as evidenced by famous people suffering from psoriasis. We will tell you further which of the famous and well-known people were able to overcome themselves and, with a diagnosis of psoriasis, achieved significant success and public recognition. This information will help patients with psoriasis to raise their self-esteem, restore morale, find the strength to fight the disease, and live on without discomfort and with pleasure.

Famous historical figures with psoriasis

Historically, the first case of psoriasis was diagnosed in the conqueror, military commander of the Roman Empire, who lived before our era - Lucius Cornelius Sulla. At that time, the symptoms of the disease were unknown to society; the patient himself was not embarrassed by the disease and called it “the disease of emperors,” thereby classifying himself as a member of the rich caste. The illness did not prevent Sulla from becoming a legendary politician, conqueror and reformer, achieving political success and leaving his name in history.

Among the historically famous sufferers of psoriasis is the Scottish monarch Robert the Bruce, who reigned in the fourteenth century AD. There is documented evidence that Bruce spent his entire life unsuccessfully struggling with psoriasis, never achieving positive results. His illness progressed rapidly and became severe, although the cause of death was leprosy. The king, with such a serious illness, led an active lifestyle and fought for the independence of his country.

Such world-famous statesmen as Stalin, Franklin and Churchill also suffered from psoriasis. A serious and incurable illness did not become an obstacle to the achievement of military, state and political glory by these people.

A famous philanthropist, philanthropist and billionaire who suffered from psoriasis was John Davison Rockefeller. All his life he struggled in vain with his disease, in despair, he promised a large fortune in the form of a reward to anyone who could find a cure for psoriasis. No one received the reward, since no drug has yet been found to cure the disease.

Henry Ford, a respectable industrial magnate who is the founder of the Ford Motor Company factories, suffered from psoriasis all his life. An incurable illness did not prevent him from becoming famous and gaining respect among ordinary people. For ordinary workers, he created excellent working conditions, rewarded them for giving up bad habits, thereby encouraging a healthy lifestyle. The illness did not stop him from realizing his dream, creating reliable and practical cars for people of any class and status.

The writer, writer and entomologist Vladimir Nabokov will forever remain in the history and memory of people. Psoriasis accompanied him all his life, almost from infancy, however, this did not become an obstacle to the development of his personality, the writing of famous books, and the implementation of personal plans. Nabokov remained in history not due to the illness that haunted him, but thanks to his perseverance and strong will, confident movement towards his life goal - to strive for perfection and create.

This is an incomplete list of famous people who, despite having an incurable chronic illness, were able to leave their names in history, achieve respect, public recognition, and realize their life plans and dreams. In addition to historical figures, psoriasis also affects people who live in modern times and belong to the elite, known in modern high society.

Psoriasis and celebrities of our time

It is surprising that among patients with psoriasis there are many stars and models who, without hesitation, go on stage or podium, successfully fight the disease, strive for excellence, increasing their reputation and status, and move up the career ladder. People with psoriasis should follow the example of those individuals who, despite the diagnosis, confidently move towards their goal and live a full life.

Not many will be able to believe the fact that celebrities such as Cameron Diaz and Britney Spears, who have a striking appearance, enormous popularity and worldwide love from viewers, have psoriasis. Cameron Diaz, despite the diagnosis, successfully acts in popular films and at the same time struggles with manifestations of the disease on the elbows and behind the knees, following the instructions of a personal dermatologist, who helps to cope with the external symptoms of the disease and prolong periods of remission. Dermatosis did not become an obstacle to her career; she is still in demand on television.

Journalists first started talking about Britney Spears’ illness in 2012 during the filming of “The X Factor.” The singer admitted that she had been suffering from psoriasis for a long time, however, she did not attach significant importance to it until it began to cause noticeable discomfort. Spears' skin pathologies are mainly located on her calves. Nowadays, the singer is struggling with the disease, although she is not ashamed of the disease, wearing revealing clothes and shoes, and is often seen at shows during exacerbations of the disease. The cause of the disease is an active lifestyle, which is oversaturated with stress and stressful situations.

Kim Kardashian inherited the disease from her mother. The disease first appeared in her teens, however, this did not stop her from becoming a world-famous model and one of the most beautiful and spectacular women on the planet. Suffering from psoriasis, Kardashian successfully married and gave birth to two children, despite the fact that her body is periodically covered with unattractive psoriatic plaques.

Celebrities who suffer from psoriasis include the world-famous TV presenter, actress and successful model Caridy English. During periods of exacerbation, more than sixty percent of her body is covered with terrible red psoriatic spots. Caridi not only actively fights the disease herself, but also helps ordinary people overcome complexes about the disease, psychologically and morally survive the presence of the disease, as a representative of the National Psoriasis Foundation. To prove that it is possible to live fully with psoriasis and support patients, she was specially photographed during an exacerbation of the disease for popular magazines.

Eurovision 2006 participant from Ukraine Tina Karol fell ill with psoriasis relatively recently; she herself cites stress and heavy loads during numerous tours as the causes of the disease. The singer has not yet been able to cope with the disease, although she makes great efforts to do so. Despite the diagnosis of psoriasis, the singer continues to take part in social life and does not refuse offers that are beneficial to her.

Cara Delevingne, despite the periodic appearance of psoriatic spots on her legs, still conquers the catwalk as a model, participating in shows even when she has to wear revealing clothes. The psoriatic spots on her body did not make her modeling career any less rapid; her fans adore her as a woman and a model.

Let's sum it up

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that psoriasis in celebrities is observed no less often than in ordinary people. The disease belongs to those types of ailments, the cure of which does not depend on the amount in the wallet. When diagnosed with psoriasis, first of all, you need to realize the seriousness of the problem and learn to live with it, since using the example of celebrities you can make sure that this is possible.

The main rule for a patient with psoriasis is to rid oneself of psychological fears associated with the disease. With the right approach to therapy and a moral attitude towards the disease, patients with psoriasis can live no less well than healthy people, be successful, independent and happy.

Psoriasis often occurs due to stress, weak immunity, and the disease causes spots to appear all over the body. Psoriasis is often called the imperial disease - it affects not only ordinary people, but even celebrities, singers or politicians.

It's hard to believe that those whom we consider ideals - the most ordinary people, despite all their financial resources and ability to turn to the best doctors in the world, also suffer from psoriasis. A heavy work schedule and lack of rest can provoke the development of this disease in stars.

Celebrities with psoriasis are often on camera and are pursued by paparazzi, so they rarely manage to hide the disease during an exacerbation of the disease. Exposed areas of the body are often affected, such as the legs or ankles, arms and elbows. Some actresses and singers do not even try to hide the manifestations of psoriasis.

A cure for the disease has not yet been found, it can only be healed, so they have no choice but to simply wait for the onset of remission, take better care of themselves and maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, famous beauties do not change their work schedule and continue to film, perform or attend social events.

Ukrainian singer Tina Karol, who took part in Eurovision, suffered from psoriasis. Red spots appeared on her legs and arms. Now they say that she managed to completely cure this unpleasant disease. But most likely she simply managed to go into remission.

For the first time, Cameron Diaz's psoriatic plaques were noticed by journalists at the Oscars. Obvious signs of the disease are localized on the elbows and under the knees of the actress. It turned out that the Hollywood star has been suffering from psoriasis for many years and all this time she has been successfully acting in films.

Cameron's skin condition has never been ideal. In addition to psoriasis, she had severe manifestations of acne, which did not respond to treatment; her whole face was covered with pimples. A Chinese acupuncturist helped her get rid of her illness, and he also cured her severe age spots. Doctors, pharmacists, and dermatologists believe that Cameron could benefit from cortisone ointment and vitamin therapy.

Britney Spears

For the world-famous princess of pop music, the disease progressed very slowly. She had no idea that she had psoriasis until the symptoms of the disease became obvious. Then the singer said that due to a difficult work schedule, stressful situations and nerves, her psoriasis worsened.

Friends of Britney Spears said that the skin on her ankles was very itchy; she applied a special ointment, but soon gave it up because there was a burning sensation when applying it. Britney often appears in public in open shoes and doesn’t feel the least bit embarrassed about her red plaques. At the moment, there is no medicine that could completely get rid of such a diagnosis as psoriasis.

Kim Kardashian

Kim is known as one of the most beautiful women in the world, and her photo shoots are often done in the nude. Therefore, when it became known that Kim Kardashian had psoriasis and inherited it from her mother, the public was very surprised. By the way, many models, like Kim, noticed signs of this disease, which did not prevent them from building a career in the modeling world and the beauty industry.

For some time now, Kardashian has ceased to be ashamed of her diagnosis, and openly photographs and demonstrates areas of her body affected by psoriasis. At the moment, the socialite adheres to a special diet and is undergoing a course of injections against the disease. In an interview, she said that she decided to do a nude photo shoot in the desert precisely because of psoriasis.

“The disease cannot be cured. I avoid certain foods to prevent flare-ups. I don’t eat anything sour, including tomatoes and eggplants. "Everyone has different symptoms of psoriasis." - says Kim.

Cara Delevingne

English model Cara Delevingne has repeatedly stated that she has an incurable disease and appeared on the catwalk with psoriasis. She is treated with modern medications, but all of them provide only a temporary effect. Kara uses special medicinal cosmetics for her skin. Despite the fact that everyone has long known that Cara Delevingne has psoriasis and clearly visible plaques on her legs, she remains a fan favorite and receives offers to participate in fashion shows.

Caridy English

Model and actress Caridy English has a severe form of psoriasis. She published photos showing that about 70% of the body is affected by the disease, all of Caridi’s legs are covered in red spots. She herself states that she has been ill for five years now, the manifestations of psoriasis are her individual feature, and her fans should accept her as she is. Caridy English believes that psoriasis does not need to be hidden from the public and she is not ashamed of herself and the characteristics of her body. She encourages her fans to do the same. The model even joined the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Famous men from the past who had psoriasis

Psoriasis in celebrities occurs not only in women, but also in men. It’s not for nothing that the disease was nicknamed imperial – even famous politicians and the richest people suffered from it.

Famous personalities from the past also once sought ways to escape from an incurable disease. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford automobile manufacturing plant, suffered from this disease; it did not stop him from creating the first Ford engine in his kitchen, becoming famous throughout the world and founding his own company, thereby making his dream come true.

The list of celebrities with psoriasis included John Rockefeller. The billionaire had symptoms of psoriasis. He was and remains the richest man in the entire history of mankind. And even he could not find the remedy that would save him from this illness once and for all. Nothing could help him heal forever. He even came up with a special prize that would go to the person who finds salvation from psoriasis. Rockefeller really wanted to get rid of the disease. But, unfortunately, even today no one has received this award, and a medicine that can cure psoriasis has not yet been found or invented.

The famous politician, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, could not cope with psoriasis. At one time, he even promised to erect a monument to someone who would forever save humanity from the disease.

Who would have thought that the stern Stalin could suffer from some kind of psoriasis? Well, yes, the illness caused him a lot of trouble, but did not affect his political career in any way. Many studies indicate that in Stalin’s medicine cabinet, among asthma tablets, mild narcotic cough tablets, sleeping pills and other equally interesting medications, there were also drying ointments. Stalin used zinc ointment and another skin product called Lassara Paste.

The famous writer, writer and creator of the famous “Lolita” was also one of the famous people with psoriasis. In his works he often mentioned this disease, but never in ordinary life. He carefully hid all the details about himself, but from the letters that Nabokov wrote to his wife, it was known about at least two cases of severe relapse of psoriasis in the writer.

How they hide their illness and what they refuse

In most cases, stars with psoriasis sooner or later stop being ashamed of their features, and some openly show red spots on their face and body. This is to encourage the public not to treat psoriasis patients as lepers.

Many people who are diagnosed with psoriasis for the first time succumb to panic, thereby further provoking psoriatic manifestations. Every patient should know that psoriatic disease is not a death sentence; in addition, many celebrities suffer from psoriasis without suffering from inferiority complexes at all.

No one doubts that psoriatic disease requires serious treatment. Psoriasis affects all groups of patients, including the elderly and children. Before starting treatment, anamnestic data and a hereditary factor are identified (whether there are those in the family who suffered from psoriatic disease) and only after a complete examination of the symptoms and causes of the disease is the patient prescribed adequate antipsoriatic therapy.

Psoriasis has long been a mystery to many healers and scientists. People around them treated patients with caution, considering psoriatic manifestations to be a sign of higher powers. No disease acts selectively on specific people, including psoriasis; many of those who suffer from psoriatic manifestations stubbornly fight it, continuing to enjoy life.

Among the most famous people suffering from psoriatic diseases are the following individuals:

Famous people who were ill in the past

Psoriatic disease WAS FIRST DISCOVERED in the famous Roman military leader and influential politician Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who ruled in 138 BC.

  • He became famous for his state reforms and bloody conquests. Sulla was not at all ashamed of his psoriatic disease and called it “the disease of emperors,” classifying himself as a member of the privileged caste.
  • In second place for psoriatic disease among famous personalities is the greatest monarch, the Scottish king from the Bruce dynasty, who fought for the independence of his country from England, Robert the Bruce. In those days, doctors did not know how to treat psoriasis, and the king’s disease took a severe form. However, the monarch died of leprosy (leprosy), not psoriasis, in 1329.
  • Benjamin Franklin, who was a diplomat, politician, famous scientist, journalist, inventor and publisher, also suffered from psoriasis. This outstanding person left a bright mark on himself as a comprehensively developed personality, despite the fact that psoriatic disease accompanied him all his life.
  • Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England, suffered from psoriatic manifestations from an early age and, despairing of ever getting rid of this disease, promised to erect a golden monument to a person who could cure this disease.
    • Those who were diagnosed with psoriasis include the famous American entrepreneur, billionaire and famous philanthropist - John Rockefeller. He was a patron of many medical researches, such as the development of drugs to treat yellow fever. Rockefeller became the founder of the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller University and his own monetary foundation. The billionaire suffered from psoriatic manifestations throughout his life, trying with all his might to get rid of them, but in vain. At that time, none of the doctors had sufficient knowledge to help him with this. Desperate, he promised anyone who found a way to get rid of psoriasis a large monetary reward. To date, no one has received this award.
    • One of the famous personalities who had this disease throughout his life was the famous industrial magnate, owner of the Ford Motor Company factories producing cars. Ford dreamed of releasing an “absolute” car model, accessible to all segments of the population. He went to achieve this goal, no matter what, including psoriasis. Many historians believe that the “secret” of Henry Ford’s vital activity was his special attitude towards ordinary people. It was at Henry Ford's enterprises that an 8-hour work shift, a 6-day schedule, days off and paid vacation were introduced. In addition, he introduced additional financial rewards for non-drinking and non-smoking employees, thereby encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to this approach, there was no turnover at the Ford plant and product quality increased dramatically.

  • The most prominent personality with psoriatic manifestations, whom the whole world knows, was I.V. Stalin is a famous politician, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the USSR. Despite numerous controversies about this man, his biography and life evoke conflicting feelings among many biographers. However, few people know that throughout his life Stalin suffered from psoriasis, which did not prevent him from maintaining vital activity. Of course, the figure of Stalin gives rise to many contradictions. For example, from a feature film about E.I. Chazov (personal physician of many rulers of the USSR), with the title “Medical Secret. Kremlin Doctor" viewers are provided with information that I.V. In 1938, Stalin shot the famous professor Kazakov, who unsuccessfully tried to treat his psoriasis. It’s hard to believe, but the very fact that Stalin suffered from psoriatic manifestations has indeed been confirmed.
  • The list of patients with psoriasis also includes the famous writer, poet, entomologist and translator V. Nabokov. Despite his illness, he wrote wonderful things that are enjoyed by many readers in modern society. Biographers claim that the writer had a severe psoriatic form of the disease, with periodic exacerbations. During one of these psoriatic attacks, he wrote to his wife that he was undergoing ultraviolet radiation every day and felt much better than before the start of treatment, when he was visited by thoughts of suicide from unbearable suffering.
  • Alexander Men, an archpriest of the Orthodox Russian Church, theologian, preacher and author of numerous books on Christian doctrine, had psoriatic disease. Unfortunately, his life was short, and he died at the hands of a maddened criminal, but many people remembered him as a bright personality.
  • Among the celebrities with psoriatic manifestations is the American writer John Updike, who in his novel “Centaur” described the suffering of the main character from psoriasis. In addition, in his literary work “Self-Consciousness,” D. Updike highlighted an entire section on psoriatic manifestations, which he called “At War with Your Own Skin.”

Celebrities with psoriasis today

  • In addition to politicians and writers, many movie stars suffer from psoriatic disease, but this does not prevent them from enjoying the popularity and love of viewers. For example, Cameron Diaz, an American popular model and actress who has won many awards and prizes in cinema, has been suffering from psoriatic rashes on her knees and palms for a long time. However, this did not stop her from being one of the most popular film actresses and simply a beautiful woman.
  • Recently, the public was struck by the news about the psoriatic disease of the famous and beloved American singer Britney Spears. The singer did not attach serious importance to this disease, but recently it has begun to progress, which Britney attributes to stressful situations. Symptoms of psoriatic disease in the star occur characteristically, affecting the ankles and feet. The singer regularly undergoes treatment for psoriasis and tries to control her disease.
  • Psoriatic disease is also present in the top American model Caridi English. Not long ago, a glossy magazine published her photographs, in which the body of a beautiful girl is covered with psoriatic plaques. However, for the model this disease does not pose a problem, since in her opinion, psoriasis is not a disease, but just an individual characteristic of the body.
  • Among those who are familiar with this insidious disease first-hand is the popular singer from Ukraine Tina Karol, who participated in Eurovision 2006. Despite everything, psoriatic disease did not prevent her from becoming popular, finding happiness in marriage and fully enjoying life.
  • Few people know that the famous TV show host and fashion model Kim Kardashian has been suffering from psoriasis for quite a long time, which was passed on to her from her mother. However, Kim does not focus on psoriatic disease and confidently moves towards her goal. Today, Kim Kardashian is the most sought-after actress and model in Hollywood.

It is not for nothing that psoriasis is considered to be one of the most common skin diseases on planet Earth - about 4% of the population suffers from its external manifestations. It is very easy to recognize the disease - it manifests itself first as single, and then as multiple inflamed, raised, convex reddish-pink spots on the skin. These eruptive elements covered with silver-gray scales can be located in any part of the body; psoriasis often affects the nail plates, reaches the scalp, joints, and affects internal organs.

Despite the fact that many modern scientific medical works are devoted to the study of the nature of psoriasis, the etiology of this disease has not been fully established.

The most likely cause of the appearance of the hated psoriatic plaques on the skin is considered to be an immune failure - thus, under the influence of a number of factors, the protective forces of the human body begin to attack healthy epidermal cells, causing their abnormally rapid reproduction.

As a result, the skin is gradually covered, first with single, and then with multiple rash elements. Such plaques intensely itch, peel, cause pain - they cause not only physical discomfort, but also psycho-emotional disorders (neurosis, apathy, depressive states).

It is noteworthy that even the fact of a comprehensive study of the essence of psoriasis does not allow us to find a universal cure that allows patients with the appropriate diagnosis to forget about its unpleasant symptoms forever. Many people live “hand in hand” with psoriasis throughout their lives, taking appropriate medications from time to time to minimize its external manifestations and relieve physical discomfort.

"Star" psoriasis

It was already mentioned above that the presence of characteristic rash elements on the skin is a common phenomenon. Psoriasis occurs in celebrities - people whom each of us sees every day on TV screens and the pages of glossy magazines.

Psoriasis in celebrities is not a reason for worry or worry. Many of them made psoriatic plaques their “calling card”; they did not in any way prevent them from building a successful career in show business. Let's take a closer look at which celebrities have experienced psoriasis.

Henry Ford, the founder and owner of the car manufacturing plant of the same brand, is a prime example of a star with psoriasis. Even in the early stages of his career, this unique man dreamed of creating a universal car that would suit literally everyone - as we know, no psoriatic plaques prevented his dream from becoming a reality.

Another striking example of psoriasis in celebrities is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. This famous political leader walked towards his goal, not paying any attention to the physical and moral discomfort that the skin rashes created for him.

Writer, poet, translator Vladimir Nabokov is another illustration of the fact that psoriasis in celebrities is not an obstacle to successful professional activity and career.

Psoriasis also occurs in modern stars, whose faces look at us every day from television screens. Here are a few examples of such selfless and successful people:

  • Cameron Diaz. This is a famous Hollywood movie star, model, showwoman. She has a lot of roles in films, participation in many television projects, and broken men’s hearts. The actress had personal experience with psoriatic plaques under her knees and on her elbows - this did not stop her from building a successful career and becoming a real favorite of TV viewers all over the world.
  • Tina Karol. Another example when psoriasis in stars did not become an obstacle to a career and a successful marriage. The singer actively tours, her songs are loved by audiences in different countries, she became a participant in the international competition of popular music performers Eurovision 2006.
  • Celebrity psoriasis also affected the 90s pop diva Britney Spears. Not long ago, typical signs of the disease began to appear on her ankles and feet - places that cannot be hidden under clothes. The singer is not ashamed of her illness and is taking all measures to minimize its symptoms and stop its progression.
  • Carey Dee English is a famous American model, another example of the fact that psoriasis in stars is not a hindrance to their career. This stunning woman is not at all shy about the appearance of her skin, she is photographed naked, her photographs adorn the covers of the world's most popular glossy magazines.
  • Kim Kardashian is a famous beauty, fashion model, actress, TV presenter, beloved wife and mother. This lady inherited psoriasis from her own mother, so its symptoms have literally “haunted” her since childhood. Despite this, the woman confidently moves towards more and more new career achievements and continues to break men's hearts.
  • Kara Delenville is a popular British model. The hated psoriatic plaques that “decorate” the legs of this stunning lady do not stop her from going on the catwalk again and again to demonstrate her next extraordinary outfit.
  • Leigh Ann Rimes, another “victim” of psoriasis, built a successful career as a country singer and found fans of her music in various countries.
  • The famous British singer Emmy Whitehouse also suffered from the hated psoriatic plaques, however, she succeeded in the musical field.
  • Tom Waits is a popular singer, composer, actor, a “victim” of a common form of psoriasis, a public favorite and a sought-after showman.

A few more words about the problem

Numerous examples of psoriasis diagnosed in “star” people confirm that psoriatic plaques are not a reason to “give up” your own career. There are many known cases where characteristic rashes on the skin not only did not become a hindrance, but even helped to succeed in the professional field.

Most celebrities perceive such rashes as “distinctive features” that make them stand out from the gray mass. Stars are not at all shy about exposing damaged areas of skin and showing them to the public - it is precisely such manifestations, in their opinion, that make them special and in demand.

Patients with psoriasis must understand one simple thing: this disease is not a death sentence.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to correct with medication, and it is completely impossible to get rid of psoriatic plaques once and for all, timely and correctly selected therapy will help minimize the physical discomfort created by rashes on the skin and stop the progression of the disease.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of the “new” appearance of your skin (for ordinary people it often becomes a reason for the emergence of complexes, leading to the development of neuroses and depression) - practice shows that psoriatic plaques do not at all interfere with building a career, being a successful person and a happy family man . The main thing is the correct attitude to the problem and the search for optimal ways to solve it.

Psoriatic plaques on the skin can hardly be called decoration. Because of them, people stop loving their reflection in the mirror and lose confidence in their own abilities. However, all their suffering and torment are completely in vain. Foreign and Russian celebrities are trying to convince patients of this. Psoriasis in celebrities is a hot topic that has been repeatedly raised by journalists. Famous personalities are not shy about the disease, they happily pose for photos and willingly share with other patients their secrets of treating psoriatic rashes.

Many famous people who have distinguished themselves in culture, politics or science have suffered from psoriasis. For most of them, the pathological process developed due to constant worries and hard work.

Not all stars tried to hide their illness. Famous people suffering from psoriasis calmly continued to live and do what they loved, despite the fact that they were bothered by unpleasant symptoms. They had a huge fortune. But even this did not help them obtain an effective medicine that can overcome psoriasis once and for all.

Winston Churchill

This man is a famous politician who served as Prime Minister in Great Britain. He could not cope with the disease. Once he even promised to erect a monument to the person who would invent a cure for this scourge.

Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister (1940-1945 and 1951-1955)

John Rockefeller

One of America's most celebrated entrepreneurs. He donated considerable sums to various medical research. John himself suffered from psoriasis. Throughout the entire period of his illness, he never stopped looking for ways to get rid of the problem that caused his body to become covered with psoriatic plaques. The medicine of that time could not help him. But Rockefeller still managed to establish a special prize for a person who is able to cope with an incurable pathology. So far no one has been able to get it.

The richest man could not find a way to get rid of the disease

Henry Ford

Many people know this man as the founder of the famous FORD car manufacturing plant. One day he set himself the goal of creating the ideal car that would meet the wishes of the most demanding car enthusiasts. Henry was able to achieve it. And even progressive psoriasis did not become a serious obstacle for him.

Joseph Stalin

When answering the question of whether celebrities of yesteryear had psoriasis, one cannot help but mention the name of USSR statesman Joseph Stalin. Throughout his reign, he searched for an effective medicine that could relieve him of his skin disease. Psoriasis caused the activist a lot of inconvenience. But this did not stop him from achieving success in his political career.

Vladimir Nabokov

The list of psoriasis patients included the writer Vladimir Nabokov, whose name was known throughout Russia. He took an active part in the literary life of his state and abroad. Despite his illness, Nabokov continued to work and improve.

Celebrities who are sick nowadays

Many celebrities whose lives are followed by modern youth suffer from unpleasant rashes. Actors and performers with psoriasis are trying to encourage others with the same diagnosis. Although this disease cannot be cured, they still do not lose heart, but simply enjoy life.

Britney Spears

The name of this pop singer is known throughout the world. She had to be treated for psoriasis, which manifested itself against a background of a weakened immune system and severe fatigue. Britney has never tried to hide the parts of her body that are affected by plaques. She feels confident in open outfits. The fact that the skin around her ankles does not look perfect does not bother the star at all.

Kim Kardashian

Residents of various countries observe the life of the famous model. Her loyal fans certainly know what diseases their favorite star suffers from. The pathology first appeared in the girl in her childhood. She inherited the disease from her mother.

Many girls who suffer from psoriasis would not even try to break into modeling. But Kim took a different path. She confidently achieved success in the modeling business. Thanks to this, the celebrity today works with many expensive brands.

Kim has long come to terms with her diagnosis. Proper skin care helps her fight rashes. The girl tirelessly shares her beauty secrets with her loyal fans.

The disease did not prevent the star from becoming successful

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz is not only a famous actress, but also a confident woman who is not embarrassed by any flaws on her body. She has been suffering from various skin diseases for a very long time. She developed psoriasis relatively recently. The unpleasant diagnosis worries the actress. But she doesn't despair. Such skin problems do not prevent her from continuing to act in films and appear at social events.

Cameron regularly visits a specialist and undergoes treatment. Modern therapy helps her relieve obvious signs of psoriasis.

Systemic treatment helps keep the disease under control

Cara Delevingne

The English model and celebrity has captured the hearts of millions of teenagers. She often has to walk down the catwalk with a psoriatic rash on her legs, which are not covered by clothes. Despite the visible flaw, Kara remains a favorite of her fans. She constantly receives offers to star in new films and participate in fashion shows.

Kara has repeatedly said that she has an incurable disease. But she manages to find the strength to keep her own skin in good condition with regular vacations to the Dead Sea resorts. She also practices therapy with modern medications. Kara likes medicinal cosmetics based on natural ingredients. She recommends it to girls who watch the model’s work.

The star often demonstrates affected areas of her legs on the catwalk

Tina Karol

The Ukrainian star has long earned her fame. She even had the chance to take part in Eurovision and perform for her country. In addition, Tina is a good wife and mother. The young singer suffers from psoriatic rashes. In her case they are localized in the area of ​​her legs and arms.

CaryDee English

Another young woman who, despite psoriasis, was able to make a brilliant career. CariDee has repeatedly occupied the place of TV presenter in various programs and acted in films.

During an exacerbation, about 70% of the actress’s skin is covered with psoriatic rashes. She is actively involved in treating the disease and has some success in this matter.

One could go on and on about the names of celebrities who know from personal experience how unpleasant psoriasis can be. Because of this diagnosis, they had certain complexes about their appearance. But they successfully overcame their own fears and found the strength to go out into public again and again in images that do not hide their shortcomings.

When treating psoriasis, stars try to adhere to all the recommendations of leading experts. It is possible that many of them also used traditional methods of therapy, for example, treating the skin with the legendary “Zvezdochka”. Thanks to innovative developments and medications, the list of stars who suffered from psoriatic disease and overcame it is being replenished with new names. Most famous people still achieved long-term remission, thereby giving hope to other patients for their speedy recovery.

Who said that getting rid of psoriasis is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of cure from a dermatologist at the Russian Dermatology Center.



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