The famous singer called the cause of her fatal illness. Biography of Lama Safonova When did you learn about the disease

Lama Safonova is a Russian singer who is instantly remembered. And the point is not only in the talented performance of the girl, but also in her bright unusual appearance and, of course, the “crown” dance with fans, which Lama performs at almost every performance. Unfortunately, in addition to fame and recognition from fans, a difficult test also happened in Safonova's biography. However, the character of the girl did not allow her to give up, and Lama continues to fight for her own life and does not stop singing.

Childhood and youth

Marina Safonova (this is the singer's passport name) was born in Kazakhstan. The girl's birthday is November 8, but Lama carefully hides the year from journalists and fans. However, in 2012, the girl took part in the Let's Get Married program, where she revealed the secret: her year of birth was 1987.

The mother of the future star worked as a teacher, and her father is a hereditary military man. On duty, a man was often transferred to new places, so as a child, Lama managed to live in Kazakhstan, and in Novosibirsk, and in Moscow.

In the capital, the girl went to school, where she showed not only a zeal for learning, but also a desire to help other people: little Marina even organized teams of “young Timurovites” who helped the elderly. From an early age, the future singer was surrounded by friends, but, as Lama later admitted in an interview, her mother was and remains her best friend.

It is interesting that it was the mother who pushed the singer to the decision to hide her age: Lama was influenced by her mother's stories about the great personality, who, as you know, also did not like to talk about the number of years lived, believing that the exact figure does not matter in the slightest.

Lama Safonova dances with fans

But the father instilled in the girl an interest in martial arts, thanks to which Lama learned to masterfully twist the nunchucks. This skill later formed the basis of a dance with luxurious double-sided fans, with which the girl also masterfully manages, causing admiration of the audience.

Immediately after school, Lama entered Moscow State University, but in her dreams she already saw herself on stage.

Music and creativity

The singer recorded her first compositions in 1991. After some time, the girl has already presented to the public and the debut disc, which, unfortunately, did not bring popularity to Lama.

Lama Safonova's song "For you"

But the singer's next work - the album "Lama", released in 2004 - instantly captivated the public, making Lama Safonova famous and popular. The girl began to be invited to perform at national concerts, and then the artist's solo tour began, filming in videos and television programs.

Unlike many colleagues in the music industry, Lama did not resort to the help of producers for her own "promotion". The girl deals with all organizational issues and producing on her own.

In addition, Safonova is still trying to help others: the girl sends most of the money received from concerts to charitable organizations. For this, Lama was even awarded the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "For the nobility of thoughts and deeds", and in 2010 the girl received special thanks from the Presidential Regiment for a concert in the Kremlin.

A year later, Lama Safonova received another award - this time the artist was awarded the title of Fashion Composer of the Year for the composition "O Lama Chamm-Chamm", performed in Russian and Old Scythian at the opening ceremony of High Fashion Week in Moscow.

Lama Safonova's song "Breathe"

And a year later, the singer presented another disc, called "Chamm-Chamm". The song "Dyshi" became the most popular composition from this album.

In parallel with rehearsals, work in the studio and constant concerts, the girl finds time for other activities. So, for some time Lama worked as a DJ at a radio station and hosted the Hot Ten program on one of the TV channels.

Personal life

In 2012, Lama Safonova participated in the Let's Get Married program, where she admitted that her relationship with her first husband did not work out: the man was addicted to gambling in a casino.

Frequent quarrels led to a final discord in the relationship, once Lama even had to escape from the anger of her husband by escaping through the window of the third floor. Then the man begged for forgiveness live on one of the radio stations, but Safonova was adamant. The marriage ended in divorce.

Later, a slender blonde (Lama's height is 176 cm) met a British football player and actor. The man came to shoot in Moscow and accidentally got to Safonova's concert. Thus began an affair, which soon became known to the press.

The situation was complicated by the fact that Vinnie Jones was married. Lama began to be called a homemaker, but the girl admitted that she did not know anything about her lover's marital status. Soon Safonova decided to part with Jones.

Fortunately, in the end, Lama Safonova's personal life turned out happily. In 2014, the girl agreed to become the wife of Alexei Ivanov. The singer prefers not to talk about the new chosen one, but it is known that the man is not related to show business.


The girl's health problems began after a terrible tragedy. Lama Safonova was attacked, the singer was severely beaten and robbed. From that moment on, the artist's heart began to "play pranks", but the doctors shrugged, not finding any illnesses in Lama.

And in 2016, Safonova told the press about a terrible diagnosis: the girl was diagnosed with uterine cancer. The situation was complicated by the third degree of the disease, as well as the fact that Lama showed an allergy to antibiotics and many other medicines. At the beginning of 2017, the girl underwent surgery: the artist had her uterus removed.

Ten days after that, Lama Safonova came to the studio of the Live program. The singer found the strength to tell the audience about her illness, surgery, fears and difficulties. The girl asked the fans for help: the Safonova family does not have enough money for rehabilitation and further expensive treatment.

Lama Safonova in the show "Live"

Not everyone liked such frankness: the businessman literally attacked the girl, accusing her of deception and simulation. According to Kovalev, Lama simply decided to promote herself and get rich on the pity of her listeners. The singer reacted calmly to such accusations. According to Safonova, a few years ago Kovalev courted her and even talked about marriage, but Lama refused the man, so he just took the opportunity to take revenge.

But the actress, who also participated in the program, supported Lama, talking about her own illness.

Lama Safonova now

Lama Safonova continues to believe in victory over the disease and is not going to give up. In 2018, there were reports in the press that the singer was hospitalized again. However, despite rumors that the girl was dying, Lama's condition was normalized. Safonova admits that her relatives and husband help her to keep going. In addition, the girl continues to make music, which also supports the inner strength of the artist.

Lama admits that she does not leave dreams of children. Before the operation, the girl decided to freeze her eggs in order to save her chances of becoming a mother one day.

Now Lama Safonova is undergoing chemotherapy. The girl talks about the details of the treatment in "Instagram" sharing with fans their experiences. Those, in turn, encourage the singer, helping Lama to continue to fight the disease.

Former darling of "bone-breaker" Vinnie Jones prepares for the most difficult operation. girl diagnosed with uterine cancer. According to the artist, she learned about the disease in the summer. However, now the singer does not know exactly at what stage she is. The operation to remove the uterus, appendages, and ovaries is scheduled for January 9th. In an exclusive interview with Life, Lama Safonova spoke about how she is fighting cancer, despite the fact that many doctors refused her treatment, predicting a fatal outcome.

When did you find out about the disease?

This year has become successful for me only in terms of work, I was not lucky with my health. For several months I felt that something was wrong with me, it was physically bad. Coming home, I always felt unwell, my heart ached, but I attributed the malaise to workload and accumulated fatigue. And in the summer the first bell rang, and I urgently had to be examined. Then I knew everything. The diagnosis does not sound very comforting - it is uterine cancer.

What stage are you in right now?

Now I have exactly the second stage, but it may be close to the third. I dream of stopping on the second. I'm determined to beat cancer, I won't give up. A major operation is ahead. This involves the removal of many organs: amputation of the uterus, ovaries, appendages and lymph nodes. I'm really scared. I have an intolerance to many drugs, including anesthesia. I don't know how I'm going to get through the operation. Anything can happen. In my case, it's Russian roulette. The result of all this: I will not be able to have children. I will try to save the egg so that I can take advantage of surrogacy, but I have little chance of getting out of this whole story. I have already been refused in many hospitals, because they said that without antibiotics they would not get me out and I could die. But I intend to win!

Who supports you during difficult times?

Mom and husband. They will be in touch with everyone when I am already in intensive care. I am also extremely grateful absolutely everyone who connected to my trouble on the Web. Instagram even has the hashtag #LamaSafonovaPobedit. Thanks a lot to the author, I hope you see it. You know, I gave many charity concerts in support of cancer patients and never thought that I myself would be among them. I am very grateful to fate that she sent me just such a type of cancer, because outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. Close friends forced me to talk about my illness so that I would not experience it alone. Jeanne, too, was going to experience this alone at one time. By the time people found out, it was already too late. I am determined to beat cancer.

Does Vinnie Jones know about your illness?

No, as I promised the British press, a few years ago I cut off all contact with him. By the way, he also fought cancer, I don’t know if he won it in the end or not.

In an exclusive interview, 30-year-old Russian singer Lama Safonova spoke about the upcoming operation to remove several organs.

The former darling of the bone breaker Vinnie Jones is preparing for the most difficult operation. The girl was diagnosed with uterine cancer. According to the artist, she learned about the disease in the summer, but she does not know exactly at what stage. The operation to remove the uterus, appendages, and ovaries is scheduled for January 9th. In an exclusive interview, Lama Safonova spoke about how she is fighting cancer, despite the fact that many doctors refused her treatment, predicting a fatal outcome.

When did you find out about the disease?

This year has become successful for me only in terms of work, I was not lucky with my health. For several months I felt that something was wrong with me, it was physically bad. Coming home, I always felt unwell, my heart ached, but I attributed the malaise to workload and accumulated fatigue. And in the summer the first bell rang, and I urgently had to be examined. Then I knew everything. The diagnosis does not sound very comforting - it is uterine cancer.

What stage are you in right now?

The second stage has now been identified, but it may be close to the third. I dream of stopping on the second. I'm determined to beat cancer, I won't give up. A difficult operation is ahead, that is, the removal of many organs: the uterus, ovaries, appendages and lymph nodes. I'm really scared. I have an intolerance to many drugs, including anesthesia. I don't know how I'm going to get through the operation. Anything can happen. In my case, it's Russian roulette. The result of all this: I will not be able to have children. I will try to save the egg so that I can take advantage of surrogacy, but I have little chance of getting out of this whole story. I've already been rejected by many hospitals!

Who supports you during difficult times?

Mom and husband. They will be in touch with everyone when I am already in intensive care. I am also immensely grateful to absolutely everyone who connected to my trouble on the Web. Instagram even has the hashtag #LamaSafonovaPobedit. Thanks a lot to the author, I hope you see it. You know, I gave many charity concerts in support of cancer patients and never thought that I myself would be among them. I am very grateful to fate that she sent me just such a type of cancer, because outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. Close friends forced me to talk about my illness so that I would not experience it alone. Jeanne, too, was going to experience this alone at one time. By the time people found out, it was already too late. I am determined to beat cancer.

Does Vinnie Jones know about your illness?

No, as I promised the British press, a few years ago I cut off all contact with him. By the way, he also fought cancer, I don’t know if he won it in the end or not.

Lama is one of a galaxy of Moscow rising stars who plan to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their creative activity in the near future. I have repeatedly seen her at various events and quite sincerely believed that she was a transvestite, because I did not believe that a woman in her right mind could voluntarily do this to herself ... But recently she went to Let's Get Married in search of a husband and then, like the sun from - for clouds

As one of my friends used to say, “What I love you for, Roma, is because you embellish, but don’t fuck.” Lama in this regard is a master of artistic bullshit. Googling the English-language Internet, I somehow did not find a single mention that Switzerland was desperate and decided to invite this Russian performer to perform on her behalf. And even more so, given the fact that she released her debut video three years ago, so she tries to leave on it. But our business is not to discuss moral qualities, but to admire beauty. Come on!

Lama's official website has a section of professional photos. That's where we'll get it from!

I peered for a long time, trying to figure out where her hair came from, but, apparently, this was calculated. And no one is at all embarrassed that the singer is splayed. Rastopyrka - in general, a very common technique for professional photographers.

And then the Lama somehow (in a place?) created a stream of air from which not only the dress rose, I'm afraid that the chandelier would remain in place!

Here she seemed to sit down by the motorcycle. The main thing is not to stay too long, otherwise if the owner sees, he can hang. When Lama's first video came out, after a while she was beaten on the stairs. According to her, he was beaten, trying to rape, the famous producer Ivan Shapovalov. Then it turned out that Shapovalov was not even in the country that day and it was terribly uncomfortable. So, even if it were, the situation would probably develop as follows. Shapovalov comes out onto the stairs and there ...

... the princess is pooping. From this angle, you can’t immediately see the star, but who loves shit on the stairs! Here Ivan, apparently, took care of the cleanliness of the entrance. If you look closely, the photo shows the signature fur from the crotch. But we will meet him more than once - the theme of a shaggy crotch runs like a red line through the work of a rising star.

In the meantime, a little fashion cramps!

A rare model feels so confident in the genre of spasms!

I remind you that these are all professional shots. Unobtrusive photoshop indicates professionalism.

Trying on the role of Anastasia Volochkova ... First, show your boobs, then let's see what kind of ballerina you are! He is silent, smiling enigmatically.

"Well, did I go?" - Gone! Oh how it went! You can't think of a better one!

And here I will make a small lyrical omission. In fact, there is also the Ukrainian singer Lama, who has been on the price for 100 years, has released more than a dozen singles and a bunch of clips.

Accordingly, he successfully rides around Ukraine and various folk rallies in Russia. And the first three dozen requests, both in Yandex and Google, are about the Ukrainian Lama. But what do we see on the website of our Moscow Lama:

“Cases of performances under the name of the Rising Russian Star LAMA (Lama) in the CIS countries and Europe “CLONED PSEUDO-singers - LAMA (Lama)” with copyright and patent infringement, the appearance of songs that are not related to the REAL singer LAMA (Lama) under her name and also using its musical material and musical brand! Persons impersonating the singer LAMA (Lama); organizers of illegal performances of clones-LAMA(Lama) and sites under "pseudo-LAMA(Lama)" with the image of persons who have nothing to do with the REAL LAMA(Lama), violating moral, ethical and legal boundaries on the territory of the CIS and Western Europe, and also in the Internet space - they will bear Criminal Responsibility! The request to all media is to be careful about these incidents, protect our copyright and patent rights and priorities, and clarify any information received from outside in the patented Only Official Information International Center of the project "LAMA (Lama)"

Well, let's not talk about moral and ethical boundaries! When I went to the site of the one and only Lama, I generally felt raped! But, in general, everything betrays in our Lama a person who was banned in Google ... It's scary to imagine what the Moscow Lama experienced when she found out that someone under her name releases albums, shoots videos and makes a completely successful career! I would move! Although… maybe she did.

That's it for such cases on dresses made of sequins they write that they cannot be washed in a typewriter. And then high-temperature washing and full spin. See what comes out!

Here is Lama with Pugacheva. Um... I missed so many chances to get a picture with Madonna, Jackson, Jolie...

Moreover, Lama is a master of sports lubrication. She is accredited from some online media for a cool event and hangs on her website the news "Llama on the red carpet of the film festival." Yeah, watch it on all TVs in the country. What is she doing on the track? Again…

Well, okay, let's look at the Lama in everyday life. There are plenty of pictures like this on the site. As evidenced by the signature. So I'm wondering, putting this watermark, do they really think that someone might try to steal these photos? They would then put it across the face, the aesthetic value would be higher.

So I just dream of violating copyrights and putting this photo on the cover of my disc! How I love to repeat to my colleagues who are in a hurry to put a copyright on every spittle: “Gentlemen! You don't say anything that could be stolen!"

And here I wanted to joke about the garbage in the frame, but, looking closely, I realized that it was all Lama ... so different ...

And here she apparently imagined that she had died and surrounded herself with flowers. Delivering shoes. This is the first photo of Lama without heels. A worthy replacement, I think!

And now, when you are already quite familiar with the unique style and subtle aesthetic flair of Lama, I will please you with last year's news (well, what! She has been touring with one single for three years!) - Lama was recognized as the best fashion composer according to the Fashion People Awards 2011. Apparently, he writes to the table, puts on in the closet. And all this tinsel is forced measures for survival in the Russian show business ...

Not so long ago, singer Lama Safonova admitted to fans that she was suffering from a terrible disease. The actress is battling cancer. In the microblog, she talks in detail about how her treatment is going. She posts photos in a hospital bed and shares her thoughts with subscribers. Lama also asked all concerned to help her financially - after all, she has to pay for expensive medicines and procedures.

Today Lama Safonova decided to talk about her trouble in the program "Live". She appeared in the studio with her husband, who took her out in a wheelchair. The singer asked to help her move to the sofa.

“10 days have passed since the operation, nothing has healed yet. I can't take antibiotics, so I don't take them. Restoration takes place precisely on the strength of the body, on internal forces, which is why it takes so long. But I am fighting and I hope that I will win this fight, ”said Safonova.

The actress admitted that today for the first time she did makeup to look good on the set. Lama said that she learned about the terrible diagnosis shortly before the New Year. She is glad that she was able to find a surgeon who took her in for the operation, despite the fact that her body cannot tolerate certain drugs, including certain types of anesthesia.

Two years ago, the artist played a magnificent wedding with her chosen one Alexei Ivanov. The spouses do not yet have heirs, but they hope that someday children's voices will sound in their house.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

The actress said that she has heart problems. They started after the robbery. Three years ago she was beaten, her documents and money were taken away. Then she was admitted to the hospital. After her health deteriorated greatly. Lama went to the clinic with complaints about her heart, but due to intolerance to drugs, doctors were in no hurry to help her. The cancerous tumor was discovered after she began to bleed heavily. The first operation took place in November.

“I had a tumor removed from my uterus, but they didn’t make a diagnosis then - they just couldn’t understand what was there. Maybe a frozen pregnancy, maybe something else. When the histology was done, two weeks later. They took me to the office, and the doctor said that I had cancer, very aggressive. My legs buckled, ”recalls Safonova.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

Such a diagnosis completely destroyed the artist's plans - tours and performances fell through. The experts in the studio, among whom were doctors, were at a loss why, with such obvious symptoms, the doctors did not take urgent measures.

Lama admitted that initially she did not want to tell the public her trouble. Her mother insisted that her daughter tell everyone about the diagnosis. It seemed to her that people could help prolong the life of the artist.

Andrey Kovalev appeared in the studio, who questioned the artist's diagnosis. The man said that when he was suspected of a serious illness, he was not released from the clinic without a thorough examination. Moreover, Kovalev believes that few people will take a camera into the ward to film themselves after the operation, as Lama did.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

Boris Korchevnikov remembered the story of the actress Stella Baranovskaya. The woman claimed that she was cured of cancer thanks to alternative medicine. The artist was accused of not reporting for the money that caring people collected for her. Stella admitted that her friends gave more than ten million, and fans transferred about 800 thousand rubles for her.

The couple hope to be able to become parents. She froze her eggs before the operation. Now the woman hopes that with the help of a surrogate mother she can have a child.

“This is our common decision and our first reaction is only forward, if there is an opportunity, it should be used. But now the foreground is to survive, ”said Safonova’s husband.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs