Treatment of purulent wounds on the leg. Leg wound: effective methods of treating damage

Most women are afraid of gynecological operations. We asked Evgenia Petrovna Tishchenko, a certified osteopathic doctor of the Russian Osteopathic Association, about the intricacies of their implementation and the features of high-quality restoration to return to their previous lifestyle.

Types of operations and their features

How to bounce back to normal after gynecological surgery

Recovery after surgery depends on a number of objective factors:

  • whether the operation was emergency or planned;
  • state general health women before surgery;
  • volume and complexity of surgical intervention. The complexity of the operation determines its duration, and, therefore, the time spent under anesthesia;
  • whether the operation was laparoscopic or laparatomy or whether the perineal and vaginal approach was used;
  • what type of anesthesia was used: endotracheal or epidural anesthesia.

There are also subjective factors- this is a woman’s reaction to the need to undergo surgery on the most precious thing she has, her reproductive organs.

From experience working with patients, I know that surgery, for example, gastrointestinal tract It is psychologically easier to tolerate than minor gynecological surgery.

What is the difference between laparoscopy and laparotomy?

In laparoscopy, the operation is performed with small, elegant instruments inserted into the abdominal cavity through several small holes on the stomach. A camera is inserted into one of them, which displays the image on a large screen. Doctors' hands move from the outside to operate instruments inside the abdomen.

This approach can significantly reduce tissue trauma, blood loss during surgery, and the risk of adhesions.

The holes in the abdomen heal quickly and become invisible after 2-3 months. And no one, looking at you in a bikini, will guess that you have undergone surgery.

The disadvantage of laparoscopy is that it uses only endotracheal or, speaking in simple language, general anesthesia. That is, a special tube is inserted into the windpipe and drugs are injected to block one’s own breathing. And they breathe for the patient throughout the operation. artificial lungs. However, modern equipment makes it possible to minimize complications from this type of anesthesia.

Laparotomy is an operation through an incision in the abdomen, which modern medicine carried out along the pubic hair growth line.

The laparotomy approach is used for operations that require the removal of a significant part of the organs and in emergency situations that involve the presence of a large amount of blood in the abdomen. For example, a ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy.

During laparotomy, both endotracheal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia are used. As a method of choice for pain relief, epidural anesthesia is much safer than general anesthesia.

In the hole between the second and third lumbar vertebrae An anesthetic is injected through a thick needle. The patient completely loses sensation in the body below the navel. During the operation, she may be conscious or dozing under the influence of sleeping pills, but all vital functions of the body are preserved, the lungs breathe on their own.

Gynecological operations that are performed “from below” are operations for prolapse of the pelvic organs or plastic surgery of the perineum when its muscles diverge.

Operations via vaginal or perineal access are often performed under epidural anesthesia, which contributes to good general well-being after the intervention.

Recovery is easiest after removal of small benign ovarian tumors. The most common of them are simple serous cystadenomas, endometrioid cysts and teratomas. The operation is performed laparoscopically and takes 30-40 minutes. This also includes gynecological cosmetology.

The next day the patient will be home. If you follow the surgeon's recommendations, recovery in this case occurs quickly.

It is much more difficult to recover after removal of the uterus and its appendages, including, possibly, the ovaries. And there may be various options events.

I have patients who say: “I’m so tired of these fibroids, bleeding, abdominal pain.” And they easily go through a hysterectomy. They recover quickly and correctly after surgery and move on happily.

There are those who, despite the totality of disturbing symptoms and objective indicators of gynecological ill health, have great difficulty making a decision about surgery. Almost doomed. “Yes, I know that there is no other way...” And they have already tried everything: traditional and non-traditional.

And the saddest thing. The patient was going for removal small tumor ovary or myomatous node, and after the operation the surgeon said that “they had to remove everything.”

Recovery after complex gynecological operations

How do patients who have undergone complex surgery react and what should they do?

First. "I can no longer have children"

This concerns isolated cases. Modern gynecological surgery is aimed at organ-preserving operations. And he fights with all his might for the possibility of motherhood for women. And even if necessary big operation in female patients reproductive age it is possible to save eggs, cryoembryos, use donor eggs, surrogacy.

Second. “What if I go into premature menopause?”

If the ovaries are preserved during surgery, then all physiological changes The menstrual cycle is preserved, but menstruation is absent. Removing the uterus does not bring menopause closer. It occurs in accordance with the biology of the body.

If it begins to change for the worse or if the ovaries were removed during surgery, it makes sense to discuss with the gynecologist the transition to replacement hormone therapy. Fortunately, modern pharmacology now provides a large number of sufficiently effective and safe hormonal drugs.

Third. “What about sex after?”

Very often, women are worried about sex life after major surgery. I'll answer from mine great experience communication with patients after major gynecological operations. Libido does not decrease. Moreover, the disappearance of symptoms associated with gynecological diseases, such as intermenstrual bleeding, and the disappearance of fear of pregnancy makes sex life brighter and more saturated.

No man will ever feel yours during sex" internal anatomy"A partner's doubts about his feelings during sex can only begin if a woman describes to him in detail the operation she went through.

If you experience vaginal dryness, you can use various lubricants.

Are there other health problems after surgery and what should patients do?

The first is weakness. Patients often complain of persistent long time weakness and fatigue. In order to recover quickly after surgery, it is necessary to assess the degree of anemia. For this purpose, indicators such as serum iron and iron-binding capacity of blood are used, and not hemoglobin as such. It is also important to donate blood for microelements and vitamins and add those that are missing to your diet.

Balanced diet and sufficient quantity sleep is the key to any recovery.

The pain continues. Postoperative pain usually lasts no more than 2-3 weeks and is dictated by the fact that the wounds inside the body must heal. The pain is rather aching in nature, does not require painkillers and intensifies after physical activity.

For patients with a large surgical volume and a weakened abdominal wall, it is recommended to wear postoperative bandage. For everyone, there is a limit on lifting weights of more than 2-3 kg.

What if the pain persists longer, sometimes dragging on for months, and when examined, no reason is found for it?

Transferred gynecological operations can lead to chronic pelvic pain. If there is, for example, a large uterine fibroid, the woman’s entire pelvis twists around it for a long time. And after removal of the organ, the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis need to find a new balance. The body does not always have the strength to do this, and through pain it communicates the need for help.

Sometimes after surgery the outflow of blood from the pelvis may be impaired and venous stasis talks about himself with bursting aching pains.

Adhesions may also form after surgery. And they are not related to the quality of the operation performed, but are more determined by a genetic predisposition to adhesions.

In such situations, osteopathic treatment provides a good chance of recovery. Osteopaths are able to create a new healthy balance in the pelvis, reduce adhesive process, remove venous stagnation. And after 3-4 sessions the pain goes away forever.

I would also recommend that every patient undergo at least one month after surgery. osteopathic session as a preventive measure. This will allow you to check the condition of the muscles, bones and ligaments after surgery, and ease the tension of the suture on the anterior abdominal wall. Osteopaths know how to erase the “memory” of anesthesia from the body.

How to restore mobility of pelvic tissues, anterior abdominal wall and perineal tissue?

Physical activity can begin 2-3 months after surgery. But in order to create a good outflow venous blood from the pelvic cavity, do not allow the abdominal muscles to weaken and pelvic diaphragm I would recommend starting to do the “vacuum” exercise 2-3 weeks after the operation.

The exercise is performed strictly lying on a comfortable surface. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Point your chin slightly toward your chest. Produced 2-3 full of breath belly. Next, as you exhale (!!), you need to pull in your stomach, imagining that you are zipping up tight jeans, pull your navel towards your spine, and your thoraco-abdominal diaphragm up. Hold the exhalation as much as possible. Next, smoothly inhale and 2-3 inhalations and exhalations. Repeat "vacuum".

This session can be performed for 5-7 minutes a day. The result will be a feeling of lightness in the abdomen and good tone of the abdominal wall. If the exercise brings pain and discomfort in the abdomen, it should be postponed for a week.

As for the restoration of the muscle corset, especially the transverse abdominal muscle after laparotomy, I would recommend starting classes strictly with a physical therapy doctor or a medical fitness instructor. The deep muscles of the abdomen and pelvis are primarily subject to restoration. This result is practically unattainable on your own or in group classes.

Separately, I would like to dwell on recovery after surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. The fact that they were "lifted back" surgically, does not mean that they will not go down again. Definitely needed physical rehabilitation, and these are not just Kegel exercises, the physiology of which, as a gynecologist and osteopath, I question greatly.

After such operations, precise work is required to strengthen the short pelvic muscles, the adductor muscles of the thigh and the entire abdominal press. Only then will the effect of the operation last for years.

Thank you very much!

Be healthy!

Evgenia Tishchenko, osteopath at the “Quality of Life” restorative medicine clinic, candidate medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist. Medical experience since 1992


Removal of the uterus and appendages is perhaps one of the most serious and heavy operations in gynecology. It can cause quite a lot of complications, and in addition, it is characterized by a long and difficult recovery period, during which various restrictions apply to many areas of life. But it is precisely careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations at this stage that can significantly speed up recovery from the disease, recovery after the procedure and improve the quality of life. About how it goes postoperative period after removal of the uterus, what features it has and what recommendations at this stage of treatment should be followed are described in this material.


How long does the patient’s rehabilitation actually take after such an intervention? To some extent, this is influenced by its method and volume. For example, if the uterus and appendages were removed, then the recovery period can be up to two months, and if only the organ cavity itself, then up to six weeks or one and a half months.

It is customary to distinguish between early and late rehabilitation periods. By early we mean the first three days after surgery, with the first 24 hours having the maximum value. By late we mean the entire remaining period - up to one and a half to two months.

Fast recovery

How to quickly recover after hysterectomy? There are no express methods of recovery after this intervention. This intervention is quite serious and extensive, accompanied by hormonal changes reproductive system. And also, the symptoms of the disease that required amputation of the organ have their own effects. Therefore, the recovery period after removal is normally long and is accompanied, in to the greatest extent in the first weeks, deterioration of health.

Taking into account individual characteristics body, recovery after removal of the uterus may go a little faster or a little slower, but there will still not be a significant difference. And even if your health improves after 2-3 weeks, this does not mean that you should stop following the doctor’s recommendations.

Within 24 hours after laparotomy has been performed, it is necessary to observe bed rest. It takes a lot of time just to come out of anesthesia. You shouldn't sit down or get up, even to go to the toilet. Although by the end of the first day, carefully, with the help of your hands, it is already acceptable to turn over on your side. Only liquid food is allowed.

First 72 hours

Over time, it is necessary to increase physical activity. At this stage, the patient should already be half-sitting in bed, getting up to go to the toilet, and turning over on her side. You should still eat liquid and semi-liquid food, and by the third day, begin to include easily digestible regular food. It is important to control your bowel movements to avoid constipation and gas formation.

These days, treatment is already being carried out after removal of the uterus - antibiotics are taken wide range actions to avoid infection.

You need to pay attention to your general state– high temperature after the procedure at this stage may be a sign of an inflammatory process.

One and a half to two months

About a week after the abdominal surgery was performed, antibiotic treatment ends. Often, at this stage, hormone treatment may be prescribed to facilitate menopause (if the ovaries are removed). At the same stage, consultations with a psychologist are prescribed, if necessary.

The patient can eat regular food, but it is important that it is healthy and natural and does not cause constipation or gas. Bed rest is moderate during the first two weeks. Then it can be canceled, but physical exertion should be avoided.

Rehabilitation after hysterectomy excludes saunas, steam baths, and any overheating. You cannot swim in natural bodies of water; you can maintain hygiene using a shower.

What should you do at this stage? It also depends on the type of intervention. Depending on it, the patient may be given additional instructions for rehabilitation.

Subtotal hysterectomy

Perhaps the simplest procedure is hysterectomy, with a short postoperative period. With such an intervention, only the body of the organ is removed, the neck and appendages remain unaffected. Duration rehabilitation period about one and a half months, the scar is small, hormonal treatment is not required.

Total hysterectomy

The uterus and cervix are removed, without appendages. The duration of the recovery period is approximately the same; you can return to sexual activity no earlier than after two months. Hormonal treatment also not required.


Not only the body of the organ is removed, but also the appendages - the ovaries and the fallopian tubes. Extirpation of the uterus and appendages is a fairly difficult operation, requiring a long, up to two months, rehabilitation period. Scheme of the procedure in the photo in the material.

Radical hysterectomy

The entire organ is removed. Rehabilitation has the same features as for total hysterectomy.

Intimate life

During the entire recovery period after hysterectomy, it is advisable to avoid intimate life. Although in many ways this can only be determined based on the method by which the intervention was carried out. For example, if only the uterine cavity is removed and the vagina and cervix are completely preserved, doctors allow resuming sex life in a month and a half. If the cervix was removed and upper third vagina, the period of abstinence may be longer, since the suture may be injured after the intervention.

Thus, during the first five weeks, sex is prohibited. After this period, you should consult with a specialist on this issue. This is true for any period after abdominal surgery for hysterectomy – consult your doctor before resuming sexual activity.


When can you exercise after a hysterectomy? This question can only be answered taking into account the type and intensity of loads. On initial stages recovery after any procedure physical activity there should be a minimum. After the first week of rehabilitation, it can be added physiotherapy, which prevents the formation of adhesions, etc. After completing a full rehabilitation period, you can again engage in gymnastics and aerobics in moderate amount and without excessive loads and strength exercises.

You can also start doing fitness no earlier than 2 months after the intervention, and only with the permission of the attending physician. Concerning professional sports, bodybuilding - the time to start such exercises should be discussed with your doctor separately, since important role plays the nature of the load, the nature of the intervention, the speed and characteristics of healing.

Example of a daily routine

Rehabilitation after surgery is faster with correct mode day. You need to sleep more - in the first 7 days after the procedure you need to sleep as much as you want. Then it is recommended to sleep for at least 8 hours, but you can’t sleep for more than 10 hours either, since at this stage you shouldn’t lie down too much. Needed physical exercise to avoid blood stagnation and the formation of adhesions. That is, bed rest should still be observed, but not excessively - taking into account sleep, you should spend 13-15 hours a day in bed, the rest of the time it is better to sit, walk, and do simple, non-stressful household chores.

Starting from the second week, walks are shown. At first, short ones - 15-20 minutes each. Over time, their duration can be increased to one hour in good weather. Every day you need to do therapeutic exercises for 10-15 minutes.

Diet example

As already mentioned, for the first three days it is better to eat enough light food– natural vegetable broths and puree. Then you can gradually introduce food of normal consistency, and by the end of 5-6 days the patient should switch to a general diet. Although the food must meet the requirements healthy eating, it is necessary to avoid fried, fatty, canned, smoked, and also sweets, preservatives and dyes. For example, the diet could be like this:

  1. Breakfast - rolled oats porridge, egg, black tea;
  2. Late breakfast – fruit, cottage cheese;
  3. Lunch – soup with vegetable or chicken/meat broth, lean beef with rice, rosehip broth;
  4. Afternoon snack – vegetable/fruit salad or yogurt;
  5. Dinner - white fish with fresh or stewed vegetables, tea.

In general, after surgery to remove the uterus, you must adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, eat small meals, and do not overeat. The calorie content of the diet should remain at the same level.


Consequences after removal of the uterus in the recovery period are possible if the rules for its passage are violated, as well as with certain characteristics of the body. For example, complications such as:

  1. Depression, nervous breakdowns, other complications of an emotional and psychological nature;
  2. Bleeding due to poor healing of sutures or stress on them;
  3. Suture endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium begins to form on the peritoneum (extremely rare);
  4. Infection of the blood or peritoneum, neighboring organs during the operation manifests itself precisely during this period;
  5. Long lasting and sustainable pain syndrome, developing when nerve trunks are damaged;
  6. An inflammatory process, temperature after removal of the uterus is a sign of it;
  7. Attachment of viruses and infections, fungi, as a result of reduced local immunity;
  8. Some deterioration in the quality of sexual life, which usually disappears after hormonal therapy;
  9. Decreased libido, which is also regulated by hormones;
  10. Possible problems with the intestines, constipation;
  11. Symptoms early menopause when removing not only the cavity, but also the ovaries.

Moreover, after abdominal surgery, which was performed under general anesthesia, complications can always arise after anesthesia. But they appear already in the first 24 hours after the procedure.


Regardless of the method used surgical intervention to remove an organ, a properly conducted recovery period is no less important than careful preparation for the intervention and its high-quality implementation. It is now that healing occurs, and it depends on it whether the patient will be bothered by the consequences of this intervention in the future. For example, if the postoperative period after removal of the uterus is carried out correctly, then adhesions will not form, which can subsequently cause pain, the scar will smooth out more or less aesthetically, etc.

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Every year more and more operations are performed to remove ovarian cysts using laparoscopy. This trend is explained by the deterioration in the quality of life - poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental situation, constant stress, and most importantly, a careless attitude towards one’s own health. All this ultimately leads to the emergence of not the most dangerous, but quite insidious tumor– ovarian cysts, which can seriously reduce the chances of pregnancy. That's why everyone more women fall on operating table to remove the cyst and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

In this article we will understand the reasons for the formation of a cyst, and also tell you how it goes surgery and how to restore the body after surgery.

Why does a cyst appear?

In medicine they call a cyst benign tumor arising against the background of hormonal imbalance. Disruption of hormone production leads to a situation in which the egg, which is certain moment must leave the follicle and unite with the sperm, does not leave the ovary, and a little later the follicle fills with fluid, becoming a cyst. In itself, such a neoplasm is not dangerous, however, the emerging tumor at any time can begin to increase in size and fester, increasing the risk of rupture and the development of peritonitis. In addition, it is often the cyst that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant, which means that in order not to endanger her health and have a chance to have a child, the woman decides to undergo surgery.

Surgeons remove the cyst using the least traumatic method – laparoscopy. During such a procedure, carried out under general anesthesia, three small punctures are made in the patient’s lower abdomen, and medical instruments and a camera are inserted through them. And so that nothing interferes with the removal of the cyst, specially prepared gas is pumped into the patient’s peritoneum. This operation takes no more than 40 minutes, and the result of surgical manipulations is getting rid of the cyst and three almost invisible sutures.

Postoperative rehabilitation

It is worth noting that recovery process after the laparoscopic method, removal is much faster than after normal operation. And to speed up recovery and avoid postoperative complications, it is important to adhere to the basic stages of rehabilitation prescribed by the gynecologist. Let's list them:

1. Taking hormonal drugs. To facilitate the functioning of the ovaries and prevent re-education cysts, the patient may be prescribed antigonadotropins or synthetic progestins. They are usually taken from the first day until the next menstruation.

2. Magnetic therapy affecting the operated area. This procedure helps relieve pain and prevent inflammatory process.

3. Laser radiation. This low-intensity radiation helps prevent possible relapses.

4. Phonophoresis. Improves metabolic processes in tissues and promotes their speedy recovery. It is better to start undergoing procedures a month after the intervention, combining the effects of phonophoresis with the use of medications, for example, hydrocortisone.

5. Ozone therapy. The procedure improves blood microcirculation, increases immune protection body and has a bactericidal effect.

In addition, for a month after the operation, the patient should adhere to fractional dietary nutrition, drink vitamin complexes(necessarily including ascorbic acid), and exercise moderately.

Pain after surgery

Pain sensations are constant companions of postoperative recovery period. And although the pain after skin punctures is incomparably easier to bear than after a conventional operation, for several days and even weeks it can be serious problem for the operated patient. To minimize discomfort The woman is prescribed painkillers and is also advised not to make sudden movements.

Another thing is the gas that is used to fill the peritoneum for the operation. He puts a lot of pressure on internal organs, which is why the patient feels aches and pains in the lower back and back for several days after the intervention. To quickly normalize the condition, you need to walk more, doing hiking 2-3 r/day. Medicines do not bring relief in such a situation.

Possible discharge after surgery

During the recovery period, various uncharacteristic discharges may appear from the patient’s vagina. During the first 3-4 days they may be bloody, which can be considered normal if the volume is small. For two weeks after the intervention, it may be released clear slime, and that's okay too. It is necessary to sound the alarm when heavy bleeding or yellowish thick mucus appears.

When you are discharged from the hospital and the stitches are removed

Let us say right away that just three hours after the operation in question, the patient can get to her feet on her own. Moreover, doctors strongly recommend starting to move immediately, the main thing is to do it smoothly so as not to damage the stitches.

If the surgery is successful, the woman can be discharged from the hospital on the 3rd day. However, practice shows that in most cases, discharge occurs on the 5th day, after which she will be on sick leave for another 10 days. In order for recovery to occur more intensively, it is important to follow medical recommendations, namely:

  • for 1 month do not take a bath or visit the sauna (shower only);
  • any physical activity should be avoided for thirty days after surgery;
  • lifting heavy objects after such an operation is prohibited for 3 months;
  • you should avoid long hikes and trips;
  • sexual contact should be avoided for 4 weeks and unprotected intimacy a few more months, since experts do not recommend getting pregnant for the first six months after cyst removal.

If we talk about the sutures (one is located in the navel, and two are slightly lower), then they need to be disinfected every day for a week, and, if necessary, drained. Complete healing of the sutures takes place in about 8–10 days, after which they become almost invisible. By this time, the woman should visit the doctor to have the stitches removed.

Menstruation after surgery

If the surgery went without complications, menstrual cycle must start on time. However, the majority of patients who have undergone this operation, report that their periods appeared only two cycles after laparoscopy. This period of delay can be considered normal, but if it drags on even longer, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. In addition, during the first months after surgery, the duration and nature of menstrual flow, which should also be noted. In this regard, heavy and prolonged periods should be alarming.

Postoperative nutrition

Doctors strongly do not recommend eating on the day of surgery. It is only allowed to accept clean water without gas. In the first week after surgery, you are allowed to eat liquid or well-ground pureed food, which should preferably be steamed. From fried and canned food, spicy and salty foods, as well as all kinds of sauces and marinades, you should abstain for the first 25–30 days after surgery. You should not eat smoked meats, offal, or flour products. In addition, it is not recommended to eat for a week after the intervention. raw vegetables and fruits.

During the recovery period, it is useful to consume liquid soups and cereals, as well as pre-boiled and grated vegetables and fruits. You can start returning to your previous diet in about a month.

A common pathology that is addressed to surgeons is a purulent wound. This condition requires timely and adequate treatment to avoid severe consequences. In the treatment of purulent formation, antibacterial agents are used that suppress dangerous microflora and help cleanse it. In addition, it is advisable symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms.

In this section you will find answers to the following questions: what are the causes and symptoms of infection of injuries, how to treat purulent wounds, what drugs can be used, what to smear on a purulent wound, how to properly bandage a suppurated wound, and you will find answers to other equally important questions that interest you .

Causes of wound suppuration

Any wound can fester. The process of suppuration develops under the following conditions:

  • Contamination of the wound, entry of foreign bodies into it. This contributes to significant contamination of the wound with bacteria;
  • Large area of ​​damage, crushing of soft tissues, stab wound with a narrow and long stroke;
  • The presence of areas of necrosis (dead tissue), blood clots in large quantities.

IN modern surgery There are several main reasons that provoke the development of purulent injury:

Symptoms of infection

The clinical picture of a purulent wound is very characteristic. Experts identify both local and general symptoms, the severity of which depends on the type and size of the injury.

Local signs include:

  • In the lumen of the injured area are visualized purulent discharge. Their color can range from light yellow to brown. It depends on the causative agent of the infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, coli, fungi and so on);
  • Intense pain. In the presence of an unopened abscess or swelling, it is pulsating in nature. Sometimes the pain is unbearable;
  • Hyperemia(redness) in the area of ​​damage;
  • Swelling of the surrounding soft tissues;
  • Local hyperthermia, that is skin the area around the wound is hot to the touch;
  • If a limb is damaged, its functions are severely impaired.

General signs of pathology are characterized by a violation of the patient’s condition:

  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • General hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by chills;
  • Decreased appetite or its complete absence;
  • Nausea;
  • At laboratory research blood reveals signs of inflammation; leukocytosis (increased number of white blood cells), accelerated ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

How to remove pus from a wound

For processing to be effective it is necessary. If there is little pus, then you can simply wash the wound with solutions. However, when heavy discharge the contents of the injury should be drawn out. Drains can be used for this purpose.

Drainage happens:

Local medications are aimed at preventing the spread purulent infection wounds throughout the body. In cases where this type of therapy does not have the desired effect or complications develop, it is indicated general treatment using systemic action.

The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  • Tetracyclines (Doxycycline);
  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Ampiox, Ampicillin);
  • Macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Izepamycin).

Systemic antibacterial drugs are available both in the form of capsules, tablets, and in the form of solutions and powders for injection. What shape medicine The attending physician decides whether to use it in a given situation.

When the infection has spread significantly, it is indicated parenteral administration antibiotics. In severe cases, they are administered intravenously.

It should be remembered that uncontrolled use antibacterial agents leads to the adaptation of microorganisms to them and the appearance stable forms. That is why all prescriptions should be made by a doctor and only if other treatment methods do not work.

Wound dressing and bandage care

It is carried out 1 – 2 times a day depending on its condition.

In some cases, emergency dressing may be required:

  • Significant contamination and wetting of the bandage;
  • Appearance bloody discharge, which are clearly visible on the bandages;
  • Increased pain;
  • If the bandage has slipped and exposed the wound.

This manipulation is performed by a surgeon and nurse. With pronounced pain pain relief is required.

Dressing a purulent wound:

During the day it is necessary to monitor the bandage and monitor its condition. It must be protected from getting wet and dirty. If the bandages are moderately saturated with pus, the nurse should bandage the bandage. If the discharge is heavy or bloody, you should inform your doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

Valid upon availability small wounds with slight discharge of pus. Before using such methods, you should consult with your surgeon and rule out allergies to the components.

For washing and processing use:

Aloe pulp has a good wound healing effect. Sheet of this plant should be washed, peeled and used whole or crushed (gruel). This compress needs to be changed every 3 hours.

Onions and garlic have antiseptic and antibacterial properties; they are also used in treatment purulent wounds. A paste is prepared from them, which is applied to the injury on a napkin. This compress should be secured with a bandage.

Possible complications

Purulent wounds can lead to the development of complications:

  • Unhealed wound- if for a long time (longer than 7 days) there is no visible tendency towards cleansing and healing;
  • Lymphangitis- inflammation lymphatic vessels located near the damage. There are red strands on the skin. In this case, the infection extends beyond the wound surface;
  • Lymphadenitis– the infection spreads to regional The lymph nodes. They increase in size (rounded formations are visualized) and hurt. There may be a slight increase in body temperature;
  • Osteomyelitis- inflammation bone tissue. This condition develops when the infection penetrates deeper into the soft tissue;
  • Sepsis– general infection of the body, which manifests itself as intoxication. In severe cases, there are signs of brain damage and coma.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the appearance of purulent wounds, because they can affect the human body of any gender and age. Wrong and untimely treatment wounds can cause various complications. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what medications to use and how to do it correctly.

If an infection occurs in the affected areas of the skin, it is necessary to treat purulent wounds quickly and effectively, because suppuration can result in a person in the form of serious consequences, among which is gangrene.

A purulent wound or abscess is a lumen on a person’s skin with purulent fluid that affects the inflammatory process. This disease can occur when an infection occurs in any wound (puncture, scratch, cut, etc.). In other words, pathogenic organism, getting into the wound, provokes the formation of pus. More information about the treatment of purulent wounds at home will be discussed in this article.

In the resulting wound, where the infection has penetrated, after some time a purulent fluid- it's kind of defense mechanism human body on the impact external stimuli. The presence in the body of foreign bodies such as fabric fibers, metal shavings, wood particles and microorganisms is perceived by humans as a foreign substance that needs to be dealt with. Therefore, the blood flow to the affected area of ​​the body increases, in which many leukocytes (white blood cells) are present.

In addition, local immunity is activated, which is why there are many macrophages ( immune cells organism) arrives at the wound.

The job of macrophages is to neutralize foreign bodies with the help of enzymes, as a result of which they themselves die.

As a result, the process of suppuration begins. If you have shallow wounds, you can draw out the resulting pus at home, but more severe cases are a reason to seek help from a doctor.

Characteristic signs

When purulent wounds appear, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • poor appetite;
  • body weakness, chills;
  • heat;
  • headache and swelling;
  • affected areas of the skin change color;
  • when palpated, you can feel the heat of the skin;
  • the skin around the lesion turns red;
  • There is a pressing, throbbing or bursting pain.

Symptoms may manifest differently in different cases, which is why patients most often suffer from high temperature and headaches. The body devotes a lot of energy to fighting foreign bodies, so the patient may feel general weakness.

How can you draw out pus?

Despite the fact that a purulent wound is special condition organism, which can lead to unpleasant complications, a correct and competent approach will help cope with this disease at some stages of its development.

Not only drugs are used for this traditional medicine, but also various folk remedies that have been tested by our ancestors over the years. Let's consider each treatment method separately.

What ointments can I use?

In the presence of minor damage When there is no large cavity, open wounds can be cured using ointments that draw out pus. What ointments are best for healing purulent wounds?

Cream "Eplan"
, which has disinfectants and antibacterial properties, is produced on the basis of polyethylene glycols. Regular use This remedy reduces the likelihood of infection in the resulting open wounds.

Ointment "Troxevasin"- another remedy for combating purulent wounds. The ointment can also be used to treat extensive hematomas or bruises. The product must be applied to the skin, which leads to the elimination of hyperemic areas and swelling.

"Solcoseryl" It is produced in the form of an ointment, which should be applied directly to an open wound, always dry. In its structure, the ointment may be a little reminiscent of jelly - this is another form in which the product is produced. The jelly-like substance should be used to treat weeping wounds.

"Rescuer" considered one of the most effective means, used for various wounds. After applying the balm, a thin film appears on the resulting wound, so before using it, be sure to treat the open wound with hydrogen peroxide.

"Streptocide"unique remedy, used only to treat superficial damage. If you have Streptocide tablets in your first aid kit and not ointment, you can crush them and pour them into an open wound.

"Salicylic ointment" refers to antibacterial drugs, therefore, before applying it, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, only after that apply the ointment to the wound and cover it with a sterile bandage. “Ichthyol ointment” is used in the same way.

Other drugs

Many doctors use a special solution of 10 percent sodium chloride to treat purulent wounds. It allows you to reduce the amount of serous-fibrous exudate released in the body. A bandage soaked in this solution should be applied to the open wound. Change it every 5 hours.

Beneocin and Xeroform powder are often used as an effective drying agent. These drugs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which is why they are used to treat purulent wounds.

Folk remedies and medicinal herbs

The most common recipes for folk remedies used to treat purulent wounds:

During treatment purulent inflammation It is not recommended to use different essential oils, since they can cause an exacerbation of an already unpleasant condition. The same applies to peanuts, which should also be avoided. When using medications, be sure to read the instructions for use, because some of them are not intended for use on an open wound. Otherwise, you can significantly worsen the situation.

Preventive measures

Prevention purulent complications wound infection is to comply with the rules of surgical asepsis, which must be followed during the treatment medical care when wounds appear.

First of all, this includes bandaging, injections, bandages, and so on.

To prevent getting into the wound pyogenic microorganisms, there are many in various ways. The most common of these is the treatment of small wounds on the body with alcohol solution or iodine tincture. Perform this procedure regularly to protect your body from infection.

And remember that it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a purulent infection than to remove it from the body later.



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