Gynecological postoperative bandage after hysterectomy. How to choose and buy a postoperative bandage

Who doesn't want to be healthy?
Probably, there will not be a single person who proudly shouted back: “I am.” The opposite situation is observed: everyone wants to be healthy, every holiday they make toasts with appropriate wishes, and consider health to be the main value in our age.
But nevertheless they do not take care of it, miss it, lose it...

Years flash by, education, career, family, children.. Diseases.. Sadly, over the years we almost inevitably acquire diseases. Which progress very quickly, become chronic, and lead to premature old age. Well, we can’t continue any further...

However, I’m not here to sigh on a virtual heap and read a dying epilogue to us all!

You can start fighting and change your life for the better at any stage. And at 30, and at 40, and at 60.. It’s just that the opportunities in this fight will be different.

  • hirudotherapy(leech treatment),
  • apitherapy(treatment with bees, honey and other bee products).
  • There are also methods treatment mumiyo, medicinal herbs, pet therapy.

Particular attention is paid healthy eating and the author’s personal experience, who has tried most of the techniques described here.

Alternative medicine provides an alternative to medical officialdom, allows a person to find his own treatment methods without drugs, cleanse your body from waste, toxins and excessive tension (we remember the hackneyed truth that all diseases are from nerves).

Psychological tests and techniques for dealing with stress ( healthy human psyche) will help you survive in the world of speed. Lack of time should not affect your health. The techniques proposed here take very little time, but require regular implementation.

It is possible to restore your health, it all depends on you, your desire, and perseverance. And the blog website will do everything to provide you with the necessary information.

Let everything take its course? Or systematically do something every day for your precious health. Just a little bit, half a step! But it will be a movement that actually happens.

If you do nothing for years, and then one Monday you start everything at once - doing exercises, going on a diet, starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, then I can disappoint you... You won’t last long. 97% of all beginners quit this “disastrous” activity by the end of the week. Everything is too abrupt, too much, too scary.. Change everything..
But you and I will not be globalists doomed to failure, we are little by little, but every day Let's take care of our health.

Let's start working on health? Not tomorrow.. Not from Monday.. But here.. And now!

On the website you will find many effective and affordable ways and methods to improve your own health at home. We are considering treatment methods

  • by using massage(mostly targeted, which allows you to help yourself),
  • physical exercises,
  • therapeutic fasting,

For a speedy recovery after surgery, doctors often prescribe patients to wear a bandage. What functions does a postoperative abdominal band perform? What types of it can be found on sale? How to choose the right option and how long will you have to wear it?

An abdominal bandage after abdominal surgery performs several functions at once:

  • keeps organs in the correct position, preventing them from moving;
  • accelerates scarring of postoperative sutures;
  • reduces the risk of hernias;
  • restores the elasticity of the skin;
  • protects seams from infections;
  • reduces pain:
  • eliminates hematomas and swelling.

On a note! In many cases, a post-operative bandage helps maintain mobility. It does not restrict movement excessively, and does not allow the patient to forget or make sudden movements.

Most often, abdominal belts are used during hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), after removal of hernias and gastric resection, as well as after plastic surgery, for example, after pumping out subcutaneous fat.

Not all doctors are in favor of using a postoperative bandage. For example, after removal of appendicitis without complications, you can apply a regular bandage.

It is worth remembering that in the presence of some chronic diseases, in particular those accompanied by swelling, the doctor may prohibit the use of a postoperative bandage. It is also not prescribed if postoperative sutures are in poor condition (if they bleed, fester, etc.).

A modern postoperative abdominal bandage is a wide elastic belt that wraps around the waist. Depending on the model, it is used to influence certain internal organs. Multi-stage adjustment of the tension force helps to perfectly fit the bandage to your figure.

If the operation was performed on the intestines, a bandage for ostomy patients may be required. This belt has a special compartment through which waste products of the body are removed.

A separate group is represented by postoperative anti-hernia bandages. They are used both after removal of hernias and as a means to reduce the risk of tumors.

On a note! Many bandages have to be worn for quite a long time after surgery, and the product not only performs fixing and corrective functions, but also supports the spine and relieves the back muscles.

How to choose the right bandage

One of the most important criteria when selecting a bandage after abdominal surgery is the size.. The determining parameter is waist circumference. It is measured with a measuring tape, tightly clasping the body, but not too tight.

Attention! The height of the bandage should be such that the product completely covers the postoperative sutures.

An error with the size will lead to dire consequences. An excessively large bandage will not fulfill its functions (it will not fix the organs or support the abdominal wall), and one that is too small will cause enormous harm to health, causing disruption of the blood supply and tissue death.

Materials are another parameter that you should pay close attention to. Abdominal bandages are made from hypoallergenic and well-ventilated natural fabrics that provide the desired microclimate. The skin underneath does not sweat, the seams remain dry. Such materials include rubberized latex, cotton with elastane or lycra.

It is better to pay attention to models with multi-stage adjustment. Such products are easier to adjust to the required dimensions. The first fitting of the postoperative bandage should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician, who will adjust the tightness of the model. This often happens, because after the operation the patient remains in the hospital room for some time.

When the time comes to buy a postoperative bandage, it makes sense to go to the nearest orthopedic salon or specialized pharmacy. Often such retail outlets are located directly in clinics. They have more choice, but the price for a particular model may be slightly overpriced. You can look for a bandage at the clinic, and then instruct your relatives to purchase a similar option in the city. Russian-made Unga bandages have quite affordable prices.

A huge “plus” of visiting an orthosalon is the presence of a doctor who will help you choose the right bandage based on the doctor’s recommendations.

The ideal option is an abdominal bandage, which is attached with a wide adhesive tape. The use of hooks, fasteners, and lacing is also allowed, but in this case you need to pay attention to whether these elements cause discomfort.

Be sure to try on the bandage before purchasing. If some of its elements, for example, stitches, wrinkle the skin, it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

On a note! A high-quality orthopedic bandage is dense, but not hard. It does not deform during wear, its edges do not bend or bunch up. It evenly supports the abdominal cavity, does not compress internal organs, and does not interfere with blood supply.

How and how long to wear a postoperative bandage

  • Most often, the postoperative belt has to be worn for one to two weeks. This period is often enough for the threat of suture separation to pass and the position of the internal organs to stabilize.
  • It is worth preparing for the fact that after complex operations, as well as in the presence of complications, you will have to wear a bandage for a month or even more. The decision when a patient can refuse to use an accessory is made only by the doctor.. Usually, the bandage is not worn for more than 3 months after surgery, because in the future the risk of muscle tissue atrophy increases.
  • Wearing a bandage all the time is not recommended. The average daily time should not exceed 6-8 hours, with half-hour breaks every 2 hours. However, the total time and breaks can be changed taking into account the specific situation of the patient.
  • It is better to put the bandage on cotton clothing (preferably seamless). In some cases, the doctor may recommend wearing it on the naked body, but in this case it is worth considering a spare model in order to maintain the proper level of hygiene.
  • The first time you put on the postoperative bandage, you should lie down. You first need to relax so that the internal organs take the correct anatomical position. At the final stage of using the accessory, you can put it on while standing.
  • The bandage must be removed at night unless otherwise indicated by a doctor.

On a note! You should not suddenly stop wearing an orthosis. The time must be reduced gradually so that the body can calmly adapt to the new “rules of the game.”

Surgery is a huge stress for the body. A postoperative bandage can help him recover. However, it will only be effective if its type and size are selected correctly.

Having perfect health is great happiness. But, unfortunately, in today's life there are times when it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

After the operation, the patient should follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, follow a diet, and not lift heavy objects.

The rehabilitation period is the most difficult stage after surgery. The patient strives to return to his previous form as quickly as possible, to enter the usual rhythm of life. But the wound after surgery usually does not allow you to recover so quickly.

The postoperative bandage has received well-deserved recognition in the field of rehabilitation.

What is a bandage?

The word bandage translated from French “bandage” means bandage.

The function of this medical product is to hold the internal organs and the anterior walls of the abdominal cavity during the rehabilitation period or during certain diseases.

Thanks to the postoperative bandage, the wound heals faster after surgery and a strong, reliable scar is formed instead of damaged tissue.

The bandage gently, delicately compresses the area of ​​skin where the operation was performed. It correctly connects the edges of the seam and, as a result, swelling does not occur.

Thanks to wearing a bandage, the recovery period becomes easier and shorter, and the product also prevents the occurrence of a hernia at the site of the postoperative suture.

How to choose the right postoperative bandage?

Postoperative bandage is:

Universal - a wide range of indications for use.

Highly specialized - used after surgery on the stomach, heart, intestines, kidney, etc.

Before purchasing any type of bandage, you need to consult a specialist. There are a number of cases in which this medical device has contraindications:

Some types of sutures (sutures after a recent operation may come apart due to compression by a bandage).

Allergy from the fabric from which the postoperative abdominal bandage is made).

Surgery at the site where the bandage is applied (pressure is fraught with suppuration, swelling, and friction of the operated area).

Kidney diseases accompanied by edema.

Some types of skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, wounds, tumors).

One of the main parameters when choosing a postoperative bandage, this is its width. It is determined taking into account the patient’s build and height.

The second important parameter- location of the surgical suture and its size.

A correctly selected postoperative bandage covers the suture and adjacent tissues by at least 1 cm.

Third parameter in the choice - the girth of the bandage. To determine it, it is necessary to measure the patient's waist circumference.

The bandage should not cause discomfort, create a greenhouse effect or impair blood circulation.

Each bandage must allow air to pass through normally and not cause irritation to the skin.

It should be made of a breathable, hygroscopic material that consists of elastin, cotton, microfiber or lycra fibers. Products made only from cotton cannot provide full support for the operated area and tighten it. These are all the requirements by which you can choose a postoperative bandage. You know how to choose. Now I’ll tell you how to check whether your choice is correct.

A correctly selected model should:

Good to fix the department

Adhere tightly to the surgical site

Reduce pain syndrome

We should also talk about postpartum bandages for women after a caesarean section.

It will support the stomach and relieve stress on the internal organs and spine.

The bandage prevents the postoperative suture from coming apart, fixes it in a “tightened” position, and therefore promotes faster healing. The bandage will also serve to protect the seam from unexpected mechanical damage.

The size must be chosen carefully. A bandage that is too small will put a lot of pressure on the internal organs; a very large one will not have the desired effect.

The interior should be made of natural fabric.

How to wear a post-operative bandage?

It is advisable to put on the bandage while lying down.

As a rule, the postoperative bandage is worn over cotton underwear. You should wear it no more than 8 hours a day.

The medical product can be washed without losing its compression properties.

It is advisable to dry the bandage in a straightened form, placing it on a flat, level surface.

Of course, any operation is a great stress for any organism. Physical and moral strength is wasted, all systems are worn out. A postoperative bandage is designed to significantly alleviate the painful condition during rehabilitation.

It significantly shortens the rehabilitation period, reduces pain, forms a reliable scar and prevents postoperative complications from arising.

Girls, can you recommend a model of a bandage for pregnant women? So that it won’t be hot in the summer.. It’s already warm here, +25 somewhere, but it’s still going to be very hot all summer long. I have a bandage in the form of panties, everything is fine, but it’s hot. There is also an individually sewn one with underwires - it is generally uncomfortable. I want to buy something... so that the fabric is smaller and so that it is comfortable and does not press anywhere. and how to choose the size?


It’s already +29 in Moscow time for the second day :))) it’s hot in principle in everything... even walking around without clothes at home is hot :)))
My belly is simply huge, but shorts with an elastic band, regular ones with a low waist, under my belly are quite enough. And I wear a bandage belt (from Ali Express with bones on the back) at home when there is no other clothing or at least :))

Yana and I wore a cotton beanie with Velcro, either bliss or fest. Tomorrow I'll look for a picture on the Internet. I liked it very much. I walked in it just in the hottest weather, it helped a lot :)
Now, while the time is short in the summer, I want to buy a seamless fest navel, thin.

Bandage, bandage... Why tighten it? I was also told that I needed to wear a bandage until giving birth. What for? My back doesn’t hurt (I do weightlifting in my spare time). And I didn’t feel the weight of my tummy. Just as I don’t feel it during this pregnancy. To prevent your abdominal muscles from stretching out, you need to train them and not constantly lie on the couch before conception. Although, it’s also a double-edged sword. My problem was different. The press held this very tummy so well that there was no room left for the stomach. I’ll eat a couple of spoons and that’s it, I’m about to burst, I think I’d like to eat more, but there’s no room. But thanks to this, I didn’t gain a single kg during pregnancy. And after the birth there was nothing to do in the ward, I shook my abs a little (well, under control, without straining, there were stitches) and that’s it. After seven days I was discharged with a flat stomach. It’s true that the doctor did an ultrasound before discharge and said that my uterus was like that of a nulliparous woman.
And the bandage may help someone, but for me, it only puts extra pressure on the belly.

13.10.2008 15:05:22, Olga

girls, who had it removed, tell me, did they do it vaginally for anyone and what motivated this particular method? I have a fibroid of 8 cm, the doctor said that it was too big for laparoscopy... who had it like this? and what kind of anesthesia?


8 cm is a very large fibroid, but you can take medications aimed at this (Lukrin, Buserelin, Esmiya) before surgery; They will shrink the fibroids and maybe then lapara is still possible? Ask your doctor, he should know. I haven’t heard about the vaginal method, by the way, I know laparotomy, abdominal, UAE... I also looked through a lot of information when my myoma was found. But fortunately, I didn’t need surgery after the course of Esmya, but the size was of course significantly smaller. Did your fibroid manifest itself in any way? I just had heavy periods, but I thought it was just like that with age. It’s good that I got a job and started undergoing medical examinations, otherwise maybe I would have grown to 8 cm....(

"Caesar" birth. Caesarean section (stories about childbirth by...)

My story about childbirth. Planned section.


But the article, IMHO, is somehow presented incorrectly. Everything is so sweet and heartfelt, great! Smiles and happy faces... this is wonderful if we were talking about natural childbirth, but when abdominal surgery, and by the way, it’s somehow not very clear why it was done, is presented on such a “golden platter”, then Personally, I don't like it at all.(C)
Girls, don’t turn the discussion into, excuse me, “who’s pi... deeper,” like “YAGEROYA SELF-BIRTH!” The birth of a child, regardless of the method of birth, is HAPPINESS! The mother from the article is happy that the baby is healthy and does not suffer from an inferiority complex due to the cesarean section. Abdominal surgery is dangerous, I don’t argue, but ER is also not a raspberry, and there are a lot of complications after ER, to start with at least with the fact that during a CS they clean you conscientiously, and after ER, in my only memory, out of 5 natural girls, three were cleaned again - some clothes were left after childbirth... To each his own, and it doesn’t matter, CS or ER, it is important that the children are HEALTHY and ALIVE!!! Just like mothers. IMHO.

08/28/2012 11:51:13, Sasha Shmychkova

I had a CS in 2002. Now I’m waiting for the second and want an ER, I consider cesarean as the most extreme option.
In CS, not everything is so chocolatey! The anesthesia alone is worth it! It’s great if your body tolerates drugs well, but what if it doesn’t? Personally, I had: glitches, nausea with vomiting, and respiratory arrest. then there was inflammation of the uterine cavity - endometriosis, because... external interference in internal organs does not pass without leaving a trace. girls who gave birth on their own after 3 hours go to the nursery for feeding, and with a cesarean one you can only get up on the second day, and then from blood loss the stars in the eyes and along the wall. both before the operation and the first 2 days after, a urinary catheter is placed, after which going to the toilet on your own is a terrible torment! enemas are also not the most pleasant - they are given before the operation and 3 after.
You will also face complications with repeated pregnancy. The uterus is a muscular organ, and if there is a scar on it, then it stretches worse and contracts worse during childbirth.
Sorry for being so negative and chaotic, but these are my personal impressions.
Of course, I am not dissuading those for whom a cesarean section is absolutely indicated; here it is necessary to compare the benefits and harms. but you shouldn’t blindly obey the doctor either. if one diagnoses CS, then you need to consult with other doctors, read the literature or not

A friend called, they don’t tell her what she can eat after a cesarean section. The guy came and said that they were transferring from the intensive care unit and that’s all: ((She’s not dying, the baby is in the intensive care unit. Please give me some tips on how to preserve milk, etc.... Can I have fruit, juice?


What did she do for so long in the intensive care unit? Were there any problems during the operation?
On day 1 I didn’t eat anything, only water. Day 2 - broth and liquid porridge. Day 3. steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes, bananas, cottage cheese, muesli, kefir.
I was still devouring the hematogen.

A caesarean section is not an operation on the intestines; on the 3rd day there are already few restrictions - you can’t have complex salads, and keep it in moderation.

for the stool - I really liked the Gaviscon candles. They clean in such a way that it’s better than any diet)

There should be no special restrictions, this is not an operation on the digestive organs.
But for general reasons, you should not rush with fiber and anything that can cause bloating.
roughly speaking, I would temporarily give up raw fruits and vegetables, brown bread and legumes

This means that it must be used with great caution, under the supervision of a qualified physician. Liposuction is perhaps the most fashionable trend in cosmetology that exists today. However, this is not so much a procedure as a cosmetic operation to remove subcutaneous fat. Previously, fat was removed mechanically - it was simply cut out and scraped out from the subcutaneous space. Then the operation became more gentle: under pressure, the fat was destroyed with saline, and then removed with a vacuum. Today, ultrasonic liposuction is the most popular. Tubes are inserted through small punctures under the skin. Under the influence of ultrasound...
...Under the influence of ultrasound of a certain frequency, fat becomes semi-liquid and is removed through these tubes. In one procedure, approximately 2 liters of fat can be removed in this way. And the punctures are either stitched up or they heal on their own. After liposuction, a long and labor-intensive rehabilitation period begins, which cannot be neglected. First, you need to wear a special bandage for two to three weeks. Secondly, you need a massage, a special regime of stress on the muscles of the liposuction area, special preparations, ointments and gels. Like any operation, liposuction should only be performed by a surgeon, in an equipped operating room, under anesthesia, after a serious examination and tests. Failure to comply with all the rules for performing this operation may cause...


good familiarity with procedures. Whether this is possible for you or not, you need to contact a specialist. Usually in good beauty salons or centers there are good specialists.

06/15/2006 12:40:17, Vika

I’m a young girl, I’m 15 years old. I’m not fat, I’m just a little chubby. I do fitness, I try to eat as little as possible, but I can’t lose weight, mainly because I really like sweets. I dream of being slim, but I don’t know what to do.

04.11.2005 12:31:41, Ekaterina

From the moment the placenta is born, the postpartum period begins, no less important for a woman than childbirth. What awaits a young mother on the first day after giving birth? The woman spends the first few days after childbirth, the most important ones, in the maternity hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel. On average, her stay in the hospital lasts 4-7 days, depending on a number of circumstances: the method of delivery (operative or spontaneous...
...Already 6 hours after a cesarean section, it is recommended to begin doing breathing exercises, and after 10-12 hours, get up and walk under the supervision of medical personnel, as far as strength allows, with a gradual increase in load. Before getting up, it is recommended to put on a bandage or tightly wrap the abdomen with a flannel diaper: this helps reduce pain when walking and ensures good contraction of the uterus. Approximately 5-7 hours after the operation, you are allowed to drink still water (with lemon). Then, starting from the second day, the diet begins to gradually expand (low-fat broth with minced meat, then low-fat milk yoghurts, baked apples, steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes, porridge, etc.)....

“Not sparing your belly...” Restoring the abdominal muscles...

How to get rid of extra pounds and get back into shape after childbirth.

Stitches after childbirth and scars, when and where they occur, what they are and how to make these injuries less painful and more aesthetic.
...The first one or two days after surgery, the suture area is sufficient and requires medical anesthesia. The source of pain, of course, is not only the skin wound - pain is caused by all soft tissues intersected during the operation. Despite this, getting up early (one day after surgery) is very useful. Sometimes, especially with developed subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, relief comes from wearing a postpartum bandage, which limits the mobility of the soft tissues of the abdomen and thereby provides more complete rest to the skin wound. Sutures on the skin are treated with antiseptic solutions every other day or every day, applying a sealed sterile bandage. Self-adhesive bandages sold in pharmacies are very convenient. If the sutures are silk, they are removed on the 7th day, before discharge. After discharge to independent...


But everything didn’t go so smoothly for me. There was such PAIN after the cut. I couldn’t come to my senses for a whole month. I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t sit, I couldn’t just lie down, and you yourself know that you can’t really lie down when you have a newborn baby. Moreover, I am sure that there was no need for dissection, because... My son was born weighing only 2,870 kg. Experienced obstetricians would have helped give birth without any dissection. This seam still bothers me!!!

12/14/2005 12:38:10, Natalya

I also don’t know what I would do without pads, and even with them I had to change baby diapers 2 times a day. But I couldn’t survive 10 days without sitting down. At home, I immediately forgot about this rule, and on the 7th day, to my surprise, I noticed that I had been sitting in any position for a long time. It worked out - the seams did not come apart.

07/01/2005 13:14:44, Victoria

Therefore, for cosmetic purposes, a postpartum bandage can be worn even after the recovery period. Bandages can also be worn by women who have undergone a caesarean section and other operations on the abdominal organs and who suffer from diseases of the back, kidneys, etc. (in these cases, the doctor will recommend a bandage). There are several types of postpartum bandages. If during pregnancy the expectant mother wore a double-sided universal bandage, then she can continue to use it after childbirth. It’s just that now you will need to put it on “back to front” - this way, the clasp of the bandage will be on the back, and...


The article is interesting, thanks to the author.
But why, along with price analysis, is there no analysis of the material from which bandages or underwear are made? Say that such and such a manufacturer has a bandage for 300 rubles. - this is nothing to say. And to clarify that for 300 rubles. They will sell you a bandage made of glass wool (made of nylon or polystyrene, suitable only for making gunny bags), which, even before wearing, stretches like overcooked noodles - now this is interesting.
When I was choosing a bandage for myself, I read a lot of negative reviews about the need to use it, a bunch of horror stories about the consequences of wearing it. And then I went shopping and realized where such fears came from: 80% of the bandages seen are a means of voluntarily harming one’s health and the health of the unborn baby.
The bandage is designed to gently support the abdomen and help the fetus take the correct position inside the tummy.
But to cope with such a task, the bandage must be of the appropriate shape and made of the appropriate material. I didn’t set out to remember the names of all the branding companies whose bandages I wanted to put directly on the head of their manufacturer, but I can say that the B-120 bandage (photo: [link-1]), which I wore throughout my pregnancy, is a really great thing I felt completely comfortable when I put it on.
The same can be said about panties and bras. But here I think there is no need to convince anyone - everyone has their own great experience. And unlike a bandage (which is purchased 1-2 times in a lifetime), when choosing underwear, we women, as a rule, do not make mistakes!

05.10.2008 11:42:13, Ylinnen

From the first day it is recommended to wear a postpartum bandage. The bandage relieves lower back pain, helps maintain correct posture, accelerates the restoration of muscle and skin elasticity, protects the stitches from coming apart, helping to heal the postoperative wound. However, wearing it for a long time is undesirable, because muscles must work and contract. As a rule, the bandage is worn for several weeks after childbirth, focusing on the condition of the abdominal muscles and general well-being. Therapeutic exercises should begin 6 hours after surgery, gradually increasing its intensity. After removing the sutures and consulting a doctor, you can begin performing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (Kegel exercise - compression and relaxation of the pelvic floor with a gradual increase in duration...


At the maternity hospital they gave instructions on what and how to behave after childbirth, and because... I had a caesarean section, so there are correspondingly more restrictions. And I smeared the scar with Contractubex, the doctor also recommended it, and they bought it. It turned out to be a good gel.

I was more worried about the scar after the caesarean. When it healed, I consulted with the doctor on how to get rid of it, or at least make it less noticeable. The doctor suggested that I use Contractubex. Within two months there was already a positive result. The scar has become thinner and does not appear on the surface of the skin as before. I am very pleased.

"Aggravating circumstance." Childbirth with a scar on the uterus

Currently, a scar on the uterus is increasingly becoming a companion to pregnancy. How can this circumstance affect the course of pregnancy and the outcome of childbirth? Is it possible for a woman with a uterine scar to give birth naturally or is a caesarean section inevitable?
...If the scar on the uterus is formed due to perforation of the uterus after an artificial abortion, then the obstetric prognosis is more favorable if the operation was limited only to suturing the perforation without additional dissection of the uterine wall. Duration of pregnancy after surgery. The degree of healing of the uterine scar also depends on the amount of time that has passed since the operation. After all, any tissue needs time to recover. The same goes for the wall of the uterus. It has been established that restoration of the functional usefulness of the muscle layer after surgery occurs within 1-2 years after surgery. Therefore, the most optimal is the onset of pregnancy in the interval of 1-2 years after surgery...


Hello! Tell me what to do if a scar on the uterus appeared as a result of perforation during cleaning (removal of a frozen pregnancy), but the uterus was not sutured, but was treated with medication. The lining of the uterus itself was not damaged from the outside. The doctor who was then treating me claims that this millimeter scar is not an indication for a cesarean section. The doctor who is caring for my pregnancy and the doctor who signed the exchange card in the maternity hospital (paid childbirth) claim that it is necessary to do a cesarean section. Who to believe? Perforation was on 07/01/2016, PDR on 01/10/2018. The doctor who taught childbirth preparation classes at the maternity hospital says that there will still be a consultation and there is a possibility that the doctors will decide that I give birth on my own. Tell me, what is your opinion on this matter? It will be the first birth.
Thank you!

I won’t write at length about the first one, I’ll just say that 2 months after the operation the seam began to get wet, a fistula appeared, I had to go to the maternity hospital for an examination (there the seam was cut and processed). The procedure is unpleasant. After giving birth, the suture hurt for almost six months in total; for 2 months I could not sleep on my stomach or side. I couldn't do anything around the house. The second time I didn’t have time for myself or, on the contrary, I had to recover quickly, and with your prayers I recovered very quickly. Here are my recommendations, i.e. these are recommendations...
...The second time they didn’t even give me any contraction drips, etc. after operation. Only antibiotics (everyone gets them after a cesarean section) and painkillers for only 4 days; by the 5th day there was no longer any severe pain. The first time the seam was somehow thick in itself and always almost red, and the second time the seam was a thin dark thread. I still wear the bandage, not even a month has passed, but this is to be on the safe side, my eldest son loves to jump and kick. Yes, and it is not true that with a cesarean birth the milk comes later than with a natural birth. My milk always came on the 2nd day. Good luck to everyone and have an easy birth! I hope someone finds my report useful. tsieka, [email protected]...


You need to pray, dear.
Here is Sorokoust about health [link-1]
When the magpie is read for health, it means not only the physical health of the people listed. Any prayer is aimed, first of all, at the salvation of a person’s soul, therefore all petitions to the Lord must be weighed against their spiritual benefit.

We tried to give birth ourselves, we suffered for 1.5 days and ended up having a cop. After the CS, they transferred him to the intensive care unit immediately with the child, after 2 hours they put him to the chest, after another 2 they lifted him to his feet and told him to drink a lot, walk and try to walk on a small one. After another 5 hours, they transferred me to the postpartum ward, the baby was with me all this time, no one took him away (previously they took him away at night so that mommy could recover from the operation). There was no talk of having to lie down for a day and not get up, because the baby needs proper care. Plus injections, endless rounds, ultrasounds, examinations, etc., etc.


How to get in shape faster after a caesarean section


I had a caesarean section in October of this year. This is my second birth, the first also ended in caesarean (facial presentation). But they couldn’t decide on the second one. According to all indications, she had to do it herself, she waited until the due date, she was admitted to the maternity hospital in advance for observation. I waited three days to be examined by a doctor, but for some reason he avoided me. When he finally examined it, he said it was a caesarean section. No one answered my questions “why?” All ultrasounds were good; according to the last one, the child was lying head down. When I came to my senses after the operation, I was in shock. I was cut like a pig. The first cesarean section - the suture is 6 cm, and the child is 3650 g; the second - the seam is 10 cm, and the child is 3150 g. Again, no one answered the questions! Upon discharge, the stitches were removed, they pulled so that they pulled out threads with pieces of skin, the bandage was covered in blood. And in the conclusion they wrote “facial presentation,” although this was not even close. And one more thing: on the second day, none of the nurses or doctors came to see me. There was a paid ward. The child was left with me from birth. And no one cares that I had a Caesarean. With pain and tears, I crawled out of bed, bent almost in half, with a child in my arms who was not crying, but screaming, crawling into the hallway to call the nurse... It was terrible!!! Now you understand that if you don’t have connections, even money won’t help.

17.11.2015 15:48:09, Vesnushka_murashka

Hello to all mommies! Today my daughter is one year old! Time flies!!! My birth took place via CS. It’s unlikely that anyone had such an “interesting” pregnancy as I did. Apparently, I was the only one who stood out in all of Russia. But the fact is that during pregnancy (more precisely, the 5th month was passing then), I had an accident. I will say for sure that it is contraindicated for pregnant women to drive long distances. I got distracted, a bump, rain, a turn, the speed went off scale and... a ditch, a pine tree, and eventually a hospital. I broke my spine, and even with a displacement, a liver injury. Thank God, the baby in the tummy is alive and healthy (her heart rate was slightly elevated, apparently due to my excitement). Then, lying motionless for 4 months. She nursed her daughter to bed, despite requests from doctors and relatives to get rid of the child and undergo surgery to restore the spine. All the time she was lying there, she did not lose optimism and faith in herself and the baby. In the 9th month I learned to walk for two weeks and... stood up!!! Then the hospital, caesarean section. Now I’m like crazy, I can sit down for half an hour at most in a day! And my active daughter, apparently, had been lying in my stomach for 4 months))) And throughout all this time I was thinking about a happy future! A happy future means healthy children and a mother on her feet and a family in general! Give birth, do not despair in any situation! The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine! And follow your heart! By the way, now (a year after birth) we are trying to conceive a second child...
Mommies!!! Take care of yourself and your children!!!

06.12.2008 02:42:33, Natasha

How to return the normal shape to the stomach after childbirth, exercises for the abdomen, how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth
...At the end of the breastfeeding period, laser resurfacing will allow you to achieve the best results, but it does not eliminate the “apron”, and plastic surgery - abdominoplasty - can correct such a defect as much as possible. During this operation, excess subcutaneous fat and skin are removed, and in the presence of diastasis, the rectus abdominis muscles are sutured. It must be said that the formation of a large number of stretch marks and the formation of an apron, fortunately, does not happen often. After repeated births The second and any subsequent pregnancies, childbirth, and the postpartum period are essentially no different from each other, however, over the years, the elasticity of the tissue decreases, and this also applies to the skin of the muscles. Subcutaneous fat...

Therefore, of course, a young mother is worried about pain in the area of ​​surgical intervention. In the first 2-3 days, painkillers, which are administered to the woman intramuscularly, help to cope with painful sensations. But from the very first days, to reduce pain, the mother is recommended to wear a special postpartum bandage or tie her stomach with a diaper. After a caesarean section, young mothers often have a question: will the seam come apart if you take the baby in your arms? Indeed, after abdominal operations, surgeons do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how can you say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, obstetricians do not recommend...
...But from the first days, to reduce pain, the mother is recommended to wear a special postpartum bandage or tie her stomach with a diaper. After a caesarean section, young mothers often have a question: will the seam come apart if you take the baby in your arms? Indeed, after abdominal operations, surgeons do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how can you say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, obstetricians do not recommend that postpartum women after a cesarean section lift more than 3-4 kg during the first time (2-3 months), that is, more than the weight of the child. Possible complications If painful pain occurs in the suture area of ​​the perineum or on the anterior abdominal wall...

How to choose and wear a prenatal and postpartum bandage
...The universal bandage is used both before and after childbirth. It is a double-sided belt of orthopedic design, in which one side is much wider than the other, reinforced with a rigid lining and elastic bones. Velcro side flaps allow you to adjust the size and degree of tightening of the belt without removing it. During pregnancy, the bandage is worn with the wide part backwards for maximum support and relief of the back, and the narrow part is fastened under the belly, providing it with reliable support. After childbirth (including cesarean section), the belt is turned “back to front” - and now its wide part serves to tighten and fix the abdomen, and the narrow part is fastened at the back. Such a “2 in 1” bandage is simply necessary for women...
...Postpartum bandage - mom is back in shape! If you start using a postpartum bandage immediately after giving birth (in the first days and weeks), this will allow a woman to quickly return the previous tone to the muscles and skin of the abdomen, help the back cope with stress, and improve the silhouette of the abdomen, waist, hips, and buttocks. Postpartum bandages (only as prescribed by a doctor!) are indicated for women who have undergone a caesarean section and other operations on the abdominal organs, as well as those suffering from diseases of the back, kidneys, etc. A postpartum bandage can also be used for cosmetic purposes, as it conceals figure imperfections and emphasizes its advantages. Choosing a postpartum bandage A postpartum bandage belt is a wide (from 15-18 to 25-30 cm) elastic belt covering the entire area...


I used the Mamaline bandage, I found it in Damashop and it works like 2 in 1 before and after childbirth. It helped to hold the lower back well and supported the stomach for long periods. After giving birth, my tummy quickly went away, all thanks to this bandage. I advise anyone who still can’t decide. This is a very necessary thing!!!

K. The seams may come apart - you should wait 2 months. During this time, you can support the muscles by wearing a postpartum bandage for several hours a day. The bandage is worn as indicated for 1 month of the postoperative period or more. You can start wearing a postoperative bandage from the first days after surgery. Modern bandages are made of elastic fabric that allows air to pass through. It can be worn over a sterile suture dressing. The postpartum postoperative bandage provides support for the abdominal muscles, their fixation, exerting moderate adjustable pressure on them for faster recovery.

Should I wear a brace during pregnancy?
...P. 10.26.2000 14:17:37, Semerochka The abdominal muscles are trained evenly and constantly without a bandage. My opinion is that the bandage is harmful. Although everything is individual, maybe someone really needs a bandage. 9/21/2000 1:26:23, Leonida The bandage weakens the muscles, but they don’t wear it for days. When I walked for a long time, my stomach began to pull very hard, naturally, I put on a bandage. But for short distances or in the car, for example, I did not wear a bandage. It is wrong to say that the bandage is harmful. 7/18/2000 11:8:34, Svetochka In fact, you don’t have to wear it. We were told during the courses that it makes sense to wear it for women over 30 or with weak abdominal muscles. In general, if you feel the need for it, then you can buy it...

Former patients often wonder Should I wear a bandage after surgery?. To correctly answer this and other questions, we will understand what a postoperative bandage is, why and how long to wear a bandage after surgery. is an elastic support belt with a width of 22 or 30 cm. The belt is attached to the lower back using Velcro fasteners (“Velcro”).

Is a bandage needed after surgery?

The postoperative effect of the bandage lies in the external pressure that the Intex elastic belt exerts on the abdominal area and. Wearing a bandage after surgery:
— Reduces the load on the postoperative wound, preventing the sutures from coming apart.
— Improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, accelerating the formation of fibrin fibers. A durable scar is formed, eliminating the formation of a hernia - protrusion of internal organs through the scar area.
— Provides external pressure on the postoperative suture, orienting fibrin fibers in the correct direction. This prevents the appearance of overgrown keloid scars.
– Supports abdominal muscles weakened after surgery, helping the patient maintain a slim figure.
— Fix internal organs in the correct position. This reduces the risk of the kidneys descending into the pelvic area.

How to choose a postoperative abdominal bandage?

What postoperative bandages are considered high quality? The postoperative bandage must be fully unload the postoperative suture and support the abdominal muscles, be comfortable to wear and do not cause allergies. Postoperative bandage "Intex" from the Russian company "Intertextile Corp." fits tightly to the abdomen, easing the load on the scar and abdominal muscles. The belt is made of durable non-allergenic materials(latex, polyester, polypropylene - can cause allergic reactions of an individual nature), therefore it has a thin texture that allows you to wear the belt discreetly under clothing.

How to choose a postoperative bandage?

In order to select an Intex bandage, you need to take two measurements (in cm): waist circumference and hip circumference. Then you need to compare the measurements with the tabulated intervals. Let's assume that your waist is 76 cm and your hips are 105 cm. These measurements fit into the intervals corresponding to size 3 (M).

The width of the postoperative bandage depends on the location of the scar. Suitable for people below average height - for people above average height. By average we mean a height of 175 cm for a man, 165 cm for a woman.

How to wear a postoperative bandage?

You need to put on the Intex bandage while lying down. Straighten the bandage so that the middle of the band is in the middle of your abdomen. Holding one edge of the belt, pull the other edge and connect the parts of the Velcro fastener. The belt should create noticeable but not painful pressure on the stomach.

How to wear a bandage correctly after surgery?

The Intex bandage should be worn over a thin tank top or T-shirt. This way the belt will not rub the skin and irritate the scar.

How long should you wear a bandage after abdominal surgery?

The length of time you wear the bandage depends on the complexity of the operation, the age of the patient and how quickly the scar heals. In patients aged 14-30 years, connective tissue is formed within 1-2 weeks. For patients aged 30-60 years, it may take 1-2 months for a permanent scar to form. The exact time of wearing the bandage should be determined by a doctor.

How long to wear a bandage after hysterectomy?

The rehabilitation period after hysterectomy lasts 2 months. You must wear a bandage all this time.

How long do you need to wear the bandage after surgery per day?

Wear the Intex bandage 4-6 hours a day. To restore blood circulation, take a half-hour break 3 times a day. Do not remove the bandage at night on the first day after surgery. If the postoperative period goes well, the doctor will allow you to sleep without a bandage in the future.

How long to wear a bandage after abdominal surgery if you feel pain and itching in the scar area when wearing the bandage?

If you feel pain or itching and see that the scar has turned red and increased in size, you should consult a doctor immediately. It is possible that the seam has come apart or has become infected.

How long should the bandage be worn after laparoscopic surgery?

After laparoscopy, the bandage is worn for 5-7 days. The exact time should be checked with your doctor.



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