What ointments restore cartilage tissue. List of the most effective chondroprotectors for joints

Osteochondrosis is degenerative disease intervertebral discs. Manifests pain syndrome of varying intensity, which depends on its stage and the degree of destruction of the fibrous ring. On initial stage recovery cartilage tissue spine, it is enough to remove the pathogenetic factors of influence and the health of the musculoskeletal system will quickly recover naturally. In the second stage of osteochondrosis, when stable forms disc protrusion, recovery is possible only with integrated approach to therapy.

Here you need to use all the possibilities manual therapy and modern pharmacological preparations. In addition, the patient will be required to make efforts to abandon the lifestyle that, in fact, led to such a disease.

In essence, disc protrusion is borderline state between osteochondrosis and disc herniation. Therefore, when appearing on radiographic photographs typical signs similar condition it is important to start treatment immediately. In this case, the patient is insured against severe neurological disease associated with rupture of the fibrous ring, exit of the nucleus pulposus and strangulation radicular nerves.

Preparations (medicines) in injections for the restoration of spinal cartilage tissue

Modern pharmacological preparations for the restoration of spinal cartilage tissue are produced on the basis of chondroitin and glucosamine. These are structural basic substances, which are involved in the nutrition, formation and restoration of any cartilage. This is, so to speak, its basis. For arthrosis and chondropathy large joints upper and lower limbs these medicines are injected directly into the joint cavity and give excellent results.

It is very difficult to use such drugs to restore spinal cartilage tissue. The effectiveness of such therapy is usually zero. And there are objective reasons for this:

  • transportation of any medicinal substance to the hearth pathological changes does not occur completely, but within 10 - 15 percent (even with intravenous administration, let alone injection into the gluteal muscle);
  • If we talk about the cartilage tissue of the spine, then in case of osteochondrosis, and especially protrusion, the medicine does not flow here in principle, since it can only be delivered using diffuse exchange, and muscle tissue blocked by the inflammatory process;
  • chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis, to a certain extent, have a positive effect on areas of damaged large joints, but do not treat the spine;
  • to ensure the transportation of these pharmacological agents in intervertebral cartilaginous discs, manual therapy should be included in the treatment;
  • with the help of osteopathy and massage, reflexology and therapeutic exercises, doctors will be able to ensure a high degree of bioavailability of chondroitin and glucosamine from an intramuscular injection (bioavailability during manual therapy is 20 - 25%).

The following injections are most often prescribed to restore cartilage tissue of the spine:

  1. "Alflutop" 2 ml intramuscularly once a day for 20 days;
  2. “Chondroitin sulfate” and “Glucosamine hydrochloride” 2 ml once a day for 5 days;
  3. Meloxicam 6 mg (1 ml) intramuscularly every other day for a course of 20 injections;
  4. "Arthrocelsus", "Structum" and others.

When conducting course treatment it is also advisable to use intramuscular injections « Nicotinic acid"or "Nikoshpana" in order to improve capillary circulation in the area of ​​affected intervertebral discs.

Restoring spinal cartilage using manual therapy

The most effective way to restore spinal cartilage is to use manual therapy techniques. They contribute natural process tissue regeneration. Allows you to improve general state patient's health.

Our manual therapy clinic uses the following types effects for restoration of intervertebral disc cartilage:

  • traction traction spinal column in order to eliminate compression of the radicular nerves and increase the intervertebral spaces to provide space for full expansion of the discs;
  • massage to relieve excess tension from the muscular frame of the back and strengthen local circulation in the area of ​​pathological changes;
  • osteopathy to improve muscle condition, facet joints and restoration of the position of the vertebral bodies;
  • reflexology and, as necessary, pharmacopuncture (introduction medicines biologically active points in minimal dosages) to start the process of tissue regeneration due to hidden reserves body;
  • kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the back, correct postural defects, etc.

In addition to manual therapy methods, the patient will be offered full accompanying counseling on lifestyle changes in such a way as to start the reverse process in the area of ​​pathological changes.

Nutrition for restoration of spinal cartilage tissue

Proper nutrition for the restoration of spinal cartilage tissue can provide several aspects at once. Firstly, the patient, through correction of diet and nutrition, will be able to reduce body weight and tighten muscles. Secondly, right organized meals will charge you with energy and allow you to work effectively therapeutic exercises. Thirdly, with the help of certain foods you can speed up the process of restoration of cartilage tissue. Such products include small breeds sea ​​fish, gelatin, kelp, cartilaginous tissue of large cattle(used to prepare jellied meat).

In addition to nutrition, drinking balance should be restored. You need to train yourself to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will enhance the hydrophobicity of cartilage tissue and its shock-absorbing properties.

Avoid sweet soda, coffee, black tea and chocolate as much as possible. All these drinks include extractive substances that can destroy cartilage tissue in the human body.

Appearance discomfort in one or another joint can bother a person after 30-35 years. Most often, discomfort is associated with microcracks and various growths on the cartilage covering the head of the joint - a natural shock absorber designed to compensate for the loads during movement. After diagnostic examinations, the specialist selects and recommends the optimal drugs for restoring joint cartilage tissue.

Every year, according to medical statistics, there has been a significant increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for damage to joint structures, difficulty moving, and performing work duties. Therefore, it is so important to begin treatment with modern and effective medications in a timely manner.

Stages of destruction of cartilage tissue

Criteria for choosing medications

The shock-absorbing properties of cartilage tissue are provided by the intercellular substance located inside each joint. Its components are necessarily glucosamine, chondroitin and prostaglandins. Intra-articular synovial fluid with the above components washes the head of the joint, promoting its regeneration.

When degenerative-dystrophic processes occur in articular structures, the amount of necessary synovial fluid much less than is required - the cartilage begins to deteriorate, grow pathologically, and osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis form.

Joint structure

So that the restoration of the cartilage tissue of the patient’s joints occurs in a short time and without negative consequences, the specialist is guided by the following selection criteria:

  • what subgroup does the drug belong to - for anti-inflammatory therapy, analgesic, for cartilage restoration;
  • single agent or combination drug;
  • what does it feel like active substance– synthetic or extract of medicinal plants;
  • the presence of individual contraindications to taking the medication;
  • what is the mechanism of action of the drug on the human body;
  • time of appearance of the expected result, optimal frequency and duration of taking the drug.

Osteocondritis of the spine

Medicine for the restoration of joint cartilage tissue is prescribed only by a specialist - self-medication can lead to the appearance of unwanted complications and consequences. The drugs of choice in this case are chondroprotectors.

Positive properties of chondroprotectors

Numerous studies have convincingly proven that a course of taking chondroprotective drugs allows you to achieve the following positive aspects:

  • optimal nutrition of the cartilage shell;
  • full launch of the processes of formation of new own cells of the joint;
  • excellent stimulation of synovial fluid synthesis;
  • a quickly noticeable decrease in the intensity of pain;
  • reduction or complete elimination of inflammatory processes in tissues.

At any pharmacy chain Today you can buy chondroprotectors in various forms– for injections, oral administration, in the form of ointments and gels for topical use.

The main representatives of chondroprotectors

Popular and effective, having great amount positive feedback, are the following drugs:

  • If osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis is detected, a specialist is one of the first to recommend taking the drug Artra - thanks to chondroitin sulfate, it helps to quickly eliminate microdamages on the lining of the joints. Produced by the manufacturer in tablet form.

Artra drug

  • Artron Flex – active substance is glucosamine, contributes to the optimal prevention of microdamage to cartilage, and is also able to counteract the active destruction of the joint itself. The drug is presented in the form of tablets.
  • A drug belonging to the first generation of chondroprotectors is Alflutop. It is made from certain type fish, so it has the ability to enhance the production of type 2 collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid. Available as a solution for injection.
  • Don's drug. Available in the form of powder for injection, as well as in tablet form. TO positive aspects Experts attribute its ability not only to restore the cartilage tissue of the joint, but also to stop local foci of inflammation.
  • Rumalon – is an extract from bone marrow, as well as cartilage of young calves. Used by injection - duration treatment course determined only by a specialist.

The drug Rumalon

  • Structum – promotes correction metabolic processes in the structure of cartilage, as well as in articular capsule, due to which the joint regains its former mobility. Produced by the manufacturer in capsules.
  • The drug Chondroitin sulfate has the most beneficial effect on the restoration of cartilage elements. It is produced both in the form of an independent ointment with one component, and in combination with other active substances.
  • Elbona drug. Promotes the production of own hyaluronic acid by joint cells. It also has a pronounced analgesic and effective anti-inflammatory effect. The manufacturer produces it in the form of an injection solution.
  • Teraflex. Basic active ingredients– chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride – are aimed at stimulating the healing of microdamage to cartilage, as well as regulating metabolic processes in it. The drug is mainly presented in capsule form.
  • Fermatron is a substitute for intra-articular fluid. It effectively balances the volume of synovial fluid, according to the needs of the patient’s body, and helps to significantly slow down negative processes in the joint.

The drug Fermatron


Like all medications, drugs for restoring joint cartilage tissue have their own administration and contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • pediatric category of patients under 12 years of age;
  • individual increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • ankylosis of the joints – no positive effect in this case, one should not expect it - the cartilage is already completely destroyed.

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors are prescribed with extreme caution if the patient has a history of severe pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.

You can only entrust the selection of the optimal remedy for correcting the condition of the cartilage tissue of joints to a competent specialist - they will choose the dose of the medicine, its release form, and the duration of the treatment course.

To prevent the development and exclusion possible relapse For diseases of the joints and spine, a course of chondroprotectors is recommended.

Knee cartilage acts as a shock absorber in the knee, protects the bone from abrasion, and reduces stress when bending and extending the knee. Cartilage injuries knee joint- This is one of the most common types of damage (if you take into account the entire human body). At risk are active people those who play sports, elderly people, as well as patients who are not too careful.

It is very easy to injure the cartilage of the knee joint. This phenomenon is accompanied by severe pain, and in some cases, loss of performance.

Attention! You should not treat knee injuries on your own. This will not only not bring relief, but will most likely worsen the situation.

Types of injuries

reading information

Knee injuries can be either chronic or acute, occurring as a result of external influence, and due to unfavorable processes in the body.

The following types of damage exist articular cartilage knee joint:

  1. Acute. In this case, the cartilage of the knee joint ruptures or a small section of it breaks off (about 1-2 mm). However, complete damage to the cartilage of the knee joint is extremely rare. It is worth noting that any fabrics in at a young age regenerate much faster, resulting in easier and faster treatment.
  2. Chronic. Typically, such injuries occur in people after 45-50 years of age. But sometimes they happen at a young age, for example, with increased physical activity. In this case, deformation of the cartilage of the knee joint occurs, which can be combined with an inflammatory process. Often this process is accompanied by damage cruciate ligaments. On initial stages The patient experiences softening of the articular cartilage of the knee joint. If treatment is not started at this stage, then cracks will form in the cartilage tissue and eventually it will begin to wear out quickly. A progressive disease can lead over time to the fact that it will be painful for the patient not only to move, but even to simply straighten the leg.

Treatment methods in this case completely depend on the form and stage of the pathological process.

Attention! The process of cartilage restoration greatly depends on a person’s weight, so during therapeutic activities It is recommended to lose extra pounds.

Treatment with medications

To eliminate the inflammatory process, pain, and also to restore the cartilage of the knee joint, specialists can prescribe chondroprotectors to the patient. These medications contain a substance that is produced by the body healthy person for the formation of synovial fluid (a substance that fills the joint, necessary to reduce friction).

Often, preparations for restoring cartilage tissue of the knee joint contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Such products are available in the form of gels, tablets, capsules, ointments, creams, as well as injection solutions.

Such medications are most effective in the initial stages of the disease. In this case it is restored normal thickness cartilage in the knee joint. At complete destruction fabrics good effect from drug treatment will not be.

Attention! To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors continuously for 2-3 years.

The choice of the most suitable medicine, as well as the daily dosage, is made by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body.

Joint rehabilitation

During debridement, a special instrument is inserted into the knee to remove damaged tissue edges and polish its surface. Any damaged parts are also removed to prevent further spread of the pathological process. If there is damage to the meniscus, it is sutured. In severe cases, the surgeon may perform surgical excision of part synovial membrane. All these manipulations are carried out under endoscopic supervision.

It turns out that it is possible to prevent further destruction of the cartilage of the knee joint and stimulate the process of its regeneration. This method is ideal for total damage.

Attention! To speed up cartilage regeneration, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes. The choice of these drugs should be made by the attending physician.

Despite the fact that vitamin-mineral complexes are seemingly harmless drugs, their choice for joint injuries should be as careful as possible

Surgical methods of treatment

  1. Transposition osteotomy - this is modern surgery, which helps prevent further destruction of the hyaline cartilage of the knee joint. The essence of this procedure is to correct the joint axis, deviations in which cause pathological tissue abrasion. Most often this operation is performed on the head or lower part tibia. In either case, the surgeon removes part of the bone, places it in a new position and secures it with clamps and screws. After the bone has grown in, these elements are removed.
  2. Growing and transplanting cartilage tissue cells. it's the same new way therapy of chronic and acute injuries knee cartilage. In this case, a specialist collects healthy tissue from the patient and sends it to a special laboratory, where it is grown for several weeks under the supervision of doctors. After reaching the right size The grown tissue is transplanted to the area of ​​the defect in the knee joint. There the tissue takes root and spreads. After this, the functions of the affected joint are completely restored. This method is especially useful for injuries in which a section of cartilage has been torn off from the patient.
  3. Autologous transplantation. In this case, the specialist takes cells from a healthy area and transplants them onto the injured one. At this method After transplantation, the tissue takes root very quickly, so the method is ideal for patients who have suffered complete tissue damage. The disadvantages of the procedure include its complexity.
  4. Arthroplasty is a surgical operation during which a specialist removes the patient’s entire cartilage tissue and replaces it with implants. In this case, the patient’s discomfort in the joints disappears forever, while all their functions are preserved as much as possible. This effect lasts for several years. Unfortunately, this procedure is not suitable for patients who have become infected in damaged areas or have poor circulation in the lower extremities.

Surgical treatment is the ideal solution in advanced cases

Increased risk mechanical damage, degenerative joint lesions are largely explained by serious discrepancies between biological nature cartilage, joint, ligaments and functional loads modern man. It cannot recover on its own without special treatment, and if the patient suffers from full-thickness defects articular surface, pathological process will end with the formation of a fibrous formation that disrupts normal work bony junction. To restore functionality, it is necessary to completely regenerate the cartilage tissue.

In what cases may it be necessary to restore joint cartilage tissue?

Some diseases have a detrimental effect on skeletal system and, in particular, on joints and cartilage. These are, for example, arthrosis, arthritis, dysplasia, intervertebral hernia. Also negative impact cause inflammatory processes, injuries, age-related decline functions of chondrocytes (these are the basic cells of cartilage tissue) and collagen synthesis.

Smooth and easy movements of the joint are ensured by synovial fluid, which fills its cavity and prevents friction of surfaces. It nourishes the cartilage and during exercise protrudes through its pores and fibers. Despite significant advances in replacing damaged bone joints (endoprosthetics), artificial substitutes cannot ensure the full functioning of the synovial bone joint, so restoring one’s own cartilage tissue is much preferable.

After injuries to the lower extremities, it is often required; it is performed through small incisions and does not require long-term rehabilitation, as in the case of endoprosthetics. When a vertebra is damaged, a technology is often used that allows bone cement to be introduced into its body and securely fixed.

Advice: joint diseases affecting cartilage tissue often manifest as dull aching pain when the weather changes and when walking, sudden movement. These symptoms cannot be ignored. With strong progression of pathology the only way out Removal of the diseased bone joint will remain, etc.


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Injuries, aging of the body, and inflammatory processes lead to damage to cartilage tissue, which is accompanied by pain and decreased mobility. It is important to know how the cartilage tissue of joints is restored in order to take timely measures to rid the body of negative processes. Cartilage - a type connective tissue. The cartilage of the joint comes into contact with synovial fluid, which is a lubricant between rubbing joints.

Cartilage tissue has a structure that allows for the reverse process of deformation. A feature of the structure of cartilage is a small number of cells surrounded by a matrix (intercellular space). The cartilages of the spine have perichondrium, while articular cartilages do not. The joint is filled with synovial fluid, which provides it with nutrition. Cartilage tissue is divided into 3 groups according to the ratio of collagen and elastic fibers:

  • hyaline;
  • elastic;
  • fibrous.

Causes and consequences of destruction

Articular cartilage is destroyed by various factors:

  • Injuries.
  • Unbearable load on the joint.
  • Absence motor activity.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Bad habits.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Improper metabolism.
  • Infections.
  • Hypothermia.

Also, the destruction of articular cartilage is provoked by impaired blood circulation. Cartilage restoration is the process of replacing damaged cartilage cells with chondrocytes. Self-healing is 50% and can last up to 10 years. A serious injury poses a risk of incurability to the body, which is due to the low metabolism of cartilage.

As a result of negative processes, the process of delamination and thinning of the cartilage tissue begins, which leads to difficulty in sliding bones against each other. The bones are flattened, bone growths appear, and a decrease in the bone gap is observed, which is accompanied by constant pain and a significant decrease in mobility.

With absence adequate therapy a person loses the ability not only to work, actively rest, but also to move

Cartilage tissue is easy to injure due to weak ligamentous apparatus, holding the joint in the desired position. If the cartilage loses its strength and smooth surface, becomes thinner, the joints rub, which leads to increased destruction. If the process is not stopped, bone growths called osteophytes may form. Deficiency of synovial fluid also contributes to destruction.

To restore cartilage tissue in joints, you should create high concentration cells - chondrocytes. With low motor activity, the joint cavity receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients, which has negative impact on the condition of the cartilage. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to increase physical activity.

Medicines for the formation of chondrocytes

To start the process of restoration of joints and cartilage, medications are used:

  • Adrenalin. Used daily in small doses to provide an anabolic effect on cartilage tissue. No habituation is noted.
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone. A 15% solution injected into the joint helps improve surface friction.
  • Anabolic steroid. Helps enhance the recovery process.
  • Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone. Medicines are used for administration using ultrasound or electrophoresis.

If the degree of cartilage deformation is determined as light form, the use of chondroprotectors for the restoration of cartilage tissue for prophylactic purposes is justified. Medicines containing Glucosamine and Chondroitin help retain water in cartilage tissue, make joints elastic, and inhibit the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage.

Recovery agents

To improve the nutrition of cartilage tissue, add certain products, containing substances that can promote cartilage restoration.


Protein gives joints strength. Its dishes contain:

  • Jelly.
  • Aspic.
  • Jellied fish.
  • Fruit jelly.
  • Milk jelly.
  • Marmalade.

Patients with joint diseases should systematically consume low-fat varieties meat, fish, dairy products. This will allow the body to produce collagen on its own.


A trace element that promotes the production of molecules that moisturize cartilage tissue, which can become overdried and brittle.

The chemical element can be obtained from food


Provides cartilage tissue with lubrication. Sulfur without selenium cannot serve as a building material for cartilage. Products containing large amounts of sulfur and selenium: eggs, milk, poultry, beef, cod, sea bass, legumes, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The substances have the ability to relieve inflammatory processes in cartilage tissue and activate cartilage restoration. Fatty acid found in many types of fish: mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon. It is better to cook fish by steaming.

Restoration of cartilage tissue can be carried out if it receives required amount nutritional substances. Insufficient blood circulation and deviations in the composition of the synovial fluid prevent cartilage regeneration. Fast recovery cartilage helps maintain large quantity chondrocytes. Needs to be organized balanced diet, including natural products in fresh without allowing the use of:

  • fast food;
  • dishes prepared by frying;
  • fatty foods;
  • carbonated drinks.

Modern invasive methods

Among the restorative methods used, the following procedures are priority.


  • A fragment of the patient’s cartilage tissue is transplanted to the site of cartilage destruction.
  • Cartilage tissue is grown in the laboratory and transplanted to the site of the affected cartilage.


Remove using an endoscope damaged tissue cartilage, polish its surface. At the same time, regeneration processes are activated and subsequent tissue destruction is stopped.

Build cartilage

The technique was developed in Switzerland and is based on the restoration method of cartilage tissue augmentation. Surgery lasts for 40 minutes. After removing the cartilage defects, stem cells are extracted from the bone marrow through drilled holes. A collagen membrane is applied to the affected area, which leads to the accumulation of stem cells that are capable of producing tissue similar to the one in which they are formed.

Rehabilitation after cartilage augmentation hip joint, passes within 3 months. For elderly patients, the technique of increasing cartilage tissue is unacceptable.


Performed in 2 types: replacement of worn cartilage; surgery when it is necessary to completely replace the knee joint.

The joint is pierced with a “thick” needle, through which an optical video system is inserted, allowing for a full examination. Arthroscopy makes it possible to examine damage to the menisci and joints, which is important for diagnosing the pathology. Conventional research does not provide this opportunity. The procedure allows removal of menisci, chondromatous and osteochondral bodies, arthroplasty, and restoration of knee joint ligaments.

  • Positive results of arthroscopy:
  • Pain and swelling of the joint disappear.
  • The range of movements increases.
  • Motor activity is restored.

The method that achieves the most high result. Used in the treatment of knee joints where cartilage fusion is impossible

It is important for patients that after the procedure there are no postoperative scars. Rehabilitation period lasts a maximum of 5 days.

How do traditional healers treat

In combination with medicines used for restoration of cartilage tissue folk remedies. Tested products treatment of cartilage tissue:


The substance is obtained from animal tissue. It has a slowing effect on the process of destruction of articular tissue, helps to increase the elasticity of cartilage.

  • Recipe No. 1. To prepare the medicine, take 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour 100 ml of warm boiled water, leave to swell for 7 hours. After the time has elapsed, add another 100 ml of water. The resulting drink is consumed warm evening time. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Recipe No. 2. Two teaspoons of gelatin are poured into 200 ml of warm boiled milk. Add honey to taste. After infusion for an hour, heat over low heat until the substance dissolves completely. The mixture is cooled at room temperature and then placed in the refrigerator. Use jelly with caution so as not to cause intestinal upset.


Turmeric relieves pain, reduces inflammation, relieves swelling, and increases joint flexibility.

  • Recipe No. 1. Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 tablespoons of chopped ginger. Add mustard oil until it reaches a paste consistency. The mixture applied to a bandage is applied to the painful joint. After wrapping, leave for 3 hours.
  • Recipe No. 2. Turmeric and ground ginger V equal quantities connect with vegetable oil to a pulp state. Apply to the painful area of ​​the joint, insulate it and leave overnight.

Aloe for cartilage regeneration

Recipe No. 1. Crushed aloe leaf is mixed with 2 cloves of crushed garlic, half a medium-sized onion. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cool, apply a compress, wrapping the leg, for 7 hours. Recipe No. 2. Grind the aloe leaf and squeeze out the juice. Before each meal, take 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Aloe, relieving pain, stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue

Popular in folk medicine are considered herbal infusions medicinal plants. Recipe No. 1. Grind burdock leaves and celandine herb. Pour vodka. Leave without access to light for 4 days. Rub on sore joints for 10 days. Recipe No. 2. So, chop 5 peeled chestnut fruits and pour in 200 ml of vodka. Keep for 7 days. Use for daily rubbing for 2 weeks.

To the question of whether it is possible to restore a joint using folk remedies, there is a clear negative answer. Only in connection with drug therapy folk remedies can help a sore joint.

Physical activity

Growth hormone depends on the intensity of the load, but often excessive training does not contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue. The recommendations given should be followed. Training should not lead to exhaustion. Must be defined optimal frequency training. The duration of training should not be long. The duration of classes is agreed upon with the doctor depending on the condition of the joints and cartilage tissue.

As fuel, before active physical activity, are accepted unsaturated fats. It should be remembered: at the end of the workout, growth hormone in the blood increases 4 times. There is a false belief that cartilage tissue wears out due to physical activity.

Physical activity - main method prevention of joint pathologies. Sports activities and light exercises help improve the nutrition of cartilage tissue and help fight overweight, strengthen the muscle corset that supports the joints.



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