How to recover after a facelift and avoid unwanted complications? Recovery after a facelift After a facelift, what procedures are effective.

A circular facelift is a fairly radical lifting method. This is a classic surgical procedure, which is performed under general anesthesia and lasts for several hours. After it is carried out, the patient needs proper rehabilitation.

Immediately after surgery

To prevent the sutures from coming apart after the intervention, the plastic surgeon immediately after the operation applies a special compression bandage to the patient’s face. Next, you will need to stay in an inpatient department under medical supervision for three to four days. In some cases, discharge is carried out within a day. However, if the patient has concomitant ailments such as diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, etc., this period may be slightly delayed, up to seven days.

The first dressing is carried out the next day after the circular facelift is performed. In the future, such procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis - during the next visit to the clinic, the duration of which is selected individually by the doctor. A tightening and compression bandage will be needed for about seven days.

A week after the intervention, the doctor removes the suture material. Special strip strips are applied to the areas where the seams were located. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to achieve the maximum possible tissue restoration: only thin scars remain on the skin, which are difficult for a person far from plastic surgery to see.

How long does rehabilitation last?

The duration of the recovery stage can be different; it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient: his age, general health, characteristics of the operation performed and the ability of the body tissues to recover. All rehabilitation after a facelift consists of several stages:

  1. stay in the clinic (from three to seven days);
  2. the period before the sutures are removed (usually seven days, sometimes up to two weeks);
  3. disappearance of bruises and increased swelling (from ten to twenty days);
  4. full recovery (from a couple of months to six months).

Patients going for a facelift should take into account that in the first few weeks after the procedure they will feel quite uncomfortable. The migrated operation will cause:

  • pulling sensations;
  • noticeable stiffness;
  • heaviness;
  • swelling and hematomas.

Of course, at first the reflection in the mirror will not please you, but over time the situation will normalize. Not a single plastic surgery is complete without postoperative discomfort.

There are reviews online that say rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery is quite difficult psychologically. After all, the need to travel without unsightly bandages is very depressing and forces you to disguise yourself.

Also, many women note that after the operation their face was very tight, and the swelling was very pronounced. But doctors, in most cases, consider this phenomenon to be completely normal.

Features of rehabilitation after a facelift

Painkillers that were used before surgery cease to provide an anesthetic effect just a couple of hours after the patient recovers from anesthesia. Accordingly, painful sensations and a completely unusual feeling that the skin is being pulled may be disturbing. But, as practice shows, the pain is usually not too pronounced. They can be treated with a mild pain reliever. And pulling sensations are completely normal - this is how the tightened areas of the skin react to the operation.

The advisability of taking analgesics and the list of drugs allowed after surgery must be discussed in advance with the attending physician.

Already a day after the lift, many patients refuse pain medications. But for those who have a low pain threshold, it is better not to endure discomfort.

Typically, doctors also prescribe antibiotics to their patients. They should be taken exclusively prophylactically for five days. Such medications will help avoid the development of complications.

Even in the clinic, patients who have undergone surgery for a circular face and neck lift pay attention to the appearance of postoperative swelling. This phenomenon is considered completely normal, and its severity will increase within three days after the intervention. Over time, the swelling will naturally subside.

Facial care

For patients who have undergone a circular face and neck lift, the following recommendations from doctors for the postoperative period are relevant:

  • In the first three days after discharge, treat the skin on your face with a cotton pad, moistening it with a solution of Chlorhexidine, after which you can proceed to washing with water with the addition of baby soap.
  • Apply lotions to the face using a cool solution of Furacillin, an infusion of chamomile and weak black tea. The optimal duration of one procedure is about 30 minutes. It is advisable to apply lotions three times a day for one week after the intervention. They will help reduce the severity of swelling.
  • Treat skin sutures using a cotton swab, moistening it with Chlorhexidine solution or medical alcohol (40%) several times a day.
  • If the seams are red, lubricate them with Levomekol or Baneocin ointment and consult your doctor.
  • Ensure that seams are kept dry.
  • Combine equal parts of Traumeel S and Bepanten ointments. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of the face several times a day for three weeks. In this case, it is necessary to carefully remove the remaining mixture from the previous application in advance using a damp cloth. Ointments will help make the feeling of skin tightness less pronounced, and will also help get rid of swelling and bruises.

In order for rehabilitation after a circular facelift to be successful, it is extremely important:

  • For several days after surgery, avoid washing your hair (for two to eight days, depending on the doctor’s recommendations).
  • At first, eat only soft or liquid dishes.
  • Take a shower only with warm water and not earlier than the second or third day after the intervention.
  • Severely limit the work of facial muscles for three weeks after surgery.
  • Rest and sleep only on a high pillow, avoid sleeping on your face for at least a month after the facelift.
  • Do not massage your face or put pressure on it for at least three to four weeks (until the swelling completely goes away).
  • Avoid sexual intercourse in the first two to three weeks after the intervention.
  • Do not visit the hairdresser for up to two months.
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine, as these substances can disrupt the recovery process.
  • Forget about thermal procedures, hot baths, saunas, and visiting countries with hot climates for at least three months.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity and lifting heavy objects for at least three months.
  • Avoid visiting the solarium and tanning until the postoperative scars are completely lightened (this may take three months or more).

Cosmetology procedures

A list of optimal cosmetic procedures for a full recovery after a circular facelift is usually given by the attending physician. Most often, doctors select professional cosmetics for their patients that can improve skin quality, activate regenerative processes, renew and rejuvenate the skin.

In addition, lymphatic drainage procedures can be used. Many clinics practice microcurrent and magnetic therapy, as well as light therapy. The optimal time for performing such procedures is determined by the attending physician.

A month after a circular lift, a specialist may advise you to undergo other rehabilitation procedures, for example, a course of manual plastic massage. After some time, it is worth consolidating the results obtained with mesotherapy sessions, laser lifting or Botox injections.

It is extremely important to consult with a specialist about the advisability of using silicone-containing preparations to care for seams. Typically, such products are used a month after surgery until the scars are completely lightened.

A circular (or classic) facelift is an effective operation that tightens muscles and skin. During the operation, excess subcutaneous fat is also excised. Rehabilitation after a circular facelift lasts from one to three weeks and depends on the volume of the operation and the method of operation. The depth of the intervention is determined by the surgeon, taking into account the patient’s age and her wishes.

Immediately after surgery

In the first hours after the intervention, patients do not feel any discomfort, since the effect of anesthesia still lasts. Surgeons advise staying in the hospital for at least a day, but many women go home an hour or two after the intervention.

A little later, pain may begin, a feeling of stiffness on the face, and tightness of the skin. Such manifestations should not frighten patients; they are natural. You can take a pain reliever (just not aspirin, it thins the blood and can cause bleeding).

A compression bandage may be applied to the face; you cannot remove it yourself. If the operation was performed endoscopically, a bandage is not applied - small incisions are sealed with adhesive tape. Your doctor will tell you when to remove the patch.

The next day

In the first days, antibiotics must be prescribed! The surgeon prescribes tablets for 5-7 days. Recovery after a circular facelift without antibiotics is impossible, as bacteria can get into the stitches, which will lead to suppuration and complications.

For the same reason, contact with water should be avoided: do not wash your face or wash your hair for at least 3 days.

Late rehabilitation period

Having decided to undergo surgery, the patient must understand that after the intervention there may be bruising and swelling. Hematomas do not require special treatment; they will resolve on their own. This will take from one and a half to two weeks.

Successful rehabilitation after a facelift depends on the patient: if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, bruises and discomfort go away quickly. It is important to understand that it is prohibited to visit the beach, saunas and steam baths for at least 2 months.

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift: reviews from patients

In general, circular lifting is well tolerated by women; complications occur extremely rarely. This is evidenced by reviews of women who have undergone a circular lift.

Olga Viktorovna, Troitsk “I am 63 years old, I work in the banking sector. Looking good is not only my desire as a woman, but also a necessity to maintain a successful career. Meetings with potential partners, trips to symposiums, frequent changes in climate zones - everything is reflected on your face, especially when you are over 60.

I decided to have a circular lift, and I don’t regret it one bit! The surgeon advised doing a deep lift, since the tissues were very worn out and endoscopy would not give the desired result. The result exceeded all my expectations - 15 years away! After the operation it was painful for a couple of days, the bruises lingered for another week, but they were not painful. I took a special vacation for two weeks; 10 days were enough for recovery. And I had time to rest. It's a pity that you couldn't swim in the pool. I went shopping, went to a couple of museums, and my husband and I visited a movie and a restaurant. Now let’s get to work with a new face!”

Alevtina, Moscow “I’m 39, but I started noticing wrinkles on my face, bags under my eyes, I stopped liking myself. The endoscopic lift helped me regain my self-confidence, and now I look fresh and young.

The operation was easy, local anesthesia was used. There were no bruises, nothing scary. I took painkillers for two days, more out of fear than from real pain. Recovery after the facelift took little time, and after 3 days I was back at work.”

Nadezhda Moiseevna, Krasnogorsk “I am a pensioner, but this does not mean that I am not a woman. Of course I want to look good! Moreover, my husband is 15 years younger than me, you understand, I have to live up to it.

What bothered me the most was my double chin. I thought about doing liposuction or cutting it off somehow. The surgeon said that a circular lift would solve this problem. I agreed and am very happy! In addition to getting rid of the double chin, the skin has smoothed out, there are almost no wrinkles, and the eyes have become more expressive.

I have high blood pressure, hypertension, and I was afraid that the rehabilitation after a facelift would be long and that the scars would not heal for a long time. I took antibiotics, no complications arose. The stitches were removed on the 5th day, everything went away quickly. The bruise on one cheek lasted for a long time, but as soon as the doctor allowed me to use cosmetics, I covered it up and moved on! The men began to turn around, my husband was jealous... And I’m pleased!”

Regina Filippovna, Khimki “Everything was fine after the operation, but then suddenly my skin began to peel off and itch. I was very scared, but I didn’t go to the doctor right away. A week later I was itching unbearably! The doctor examined the stitches and said that everything had healed well, and that the peeling and itching was an allergy to iodine. He didn’t tell me to apply iodine; I started doing it myself “the old fashioned way.” I excluded iodine and the itching went away immediately. So you need to listen to doctors, and not invent treatment for yourself.”

Oksana, Odintsovo “I’m 32, my friends didn’t advise me to do a facelift, they twisted my finger at my temple. And I understood that I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I did. That's great! I look like a 25 year old now! True, after the operation the suture festered. They were small for me. It festered near the ear. The doctor said that it was my own fault, since he prescribed antibiotics, but I didn’t take them. He’s right, I don’t like putting all kinds of pills into myself. I had to start drinking, I applied Levomekol to the suture, and it all went away in a week.”

Anastasia, Moscow “I had blepharoplasty, after the operation it was terrible how everything hurt! I suffered for a very long time. When I decided to have a facelift, I was afraid that rehabilitation after a circular facelift would be just as difficult, I read reviews and thought about it. Everything went perfectly!

A deep lift was not needed; the surgeon said that at 30 years old, endoscopy is enough. It didn't hurt at all! The stitches pulled at the very drop, but they were removed on the 4th day and everything went away. They immediately allowed me to wash my hair and apply makeup. I called all my friends, gathered in a cafe - they “fell”! Now they also want a lift.”


  • Facial plastic surgery is not a complicated operation that does not require a long recovery period;
  • The recovery period depends on the age of the patient, since with age, muscles and skin lose elasticity, wounds on them take longer to heal;
  • After an endoscopic facelift, rehabilitation takes less time than after a classic one;
  • In both cases, everything depends on the patient - following the doctor’s recommendations reduces the risks.

Surgical lifting is a type of surgical intervention that tightens the skin of the face and neck, as well as removes excess skin and fatty tissue. A facelift will help you turn back time!

This surgical operation is now gaining popularity and therefore patients have more and more questions. Plastic surgeon Svetlana Nikolaevna Zharkova will help us understand the intricacies of the facelift operation, tell us about the features of the operation, indications and contraindications.

To whom and when is facelift surgery indicated?

  • A facelift is indicated for patients facing the following problems:
  • sagging skin of the forehead and eyebrows;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • double chin.
  • drooping corners of the eyes from the outside;
  • drooping eyelid tissue;
  • ptosis of soft tissues of the cheeks;

There are no age recommendations for facelift. Indications for a facelift are purely individual. After all, skin aging does not depend on passport data. If signs of aging are present and they bother you, then it’s time to do a face lift and rejuvenate your skin.

How does the examination take place and what should you ask the surgeon during the consultation?

The first question is how can you solve your problem?

Most often, the doctor offers several methods to choose from. These are either minimally invasive techniques (for example, thread lifting), or a more serious large-scale solution in the form of a surgical facelift.

It is important to fully understand what you will look like after surgery. Therefore, do not hesitate to be scrupulous in this matter.

  • You need to know which method of operation will be used for you. Why does the doctor think that this method, and no other, can solve your problem?
  • Specify where the scars will be located. This is a very important point.
  • After clarifying all the information, you should ask how long you need to stay in the clinic after the operation. Then how often to come for dressing changes. Is an examination necessary and how often?
  • Be sure to ask about complications. Find out about the timing and features of the rehabilitation period. What medications will you need to take after surgery? What restrictions will there be? And when can you go back to work?
  • And what is important, it is imperative to be interested in organizational issues, such as: does the clinic have a license to conduct such operations and what documents will be issued to you after the operation.
  • Check the cost of the operation and whether additional expenses will be necessary.

What tests need to be done before surgery?

  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Blood chemistry:

Total protein




Sugar (glucose)

  • Coagulogram:




Thrombin time

  • Examination for:

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C


  • Consultation with a therapist
  • Mammography (in case of breast surgery)
  • Clinical blood test (complete + platelets)
  • Clotting time and bleeding duration
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Blood sugar (glucose)
  • Fluorography for the last 12 months
  • ECG (patients over 40 years old)
  • Consultation with a therapist
  • Examinations for:

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C


What contraindications may there be?

At the first consultation, a thorough examination of your skin and the area of ​​intended correction is carried out. Based on the medical history and diagnostic measures, contraindications are identified. These include infectious diseases such as HIV, syphilis or hepatitis, various inflammatory foci, mental disorders, and emotional instability of the patient. Plastic surgery is contraindicated if cancer is detected.

Contraindications also include:

  • bleeding disorder,
  • chronic diseases of internal organs in severe form,
  • diabetes,
  • mental illness,
  • some types of allergies,
  • serious cardiovascular pathologies,
  • deep skin damage in the area of ​​intended correction,
  • menstrual period,
  • arterial hypertension.

For most operations there are age restrictions (performed only by adults), but there are exceptions, for example, ear plastic surgery can be performed on patients from 6 years of age. In some cases, contraindications may include the specific structure of the skin, hereditary predispositions that can lead to negative consequences or complications, some current diseases, the patient’s lack of clear understanding of the need for plastic surgery, and other factors.

Questions from patients about facelift

How long does the operation take and what type of anesthesia is used?

The facelift operation lasts from 3 to 4 hours and depends on the depth of the intervention. The operation is performed under combined endotracheal anesthesia.

Are there different facelift options and what does the choice depend on?

Plastic surgeon website:

After the facelift operation, my nerve was affected and my left eyebrow does not rise. They did ENMG. There is an impulse, but it is weak. 1 month and 5 days have passed. The eye is smaller. I take Melgama, Keltican, Trental. I make microcurrents and a magnet. I do exercises a lot and often. To no avail! (((I am 51 years old. I am thin, but the swelling is very strong. The stitches have already healed, they are very neat. I follow a strict diet. Tell me, from the history of operations, is there a chance?

Hello, if ENMG shows the presence of an impulse, this is already good, it means we are talking about deep paresis of the frontal branch of the facial nerve. This means that movements should be restored. The only question is timing. All the procedures you do are absolutely justified. 1 month after surgery for nerve damage is too short a period. You see, nervous tissue is very capricious and “does not like” it when it is touched in any way, that’s why this is the answer. Be patient and continue myogymnastics. A specific procedure for restoring facial movements is electromyostimulation using an adapted and specially designed device for this purpose. That is, a low frequency current is passed through idle muscles and causes them to contract. The effect of this procedure is very good.

“Ah, lady, she is sculpted with beauty, her face is rouge, her lips are scarlet, and her eyebrows are allied!” - this is what Ivan the Terrible said in the well-known film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” From time immemorial, beauty has been valued in all countries. But what to do if the years take their toll? The skin becomes flabby, many wrinkles appear, and even the most expensive creams no longer help? There is only one option left - contact a plastic surgeon.

Often, in order to turn back time, one local operation, such as blepharoplasty, is not enough. It will be necessary to resort to a more radical intervention, such as a facelift - a facelift.

Your plastic surgeon will tell you everything you need to know before surgery. This article will talk about what will happen after facial plastic surgery: How will the rehabilitation period go?, what rules must be followed and what to expect in the first days and weeks after facial plastic surgery.

Photos before and 2 months after endoscopic midface lift, temporal lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery, SMAS face and neck surgery.

Local anesthetics that were administered before the operation stop working a few hours after its completion, so pain and skin tension may appear. Pain is usually not expressed, and can be relieved by taking a mild pain reliever. Many patients even refuse it after just a day. However, if you have a low pain threshold, do not be patient; take the painkillers prescribed by your plastic surgeon for several days. Appear postoperative swelling, which increase during the first three days, but then gradually disappear.

After facial plastic surgery, the patient spends a day in the clinic, after which the bandage is changed and bandaged, and he can go home. You can completely remove the bandage on the third day after the facelift.

Don't worry about the scars; over time they will become invisible to the eye, because all the incisions during the operation are made in inconspicuous places or hidden under the hair.

You need to consciously prepare yourself for the fact that the first two to three weeks after a facelift will require some patience from you: a feeling of stiffness, heaviness, as well as swelling and bruising cannot be avoided. The reflection in the mirror will not bring much joy yet, but all this is temporary.

In such a situation, conversations with loved ones and, of course, with your plastic surgeon will help. Unpleasant sensations are inevitable during the rehabilitation period after any plastic surgery..

Photos before and after facial plastic surgery

To speed up the rehabilitation process after facial plastic surgery, it is necessary follow a few simple rules, which are mandatory for almost any plastic surgery.

  • Avoid heavy lifting, exercise, or other activities that raise your blood pressure for one to two months. For the same reason, it is worth giving up sexual activity for a while.
  • You should not take aspirin either before surgery or for two weeks after. Aspirin thins the blood, the clotting process slows down, as a result bleeding may begin, and the healing process will take much longer.
  • You should forget about alcoholic drinks.
  • You should absolutely not sunbathe or visit a solarium for two to three months.
  • For a month we forget about a hot bath or sauna.

For some time, cosmetic masks and peeling will replace ointments that promote the rapid resorption of bruises and swelling, and beauty salons will give way to a physiotherapy room.

But remember, do not self-medicate, all appointments must be made by your plastic surgeon, and no one else.

About three months after your facelift, you will be able to appreciate the results of your efforts and patience. Facial rejuvenation surgery gives an amazing effect that will delight you for many, many years.

After facelift surgery, a light sterile gauze pad will be placed over the incision areas and secured with an elastic bandage around the head. The bandage is also fixed to the chin - this will prevent it from slipping. If the bandage is too tight, you can ask the doctor or nurse to loosen it. The bandage will be changed the day after surgery. During dressing, the wound is surgically treated with various antiseptic solutions. If blood leaks through the bandage, this should not be a cause for concern. This happens quite often - just call a nurse and she will solve this problem.


During the tightening, one or two drains are installed with a bulb designed to collect ichor; however, drains are not always necessary. If drainage is not installed, the liquid is gradually absorbed by the body. It is important to keep the bulbs compressed to maintain negative pressure. To do this, open the valve, squeeze the air out of the bulb, and then close the valve while the bulb is compressed. While drains help remove excess fluid, they also increase the risk of infection, making it especially important to take the prescribed antibiotics. After a facelift, drains are usually removed during dressing the day after surgery.

Teeth and hair care

After facelift surgery, your hair will be processed before a bandage is applied. It is recommended to refrain from washing your hair for the first 48 hours after surgery. This measure is taken to protect the suture area and prevent bleeding from them. If you dye your hair, we hope you have done this before your facelift, as it may take 4 to 8 weeks before your doctor allows you to dye it again (preparing for facelift surgery). After facelift surgery, you may have difficulty opening your mouth. In these cases, use a children's toothbrush and mouthwash.


During the entire recovery period after a facelift, it is recommended to start eating with a liquid diet, with a gradual transition to soft foods and familiar foods. However, if surgery was done through the mouth, your doctor may place restrictions on certain foods. Juice, jelly, broth, and yogurt are all good foods to start with. (Yogurt is especially beneficial because it balances the balance of natural bacteria in your gut, which can be disrupted by taking antibiotics.)


The recommended rest after facelift surgery does not mean bed rest. However, returning to work too quickly, with its stress, will negatively affect the healing process. The less you strain after a facelift, the faster the period of complete healing will occur. No physical activity, bending over, sex or physical stress. Leave all this for a period of a week to two after the operation. Any factor that increases your blood pressure increases your risk of bleeding and bruising. Get detailed advice from your doctor if your blood pressure increases.

Edema and hematoma

Facial swelling is common after surgery. This is especially pronounced 2-3 days after facelift surgery. Sometimes this is accompanied by swelling around the eyes. However, no need to worry. From this moment on, the swelling will subside. Bruising may appear - these are all stages of the natural healing process. Cold compresses should be applied for 20 minutes and a break of 20 minutes during the entire period of wakefulness. This procedure reduces swelling and reduces discomfort. Ice should not be placed directly on the skin of the face as the skin's temperature sensitivity may still be impaired and this may cause skin damage. Positioning in bed with your head and shoulders elevated also reduces swelling after a facelift.

If you find areas of compaction in the cheeks or under the chin, then do not worry. This is a natural process and over time these areas will dissolve. If a purple color appears and the swelling increases in size, contact your doctor immediately. You need to make sure that it is not a hematoma. During the recovery period, the hematoma changes color from blue to purple then to green and yellow before. The use of arnica and vitamin K preparations is recommended, which reduce swelling and bruising. However, before using them, you should consult with the operating surgeon. The hematoma completely disappears 1-2 weeks after the operation and you will already begin to enjoy your new appearance.


Some of the stitches placed during a facelift are removed after 5 days. Other sutures, typically placed in high-tension areas, may remain in place longer. These seams are well hidden in the hair and provide additional support. Such sutures are removed 10-14 days after the facelift surgery. The suture after the operation will look normal after two weeks, but its color will remain pink for a longer period. Local therapy with special ointments and some types of physical therapy are used to improve the appearance of the suture.


After a facelift, you will have areas of decreased sensitivity for some time. Sensitivity will return within a few weeks to months. Be careful as reduced skin sensitivity carries the risk of burns from cold compresses, curling irons, and hair dryers. Some patients experience discomfort in the ear area. It is possible that blood may have leaked into the outer ear opening during the facelift surgery and needs to be cleaned out. Sometimes, irritation of a nerve located in the neck (the greater auditory nerve) can cause discomfort after surgery.



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