How to properly prepare for testing. TSH hormone levels are higher than normal

To diagnose a disease thyroid gland manipulations such as ultrasonography thyroid gland and be sure to test for TSH hormones.

It should be noted that these tests are mandatory, because without them, an endocrinologist is not able to correctly diagnose and prescribe subsequent treatment. Many people do not understand medical terms, for example, TSH, the decoding of which is very simple - thyroid-stimulating hormone. Without these tests, it is impossible to accurately determine how advanced the disease is and what stage it is at. Before taking tests, you need to know how to properly prepare for them.

How to prepare for blood tests for thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH

The most important rule to follow is to donate blood after a full eight hours of sleep at night. Be sure to fast for 8 to 12 hours. Under this condition, the blood will be cleared of harmful impurities remaining after food is absorbed into the bloodstream after eating.

In order to understand the severity of the disease and the need for a blood test, you can imagine that ultrasound tests, palpation and anamnesis do not provide such an accurate answer to questions about the disease as a blood test. Only a blood test can tell exact result and put an end to the issue of illness.

According to statistics from surveys conducted World Organization Healthcare, only laboratory tests can provide 80% of information about the disease. Based on these statistics, you can understand how important blood tests are for thyroid disease.

Preparing to donate blood involves several points:

  • A short (at least 6 hours) fast is required.
  • Donating blood for HDL and LDL is possible only after half a day of fasting.
  • Simple tests such as general analysis blood should be taken after at least an hour of fasting.
  • For a day, or better yet two, refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking any type of tobacco.
  • Some tests are taken strictly in certain time days. Blood for TSH, for example, is donated strictly before 10 am.
  • Before donating blood from a vein, you need to relax before entering the office and sit quietly for 20 minutes without sudden movements or physical stress.
  • If in case of illness or other good reason The patient cannot come to the clinic himself, then you can call a paid ambulance to your home. They will take blood tests and send them to the clinic themselves. But, naturally, it will cost a lot. TSH analysis is included in the list of tests that can be taken at home. If it is not possible to conduct research in your own laboratory, then paid ambulance He will simply hand over the tubes of blood to the clinic for testing.
  • If you have already been prescribed medication, you should have your blood tested before starting the course. drug treatment. If you constantly take pills and cannot temporarily eliminate them from your usual diet, be sure to inform your doctor.
  • After undergoing an x-ray or fluorography, you cannot donate blood for analysis.
  • During menstruation, women are not allowed to have their blood tested.

TSH norms for different types of people

It is no secret that each person is individual and TSH norms are different for everyone. This is largely due to the fact that each person is different in body weight and the characteristics of the body. But there are still several standards that endocrinologists use to make a diagnosis.

The TSH norm in women ranges from 0.4 to 4 conventional units. But the norm may change values ​​due to certain factors. For example, the TSH norm in women who are lactating or pregnant is considered to be 2.5 conventional units. Rarely do any practitioners name these conventional units out loud because of their difficult pronunciation. They are called µIU/mL, which stands for micro international units per milliliter.

To find out your TSH norm you need to consult an endocrinologist. He may give you a referral for tests to determine your TSH level. It is imperative for nursing and pregnant women to know these norms, since the TSH level has a huge impact on the health of the unborn baby.

Important! If your tests do not satisfy you, do not worry, because this indicator “floats” during the day. It is quite possible that you simply took the test at the wrong time. So, you have been tested for your TSH level. Perhaps it will be lower or higher, or maybe it will be completely normal. In any case, you should not despair; it is better to determine for yourself what consequences to expect and how to protect yourself. After all, as the proverb says, forewarned is forearmed.

TSH hormone levels are higher than normal

If tests show that the level of TSH hormone is very high, then you may have hidden diseases, which you may not even be aware of. These diseases include tumors and inflammatory processes, viral infection, gestosis (severe), hemodialysis, and insufficient kidney function. Naturally, you don’t have to have all these diseases, but can only begin. If you found out about the tests very late, then, most likely, some of these diseases (and maybe all together) have been killing you little by little for a long time.

Important! During pregnancy, an elevated TSH does not mean anything bad. On the contrary, quite a rare event pregnant woman with low TSH. No abnormalities are observed in the case of elevated TSH. If an elevated TSH level is detected, treatment cannot be delayed and should be started immediately after diagnosis accurate diagnosis endocrinologist. By delaying treatment of the disease, you can worsen your fate because there is every chance of developing hypothyroidism.

TSH hormone levels are below normal

A low TSH may indicate the presence toxic goiter, cancerous tumor thyroid problems or even an overdose of medications. If you do not immediately treat low TSH levels, this may lead to consequences such as severe stress turning into hysterics or prolonged depression, Plummer's disease, education benign tumor in the thyroid gland. Normal level TSH hormones during pregnancy.

The normal level of TSH hormones during pregnancy can be considered from 0.2 to 3.5 conventional units. But they cannot be taken as accurate, since different clinical laboratories have different equipment, which, in turn, can produce inaccurate test results. Therefore, doctors advise conducting all tests in one laboratory to obtain more accurate results.

In pregnant women up to ten weeks, the fetus does not have a thyroid gland - this means that the mother’s hormones are divided into two and therefore it is necessary to monitor hormone levels.

This is interesting! In women who carry one fetus, in 10% of cases there is reduced level hormone TSH. All women carrying two fetuses experience a decrease in the level of TSH hormones.

So, periodically monitoring hormone levels is mandatory for all people, regardless of age and health status. Moreover, monitoring hormones and thyroid health is necessary for all pregnant women without exception. Moreover, such important indicator, like the level of TSH hormones.

Hello, Doctor! I took tests in your laboratory, please comment! We are planning a pregnancy. Prolactin 543.4 Microscope. research smear: MATERIAL STUDY - vaginal discharge, cervical discharge, urethral discharge. Microscopic picture: V Flat epithelium of the surface layer. Leukocytes - single in the field of view. Microflora-lactomorphotypes in moderate amount. C- Picture identical to the previous one. U- Cells of the vaginal and urethral epithelium. Detritus. Slime. Leukocytes - single in rare p/zr. Microflora-lactomorphotypes in meager quantities. Trichomonas and gonococci were not detected.

E-mail: *****

Dear Lapina N.! Only X-ray studies using radiocontrast agents can influence the function of the thyroid gland. This does not apply to fluorography. You can perform a hormone examination (tests No. 52, 54, 56) in a week.

Discussion is closed.

In this article you can find out exactly how you need to prepare for various types of tests.

1. Blood tests

Preparing for a general blood test

Donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. Avoid physical and emotional stress, drinking alcohol the day before and smoking for 1 hour, diagnostic and healing procedures before taking blood. It is allowed to donate blood during the day. In this case, the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before blood donation.

Preparing to donate blood for biochemical testing

It is recommended to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach after a 10-12 hour break in food intake. Do not use chewing gum, refreshing lollipops, lozenges, etc. You can drink still water without flavoring additives and flavors.
If necessary, you can donate blood during the day after a 4-hour fast.

Preparation for analysis of lipid metabolism indicators

It is recommended to donate blood for testing in the morning on an empty stomach; you can only drink water. After the last meal, at least 12, but no more than 14 hours should pass, since some dietary lipids in the blood are completely digested within 12 hours.
Blood sampling must be done before the start of treatment medicines(if possible) or no earlier than 1-2 weeks after their cancellation. If it is impossible to discontinue medications, the referral for the study must indicate the medications and their doses.
The day before taking blood, limit fatty and fried foods, do not drink alcohol, and avoid heavy physical activity.
It is not recommended to donate blood for testing immediately after radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, rectal examination or physiotherapeutic procedures.

Preparing to donate blood for a glucose tolerance test

A glucose tolerance test is prescribed by a doctor.
To obtain objective data, it is necessary to exclude physical and emotional overload, drinking alcohol on the day before the test, and smoking within 1 hour before taking the test. During the 3 days preceding the analysis, you must adhere to your usual diet and do not avoid your usual physical activity.
During the test, two blood samples are taken.
The first test is taken in the morning strictly on an empty stomach after a 10-12 hour break in food intake, then a load is given in the form of 75 grams of glucose dissolved in water. 2 hours after the exercise, a second blood sample is given. The patient must sit or lie quietly during the examination. Do not use chewing gum, refreshing lollipops, lozenges, etc., and do not smoke. You can drink still water without flavorings or aromas.

Preparing to donate blood for iron metabolism indicators

To obtain objective data, it is necessary to exclude physical and emotional overload, drinking alcohol on the day before the test, and smoking within 1 hour before taking the test.
5 days before the test, stop taking iron supplements.

Preparing patients for tests of the hemostatic system
(blood clotting)

To obtain objective data, it is necessary to exclude physical and emotional overload, drinking alcohol on the day before the test, and smoking within 1 hour before taking the test.
Donate blood in the morning strictly on an empty stomach after a 10-12 hour break in food intake. Do not use chewing gum, hard candies, lozenges, etc. You can drink still water without flavorings or aromas.
If you are taking medications (injecting them) that affect the functioning of the coagulation system, you must donate blood before taking the drug (injection).

Preparation for donating blood for prenatal screening of the 1st and 2nd trimesters.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the dates and times of ultrasound examination (ultrasound) and blood sampling.
Donate blood in the morning strictly on an empty stomach after a 10-12 hour break in food intake. Do not use chewing gum, hard candies, lozenges, etc. You can drink still water without flavorings or aromas.
As a rule, an ultrasound examination is prescribed after taking a blood sample on the same day or the next day.
Prenatal screening of the 1st trimester is carried out at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy, prenatal screening of the 2nd trimester - at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Preparing to donate blood for hormones

Blood for hormonal studies must be donated on an empty stomach in the morning.
If this is not possible, blood can be donated for some hormones 4-5 hours after the last meal in the daytime and evening (except for those studies for which blood must be donated strictly in the morning)
1-2 days before the test, exclude foods with high content fats, the last meal should not be large.
1 day before the study, psycho-emotional and physical comfort is required ( calm state without overheating or hypothermia).
Thyroid hormones
When initially checking thyroid hormone levels, discontinue medications that affect thyroid function 2-4 weeks before the test. When monitoring treatment, exclude taking medications on the day of the study and be sure to note this on the referral form
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH/MIS), Inhibin B
For women, the study is carried out on days 3-5 of the cycle. 3 days before taking blood, avoid intense activities. sports training, the study should not be performed during any acute diseases. Do not smoke 1 hour before taking blood.
ACTH, cortisol
Due to the fact that ACTH and cortisol are stress hormones, before the blood donation procedure it is necessary to calm down and relax for 20 minutes, since any stress causes an unmotivated release of these hormones into the blood, which will lead to an increase in this indicator.
The level of these hormones changes cyclically throughout the day, so the most informative results are studies conducted in the morning before 9 o’clock.
Insulin, C – peptide
Donate blood strictly in the morning on an empty stomach.
Sex hormones
Among women reproductive age on results hormonal studies influence physiological factors, associated with the stage menstrual cycle. During the examination for sex hormones, the phase of the menstrual cycle should be indicated.
Hormones reproductive system must be taken strictly on the days of the cycle:
LH, FSH— 3-5 days of the cycle;
Estradiol- 5 - 7 or 21-23 days of the cycle;
Progesterone- Days 21-23 of the cycle.
17-OH-progesterone, DHA - sulfate, testosterone- 7-9 days.
Prolactin- donate blood in the morning at rest; before the examination, exclude palpation of the mammary glands.

Preparing for tests for tumor markers

Be sure to donate blood on an empty stomach (i.e. do not eat 8-12 hours before the procedure).
The analysis must be taken in the morning, before 11 o’clock.
3 days before the test, do not drink alcohol or drink fatty foods, do not increase physical activity. Do not smoke on the day of the test.
Don't take medications
When testing for PSA, abstain from sexual intercourse for a week.
When determining the tumor marker CA 19-9, 48 hours before the analysis it will be necessary to exclude foods with spices and fried foods from the diet. Smoked, fatty. This tumor marker is responsible for pancreatic cancer and without a diet you can get correct result test.

Preparing to donate blood for various infections

Blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach (or in the afternoon and evening, 4-5 hours after the last meal).
1-2 days before the test, exclude high-fat foods from your diet.
Before donating blood viral hepatitis 2 days before the test, it is advisable to exclude citrus fruits, orange fruits and vegetables from the diet.
The results of tests for the presence of infections depend on the period of infection and the state of the immune system, therefore negative result does not completely exclude infection. On early stage disease, seroconversion occurs (absence of antibodies in acute period diseases). In doubtful cases, it is advisable to re-test after 3-5 days.
A blood test for the presence of IgM class antibodies to infectious agents should be carried out no earlier than 5-7 days from the moment of illness, and IgG and IgA class antibodies no earlier than 10-14 days. This is due to the timing of antibody production immune system and their appearance in the blood in the diagnostic titer.

2. Urine tests

Preparing for a general urine test

For general analysis, use the first morning portion of urine (the previous urination should be no later than 2 am).
Pour the first few milliliters of urine into the toilet. Collect the entire portion of morning urine in a dry, clean container while urinating freely.
Pour 40-50 milliliters of the total volume of urine into a special container and close the lid tightly. You cannot take urine from a vessel or potty. The collected urine should be immediately delivered to the laboratory. It is allowed to store urine in the refrigerator (at t +2 +4 ° C), but no more than 1.5 hours.

Collection of 24-hour urine for uric acid

Collect urine for 24 hours on normal drinking regime(1.5-2 l per day).
Release at 6-8 am bladder(pour out this portion of urine).
Within 24 hours, collect urine in clean vessel with a capacity of at least 2 liters. During collection, the container with urine must be stored in a cool place (optimally in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf at +4 +8 ° C), preventing it from freezing.
Collect the last portion of urine at exactly the same time when collection began the day before.
Measure the amount of urine and pour 50-100 ml into a clean container. Be sure to write on the container the volume of urine collected per day.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko

Collect urine in the morning (immediately after sleep) using the 3-way method glass sample: start urinating in the toilet, collect the middle portion in a container for laboratory research, finish - in the toilet. The second portion of urine should prevail in volume. Deliver a medium portion of urine to the laboratory in a special container. Report the time of urine collection to the registrar.
Urine can be stored in the refrigerator (at +2°C +4°C), but not more than 1.5 hours.

Urine culture (with antibiotic sensitivity testing)

Collect urine in a sterile container: the first 15 ml of urine is not used for analysis! Collect the next 3-10 ml in a sterile container and screw the lid on tightly.
Deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory within 1.5-2 hours after collection. It is allowed to store the biomaterial in the refrigerator at t +2 +4° C for no more than 3-4 hours.
If delivered to the laboratory later than the specified time, the results of urine culture may be unreliable.
Urine collection must be carried out before the start of drug treatment and no earlier than 5 days after the course of treatment.

3. Stool tests

General rules for preparation before taking a stool test

Feces should be obtained without the use of enemas or laxatives.
Collect 1-2 teaspoons of feces in a special container.
Deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours after collection.

Stool examination occult blood

Three days before the test, it is necessary to exclude meat, liver, blood sausage and all foods containing iron (apples, bell pepper, spinach, white beans, green onions, cucumbers, eggs). The stool must be obtained without the use of enemas or laxatives. Collect 1-2 teaspoons of stool in a special container. Deliver to the laboratory within 5 hours after collection

Scatological examination of stool

It is recommended to discontinue medications (all laxatives, vago- and sympathicotropic drugs, kaolin, barium sulfate, bismuth, iron, rectal suppositories fat-based, enzymes and other drugs that affect the processes of digestion and absorption).
You cannot conduct scatological studies after an enema. After x-ray examination stomach and intestines, stool analysis is indicated no earlier than two days later.
When testing for occult blood, meat, fish, tomatoes, all types of green vegetables, and iron supplements should be excluded from the diet.
It is advisable to use a diet: milk, dairy products, cereals, mashed potatoes, White bread with butter, 1-2 soft-boiled eggs, some fresh fruit. Such food is given for 4-5 days, feces are examined on days 3-5 (subject to spontaneous bowel movement).

Examination of stool for helminths

Feces are collected in a disposable container with a screw cap and a spoon in an amount of no more than 1/3 of the container's volume or in a clean glass jar - no more than one spoon in volume. During collection, avoid contamination of urine and genital secretions. Before being sent to the laboratory, the material must be stored in a refrigerator at 4-8 degrees C. On the result form, it is indicated whether helminth eggs were not found or helminth eggs were found, and if found, then what exactly. Normally, worm eggs are not found in feces.

4. PCR - diagnostics

Preparation before donating biomaterial from the urogenital tract

Do not urinate for 3 hours before taking the material;
Do not be sexually active less than 36 hours before taking the material;
Do not use disinfectant solutions;
Do not use antibacterial soap;
Do not use antibacterial agents or uroseptics orally;
For women, use any vaginal suppositories less than 36 hours before taking the material;
Women should not douche;
Women are not allowed to take tests during menstruation.

Preparation for culture of microflora and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics (genital secretions).

Diagnostic testing is carried out before antibacterial therapy. When examining urethral discharge, material collection is carried out before or no earlier than 2-3 hours after urination.
In women, cultural examination is not carried out during menstruation, since during this period microbial contamination sharply decreases due to bleeding. The material is examined no earlier than 5 - 7 days monthly cycle and until its end.

During a medical examination or in case of illness, the doctor prescribes to the patient various examinations. Let's consider in what cases x-rays and blood tests are prescribed, and whether they are allowed to be done on the same day.

After an acute respiratory viral infection, a complication may begin in a child or adult. This happens especially often if you suffer from the disease on your feet, do not receive proper treatment, and swallow only antipyretic pills. The complication manifests itself in the penetration of infection into the lungs and the appearance of pneumonia (pneumonia). If the child is high temperature begins to lose weight, the doctor suspects tuberculosis.

X-ray of the lungs and clinical analysis blood is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • blood test indicators indicate an inflammatory process;
  • the patient has shortness of breath;
  • breathing rhythm is disrupted;
  • the temperature remains elevated;
  • cough does not go away;
  • The patient complains of chest pain.

Also, x-rays and blood tests are sometimes prescribed when examining other organs. For children, an X-ray of the lungs and a clinical blood test are simultaneously prescribed in as a last resort if there is a suspicion of different kinds acute pneumonia.

At what age can X-rays be taken?

There is no lower age limit for X-ray examination. If a child is injured or has a positive Mantoux test reaction, the pediatrician will prescribe an x-ray at any age.

X-ray exposure negatively affects the growing body and dividing cells of the baby with repeated x-ray studies. Single dose exposure will not cause any significant harm to the child’s health. Tomography in the case of pneumonia plays the role of a complementary rather than a primary examination.

When is a blood test prescribed?

A clinical blood test is the first step in a doctor’s diagnosis. It is prescribed to be taken for a variety of diseases, since almost all diseases cause changes in the composition of the patient’s blood.

A blood test is taken when the doctor wants to find out if the patient has intolerance to medications. Blood is taken at periodic medical examinations. In this case, fluorography is also prescribed, which is a type X-ray examination. It involves more intense radiation x-rays and is appointed after 14 years.

Cardiological, endocrine and other diseases are a reason to prescribe a biochemical blood test to the patient. It determines the level of low and low lipids in the blood high density, glucose, hemoglobin, bilirubin, protein, urea and other indicators.

The reasons for prescribing a biochemical blood test are the following diseases:

  • kidney or liver failure;
  • cardiac diseases;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal functions of the body;
  • gynecological diseases in women;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • suspected diabetes mellitus;
  • problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Methods of taking a blood test and preparing for it

To donate blood for a general analysis (clinical) is not required special training. The analysis is taken from a finger or from a vein. Doctors recommend not having breakfast before donating blood, since foods that have had time to be absorbed will affect the composition of the blood.

Important! Biochemical analysis blood is taken on an empty stomach from a vein. It is required to abstain from food for half a day before taking the test. It is not recommended to smoke in the morning. The day before you should refrain from dairy products, alcohol and coffee.

Attention! Constantly receiving medical supplies people should stop taking them or report their use to the doctor ordering the test. It is recommended to try to avoid stress on the eve of going to the laboratory and reduce physical activity.

Is it possible to donate blood after an x-ray?

To the question whether it is possible to do a blood test after an x-ray, the answer is clear. X-ray irradiation of a single dose does not affect the composition of the blood in any way, so a blood test is allowed to be done after the x-ray. If the doctor orders a repeat blood test, it is better to do it in the same laboratory and under the same conditions as the first test.

X-ray examination is prescribed to children as a last resort. Adults should also not neglect the harmfulness of the procedure. X-rays in acceptable doses do not affect the composition of blood. Blood can be donated on the same day.

Doubts that people have every now and then about the safety of fluorography arise for several reasons: firstly, a certificate of undergoing fluorography is in some cases required in mandatory, but it is not recommended to do this procedure more than once a year. Secondly, in the process of fluorographic examination, the body is exposed to radioactive radiation, and this phrase scares everyone without exception. So, why is fluorography needed, is it possible to do without it, and does it cause any harm to the body?

Fluorography called organ examination chest, carried out using x-rays that pass through the human body and, due to uneven absorption, gives visible image on a fluorescent screen. There are two types of fluorography - film and digital, but digital in Lately is gradually replacing film technology, as it is superior to it in a number of parameters: it reduces radiation exposure to the body, and also simplifies working with images.

What does fluorography show?

First of all, fluorographic examination is used to identify all kinds of diseases: tuberculosis, malignant formations etc. Fluorography is a preventive research method; it does not provide a sufficiently unambiguous picture for making a diagnosis, but it allows one to detect deviations. For example, connective fibers in the lungs and bronchi, compaction of the roots, increased vascular pattern, the presence of fibrous tissue, foci of inflammation, adhesions on the pleura of the lungs, etc. Detection on a fluorographic picture (image) of one of similar problems is an indication for a more detailed examination with the participation of a specialized doctor. That is, we can say that fluorography is preventive method diagnostics, allowing you to quickly and fairly quickly identify problems with respiratory system.

How often do you need to undergo fluorography?

The standard frequency of fluorographic examination is once a year. This frequency is relevant for all adults who do not have any special indications. At the same time, there are groups of people who are recommended to undergo fluorography more often - 2 times a year. Among them:

Patients with tuberculosis and people with other respiratory diseases.
- Employees of tuberculosis dispensaries, sanatoriums, maternity hospitals, etc.
- Patients with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes mellitus, ulcer, etc.).
- Workers in areas where the possibility of tuberculosis infection and its spread is increased (kindergarten teachers).

If you do not fit into any of these categories, for preventive organs breathing, you only need to undergo fluorography once a year.


The following circumstances are contraindications for fluorographic examination:

Age. Children under 15 years of age do not undergo fluorography.
Pregnancy. Pregnant women are prescribed fluorography only in the second half of the term and only in exceptional cases.
Some serious illnesses. In such cases, all studies - including fluorography - are agreed upon with the patient’s attending physician.
Breastfeeding is not entirely a contraindication, but it is not advisable to undergo a fluorographic examination during the feeding period. Be sure to consult with your doctor and discuss all the risks associated with fluorography during this period.

Is there any harm?

According to, regulatory documents RB, for patients for whom X-ray diagnostic examinations are carried out for prophylactic purposes, dose reference level is 1.5 mSv/year.
The effective equivalent dose (EDD) during digital fluorography is on average 0.04 mSv(V 37.5 times less permissible level exposure during preventive examinations).

For comparison:
- On average, the dose received by an inhabitant of our planet from natural sources ionizing radiation is 2,4 (in Russia 3.43 ) mSv per year, that is, approximately 60 (in Russia in 85 ) times more than the dose received when performing 1 preventive fluorographic examination.

Extremely permissible dose(PDD) - the maximum value of an individual equivalent dose for a calendar year, which, when exposed for 50 years, does not cause adverse changes in human health that are detectable modern methods. When irradiating the whole body and for group I critical organs, the maximum traffic limit value is established - 50 mSv (5 rem) per year (1250 digital fluorographs).

In general, even if you have undergone other studies related to radiation exposure throughout the year, fluorography itself is not capable of causing any noticeable harm to your body.



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