Chinese plasters for joint pain: classification and types. What is the composition of medicinal plasters? Chinese patch for joint pain

  • Arthritis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Convulsions;
  • Paralysis;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Bruises;
  • Sprains;
  • Numbness of the limbs.

This product is a light red-brown or red-brown color, It has nice smell. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effects.

The mechanism of action is associated with the action of more than 30 specially selected valuable medicinal plants And natural ingredients that relieve pain of various origins, improve local circulation for arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis.

Dissolves salt and slag deposits, accelerates local metabolism.

Patch helps relieve headache, dental, post-traumatic pain anywhere. It is used for paralysis of the limbs, as well as convulsions.

Suitable for anyone, including very sensitive skin person. The effect is felt a few minutes after gluing. Aroma oils and herbs soothe nervous system, help relieve stress and muscle pain.

In our online store “Russian Roots” you can buy a Chinese universal painkiller patch and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy a Chinese universal pain reliever patch and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Various Chinese patches can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail. The price in pharmacies depends on the volume of the package. You will learn about the benefits of the Chinese universal pain reliever patch and how to use it by visiting the page of our website.


More than 30 ingredients: aconite root, Kuznetsov's aconite tubers, cinnamon tree oil, Carmichel's aconite tubers, Chinese ephedra stems, Siebold's hoofed grass herbs, roots and rhizomes of notopterygamus incised, roots of angelica apuss, roots and rhizomes of clematis chinensis, safflower tincture flowers, Carter's boswellia resin , gum - cammiphora resin, myrrh, demonorops draconian (dragon tree) resin, borneol, menthol, Gmelin's angelica, Bornean camphor, etc.

Method of preparation and use of Chinese universal pain reliever patch:

The main effect of any Chinese adhesive plaster is to relieve pain, relieve tension and discomfort, so it is used topically, applied to the painful area, after first removing the protective film. The time of use is indicated on the packaging and should not exceed these recommendations.

Before applying the patch, degrease the skin and wash without soap. warm water. Apply the patch to dry skin, smooth it out and press the edges of the patch with your fingers. The patch can be left in place for 8–12 hours unless severe irritation is felt.

Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment provide remarkable results. You need to tune in to the treatment until you get the result and try not to interrupt the procedure. The price is very affordable. If you don’t know where to buy a Chinese universal pain reliever patch in your region, contact our online store “Russian Roots”.

Contraindications for use of the Chinese universal pain reliever patch:

Skin allergies, eczema, open wounds, pregnancy, individual intolerance components. During treatment with the patch, do not drink alcohol and do not eat spicy or salty foods.

If you have no restrictions on the use of Chinese medicinal plasters, we recommend other medicinal plasters:

  • Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Chinese medicine is becoming increasingly popular. Plasters are one of its varieties. This type of therapy is increasingly recognized effective way struggle for health.

What diseases can the bio patch cure?

Chinese medical patches have different purposes and are designed to relieve symptoms:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • varicose veins,
  • prostatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • hypertension,
  • hyperostosis,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • bones on the feet.

Using this medicine is effortless and does not cause discomfort: You just need to remove the protective film and stick it on the area recommended for specific disease(indicated in the instructions). The skin responds well to this product.

For those with allergic skin, it is better not to take risks and test the patch before use: cut and stick a small piece. If there is no itching, pain or deterioration in health, you can use it all.

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. This is why therapists recommend using medicinal plasters immediately when the first symptoms appear: at this stage, the body only needs a slight push to solve difficult task maintaining health. Microscopic bio particles are absorbed into the skin and then into the blood, strengthening the immune system and enhancing protective barrier before infections and other diseases.

Do you want to solve your health problems? Sometimes it’s enough to order a Chinese patch!

Chinese medicine has always been based on the idea that it is necessary to treat the causes, not the symptoms. Chinese ointments and plasters help to heal the body, which leads to the subsidence of symptoms. This treatment is recommended for both adults and children!

The Chinese believe that the entire human body is permeated with energy flows. If you put the flows in order, he will be healthy. That is why Chinese adhesive plasters contain herbal components that affect energy and well-being:

  • promote muscle relaxation,
  • relieve swelling,
  • penetrating into the capillaries, they have a beneficial effect on the entire body, promoting healing.

A little history.

The Chinese have long used herbal infusions, preferring to prevent disease rather than treat it. Hence great importance, which they attached to healing and immune-strengthening herbs, considering their use mandatory.

“Treating an illness after you have fallen ill is the same
that to start digging a well not in advance, but when you want to drink.”

Emperor Huang Di

That is why Chinese remedies applicable not so much for treatment as for the prevention of the disease (or facilitating its course in combination with other medications). Like other methods (for example, acupuncture), the use of therapeutic patches aims to increase the body's adaptive reserves, stimulating its independent fight against the disease.

How do Chinese patches work?

Our body is reliably protected by the dermis - top layer skin, which prevents penetration harmful substances. The Chinese patch, which is used externally, contains tiny particles medicinal plants. Passing through the dermis active substances stimulate the immune system because they are crushed to pore size.

As a rule, the bio patch is applied for a period of one to three days. During this time medicinal extracts are absorbed into the skin and help stabilize the condition, strengthen the immune system, and also have an analgesic effect. They effectively affect all systems of the human body:

  • cardiovascular,
  • gastrointestinal,
  • endocrine,
  • musculoskeletal,
  • nervous,
  • genitourinary,
  • respiratory.

Precautions and contraindications.

The Chinese patch should not be applied to open wounds, or if there is irritation or itching on the skin. In these cases, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

One of the visible advantages of this method of treatment is that the medicinal components enter the blood without the participation of the kidneys and liver in the process. This is most important for children, the elderly and those who have disorders in the functioning of these organs.

Depending on the expected result, the composition of the bio active ingredients includes extracts: calamus, ginger, angelica, ginseng, aloe, mint, seaweed, red pepper, peristophus. Very small particles of minerals can also be added: tourmaline, chitosan (part of the shells of sea mollusks). The main task of minerals is to neutralize the harmful effects free radicals in the body: they, like a magnet, attract harmful substances, gradually removing them out. Clinical researches showed that a patch with tourmaline improves well-being even in difficult cases, When official medicine does not provide guarantees.

Band-Aid: panacea or deception?

How to treat this type of treatment is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Facts and clinical trials show that there are changes for the better in your well-being! Whether there is a placebo effect or a real healing effect of biological components is debated. But 87% of subjects noted:

  • reduction of tiredness and fatigue,
  • pain relief (painkillers),
  • decreased appetite.

Could it be that Chinese patches are a scam? There is no clear answer to the question. The reviews speak eloquently: there is no panacea for diseases, but the Chinese herbal patch helps:

By the way, a large number of natural substances (for example, honey, mustard, olive oil) are not medicines, although they are very effective in treating some diseases. The patch also falls into this category.

Clinical studies have shown that the Chinese bio-patch is effective in combating diabetes. It helps lower blood sugar levels and also fight the side effects of the disease. When tested on patients, the following results were obtained:

  • weight loss (25%),
  • decrease in blood sugar (in 54.3%),
  • general improvement in well-being (89.3%).

Is Chinese anti-inflammatory patch suitable for children?

Chinese plasters for children are the most popular method of curing colds. They are most often used for coughs: reviews indicate that more and more mothers prefer this method because it is safe and effective.

The range of bio patches allows you to treat a child with minor ailments using exclusively natural ingredients:

  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • stomach ache,
  • temperature.

The most important thing is not to prolong the disease and start treatment at an early stage.

Even though the patches are safe, remember: they are used in combination with other products! Therefore, before use, be sure to consult your doctor for a treatment regimen. And under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis yourself!!! This will allow your child to get the most possible effect without risk to health.

When help comes in handy...

Buying a Chinese pain-relieving patch is useful for those who experience the following painful symptoms:

  • in menstruation time,
  • with osteochondrosis,
  • for pain in the lower back, neck, chest,
  • neuralgic pain,
  • arthritic pain,
  • for injuries, sprains.

The catalog of Chinese plasters contains more than a dozen names of diseases and recipes that are mitigated or cured thanks to unique combination ancient Chinese medicine And modern technologies.

The Chinese believe that the most important energy points are located on the soles of the feet, which are responsible for the health of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, many Chinese treatment methods (massage, acupuncture) are designed to active influence on the feet. Therapeutic foot patch is no exception. Its use contributes to the overall health of the body and the treatment of specific diseases.

  • Need to remove toxins?
  • Do you want to speed up metabolic processes?
  • Need stress reduction?
  • Do you struggle with fatigue every day?
  • Do you regularly suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders?
  • Are you experiencing sexual dysfunction?

Chinese medicinal bio patches perfectly complement traditional methods treatment. Not bringing side effects and having no contraindications (except intolerance to the components), they have firmly taken their place in therapeutic treatment and are often recommended by doctors as an adjuvant.

In old age, immunity declines sharply. The body is more susceptible to colds and chronic diseases, bones become brittle. Chinese patches allow you to prolong the joy of youth: depending on the direction of the effect, they will strengthen the body, stimulate the immune system, and reduce joint pain. According to statistics, up to 78% of older people use this particular product, considering it safe and useful.

  1. Achieving lasting therapeutic effect the use of patches occurs 14-16 days after the start of use, so be patient!
  2. You can wear Chinese patches for up to 3 days, then replace it with a new one.
  3. The medicinal patch is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. When using weight loss patches, you should remember: this is just a therapeutic aid in removing toxins from the body! Without your efforts and while saving bad habits nutritional effect will be negligible.

Where can I buy Chinese plaster?

Choosing where to buy a Chinese patch is quite simple these days. Now Chinese patches are sold inexpensively in online stores specializing in such products, a little more expensive in pharmacies, and for those who like to order from abroad, you can buy them directly in the official store from the manufacturer in China via the Internet, but this option purchases at a price will not be cheap, since transporting original herbal patches across the border from the Chinese side requires quite a lot of documents from the manufacturer and for the sake of one or three packages they will not do this.

Chinese medicinal patches, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are not medicine. To purchase them, you do not need a prescription; you just need to know the diagnosis accurately. Our website is the official website of Chinese patches. Here you can buy certified, high-quality products from China at affordable price no extra charges for renting premises! Our catalog is at your service, choose here exactly what you are looking for.

To place an order, just go to the catalog, select a disease and, once on the appropriate page, fill out the order form.

Let's sum it up

  1. The patch is one of the opportunities to relieve the symptoms of the disease and improve your well-being without resorting to radical methods treatment.
  2. The principle of operation of the patch: bio-particles crushed to microscopic sizes enter the body through the skin, where they are absorbed into the blood and have a healing, immune-strengthening effect on the body, relieving the symptoms of the disease.
  3. Efficiency similar methods is still being tested in clinical trials. Whether you consider them a hoax or not is up to you personally to decide. However, there are statistics confirming positive influence on the human body alternative method treatment.
  4. The variety of patches offered by Chinese manufacturers allows you to solve health-related issues: sexual dysfunction, pain relief, fever, runny nose, cough, fatigue, increased tone muscles.
  5. Before using this product, you should consult your doctor to avoid undesirable consequences, for example, allergies.
  6. It should also be remembered that Chinese patches are not medicinal drugs, and therefore their action is effective in complex treatment(facilitates the course of the disease, accelerates recovery).

When buying plasters from us, you get real products - from a Chinese manufacturer. Beware of cheap fakes, don't skimp on your health!

Chinese patches are unique in their composition and effect. Their transdermal method of influencing the body eliminates any side effects from such treatment, which is why they are in great demand.

Absolutely all people can use Chinese patches, and everyone will appreciate their cleansing and healing effect, because no more universal method of treatment has been invented. What a patch can save you from, instructions for its use and differences from drug therapy are described below.

Types and composition

Chinese adhesive plasters are distinguished by the types of diseases for which they are used, by the type of effect they provide and the place of adhesion to the skin. To understand how the patch works, you need to understand its composition and purpose.

Chinese adhesive plaster is made on a fabric base, impregnated with healing vegetable raw materials. To create this unique medicinal patch, various herbal teas, including very rare plants. Using patches as therapeutic therapy allows you to completely eliminate the causes and symptoms of even chronic diseases.

The Chinese patch produces the following effects:

  • Anesthetic;
  • Anti-inflammatory and decongestant;
  • Warming;
  • Cleaning.

The localization of application of the adhesive plaster depends on the disease and the instructions in the instructions for the plaster itself. If it is for weight loss, it can be used both on the stomach and feet.

Where to glue Chinese patches most effectively:

  • Navel;
  • Feet;
  • Joints;
  • Inflamed areas.

For different health complaints, appropriate patches are selected, the instructions for each of them contain a recommendation on where to stick the purchased patch.

How does adhesive plaster work?

Main feature Chinese medicines and dietary supplements is the impact on the cause of the disease. They need to be placed on the skin in places of pain or on the feet, where many acupuncture points are concentrated. Depending on where you stick the patch, the strength of its action will be determined. Localized use of the patch will lead to a rapid analgesic effect, and if it is glued to the feet, then a more general healing effect is observed.

External use of the patch ensures a dosed and gradual flow of the components of its impregnation into the skin, and then into circulatory system, lymph and diseased organ. Thanks to this method of use there are no negative impacts on the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system. In this he has an invaluable advantage over drug treatment. High concentration The components of the patch in the sore spot contribute to its rapid cleansing of harmful substances and the regeneration of affected cells.

To see with your own eyes how the patch works, evaluate the result of its first application: release large quantity dark sticky fluid from your body. These are toxins, waste, pathogenic microbes. It is not surprising that people who know how to use the Chinese plaster have slim figure, excellent health And clean skin- their bodies are not poisoned from the inside by the accumulation of harmful substances.

The effect of using the patch

Regular use of adhesive plasters will provide you with:

  • Increased immunity;
  • No recurrence of old diseases;
  • Normalization of work for everyone internal systems;
  • Stimulating the body's regenerative functions;
  • No constipation;
  • Relieving fatigue;
  • No insomnia;
  • Rejuvenation of the body and longevity.

Systematic application of the patch to the skin also helps prevent the development of malignant and benign tumors.

What diseases does the patch help with?

You can use the Chinese patch for any disease, from common ARVI to malignant neoplasms, although their effectiveness in such pathologies appears only in the first stages. At the same time, he can cope with such serious diseases as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Gynecological and urological disorders;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Obesity;
  • Ligament injuries;
  • Fractures and dislocations;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Skin diseases(even severe forms psoriasis);
  • Hypertension;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Any intoxication of the body (food poisoning, alcohol, etc.)

The basis of any treatment should be cleansing the body, so the use of patches is much more effective than any drug therapy.

Who should use the patch?

Those who often suffer from depression, insomnia, or simply work that involves heavy mental stress or standing on their feet for long periods of time should also know how to apply a patch. People with problem skin And in the wrong way life in which poor nutrition plays a major role.

Benefits of use

Of all modern means traditional and alternative medicine The action and method of application of the Chinese patch are the simplest and most harmless to humans. Its fast and high efficiency is associated with absolute non-toxicity, which cannot be said about any medical product. It combines pain-relieving, cleansing and healing components, that is, it can produce complex therapy.

Knowing how to apply a Chinese patch, you know how to help yourself recover from any disease quickly and without side effects. You are not at risk of developing intestinal dysbiosis, allergic reactions, sleep disorders, candidiasis. But all this requires additional treatment, that is, even greater financial costs. This is another advantage of Chinese patches - using them regularly, you will notice that your first aid kit has become significantly thinner and your wallet has become fatter.

The instructions for using the adhesive plaster contain information that its effect on the body can last up to 3 days (depending on the type). It turns out that just 1 patch can replace a dozen tablets. Even ointments and gels do not have this property. If you use a patch, you also save your time, since you do not visit the hospital for physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and other procedures that are not highly effective.

Treatment and use of patches

The use of the Chinese patch is very simple, since it is a transdermal agent. This means that all substances from it enter the body exclusively through skin covering. They are absorbed into the blood and lymph and spread throughout the body. Depending on where and how to glue the patch, it will have local impact on pain point or general - for the entire body.

The substances in the patches gradually penetrate into the pores of the skin over 3 days. All this time is running healing process, the effect of which will be noticeable on the first day. Domestic doctors also recommend using a Chinese-made adhesive plaster, since for several years it has been helping people with various physical ailments.

Before using it, you can always check whether the product you purchased corresponds to international standards by requesting a certificate from the seller.

Read the instructions

The instructions for the patch are very simple:

  1. Clean the skin where you will use the adhesive plaster. Remove hair from it and use a scrub to prepare the pores as much as possible for active ingredients its impregnation;
  2. Remove the adhesive plaster from the packaging. Its integrity depends on the correct opening of the protective paper layer;
  3. Gently but firmly adhere the patch to the skin in the prepared area;
  4. You need to secure it on top with a bandage or bandage. This is done so that it does not stain your clothes, since the release of toxins from the skin is accompanied by big amount liquids. If a lot of it has accumulated, then glue it new adhesive plaster;
  5. The glued patches are removed after 3 days. Remove excess glue and secretions from the skin with plain water.

The instructions for the patch contain information that the used product must be disposed of, and a new one must be applied after 24 hours. The course of treatment should be 24 days, during which 6 pieces are glued correctly. When we're talking about O serious illnesses, then it must be repeated several times with a break of a week. First read the instructions on how to properly apply the patch you bought, since the methods of use and frequency of procedures change depending on its purpose.

A patch whose instructions contain additional recommendations, must be applied in compliance with them. For example, giving up alcoholic beverages, dairy products, salty and spicy dishes. It is not advisable to wet the glued adhesive plaster. In the first minutes after applying it, it would be correct to massage it a little to make it easier for the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.


Any Chinese patch whose instructions contain contraindications should be used with caution. To avoid adverse consequences stick it only where the skin has no open wounds, even small ones. You should not use Chinese leg patches without consulting a doctor if you have been diagnosed with varicose veins.

Otherwise, the patch has no age or other restrictions on use. It is even given to children if necessary, for example food poisoning or colds. Before checking how Chinese patches work, familiarize yourself with their composition to exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The patch, the instructions and indications of which are so simple and clear, and the effect is simply amazing, definitely deserves attention. Apply the correct, albeit surprising way external therapy It’s better than taking pills, using suppositories, and then suffering from their side effects. This treatment method proposed by Chinese medicine - the best option among all possible today.

China has rich history medicine, which includes traditional and alternative techniques. The recipes that have come down to us today are truly unique, because they contain the experience of thousands of years. Chinese doctors have devoted a lot to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, because this is the basis wellness and bail active life. Chinese joint plasters - simple, but effective remedy in the fight against the manifestations of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other related diseases.

Operating principle

The action of the Chinese patch is based on the gradual penetration of active components into the deep layers of the skin. This is provided by transdermal therapeutic system exposure, when the medicine enclosed under the film begins to act upon contact with the skin. Due to a certain temperature of the outer layer of skin, the patch heats up and useful material begin to affect inflammation, relieving it and soothing pain.

The high effectiveness of transdermal patches lies in the fact that the effect on the sore spot occurs long time. The medicine is dosed, in microscopic portions, one patch is enough for 3 days of continuous treatment.

Indications for use:

  • for arthrosis of the knee and hip joints;
  • for sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
  • joint pain of various localizations;
  • muscle tension;
  • diseases of the leg joints;
  • lumbodynia at different stages;
  • heel spurs and corns;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain caused by deformities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral displacements, exacerbation of hernia.

Treatment can occur separately or in combination with therapeutic measures. As prophylactic they are good for athletes who often receive minor injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations).

Composition of the patches

The main secret of medicinal plasters from China lies in a special healing composition, which is hidden under the film. Their plastic mass is a mixture plant extracts, the combination of which gives an excellent therapeutic effect.

One of the popular Chinese pain-relieving patches for joints, Zb Pain Relief, consists of several herbal extracts.

  • Milletia reticulata. Improves blood supply to the inflamed area.
  • Bornean camphor. Relieves spasms and reduces pain.
  • Cistanche saline. Has an anti-inflammatory effect; strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Ginura pinnate. Activates blood circulation; restores cell activity.
  • Angelica coarsely serrated. Essential oils plants provide a pleasant aroma and have a warming effect.
  • Corydalis is deceptive. Eliminates pain, helps to quickly and gently relieve inflammation.
  • Drinaria. Has a tonic effect on the inflamed area; promotes recovery.
  • Cybothium. Soothes pain; helps well with acute inflammatory processes.
  • Safflower. Strengthens blood vessels externally and relieves swelling; improves blood circulation.

The listed plants are exotic for Russia and Europe, but in Asia their properties have been studied in detail, and extracts are widely used in pharmacology and alternative medicine.

Instructions for use

All patches are packaged in sealed bags that protect the product from external unfavorable factors(moisture, germs, etc.). Using a Chinese plaster for joint pain is very simple:

  1. Wash your hands and the area where the patch will be applied with soap.
  2. Remove from the packaging and remove the protective film from the active side.
  3. Glue it to the sore spot. If the area of ​​inflammation is large (for example, the entire spine hurts or shoulder joint), you can use 2 or more products.

Instructions - how to use the patch.

Duration of wearing one patch: 3 days. During this time, it is not recommended to wet the product. After 72 hours, the patch is removed and discarded. The area where it was glued is washed with soap and water. If she blushes a little, this is normal. After 3-5 hours you can glue a new one.

Point of application of the patch for various pains

The preventive course is 3 weeks, i.e. it will require at least 10 patches. Treat acute inflammation should be continued until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

Plasters for the treatment of joints have contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • the presence of open wounds at the impact site (incl. raised moles and birthmarks);
  • individual intolerance; allergy.

The patches should be stored in a dry place out of reach of children. There is no need to put them in the refrigerator; room temperature does not affect the properties of the product.

To determine the area where to stick the patch, just listen to your feelings. The area that hurts the most needs treatment with a medicinal patch.

While wearing, a person does not feel any discomfort, only pleasant warmth. You can put clothes on top - they won’t get dirty.

Where to buy Chinese joint plaster?

Pharmacies sell patches for pain in joints and muscles. But they provide only a temporary analgesic effect. Real Chinese nano-plasters are sold only via the Internet. Zb Pain Relief orthopedic treatment strips, which are ideal for treating spinal disorders, are sold in online stores.
Important: To avoid falling for scammers who sell useless substitutes under the guise of Chinese healing patches, you should buy products from an official supplier.

Price, delivery, payment

You can order Chinese plasters in just a few clicks. There is a form on the official website that you need to fill out by entering your full name and contact phone number. Managers will contact the client shortly. This is convenient because the buyer does not have to spend extra money on a long-distance call.

The price of Chinese orthopedic patches Zb Pain Relief is 1980 rubles per box. But now there are promotions, so you can have time to buy products at a reduced cost with a 50% discount - 990 rubles, plus delivery 300 rubles.

Chinese patches will help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. They are suitable for treating back and knee joints, for sciatica and arthrosis, as an auxiliary orthopedic therapy.

Such strips should be at home for older people and those whose occupation is related to physical activity. Although, and office workers happen congestion in the neck and lumbar region, so a box of Zb Pain Relief will not be superfluous in their first aid kit.

Everyone faces joint diseases all the time. more people. In most cases, a person experiences severe pain, to alleviate which one has to resort to various means and look for different ways treatment.

Chinese medicine has a centuries-old tradition and rich experience, so Chinese plasters are particularly effective in treating joints.

Features of the active components

Eastern medicine, unlike Western medicine, uses mainly natural ingredients and natural products for the treatment of any disease. The basis of Chinese medicine is medicinal plants, the properties of which have been studied for several millennia.

The experience of healers was passed on to subsequent generations, thanks to which it is now possible to create an effective, convenient, useful and safe remedy for joint diseases - medicinal Chinese plaster.

Combination of modern medical technologies and experience traditional medicine China made it possible to create a Chinese patch high efficiency to fight many diseases. But this remedy has found a special place in the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of modern scientific approaches, it has been possible to ensure that medicinal plants have acquired maximum effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases.

Chinese medicinal plasters are used not only for orthopedic purposes. They have found application in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, skin, hemorrhoids, etc.

Composition of the patches

The products are used to make useful herbs, healing properties which only increase as a result of the use of modern technologies for their processing.

All components that ensure the effectiveness of the patch in medicinal purposes, selected according to the recipes of medicines of Tibetan monks

For the treatment of joints the following are used:

  • camphor barneis;
  • donnaria;
  • Cistanche saline;
  • dubious corydalis;
  • ginura;
  • angelica coarsely serrated;
  • safflower;
  • cibothium;
  • Milletia reticularis.

The combination of the properties of these medicinal plants makes it possible to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect from the use of medicinal orthopedic Chinese plasters.

Treatment of joint pain using the transdermal method

Treatment of diseases by application remedy on the skin - this is traditional Chinese technique. The effect of active components that enter the body through the skin lasts up to 3 days, and possible Negative influence medications on the body in this form of administration are minimal.

Not every patient can benefit from ointments and tablets, and it is almost impossible to endure the discomfort that causes the development of chondrosis, arthritis or other pathologies. In addition, focusing solely on the symptoms of joint diseases can be dangerous, since these diseases can cause serious consequences in the absence of necessary treatment.

The product can be used for the following diseases:

  • heel spur;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • Disc displacement;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • muscle tear;
  • corns;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • fracture;
  • injury to bones and muscles;
  • recovery after vertebroplasty of the spine.

Usually more expensive patches can always be purchased at special offers at a discount, meaning patients actually pay less

Features of application

The effect of using the product becomes noticeable very quickly. As a result of using the product, you can get rid of pain in joints or muscles, restore their functions, and eliminate stiffness of movement. Depending on which joint needs treatment, sometimes two patches can be applied at once.

So, in case of defeats elbow joint For maximum effect You can apply a patch to the elbow and shoulder joint. This method will improve blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of the active components.

The patch has complex impact, eliminating pain when the active components begin to penetrate the skin. The patch helps:

  • relieve swelling;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • normalize metabolism and blood circulation;
  • improve tissue elasticity;
  • prevent relapses and complications.

Reviews of Chinese patches

In most cases, Chinese patches are very effective. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of patients whom they helped. Negative reviews, as a rule, are written by people who have encountered counterfeit patches. They are less effective than the original Chinese products.

The price of patches depends on the specific brand. It also depends on the manufacturer how quickly the effect of the product will appear. The cost of a course of treatment varies from 600 rubles. up to 2000 rub.

Vladimir, 52 years old. A diagnosis of osteochondrosis was made. My back hurt constantly, there was no peace with it. But after a course of treatment with patches, I felt much better. Relief came immediately, and over time the pain completely disappeared.

Marina, 64 years old. I'm suffering heel spur not the first year. Only with the help of a plaster was she able to get rid of the unbearable pain. Thanks to my friend for recommending such an effective remedy.

Oleg, 48 years old. I got rid of severe arthritis pain thanks to a course of treatment with Chinese patches. I am very pleased that I found such a tool.


Chinese patches for joint pain

China has a rich history of medicine that includes traditional and alternative techniques. The recipes that have come down to us today are truly unique, because they contain the experience of thousands of years. Chinese doctors have devoted a lot to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, because this is the basis of good health and the key to an active life. Chinese joint plasters are a simple but effective remedy in the fight against arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other related diseases.

Operating principle

The action of the Chinese patch is based on the gradual penetration of active components into the deep layers of the skin. This is provided by a transdermal therapeutic system of action, when the drug enclosed under the film begins to act upon contact with the skin. Due to a certain temperature of the outer layer of skin, the patch heats up and beneficial substances begin to affect inflammation, relieving it and soothing pain.

The high effectiveness of transdermal patches lies in the fact that the effect on the sore spot occurs over a long period of time. The medicine is dosed, in microscopic portions, one patch is enough for 3 days of continuous treatment.

Indications for use:

  • for arthrosis of the knee and hip joints;
  • for sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve);
  • joint pain of various localizations;
  • muscle tension;
  • diseases of the leg joints;
  • lumbodynia at different stages;
  • heel spurs and corns;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain caused by deformities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral displacements, exacerbation of hernia.

Treatment can occur separately or in combination with therapeutic measures. As a preventive measure, they are good for athletes who often receive minor injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations).

Composition of the patches

The main secret of medicinal patches from China lies in a special healing composition, which is hidden under the film. Their plastic mass is a mixture of plant extracts, the combination of which gives an excellent therapeutic effect.

One of the popular Chinese pain-relieving patches for joints, Zb Pain Relief, consists of several herbal extracts.

  • Milletia reticulata. Improves blood supply to the inflamed area.
  • Bornean camphor. Relieves spasms and reduces pain.
  • Cistanche saline. Has an anti-inflammatory effect; strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Ginura pinnate. Activates blood circulation; restores cell activity.
  • Angelica coarsely serrated. The essential oils of the plant provide a pleasant aroma and have a warming effect.
  • Corydalis is deceptive. Eliminates pain, helps to quickly and gently relieve inflammation.
  • Drinaria. Has a tonic effect on the inflamed area; promotes recovery.
  • Cybothium. Soothes pain; helps well with acute inflammatory processes.
  • Safflower. Strengthens blood vessels externally and relieves swelling; improves blood circulation.

The listed plants are exotic for Russia and Europe, but in Asia their properties have been studied in detail, and extracts are widely used in pharmacology and alternative medicine.

Instructions for use

All patches are packaged in sealed bags that protect the product from external adverse factors (moisture, germs, etc.). Using a Chinese plaster for joint pain is very simple:

  1. Wash your hands and the area where the patch will be applied with soap.
  2. Remove from the packaging and remove the protective film from the active side.
  3. Glue it to the sore spot. If the area of ​​inflammation is large (for example, the entire spine or shoulder joint hurts), you can use 2 or more products.

Instructions - how to use the patch.

Duration of wearing one patch: 3 days. During this time, it is not recommended to wet the product. After 72 hours, the patch is removed and discarded. The area where it was glued is washed with soap and water. If she blushes a little, this is normal. After 3-5 hours you can glue a new one.

The preventive course is 3 weeks, i.e. it will require at least 10 patches. Acute inflammation should be treated until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

Plasters for the treatment of joints have contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • the presence of open wounds at the site of exposure (including raised moles and birthmarks);
  • individual intolerance; allergy.

The patches should be stored in a dry place out of reach of children. There is no need to put them in the refrigerator; room temperature does not affect the properties of the product.

To determine the area where to stick the patch, just listen to your feelings. The area that hurts the most needs treatment with a medicinal patch.

While wearing, a person does not feel any discomfort, only pleasant warmth. You can put clothes on top - they won’t get dirty.

Where to buy Chinese joint plaster?

Pharmacies sell patches for pain in joints and muscles. But they provide only a temporary analgesic effect. Real Chinese nano-plasters are sold only via the Internet. Zb Pain Relief orthopedic treatment strips, which are ideal for treating spinal disorders, are sold in online stores.

To avoid falling for scammers who sell useless substitutes under the guise of Chinese healing patches, you should buy products from an official supplier.

Price, delivery, payment

You can order Chinese plasters in just a few clicks. There is a form on the official website that you need to fill out by entering your full name and contact phone number. Managers will contact the client shortly. This is convenient because the buyer does not have to spend extra money on a long-distance call.

The price of Chinese orthopedic patches Zb Pain Relief is 1980 rubles per box. But now there are promotions, so you can have time to buy products at a reduced price with a 50% discount - 990 rubles, plus delivery of 300 rubles.

Chinese patches will help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. They are suitable for treating the back and knee joints, for sciatica and arthrosis, and as an auxiliary orthopedic therapy.

Elderly people and those whose occupation involves physical activity should have such strips at home. Although, office workers also experience congestion in the neck and lumbar region, so a box of Zb Pain Relief will not be superfluous in their first aid kit.



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