Why is drinking alcohol harmful? When does an erection get better after drinking and when does it get worse?

The dangers of alcohol have been known since ancient times. Alcohol, entering the human body, poisons it with its poison. The severity of poisoning depends on the type of drink and its quantity.

Why is alcohol harmful?

In order to understand the mechanism of the effects of alcohol, it is important to know the characteristics of the main component - ethanol.

It leads to poisoning and causes diseases of the intestines, liver and stomach. This drink ingredient has a negative effect on the nervous system. Food alcohol affects coordination of movements and destroys nerve cells.

When choosing a type of alcoholic drink, it is important to consider how dangerous its other components are. These are fusel oils, acetals, ketones, acetaldehyde and phenols.
The fewer natural additives in a drink, the greater the harm to organs and systems.
For example, wine compared to vodka is even considered healthy drink. It is made from grape juice and contains polyphenols and antioxidants. IN in moderation wine helps prevent many diseases. And, on the contrary, vodka contains nothing but water and food alcohol and does not bring anything to a person except harm.
In addition to natural additives, other drinks add artificial colors, sugar and flavorings. All this improves the taste of the drink, but has a detrimental effect on the body. There are especially many chemical ingredients in cheap alcoholic drinks. And counterfeit goods can even lead to serious illnesses and even death.

Strong alcohol is dangerous due to its effect on the nervous system. Vodka and cognac accelerate intoxication, wine and beer act more slowly, gradually poisoning the brain. Ethanol tends to accumulate in tissues and have bad influence on all organs, disrupting their functions. In addition, the sugar contained in food alcohol contributes to excess weight gain.
To minimize the risk of alcohol exposure, you should choose drinks that are natural basis, without artificial additives and produced by a proven performer.

About safe alcohol

There is no absolutely harmless alcohol-containing drink in nature, no matter how much they talk about it. All drinks simply differ in the percentage of food alcohol.
The most harmful impurities are found in unrefined moonshine, fortified wine and cocktail mixtures.

To minimize the danger caused by ethanol, you need to follow several rules:

  • Do not drink the drink on an empty stomach;
  • Limit its quantity;
  • Purchase only natural-based products;
  • Give preference to non-strong drinks.

Doctors have determined a more or less safe dose of alcoholic beverages for the body, that is, how much you can drink without causing irreparable harm. You can drink a glass of vodka (50 ml), half a liter of light beer or a glass of wine no more than three times a week. The female body is more susceptible to ethanol than the male, so this minimum dose should be reduced by a quarter.

Why is alcohol dangerous, toxic ingredients in drinks:

  • Wine contains sulfite compounds that cause headaches.
  • Alcohol-containing cocktails, so popular among young people, contain dyes, taurine, caffeine, preservatives and sweeteners.
  • Beer is rich in plant estrogens, fusel oils and stabilizers.

Effects of ethanol on the body

Dietary alcohol impairs reaction speed and the brain's ability to process data. The person loses the ability to control their actions and loses peripheral vision. Ethanol impairs muscle control and dulls the feeling of pain. With the development of alcoholism, brain structures are irreversibly destroyed, and the person loses memory and does not learn new information. Violations can provoke hallucinogenic visions. It has been noted that a person who regularly uses it in large doses dries out and decreases in size. One glass of alcohol kills from a thousand to two thousand nerve cells.
Effect on the circulatory system
Alcohol increases the risk of developing a heart attack. The mechanism of ethanol's effect on circulatory system involves the destruction of a special type of cholesterol cells that form in the body during exercise exercise. The heart muscle, not receiving the necessary nourishment, weakens and heart failure occurs. The main symptom of this condition is rhythm disturbances and pain.
The danger of alcohol is its effect on the level blood pressure, raising it. This factor provokes the development of stroke.
Alcohol and gastrointestinal tract
How is alcohol harmful? It has a detrimental effect on the digestion process. It increases acidity in the stomach, causing the mucous membrane of this organ to suffer. Gastritis gradually develops and peptic ulcer. Symptoms of the disease are usually stomach pain and bleeding. In the esophagus, under the influence of alcohol, varicose formations are formed, which can cause heavy bleeding with minor trauma.
Alcohol and oncology
By destroying tissue structures, alcohol provokes the development cancerous tumors. It can not only lead to cancer of the digestive organs, but also to oncology of the mammary glands, liver, and larynx. The liver, which bears the brunt of the damage, gets the most damage. It is a barrier to ethanol reaching other tissues and organs. Under the influence of food alcohol, liver cells die and are replaced connective tissue, and cirrhosis begins.
Alcoholism disease
Alcohol addiction - serious disease chronic. This disease destroys the defense mechanisms of the human body and has a detrimental effect on its personal qualities. Getting rid of addiction is difficult, and in advanced cases, completely impossible.
Young people and women are most at risk of the disease. The consequences of alcohol abuse affect reproductive function and lead to the birth of babies suffering from severe defects. It has been proven that the mortality rate at birth in children of women suffering from alcoholism is five times higher than normal.

It is difficult to estimate how many families have been destroyed due to alcohol. The number of suicides and accidents is growing, there is a degradation of a certain part of society, not only mental, but also genetic
According to the data World Organization healthcare, every third person on earth dies from causes related to alcohol consumption.
Initially, a person has no need to drink alcohol. It is formed with age and under the influence of the environment. Not everyone manages to stay within the line that separates the positive aspects from the harmful effects of alcohol. It is important to be aware of the possible consequences and avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol is an insidious thing: on the one hand, a glass of beer is simply an irreplaceable cure for overexertion after a heavy working week. But on the other hand, this is an invisible, but quite noticeable blow to health, hitting the most vulnerable places in our body.

Read on in our article about seven reasons why you should give up alcoholic beverages and how they can harm your life.

1. Impact on the cardiovascular system. As soon as alcohol enters the body, the heart begins to increase in size (beer is especially insidious). Numerous scars appear on the tissues of the heart, which are the culprits of a heart attack and can lead to death.

2. Brain fog. It’s not for nothing that alcohol is considered a type of narcotic substances: alcoholic drinks have a euphoric effect on the psyche, the duration of which is from an hour to an hour and a half. Soon after this, the person falls into a depressive state, accompanied by aggression and attacks panic fear. Reactions are reduced, and clear thinking in such a situation is out of the question. It is for this reason that, as we know, drivers should not drink: driving while intoxicated can result in the most disastrous outcome.

3. Destruction of brain cells. Not even a large number of alcohol (yes, half a glass of wine also applies here) destroys several thousand neurons without the possibility of recovery. The alcohol contained in alcoholic drinks provokes the gluing of erythrocytes - red blood cells: the latter clog microcapillaries, leading to the death of neurons from oxygen starvation. Cells that have fallen into unequal battle with alcohol, are excreted from the body in urine.

4. Development of chronic diseases.
Doctors equate the effect of alcohol to a slow poison: the breakdown products of alcohol destroy the body in the literal sense of the word. A person who regularly drinks alcohol, over time, increasingly begins to feel unwell, his mental and physical activity decrease noticeably and are replaced by apathy. Long-term alcohol dependence is the key to the development of such dangerous chronic diseases as pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, cirrhosis, heart attack and many others. insidious diseases. Not the most encouraging prospect, is it?

5. Bad heredity. Alcohol makes changes to the structure of the genetic code of DNA - it is this that contains information about a person and his descendants. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that 90% of children with disabilities mental development and congenital disabilities are born to people who abuse alcohol.

6. Indecent behavior. We are sure that you have seen more than once what a drunk person is like: alcohol affects the moral centers of the brain, and therefore his further behavior becomes completely unpredictable. IN best case scenario, it all ends with peaceful snoring in a secluded corner. At worst - uncontrolled aggression, outbursts of anger and other unpleasant things that a person would never allow himself to do when sober.

7. Hole in the budget. The prices for alcohol (especially good) are considerable, and regular drinking of your favorite alcoholic drinks often costs a pretty penny. In addition, people who have begun to become dependent on alcohol do not stop at one bottle: the more tipsy their head gets, the more drink they will buy. Even a banal watching of a football match is almost never complete without a few cans of beer - let alone a picnic with a group, fishing or a birthday party. If you calculate how much such leisure time costs, you will really want to put this money aside for more reasonable purposes (invest in travel or, for example, treat yourself to a new gadget).

As you can see, there are many reasons to touch alcohol as little as possible, or even give it up altogether. Yes, alcohol creates a relaxing effect. Yes, it liberates and removes internal clamps. But the harm that the body receives in parallel nullifies the already small benefits. In addition, you can relax in other ways - yoga, swimming, a hot bath, sauna, massage or a leisurely walk in a calm green park are the best helpers in this matter. Take care of your own health now, and in the future you will have many times more chances to avoid a hospital bed and a host of other unpleasant “bonuses” acquired over years of drinking alcohol.

The harm of alcohol to the human brain. What are the factors that determine the extent to which alcohol affects the brain? Why are the harms of alcohol more pronounced in women than in men? What happens to brain size in people who regularly drink alcohol? What vitamin deficiency is caused by regular alcohol consumption and what does this lead to? What is Wernicke's encephalopathy and Korsakoff's psychosis? How to treat Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? What is hepatic encephalopathy, due to exposure to what substances does it develop, and when can it lead to fatal outcome? How to treat hepatic encephalopathy? What is fetal alcohol syndrome and how is it treated? Do nerve cells recover? What is neurogenesis? What mystery regarding organic brain damage by alcohol has not yet been solved by scientists? What modern technologies do scientists use to overcome the harm of alcohol?

The harm of alcohol. Destructive effects on the brain.

Alcohol undoubtedly has a detrimental effect on the brain, as evidenced by stumbling feet, blurred vision, slow reaction times, slurred speech, and memory lapses, all of which are observed after drinking alcoholic beverages. However, almost all of these reactions, which appear after taking just a few doses of alcoholic drinks, quickly disappear after the intake of alcohol in the body stops. On the other hand, if you drink alcohol frequently and in large doses, then its harmful effect on brain cells is noticeable even after the direct effect of alcohol has long ceased. Today, studying the mechanisms of the effect of alcohol on the brain, as well as the likelihood of irreversible changes in brain activity with regular consumption of large doses of alcoholic beverages, is a popular topic of scientific research.

Everyone knows that alcohol abuse can have negative and far-reaching health consequences. The harm of alcohol manifests itself, ranging from banal memory lapses to... serious illnesses, which may lead to the need for lifelong treatment in the clinic. However, as shown by the results of recent scientific studies of the effect of alcohol consumption on driving behavior, even moderate alcohol consumption is extremely harmful to the body.

There are several factors that determine the degree of alcohol's influence on brain cells and, accordingly, the harm of alcohol. These factors include:

  • dose of alcohol and frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages
  • the age at which the person began drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as the length of the period during which alcohol was consumed regularly
  • age, education, gender, genetic predisposition to alcoholism, presence of alcoholics among close relatives
  • prenatal alcohol poisoning, which also increases the risk of developing alcoholism in the future
  • general health

This article on the dangers of alcohol reviews several of the most common diseases that result from the harmful effects of alcohol on the brain, and also identifies the people who are most at risk for brain damage as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages. The article also discusses methods of treating these diseases, methods of preventing them, and modern technologies that are used by scientists to determine exactly how alcohol affects brain cells.

The harm of alcohol. Clouding of consciousness and memory loss.

Drinking alcohol can cause memory impairment after drinking a small amount of alcohol - and the larger the amount drunk, the longer and more severe the memory loss will be. The harm of alcohol is manifested in the fact that a large number of drinks containing alcohol, especially taken at a fast pace and at empty stomach, may cause short-term clouding of consciousness. This is the name of the period during which a person under the influence of alcohol is unable to properly respond to what is happening around him, and sometimes even adequately perceive the speech and actions of other people.

Short-term clouding of consciousness after drinking alcohol is observed much more often than previously thought in medicine. This effect can be considered potentially possible consequence harmful alcohol poisoning, regardless of the patient’s age or whether he has signs of alcoholism as a disease. Scientists conducted a study to identify the harm of alcohol associated with short-term clouding of consciousness. In this study, 772 young people studying in higher education educational institutions, the question was asked: “Have you ever been unable to remember what you did last night or where you were the morning after drinking alcohol?” Of the students who had experience drinking alcoholic beverages, 51% answered in the affirmative, reporting that they had experienced memory loss after drinking alcohol, and 40% noted that memory loss had happened to them less than a year ago. Of those who drank alcohol in the past two weeks, 9.4% reported memory loss during this period. Those who experienced memory loss admitted that after drinking alcohol they even participated in acts of vandalism, had unprotected sex and drove a car while drunk, but in the morning they could not remember anything.

Among older people surveyed, cases of short-term memory loss were also noted, both in men and women, despite the fact that in general men drink alcohol much more often than women and in much larger doses. Thus, it is logical to assume that the risk of memory loss and clouding of consciousness after drinking alcoholic beverages is higher for women than for men. Therefore, the harm of alcohol is much greater for women than for men. When drunk, women are more likely than men to lose consciousness and more often cannot remember what they did after drinking alcohol - this is due to the difference in the specific mechanism of alcohol absorption in the body of a man and a woman. In addition, when taking the same amount alcohol, memory lapses in women are likely to be much more severe than in men.

The harm of alcohol. The effects of alcohol on the brain of women.

For women, many of the consequences of drinking alcohol are more severe than for men. Some clinical researches have shown that the harm of alcohol is significantly more severe in relation to women than in men because female alcoholics develop cirrhosis of the liver, weakening of the heart muscle under the influence of alcohol (for example, cardiomyopathy) and heart failure much faster than male alcoholics. nervous system(eg peripheral neuropathy). However, studies that have looked at the effects of alcohol on brain cells have not concluded that women's brains are more susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol than men's.

Using method computed tomography, researchers, through a comparative analysis, were able to establish that the harm of alcohol manifests itself as compression (shrinking) of the brain. This level of contraction is a major indicator of the presence of organic changes in brain cells, and it is significantly higher in frequent alcoholics, both male and female, compared to those who drink alcohol only rarely. Studies have also shown that men and women alcoholics have same problems with the memorization of information and the ability to learn, which appeared as a result of regular consumption of high doses of alcohol. However, the men who took part in the experiment regularly consumed large doses of alcoholic beverages for twice as long as the women. Thus, the harm caused by alcohol to the brain of both men and women was determined approximately equally, but at the same time, women regularly consumed alcohol for 2 times less time than men. This fact suggests that alcohol has a stronger effect on the female brain than on the male brain.

However, others Scientific research did not lead to such significant results proving that the harm of alcohol is more severe in relation to women. Thus, recently the American Journal of Psychiatry published two reports on clinical experiments related to the study of the influence of gender on the degree of susceptibility of the body to the effects of alcohol. The results were just the opposite. It is clear that further research is needed in this area, primarily because female alcoholism still remains poorly understood medical problem, despite the fact that the features female body suggest a higher degree of women's exposure to the negative consequences of alcohol abuse.

The harm of alcohol. Lack of vitamin B1.

For people who regularly take large doses of alcohol over a period of time long period time exists big risk receive harm from alcohol in the form of disruption of brain activity associated with damage to brain cells. Impairment of brain activity can be the result of the actual intake of alcohol itself, or arise under the influence of the harmful consequences of alcohol abuse, leading to worsening general condition body, as well as as a result of serious liver diseases due to alcoholism.

The harm of alcohol, for example, in people suffering from alcoholism, often manifests itself as a deficiency of a substance called thiamine, also known as vitamin B1. The cause of thiamine deficiency is poor nutrition and violation metabolic processes in organism. Thiamine is very important trace element, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs, including the brain. Thiamine is found in foods such as animal and poultry meat, grains, nuts and legumes. Recommended daily norm Thiamine is 1.2 mg per day for men and 1.1 mg per day for women.

The harm of alcohol. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

80% of people suffering from alcoholism have a lack of thiamine in the body. In some cases, the harm of alcohol manifests itself in the fact that it is thiamine deficiency that leads to serious illness brain, known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This disease has two stages, or two various syndromes: short-term exacerbations called Wernicke encephalopathy, and long periods of a calmer, but at the same time significantly debilitating course of the disease - Korsakoff's psychosis.

Symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy include confusion, optic nerve palsy (oculomotor imbalance), and problems with coordination. Thus, patients with Wernicke encephalopathy often cannot find a way out of the room or are even unable to move independently. However, many patients do not have some of the symptoms of Wernicke's encephalopathy, so doctors working with patients with alcoholism should be aware that Wernicke's encephalopathy can occur even if only one or two of the above symptoms are present. There have been cases where only after the death of the patient it was determined that the cause was thiamine deficiency encephalopathy, which was not diagnosed during life only because the patient did not exhibit the full range of classical symptoms.

The harm of alcohol is also manifested in the fact that approximately 80-90% of patients with alcoholism and Wernicke's encephalopathy develop the so-called Korsakoff's psychosis - a chronic and quite severe disease, which is characterized primarily by memory lapses and difficulties with remembering new information. Patients with Korsakoff's syndrome are forgetful, constantly depressed, lose their temper easily, and also have difficulty walking and coordinating movements. These patients have difficulties both with reproducing information they already know (so-called retrograde amnesia) and with assimilating new information (anterograde amnesia), which is the most notable symptom of the disease. For example, such patients can discuss in detail with a doctor some event from their life, and an hour later they no longer remember not only about this event, but even about the conversation.

Treatment of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Motor coordination and possibly some forms of learning are controlled by the cerebellum, which is extremely sensitive to thiamine deficiency and to a large extent exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol when consumed regularly and excessively. Taking medications containing thiamine helps restore normal functioning brain, especially early stages development of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. If the harm of alcohol manifested itself especially strongly and organic changes brain damage has become irreversible, treatment involves not so much normalizing the patient’s condition as providing him with proper care and his family with support. Approximately 25% of patients with irreversible changes in brain function and cognitive impairment require qualified medical care. Some scientists believe that the development of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome in some patients suffering from alcoholism and thiamine deficiency in the body may be due to a genetic predisposition. Thus, further scientific research is needed in this area in order to determine the likelihood of the development of this syndrome from genetic factors.

The harm of alcohol. Hepatic encephalopathy.

Most alcoholics know that overuse drinking alcohol for a long period of time can lead to problems with the liver, the organ in which the breakdown of alcohol entering the body into harmful substances occurs by-products and then removing them from the body. However, not everyone knows that the harm of alcohol to the brain can manifest itself in a very specific way. It is expressed in the fact that long-term liver dysfunction, for example, cirrhosis, which is caused by regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities, can also lead to disturbances in brain function, including serious disorders brain functions, known as hepatargia, or hepatic encephalopathy, which itself can be fatal. Those. In addition to direct harm to the brain, alcohol destroys the liver, which in turn independently harms the brain.

Thus, the harm of alcohol can manifest itself as hepatic encephalopathy, which can be expressed in sleep disturbances, sudden mood swings, changes personal characteristics, anxious and depressive state, disorders of cognitive (i.e. cognitive) functions, for example, inability to concentrate, as well as problems with coordination of movements (for example, asterixis is often observed - an irregular flapping tremor). In the most severe cases, patients may fall into a coma ( hepatic coma), which is often fatal.

New brain scanning technologies allow scientists to analyze activity various areas brain in patients with liver diseases caused by alcoholism and, thus, study the process of development of hepatic encephalopathy. Based on the results of studies already conducted, at least two toxic substances and, which provoke the development of hepatic encephalopathy - ammonia and manganese. The harm of alcohol in this case is caused in the following way. Liver cells damaged by alcohol secrete excess amounts of these harmful substances, which then enter the brain and destroy brain cells.

Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy

The following medical procedures are commonly used to prevent the development of hepatic encephalopathy:

  • Prescription of drugs that reduce the level of ammonia in the blood, for example, L-ornithine, L-aspartate.
  • Use of various medical technologies, such as liver support devices, also known as " artificial liver", which help cleanse the patient's blood of toxic substances. Studies have shown that when using devices of this type, the concentration of ammonia in the patient's blood is significantly reduced, which can partially reduce encephalopathic effects.
  • Liver transplantation is widely used to treat patients with severe (end-stage) liver cirrhosis. According to the data medical statistics, liver transplantation using the latest medical technologies leads to significant improvement cognitive functions in patients, up to their complete recovery, as well as a decrease in the concentration of manganese and ammonia in the blood to normal levels.

The harm of alcohol. Fetal alcohol syndrome.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have negative consequences for developing brain fetus, which will later be expressed in physiological, cognitive and behavioral aspects of the personality. The harm of alcohol is manifested in the fact that in the most severe cases a complex of symptoms develops, known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome often have developmental defects external organs, and also usually grow and develop more slowly compared to healthy children. Their brain volume may be smaller than normal (microencephaly), and these children also have fewer brain cells (including neurons) than others. Neuronal cells in the brain of children with fetal alcohol syndrome are unable to function normally, which leads to cognitive impairment and various behavioral abnormalities.

Treatment of fetal alcohol syndrome

Researchers are currently developing an effective complex method treatment that would help people overcome the harm of alcohol expressed as consequences of fetal alcohol syndrome. The treatment method being developed includes both exercises to develop motor skills and drug treatment. In one of the experiments, Dr. Klintsova and her colleagues used training course on motor development, organized as an obstacle course, which allowed patients to overcome the negative effects of alcohol on their brains during the fetal period. Interestingly, the training on motor skills development contributed to the restoration of functions various parts brain (including the cerebellum) and in adults. This experiment has the most important scientific significance, since its results indicate that complex rehabilitation treatment aimed at developing motor skills can lead to positive results not only in children, but also in adults with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Scientists are also actively working on an invention medical supplies, capable of slowing down or preventing the harm of alcohol, expressed in the destruction of brain cells, including due to fetal alcohol syndrome. Clinical experiments on animals have shown the effectiveness of antioxidant therapy and vitamin E. Also good results gives the use of 1-octanol, which, paradoxically, is itself an alcohol-containing substance. As experiments conducted on mouse embryos have shown, drug treatment with 1-octanol has significantly reduced the degree of harmful effects of alcohol on embryos. In addition, two substances were discovered that are responsible for normal development fetus, which are able to protect nerve cells from harmful effects alcohol, while their mechanism of action is similar to that of octanol. These substances are called NAP and SAL. The component MK-801, which is capable of blocking the effect of certain chemical compounds formed as a result of alcohol intake (for example, glutamate) on the brain, is also currently being studied. The use of MK-801 in the treatment of the consequences of early postnatal (postpartum) alcohol syndrome gives good results.

Despite the fact that these components have shown effectiveness in combating the harm of alcohol when conducting experiments only on animals, they positive effect has not yet been proven in the treatment of humans. The best way Prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome is a complete abstinence from drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Doctors observing expectant mothers regularly remind their pregnant patients that this syndrome can and should be prevented, and this depends only on the mother herself.

Let's overcome the harm of alcohol! Formation of new brain cells.

For many decades, scientists believed that the number of nerve cells in the adult brain is fixed in the first days of life and remains unchanged throughout it. Thus, if there is destruction of brain cells, then the only way treatment is to strengthen the remaining cells, since it is impossible to add new ones. However, in the 1960s, researchers discovered that the formation of new brain neurons also occurs in mature age– this process is called neurogenesis. New brain cells are formed from stem cells - these cells can divide randomly, renew themselves and become the starting material for different types of cells. The discovery of brain stem cells and adult neurogenesis has made it possible to develop a new scientific approach to the treatment of organic brain damage caused by alcohol exposure, as well as to improve the effectiveness of treatment of alcoholism in general.

Thus, experiments conducted on animals showed that high doses alcohol causes significant harm and leads to disruption of the formation of new brain cells. Scientists believe that it is the disorder of neurogenesis that causes disruption of the functioning of various areas of the brain (for example, the hypothalamus) in the future. It is necessary to comprehensively study the process of interaction of alcohol with brain stem cells, as well as study the brain cells of patients suffering from alcoholism - all this could be the first step in developing a new method of treating alcoholism and its consequences through cell therapy.


All patients suffering from alcoholism differ significantly from each other. The disease manifests itself differently in everyone and also has different origins. That is why in currently researchers were unable to identify common cause disorders of brain activity in patients with alcoholism. It still remains a mystery why alcohol is so harmful. organic lesion Everyone's brain manifests itself differently. Namely, it is not entirely clear why some alcoholics have serious organic brain damage, while other patients, other things being equal, do not experience such damage - today this problem is quite relevant for scientific research.

The good news is that the majority of patients suffering from alcoholism and related cognitive disorders show positive changes in brain structure and overall body functioning within a year of complete failure from drinking alcohol, although some patients require much longer recovery time. Treating physicians may try wide range treatment methods to help the patient quit alcohol and recover from negative consequences alcohol abuse, thereby completely eliminating the harm alcohol causes to the patient. Of course, a set of treatment methods is compiled taking into account individual characteristics patient.

An important role in the development of alcoholism treatment is played by the use of modern technologies. Treating doctors can use computer brain scanning technology to track positive changes during treatment and, accordingly, get an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of the chosen course. A CT scan can show structural, functional and biochemical changes in the patient's body, as well as their progress over time, which will therefore show how the harm of alcohol is reduced. Also, active development of promising new medications is currently underway that will help prevent the harmful effects of alcohol on the body and the formation of new brain cells to replace those that were destroyed under the influence of alcohol.

Many people have made alcohol a part of their lives, sincerely believing that this is the only way to relax as much as possible, cheer up and have a good time. But only a few conscious people know that alcohol is a kind of drug, which, when entering the body, has a detrimental effect on the work of all vital organs and systems, which is why it is necessary to realize the seriousness of the situation and in time to eliminate the systematic consumption of alcohol.

Every person must fully understand the dangers of drinking alcohol, then perhaps the desire to drink will immediately disappear. If we consider the moral and ethical side, then in a state of intoxication a person loses the ability to control his own actions, movements and speech, thereby committing crazy acts and becoming a victim of accidents. In addition, alcohol consumption disrupts the process personal growth, but at the same time the process of complete degradation occurs spontaneously.

Significant harm to health

Use ethyl alcohol in unlimited quantities also harms human health, often causing a threat to life. This is especially dangerous chemical compound for the heart, lungs, liver, digestive and nervous systems. In addition, it aggravates the course of diseases already existing in the body and contributes to the spread of mental and mental disorders.

Indeed, the activity of ethanol can lead to a complete imbalance, but the nervous and cardiovascular systems still “suffer” first. Weakened muscles, diabetes, blood clots in blood vessels, shrunken brain, enlarged liver, diseased kidneys, depression, impotence, stomach ulcers - all these are constant diagnoses of eternal alcoholics, and most of these pathological phenomena cannot be completely cured.

The liver suffers greatly from drinking alcohol, since tissue damage leads to serious pathologies in its functioning. Liver cirrhosis develops, is present alcoholic hepatitis, and also possible diagnoses such as bacterial peritonitis (inflammation abdominal cavity with possible bleeding) and ascites (accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity). Hormonal imbalances are also possible, resulting in sad consequences for the body become irreversible.

Behavior of alcohol in the human body

The initial portions of ethyl alcohol after penetration into the gastrointestinal tract rapidly dilate blood vessels, provoking accelerated excretion gastric juice. However, an increase in the consumed doses leads to more global anomalies: there is a delay in the secretion of juice, as a result of which the food remains in the stomach not for 2, but for 10 or more hours, while beginning to decompose rapidly. This is what causes attacks of nausea and vomiting, unpleasant belching and nagging pain in the pit of my stomach.

Chronic drinking of excessive amounts of alcohol:

  • harmful to the heart, lungs, liver, digestive and nervous systems;
  • complicates the course of existing diseases;
  • aggravates mental and mental disorders;
  • leads to accidents. (In any hospital emergency department, you can see that many end up there as a result of accidents caused by intoxication.)

Harm to the heart and lungs

Excessive alcohol consumption causes heart disease and increases the risk of lung disease. Alcoholics are especially susceptible to:

  • arrhythmias;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia.

Harm to the liver

Alcohol abuse may cause:

  • alcoholic hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation;
  • cirrhosis, or destruction of liver cells;
  • fatty liver, in which its cells fill with fat.

Harm to digestion

Alcohol abuse is the cause of many digestive system diseases, including:

  • gastritis;
  • esophageal carcinoma;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus, i.e. dilation of the veins in the esophagus, which can cause bleeding and lead to death;
  • stomach ulcers and bleeding in digestive tract; I have poor nutrient absorption.

Harm to the nervous system

Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to:

  • alcoholic hallucinations;
  • alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, delirium tremens), which causes hallucinations, trembling, sweating, fever, increased heart rate;
  • Korsakoff's syndrome - irreversible memory impairment associated with a lack of thiamine (vitamin B) due to alcohol abuse;
  • seizures (convulsions);
  • bleeding in the meninges;
  • Wernicke encephalopathy - a type of brain degeneration caused by a lack of thiamine;
  • Beriberi is a disease caused by a lack of thiamine, leading to paralysis, exhaustion, indigestion, edema and heart failure.

Mental and mental disorders

Long-term alcohol use is associated with:

  • depression;
  • lack of motivation;
  • failures in work and social life;
  • drug abuse;
  • suicides.

Other complications

Alcohol abuse may cause:

  • low blood sugar;
  • leg ulcers;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • congenital alcohol syndrome (in children of alcoholics), causing growth retardation, mental retardation and facial deformities;
  • life-threatening interactions with medications, even those sold without a prescription.

Drinks that are unhealthy

Not only vodka, but also wine and beer, even in relatively small doses, harm human health. The ethanol content in such drinks causes memory impairment, lethargy, and decreased physical strength, slowness of movements, and shortness of breath appears, emotions disappear, mental and volitional abilities decrease. This effect persists in the body for several hours; in addition, alcohol dependence occurs from these drinks.

The harm of alcohol for expectant mothers

Drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, during pregnancy significantly increases the chance of developing pathological childbirth, and babies are born premature, low birth weight, with defects of internal organs and external deformities. Such pathologies caused by the presence of alcohol syndrome cannot be cured, which is why expectant mothers should think about the health of their baby every time they want to drink alcohol.

Like all substances toxic to the human body, alcohol is a medicine in small doses. Only useful amount ethyl alcohol is determined not by the person himself, but by his doctor. There are many myths about the harmlessness of a glass of red wine before dinner or vodka with pepper when you have a cold. The question of whether alcohol is harmful to humans was answered long ago by experts. Ethyl alcohol is a powerful poison that destroys brain and liver cells. How quickly intoxication becomes depends on the person’s health and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Why alcohol is harmful

At an event where there is a large selection of alcoholic drinks, there is little drinking man always chooses the lesser of evils. True, it is not entirely clear what he is guided by - pure ethanol is contained in each of them. So what is the criterion for assessing the harm that ethyl alcohol causes to the human body?

Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small quantities, disrupts functional activity liver, intestines, stomach. This also contributes to the disorder of the central nervous system and provokes neurological changes. If the doses of alcoholic beverages increase, then dangerous chronic intoxication develops. In this state, a person gradually degrades, loses professional and everyday skills, becomes stupid and becomes fixated on himself.

It doesn’t matter whether a person drank two glasses of wine or a glass of vodka, the content of pure ethyl alcohol in them is the same. The damage caused to the liver and brain is also equal.

Trying to minimize the consequences of drinking alcohol, a person focuses on its composition. It takes into account all components, counts calories and useful material. It does not provide for only one thing - the concentration of 96% ethanol. A person who cares about his health will always give preference to dry red wine or dark thick beer, because there are many natural ingredients. This is a most dangerous misconception, since the benefits organic compounds does not in any way compensate for the harm of ethyl alcohol. Another way to boost your immunity is to take vitamin complexes with microelements.

By giving preference to one type of alcohol or another, a person for some reason decides that one of them is healthier than the other, and this is nonsense. Vodka infused with medicinal roots and medicinal herbs, does not become more useful than pure 40% vodka. But the tricks of manufacturers and the desire of consumers to be deceived are doing their job: hop cones, birch buds and flower honey attract buyers.

Alcohol, which contains added dyes, flavors, and stabilizers, is especially harmful to the body. In addition to ethyl alcohol poisoning, a person may develop allergic reaction, the pancreas and intestines will malfunction.

Some manufacturers use a trick and artificially increase the percentage of ethanol. Dry wine, champagne, dark and light beer are made from natural raw materials according to certain standards. To significantly save money, process developers add pure ethyl alcohol to drinks. Such an explosive mixture causes great harm liver and brain cells.

Toxic effects of alcohol

Some people sincerely believe that alcohol in small doses will not cause significant harm to a person and is easily processed by the liver within a few minutes. a short time. WHO has determined the average amount of ethyl alcohol that will cause minor damage to the body. For men, this figure is 40 g of ethanol per day, and for women – 30 g. These values ​​should be taken into account when drinking alcohol, otherwise even a slight excess of the norm will not remain without health consequences.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages in doses not exceeding the norm still leads to addiction. Narcologists have determined the approximate time for addiction to form – 6 months from the start of taking the first portion of alcohol.

The harm from drinking small doses of alcohol increases if a person has the following pathologies:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • neurological disorders;
  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, liver.

If a person has at least one disorder in the functioning of all vital systems, then a complete metabolism of alcohol will not occur. Cardiovascular diseases, chronic renal or liver failure, mental pathologies are the main contraindications for taking ethanol in any quantity.

When a person is sure that he has correctly calculated the dose for himself that will not harm his body, the number of doses should be reduced. In addition to forming alcohol addiction, regular consumption of ethanol provokes the accumulation of the toxic compound acetaldehyde in tissues. Even a light drinker is at risk of chronic intoxication.

Once in gastrointestinal tract, alcohol is quickly absorbed by its mucous membrane and penetrates into the bloodstream, and then into the liver. The biological filter neutralizes all substances harmful to the body, including ethyl alcohol. Liver enzymes react with ethanol, the product of which is acetaldehyde, which can cause harm to everyone internal organs. Hepatocytes prevent intoxication by converting the compound into acetic acid.

In addition to metabolizing alcohol on a daily basis, the liver has a lot of work to do to break down substances produced in the body. Therefore, such a load will sooner or later lead to a decrease in the activity of the biological filter - harmful compounds will remain in cells and tissues. To minimize the harm from drinking ethanol, you need to drink vodka, beer or wine intermittently.

Negative effects of alcohol on the human body

Ethanol in any quantity has a negative effect on reproductive system . Before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend that future parents completely abstain from alcoholic beverages for 2-3 months. Alcohol can change hormonal background person:

  1. A man may become obese female type: hips are rounded, enlarged mammary glands, and the hands and ankles become thinner. On the pubic area and armpits hair stops growing, appears acne. Sometimes a man is not able to perform full sexual intercourse.
  2. In a woman’s body, the production of estrogens, female sex hormones, increases. This condition contributes to failure menstrual cycle, which leads to unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby, as well as its gestation and birth.

Scientists have proven that ethanol is harmful to the development of healthy eggs and sperm. Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small doses, can lead to the birth of children with mental and physical disabilities.

Ethanol begins to show its toxic effect already at the stage of entering the body. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed and swollen, and when high concentration alcohol may cause ulceration. Even a single dose of ethyl alcohol often causes erosive gastritis, a disease that requires long-term complex treatment.

Having penetrated the bloodstream, ethanol continues to cause harm, this time to red blood cells. Red cells have a unipolar charge, which allows them to move freely in the flow biological fluid. Alcohol damages the membrane of red blood cells, which causes them to stick together. Large conglomerates are formed, which subsequently form into a clot - thrombus. He has difficulty moving in bloodstream, and then completely clogs the capillary, preventing the movement of free red blood cells.

The main function of red blood cells is to transport molecular oxygen to tissues. Damage to red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation brain, and then the death of its cells. A person under the influence of alcohol is happy and carefree, falls asleep quickly and soundly, and develops the usual state of intoxication. Sleep is the body's defense reaction against the damage caused by ethanol. The brain is acutely short of oxygen, so it simply “turns off.”

When asked whether vodka is harmful to the human body, most people will answer in the affirmative. Others will talk about the benefits of alcohol in small doses. Experts agree with this opinion, but only in the case of using medicinal tinctures - valerian, motherwort, peony, eleutherococcus, ginseng. These drugs are useful in small quantities, measured in tens of drops.

Alcohol tinctures have many contraindications for use. After consuming them, you should not drive, since the alcohol they contain, even in minimum dose reduces the reaction rate.

Almost all special events are not complete without strong alcoholic drinks, champagne, and beer. It can be difficult for a person to resist a glass of red wine or a glass of cognac. To minimize the harm from drinking alcohol, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • not exceed daily dose, which was calculated by doctors;
  • choose high-quality drinks without dyes and flavoring additives, with low content Sahara;
  • alcohol in higher dose, but drunk less frequently, does less harm compared to small but frequently consumed portions.

A particularly dangerous property of ethanol is its ability to cause addiction, which suggests its narcotic nature. Many excellent employees and exemplary family men have one hidden drawback - after work every day they relax with a bottle of beer or a glass of vodka. Despite their obvious dissimilarity with homeless individuals who use isopropyl alcohol (“anti-freeze”), they have a common drawback - chronic alcoholism, so far successfully hidden. How to understand that an addiction is beginning to form:

  1. A craving for alcoholic beverages appeared.
  2. Loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed.
  3. There is no gag reflex.
  4. Required large quantity alcohol to achieve the same euphoria.
  5. There is no need for a reason to use it anymore.

A chronic alcoholic will never admit that he has a problem. This is the result of brain dysfunction, leading to loss of self-control and self-criticism. In such a situation, the support of relatives and loved ones is important. If you can’t reach a person, then specialists are powerless here.



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