Microdosed coke of new generation. There are also non-contraceptive benefits

In the 20th century, contraception received a huge boost in development. However, attempts to combat unwanted pregnancy were still ancient Egypt and America, where they used douching with special herbal decoctions after sexual intercourse. Medicine does not stand still, so let’s look at the most effective birth control pills new generation.

Which tablets to choose

Most often, a young woman relies on the opinion of a doctor or pharmacist when choosing contraceptives. It is best if the girl first receives minimal information about the types of contraception and birth control pills in particular, in order to ask a specialist about the differences between certain drugs. Remember that each product has side effects, and a person may be intolerant to any component.

Effective drugs

Despite the fact that combined tablets are more reliable in their composition and action, however, without special examination hormonal levels and consultation with a doctor should not be used. IN Lately Among hormonal products, women are attracted to “mini-pill” tablets, which have only one hormone, but are reliable, and can also be taken while breastfeeding. For ladies who cannot tolerate estrogen, these medications are also suitable.

Emergency contraception

There are tablets with high content hormones, but they can be taken only once a month immediately after sexual intercourse. This emergency contraception is suitable for people with irregular sex life. New drugs appear every day, but which one is right for your body, you need to decide with your doctor.

Types of hormonal birth control pills

Recently, hormonal pills have become popular, which include one or more hormonal substances in a minimal amount. These can be estrogens (ethinyl estradiol, mestranol, levonorgestrel, norethinodrel) or progestogens (gestodene, desogestrel, norgestimate). More often, tablets are produced as combined tablets, that is, they contain both estrogen and gestagen components.

Monophasic drugs

According to dosage, tablets are divided into mono-, two- and three-phase. In the first option, they all have the same hormone composition. This category includes medicines “Silest”, “Rigevidon”, “Regulon”, “Novinet”, “Marvelon”, “Mersilon”.

Two- and three-phase tablets

In the second group, the dose of hormones is changed twice per dose, so the tablets come in a package different color. This is the drug “Anteovin”. In the third category, the dosage changes three times, and the tablets are colored in three colors. This group includes medications “Triziston”, “Tri-mercy”, “Tri-regol”.

Classification of tablets by hormone dose

Microdosed birth control pills contain a small amount of ethinyl estradiol (the names of just a few of them are Novinet, Qlaira, Mercilon, Lindinet-20). This group of drugs has no side effects. They can eliminate some hormonal disorders when acne or painful menstruation occurs. Women of any age take them, but these pills are most suitable for nulliparous girls(up to 25 years) who have regular sex life.

Low-dose drugs

Low-dose tablets contain several other hormones along with ethinyl estradiol. Together they can eliminate acne, hair loss or prevent hair growth on the face. Therefore, these tablets (Femoden, Regulon, Midiana, Belara, Zhanin, Yarina, Marvelon) are suitable for young women who have undergone childbirth.

Medium and high dose medications

Medium- and high-dose tablets contain two hormones: levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Co average dosage products (“Chloe”, “Tri-regol”, “Demoulen”, “Diane-35”) are suitable for women over 30 years old who have not recovered from childbirth, but have already weaned their children. WITH high dosage tablets (Ovidon, Non-Ovlon, Milvane) are prescribed in case of serious hormonal disorders.

Non-hormonal tablets

Non-hormonal tablets (Pharmatex, Traceptin, Ginakotex) do not contain hormones, therefore they are suitable for women after childbirth and during lactation, as well as for those who cannot take hormonal agents. The popularity of such drugs is associated with antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. As a result, a woman is protected from most infections that she can contract during sexual intercourse.

Features of the action of spermicides

Non-hormonal pills work in the following way: Spermicides, the main component of the drug, slow down the speed of sperm and destroy them. In addition, a woman’s body forms a protective film on the vagina. The mucus in the cervical canal thickens to such an extent that sperm cannot penetrate the uterus. That is, these drugs do not affect a woman’s hormonal levels. Compare how hormonal drugs work: due to estrogen and progesterone, the production of other hormones responsible for the maturation of follicles is inhibited, as a result of which the development of the egg is suppressed.

Birth control pills: names of the most popular drugs

The best pills for women: Novinet and Janine

Birth control pills: list of new generation drugs

Contraindications for taking birth control pills

Both hormonal and non-hormonal birth control pills have pros and cons. Names of diseases for which hormonal drugs should not be taken:

  • thrombosis and blood clotting diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • migraine;
  • breast and genital cancer;
  • liver diseases;
  • high arterial pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

Side effects

Hormonal pills are also contraindicated for smokers, breastfeeding women and women before surgery. Therefore, the attending physician prescribes this or that drug. Self-medication can lead to side effects:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • painful sensations in the chest;
  • copious vaginal discharge;
  • allergy;
  • weight gain.

If contraceptive pills are chosen correctly (only the gynecologist will indicate the names in each case individually), then after several months (on average 3) of adaptation to the drug, the woman’s menstrual cycle normalizes, pain during menstruation decreases, and some pain goes away. women's diseases, irritability and hysteria disappear.

IN certain moment Every girl faces the problem of choosing birth control pills to make her sex life safer. Contraceptives for girls today are one of the most discussed topics, because they can not only help, but also harm. To prevent this from happening, she must take a responsible approach to choosing a drug and first of all consult a gynecologist. But it won’t hurt anyone to know what remedies exist.

Selection principle

Before we move on to what contraceptives are best for girls, it is necessary to take a closer look at the topic of choice. In order for the drugs to be selected correctly, it is necessary:

  • Visit a gynecologist and tell him about your intention.
  • Take a smear for oncocytology, because if there is the slightest deviation, the pills are contraindicated.
  • Visit a mammologist so that he, in turn, examines the breasts, especially if there is bad heredity.
  • Take a blood test.
  • Do an ultrasound, preferably on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle.

After all the procedures have been completed, the doctor will be able to accurately select the right drug.

Types of contraceptives

Birth control pills today come in several types, each of which differs not only in the principle of action, but also in the amount of a particular hormone it contains. So, there are:

  • Hormonal.
  • Non-hormonal.

Hormonal pills, in turn, are divided into:

  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Mini-drinks.

Contraceptives by cycle phases

Some girls can take this or that drug without problems, but others have problems with it. And slightly different contraceptives have been developed for them:

  • monophasic;
  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.

Local contraceptives

In addition to oral contraceptives, there are also local contraceptives. They do not affect the organs themselves in any way, but only kill sperm. This includes candles. Contraceptives of this type are no different high efficiency, because they won’t be able to help if the girl went to the toilet or shower after using it.

In addition, their validity period is relatively short. They help great for about an hour, but they certainly won’t help if the couple has had several sexual intercourses.

And yet the majority young girls prefers to buy candles. Contraceptives of this kind are more of an addition to a condom, so you shouldn’t rely too much on them.

Contraception for teenagers

And although many parents prefer not to talk about the topic of sex with their children for as long as possible, unfortunately, this actually important event happens without their knowledge, and they are the last to know about it. In the event that a teenage child (as his parents think of him) begins sex life, it is worth choosing certain contraceptives for girls to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

The main advantage is given to oral medications, because their intake is easier to control.

List of Pills for Teens

It is best to ask your doctor to select contraceptives. The list of the most popular is something like this:

  • "Triziston";
  • Marvelon;
  • "Jess";
  • "Silest";
  • "Femolen".

These are just a few the best drugs, which are approved for use by adolescents.

When can you start taking birth control?

Despite the huge list of available drugs for this purpose, they can only be accepted if:

  • The girl has a regular sex life. There is simply no point in taking them for a virgin.
  • The first menstruation was more than two years ago.
  • There are no problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Height - at least 1 meter 60 cm.

In addition, their cost is quite affordable; you won’t need to look for cheaper analogues.

Combined contraceptives

As mentioned above, combined combinations are best suited for teenagers and nulliparous girls. contraceptives, since they are able to produce the desired effect.

Combination drugs contain both estradiol and progesterone. These are the two hormones under the influence of which everything happens. important events in the body of every woman. True, they are not contained there in kind, but artificially produced, but this does not reduce the effectiveness.

Classify combination drugs can be done as follows:

  • Monophasic. These drugs contain the number of tablets that a woman needs to daily intake within a month. But you can also purchase a slightly larger package, for about three months. It will cost less (in terms of a month of use), and it will be convenient not to constantly run to the pharmacy. These include: “Novinet”, “Regulon”, “Mersilon”.
  • Two-phase. These drugs are intended to be taken throughout menstrual cycle. Their main feature(compared to monophasic) is that there are tablets for a certain phase of the cycle. For example, blue and pink. It is very comfortable. This includes "Antevion".
  • Three-phase. There are few bad reviews about this group from both doctors and patients. And all because the tablets are strictly designed for the days of the cycle. They contain a certain amount of hormones that can significantly improve a girl’s life. But with a lot of advantages, they are recommended most of all for women over 35 years old.
  • Mini-drinks. Such drugs are allowed to be used even by nursing mothers. As for the advantages, the risk of getting pregnant with them is reduced significantly, and the list of contraindications is minimal. This includes such products as “Charetta”, “Escluton”.

New generation of drugs

Every year scientists develop a lot of new medicines, and, of course, contraceptives for girls were not left out of attention. Now you can choose contraceptives with minimal hormone content, which is very good, especially for a girl who has not yet given birth.

New generation contraceptives are actually known to everyone oral agents and mini-pills, the principle of action of which was described above.

To avoid misunderstandings, you need to visit a specialist. He will be able to determine exactly how effective they are and whether the drug needs to be changed.

New generation products have been significantly improved. So, they:

  • Good for the skin.
  • Increase libido.
  • Help restore the menstrual cycle if it is disrupted.
  • Prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The drugs have a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, which include: high probability development serious illnesses. It must be said right away that although the instructions state possible diseases, they can develop only if this weakness in organism.


Most representatives of the fair half of humanity are interested in the question of how effective contraceptives are.

Contraceptives for girls are a subject of dispute among many doctors, because “there are so many opinions, so many people,” and some follow scientific news and try to take advantage of medical advances, while others dissuade girls from taking them, arguing this moment possible development complications and a further decrease in the ability to give birth to a child.

And although the researchers created a special list of drugs, each girl individually selects with her doctor which best contraceptives just for her.

When is the best time to stop taking it?

Contraceptives for girls must be stopped in several cases:

  • If obvious side effects, and this is not just a daub. Some girls even faint because the hormones are having the wrong effect.
  • If there is bleeding. And although many attribute it to the side effects of taking it, sometimes it can be caused by a miscarriage when incorrect reception drug. So, for example, if you miss one pill and have unprotected sexual intercourse that day, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly.
  • Young girls need to remember that their health is in their hands. And under no circumstances should you follow men’s lead and take birth control pills just because it’s inconvenient to use a condom. A preliminary consultation with a gynecologist is required!

Oral contraceptives (OCs or birth control pills) are available by prescription and contain combinations of estrogen and progestin, or progestin alone.

Most women use combinations hormonal pills. Women who experience severe headaches or high blood pressure due to estrogen, in the form combination tablets can take progestin tablets.

Birth control pills are the most popular method of contraception and are used by millions of women.
Birth control pills work like this:

Prevents ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. If the egg is not released, fertilization by sperm cannot occur;
- prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus, maintaining cervical mucus thick and sticky.

When a woman stops taking the pill, she usually regains fertility within 3-6 months.

Hormones used in birth control pills

Most pills contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone in a synthetic form (progestin). The estrogen compound used in most oral contraceptive (OC) combinations is estradiol. There are many different progestins, but common types include: levonorgestrol, drospirenone, norgestrol, norethindrone, and desogestrel.

These hormones may cause side effects, especially during the first 2-3 months of starting to use them. Common side effects of oral contraceptives include:

Bleeding during the first few months;
- nausea and vomiting;
- headaches (in women with a history of migraine);
- soreness and tightness of the breast;
- irregular bleeding or bleeding between periods;
- weight gain (this is not related to oral contraceptives).

Low-dose monophasic oral (oral) contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives are aimed at blocking ovulation. These OCs contain a combination of estradiol and a progestin, levonorgestrel. They are divided into monophasic (the level of hormonal substances in the tablets remains unchanged throughout the entire intake) or triphasic (the tablets contain three combinations of hormones that change during the menstrual cycle).

Low-dose monophasic OCs are such as: Seasonal, Sisonik, Librel, Yarina.

Mini-pills are birth control pills that contain the hormone progestogen, similar to the natural hormone progesterone produced by a woman's ovaries. Progestogen-only pills contain only one ingredient and are different from the more common combination birth control pills, which contain progestogen and estrogen.

Below is a list of contraceptives taking into account age, whether the woman has given birth or not, and whether she suffers from any hormonal or other disorders of the body.

Microdosed birth control pills.They are suitable for young people nulliparous women leading regular sex life. Drugs in this group are easily tolerated and have minimal side effects. Great for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives. And also contraception for mature women over 35 years of age (up to the onset of menopause).




Nomegestrol acetate 2.50 mg;
Estradiol hemihydrate 1.55 mg.

A new monophasic drug containing hormones similar to natural ones.


Estradiol valerate 2 mg;
Dienogest 3 mg.

New three-phase drug. Maximum natural fit hormonal levels women.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.

Jess Plus

Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg;
calcium levomefolate 451 mcg.

New monophasic drug + vitamins (folates). Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.

Monophasic drug. Similar to Jess.

Miniziston 20 fem

Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
levonorgestrel 100 mcg.

New monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.

Monophasic drug.

Low-dose birth control pills. Recommended for young, nulliparous women who have regular sex life (if microdosed drugs are not suitable - availability bloody discharge on the days of taking active tablets after the end of the period of adaptation to the drug). As well as contraception for women who have given birth, or women of late reproductive age.




Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.

Monophasic drug latest generation. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.

Yarina Plus

Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg;
calcium levomefolate - 451 mcg.

A monophasic drug of the latest generation containing vitamins (folates). Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
drospirenone 3 mg.

New monophasic drug. Analogous to Yarina.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 125 mcg.

Three-phase drug of the latest generation.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
gestodene 75 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
norgestimate 250 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.

Monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
dienogest 2 mg.

New monophasic drug. Analogous to Janine.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 125 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
desogestrel 150 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 150 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
levonorgestrel 150 mcg.

Monophasic drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg;
chlormadinone acetate 2 mg.

New monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.


Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.

Monophasic drug with anti-androgenic (cosmetic) effect.


Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.

Monophasic drug. Analogous to Diana-35.


Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
cyproterone acetate 2 mg.

New monophasic drug. Analogous to Diana-35.


Ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg;
ethynodiol diacetate 1 mg.

Monophasic drug.

High-dose oral contraceptives. These drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor to treat various hormonal diseases, as well as for contraception during the treatment of hormonal disorders.




Ethinyl estradiol 40 mcg;
levonorgestrel 75 mcg.

Therapeutic three-phase drug. The package contains tablets for three menstrual cycles.


Ethinyl estradiol 40 mcg;
levonorgestrel 75 mcg.

Therapeutic three-phase drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 40 mcg;
levonorgestrel 75 mcg.

Therapeutic three-phase drug.


Ethinyl estradiol 50 mcg;
levonorgestrel 250 mcg.

Therapeutic monophasic drug.


Estradiol 50 mcg;
norethisterone acetate 1 mg.

Therapeutic monophasic drug

- “Mini-pill” or progestin contraceptives. Recommended for women during breastfeeding, as well as for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life, in case of contraindications to the use of estrogens.




Desogestrel 75 mcg.

Monophasic drug of the latest generation. Especially for nursing mothers.


Desogestrel 75 mcg.

New monophasic drug.


Linestrenol 500 mcg.

Monophasic drug of the latest generation.


Levonorgestrel 30 mcg.

Monophasic drug.

Advantages and disadvantages of birth control pills

Benefits of oral contraceptives. In addition to preventing pregnancy, oral contraceptives may also have the following benefits:

Managing heavy menstrual bleeding and cramps, which are often symptoms of uterine fibroids and endometriosis (Natasia);
- prevention iron deficiency anemia caused by heavy bleeding;
- decrease pelvic pain caused by endometriosis;
- protection against ovarian and endometrial cancer with long-term use (more than 3 years);
- reduction of symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Disadvantages and serious risks of oral contraceptives

Combinations of birth control pills may increase the risk of developing or worsening some serious medical conditions. The risks depend partly on the woman's medical history. Some of the main risks associated with the combination of birth control pills are deep vein thrombosis, heart attack and stroke.

Smoker for more than 35 years;
- have uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
- have a history of heart disease, stroke, thrombosis, or risk factors for heart disease (unhealthy cholesterol levels, obesity);
- have migraines with aura.

Serious risks of birth control pills may include:

- venous thromboembolism (VTE)

All combinations of estrogen and progestin - birth control products - carry a risk of blood clots in the veins (venous thromboembolism), which can lead to blood clots in the arteries of the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or lungs (pulmonary embolism). Birth control pills containing drospirenone (Yazev and Beyaz) may increase the risk of blood clots much more than other types of birth control. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that women not use combination drugs due to the risk of VTE. hormonal contraceptives within 21-42 days after birth;

- Hormones and pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalances often lead to complications, the first of which is cycle failure. Due to this phenomenon, women who want to have children may encounter difficulties conceiving and more severe complications once pregnancy occurs. Planning pregnancy with an unstable ovulatory phase and hormone imbalance should be carefully monitored and healthy image life, eat right and monitor the level of sex hormones. The Time Factor complex helps maintain the natural ratio of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Biologically active substances as part of the complex will help not only alleviate symptoms premenstrual syndrome, but also normalize the cycle, and, accordingly, make it possible to designate days suitable for conception.

- heart and blood circulation.

Combination birth control pills contain estrogen, which may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, and blood clots in some women;

- risks of developing cancer.

Several studies have found an association between an increased risk of cervical cancer and long-term (more than 5 years) use. oral contraception. Latest Research show that OC does not significantly increase the risk of breast cancer;

- liver problems.

IN in rare cases oral contraceptives have been associated in studies with liver tumors, gallstones, or hepatitis (jaundice). Women with a history of any liver disease should consider other methods of contraception;

- interactions with other medications.

Some types of medications may interact with each other, reducing effectiveness oral contraceptives. These drugs include anticonvulsants, antibiotics, antifungals and antiretroviral drugs. The herbal remedy St. John's wort may interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills. The patient should ensure that their doctor knows all medications, vitamins or herbal supplements he or she is taking;

- HIV and STDs.

Birth control pills do not protect against any venereal diseases(STDs), including HIV. Unless a woman is in a monogamous relationship with a completely uninfected partner, she should ensure that a condom is used during intercourse - regardless of whether she is taking oral contraceptives.

Genetic disorders when taking oral contraceptives

“Genetic disorders” refer to any physical or mental pathology that can be inherited from parents. There are congenital diseases. Some genetic disorders They do not appear at birth, but develop as a person grows and signs and symptoms appear. The pathology may remain unrecognized until a person reaches puberty or adulthood.

Complex genetic analysis genes of blood coagulation factors II and V to identify the risk of thromboembolic complications while taking hormonal oral contraceptives (OCs) will make it possible to take the right decision about safer methods of contraception and family planning.

Most serious complication when taking OCs of a hormonal nature - their effect on the hemostatic system. The estrogenic component of combined OCs activates the blood coagulation system, which increases the likelihood of thrombosis - first of all, coronary and cerebral, then thromboembolism.

In women using combined OCs, the risk of venous thromboembolic complications is low, but it is higher than in those who do not use these OCs. The risk level increases with age, overweight bodies, surgical intervention and thrombophilia.

In most cases genetic factors The risk of developing thromboembolic complications is mutations in the genes of blood coagulation factors II and V. The likelihood of developing thrombosis, associated with a genetic predisposition, seriously increases when they are combined with other genetic defects.

The mutation of factor V and the use of hormonal contraceptives mutually affect the blood coagulation system, and this, when combined, significantly increases the risk venous thrombosis. This risk while taking OCs in women who are carriers of the Leiden mutation is 6-9 times higher than in women with normal factor V, and more than 30 times higher compared to those who do not take OK.

With a mutation in the prothrombin gene (F2), its level increases and can be 1.5-2 times higher than normal, which leads to increased blood clotting. A pathologically altered genotype is an indicator of the risk of developing thrombosis and myocardial infarction. When mutations in the F2 and F5 genes are combined, the risk of developing thromboembolic complications while taking hormonal contraceptives increases significantly. In this regard, a number of experts consider screening for the presence of the Leiden mutation and prothrombin gene mutation necessary for all women who take hormonal contraceptives (or those who are planning to take them).

TO contraception include means and medications that can prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. Besides, contraception, in particular, hormonal drugs, are successfully used in the prevention and treatment of conditions such as hirsutism ( overgrowth hair), menorrhagia (heavy and prolonged menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). And the use barrier agents(condoms, vaginal caps, spermicides) also serves as a prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Types of contraceptives

All contraceptives can be divided into several groups:
  • hormonal agents;
  • contraceptive coils;
  • contraceptives with spermicidal effect;
  • barrier agents;
  • natural methods.
The most effective of them are hormonal contraceptives.

Newest contraceptives

To the most modern forms release of contraceptives can include a contraceptive ring, hormonal patch, hormonal injections and implants. The use of these means is characterized by long-term contraception and its high effectiveness. New generation oral contraceptives contain minimum doses hormones, which made it possible to reduce the list of their contraindications and reduce the number of adverse reactions.

Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are products that contain sex hormones - estrogens and gestagen. Exist various shapes release of hormonal drugs: birth control pills, vaginal rings, contraceptive patches, implants and injections, as well as the hormonal intrauterine system.

It is very important to consult a doctor before using hormonal drugs, since there are many serious contraindications for their use.

The action of hormonal contraceptives is based on the suppression of ovulation and thickening of the mucous secretion secreted by the cervix. Thick mucus prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity, and the supply of sex hormones from the outside prevents the production of its own sex hormones, due to which the egg does not mature.

Birth control pills can be divided into 2 groups:
1. Combined oral contraceptives. Contains 2 hormones: estrogen and gestagen.
2. Mini-pills contain only gestagen.

Combined oral contraceptives, depending on the composition, are divided into monophasic and triphasic. In monophasic contraceptives (Regulon, Marvelon, Jess, Janine, Logest, Novinet, Rigevidon, etc.) all tablets contain the same number hormones. Triphasic contraceptives (Tri-Mercy, Triquilar, Tri-Regol) contain different amounts of hormones.

Three-phase drugs are used less frequently. They are less well tolerated, despite the fact that their composition imitates changes in the content of sex hormones in women’s bodies during the menstrual cycle. Depending on the dose of the estrogen hormone, there are high-, low- and micro-dose combined oral contraceptives in the drug. Currently, low- and micro-dose tablets are more often prescribed. It is necessary to take oral contraceptives every day, at the same time.

Combined oral contraceptives should not be taken under the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • liver diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe headaches, migraines;
  • excess body weight;

  • age over 35 years;
  • malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and mammary glands;
  • increased level cholesterol;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • age over 40 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.
Mini-pill(Exluton, Charozetta, Micronor, Microlut, Ovret) - drugs containing only one hormone - gestagen. Due to this, they can be prescribed in cases where it is undesirable to take combination drugs. For example, when breastfeeding, with concomitant diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, varicose veins veins, when smoking, and also over the age of 40 years. Also, mini-pills are contraindicated when malignant neoplasms breast, uterine bleeding, the cause of which is not clear, when taking anticonvulsants and anti-tuberculosis drugs, diseases and disorders of the liver, damage to the blood vessels of the brain and heart, during pregnancy. They must be taken every day at the same time.

Adverse reactions when using oral contraceptives may include irregular bleeding, fluid retention in the body and weight gain. Their severity and frequency depend on the dose of the hormone contained in the tablets.

Safe contraceptives used during lactation include:

  • Mini-pill– the composition contains only gestagens, which reduces the risk negative influence for duration breastfeeding, quantity and quality of breast milk. Breastfeeding women can take them 5-6 weeks after birth. The disadvantage is frequent occurrence intermenstrual bleeding is a sign of the body’s adaptation to the drug. Before using oral contraceptives, you should consult a doctor.
  • Injectable drug Depo-Provera, subcutaneous implant "Norplant" - also, due to their composition, do not affect lactation and are highly effective. They have a long period of contraception - 5 years for subcutaneous implant and 12 weeks for Depo-Provera. The disadvantages of the method are that they are prescribed and administered only by a doctor. Side effects are the same as for drugs containing only gestagens. In the first 2 weeks there is a need to use additional methods contraception.
  • Intrauterine devices– do not affect breastfeeding, are prescribed for up to 5 years and begin to act immediately after administration. Disadvantages of this method: possible discomfort lower abdomen during feeding, abundant and painful menstruation in the first months of use. They cannot be used if a woman has suffered inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages before or after pregnancy. Inserted and removed by a doctor.
  • Barrier methods of contraception(condom, diaphragm) - quite effective during lactation if the rules of use are followed. They do not affect the baby’s health, the quantity and composition of breast milk.
  • Spermicides– can also be used during breastfeeding, thanks to local action do not affect breast milk. Quite effective in correct use– can be used independently, without additional funds.

Contraception for women over 45 years of age

Perimenopause (or menopause) is the period in a woman’s life after 45-49 years. It consists of perimenopause - the transition to menopause, and two years after the last menstrual period.

Ages from 45 years and older are characterized by a gradual decline in ovarian function and a decrease in the ability to conceive. Despite this, the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy remains quite high, especially if regular menstrual cycles are maintained. Therefore, contraception is especially relevant during this period. Pregnancy at this age is accompanied by high risk complications such as miscarriage, gestosis, incorrect location of the placenta. Childbirth is more difficult and postpartum period, higher childhood morbidity and mortality. Also play an important role accompanying illnesses women - cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, liver, urinary system, most often of a chronic nature.

It is important to use contraception not only until menopause (when menstruation has completely stopped). It is recommended to continue taking it for 2 years if menopause occurred after 45 years, and for 1 year if menopause occurred after 50 years.

The choice of a contraceptive method at this age is quite difficult, and is carried out only in conjunction with a doctor. It is necessary to conduct an examination to identify possible contraindications for one method or another.

  • Barrier means(condoms) - safe to use, but quite often cause some inconvenience. Chemical spermicides are also widely used not only due to their contraceptive effect - they can reduce the phenomenon of vaginal dryness, which is important for perimenopausal women.
  • Intrauterine devices often contraindicated at this age due to large number diseases of the body and cervix. If there are no contraindications for use, preference should be given to hormone-producing coils (Mirena), since they not only have contraceptive, but also therapeutic effect– for menorrhagia ( uterine bleeding) reduce the volume of menstrual blood loss, promote prevention inflammatory diseases genital organs, reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.
  • Hormonal drugs– Progestin agents such as mini-pills, Depo-Provera, Norplant are used with advantage. They are not able to influence blood clotting, lipid metabolism, liver function. The use of combined oral contraceptives is quite limited. They are used only if the woman does not smoke (smoking is absolute contraindication to their prescription), and there are no other risk factors for the development of thrombosis and coronary heart disease. Preference is given to low-dose drugs, such as Logest, Mercilon.
  • Sterilization is the most reliable method of contraception, but it is rarely used because this method is quite invasive and involves surgery.
  • Emergency contraception at the age of 45 it is used extremely rarely, since the use large doses hormones causes strong adverse reactions.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Every woman should special attention Monitor your health starting from a very young age. This article will discuss what good birth control pills can be recommended for girls who have decided to take such an important step for the first time.

About hormonal drugs

First of all, I would like to say that birth control pills are one of the simplest, most convenient and effective ways female contraception. And if earlier concept“hormonal drugs” could cause horror in the eyes of the fair sex, then modern medications This direction has practically no side effects and does not harm the body at all. But this is only when doing the most important rule: Such contraceptives should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to negative irreversible consequences.

Types of birth control pills

When figuring out which good birth control pills are best to choose from the list of those offered, it must also be said that there are several main types:

  1. COCs, i.e. combined oral contraceptives. They are single-, two- and multi-phase.
  2. Mini-pills, that is, progestogen contraceptives. Contain small dose hormone, hence the name - minimal pills.
  3. Medicines intended for emergency contraception(not taken regularly).

Depending on the situation and need, a woman can be prescribed any of these types of contraceptives.


So, what are good birth control pills in this group of contraceptives? A doctor can prescribe these drugs to women who have virtually no health problems. After all, there are certain restrictions for taking COCs. They should not be prescribed if the lady has the following problems:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Hypertension or other heart disease.
  3. Liver diseases.
  4. Migraine.
  5. High possibility of blood clots.

In addition, such drugs are contraindicated for women over 35 years of age who actively smoke (taking COCs and smoking can lead to thrombosis, a most dangerous disease).

These drugs perfectly perform their main function: preventing pregnancy. This occurs by suppressing ovulation. In addition, COCs also have additional advantages:

  1. Helps cope with acne.
  2. Reduce hair growth on the body and face.
  3. Reduce menstrual pain.
  4. Even out the menstrual cycle.
  5. They prevent cancer of the ovaries, uterus, and ovarian cysts.

Action of COC

If a girl decides to take birth control pills, their effect on the body is what else needs to be talked about. So, the main task of these drugs is to block ovulation, that is, to prevent eggs from leaving the ovaries. This makes it impossible for them to be fertilized by sperm, and therefore become pregnant.

Rules for taking COCs

How to take birth control pills correctly? It is worth saying that these drugs can be mono- and multiphase. At the same time, the method of taking them will also differ. However, one thing must be said: you should not skip taking pills, because this may affect the contraceptive properties of the prescribed drug (in this case, you will need to use, for example, condoms during sexual intercourse). COCs are taken continuously for twenty-one days, then a break is taken for a week (in total this is 28 days, i.e. a woman’s ideal menstrual cycle). Your period will begin at this time.

Main representatives

What are the good birth control pills in this group of drugs?

  1. For young women who have an irregular sex life and have not yet given birth, it is best to use microdosed preparations. Among them we can highlight such products as “Jess”, “Novinet”, “Mersilon”. These are all monophasic drugs.
  2. If a girl has not given birth yet, but has an active, regular sex life, the doctor will most likely assign her the following drugs: “Yarina”, “Janine”, “Diane-35” or “Belluna-35”. These are low-dose monophasic drugs.
  3. Highly dosed medicines can be prescribed to those ladies for whom, in addition to contraception, these tablets must also regulate certain hormonal problems. Among such drugs may be Ovidon, Triziston, Tri-Regol.


Let's look further at which birth control pills are best for women to take. On next group attention should be paid to ladies who are representatives special categories. Such drugs can be prescribed to women with certain diseases, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. It is also good to take these birth control pills after 40 years, because they are most effective at that age. In addition, they are recommended for those women who smoke. Special group are young mothers. Mini-pills are especially effective during breastfeeding (you can safely start taking these pills immediately after birth). They are also recommended for ladies who are preparing for surgery (in such a situation, taking COCs is contraindicated). However, if you compare drugs in this group with combined oral contraceptives, the risk of getting pregnant is slightly higher. In addition, taking a mini-pill can cause the development of ovarian cysts or ectopic pregnancy. You should also pay special attention to this when choosing.


So, we looked at the mini-pill - birth control pills. Their effect on the woman’s body will be as follows: a change in the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity (increased viscosity of mucus). This will make it difficult for sperm to penetrate and make implantation of a fertilized egg almost impossible.

Methods of administration

What should be a competent reception? In this case, birth control pills should be taken continuously, even without stopping during menstruation. If one pill was missed and less than three hours have passed, you need to take it immediately. If it is more, you should use additional contraceptives for 7 days. As for spotting, when taking the mini-pill, menstruation may occur unplanned on any day of the cycle. This is one of the main inconveniences of taking these medications.


Which birth control pills are best to take from the mini-pill group? The doctor will most likely prescribe the following monophasic drugs: Charozetta, Microlut, Laktinet (designed specifically for nursing mothers) or Exluton.

Emergency contraception

There is another group of drugs for women who do not want to get pregnant. These are emergency contraceptive pills, which are not taken regularly, but only in case of unprotected sexual intercourse. These may be the following drugs:

  1. "Mifepristone."
  2. "Ulipristal acetate."
  3. Levonorgestrel.

These medications should be taken for 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Pregnancy does not occur in 60-90%.

Competent selection

How to choose the right birth control pills? Reviews from doctors indicate that they should only be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication often leads to irreversible serious consequences. Correct Principle selection of birth control pills for women:

  1. Consultation with a gynecologist.
  2. Consultation with a mammologist - breast examination.
  3. Smear for oncocytology.
  4. Blood chemistry.
  5. Pelvic ultrasound performed on the fifth to seventh day of the menstrual cycle.

In this case, the doctor will need to know the age, height and weight of the patient, as well as the presence of underlying diseases. The doctor will require the following information:

  1. Regularity of the cycle.
  2. Abortion or childbirth.
  3. Abundance of discharge.

All these nuances are needed to determine a woman’s phenotype, on the basis of which the use of certain oral contraceptives can also be prescribed.

About phenotypes

Can women take birth control pills if they are not prescribed by a doctor? Highly not recommended. However, when independently selecting such contraceptives, a woman can try to independently determine her phenotype:

  1. Estrogen type of women. These are short, very feminine ladies with big breasts, whose skin and hair are prone to dryness, discharge is abundant, menstruation itself lasts more than five days, the cycle is more than 28 days. The main symptom of PMS: nervousness. In this case, you can take the following drugs: Microgenon, Regividon.
  2. Balanced type. These are ladies of average height, feminine, with moderately developed breasts. Skin and hair are normal. The discharge is moderate, menstruation lasts five days, and the cycle is 28 days. PMS is practically absent. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs: Novinet, Regulon, Mercilon.
  3. Progesterone type. It's high skinny girls boyish type. The skin and hair are most often oily, and the discharge is scanty. Menstruation lasts less than five days, the cycle is less than 28 days. During PMS, ladies tend to depressive state. In this case, it is best to take such products as “Diane-35”, “Janine”, “Jess”, “Yarina”.

You can read the instructions on how to take birth control pills. As an option, ask the doctor himself to tell you about it.

What to pay attention to

Can I take birth control pills if a woman experiences certain side effects? It's best not to do this. At the following symptoms You should immediately stop taking the prescribed oral contraceptives:

  1. Skin itching or rash.
  2. Menstrual irregularities (unscheduled menstruation when taking COCs regularly).
  3. Visual and hearing impairments.
  4. Sudden changes in pressure.
  5. Suspicion of pregnancy.


If a woman is just starting to take oral contraceptives, she should understand that the body must get used to them. After all, although this is a small dose of the hormone, it is not planned by the body. Therefore, at first, minor side reactions are possible, which should not worry the lady too much. If they do not go away within three months from the start of taking the pills, you need to contact your doctor with a request to change the drug. If birth control pills are completely suitable for a woman, she should not feel any discomfort after taking them. Moreover, her quality of life will improve to a certain extent.



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