The healing properties of eggs. Chicken eggs: beneficial properties and contraindications

Chicken eggs are one of the simplest, most affordable and popular products on our tables. But not everyone knows that this product is unique in its composition, has a huge number of beneficial properties and can prevent many diseases. Therefore, chicken eggs are a desirable product in the diet of people who lead.

Description of chicken eggs:
Chickens (egg providers) are bred in almost every corner of our planet. People have been eating eggs for more than two thousand years. Chicken eggs have an oblong shape and consist of white, yolk and shell. Depending on the breed, weight, age, diet of chickens, eggs can be different sizes and colors. The color of an egg does not affect its nutritional and beneficial features. Both the white and the yolk are useful in eggs. Chicken egg shells also have beneficial properties and are very widely used in recipes. traditional medicine. In cooking, eggs are prepared both as independent dishes and as an ingredient for preparing a wide variety of dishes (salads, soups, baked goods, etc.).

Composition of chicken eggs:
The composition of chicken eggs includes 12 main ones:, H, group B (, B9) and others. In terms of content, egg yolk is second only to fish oil. Chicken eggs contain macro- and microelements such as phosphorus, sulfur, and others minerals. Eggs are rich necessary for the body human amino acids.

Calorie content of chicken eggs:
The calorie content of chicken eggs is about 150 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial properties of chicken eggs:

  • Eggs provide the body with essential minerals and help strengthen the immune system.
  • Chicken eggs have a beneficial effect on vision and protect against cataracts.
  • They help strengthen bone tissue, since the D contained in eggs helps in the absorption of calcium, which in turn is very necessary for the body to form a strong skeleton.
  • Eggs are also good for muscles because they contain protein, which is involved in building muscle tissue and is more effective than dairy and beef protein.
  • Chicken eggs have a positive effect on brain function, improve memory and mental abilities.
  • Helps improve mood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Eggs are useful for pregnant and lactating women, as well as women planning a pregnancy, as they contain folic acid(vitamin B9), which plays important role in the production of cells, helps the proper development of the child and protects the health of the woman.
  • In addition, eggs help improve sperm quality, so when planning a pregnancy, they should be included not only in women, but also in men.
  • Eggs are a necessary product in the diet of athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.
  • Chicken eggs have a positive effect on the condition of nails and nails.

Hazardous properties chicken eggs:

  • Chicken eggs can cause salmonellosis. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only after heat treatment. In addition, chicken eggs must be washed with warm water before cooking.
  • Some scientists, based on various studies, they say that chicken eggs help increase “bad” cholesterol. Others, on the contrary, deny this statement. What should we do, ordinary people? Science cannot yet give an exact and unambiguous answer. Therefore, when consuming chicken eggs, you must remember that everything is good in moderation, and do not abuse it great product. And also regularly use, ,

Essentially one of the simplest and most well-known products, chicken eggs are a treasure trove. useful substances, microelements and vitamins.

By eating at least one egg every day, you don’t have to worry about your immune system – your body will be alert and fresh, as it will certainly receive everything it needs.

Recent studies have also shown that content bad cholesterol in a chicken egg is only ¼, and a substance such as lecithin completely neutralizes all its harmful effects.

So what are the benefits of a chicken egg?

Among the advantages of this product are:

  1. one egg - replaces 100 grams of meat;
  2. rich in healthy and healthy protein;
  3. contains a large number of vitamins (A, D, E), as well as amino acids;
  4. Potassium, iron and, of course, calcium are essential components of a chicken egg.

This product also helps to raise normal level hemoglobin, will cure dry cough, prevent the formation of cataracts and support the immune system high level.

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

When talking about the benefits of laying bird eggs, it is worth mentioning not only chicken eggs, but also quail eggs. Of course, they are inferior in size, but in terms of benefits they are many times superior.

There are three to four times more nutrients, microelements, amino acids and vitamins in quail eggs than in their chicken counterparts.

Also, the product obtained from quail does not cause allergic reactions, which allows them to be added to the diet of very tiny children - from one year old.

By eating these eggs, you will avoid the risk of getting salmonellosis: quail has a body temperature two degrees higher than chicken, which does not allow harmful bacteria to survive.

It has long been known that if you drink one raw egg in the morning, your health will improve and your health will increase. immune defense body.

Treatment with raw chicken eggs It doesn’t end there - with the help of chicken yolk, ground with sugar, you can easily and happily cure an annoying dry cough (by consuming a teaspoon of this mixture three times a day, in just a few days you will get rid of the disease).

  1. A raw egg will help get rid of heartburn (drink only the protein on an empty stomach),
  2. For flatulence and frustration (drink the whole thing before breakfast),
  3. For headaches and migraines (a cocktail of eggs and warm milk),
  4. Even from burns - whipped egg white, spread on a sore spot, will reduce discomfort.

Due to their high calcium content, raw chicken eggs can be used not only internally, but also create nourishing masks for skin, nails and hair.


If you lubricate your hair with a lightly beaten egg, leave the mixture for a few minutes and rinse with warm water, then after just a few uses, it will become much stronger, grow better and shine with a natural, bright shine.

Let's give examples medicinal prescriptions from various ailments.

Recipe for egg treatment against burns

The easiest way to use an egg against burns is to beat it and immediately apply it to the affected area. This will help shorten the wound healing time.

  • If the pain is severe, apply the egg continuously, up to several hours, until it becomes easier.
  • To ensure that the white and yolk get on the skin, break the egg onto a cloth or towel and apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes.

Cleansing the body

From time to time, you can carry out a procedure to cleanse the body of toxins.

A mash of the following ingredients is suitable for this:

  • 6 chicken eggs,
  • 1.5 liters of milk,
  • 300 g honey.

Prepare the mash as follows:

  1. Pour the milk into a large container and leave to sour until it reaches the consistency of yogurt.
  2. Move it a little upper layer and pour in honey.
  3. Add 6 raw eggs directly in the shell (by the time the mash is ready, it will dissolve).
  4. Cover the container with a towel and leave to infuse in a warm place.
  5. When the eggs float to the surface, the mash can be considered ready. It smells like sour milk.
  6. Remove the top moldy layer from the mash. We pour the liquid into a jar, filtering it through several layers of gauze.
  7. Squeeze the resulting cottage cheese into another container covered with gauze.
  8. We catch eggs from the mash. We pierce them with a knife over the second jar of gauze and pour out the liquid protein. We send everything else to waste.
  9. Mix the liquid from the first container with cottage cheese and eggs from the second and take 50 g of the mixture every morning.

Recipe for heel spurs

Ointment with egg and vinegar is successfully used to relieve pain from heel spur. The remedy will not get rid of the problem once and for all, but it will help eliminate inflammation of the plantar ligament.

The ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Fill the egg with 70% vinegar essence. To cover the entire egg, you will need about 100 ml. Leave for 3 days for the shell to dissolve.
  2. Remove the film from the egg and pour the contents into the vinegar.
  3. Melt half the pack butter in a water bath and pour into the egg-vinegar mixture. Beat a little.
  4. Transfer the ointment into an opaque container and store in the refrigerator.

Apply the ointment to gauze and apply to the heel. You can put a sock on top for a tight fit. Such compresses should be done every night until improvement occurs.

Getting rid of colds on the lips with egg wash

From inner surface The shell needs to be separated from the film and applied with the sticky side to the lip. At first, you may experience discomfort and tingling sensations. This means that the film has begun to act. It is better to change it several times during the day, and also leave it overnight.

The greatest effect of the egg film can be achieved on early stage when dryness and tingling sensations first appeared, foreshadowing the imminent manifestation of the virus.

During flu and cold epidemics

If you are unlucky enough to get the flu, mix a fresh egg with 500ml of warmed milk. Add a teaspoon each of butter and honey. Mix well and take at night. By morning there should be relief.

Consigned to waste every day great amount eggshell. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about its long-term use in folk medicine. Let's talk about how to take this product correctly in order to benefit from it, and whether harm is possible from procedures with it.

Composition and properties of eggshells

Eggshells are a valuable source of an essential mineral, necessary for a person throughout life - it consists of 90% calcium carbonate.

A deficiency of this substance leads to the development of more than 150 diseases, including osteoporosis, rickets, caries and arthritis. The remaining 10% comes from other micro- and macroelements: fluorine, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc - a total of 27 types, including rare ones (molybdenum and silicon). Even children from six months of age can replenish calcium reserves with eggshell powder. In the fight against allergies, the product acts as an absorbent, reducing the body's sensitivity. The shell eliminates the symptoms of heartburn and alleviates diarrhea. Calcium water prepared from the product helps alkalize the body. Consumption of shells by older people and women during menopause helps prevent osteoporosis. Thanks to high content

The hyaluronic acid product is used in face masks to help combat the appearance of wrinkles. Zinc contained in the empty shell of eggs fights acne and its consequences, disinfecting and whitening the skin. A scrub based on shell powder will be useful for the body. Egg film (shell membrane) also found its use in folk medicine. It is rich in calcium and magnesium, as well as protein beneficial to the body, which allows it to be used to treat joints in pharmaceutical industry . Moreover, having bactericidal effect

, the film promotes rapid regeneration of damaged skin.

Don't throw away empty egg shells, depriving yourself of a valuable source of calcium.

Methods of using eggshells in folk medicine

Proper preparation of powder It is worth noting that we are talking about the shell of a chicken egg. It is not recommended to use the product from other birds (ducks or geese) due to high risk Salmonella infection. Quail eggs there is no risk of infection, but practical cooking

It is best to use shells from the eggs of country birds, in this case you can be sure that it does not contain unnecessary chemical impurities that may be found in a store-bought product.

The color of the shell does not matter, since it is associated only with the color of the laying hen, which does not affect its chemical composition.

  1. The powder preparation algorithm is as follows:
  2. The egg is washed twice with soap and a brush in hot water.
  3. They break it, remove the contents and rinse the shells again (at this moment it is most convenient to remove the film).
  4. Boil the raw materials for 5 minutes in water and dry at room temperature.
  5. Grind the shells using a coffee grinder to a powder. Store the product in glass jar

with a tight lid, avoiding light.

There is an opinion that when it comes into contact with metal, some of the beneficial properties of the shell disappear. To preserve them, you should use a porcelain mortar and pestle or a hand mill when grinding the product. In this case, it is better to pre-heat the eggshells in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees until they become brittle.

Preparation of medicinal products

Reception for the prevention of calcium deficiency (including in the elderly), for rickets, and for tooth loss

  • In order to restore calcium reserves in the body, it is necessary to consume shell powder daily in a dosage that will depend on age:
  • for infants from six months to one year - a pinch (on the tip of a knife) once a day;
  • for children from one to two years old - a couple of pinches per day;
  • for children from two to seven - half a teaspoon per day;

Teenagers and adults are supposed to eat a teaspoon of powdered eggs, dividing the intake into two times. For better absorption you need to add a couple of drops of natural to the eggshell powder lemon juice . It converts calcium carbonate into the form of calcium citrate, thereby increasing penetration by 11 times important mineral

into the blood. Eggshells should be consumed before or during meals, not washed down. big amount

water. The course lasts 2–3 months; in case of serious deficiency, the use of the powder should be extended to 6 months. Eggshell infusion (or calcium water) is another option for normalizing calcium balance. The preparation method is simple: per liter of water you need to take 1 teaspoon of the crushed product and leave the composition for at least five hours, after which it should be strained. Drink healthy water

possible during the day until the deficiency is eliminated.

A restorative agent indicated for bone fractures to strengthen them.

For bone fractures, the body requires a dosage of calcium that exceeds the preventive norm. It is recommended to consume 3 teaspoons of powder three times a day, adding lemon juice or stirring powdered eggs in water. In the latter case, the solution must be drunk until sediment appears. The course of admission is 3–6 months.

Use to prevent osteoporosis (according to the method of Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin)

The intake of natural calcium should be divided into two times, the recommended daily dosage- a teaspoon of powder, slaked with lemon juice. You need to use the shell for at least a month, and repeat the course several times a year. To prevent the mineral from being washed out, Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin recommends limiting the consumption of strong tea, coffee, cocoa products and alcohol and introducing vitamin D into the diet.

Compress with kefir for reactive arthritis

Take warm kefir and eggshell powder in a 1:1 ratio, mix the ingredients until a paste is obtained, apply to a cloth and apply to the sore joint. To enhance the thermal effect, it is worth wrapping the problem area with a compress in plastic wrap and wrapping it in woolen cloth. The course of treatment lasts 5–7 days, after which a break is taken for the same amount of time and therapy is resumed.

It is most effective to apply a compress before going to bed to get maximum benefit from the procedure and avoid hypothermia of the joint.

Relieving allergies with slaked egg shells

A natural remedy suitable for relieving children, including those suffering from egg intolerance, from allergic manifestations. Giving the powder to a child is not difficult: kids love to watch the product hiss when adding lemon juice. The dosage is similar to the preventive norm; the duration of taking eggshells is about six months.

Ground shells for heartburn symptoms

To eliminate heartburn, you need to take half a teaspoon of ground shells and drink water. This method is suitable for people suffering increased acidity stomach. If it is normal or reduced, it is recommended to extinguish the same amount of powder with lemon juice or diluted apple cider vinegar by adding 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture. The drug is taken twice a day (before or after meals).

Composition with lemons for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Mix the juice of 10 lemons with the powder of 10 eggshells, keep everything in a dark place for at least a week, then strain. Chicken yolks in the amount of 10 pieces, beat with 80–90 g of sugar and place in a bottle of cognac, adding the lemon infusion prepared earlier. Such a multicomponent composition for the treatment bronchial asthma consumed three times a day before meals (half an hour before) 30 g before full recovery.

Skin restoration using egg film

The egg film is applied to the affected areas of the skin - sunny and thermal burns, splinters, cuts, boils, pimples - until completely dry. It is necessary to use the product several times until the problem disappears.

The egg film is easily removed from the inner surface of the shell

Home cosmetology recipes

Facial toner

By boiling egg shells in water for 12 hours, you can get precious hyaluronic acid- the more raw materials are added to the liquid, the greater the amount of this substance goes into the decoction. Strained water can be used independently (as a toner) or added to multi-component masks.

Hyaluronic applications for wrinkles

You need to make your own gauze masks for the face and neck area, having previously cut out holes for the lips and eyes, and then from time to time moisten one of the resulting napkins in a healing solution and place it on the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Applications can be used three times a week.

You should not avoid the area around the eyes and lips; on the contrary, it will be useful to nourish these areas with hyaluronic acid.

Mask with banana and dairy products for dry skin

A ripe banana is mashed with a fork and mixed with hyaluronic water, cream and rich sour cream. Proportions of products are measured in tablespoons in the ratio 1:1.5:1.5. After this, half a glass of starch is added to the composition and the product is divided into equal parts: half a tablespoon of shell powder is added to the first, the second remains unchanged. A mask with eggshells is applied to a cleansed and moisturized face. When the layer dries, apply the second part of the composition (it is advisable to cover the skin with gauze during the procedure). The period of action of the product is half an hour, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week. This mask can be removed with water and a cotton swab.

Acne (and skin whitening) mixture

Eggshell powder is mixed with liquid honey in a 1:2 ratio. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and the juice of one lemon. The resulting paste will need to be applied to the face and covered with gauze. You need to leave the mask on for a little less than a quarter of an hour. As it dries, you need to periodically moisten the gauze with the mixture. The composition is washed off warm water. The frequency of use of this product is 2–3 times a week.

Multi-component body scrub

A body scrub can be made from eggshells with the addition of flour.

To prepare the scrub, the shells are ground in a coffee grinder. You should take one tablespoon of the following ingredients: egg shell powder, honey, flour (preferably rice), water and lemon juice. All components are mixed and applied to the body skin as a scrub once a week.

It is not recommended to use this product for facial skin due to the presence of rough abrasive particles powder.

Shell with fish oil to strengthen hair and nails

For this purpose, you can consume eggshells in a prophylactic dosage, adding two capsules of fish oil per day. The recommended duration of the course is 30 days, it should be repeated twice a year.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the apparent safety natural product, eggshells cannot be used internally:

  • with excess calcium in the body (hypercalcemia);
  • at acute manifestations gastritis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, intestinal obstruction;
  • for arrhythmia;
  • infants up to six months.

The shells of large fractions should be chewed thoroughly to avoid injury to the stomach and esophagus from sharp edges. When used externally, avoid using coarse grinds to prevent skin cuts.

Egg - very common nutritious product in many countries, which is due to its almost complete absorption by the body (up to 98%) without any slag waste in the digestive organs.

Chicken eggs are most often consumed today, due to their greater availability. The color of the eggs depends on the feather coloring of the birds: for white birds they are white, for multi-colored ones (gray, dark, brown) - with brown shades. However, their the nutritional value exactly the same. The color of the yolk is determined by the diet (in particular, the dyes of herbs and their flowers eaten by chickens).

The size of eggs is directly dependent on the breed, age and weight parameters of laying hens. For example, young chickens lay small eggs. The size of the product is also influenced by stress factors: temperature fluctuations, spatial restrictions, diet, etc.

Composition and benefits of chicken eggs

The yolk is a storehouse of vitamin D, which is extremely necessary for the organic absorption of calcium, which forms and strengthens bone tissue. Moreover, the amount of vitamin D is greater only in fish oil. As is known, this vitamin is independently formed in the body only when exposed to sunlight.

The yolk contains quite a lot of iron, which prevents the emergence and progression of cardiovascular and cancer diseases. This element, together with the presence of vitamin E, simultaneously helps relieve fatigue, improve mood and performance.

There is also lecithin, which has anti-sclerotic properties, nourishes the brain, improves memory, removes plaque from blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the liver and bile ducts. Helps normal operation brain and egg niacin, dilating small cerebral vessels and promoting proper blood microcirculation. In addition to the above, niacin is involved in the production of sex hormones.

Yolk lutein helps eliminate visual problems, namely, forms protection optic nerves, fights the appearance of cataracts, saves the eyes from dangerous atmospheric influences.

A substance called choline, present in the yolk, reduces (up to 25%) the possibility of cancer formations in the mammary glands, as a result of which oncologists advise women to eat up to 3 eggs a day for preventive purposes. At the same time, choline helps cleanse the liver of poisons.

Folic acid in eggs is essential for expectant mothers to give birth to healthy children (without any defects). It also (according to the conclusion of scientists from the University of California) increases functionality sperm.

In addition to the above, the yolk is a rich storehouse fatty acids. These are linoleic, linolenic, palmitoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, myristic, nicotinic acids.

Chicken eggs contain a complete set of vitamins and elements for human body. These are potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, copper. Chlorine, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, cobalt, iodine, boron, and fluorine are also present. The vitamin collection consists of A, E, D, C, the entire group B, PP, H, K and others.

27 microelements were found in the shell (hardly any product could have more). Here are iron, silicon, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum and others. However, most of all it contains calcium (2 g per piece), which is so necessary for the skeletal system.

Scientists at the University of Louisiana concluded: daily use for breakfast two boiled eggs quickly removes excess weight. This was practically confirmed: women who ate according to this method lost weight much faster. According to scientists, the egg is rich in proteins and calories (in 100 g of boiled product - about 160 kcal), providing rapid nutritional saturation of a person, quickly dulling the feeling of hunger and eliminating the need to eat a lot of food.

However, eggs reduce good cholesterol, simultaneously increasing the “bad” one, which contributes to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. The indicated disadvantage eliminated by dietary intake of antioxidants. Berries are rich in them: cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, blackberries, cherries. They contain a lot of them legumes and vegetables: cabbage, beets, spinach, onions, red peppers.

Danger of eggs

Despite the great benefits of the product, it is still impossible to abuse it, since excess protein harms the kidneys, disrupting blood circulation in them.

One of the most dangerous microbes found in eggs is salmonella. He lives quietly in the egg and chicken. However, once it enters the human body, where the conditions for its development are ideal, it immediately progresses, infecting the blood, inflaming the intestines, and often causing typhus. This danger is killing heat treatment product.

Before cooking, the egg must be cleaned with water to remove various pests and dirt. Wash it in warm water(up to 50°). This washing creates internal pressure, preventing the internal penetration of dirty particles and bacteria. Cold water may have the opposite effect.

Doctors advise washing them first with soap, then boiling them for at least 10 minutes. You should forget about fried eggs, creamy whites, and eating the product raw in our time, because we need to think about health. Harvard medical scientists express their point of view that excessive consumption of eggs (more than 10 per week) due to the formation of fatty plaques in blood vessels provokes a quarter of male mortality.

The use of eggs in the treatment of diseases (in recipes)

  1. Ulcer of internal organs

Using this recipe, stomach and intestinal ulcers (primarily duodenal ulcers) are cured. You just need to drink one white of fresh chicken eggs before breakfast and dinner (half an hour before).

  1. Burns

For burns, use the yolk of a chicken egg. They lubricate the affected area, and the pain subsides, leaving only a red spot. If necessary, you can apply one layer to another. And burnt fingers are simply kept in the yolk until the pain subsides, and then, if necessary, they are bandaged.

  1. Laryngitis

Old laryngitis is treated quickly and simply. Beat one raw egg until foam forms, mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey, and drink before bed. The procedure is performed until complete recovery. The recipe is used for various colds.

  1. Tearing

To combat wind-induced tearing of the eyes, hard-boil a chicken egg. It should not crack during cooking. Then they beat it lightly so that the shell cracks a little, but does not peel off. Cut lengthwise into two halves. Carefully remove the yolk and fill the empty wells completely with sugar. The halves are connected. Then insert the egg into the glass with the narrow end down (it should not reach the bottom, as liquid will leak out). This liquid is dripped into the eyes for 18 days (a drop daily). Then they take a break for a month, and continue treatment again until the eyes stop watering. As a preventative measure, the procedure is done once a quarter.

The liquid should be kept cold, not allowing it to freeze. About 2 hours before dripping, take it out and keep it at room temperature.

  1. Dislocations, sprains

If pain occurs during a dislocation or sprain, make a compress from the white of a raw egg. Moisten a cloth with it and wrap the injured area, put polyethylene and something warm on top. This procedure is done at night, and by morning the pain usually subsides.

  1. Increase in hemoglobin

To increase hemoglobin, eat a raw egg without salt and 100 grams of grated carrots in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. After this, the hemoglobin level rises sharply.

  1. Chalazion

This sore - chronic inflammation eyelid (not to be confused with stye!). It presents as a bump somewhat smaller than a pea, surrounded by inflammation or redness that gradually disappears. However, the bulge itself remains. The disease manifests itself as redness and swelling of the eyelid. Pressing on it causes slight pain.

Wrap a hard-boiled egg in a scarf and apply it to the sore eyelid. When cooling, the scarf is unrolled in layers. Warming up lasts up to 15 minutes. This is done three times a day. Long-standing chalazion requires persistence. Sooner or later it will break through or resolve.

  1. Calcium for bones

IN eggshells– 2 g of calcium (its greatest absorption by the body occurs together with lemon acid). It is advisable for people over 40 years of age to use it in twenty-day courses twice a year. The eggs are washed with soap in warm water and rinsed. Remove the white and yolk, wash the shell separately and throw it into boiling water for 5 minutes. Shell boiled eggs has less activity, but can be used immediately in powdered form. Daily dose – up to 3 g (determined by age).

  1. Diabetes

Take a fresh egg (homemade if possible), wash it well and break it into a deep bowl. Separately, squeeze the juice of one lemon (after washing it first and pouring boiling water over it), strain. Then the juice is mixed with the egg, immediately whisking until smooth, and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Food use After taking the healing mixture, it is possible only an hour later. The course of admission is 3 days. This treatment always reduces sugar. The course should be repeated after a month. This treatment is carried out several times a year.

  1. Beginning cough

Hard boil 1-3 eggs, remove the yolks, and mix with an equal amount of honey. During the day, suck half a teaspoon of the mixture 4-6 times, like candy, and swallow. If you do not start the disease, you will get rid of the problem in 2 days.

Chicken eggs are a true storehouse of nutrients. A product that people began to consume one of the first. In ancient times these were the eggs of birds and turtles, in modern world They eat quail, goose, and duck, but preference is still given to chicken.

There are a great variety of egg dishes in cooking, however, they are especially appreciated when they are soft-boiled. But if we talk about eggs as food product, then their healing properties are described in traditional medicine recipes. Moreover, they can roll out the evil eye and damage to lime, as healers say.

IN unique product nature contains everything that is necessary for the human body:

  1. In first place is protein (11%) with a large amount of amino acids. Our body does not produce them, and this is precisely the source of replenishment.
  2. You will not find any fats or carbohydrates in the egg white; they are concentrated in the yolk.
  3. Vitamins A, E, K, D.
  4. Eggs are rich in folic acid, niacin and biotin. They contain many mineral elements in the form of phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese and cobalt. And the shell contains potassium and magnesium.
  5. Not long ago, enzymes were discovered that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant effects.
  6. The yolk contains: lecithin, which provides nutrition to the brain and dissolves cholesterol plaques in vessels. Choline, which improves memory. AND " good cholesterol", a significant proportion of which is used by the liver to create cells and bile. The established opinion that eggs are a storehouse of bad cholesterol has been refuted by science.
  7. The egg is healthy from the yolk to the shell, which contains only 90% calcium, which strengthens teeth and nails. With a deficiency of this microelement, rickets, osteoporosis, insomnia develop, irritability, and diseases of the heart and vascular system appear. Shell powder should be consumed by both older adults and young children.
  8. The product from chickens does not cause allergic reactions, only in in rare cases, and this only applies to the yolk.

Medicinal properties and indications for use

Since ancient times, healers have known about healing properties unique gift nature. They recommended eggs to patients with psoriasis, asthma, and stomach ulcers. Recommended as remedy for dandruff, brittle hair.

What are the benefits of eggs for the human body? In what he gets necessary substances For:

  • prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • preventing the development of tumors in the breast;
  • protection against cataracts and beneficial influence on the eyes;
  • building muscle tissue;
  • improving memory and increasing mental abilities;
  • cell production and proper development fetus in pregnant women;
  • for weight loss.

Chicken eggs have a calorie content per 100 g of product - 150 kcal.

Traditional medicine recipes

1. . You need to thoroughly grind 2 raw eggs with 100 g of pork lard and two heads of garlic. You need to rub your legs with this mixture (from your feet and up to your knees) for three days before going to bed.

2. Treatment of duodenum and. The drug is prepared from two egg whites, which are ground with 1.5 tablespoons of honey and 15 g of butter. Accepted healing mixture warm in the morning and on an empty stomach, after which you need to lie first on your right side, roll over onto your back, and then onto your left side. After two hours you can have breakfast; after six months, the ulcer should heal.

3. . On 2 raw protein Take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of sour cream (you can use cream) and grind everything. This ointment is applied to the area affected by the burn.

4. Purulent formation. Grind 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of salt with two raw chicken eggs. The medicinal cake is applied to the ulcers, which will open after a while.

5. Psoriasis. Prepare a mixture of 1 fresh protein, 30 ml fresh honey, 1 part baby cream and 5 parts grease and beat for 25 minutes. This ointment is rubbed into areas affected by psoriasis twice a day for two months.

6., calcium deficiency. Washed raw shell chicken eggs are peeled from the film and dried in natural conditions. Grind in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. 0.5 teaspoon of powder is poured with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice until it sizzles - take before meals once a day in the morning. You can drink it with water.

7. With a runny nose. Children use a hard-boiled egg to warm their sinuses.

Egg balm - a cure for diseases

  1. Fresh raw eggs Wash them in the shells and pour in lemon juice so that it covers them 3 centimeters higher.
  2. Seal and let it brew for two weeks.
  3. When the time is up, the shell will dissolve and the eggs will become soft, the contents will be in the film.
  4. The film is destroyed with a fork. Everything is thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass and filtered.
  5. Add 0.5 ml of honey and 250 ml of good cognac to the container with the egg mixture.
  6. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day forty minutes before meals or the same time after meals.

The product treats night cramps, insomnia, asthma and periodontal disease. Helps with heart diseases, restores musculoskeletal system, treats hair loss.

Ointment for problems with joints and cracked heels

Proceed in the same way as in the previous cases, only the eggs are filled with vinegar essence.

Then add 250 g - 300 g of butter or pork fat. Mix until it forms a paste. Rubbed into sore joints, arthritis, and cracked heels. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Egg rolling

This amazing gift of nature not only gives away everything that is useful for the human body, but also takes away everything that is bad. Traditional healers Since ancient times, it has been used to remove damage, the evil eye, fear, and cleanse energy on a subtle level.

The egg must be alive, that is, fertilized, and not previously stored in the refrigerator. It cannot be washed.

During the rolling out process, special verbal slander (affirmations) is used, then the egg is broken into a glass of water and the silhouettes that are obtained in the protein suspension are examined. These can be various hats, needles, threads, which healers interpret according to the canons, and then undertake further treatment and re-rolling out. If the protein sank evenly to the bottom, then there are no health problems.

The procedure is gentle and is used not only on adults, but also on children and pregnant women. Many note positive dynamics and beneficial effect after such a ceremony.

Chicken beauty recipes

1. If you have dry hair, take 2 teaspoons of burdock oil, 35 ml of honey for two yolks and grind to a thick sour cream consistency. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and washed off after 40 minutes. Perform this procedure once a week, and in two months dandruff will disappear, your hair will become healthy and will not fall out. This mask is also good for normal hair types.

2. Cream. For 1 yolk take 25 g of butter, a tablespoon of mashed rowan fruits, 1 tablespoon of honey. Everything is ground, and 15 ml of camphor alcohol is added to this mixture. For aging skin, the cream is applied to the face daily. It will restore lost freshness and smooth out even deep wrinkles.

About the Kapustin method

In the post-war years, chicken egg injections were used by Dr. Kapustin, who had previously tested them on himself. So he was cured of trophic ulcer, which turned his life into a real hell with pain and suffering. The pain stopped after the first injection. The doctor repeated the procedure a week later, and the wound began to heal, and after the third injection he was cured. Using this method of treatment, the village doctor put thousands of people on their feet, who are grateful to him to this day.

“I treat only those people for whom medicines no longer help,” he said, “for some patients it is given complete cure, for others this method makes the condition easier.

Today there are many opinions on this matter. Some people think the idea is nonsense. But when a person stands at the line between life and death, he does not have to choose, he uses every chance.

First of all, injections of the living egg substance save arms and legs that doctors might otherwise amputate. Also, after 4 procedures, bronchial asthma subsides.

The essence of the method. A fresh egg, still warm from under the chicken, is most powerful immunostimulant. The embryo, being in the shell, cannot receive anything from the outside, therefore it contains healthy information And powerful force. With injections, the patient is injected with a “living soul.”

Only a fresh, still warm egg is used for the procedure. It is immediately wrapped in a black cloth so that daylight does not destroy its beneficial properties. Then wash both hands and egg thoroughly with soap. The success of the injection and the further condition of the patient depend on the purity. Afterwards, everything is treated with alcohol, starting from hands and ending with tools and containers. The egg is broken and the contents are poured into a glass, stirred and pharmaceutical saline solution is added. The mixture should have a milky yellowish tint. It is drawn into a syringe and injected subcutaneously.

Attention! Such treatment is recommended to be carried out in a hospital and only under the supervision of specialists. Foreign protein can cause fever, allergic reaction And anaphylactic shock. And even sterility will not help here.

Cautions and contraindications

Eggs eaten as food are not combined with nuts, fruits, cereals, animal proteins, cottage cheese, vegetable oils. But if you make salads with them and add leaves medicinal plants: dandelion, plantain or nettle, then you get the real thing healing agent with vitamins and health.

Please remember that this product should be treated with caution and purchased only from trusted sources to avoid infectious diseases. Any treatment based on chicken eggs should be discussed with your doctor.



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