Can cats be given yolk? An egg for a kitten: to give or not to give, can a kitten have a shell? When can you give raw or boiled eggs to kittens?

An egg is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and easily digestible proteins. During the period of active growth of a kitten, a complete and balanced diet is especially important. When feeding your pet natural food, this product must be present in its diet. Is it possible to give a kitten a raw egg, and in what quantity should it be present in the animal’s menu? Let's find out the answers to the questions that concern the owners.

Egg in a kitten's diet

The diet of a kitten is different from that of an adult. At about one month of age, the baby can be weaned from mother's milk. Since it is impossible to feed a baby natural food and industrial feed at the same time, it is necessary to immediately decide on the animal’s type of nutrition.

High-quality ready-made food for kittens already contains nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and full development of furry babies. There is no need to provide additional eggs or other foods.

If natural nutrition is chosen, the diet should consist of the following foods:

  • boiled meat (chicken, lean beef, turkey);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini);
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt without additives).

Additionally, you can give the kitten a boiled egg. Egg yolk (you can’t feed the white) is given in its pure form, added to porridge or ground with milk or kefir.

In what form can you give eggs to a kitten?

You can give kittens both chicken and quail eggs. The latter are considered more useful because they contain less cholesterol, are more nutritious and are easier to digest by the body. Pregnant and lactating females should be given any eggs with caution, as they can negatively affect the offspring.

To avoid harm to the kittens, giving raw eggs is strictly prohibited! The raw product may contain salmonella. Kittens aged 1-2 months are especially susceptible to salmonellosis. This dangerous intestinal infection can be fatal.

Raw egg whites contain advidin, a substance that is dangerous for cats and leads to a lack of biotin. A deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in kittens in the form of skin lesions, exhaustion, nausea, and hypertension.

Raw quail eggs should also not be given to pets, as they may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases, to which young individuals are especially susceptible. You should not offer your kitten fried eggs; a large amount of fat will lead to digestive problems.

To be sure that the product will not harm the baby, it needs to be boiled for about 5 minutes. The quantity should also be limited - 1/4 of a chicken yolk or 1 whole quail, no more than 1-2 times a week.

The benefits and harms of eggs for kittens

Since cats are carnivores, their diet is based on meat products. But the kitten will not receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins from meat alone. The proteins contained in eggs are well absorbed by the animal's body. If you regularly feed your kitten an egg, it will remain cheerful and active, and its fur will acquire a healthy and shiny appearance.

Eggs are rich in calcium, a deficiency of which is dangerous for growing kittens. Calcium is necessary for bone development and tooth growth. The magnesium, iron, potassium, B vitamins and other elements contained in the food product are necessary for blood vessels and joints, the functioning of the nervous system and brain function.

In some cases, the product is dangerous for the kitten. It is best to give your baby homemade eggs, since factory eggs contain antibiotics and hormones that are dangerous to the health of the animal.

Egg yolk can cause food allergies in your pet, accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, rashes, diarrhea and vomiting. If any symptoms are detected, the suspected allergen should be excluded from the diet and the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.

Eggs are a valuable nutritious product, rich in vitamins, amino acids and easily digestible proteins. Of course, vodka with eggs for a cat with viral diseases, despite the attractive composition of this product (eggs, of course, not vodka), will not help your pet in any way. But adding an egg to the mustachioed gourmet’s diet is possible and even necessary. But in what form and how often should you give eggs to cats? Is it possible to treat a small kitten or a nursing mother? Are there any contraindications to feeding eggs?

The cat is a predator whose diet should consist mainly of animal proteins. However, feeding only meat will lead to indigestion or even chronic liver or kidney disease: the proteins in the diet should be varied and of high quality. By giving eggs to cats, the owner offers the pet another source of protein, along with meat and fish. The proteins contained in the egg are absorbed almost completely and do not harm a healthy cat.

Proteins are made up of individual "beads" called amino acids. Eggs contain a huge variety of amino acids, incl. essential - lysine, tryptophan, methionine, etc. Chicken or quail eggs for cats - a good mood, strong immunity, shiny coat, prevention of heart disease, prolongation of youth and active period of life, strengthening of the skeletal system and much more. Whole eggs are included in any professional food, since nutritionists have long known the role of amino acids in the nutrition of all warm-blooded animals.

In addition to proteins, eggs contain many minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The high content of phosphorus, sodium and potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium means healthy blood vessels and joints, strong bones, balance of hormones, acids and alkalis, healthy nerve cells and much more. But be sure to ask your veterinarian whether cats can be given eggs if they have an excess of one of the listed minerals in their bodies. The vitamins contained in one egg - B1, B2, B6, B12, A, PP - make up a third of the daily needs of an adult cat.

Read also: What to feed a Kuril Bobtail kitten - menu by age

Chicken VS quail

In recent years, quail eggs have been actively recommended to absolutely everyone, calling them almost a panacea for any disease. Of course, this is a myth - eggs alone cannot cope with the disease, no matter how much we are convinced of their benefits. Quail eggs are only slightly superior to chicken eggs in terms of nutritional value, but quail eggs are slightly healthier for cats than chicken eggs, as they are better and faster digestible. Of course, a homemade chicken egg will be more beneficial than a store-bought quail egg.

Attention! Both chicken and quail eggs can cause allergies and intolerances. Like chicken eggs, quail eggs can contain the causative agent of salmonellosis. All the stories about the elevated temperature of quails and their immunity to salmonella infection are a myth dangerous to health and life. Therefore, the answer to the question “Can a cat have a raw egg?” obvious - no, if you do not want to endanger your pet, yourself and your family.

How many eggs can you give a cat?

In everything you need to know when to stop, no matter how useful the product is. It is important to remember that the sources of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients should be varied, so there is no point in feeding your cat only eggs and expecting any balance. Can a cat eat eggs every day? Probably not, unless you add 1/5 of the egg to salads and other dishes. For an adult pet, it is enough to offer 1-2 eggs a week; if she loves it very much, up to 3 eggs a week, no more. For maturing and miniature cats, one egg per week is sufficient, preferably in two half-half doses. Small kittens are offered eggs after getting used to cottage cheese (first feeding, from 1-1.5 months) and meat (second feeding, from 1.5 months).

Read also: How to help a cat in the heat?

In what form are eggs healthier?

Just not alcohol, cognac or vodka with eggs - such “feeding” will certainly harm the cat! Eggs need to be cooked, and always without fat. Forget about fried eggs too - it’s harmful even for people. It is not advisable to offer your cat an egg in a bag, because... in a couple of minutes of cooking, the proteins will not have time to break down into amino acids (less useful), and the causative agents of salmonellosis will not die (to neutralize salmonella, you need to boil the egg for at least 4 minutes).

Don't rush to throw away eggshells. Finely ground shells are a valuable source of minerals. A little powder (literally on the tip of a knife) is added to any dish 1-3 times a week. Contraindicated in cases of predisposition to urolithiasis and elevated calcium levels.

A good option is to give boiled eggs to cats, either “pure” or mixed with cottage cheese, vegetable puree or meat. But it is best to prepare a steam omelet from eggs, without adding salt and fat. To make the omelette fluffy, add lukewarm milk to the eggs while beating. By the way, raw eggs are digested much worse, despite all the myths. Therefore, do not regret the small part of the beneficial substances destroyed during cooking. If you are still in doubt whether your cat can eat a raw egg, remember that raw protein binds and removes a number of vitamins from the body, which quickly leads to their deficiency even with proper feeding. Raw yolk is useful, but only from homemade fresh eggs.

Sometimes you can come across frivolous calls to give them daily, to avoid boiled eggs. Not only is this untrue, it is also unsafe for your cat. Let's find out whether it is possible to feed a cat eggs. Eggs are recommended for feeding cats, but in doses. Both raw and boiled eggs are useful for their nutrition, the main thing is not to overuse this product.

Is it possible to feed a cat eggs?

Eggs, both chicken and quail, contain vitamins and protein. But quail eggs are much more nutritious than chicken eggs. Raw eggs are better digested not in combination with cereals or dairy products. It is enough to mix their yolks with cottage cheese, kefir (not milk, it is poorly digestible) or porridge and offer it to your cat no more than 1-2 times a week. Cat owners should be aware that there are strong recommendations not to use raw protein, as it often leads to skin diseases, allergies and destroys vitamin H, which contributes to vitamin deficiency.

And before choosing raw eggs over boiled ones, make sure you are sure of their quality, because toxoplasmosis and salmonellosis infections, dangerous for cats, can be transmitted by eating raw eggs. Be careful, the frequently found information that quail eggs cannot be contagious is just a myth.

Is everything in a boiled egg healthy, and how to introduce eggs into your diet?

Boiled protein is safe for animals. It is given along with the yolk. True, a boiled egg contains much less vitamins. If you are introducing eggs into the diet for the first time, carefully look to see if your cat has an allergic reaction. Sometimes your pet is capricious and refuses innovations. Try to “disguise” a sliced ​​or grated egg by mixing it with a familiar dish. Of course, you shouldn’t fry eggs if you’re picky; overcooked butter is an unwelcome guest in a cat’s bowl. Well, if your gourmet loves this product, show willpower and do not exceed the norm in the frequency of its use.

Remember that many cat nutrition experts advise not to introduce eggs to an animal that has been fed specialized food since birth, especially dry food, as this can have unpleasant consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.

If eggs are included in your pet's list of favorite foods, he will be able to boast of excellent appearance and well-being. And you can find the “golden mean” between safety and the presence of vitamins by preparing the so-called egg “in a bag”. And unwanted microorganisms will die, and vitamins will be preserved.

The health and lifespan of cats largely depends on the quality of their diet. This forces owners to think about what products to diversify the diet of their meowing pets in order to make it as healthy as possible. At the same time, purring owners often have a question: can cats be given eggs?? The recommendations from experienced veterinarians given in this article will help you find the correct and comprehensive answer.

Benefits of eggs

In order for a cat to be provided with all the nutrients necessary for its body, it is necessary to diversify its diet. Although purrs are predators, they should not be fed only meat, since constant consumption of animal proteins can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, chronic liver and kidney diseases in your charges. It is better to add eggs containing easily digestible proteins to your pet's diet. They will also serve as a source of valuable amino acids that will slow down the aging process and improve the condition of the skin and coat.

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium and others.

Thanks to this, their use will help strengthen the cats’ immune system and have a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory and cardiovascular systems. This is why high-quality cat foods contain eggs.

Many owners are interested in what a cat can eat: white or yolk. Quite often, purrs are fed only yolk to minimize the entry of avidin into their body. When boiled, this enzyme in the protein is destroyed, so it is recommended to give whole boiled eggs to cats.

Chicken or quail

Many owners are interested in Is it possible to give a cat quail eggs?? There is an opinion that such a product can cure animals of various ailments and significantly strengthen their immunity. In fact, quail eggs contain slightly more nutrients than chicken eggs. They also have the advantage of being easier to digest. But eggs alone, even if they are quail eggs, are unlikely to save your pet from various ailments. In addition, homemade chicken eggs are superior in the amount of nutrients to quail eggs offered in stores.

Is it possible to give cats raw eggs?

Another question that murka owners should deal with: Is it possible to give a cat a raw egg?? Due to the ever-present threat of your pet becoming infected with salmonellosis, it is better to abandon this idea once and for all. There is a particularly high risk of cats becoming infected with salmonella when consuming store-bought eggs. Pathogenic microorganisms can cause inflammation of the pancreas in animals and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The first symptoms of the disease are vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease develops in adult pets, the temperature rises and fever appears. In kittens, salmonellosis can manifest itself as the development of bronchopneumonia. If qualified assistance is not provided to animals in a timely manner, this can lead to their death.

Salmonellosis is a contagious disease, so an animal suffering from it can infect all the inhabitants of the house with it. It is also worth remembering that raw eggs contain avidin. This enzyme interferes with the absorption of biotin, as a result of which the animal’s appearance deteriorates. A cat that constantly eats raw eggs begins to look sickly.

It is not recommended to give raw quail eggs to cats. Many people mistakenly believe that such a product does not contain salmonella, since the body temperature of quails is higher, which is why pathogenic microorganisms die. This is a misconception. In the course of research conducted by specialists, Salmonella was identified in quail eggs.

How to cook eggs for cats

When asked whether it is possible to give cats boiled eggs, experienced veterinarians give a positive answer. But the product must be prepared correctly. Many owners, trying to preserve more nutrients in the egg, keep it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. This treatment is not enough to destroy salmonella, so the likelihood of illness in cats remains. It is necessary to keep the egg in boiling water for at least 4 minutes, which leads to the complete neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms, including E. coli, which can settle on the shell. Boiled eggs can be given to pets in their pure form, or mixed with porridge, cottage cheese and other products.

A good option would be a steamed omelet prepared for cats. To make it fluffy and soft, you need to add a little milk when beating the eggs. You should not add salt and other seasonings, as well as any fat, to the omelet. Experts categorically prohibit giving fried eggs to animals, since they are difficult to digest and can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

How often to give your cat eggs

No matter how useful the product is, in large doses it can harm the pet’s health. Chicken or quail eggs are no exception. It is not recommended to offer this product to your pet every day. Adult cats should be offered an egg no more than 3 times a week, and miniature animals should be offered a maximum of 1 time a week. Kittens can be given the product when they reach the age of 1.5 months.

Is it possible to give eggshells to cats?

Eggshells contain a whole range of useful minerals. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue in cats. But it can be given to pets only after consultation with a veterinarian. If the animal suffers from urolithiasis or is prone to it, it is better to refuse eggshells. Otherwise, your pet's condition may worsen.

Eggshells are offered to pets in a well-crushed form. It can be given no more than 3 times a week. A pinch of eggshell powder can be added to the animal's food.


You should be very careful when including eggs in your pet's diet. It is worth remembering that cats may have an individual intolerance to the product, which is manifested by vomiting or diarrhea after consuming it. Cats can be allergic to eggs. After consuming the product, pets may develop a rash, itching or swelling. In such cases, you should avoid eggs altogether.

Raw protein should not be offered to cats during pregnancy or nursing as it may harm the kittens. It is not recommended to give it to elderly or very small animals. Raw or boiled yolk should not be offered to animals suffering from phosphorus urolithiasis.

Before including eggs in your pet's diet, you should visit a veterinarian. He will conduct research, based on the results of which he will determine whether cats can be given chicken eggs or quail eggs. If liver, gall bladder or kidney diseases are detected, the product should be completely abandoned.

If you plan to give your chickens store-bought eggs, it is important to consider that chickens are often given antibiotics and hormones that increase egg production. Such substances are found in eggs. When they enter the body of cats, they can negatively affect their health: reduce the protective functions of the animal’s body and cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

How to train a cat to eat eggs

Many cats happily eat chicken or quail eggs offered to them. There are also pets who refuse the product, especially when encountering it for the first time. The fact is that eggs have no smell, and the cat may simply refuse such a treat. In this case, you can lightly poke your pet’s muzzle into the plate with the egg. By licking, the animal will appreciate the taste of the food offered, and perhaps it will like it. If the cat constantly refuses eggs, then they should be excluded from her diet.

Eggs are often given to cats as a food supplement. Is it possible to do this?

Cat lovers, breeders and veterinarians say that it is necessary to include them in the diet.

Only they differ in their opinions regarding whether to give raw or boiled, chicken or quail.

So can cats have eggs? Let's look into this issue.

Raw and cooked eggs contain avidin and biotin (vitamin H). Vitamin H improves the condition of the coat. The fur becomes smooth and shiny.

But opinions differ regarding the yolk or white.

Some believe that only the yolk should be given as food, since it does not contain avidin, which interferes with the absorption of vitamin E. Some also mix the yolk with a small amount of milk.

Others believe that the cat should be fed the whole egg. It is advisable to beat it well first.

There is no consensus on this matter.

If you choose raw eggs for your cat, then at least buy them from good farmers or friends.

They don't stuff animals with antibiotics and won't give them to you.

What is better for kitties: quail or chicken?

It is believed that quails do not contain the causative agent of salmonellosis, so they can also be given raw.

In composition, they contain more useful substances than chicken. True, this difference is insignificant.

However, nowadays there are infected quail testicles due to the addition of various chemicals and antibiotics to the feed.

Another advantage of quail eggs for cats is their small size. There will be no need to throw away the product if necessary.

What kind of eggs should you feed your kisulya: boiled or raw?

Not everything is clear here either.

In nature, cats eat only raw foods.

But pets are a different matter.

They are used to being close to you, they often eat foods unusual for their nature, and suffer from human diseases.

Some breeds are generally bred artificially.

For the safety of your cat's health, it is better to boil the eggs.

Raw ones may contain worms and various bacteria, for example, those that cause salmonella.

In this case, it is better to play it safe.

You can give a boiled egg either whole or finely chopped. The last option is preferable.

How many eggs should I give?

This issue is also the subject of constant debate.

Some people think that you should give only a quarter of an egg, others 2 eggs a week.

Most people lean towards one egg per week. Otherwise, your cat may develop an allergy.

How to train?

Some pets can't keep their hands off the eggs, while others turn their nose up at them.

The fact is that this product does not smell, so the cat cannot pay attention to the product. Lightly poke her muzzle into the testicle, show that it is safe.

If after this the animal refuses to eat, do not torture the cat.

If necessary, the egg can be mixed into raw minced meat or added to other foods.

When should you feed your cat this product?

The cat should be fed if it is not on ready-made food from a pet store. You can add yolk to milk as early as the kitten’s 24th birthday for growth and good coat.


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