Yellow discharge when taking duphaston. Why does a daub appear when taking duphaston

Medicine is developing every day, and for more than a year a woman has been able to take synthetic drugs replacing active substances produced by the body. After a series of grandiose discoveries in medicine, hormonal drugs that help female body work in the usual mode, even in cases where the performance of some organs leaves much to be desired. One of these drugs is Duphaston.

What is this drug

Duphaston is used as a substitute for the natural hormone progesterone. The drug is based on the substance dydrogesterone. The drug is not prescribed for every woman, just to improve well-being. Experts prescribe Duphaston to those representatives of the weaker sex who have a lack of progesterone. Lack of this natural hormone can cause serious harm to the body. because of not enough progesterone in a woman can begin problems with the course of the menstrual cycle.

Another reason why Duphaston is prescribed is pregnancy planning. If the function of the ovaries is impaired, then pregnancy will not occur. After a detailed examination, the doctor will not only prescribe the drug, but also indicate on which days of the cycle it should be taken. As a rule, in order to become pregnant, Duphaston is taken for several months.

There are other reasons for the appointment of Duphaston. This may be the diagnosis of endometriosis in a woman, an obvious premenstrual syndrome, as well as with heavy uterine bleeding and similar problems with health.

How does the drug affect menstruation?

Women who took Dufaston as prescribed by a doctor often complain that instead of menstruation, they only had brown discharge. Others complain that instead of a normal amount of blood discharge, they have a scant dark red daub.

Why is this happening? It is this reaction that should be expected from a hormonal drug. Under its influence, the body begins to function somewhat differently, which is reflected in menstruation.

If, instead of the expected volume of menstruation, a woman notices very meager discharge, is it necessary to worry about this? It is worth noting that you do not need to worry too much about this. In order for the second phase of the cycle to be successfully completed, a sufficient layer of the endometrium must form. Under the influence of a hormonal drug, this growth occurs. But sometimes the effect of medicines does not come immediately, so you do not need to panic right away, give the medicine time to accumulate in the body.

Joking with hormonal drugs is not worth it. In no case do not “prescribe” yourself the use of hormonal medications. Duphaston should be taken strictly according to the schedule and only in the dosage recommended by the doctor.

If you take it spontaneously or do it irregularly, the menstrual cycle may simply be out of balance. Restoring balance will be much more difficult than preventing it.

Behavior of the body after discontinuation of the drug

Menstruation may disappear altogether, and brown discharge will appear instead after a woman stops taking Duphaston. With what it can be connected? First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. To verify this or exclude this option, you should do a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

If conception has occurred, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist may advise you to continue taking Duphaston in order to minimize the risk of miscarriage. In the process of pregnancy, the drug will still have to be canceled, but this must be done carefully and gradually.

What if, after discontinuation of the drug, pregnancy did not occur, and instead of menstruation, there are still only slight brown discharges? The case may be in the state of the organs of the reproductive system.

To find out why, instead of the normal volume of discharge, only a daub appears, you should contact a gynecologist and be examined for hormone levels.

What conclusion can be drawn about the drug? Definitely, it will be very useful to the patient, to whom the doctor will prescribe this drug, taking into account the goal and the characteristics of the woman's body. If during treatment or after discontinuation of the drug, instead of menstruation, brown discharge began, as well as a dark red daub, then this may be normal reaction organism.

To understand why such changes occur, you should keep in touch with the gynecologist who prescribed the course of treatment with Duphaston. They cannot be treated on their own even after the cause of the problem has become clear to you. Treatment with Dufaston takes place only on the recommendation of a doctor and exclusively under his close supervision.

Progesterone - female hormone, which is synthesized by the ovaries (or rather the corpus luteum) during the onset of ovulation. It is he who ensures the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, as well as support for pregnancy, if it occurs. But in some women, this hormone is produced in very small quantities, as a result of which they experience infertility, systematic miscarriages, menstrual irregularities, etc. And to make up for the deficiency in the body of progesterone, doctors prescribe Duphaston. This drug has a minimal list of contraindications, but may lead to some side effects. So, for example, women often note in themselvesscanty periods after duphastonthat occur in different phases cycle. Whether they are the norm or indicate deviations, you will now find out.

General information

As mentioned above, progesterone is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries. When there is a lack of it in the body, the endometrium of the uterus suffers very much, which leads to the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

A deficiency of this hormone also affects the process of conceiving a child - pregnancy either does not occur at all, or frequent miscarriages occur. This happens because progesterone:

  • Thickens the endometrium of the uterus and makes it loose, making it much easier for a fertilized egg to attach to its walls.
  • Has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect on muscular musculature uterus when pregnancy occurs.
  • Strengthens the maternal instinct in women.
  • being prepared mammary glands for upcoming lactation.

Not only the processes described above depend on the level of this hormone in the body, but also the mood of a woman, since it also affects the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Therefore, with a deficiency of progesterone, a woman becomes irritable and prone to depression.

In addition, this hormone is responsible for the formation of the figure. When its concentration drops, the growth of hair on the body increases, facial features coarsen, etc. In other words, the figure begins to change from female type to the male.

When are they assigned?

AT medical practice Duphaston is used to treat the following conditions:

  • Infertility.
  • Systematic miscarriages.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Absence of menstruation for 2-3 months or more.
  • Periodic intermenstrual bleeding.
  • Painful and profuse menses.
  • Endometriosis.

Important! Endometriosis is dangerous pathology, as it can provoke the development of cancer of the uterine epithelium. It is characterized by the growth of organ cells beyond its limits and is manifested by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge Brown color outside of menstruation, etc.

This drug is available in tablets and contains the synthetic hormone progesterone. Unlike other hormonal drugs, drink duphaston needed only in the second phase of the cycle. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug are determined individually, depending on the initial level of progesterone in the woman's blood and her general condition health.

During the initial stages of treatment, women may experiencedaub after duphaston, which is considered normal when taking hormonal drugs. Its appearance is due to the body getting used to elevated level progesterone. But!

If observed during admissionduphaston scanty periodsfor several months, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the adaptation period ends during this time and the appearance given symptom indicates the presence pathological conditions, not related to taking the drug, or to a shift in the hormonal background as a result of a violation of the Duphaston regimen, which requires correction of the treatment.

It should be noted that women often receive complaints in the form of " started drinking pills and now it hurts stomach ". This is one of the side effects, and if you also began to notice abdominal pain while taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

Main reasons

Brown discharge while taking Duphastonat the initial stages of treatment are the norm. However, not all women experience them only in the first few months. Sometimes discharge while taking this drug can be observed for a long time, and in some cases, breakthrough bleeding is observed at all.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this. Most oftendaub when taking duphastonhappens when wrong reception drug and self-modification of its dosage.

Important! Any hormonal drugs, including this one, must be taken strictly at the same time, without missing a single dose! Increasing and decreasing the dosage without indications can provoke spotting outside of menstruation or the opening of bleeding, which will require mandatory hospitalization!

Some women drink hormonal drugs without consulting a doctor before, which is also impossible to do. After all, in order to pick correct dosage and avoid health problems from Duphaston , you need to know the initial level of progesterone in the blood.

provoke heavy periods after duphastoncan pathology of the ovaries, which lead to a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body. As a result of this, a shift in the hormonal background occurs, which gives such a reaction.

Moreover, in some women, due to hormonal imbalance, happening late ovulation. That is, the release of the egg occurs much later than 14 days after the start of a new menstrual cycle. And if you make an incorrect calculation of the onset of ovulation, there arespotting while taking Duphaston.

Often this drug is prescribed to women to maintain an already onset pregnancy. However, it is very rare there are bleeding or daub brownish colors. Most often, when taking Duphaston in pregnant women, there areyellow discharge or profuse white discharge , which is associated with changes in the microflora of the vagina and common work organs of the reproductive system.

Dark brown discharge during pregnancywhile taking Duphastonmay indicate placental abruption and high risks occurrence of spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, if a pregnant woman drinks the drug and notices that she has a spotting, she should immediately visit a doctor about this. In this case, dosage adjustment is required.Duphaston with brown discharge during pregnancy.

Bloody discharge when taking Duphaston during pregnancyoccur in two cases - with the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage or the attachment of a fetal egg not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy). And if menstruation first smeared, and after they stopped, this does not mean that the threat of miscarriage or further development ectopic pregnancy passed. You need to do an ultrasound.

Endometriosis can also cause lean spots.discharge with duphaston. Moreover, they occur instead of menstruation and this happens due to the strong growth of the endometrium, which prevents the normal exit of the contents of the uterus.

When taking Duphaston, brown discharge instead of menstruationmay begin due to a violation of the functionality of the organs of the endocrine system, for example, the pituitary gland.

As you can see, the reasons that can gobrown daub or heavy periods after taking Duphastona lot of. And to define exactly exact reason their occurrence, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass all the necessary tests.

How to avoid highlights?

To not openbleeding after duphaston and not brown discharge startedbefore you start drinking it, you need to consult a specialist and go through full examination which includes:

  • Blood donation to determine the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body.
  • Bakposev to identify the microflora of the vagina and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Since the drug is started a few weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to accurately determine when ovulation begins. To do this, for 1-2 weeks you need to measure the basal temperature in the intestine.

For this purpose it is better to use mercury thermometers than electronic, as they show the most accurate results. In the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, basal body temperature varies from 37.2 to 37.5 degrees. You need to measure it only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. All measurements must be recorded in a diary. And so that later there would be no complaints in the form of " I drink Duphaston , and I got a daub, "you need to take it exactly at the moment when it was noted sharp rise basal temperature.

Important! If a woman has been drinking the drug for several months and decides to quit it, you should first consult a doctor. Cancellation of hormonal drugs must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, otherwise bleeding may open.

Based on all this, it should be concluded that Duphaston is a drug that really helps fight infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. But its incorrectly selected dosage and violation of the regimen can only harm. Therefore, it must be taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations given by the doctor.

Such a disorder as discharge when taking duphaston often appears in the female during treatment with this drug. It is important to know in advance about the possibility of forming such adverse reaction. Medicine duphaston is a popular medicine and is widely used in gynecological practice. Specialists prescribe it to women before preparing for conception.

General position

It is also used to normalize pregnancy, because thanks to active ingredients substances restored sex hormone progesterone. At the first formation of secretions, some patients, without the knowledge of the doctor, stop taking the pills, while others do not pay attention, and consider this normal. Doctors inform the female gender in advance that if any deviations from the norm or unpleasant symptoms appear, then it is necessary to come for a consultation to find out the cause of the discharge.

Important! Any hormonal remedy should be taken at the same time, skipping the medication is not allowed. With an increase and decrease in the dose of the drug without the appointment of a specialist, spotting may form or open profuse bleeding, which will lead to unpleasant complications.

Characteristics of the disorder

When the drug is taken for a long time, a spotting discharge of blood from the vagina may form, and such a bloody discharge often resembles menstruation. Its only difference from menstruation is a slightly different shade. These symptoms are not related to allergies or side effect. Duphaston and discharge in this form of the disorder appear as a result of directed active action medication on the inner lining of the uterus. With this effect on the sexual organ, it is stimulated initial stage updates in the system and preparation for pregnancy.

Such processes provoke the formation of bleeding, but are not menstruation. This is due to the emergence of a response from the body to the influence medicinal substance. Recovery of the uterus takes a long time, usually for full recovery It takes at least 30 days, and sometimes more. Typically, this depends on individual characteristics organism.

The use of duphaston and the formation of secretions

When discharge occurs when taking duphaston, then one of possible causes breakthrough uterine bleeding is a failure in the reproductive system. A disorder is formed if an imbalance is manifested, which leads to the growth of the endometrium. Thus, rejections arise, and the woman begins to severe bleeding. Discharge from duphaston tablets occurs due to the fact that it is a hormonal agent. If the reason lies in the drug itself, then the doctor cancels its use.

Important! There are also cases when medical therapy the patient has a change in the menstrual cycles, and the very separation of blood from the vagina becomes insignificant. To find out what such changes are connected with, when blood smearing occurs instead of the usual menstruation, you need to consult a specialist. You should also undergo a blood test to determine the hormonal level.

Duphaston is not a harmless pill (vitamin), it is rather serious hormonal drug. And he has enough high price, and it is taken according to the scheme that the specialist appointed. Self-cancellation of the medication is strictly prohibited, only the gynecologist changes the treatment. Also, you can not replace it with similar medicinal substances without the knowledge of a physician, otherwise this will lead to serious complications.

Main reasons

Allocations against the background of taking duphaston, especially brown on initial stage consider normal. But, not in every patient they stop. There are cases when bloody discharge from the vagina does not stop for a long time, and in severe form, the appearance of breakthrough bleeding. This is due to the impact various factors. Isolation can occur when a woman takes the drug incorrectly and changes the dosage of the drug on her own. Allocations with dufaston can form in patients who do not know how much progesterone was in the body.

Therefore, initially it is required to undergo all the necessary tests, and only then undergo treatment (in this case, one cannot do without consulting a doctor, who, after the examination, will prescribe correct dose and course of administration). Also affects the occurrence of heavy periods after taking the pills pathological process in the ovaries, which reduces the level of estrogen in the body. Thus, it shifts hormonal background. Also, in some patients, the egg is released much later than two weeks after the start of a new menstrual cycle. If, when taking the drug, incorrect calculations are made about when the ovulation process will begin, then the formation of spotting secretions begins.

Discharge in pregnant women while taking duphaston

In medical practice, the medication is prescribed to patients already at the onset of pregnancy, when it is necessary to take it in order to maintain normal flow bearing a fetus. Occasionally, observed in pregnant women with this treatment, the formation of blood from the vagina with brown tint. Much more often, when using the drug, the formation of yellow mucus or white clots is noted. This is due to a change in the microflora in the vagina, as well as changes in the functioning of the reproductive organ.

Bloody discharge when taking these pills in pregnant women is also formed when the fetal egg is attached not in the uterus, but in fallopian tube(i.e. a bloody separation occurs during an ectopic pregnancy).


In addition to the main reasons, the presence of endometriosis in the body also provokes the formation of a slight separation of blood from the genitals in women after taking dufaston. Such manifestations are formed in pregnant women due to the fact that there are no periods and the endometrium grows, which interferes normal operation uterus. Also, the appearance of brown discharge can be formed in violation of the functional action in endocrine system. After duphaston, in the middle of the cycle, a failure occurs, and mucus secretion begins with bloody clots.

This disorder requires timely treatment and the help of a highly qualified specialist. As a rule, the doctor will help to find out for what reason the disorder has formed, and will also prescribe the passage of all necessary analyzes. The formation of secretions when taking dufaston occurs when the drug is used incorrectly or if the patient starts using it without consulting a specialist.

To avoid the formation of secretions during treatment with medication, you need to make an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe some examinations. Usually prescribed:

  • donate blood to determine the amount of progesterone and estrogen in the body;
  • passing bakposev;
  • Ultrasound of the organs in the pelvis.

As a result, spotting does not always mean that a violation has occurred in the body, in some cases it is just the action of a medicine. Regardless of what factor provoked the appearance of bloody discharge from the penis, you should seek the help of a doctor. For any form of discharge, adjustment of treatment with duphaston is required. If formed serious complications, then the drug is replaced with another medication. It is important to pay attention to the presence of secretions in a timely manner and find out their cause, and then nothing will threaten health.

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Questions and answers on: yellow discharge when taking duphaston

2010-11-23 13:48:38

Julia asks:

Hello. pregnancy 7, 5 weeks. at 4 weeks yellow-brown began. selection. the doctor prescribed ppaverin, noshpa, valerian, vit e. after a couple of days, duphaston. 2 tons per day. withdrawals continued. insignificant. At 5, 5 weeks I did an ultrasound. embryo, yolk sac are visualized. rhythmic heartbeat. internal os the cervix is ​​closed. right ovary with corpus luteum .. uterine body structure with detachment area. After ultrasound, the discharge intensified and became dark brown (but not brown). the doctor added dicinone, ascorutin and increased duphaston to three tablets. per day, the discharge then decreased, then increased. slightly. The doctor increased duphaston to 6 tablets. per day. For today: allocations are present. a little. light brown. (diluted coffee). sometimes yellow. basically, in the afternoon. (Smear a couple of times and that's all) - they do not increase and do not decrease. Please tell me if the dose of dufaston is too high? can there be so long discharge when taking these drugs? I'm lying at home - the doctor does not advise you to go to the hospital - he says that extra nerves and examinations are useless and can provoke the undesirable. Please comment on my situation. I trust the doctor. but I'm afraid. hoping for the best). Thanks.

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon. Yes, the dose is acceptable, it’s just that there are poor-quality drugs and there is no proper reaction, usually duphaston removes threat phenomena well.

2013-01-14 11:06:26

Gulnur asks:

* spontaneous miscarriage at 16 - 17 weeks. in 2007
* childbirth (caesarean) in 2009
* frozen pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks. in 2011
The diagnosis - adenomyosis was made in 2012.
Ultrasound results.
Day 10 of the cycle - November 28, 2012
The length of the uterus is 44.4 mm. Width - 34.4 mm. Thickness - 45.3 mm. The thickness of the endometrium is 4.5 mm; a hypoechoic area of ​​2.8 mm is visualized in the bottom of the uterus. The echostructure is homogeneous.
PJ - 33.2 * 16.9 mm. LA - 31.7 * 13.3 mm.
Day 18 of the cycle - 06.12.2012
The length of the uterus is 45 mm. Width - 47 mm. Thickness - 38 mm. The echostructure is heterogeneous due to echo-dense inclusions in the posterior myometrium.
The thickness of the endometrium is 7 mm. The echostructure is homogeneous (early secretory phase)
PJ - 32 mm * 28 mm, in the structure of the corpus luteum 10 mm, multiple follicles with septa. LA - 35 mm * 18 mm, multiple follicles up to 5 mm. Fluid in the cavity
Conclusion - endometriosis of the body of the uterus. corpus luteum in PY. Follicular ovarian dysfunction.
Menstruation is not very plentiful, not painful, weak sanious secretions 1 day before and after menstruation 2 days.
Visanne was prescribed for 6 months. (My doctor categorically insists on taking Visanne).
Hormones are normal (LH, FSH, prolactin, TSH, free T-4, T-3) Should I be tested for any other hormones?
Is it possible to treat adenomyosis with Duphaston?
Is it possible to get pregnant in my case without taking Visanne?
And is normal gestation possible?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Hometa Taras Arsenovich:

Hello! Commenting on the ultrasound data, it should be said that the thickness of the endometrium is insufficient both on the 10th and on the 18th day of the cycle and this may be one of the direct causes of miscarriage. Tactics largely depends on your age. When planning and treating infertility/miscarriage, attention should be paid to the condition of the endometrium.

2012-03-17 15:05:04

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon! I have irregular cycle(varies from 30 to 43 days. Currently, the delay is already the 54th day of the cycle. Pregnancy tests are negative, hCG shows the absence of B. I was at the gynecologist, on examination - the right ovary is slightly enlarged, suspicion of persistence of the follicle. low progesterone on 23 dts - 1.40. Duphaston was prescribed. I've been drinking for a week now. Today I could not resist and went to the ultrasound. Uzi showed the following:
m-echo - 9 mm
Right ovary - length 38, thickness 23, width 24, volume 10.9. More than 10 follicles 3-5 mm in one echo section
Left ovary - length 42, thickness 25, width 23, volume 12.6, follicles 3-5 mm more than 10 pieces in one echo section.
Pelvic space - level free liquid- GNT, pathological formations were not identified.
Conclusion - Multifollicular ovaries.
I have a question - how dangerous is this conclusion? Or it can be considered the norm in this case, because. I have a delay (now a spotting of a burgundy color has begun. The doctor warned that it could be from taking duphaston, it's okay. I guess the follicle burst? Then why is nothing written about the corpus luteum? ..) And can such a diagnosis be made with examination at the end of the cycle? The doctor does not yet have the opportunity to consult, because. she is on a business trip. The hormone is normal on the 2nd day of the cycle (lh, fsg, hspg, prolactin, testosterone, cortisol, dgea on the 23rd day is normal).

2008-12-19 15:36:52

Ludmila asks:

Hello! I had a frozen pregnancy half a year ago. They did a scraping. The reason for the fading was not found out.
Now I am pregnant again. Approximately 9 obstetric weeks (but according to my calculations about 7 weeks.) Next, I will indicate obstetric weeks. Before pregnancy, I took Duphaston for 1 t. a couple of brown snot-like discharges appeared - just a little. But since last time there were also brown discharges, I went to the doctor. I was admitted to the hospital and prescribed: duphaston 3 t. half a tablet each), injections of etamzilat, magne B6, no-shpu, valerian and Sana-Sol. For a week everything was normal and there was no discharge. But after examining the doctor (she said that there were no complaints about pregnancy and the size of the uterus was normal), the next day again brown discharge. x. I lay still for a week. I donated blood for beta hCG, the figure was 190258 for a period of 8 weeks. On the day of discharge, light brown discharge. The doctor said that this is normal. Some mucus comes out of the uterus. The next day, the discharge is yellow. Now I am at home, I keep bed rest. There is mild nausea. But the discharge is yellow, sometimes light brown. I am very worried about this. I drink no-shpu (how long to take it?), sana-sol, manga B6 (I finish drinking), folic acid and sometimes valerian. Please tell me what actions should be taken and whether there can be such discharge during a normal pregnancy. I'm still pregnant There was a slight erosion on the uterus and adhesions.
PS: I stopped drinking no-shpu the day before discharge. Maybe because of this discharge they went again. Now I drink no-shpu again.

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about "discharge while taking duphaston" and get a free online consultation with a doctor.

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Questions and answers on: discharge when taking duphaston

2011-12-27 17:38:22

Oksana asks:

Hello! I couldn’t get pregnant for 7 years. Can there be a threat of miscarriage when taking duphaston?

Responsible Gunkov Sergey Vasilievich:

Dear Oksana. This is a threat of termination of pregnancy - seek medical help.

2010-11-23 13:48:38

Julia asks:

Hello. pregnancy 7, 5 weeks. at 4 weeks yellow-brown began. selection. the doctor prescribed ppaverin, noshpa, valerian, vit e. after a couple of days, duphaston. 2 tons per day. withdrawals continued. insignificant. At 5, 5 weeks I did an ultrasound. embryo, yolk sac are visualized. rhythmic heartbeat. the internal os of the cervix is ​​closed. right ovary with corpus luteum .. uterine body structure with detachment area. After ultrasound, the discharge intensified and became dark brown (but not brown). the doctor added dicinone, ascorutin and increased duphaston to three tablets. per day, the discharge then decreased, then increased. slightly. The doctor increased duphaston to 6 tablets. per day. For today: allocations are present. a little. light brown. (diluted coffee). sometimes yellow. basically, in the afternoon. (Smear a couple of times and that's all) - they do not increase and do not decrease. Please tell me if the dose of dufaston is too high? can there be so long discharge when taking these drugs? I'm lying at home - the doctor does not advise you to go to the hospital - he says that extra nerves and examinations are useless and can provoke the undesirable. Please comment on my situation. I trust the doctor. but I'm afraid. hoping for the best). Thanks.

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon. Yes, the dose is acceptable, it’s just that there are poor-quality drugs and there is no proper reaction, usually duphaston removes threat phenomena well.

2015-02-09 00:56:04

The flower asks:

Hello! 12.12. had the last menstruation. Before that, she drank belara for more than a year. 24.01. did an ultrasound. The body of the uterus is 52.3 * 43.3 * 52. The position of the a / t. contours are even, clear. In the uterine cavity fertilized egg 9.7 mm. Corresponds to 5/6 weeks. Cervix 40 mm, right ovary 27 * 15, contours are even located behind the uterus, left ovary 67.3 * 54. Contains a liquid thin-walled formation 57.7 * 49 mm, homogeneous content. not located. Conclusion: pregnancy 6 weeks, left ovarian cyst (which, as they said, should go away by 16 weeks of pregnancy). Absolutely nothing bothered me. I drank vit.e and folic acid. per day due to cysts, vitamin e and folic acid. The next day after taking duphaston in the morning were drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, and in the evening after going to the toilet there was a slight bloody discharge. When examined by a doctor, after a few hours (on the same day) big clot According to ultrasound (04.02.): the shape of the uterus is spherical 51.7 * 46.9 * 42.3 mm. The endometrium is up to 11.8 mm thick, heterogeneous, the uterine cavity is expanded to 10 mm, the fetal egg is not detected; the cervical canal is expanded to 8 mm. Conclusion: a failed early miscarriage. As a result, there was curettage of the uterine cavity. The question is, could a miscarriage provoke taking dufaston, because before that there were no complaints? I didn’t donate blood for progesterone. Or is the reason something else? Second pregnancy on account. The first ended with the birth of a girl at 41 weeks. During this pregnancy, I already managed to get registered and take tests for latent infections - nothing was found. Biochemistry: sugar 4.5, bilirubin 7.7, urea 3, creatinine 52, alt 25, ast 25, total protein 76. accounting gn1 L-30-40-60 gn.t. not detected; rw1, f50 1, hbsag1, antihcv1-negative. .time 109%, fibrinogen 3.28g/l, aptv- 25.8sec, fri 10.3, tt 13.2. 10. What tests should I take now to plan the next pregnancy and after what period of time can I try again? Thank you in advance!

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello! Dufaston is prescribed as maintenance therapy during pregnancy, so he could not provoke a miscarriage. Most likely the cause of the miscarriage is in the ovarian cyst, it is enough large sizes and requires observation in dynamics. If within 3 menstrual cycles it will not disappear, then its prompt removal will be required. Only after that you can plan a pregnancy.

2014-06-22 04:35:43

Svetlana asks:

Hello! I am 38 years old. On June 6, 2014, I had a second loparatomy operation to remove a cyst on my right ovary. Was strong adhesive process after the first operation 13 years ago. During the operation, they also removed the tube on the right. The doctor said that she removed the adhesions, the tube. it was swollen due to a cyst and there was fluid in the tube. The cyst was 18 cm by 8.5 cm in size. A day after the operation, it began to smear brown, and after a couple of days it began to bleed like during menstruation, at the same time the doctor said to start taking duphaston, and at the end of taking duphaston, when menstruation begins, start taking navinet. Two days before the end of taking duphaston, spotting increased, and after the end of the intake, pain as with menstruation and quantity spotting it became like during menstruation, so I began to take the novelty the next day after finishing taking duphaston. Today is the fourth day, as I consider the beginning of menstruation, but their number does not decrease, as I used to have during menstruation. I feel weak. I am very worried about whether I have been bleeding for a long time starting from the second day after the operation, and that has been 14 days already. Is this normal and how long can it last? What should I do if my period does not stop after the fifth day? Hemoglobin at discharge 100, before surgery 130.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Svetlana! Understand correctly, virtually such issues are not resolved. If you are experiencing full-fledged bleeding, and this should not be normal. Please contact your doctor, you have dyshormonal disorders, most likely the dose of Novinet will need to be increased.

2014-03-19 15:19:27

Catherine asks:

Hello! Please tell me, I'm worried about the nature of menstruation. I am 27 years old. There were no pregnancies. Menstruation since 13 years, irregular. In the last half of the year, menstruation comes only in clots (i.e., like clotted blood), which come out when you visit the toilet, the pad can be considered clean. Menstruation is not heavy, painless, lasting 3-4 days. The cycle against the background of taking duphaston from 16 to 25 days, 1 tablet 22-24 days, Previously, menstruation was 5 days long and discharge normal character, intensifying by day 3 and fading by day 5. The duration of the cycle is 23-37 days. Data from recent analyzes: 5 d.c. Prolactin 438.90 µIU/ml (102.00-496.00) FSH 5.41 mIU/ml (1.70-21.50). 16 d.c. LH 8.5 mIU/ml (21.9-74.24) Progesterone 0.3 ng/ml (0.59-2.13). TSH - 1.05 μIU / ml (0.35-4.94) Total T3 1.6 nmol / l (0.9-2.4) Total T4 78.7 nmol / l (62.7-150.8 ) I am undergoing a course of treatment with proginova 1 tablet from 5 to 15 days for 3 months, dostinex 1/4 tablet once a week for 2 months, the duphaston regimen has been changed by 1 tablet from 13 to 21 days. I am constantly observed by a gynecologist, with ultrasound, no pathologies were found (there are no results on my hands), the doctor says that there are no reasons for concern, that supposedly the uterus holds blood. And if I'm being honest, it worries me, it hasn't happened before.
Please tell me what this nature of menstruation can be connected with and is it worth worrying about?

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Virtually difficult to speak, I have to see a specific conclusion of the ultrasound. There can be no conclusion in the norm with this symptomatology! Why is Dostinex prescribed if prolactin is within the normal range?!

2013-01-14 11:06:26

Gulnur asks:

* spontaneous miscarriage at 16 - 17 weeks. in 2007
* childbirth (caesarean) in 2009
* frozen pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks. in 2011
The diagnosis - adenomyosis was made in 2012.
Ultrasound results.
Day 10 of the cycle - November 28, 2012
The length of the uterus is 44.4 mm. Width - 34.4 mm. Thickness - 45.3 mm. The thickness of the endometrium is 4.5 mm; a hypoechoic area of ​​2.8 mm is visualized in the bottom of the uterus. The echostructure is homogeneous.
PJ - 33.2 * 16.9 mm. LA - 31.7 * 13.3 mm.
Day 18 of the cycle - 06.12.2012
The length of the uterus is 45 mm. Width - 47 mm. Thickness - 38 mm. The echostructure is heterogeneous due to echo-dense inclusions in the posterior myometrium.
The thickness of the endometrium is 7 mm. The echostructure is homogeneous (early secretory phase)
PJ - 32 mm * 28 mm, in the structure of the corpus luteum 10 mm, multiple follicles with septa. LA - 35 mm * 18 mm, multiple follicles up to 5 mm. Fluid in the cavity
Conclusion - endometriosis of the body of the uterus. The corpus luteum in the PU. Follicular ovarian dysfunction.
Menstruation is not very plentiful, not painful, weak sanious discharge 1 day before and after menstruation 2 days.
Visanne was prescribed for 6 months. (My doctor categorically insists on taking Visanne).
Hormones are normal (LH, FSH, prolactin, TSH, free T-4, T-3) Should I be tested for any other hormones?
Is it possible to treat adenomyosis with Duphaston?
Is it possible to get pregnant in my case without taking Visanne?
And is normal gestation possible?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Hometa Taras Arsenovich:

Hello! Commenting on the ultrasound data, it should be said that the thickness of the endometrium is insufficient both on the 10th and on the 18th day of the cycle and this may be one of the direct causes of miscarriage. Tactics largely depends on your age. When planning and treating infertility/miscarriage, attention should be paid to the condition of the endometrium.

2012-11-03 12:39:45

Hope asks:

Hello! I am 34 years old, no children. in 2011 there was a miscarriage at 24 weeks of pregnancy. We are planning a pregnancy. excess weight. in August 2012, they put it on storage, they did dicynone, drank duphaston 4 tablets. pregnancy was not found, an erroneous diagnosis of an uzist. now the doctor has prescribed duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle (a regular cycle of 30-32 days), after 1 month of taking duphaston, white discharge from the chest began 1-2 drops when pressed. With what it can be connected? (menstruation came on the 30th day of the cycle)



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