Hyperandrogenism is the cause of infertility in women. Ovarian and adrenal hyperandrogenism - how can the female body cope with male hormones? Use of drugs to treat hyperandrogenism


Recommended products to create a set: Winter / Autumn


Travel folder "Cosmonautics Day" An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child, the Interdesign company offers. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve intellectual abilities child. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment various topics, allows you to fit the moving folder into many pedagogical processes. You can also order posters from us to decorate the Cosmonautics Day holiday using the link. Second side:


Double-sided sliding folder Musical development of children from 2 to 7 years In order for a child’s future to be successful, it is necessary to develop him comprehensively. Musical development also plays an important role in this. Music promotes artistic development, development nervous system, as well as the socialization of a preschooler. The Interdesign company offers you a mobile folder Musical Development, which contains useful and interesting information, promoting the development of the musical culture of your children and wards. The mobile folder “Musical Development” is our contribution to the development of your beloved kids.


An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child is offered by the Interdesign company. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes.


An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child is offered by the Interdesign company. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes.


An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child is offered by the Interdesign company. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes. Recommended products for creating a set of “Speech therapist consultations”: Speech development children 2–3 years old / Speech development of children 3–4 years old Speech development of children 6–7 years old / Learning by playing


An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child is offered by the Interdesign company. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes. Recommended products for creating a set of “Speech therapist consultations”: Speech development of children 4–5 years old / Speech development of children 5–6 years old Speech development of children 6–7 years old / Learning by playing


Mobile folder "Gorodets painting" An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child, the Interdesign company offers. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes.


An interesting solution for intellectual gatherings with a child is offered by the Interdesign company. A bright and colorful travel folder will help you in this matter. A rich picture will be interesting to the child. Interesting riddles, tasks and texts will help develop and improve the child’s intellectual abilities. High-quality prints applied on thick cardboard, which is not afraid of water due to its moisture-proof properties, are not subject to fading of bright elements over time. The folder is very convenient to store due to its ability to fold like an accordion and be compactly located both in a drawer and on a bookshelf. A large assortment of different topics allows you to fit the mobile folder into many pedagogical processes.

Movable folders in kindergarten- beautifully designed and illustrated useful materials for children, parents and teachers on a specific topic. Such illustrated articles are very useful: they help to properly raise our children, correctly form the views of children, and will also tell you and your children many interesting facts.

Buy sliding folders for preschool educational institutions

You can choose folders for parents or children on any topic: from child safety to descriptions of the seasons and holidays. If necessary, our designers will develop folders for kindergarten on any topic you propose.

Sliding folders are ideally placed on cabinets and any other free horizontal surface. They are easy to use because they fold up and do not take up much space when stored. Made from moisture-resistant super-dense cardboard, do not fade or fade when exposed to sun rays, can be washed.

Mobile folders for kindergarten in Moscow

Mobile folders from the Interdesign company will fit perfectly into any kindergarten interior, and will also appeal to children. Helpful information on sliding folders is presented in in an interesting way, with pictures and illustrations, so children will definitely pay attention to it. Information presented in this form is perfectly perceived and remembered by children. preschool age. A large selection of topics will allow every teacher to find something useful and interesting for children in our catalog.

Nina Chelnik

We will need:

Waste cardboard,

Wide tape,

Self-adhesive paper of different colors,

From cardboard you need to cut 4 blanks measuring 22 * ​​32 cm.

Fasten each part together with tape, and stick strips of colored self-adhesive tape onto the tape to hide the tape.

Cover the edges of the cardboard with colored stripes.

Cut out 8 blanks measuring 21*31 cm from colored self-adhesive. The finished blanks need to be glued on top of the cardboard to hide the cardboard.

Folder I pasted it on both sides with colored self-adhesive. I glued feeding files to the front side using tape.

In such a folder You can put any necessary information for parents.

I will be very glad if it is useful to anyone.

Publications on the topic:

“What holiday is today, mom?” folder - a tool for parents on the spiritual and moral education of children. Orthodox holidays are holidays associated with the life of Jesus Christ, Mother of God, saints and martyrs for the faith. Among them is on the first.

The group had a conversation with children about the Great Patriotic War. During the conversation, the children were shown visual material such as:

Decorating a corner for parents. Folder “Music begins in the family!” Each person comes to music in his own way. Help children fall in love with music, and your home will true friend, which will make life bright and...

Great victory in Patriotic War The year 1945 is receding further into history. How to preserve the memory of the exploits of our grandfathers? How to convey to ours.

A week dedicated to theater passed in our kindergarten. The educators faced a question: how to attract the attention of parents to the theatrical performance.

I start my work with the Victory emblem and paste it into a separate file color picture. Then I find the poem “On the Victory Day” and print it out.

"Development of children's speech at home" Family experience. Dad and I love to read and learn a lot of new things. To become very smart.

No title

Older age

Educational goal: To expand children's awareness of themselves, their bodies, and their health. To contribute to the formation of ideas about the growth and development of man - a part of nature, a thinking being.
Topic: Forms of working with children; Objectives; Benefits;

Structure of the human body Conversation “What am I made of?”


In the pulp of the fruit of a watermelon or orange, see and distinguish individual cells. To help us realize that our entire body, all its parts, consist of countless tiny living cells. They breathe, feed, divide, constantly renew themselves, grow, and decay. Cell division diagrams.
Conversation “The skeleton is a reliable support for the human body” Prove by feeling your body that we consist of many large and small bones firmly attached to each other (skull, spine, rib cage). All together they make up the skeleton.. Model of the human skeleton
Excursion to the construction of a new house. Prove that the skeleton is a reliable support for the human body by comparing it with a strong house (before starting construction, people build a frame - a huge cage - a “skeleton”, and then strengthen the slabs of walls, ceilings, floors) Attributes for the s/r game “Builders”

Consideration of the structure of tubular bone (chicken, ram, pig) and comparison with flat bone (rib, shoulder blade)

Excursion to the local history museum. Bring the children to the conclusion: due to the special structure of the bones, the human skeleton does not weigh that much. Focus children's attention on the fact that people involved in sports and physical exercise, bones develop better. They become stronger, thicker, because to a strong man needed strong support. Album for consideration: “Can bones tell the story of long ago?”
S/r game “Traum Center” Tell that there are cases when people break an arm or leg. Then doctors connect the broken bones and apply plaster. At the fracture site, new bone cells begin to grow and the bone heals. Attributes for the s/r game “Traumpunkt”
Conversation “How a person moves”


Measuring the thickness of the arm muscle in the shoulder (biceps) calm state and in tension. Familiarize children with what helps us make movements. The muscles contract, shorten, dragging the bones with them - this is how a person moves. Photos of people doing different sports.
Game "Muscle Training" Prove that our body has one amazing property- work is useful to him. The body always sends more blood to those cells that work. They eat and grow better - that's why athletes train, i.e. perform exercises. Introduce children to some exercises. Album for consideration “How to become Hercules?”
Conversation: “Correct posture is the key to health.”

Experiment: teach children to identify correct posture, leaning against the wall (in case correct position body, it should touch the wall with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels). Prove how bad posture is for your health. Poor posture is not only disfiguring human body, but also in strong degree complicates the work of internal organs. The heart is in an abnormally compressed state, and its work is difficult. The lungs poorly supply the body with oxygen, the digestive organs are compressed. Poor posture can be corrected special exercises, self-training, self-control, exercise therapy classes. Game "Swallow"

Imagine yourself as a bird, standing on right leg, bend the body in horizontal position, take away left leg back, bend your back, arms to the sides, close your eyes. This exercise develops posture, plasticity, grace, and trains balance.
Sense organs. Leather. Experiment: looking at skin through a magnifying glass different areas body: on the fingertips, on the palm, on the forehead. Conclusion: the skin on different parts of the body has different patterns.


WITH eyes closed try to determine the method of exposure to the skin:



Draw a line with any object;

Apply ice or a hot object;

Drop water;

Swipe with a feather, etc. Talk about the importance of skin for a person:

Does not allow water to pass through;

Reliably protects internal organs from damage, taking shocks and blows, scratches and burns;

Protects us from heat and cold;

Helps us breathe - gets through its pores Fresh air;

It produces droplets of sweat, which remove many harmful wastes from our body. The skin is very sensitive: it constantly tells us what is happening to our body - are we hot or cold, is something scratching us, is the wind blowing on us, is a mosquito landing on us? Diagram "What does our skin feel?"
Conversation in the “Generous Heat” sauna Convince children of the health benefits of the sauna and swimming pool: cleansing the skin, hardening the body, gymnastics for blood vessels. Feel the surge of strength and energy after the bath. Sauna accessories.
Plot-didactic game "How to treat a wound on the skin" Turning to personal experience children, prove the need to treat cuts on the skin to avoid suppuration. Teach children to treat small wounds on the skin, help overcome their fear of iodine. Pieces of foam rubber with cuts in the form of a “wound”, matches without sulfur heads, cotton wool that children wrap around a match, vials of iodine or brilliant green.
Nose. Experimentation:

“How the nose smells” Determine what is in the box without looking and holding your nose, then inhaling through your nose.

Conclusion: When inhaling through the mouth, the smell is not felt; a person feels the smell only when he inhales through the nose. Find out what the nose is needed for (for breathing, for detecting odors). Noses help animals live:
The woodpecker uses its nose and beak to dig into trees, catching insects;
the swordfish pierces the fish with its terrible nose;
the wild boar digs the ground with its nose, pulling out edible roots;
The mosquito sucks blood with its needle nose;
clinging to its nose-beak, the parrot climbs trees;
Ostriches use their beaks to measure the temperature of the sand. "Kindersurprise" containers containing odorous substances.
Observing the habits of animals in nature. Talk about the sense of animals. The sense of smell serves animals to select and search for food and track prey. For animals, the most important thing is to smell the thing. When a horse is afraid of something, it snorts - it clears its nose to smell better. Dogs recognize each other and give each other signs by smell. Insects have the most subtle sense (a bee flies to a flower, a worm crawls to a leaf, a mosquito smells a person) Board game"Who Feels What"
Organ of taste. Experimentation:

Practice defining taste sensations, prove the necessity of saliva for the sensation of taste. Conclusion: the tongue is an organ of taste.


Hold your tongue between your teeth and try to say something. Conclusion: the tongue is an organ of speech. Determine the taste zones of the tongue. Sweet and salty are determined by the tip of the tongue, sour by the sides, and bitter by the root. Focus on how best to place a bitter pill on the tongue. Schematic representation of the taste zones of the tongue.

Illustrations showing the role of language for animals:
hunter tongue (chameleon, frog, anteater);
tongue-spoon (animals lap);
tongue-fan (dogs, foxes, wolves cool their body).
Organ of vision. Experimentation:

Looking at your eyes in the mirror. Determine the meaning of parts of the eye (eyelids, eyelashes) - protection from sweat, dust, wind.

To encourage children to understand that vision is a priceless gift of nature that must be protected. The eye distinguishes the finest shades of colors, the smallest sizes, sees well during the day and quite well at dusk. If you close your eyes, you will find yourself in the dark. Tell that some animals (owls, dogs, mice) see everything around them not in color, but in black and white. Turtle - only in green. A frog's eyes see only what moves. A kite from a great height can see a small chicken on the ground. Game "Who can name the most colors and shades of color."

Rules in pictures:

Watch TV from a distance of at least 3m;

Wash your face with soap every day;

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.
Role-playing game“Vision test” Tell children why and why some people wear glasses. Talk about problems blind people. Try to guess some objects and letters by touch. Attributes for the s/r game "Ophthalmologist's Office"

Didactic game "Wonderful pouch"
Exercises for the eyes “Scary Stories” (move to the side, blink, rotate to make it scary, close).

“Bee” (focus your gaze on an imaginary moving bee and perform circular movements with your eyes) Promote the habit of regularly doing exercises to relax your eyes. Exercise schemes for resting the eyes
Organs of hearing. Conversation "Why do I hear"


“Let’s check your hearing” Determine approximately at what distance a person can hear. Show how a person hears sound. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of human hearing development, with for various reasons its violations. Develop auditory attention. Didactic game “What is good for the ears” (pictures with useful and harmful situations for the ears)

Game "Find out by ear"
Productive activities:

Making a volume scale. Prove that loud sounds cause strong vibrations eardrum, which can lead to hearing loss. Suggest constructing a sound strength and volume meter. Illustration album “Who Hears How” (An owl catches its prey by ear at night, the owl’s ears are under its feathers. The moth hears with its mustache. The locust hears with its belly. The grasshopper’s auditory fossae are on the leg. The fish’s hearing organ is the swim bladder. The fox hears mice under the snow. The sea jellyfish hears the approaching storm 15 hours before).
IN healthy body - healthy mind! Conversation “Why hardening is needed” To promote the understanding that strength and endurance are not born with a person, but are developed by him. Even a naturally weak person can become strong and resilient. (story about the Russian commander A. Suvorov) Rules and secrets of hardening in pictures:

Dress for the weather, do not bundle up;

Do exercises;

Wipe off with a damp towel;

Take a shower daily;

Move more, play outdoor games, run.
Gymnastics “Health Points” To promote the development of the habit of performing massage daily in the morning and evening. Consolidate knowledge about certain vital centers on the human body. Influencing them by acupressure Helps protect against colds and other diseases. Schematic representation of health points on the human body.
Exhibition "Green Pharmacy" Introduce children to the most common medicinal plants- sources of life and health. Give children the concept of “herbal medicine” Didactic games “Listen and remember” ( medicinal properties birch, lingonberry, St. John's wort, calendula, nettle, linden, lemon, onion, coltsfoot, dandelion, plantain, chamomile, etc.)

"Guess a riddle",

"Getting to know medicinal plants"

Poem by P. Sinyavsky "Green Pharmacy"
Conversation "Vitamins and healthy foods" Explain to children that vitamins are necessary for normal height and human development. They increase the body's resistance to colds. Vitamins can only come from food; the body itself does not produce them. "10 little secrets healthy eating" (in pictures)
Game “What vitamin is in these products” Tell children the story of the discovery of vitamins by the Polish scientist Funk. Introduce the Latin names of vitamins letters A, B, C etc. An album with images of products containing certain vitamins.
Competition "My favorite dish"To promote understanding that the most healthy food which a person eats with gusto. Food should be varied and tasty and consist of products of plant and animal origin. Illustration magazine "From food - food", "Amazing tastes different nations"

From the animal world:

The earthworm eats the earth;

Mol - clothes;

A predatory plant, the sundew absorbs insects.
Conversation "Sport! Sports! Sports!" Help children develop values healthy image life: playing sports is very beneficial for human health. Illustration magazine "Choose to taste" (sports)
Productive activity: Construction from waste material"Items required for classes various types sports" To develop the ability to see the possibilities of transforming objects, to participate in collective transformation, to realize their creative potential. Didactic game "Who needs what?"

(items necessary for practicing one or another sport)
Olympic Games Organize educational space groups so that each child can choose a sport that he likes and suits his body, age, character. Material about the winners Olympic Games V different types sports

It is a collective diagnosis in which there are a number of syndromes and diseases that lead to an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones in the female body. Today, this pathology is considered quite common: the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is established in 5–7% of girls who have reached puberty and 10–20% of women in their childbearing years.

The problem of treating this disease is so acute not only because of the appearance of defects in the appearance of women, but also because of infertility. This is why every woman needs to have general ideas about this disease: its causes, clinical picture, features of diagnosis, as well as treatment tactics.

Basic physiology - sex hormones

Male hormones reproductive system. The main representative of these secretions is testosterone. Not many people know that these hormones are present in small quantities in a woman’s body. They are synthesized in the cells of the ovaries, the adrenal cortex and the pancreas. The pituitary gland monitors the production of a regulated amount of androgens through the release of adrenocorticotropic and luteinizing hormones.

The functions of androgens are significant:

  • estrogens and corticosteroids are their derivatives;
  • influence the emergence of sexual desire in a woman;
  • affect growth tubular bones during puberty;
  • thanks to their influence, secondary sexual characteristics are formed: hair growth female type, breast growth and voice changes.

Normal functioning and development of the body can only occur if there is a sufficient level of androgens in a woman’s blood. However, their excess is the cause of many cosmetic defects in appearance, development metabolic disorders, disruptions in the menstrual cycle up to impaired fertility (the possibility of a woman in reproductive period, conceive and bear a child).

Androgenism in women is also a characteristic indicator of disorders hormonal levels.

Etiological factors of the disease

Excess androgen in women is the main characteristic of the above syndrome, however, there are three types of this disease. Androgenism in women is one of them. Depending on location pathological process hyperandrogenism can be ovarian, adrenal and mixed. It can be primary or secondary in nature.

The causes of the syndrome are:

  • hereditary predisposition - most women with hyperandrogenism syndrome have relatives who suffered from this disease;
  • dysfunction of higher nerve centers: pituitary gland and hypothalamus. It is these parts of the brain that influence the functioning of the ovaries;
  • congenital anomalies of the adrenal cortex - suppression of the production of one type of hormones and an increase in the synthesis of others is common for such congenital dysfunctions;
  • producing tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands affect the quantitative production of hormones, in particular androgens;

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common reasons, which affects the synthesis of male hormones in a woman’s body;
  • adrenogenital syndrome - a pathology in which an excessive amount of male hormones is produced by the adrenal glands;
  • prolactinoma - a neoplasm in the pituitary gland that affects the production of prolactin;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease is a disease characterized by excessive synthesis of hormones by the adrenal cortex;
  • ovarian hypertrophy;
  • increased activity of enzymes that affect the rate of production of steroid hormones;
  • unbalanced and uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids and glucocorticoids;
  • decreased production of triiodothyronine and tetrazodothyronine due to disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic dysfunction of hepatocytes.

All of the above reasons are only an approximate list of factors influencing the development of the disease.

Symptoms of hyperandrogenism

Symptoms hormonal disorders always differ in their specificity, it is very difficult to confuse them with another disease. The main manifestations of the clinical picture are considered to be:

  • - excessive hair growth is typical for men, however, in this case it is observed in females. Enhanced growth hair along the midline of the abdomen, in the chest area and on the face - typical signs. In parallel with the increase in vegetation, bald patches appear on the head. It is necessary to differentiate this manifestation from, the cause of the development of which is not excessive production of androgens, but extraneous causes (for example, porphyria). The patient’s race also plays a role: Caucasians have sparse vegetation compared to Eskimos;
  • acne and epithelial peeling represents cosmetic defect, which is often an external manifestation of more serious problems, hidden inside the body;
  • violation menstrual cycle, in particular, - opso-oligomenorrhea - too short or long intervals between menstruation, - absence of menstruation or infertility. As a rule, these symptoms most often occur with;
  • Weight gain can be observed in all forms of this pathology ( overweight is 20% of the norm);
  • reduction in quantity muscle mass in the limbs, abdominal area, osteoporosis and atrophy skin- symptoms characteristic of;

  • uneven production of hormones can be the main cause of decreased immunity, the body’s support function and the occurrence of various infectious diseases;
  • with pathology of the adrenal glands, impaired glucose tolerance may be observed, however, the possibility of the development of this pathology in the ovarian form of hyperandrogenism cannot be excluded;
  • excessive development of the external genitalia related to intermediate type. Clitoris enlargement, genitourinary sinus and a noticeable reduction in the gap between the labia majora can be detected immediately after the birth of a child or during infancy. As a rule, this manifestation is a consequence congenital pathology adrenal cortex;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system, namely arterial hypertension, left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, retinopathy;
  • asthenic syndrome: constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy or depression. These manifestations are associated with impaired glucocorticoid synthesis.

The occurrence of the above-described manifestations is a reason to contact the clinic and conduct further examination.

Complications of hyperandrogenism

Late detection of the disease or incorrectly prescribed therapy can greatly affect the condition of the body. Some of the most important complications are:

  • if pathology endocrine system congenital, then various developmental anomalies appear, the most common are developmental anomalies of the reproductive system.
  • if hyperandrogenism is caused tumor process, then metastasis malignant neoplasms can be considered one of the most dangerous complications. As a rule, this clinical picture characteristic of adrenal tumors.
  • If hormonal levels are disrupted, other diseases of organs and systems may occur. The most common disorders include chronic renal failure, thyroid diseases.

Unfortunately, this list does not end, as it can be continued dozens of positions down. However, it is precisely this fact that should encourage every patient to consult a doctor in time to prevent these complications. Only timely diagnosis and individual prescription of therapy can guarantee positive dynamics of the disease.

Diagnosis of hyperandrogenism

To diagnose this disease, it is necessary to collect all the necessary anamnestic indicators, conduct a physical examination and, at the same time, determine the patient’s level of sexual development, the regularity of menstruation, the nature of hair growth, and the presence of dermatopathy.

Carrying out laboratory research aimed at determining levels and sex hormone binding globulin. After determining the concentration of androgens, it is necessary to clarify the nature of their excess: adrenal or ovarian. Clinical tests will help differentiate these two pathologies:

  • It is typical for adrenal (adrenal) hyperandrogenism;
  • The ovarian type of syndrome is characterized by an increase in testosterone levels in the blood and ASD.

If these indicators increase excessively in a woman, it is imperative to carry out differential diagnosis With tumor diseases. A CT or MRI will help confirm or refute this assumption. And also as additional method may be applied ultrasound diagnostics. This method is suitable for identifying polycystic ovarian deformities.


The main feature of the treatment of hyperandrogenism is the duration of the course. The prescribed therapy requires mandatory differentiated approach to patient management tactics. As a rule, estrogen-progestin drugs are used to correct hyperandrogenism. oral contraceptives, which have antiandrogenic effects.

Drugs in this group are aimed at reducing the production of gonadotropins and the rate of ovulation, inhibiting the synthesis of ovarian secretions, and increasing the amount of globulins that bind sex hormones.

Hyperandrogenism syndrome can also be treated with corticosteroids. Their use is also justified to prepare a woman for future conception, the gestational period when this disease appears. When high activity enzymes, the course of therapy can last a year or more.

Treatment of hyperandrogenism in women also includes treatment external manifestations diseases. For example, peripheral blockade of androgen receptors is often used to eliminate dermatopathy. In parallel with it, therapy is used to eliminate concomitant diseases endocrine system.

If obesity occurs, measures are taken to reduce body weight, namely a diet with low content carbohydrates and moderate physical exercise. All adjustments to the prescribed treatment should be made only by the attending physician after laboratory and clinical studies.

Prevention of hyperandrogenism

This disease does not have any specific preventive measures. However, the main points aimed at maintaining balance and health of the body include: correct image life, abandonment bad habits, balanced diet and systematic exercise.

Every woman should know and remember that excessive weight loss can lead to hormonal imbalance and contribute to the development of not only hyperandrogenism syndrome, but also other diseases of the endocrine system. Sports should also be moderate, because professional sports quite often push women to use steroids, leading to various problems with health.

The main thing is to remember that often your health is in your own hands and following the doctor’s recommendations can solve all problems. Hypoandrogenism - complex disease, requiring comprehensive treatment.



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