How to become healthy and strong. The main pillars of human health

I talked about the theory that is set out in the book of the German scientist Peter Axt “Be lazy and live long.”

According to the author, laziness can preserve health and make a person a happy long-liver. Of course, Peter Axt writes very correct things that few people talk about. But his mistake is that he confuses the concepts of laziness and relaxation.

What he writes about relates to natural health or relaxation. But laziness is a little different. Laziness, when you often don’t want to do anything, is a pathology, very low level energy, a sign of unhealthy body.

Today I want to talk about how to become a healthy person through relaxation, which, on the contrary, restores the body’s energy.

Relaxation is the path to health and happiness

To rest during the day, you need to arrange moments of relaxation, which can last about 5 minutes. It is important that during the period of relaxation nothing takes a person out of balance - stop the flow of thoughts, relax the muscles as much as possible comfortable position, realize every cell of your body, clear your consciousness, accept the world as it is. Such moments of “laziness” are much more beneficial for the body than the rise of “iron” in gym. It is not sports that relieves, but complete relaxation of bodily and mental being.

Huns in yoga and how they influence our lives

In yoga there is a concept - gunna (translated from Sanskrit as “rope”) - a form of the universe that determines the essence of a person, his character and health. Gunna exists in three states:

  • sattva (harmony);
  • rajas (passion and movement);
  • Tamas (passivity and depression).

An ordinary person, like a puppet, is tied to the ropes of the Huns. The quality of life directly depends on which rope will be dominant. By developing this or that guna, a person determines his destiny.

According to yogis, it is necessary to strive for the dominance of sattva. It gives a person impeccability, love, the opportunity for development, modesty, health, the ability to realize his place in this world, the root cause of things and events. Truthfulness and morality inherent in sattva allow one to achieve enlightenment and live long and happily in harmony with oneself.

Rajas symbolizes passion and excitement. This gunna brings changes, rash actions, and sudden mood swings into a person’s life. Rajas contributes to emotional instability, physical ailments, and is the cause of action.

A positive outcome of the influence of the gunna occurs when the movement strives towards sattva. In such cases, rajas brings progress in life, and possible diseases end in recovery. If the movement is directed towards tamas, chronic diseases, inaction and stagnation in life.

Tamas represents ignorance, stupidity and laziness. Gunna is associated with such vices as greed, selfishness, craving for material assets, denial of spiritual development.

A person in tamas is in a state of despondency and suffers from serious illnesses, does not develop and slowly loses vital energy. The decline of a person with the predominance of this guna leads to premature death.

Ideally, one must strive to completely remove the influence of tamas and rajas from life. Only sattva can bring the true.

Life energy in sattva is aimed at physical and spiritual development, creation, harmony - the main purpose of a person. In rajas energy is spent on powerful emotions. In order not to cause harm, the influence of rajas should be short-lived. In tamas Vital energy spends on comfort and bodily pleasures (food, entertainment, sex). With prolonged influence of the Hun, it destroys the spiritual and physical nature of a person.

Temperaments and quality of life

Each of us has a temperament that affects behavior, health, life achievements and largely determines fate. Cholerics are nervous, overly active, emotionally unstable people. Rajas prevails in their life. Cholerics, more than other temperaments, need relaxation and “laziness.” Otherwise, the quality of life will be critically reduced due to nervous overstrain and development of chronic diseases.

Sanguine people are people in whose lives sattva often has a predominant character. Phlegmatic people also fall into this category. However, temperaments differ strikingly from each other in their perception of the world around them. Sanguines are cheerful and more emotional people, more often than temperate and calm phlegmatic people need relaxation. Tamas usually dominates the lives of melancholic people. Such people should strive to develop rajas with a gradual transition to the predominance of sattva.

Many people think that temperament is given to us from birth and cannot be changed throughout life. This is wrong. In order to improve your character and achieve the dominance of sattva, you need to learn relaxation. Daily relaxation sessions will strengthen your spiritual and physical health and improve your quality of life. Relaxation – effective method“being lazy” to achieve true health benefits.

How is relaxation different from laziness?

Now you understand the difference between relaxation and laziness.

Relaxation is a manifestation of the guna of sattva. Real laziness is a manifestation of tamas.

To put it another way, laziness is present at very low energy, when we indulge our ego.

After all, laziness often occurs after strong and uncontrolled work of the ego. For example, we follow the lead of lower instincts, drink alcohol, strive for lower pleasures and squander our internal energy.

When we relax, on the contrary, we stop the work of the ego, thereby strengthening our fortitude and regaining our energy.

Therefore, after reading Peter Axt’s book, there is no need to strive for laziness and indulge your animal feelings.

To become healthy and happy you need to learn to relax.

And shavasana and meditation will help you with this.

There are many theories in the world to improve health and achieve longevity. Harmony of being is the goal that must be achieved. Physical health these are feasible exercises, without marathons and heavy loads. Spiritual knowledge through relaxation, positive thoughts, love for the world around us. Emotional stability, the ability to respond correctly to stress and negative events. Only harmony can make a person truly happy. It is necessary to strive for the “golden” mean in any area of ​​life.

Health is a state of complete physical and mental balance.

And today I give you wonderful music from the female quartet Amadeus.

First of all, you need to decide on the goal. All workouts can be divided into 2 main types: cardio and strength. Cardio training develops the human cardiovascular system (hence the name), helps to become faster and more resilient. Power training- These are exercises with weight (both with your own and with weights). Thanks to them, you can lose weight, build muscles and become stronger.

One of the most effective types training today is crossfit - high-intensity training, which includes both strength exercises, and cardio.

2. What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a system physical training, developed by American Greg Glassman in 2000, which is today followed by millions of people around the world. Many of these exercises and complexes existed long before Glassman, but it was he who managed to make them so popular. As a result, today CrossFit is trademark, only for the use of which affiliated halls (now there are no more than 60 of them in Russia) pay thousands of dollars a year. Having a certificate, however, doesn’t mean anything: in different gyms, the same workouts may be called high-intensity interval training or simply functional training (as in the Lion strength and functional training center).

The main advantage of this type of training over others is that they help to comprehensively develop all the basic qualities of a person (strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility) and generally increase his performance.

3. What is force?

Strength is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance through muscle effort. It is divided into absolute and relative, but sometimes explosive is distinguished separately. Absolute strength is your ability to move someone else's weight (for example, lift a barbell), while relative strength is your own. Explosive force helps to push, throw, or jerk something.

4. Is functional training suitable for a person who has never played sports or gone to the gym?

Anyone can start exercising, regardless of gender, age, body weight or level of physical fitness. Each workout consists of several parts. Everyone can do warm-up and stretching; there is nothing complicated about it. But strength and cardio loads will be selected for you individually. In the first lesson, no one will be sent to pedal for an hour on an exercise bike or squat with a heavy barbell.

Important difference functional training- scaling, that is, adapting loads to a specific person. Even if you do the same exercise as a whole group, some will do it with dumbbells weighing 10 kilograms, others with five-kilogram dumbbells, and you will be given the lightest ones. As your fitness level improves, so will your workload.

5. What does a functional training session look like?

Usually the training consists of 4 parts:

    Joint warm-up (dynamic flexibility exercises, i.e. various jerks and swings)- you knead all parts of the body one by one, starting from the head and ending with the feet. This rule must be followed, but exercises can be alternated from lesson to lesson so as not to get bored.

    Power training- working with weights (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls) or your own weight (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.).

    Cardio training- exercises aimed at development of cardio-vascular system(rowing or exercise bike).

    Stretching (static flexibility exercises)- an equally important part of the lesson, which many neglect.

If warm-up and stretching are present in every task, then the second and third parts of the workout depend on your planning: on one day it can be only cardio, on another - strength training, and on the third - all together.

The Lion Strength and Functional Training Center has another important stage- study of the theory of physical education.

6. Why study the theory of physical education if you can just trust the coach?

Become strong (lose weight, gain muscle mass etc.) - does not always mean becoming healthy. And if professional trainers understand the difference between these concepts, then for ordinary people it's practically the same thing.

A person must learn to understand for himself how his body works, what, why and why he does it during training. In most halls, compared to practice, theory devotes criminally little time, holding rare seminars “for show.” At Lion's strength and functional training center, theory is a full part of training. What's happened Physical Culture what factors influence human health, how to train with maximum benefit and efficiency - every lesson begins with a discussion of these topics.

Another important point one that many people miss is training diaries. Comparing indicators and results will help you evaluate your progress (or regression) and plan wisely.

7. How to choose the right gym and what should you pay attention to first?

The quantity and quality of exercise equipment, the design and ergonomics of the gym, the general atmosphere - all this, of course, matters. But the main thing is a qualified coaching staff. Do not hesitate to ask all the questions you are interested in when meeting or for the first lesson - good coach should be able to answer any question easily. Find out his level of qualifications: it is better to choose a coach with specialized education. And pay attention to what your future mentor looks like and whether he works out in the gym himself - you shouldn’t trust your health to a person with a beer belly who leaves the gym every half hour to smoke.

Trainers teaching in affiliated CrossFit gyms must have a Level 1 certificate, which is obtained after completing a three-day seminar and passing tests. But having this certificate does not always mean that you have a highly qualified trainer.

As for exercise machines, you need to pay attention to cycling and rowing machines - the effectiveness of your exercise will depend on their brand and condition. If the weights, barbells and medicine balls in almost all gyms are the same (or differ slightly), then it is preferable to choose the Air Bike model for the exercise bike, and the Concept 2 brand for the rowing bike.

Thus, the ideal gym is a combination of technology and the knowledge of the coaching staff in the field of physiology and physical education.

8. What will be required for classes?

The main thing is desire, as most coaches say. But of course you will need a form. There is no single answer to this question - everything is individual. It is important to choose a set (T-shirt, shorts and sneakers) in which you will be comfortable. Colors, materials, brand - these are personal preferences. But if you plan to train with weights, then it is better to buy sneakers with flat, hard soles (they are also called weights).

A water bottle, a bandage, wristbands and other little things are things that you can do without. Also, you don’t need to buy a weightlifting belt or boxing gloves - a good gym has all this by default.

9. Do I need to take any supplements, drink protein or follow a diet to achieve results?

It all depends on the goal: if you just want to learn how to do 10 pull-ups, then this is of no use to you. If your goal is to lose weight, then naturally you will have to reconsider your diet: you need to spend more calories than you consume. Those who want to gain muscle mass cannot do without protein - the main “building material”: per 1 kilogram of your weight there should be 1-2 grams of pure protein per day. As a rule, it is not easy to get such an amount with regular food - not everyone is able to eat one and a half chicken or a dozen egg whites a day - so protein shakes containing up to 30 grams of protein in one serving come to the rescue.

Whatever your goal, when exercising for normal functioning of all body systems, he needs a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, as well as water. But you should not completely trust the trainer in this matter; it is better to consult a qualified nutritionist (especially people with overweight), which will create a nutrition plan taking into account your body weight, your goal and the amount of physical activity.

10. When will I be able to see the results of my training?

With regular training (3-4 times a week), following all the trainer’s recommendations and proper nutrition, you will be able to see the first tangible results within 6 weeks. If you don’t stop and continue to work out just as hard, then in six months you won’t have any questions when you look in the mirror, and people will start to envy your physical shape.

How to become a healthy person is the topic of this article; knowing how to become a healthy person, you can make your health strong.

Take a look around. There is practically no one left in the world healthy people. Everyone is sick with something. More and more congenital diseases.

A person doesn’t even know what real health is. People consider it normal to get the flu twice a year. But this is not natural. Everyone can become healthy, you just need to take responsibility for your health into your own hands and do something.

This article will tell you how to make your body thriving and healthy.

Human health depends on four main criteria in his life:

  • thinking;
  • breath;
  • nutrition.


It is important in life to think positively and be a cheerful person. Don't forget about humor and be simple. It is easy to accept unexpected events and overcome them. Don't think about the bad.

Imagine more bright moments, and even better, learn to see them around you. The interesting thing is that the more you think about the good and pay attention to it, the more it will be in your life. This is how the law of attraction works.

Therefore, make it a rule to think about the good and not dwell on the bad, remember less grievances and not be vindictive, laugh more and be positive.

After all, the main damage to health comes from thoughts negative plan that make you angry, offended, angry, worried, worried, afraid, hate. All these emotions, as a result of your thoughts, destroy your body, so bring more laughter, humor and positivity into your life and your body, on the contrary, will only be stronger and healthier.


The person doesn't even notice how he breathes. But if he can live without food and water for several days, then without air he will not last even a few minutes.


Try to eat fresh and nutritious food. Eat less of any chemicals. Have a good breakfast, nourish your body with everything necessary substances. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Don't overeat too much, eat in moderation. Do not overload your stomach at night. Eat less fried food, do not harm the liver, more boiled food and fresh fruit. Don't get too carried away with sweets.

Eat three times a day. Don't drink carbonated drinks and coffee, drink more good food drinking water And green tea. All this is good for your body.

Thus, we can summarize:

Your body will be healthy if you bring balance to the four areas of your life - nutrition, sleep, breathing, thinking. Everything is in your hands, act.

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How to be healthy and strong? This is a question that all people ask themselves every day. But health primarily depends on ourselves. To be or become healthy and strong, you have to work at it.

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. The desire to be healthy is on a par with biological needs of a person - to breathe, eat, prolong one’s family.

As a rule, people are often lazy to take care of their health when it is good, or try to do everything to make it worse. A person, in pursuit of high earnings, behaves in such a way that he loses his health, and then spends everything he has earned just to restore it.

Health often depends on natural data. However, scientists have been able to prove that our genotype affects our health by only 20%. The remaining 80% depends on how he takes care of it. Let's look at the main parts of what it depends on good condition body.

Proper nutrition

Food should always be prepared from good natural products. All products that are positioned as enriched with elements will not bring benefits. You should make it a rule to eat only what is not harmful to your health.

You need to eat strictly on time. Snack only on fruits, vegetables or sugar-free juices. The habit of eating at the same time helps to produce gastric juice at certain hours, and, therefore, improve digestion.

Take food only when not large quantities. Solving the problem of overeating is a huge step towards better health and longevity, and it is better to always get up from the table slightly hungry.

Physical activity is one of the components healthy image life

Metro, trains, buses - all this does not help the right image life. This is how a person is - he must use all the benefits of civilization in order to make his life easier and develop laziness.

For the majority of citizens, life develops in such a way that it is necessary to lead sedentary image life – 8 hours of work in the office. There are also ways to support physical activity, provided that there is absolutely no time to go to the gym or run like a marathon runner.

First moment– take a shower and do exercises every morning

In the morning, within 10-15 minutes, you should definitely do 5-10 simple physical exercise. It is also necessary to warm up the entire body, starting from the cervical vertebrae, ending with the tips of the toes and hands.

Then accept cold and hot shower. It can improve blood circulation and enhance nutrition of skin cells. Cool water tones the skin.

The result is a boost of energy and vigor until noon.

Second point– after every two hours of work, ten minutes of rest.

If you have a sedentary job, then every two hours you need to take a break to stimulate your muscles. It is well known that a change in physical and mental activity has a positive effect on performance. Continuous and monotonous work for more than two hours contributes to the accumulation of metabolic products in the muscles and muscle tone decreases.

You can warm up on a chair - stretch, bend left and right, make several circular movements with your head and shoulders. There are even special gymnastics for office workers. Good and responsible managers give instructions to their employees in this regard.

If taking a ten-minute break every two hours of working time is too much for you, then you can get by with at least three minutes. For the effect, it is the intensity of the activity that is important, not the time spent on activity.

The result obtained is wellness and high performance.

Third point– stay in the air for at least two hours a day.

In the air you need to actively move, and not just be. If you try to change active movements If you try to breathe oxygen from an open window for two hours a day, it is unlikely that this will improve your health and increase your immunity. Walking or jogging is much better in the fresh and clean air than training in a stuffy gym. This will significantly improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone.

Physical exercises should be done fresh air, in order to combine positive effect from motor activity with ventilation.

A person should walk approximately 1200 steps daily. Which is about 1,200 kilometers.

The result is that endurance develops and immunity increases.

You can even come up with your own specific ways to “move” that are directly related. The methods listed above are suitable for everyone, without exception. The tips are basic and will 80% ensure you stay in great shape and feeling great.

Proper nutrition and physical exercise form the foundation of health and strength!

In summer, sex should be practiced no more than twice a month, but physical hunger, unlike sexual hunger, is harmful at any time of the year. However, you need to eat thoughtfully and according to certain rules. We talk about these and other (quite feasible) principles of long and happy life from the point of view of Tibetan medicine.

Tibetan medicine is one of the most ancient in the world. Over time, she borrowed something from Hinduism, Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine. And although our medicine arose before Buddhism, Tibetan doctors often apply the principles of Buddhist philosophy. For example, when we treat addictions, we always tell the patient about the importance and short-term nature of life, about how difficult it is to obtain human embodiment during the process of reincarnation, and that by changing our lives, we change the lives of other people.

The world-famous doctor Phuntsog Wangmo outlined her postulates for a harmonious life for Marie Claire.

1. Train yourself to treat food correctly

In general, the meaning of life is food - literally. When food is digested, the so-called “pure” substance is separated from the “impure” - clear juice is separated from the cloudy sediment, which small intestine forms excrement. Transparent juice from the stomach and intestines enters the liver, where it is also divided into clean and unclean parts: the clean part turns into blood, and the sediment forms gastric mucus. Next, the pure part of the blood forms muscles, and the unclean part becomes bile. The clear juice of the muscles forms fat, which protects the body from the cold, and the unclean part of the muscles forms the secretions of the nine orifices of the body. Bones and cartilage are formed from the clear juice of fat, and lymph nodes and fatty secretions are formed from the unclean part. The pure part of the bones forms the bone, head and spinal cord, and the sediment grows back in the form of teeth, nails and hair. Clean part bone marrow forms a seed, and the unclean one turns into various lubricants of the body. Finally, the impure part of the semen participates in the formation of sperm, and the pure part becomes an immaterial substance, the color of life - this is the basis vitality, beauty and longevity.

Phuntsog Wangmo graduated from the University School of Traditional Medicine in Lhasa, headed the Shang Shung Institute of Tibetan Medicine in Italy, and now continues to practice in the USA and Russia

Tibetans follow the rule “eat like a king in the morning, like a monk at lunch, and like a beggar in the evening” and never wash down hot food with cold drinks.

2. Combine foods correctly

Tibetans are very particular about food combinations. Incompatible products- these are eggs and fish, eggs with any dairy products, fish with milk or brown sugar and lentils. On an empty stomach, it is useful to drink a glass of warm boiled water (the main thing is to always drink fresh water, not yesterday’s water). boiled water!). It's better to eat in the morning warm food(porridge, bread coarse), for lunch - meat, for dinner - something light, for example vegetable stew. Move after dinner, under no circumstances go to bed right away (and if you already go to bed full stomach, sleep on your right side - this will help the food to be absorbed).

3. Eat meals at least four hours apart

Otherwise, you deceive the body: it begins to digest new food, leaving the old one. This is how “mashupa” arises, which means “indigestion,” and toxins are formed. If you want a snack, it’s better to drink tea or water, but don’t eat solid food. Our stomach has four “pockets”. Two should be filled with food, one with liquid, and the remaining one for mixing and digesting food. It is important to adhere to these exact proportions and not to overeat - part of the stomach must remain empty so that you have the energy to digest everything well. First you need to eat food that digests faster, and then heavier food. Therefore, it is ideal to eat fruits half an hour before a heavy meal, otherwise rotting processes will begin in the stomach and gases and toxins will form.

4. Remember that fasting is harmful

We believe that this is how you lose power. But sometimes you can - only while you are young and no more than one or two days. You need to enter into hunger gradually, just as you go out, giving preference to soft, warm, oily foods. Sitting on juices and fruits is bad, especially for people of Slime and Wind. This reduces digestive fire and body heat - especially in the cold season (it is better to eat a lot of fruits in summer and early autumn). And, as I already said, we do not encourage vegetarianism, as well as dietary supplements. It is better to obtain vitamins, amino acids and microelements from natural products, including meat. For example, if it turns out that you do not have enough calcium, I will definitely recommend you a thick decoction of bones. Regarding the moral side of meat-eating, Tibetans believe that if there is a choice between human life and animal life, the first is much more important. A cow is reborn millions of times as a cow; its chances of receiving a human incarnation are infinitesimal.

5. Keep your man's brain and semen in balance.

When a man talks a lot, it’s bad, he becomes like a woman. And in Tibet they believe that men’s self-confidence is directly related to good kidney function (you can strengthen their functions in winter with the help of ginseng root). When it comes to sex, we also recommend observing seasonality. Winter, when the sperm is dense, - best time To conceive, you need to have sex often. In spring and autumn - two to three times a week, and in summer (this is not perfect time for conception) – twice a month.

6. Think smart

Here are five mandatory rules healthy life: respect for all people, modesty, honesty, keeping promises, as well as brevity, reticence. Too many words spoil karma. Also in Tibetan medicine It is believed that the original causes of illness are the “three poisons of the mind”: ignorance, anger and attachment. Anger and aggressive behavior in relation to other people, to nature - this is a provocation, which, in turn, can bring illness. Often, when faced with difficulties, people ask: “Why?” But even if they got an answer, what difference would it make? There's no point in feeling like a victim - accept the situation as it is and then figure out what you can do.

“I don’t treat like your doctors and say that ‘you should do this and not do that,’” says Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo. ─ But a lot really depends on you. For example, if you breathe more consciously (slowly inhaling from the belly and exhaling calmly), health and high level energy guaranteed. When you wake up, be in a positive mood, because the sun is always shining, even if you can’t see it.”

7. Work on yourself

Buddha said: “Do you want to know who you were in past life, - look at your life today. Do you want to know who you will be in next life“Look at your life today.” If, for example, you have a beautiful appearance, it means that you did something good in a past life. Karma is not fate. It's just the principle of cause and effect. Translated from Sanskrit, this word means “action”. Every action we take creates a predisposition to a certain outcome. It is believed that in childhood we work out past karma(that is, based on what kind of childhood you had, you can guess how you behaved in your past life), and in old age – your future life. Everything in life is impermanent, so there is no need to get attached to current situation. At every moment we make a choice and, accordingly, improve or worsen our karma. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with something, start working on yourself.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives



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