Why do you dream about the Past? Dreams about your past lives. Richard Webster

Richard Webster. Memories of past lives KARMA


Everything that we see and seem to be is only a dream within a dream.

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849)
My students look at me in horror when I convince them that they can recapture and recreate their past lives in their dreams. “We don’t remember our dreams,” they say. “How can you remember your past lives after seeing them in a dream?” Fortunately, you can learn to remember and manipulate dreams so that they reveal valuable information about your past life.

Dreams are the thoughts, sensations, images and emotions that run through our minds while we sleep. They are part of the altered state of consciousness that we enter every night. On average, about 20% of our sleep is spent in the dream state. For most people they last about two and a half hours.

Dreams are an important part of our life. We have four to seven dreams every night and, on average, spend about six to seven years of our lives dreaming. In fact, if we were unable to dream, we would become seriously ill. Research has shown that depressed people see less dreams, than usual. When they start to see more dreams, which is indicated by acceleration of movement eyeballs, this means that they have begun to recover.

From time immemorial, people have been fascinated by dreams. Dream research also began quite a long time ago. The first serious book on this subject was written by the Marquis d'Hervé de Saint-Denis, who tried to influence his dreams. He even played music at night in an attempt to stimulate a certain type of dreams. His book “Dreams and How to Control Them” appeared in 1867 .

Unfortunately she didn't receive widespread. Even Sigmund Freud was unable to find a copy of it.

A significant breakthrough came in 1953 when researchers discovered that rapid movement of the eyeballs during sleep indicates that a person is dreaming. Early experiments confirmed that twenty out of twenty-seven people had vivid dreams during rapid eye movement. But only four out of twenty-three people, upon awakening, remembered dreams that occurred without moving the eyeballs.

Since then, thousands of experiments have been carried out. On average, 80% of people who are woken up during " REM sleep” (with accelerated movement of the eyeballs), reported that they saw extremely vivid dreams. People who were awakened at a different time also reported that they also dreamed 30-50% of the time, but they were not as vivid and more like thoughts.

Waking up after a night's rest, you still vaguely remember the dream. But as soon as you start everyday affairs, it quickly disappears.

A good remedy One way to remember your dreams is to keep a dream diary. If possible, lie in bed for a few minutes after waking up and think about your dream. Try not to move. By for some unknown reason It can be easier to remember a dream when you think about it in the same position in which you saw it. Remember the dream, gradually more and more details will come back to you. Keep calm. Do not try to forcefully clarify vague impressions. Focus on the details you remember and see what else emerges.

Then, when you feel ready to write down, write everything down. I keep a dream journal and keep it by my bed. You can record your dreams on tape or even sketch what you remember. The method you choose does not matter. The main thing is that it is easy and helps you review your dreams after some time.

Some of my students chose to start by writing down a few keywords or phrases. In their opinion, such a recording helps to clarify the dream in the mind, thereby making it easier to describe the dream later.

It is very important to write down everything you remember. Don't embellish or censor anything. You will be surprised and even shocked by what happens. It doesn't matter. Write everything down exactly as you remember. Often dreams seem incomplete at first, but over time they begin to gradually unfold. If you leave out unclear details in your notes, you will lose important information, which could become clearer later. You definitely need to keep your dream diary in a safe place. If necessary, even under lock and key.

You naturally won't succeed if you wake up in a panic and jump out of bed to run to work. In this case, you will have to set your alarm ten minutes earlier than usual. This is enough time to think about your dreams and write them down. Or you can focus on remembering your dreams on weekends and any other time when you don't have to wake up.

Another method is to dictate your dreams to someone you absolutely trust. This is the method used by the famous writer Joan Grand. Having discovered that many of her dreams told about her life in previous incarnations, she learned to wake up several times a night and write down what she saw in her dreams. The longer this went on, the more complex the dreams became, and eventually her husband began recording her dreams instead. When she decided to publish these notes, her husband was extremely alarmed, not wanting to make public that his wife believed in reincarnation. Joan Grand's first book, The Winged Pharaoh, appeared in 1937 and became a bestseller. Not surprisingly, the publication of the book meant the end of her first marriage. At that time, no one knew that this book was a narrative about one of the author's past lives. As a result, the writer created several historical novels that actually told about her past lives.


Remembering your dream in the morning can be easier after a good night's rest. If you go to bed very late or after a big meal, you have little chance of remembering what you dreamed. The same applies to the condition after alcohol or drug abuse. But if you go to rest in a calm, peaceful mood, you will almost certainly remember your dreams.

Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams when you wake up. It is these simple things that determine the number of dreams that you will recall in your memory in the morning. This happens because we tend to remember things that are important to us rather than things that are unimportant. If you take your dreams seriously, you will quickly develop the ability to remember them.

All my friends who tried this method managed to develop this ability in themselves. Instead of vague, quickly disappearing impressions, they remember vivid details and get a clear picture of what happened in the dream. This is not surprising, since when they wake up, they invariably and confidently begin to remember their dreams.

If you wake up in the morning and don't remember a single dream, lie quietly for a few minutes with eyes closed. Think about the fact that you simply need to remember your dreams, and see what happens. Sometimes forgotten dream comes to mind as you lie quietly in bed waiting for him to return. The important thing is to just let it happen. But if you make efforts to bring the dream back into your awakened consciousness, you are doomed to failure. Dreams are evasive, they do not yield to pressure. It's wonderful if the dream does come back to you, but don't worry if you don't remember anything. When you feel ready to get up, go about your business. Stay confident that everything will work out the next morning.

Do these exercises for two weeks before attempting to have a dream in which you enter one of your past lives. You will find that these experiments are fruitful, insightful, and endlessly fun.

The late D. Scott Rogo wrote a book about past lives called In Search of Yesterday: A Critical Examination of the Evidence for Reincarnation. During the research, he placed an advertisement in a magazine in which he asked people who remembered their past life without resorting to the regression method. He found that in most plausible cases, people visited past lives in dreams.

Having gained some experience in remembering your dreams, you can move on to dreams related to your many previous lives. It's easier than you might imagine.

When you go to bed, tell yourself that tonight you will have a dream about one of your previous lives and that you will remember it when you wake up. Think about your desire to remember previous incarnations and then again tell yourself that if you see a dream about a past life, you will remember it in the morning.

If you have succeeded in the initial experiments of storing your dreams in memory, your mind will be filled with a wide variety of impressions when you wake up. Don't try to analyze them right away. Let them flow in your consciousness, creating big picture or image. If you lie still and do not interfere with the flow of the process, the most unexpected insights may come to you. Then write down everything you remember as quickly as possible.

It may happen that after waking up you do not remember a single dream. With a certain amount of experience in remembering them, this is hardly possible. Still it happens. Do not worry. Try again the next night, and the next if necessary. The main thing is to remain positive and continue using this method. The memory of past lives will return.


To obtain full picture past life, it may take several nights. That's why it's important to write down every little thing you remember, even if it doesn't seem to fit with the main information you received. Sometimes the same information will be given to you several nights in a row. As you explore it, you will discover new details every time. About two years ago I spoke on a radio program about dreams related to reincarnation. A few weeks later she contacted me married couple, who successfully tested my method. They were deeply excited about their success, but something still puzzled them. Gladys, the wife, learned everything about her past life as if from a storybook, as if she had watched a movie. Bill, her husband, on the other hand, received tantalizing glimpses of isolated episodes, the meaning of which was not clear until several nights had passed. It seemed unfair to the spouses, as they told me, that one received his entire past life in one single dream, while the other learned about it in parts.

The answer is that we all think differently and therefore our recall abilities are also different. I can understand Bill's frustration when it took him several nights to get as much information as Gladys learned in one night. In addition, her memory was distinguished by its complete form and completeness, and he had to gradually sift out and compare the events of his life. But, in the end, the memory of the past returned. It doesn’t matter how long it took to resurrect your long-forgotten memories.

Bill's regression is interesting for a number of reasons. After the first night, he woke up, literally thrown out of his sleep by the impression that the bayonet and the German military helmet made on him. He had no idea whether he was a German soldier or whether it was a German soldier who attacked him. leaned towards last option, because when I woke up I was very scared.

The next morning also did not bring clarity. I remembered the quiet episode home life. He, his wife and two small children enjoyed breakfast on the patio overlooking a wide, slow-moving river. On the opposite side of it stood a large castle. Bill thought it must be the Rhine River.

In his dream on the third night, Bill stood behind the counter and people came up to him and insulted him. He didn’t know what to do to stop this whole nightmare, and, losing his composure, he began to cry. It seemed to him that he saw the bayonet again, but he was not sure about it.

On the fourth night, Bill saw himself at a funeral. His wife and daughter stood next to him. He realized that he was attending the funeral of his young son. Then the family came home and he noticed his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in military uniform, and he realized that he was an officer in the German army. The next morning, Bill woke up with no clear memories, but with the knowledge that the wife from his past life was now his daughter.

A dream the next night brought back the memory of a meeting to resolve tactical issues with Kaiser Wilhelm. There were several other officers in the room, and Bill realized that he was a senior officer in the German army. I woke up with a heavy feeling of impending misfortune, because I knew that the war was lost.

On the seventh morning, Bill stood up, clearly remembering that he was lying in the hospital waiting to die. His wife and already adult daughter sat by his bed. The daughter was on recent months pregnancy. He wanted to speak to them, to tell them how much he loved them, but the words got stuck in his throat. He burst into tears of disappointment and his wife wiped them away tenderly. I lay on the bed and looked at them, and while I looked, the picture slowly faded. Suddenly he was plunged into darkness and realized that he had died.

Bill was able to arrange these scattered memories into an orderly row only after the last dream. “I was a sensitive, caring person who hated war but succeeded because of it,” he told me. “I loved beauty and I’m sure that in that life I worked as an art sales agent.” I didn’t want to fight, but I was forced into it. This was beneficial to me financially, because the people I met during the war later became my clients. Was this life a happy one? Hard to say. At certain moments I was proud of myself and felt accomplished, but most often I was ashamed of what I did.

I asked him if he felt proud and satisfied in his real life. He rubbed his chin as he considered the question. “I’ve never really thought about it before,” he said. “But I believe the answer must be in the affirmative.” I have strong moral values ​​and I haven't done anything that I'm truly ashamed of. I remember as a teenager breaking up with my friends when they were about to do something I thought was wrong.” He smiled. “Maybe I learned something in that past life after all. There I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have done. I could justify myself by saying that then, in wartime, I had no choice. But is that really the point?

Gladys's past life turned out to be much simpler. She was the only daughter of a family living in South East England in the 18th century. Her parents loved her daughter madly, and she married the eldest son of her parents' best friend. The marriage was happy and they had seven children. Gladys outlived them all and saw herself on her deathbed surrounded by her loving grandchildren. "It was undoubtedly happy life, she told me. “It was uneventful, even a little boring, but I was always surrounded by love.”

How does it relate to this life?

Gladys looked at her husband. “Bill and I talked about it quite a bit. I guess that in my past life I was selfish and never thought about people who were less fortunate than me. In this life, I am also happy with my friends and family, but now I devote a lot of time to charity.” She squeezed Bill's hand. "Maybe too much." Although Gladys and Bill learned about their past lives in different ways, it helped them both in their search for answers to the questions their current lives pose.

Gladys and Bill had a desire to further explore these former lives. There are two ways to use dreams for this. One is to continue doing what you started. When they go to bed at night, they need to tell themselves that they will return to this past life in order to learn more about it. Another method is to explore your past lives through vivid dreaming.


The method of distant memories is deceptively perceived as quite easy and is often used to study one's past lives. Although the method seems to be the epitome of simplicity, it requires some practice to achieve results. My friend Stefan spent many months remembering the events of his real life before he accidentally returned to his old one. Therefore, it would be a good idea to conduct several sessions to find out how much early memories this life you can recall before moving back to another life.

* Step one - get comfortable

Make yourself comfortable. Where – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and warm. During the summer months, I love experimenting with distant memories outdoors. Most often I lie down on the bed or sit on a comfortable chair. It is not so important where you settle, the main thing is that no one bothers you. Many people prefer to conduct this experiment at night in bed.

* Step two - breathe deeply

Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths and exhalations. Inhale for a slow count of five, hold your breath again for a count of five, and exhale for a count of eight.

*Step three - relax

Relax as deeply as you can. Repeating the phrase: “I am completely relaxed, I am completely relaxed” can help you with this.

* Step four - visualize clearly an important event from the recent past

Visualize clearly an important event in your life that happened within the past few years. People imagine events differently. If you are a visual type, you will clearly see the event in your mind's eye. Recalling the sounds, touches, or smells that accompanied the event may also work. This simply means that you are an auditory and kinesthetic learner and experience the event in your own way.

The sense of smell is extremely effective means returning to a past life due to its intense effect on our brain. It's amazing how different smells can bring back very important memories. Of the six senses, only smell transmits signals directly to peripheral system, located in the part of the brain that appears to be responsible for memory, emotionality and self-preservation.

* Step Five – Imagine Earlier Events

Having recalled a significant event from the recent past, forget about it and allow yourself to be carried away to an event that happened much earlier in your life. It doesn't matter how old you were when it happened, as long as you travel back in time.

*Step six – repeat step five several times

As soon as you manage to imagine some event, forget about it and move to an even more early time. Continue to repeat this until you return to the most distant past of this life. It doesn't matter whether you stop at the period when you were ten months old - or ten years old.

* Step seven - move as far back as possible

Now that you have traveled back as far as you can, think about your desire to return to one of your past lives and then see if you can go a little further. Now you have three options for the development of events: you can return to an even earlier experience of your present life, find yourself in the past, or... nothing will happen.

* Step Eight – Explore Your Past Life

If you managed to return to the most early event your present life, repeat the seventh step as many times as necessary in order to find yourself in the past. Once in your previous life, become familiar with the environment in which you find yourself and study it. If nothing happens and you are unable to return to a past life or an earlier event in your life, simply return to the present time and repeat the exercise another day. Few people succeed on the first try, and you may have to repeat the exercise many times before suddenly you find yourself in a past life. That's why it's good to do it at night in bed. If you were unable to return to your past life, you were at least able to relax and fall asleep peacefully. And if you returned to a past life, explore it as much as you want.

* Step nine - return to the same past life at will

Once you have recovered the memory of your past life—whether it is fragmentary or not—you will have no difficulty returning to that past life in the future to learn more about it. Once the “door has opened”, you can return there as often as you want.

Instead of focusing on some important event in your life, you can start with any event from yesterday. Once you have cleared yesterday's event in your mind, begin to think about something that happened last week, then last month and so on. The idea is to remember as many past events as possible, constantly moving back in time.

The distant memory method seems easy and is so for some people. However, I also knew those who practiced this method for months without achieving success. The most important thing in this method is the ability to simply relax and let whatever it is happen. Without receiving results immediately, many begin to become disillusioned with the method. But nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and persistent effort. Approach this exercise lightly and you will be more likely to succeed.

I started dreaming about my past life many years before I knew it was possible. I was 4-5 years old, and the dream really scared me. Subsequently, the dream was repeated several times with absolutely no changes. He followed me until adolescence, and then disappeared. I have never seen it for more than 15 years, but I still clearly remember not only what happened in it, but also my emotions.

Be a Surgeon

I am a man, I work as a surgeon. Operation in progress, there is a man lying on the table in front of me, he is almost entirely covered with a sheet, only the place where I am operating is left. The nurses help me. Bright lamps are shining above me. The operation is not complicated, but there is something wrong with my hand, it doesn’t listen to me. I am making a mistake, it is fatal, the person cannot be saved, he dies right on the table.

I go into shock. This is the first time this has happened to me. I can't handle my remorse. I am completely consumed by guilt. I don't believe in afterlife, so I think that the person is irretrievably lost. He could have lived if I had managed to save him. And now he is nowhere, he is gone. Not only did I deprive him of the opportunity to exist, but I am also guilty of his loved ones who will never be able to be with him again. The eyes are obscured by the endless blackness of emptiness. She scares me so much that I wake up.

If we put aside the fear of sleep, it brought me amazing sensations. During it, I felt like a different person. This man was a self-confident atheist. He did not take into account the opinions of others, always knowing that he was right. At the same time, he strived to help others. But he did this not out of love for his neighbor, but because he considered anyone weaker than himself. He was obliged to help because he was stronger. The burden was both exhilarating and depressing.

In the case of the patient's death, it became unbearable. The surgeon felt that only he was to blame. He should have, but he couldn't. This is a heavy blow and the emotions that overwhelmed the doctor were acute. Every time I dreamed about this life, I experienced them in its entirety. They are awful.

Why did I dream about my past life

I have repeatedly wondered why this particular life appeared in my dreams. Now I have come to the conclusion that the Surgeon still lives in me. I also suffer from the desire to help: I ​​give food to everyone, pick up stray animals, offer help, even if it’s hard for me to help. Like the Surgeon, not out of love for others, but because I consider them potentially weaker. Who if not me?

What a relief it is to understand that I don’t owe anyone anything. The surgeon in me rejoices. Liberation came to me through books. From them I learned that everyone creates their own reality through thoughts. People and animals are more than their current selves. They choose how they are born, how they die, and what they experience during their earthly existence. I am not responsible for anyone but myself.

02 Mar 2018 1312

Every person dreams during night and daytime rest. What people see in their dreams are the Past Lives of the Soul in the human body, but in other material bodies that it had throughout all 3 races of our Earth! The more often the Soul was born in the Material World, the more diverse a person’s dreams!

The dreams themselves always correspond to the age that the Soul lives in the Inhabited World at this moment Time. That is, a person sees himself in a dream as he is now, and not when he was little or will be old. Only those people who have passed in their development above the 6th Step of the Heavenly Ladder can sometimes see themselves in childhood or old age. Although, not all people notice the nuances of their age in their dreams, unless they observe themselves from the outside. And then - THIS is possible only if for the Soul that period of Time turned out to be fateful and this can somehow affect its today's life. After all, a dream is a kind of Time Machine. It is he who allows the Soul to return to the past of its lived Lives in order to:

To remember what once happened, good or bad;

To return to a similar situation that was once in one of the Past Lives of the Soul and compare it with the situation that he encountered already in this life, therefore some dreams that answer people to their problems are considered prophetic! But in fact, the Soul lived all this in one of its Past Lives.

For representatives of the 3 Lower Kingdoms, sleep is also of great importance. It's kind of visual instructions survival of the Soul in the Material World! The dream always corresponds to that of the 3 Lower Kingdoms in which the Soul resides in a given material shell. And to the time of year that exists at this moment in time in the Material World.

DO NOT take the dreams you see LITERALLY! That is, what you see in a dream is not always what actually happened in one of the past Lives of your Soul!

The fact is that basically, when telling something or about something, a person slightly exaggerates what happened to him real event. It all depends on how a person perceives this event: with humor or tragically. There are very few people who stick to the facts when talking about something. In this regard, this real event is distorted and remains in the memory of the person’s Personality, and then his Soul in a distorted form, therefore in a dream a person sees a DISTORTED version of this episode, which the Soul shows him from his Past Life.

In a dream, a person looks like himself and at the same time he doesn’t! If he has the opportunity to observe himself from the outside. The city may be the one in which he lives or once lived, or it may be a completely unfamiliar city to him! Even a country or part of the world can be different! The people themselves and their way of life may be completely different from the one that is familiar to you now - in your real life.

In a dream, you see yourself, your family, friends and the places in which you lived or still live, but at the same time you are surprised by some of the absurdities of the dream:
In a dream, you can give the name of an area, but this is not the place in which you live now or lived previously;

The house you live in in a dream is the same, but not the same;

The clothes you are wearing in your dream are yours, but not the same as those that are now hanging in your closet.

You don’t need to talk about other little things, because there is a very big discrepancy between dreams and reality!

This happens because the Soul ALWAYS strives for what it once LOVED, so those things that we choose with the Soul are very close to those that it or other people close to it had in Past Lives, and which they really liked to her.

If in a dream a person is just an outside observer, then the very fact of his REACTION to this or that action committed by his Soul in Past Lives is important! In this case, the decisive role is played by the emotional side of the dream and what a person FEELS as a Personality, seeing what his Soul + TA, its other Personality (in another material body) did once in the Past Lives of the Soul on Earth in this Universe!

Unfortunately, you will not see how your Soul lived Life in other Universes, because this belongs to another Universe! All Past Lives of Souls in another Universe were generalized into one Experience, which energetically strengthened the Soul, and in the new Universe the Soul always starts from scratch - with new Past Lives and with a new accumulation of Experience of life in the new Material World.

If in a dream a person himself lives the life of a dream, then this means that his Soul + Personality (your Personality) has entered that shell of its own to correct some Error - already Karma, which still weighs on it.

This happens due to the fact that her current Soul Personality COULD develop in herself a new quality that will help her remove the Karma that has been weighing on her Soul since that time! As a result, a TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT OF PERSONALITY occurs, because the Soul is one in all its Lives on Earth, for it is IMMORTAL.

In principle, such a Substitution of Personalities can be seen in real life, but only from the outside:

1. These are the people who write with their left hand. They were given a Second Chance of Life in an ALMOST similar situation that once existed. Now it is very important for them NOT to make a similar mistake again. Otherwise, they will start Vicious circle repeated Births at the same point in time.

2. If your acquaintance, friend or relative begins to say that he has already seen this somewhere and once...

Of course, I saw - the Soul saw! But this was another Life of his Soul, which she ALREADY lived once.

3. If your acquaintance, friend or relative is in difficult situation ACTING as he has never acted before this moment...

And even if you ask him about it. He will tell you sincerely that he ALWAYS acts this way and not otherwise! And he will be right, because it is this Personality of the Soul from its other Life that does just that! But, if you, some time later, remember this episode and tell him about it, you will hear in response that he himself did NOT know that he could do this. And in general, he remembers this, as if through a dream. And this will be true, because that Personality returned to its Life, and this Personality returned back - to this real Life of the Soul!

To make sure what kind of person is in front of you, look into his eyes. If your acquaintance, friend or relative has a different view - a changed view, then this means that the Replacement of the Personalities of his Soul has nevertheless occurred! Don't be alarmed. A person’s soul remains the same...

True, the person himself will not be able to understand that this Substitution occurred in a real, but different Life of his Soul, because he believes that he is sleeping!

Correction of Errors in a dream by another Personality of the Soul occurs not in the life when this has already happened, but in THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS!

An observant person will always notice that:

His leading hand turned out to be his left;
And the heart is on the right!

But he can only notice this if he looks at himself in the mirror in a dream! Or he will need to write something. In all other cases, it is very difficult and unrealistic to notice the discrepancy with his real life. Unless a person deliberately tries to do this.

A person in a dream also watches himself from behind the looking glass!

But, if during the Error that the Soul made in some of its Past Lives, other Souls in material shells suffered! Then in this case, the Soul has created Karma for itself, to correct which it must be born again and AT THE SAME TIME when those people who suffered as a result of the Error it made will live on Earth!

A chance to CORRECT this Error is provided if the Soul itself WISHES to correct it by DUPLICATING the life where it created Karma for itself! This can happen either in next Life Souls, either in the next race, or through a race, but such a chance will definitely be given to any Soul.

Each Soul, being born in the Inhabited World, has its own task or Destination, which it will try to fulfill throughout its entire life in the Material World. It also happens that the purpose of her birth on Earth is fulfilled! And even moreover, the Soul, due to its Personality, COULD defeat death and survive, extending its life span and continuing its life on Earth! Then, the Soul has an UNTOUCHABLE RESERVE of life in the Material World, which it can use at its own discretion, as a Personality + Soul! It is THIS Personality + Soul.

It may happen that in some of the Soul's Lives on the planet, its Personality, during its life on Earth, will NOT be able to FULFILL its Birth Purpose! And then, the Personality + Soul, which was in this material body, is REPLACED with the Personality + Soul of that material body, which was in that of the Past Lives of the Soul, when its life went BEYOND the established deadlines and became that emergency reserve that will be useful to it right now - in this Life to fulfill its Purpose!

Without the participation of Shambhala, such Substitutions of Personality and Soul from one of its material bodies to another of its own material bodies do not occur! And it will look like this: A man fell asleep and sees a dream that suddenly became a reality...

Everything around him is different: the environment, the people, and himself! The situation may be the same - but not the same. He knows the people around him, but they treat him differently. In the mirror he sees himself, but he is older or younger, fatter or thinner, and his hair is longer or shorter...

And then, both Personalities + Soul will be given a Second Chance of Life in a new Soul Life. After all, for the Soul, Time is ONE: Past, Present and Future. The Soul can live simultaneously in the same Time.

It is during sleep that we can accidentally rush through all the Lives of our Soul and not understand it...

There are other dreams when a person sees the Spiritual World of the Heavenly Kingdom. But this is not given to all people, but only to those who, once in the Past Lives of their Soul, reached the 8th Step of the Heavenly Ladder in their development and went through all 12 Hours of the Night to return Home to their Parent - God. Although, it is unlikely that a person will understand that his Soul is in the Heavenly Kingdom...

Staying in Spiritual World, many people cannot rise above the Labyrinth of the 4th Hour of Night of the Kingdom of the Dead Underworld, because in this life they are stuck in their development, somewhere on the first lower Steps of the Heavenly Ladder. And those who in this life are purposefully moving upward in their development to the 8th Step of the Heavenly Ladder can not only travel in a dream throughout the Universe, but also meet their Spiritual Father or their Spiritual Mother, if this is THEIR desire - the desire of the Soul + Personality and its Parent – ​​God.

I would like to return to the previous topic about replacing the Soul and its Personality with another Personality of the same Soul, which we talked about a little higher. But now it is necessary to say a few words about the REPLACEMENT of the Soul itself. Only Lamas, Gurus or other Teachers whose Souls are from the Supreme Gods can physically replace one Soul with another Soul! And then, this action is necessary VOLUNTARY consent both sides, where the Souls of these people THEMSELVES agree with each other! Other people - mere mortals - will not be able to do this! Perhaps it is possible to attach someone else’s Personality to a person, or rather to his Soul, but nothing more, because when replacing Souls that are strangers to each other, their polarity must coincide! That is, the glow, like the intensity of the glow of the Energies of their Souls.

Moreover, they transfer their material bodies to each other for temporary use. And this is very unsafe, but rather very dangerous! In the event of his death own body he, as a Soul+Personality, REMAINS in that other body until the end of his life on Earth. And that Soul + Personality, which was in his body at the time of death, is sent to the 12 Hours of the Night of the Kingdom of the Dead.

You can read about the very process of this replacement of Souls by the Lama of Tibet in the book by E. Muldashev “From whom did we come?”

Here I want to touch on such a phenomenon as hypnosis. This is when a stronger Soul dominates a weaker Soul. Typically, hypnosis is used to perform a specific task. But, again, this happens with the mutual consent of the parties. It does NOT matter how this consent was obtained. Hypnosis will last until the task is completed or it is removed by the one who did it!

It will look something like this: The human soul will do what the Hypnotist says, and his Personality, at this time, will give an account of his actions, but the Personality will NOT be able to intervene due to his weakness!

There is also hypnosis with coding for some action. This happens in the same way as with regular hypnosis, but it differs in that it works later and at the right time for the Hypnotist! Such hypnosis is done in advance and programmed to perform a specific task. In this case, this encoding is activated for CODE WORD or ACTION! That is, there is a code for the beginning of an action and a code for the end of an action! The validity period of such hypnosis with encoding is unlimited, but it is ONE-TIME and will NOT work if you try again!

If such encoding is triggered, the person will seem to be dreaming in reality! He sees, hears, speaks, feels, touches, but cannot intervene and change the plot of the dream, believing that he is just sleeping! And after removing the encoding, a person either remembers what he did as if in a dream - or, no! But he is surprised by the CONSEQUENCES of his dream, which materialized in reality, if he at least remembers fragments of such a dream!

“Our dreams are space,

where we can remember what,

as it seemed to us, we didn’t even know.”

Tilda Swinton

  • What dreams do you have?
  • Simple or exciting?
  • Perhaps you wake up from nightmares or “don’t see” dreams at all?

Everyone's dreams are different. Whatever they are, they always reflect your state at the moment. Eat interesting group dreams in which you can see yourself in your own past lives.

Why we see dreams about our own reincarnation and why they are needed, we will understand if we know what gives rise to them.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious

Without going into details, let's look at what happens in a dream. And here we need to talk about the work of consciousness and subconscious.

So, consciousness.

This is a brain function that:

  1. Receives information from external sources through the senses - through vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
  2. Compares this information with the experience stored in the subconscious.
  3. Analyzes and makes decisions based on this analysis.

Our consciousness is active when we are awake and “works” on fast waves called beta waves. In this state, the subconscious is an outside observer. The subconscious can become involved in case of emergency when a person is awake. This is called a state of affect.

At the moment when the human body relaxes, the waves receiving signals from the outside slow down, and the person enters the alpha state. This borderline state between sleep and wakefulness gives the opportunity to turn on our subconscious.

The subconscious is like a huge information base. The subconscious is non-judgmental, neutral towards a person. The entire experience of the individual, all his beliefs and habits of thought are stored here. The subconscious has access to information field Universe.

Any question asked to the subconscious can be easily resolved, and any, even the most crazy idea can be implemented. That is, the subconscious is a catalog of countless options for the development of any situation. You just need to know how to access it. Often the opportunity to use your subconscious is blocked by consciousness and judgment.

To summarize the above: during sleep and during wakefulness, our brain works at different frequencies. To perceive external signals, it uses faster waves, and during relaxation, when there is no need to receive external signals and process them, it uses weaker ones. It is at the moment of slowing down that access to our subconscious opens. Sleep provides an opportunity to look into the subconscious.

Consciousness stores the experience of the individual from birth to the present moment, and the subconscious mind stores the current plus the experience of all previous incarnations. And if at night you see yourself in past eras, out-of-date clothes, but at the same time you experience strong feelings, sensations or emotions - know that this is how they open up a gateway to your past lives.

Nobody dreams about what doesn't concern them

What we see in our dreams, sometimes even seeming crazy to us, always concerns us. Everything that scares us, that we want to get rid of, is hidden in our subconscious.

Blocked by consciousness, hidden deep during the day, it comes out in the form of dreams at night.

A reliable security system is built into the sleep mechanism. You always see only what your psyche is ready to work with. Even if it’s the worst nightmare from which you wake up every time in a cold sweat. Nightmares are a topic for a separate article. And we figure out why we have dreams about past lives.

These are your memories, your experiences that your mind forgot about, but your subconscious mind remembers and your body remembers.

Why remember past incarnation experiences?

To restore your memory. To unite consciousness and subconscious. And build your life yourself, without prompting.

For quite a long time I was a collection of individuals. Individual memories of the most diverse past formed a kaleidoscope in the place of my usual memory. The ability to manage the situation again returned to me through giving up the struggle for power. I let them out and gradually became all of them. Each of them poured into my consciousness. It became bigger and deeper, but it was still me.”.

B. Monosov “A mad ride on a pale horse.”

Dreams about past lives are directly related to life today. These are a kind of mirrors. And, having understood what, how and why they “show” you in them, you can understand a lot of what is happening in your current life.

In dreams about the past, you can find the causes of illnesses, fears and experiences of real life that are not clear at first glance.

Reincarnation dreams can be filled with creative energies. Even if you think that you are far from creativity, in a dream you will feel that this is not so.


I often had dreams at different moments about how I was a man, and always different, at war somewhere. Wars also different - sometimes historical, important, sometimes as if they were some kind of wild tribes. So, they constantly cut my back with a sword, or threw a stone hammer at my back. In general, I had some bad luck with my back in my dreams.

In my life, I have fear when someone is behind me. I don't like it when people stand behind me. Moreover, it hurts exactly in those places that were damaged in the dream.

Often in dreams about early incarnations you can see yourself in the role of a historical figure. Here you can pay attention to the potential that is inherent in the type of activity, the trace this person has left in history. As a rule, such dreams encourage a search for confirmation of the reality of the events that occurred.


I remember once I had a dream. I am in a German patriarchal town. Approximately 18th-19th century. Everything that happens is alive, colorful, super-real!

With me - two of mine best friend, and I know their names. Rudolph and... (now I forgot the second name). I am surprised to discover that I am a young man! There is...life...events happening around. And so, at the very moment of awakening, a certain voice pronounces my name on German. I wake up, pulling this German name, or rather, surname, out of sleep “by the tail.”

The reality of the dream was so vivid that I don’t immediately understand where I am: I want to get out of bed and I run into the wall. I’m sitting... thinking, trying to understand - WHO IT was there, or vice versa. The pronounced surname looks somewhat distorted.

Finally, it dawns on me. This is a German poet! What do I know about him at that moment in his life? What was such a German poet? That's all! I run to the bookcase, vaguely remembering that there is something there somewhere. Here she is! An anthology of German literature! I feverishly flip through the pages. Here! Several poems by the poet... I don’t remember whose translation. I'm reading. God! These are MY poetic formulas! MY poetic images! A few days later, a book “comes” into your hands: Alexander Deitch - Biographies of three German poets! One of them is mine.

I read quickly. My worldview! My morals! My fierce love! Even the zodiac sign is Aries! And the most amazing thing: among several of his portraits, one is an absolute copy of me, or rather, one of my teenage photographs. I'm 11, he's 22! Well, you probably already guessed that this is one of my incarnations. For me, this fact is not a guess at all, because it has been confirmed by some very reliable sources.

The name of my dream poet is Friedrich HOLDERLIN.

I believe in reincarnation, definitely. I think this phenomenon is very logical. And I don’t see much mysticism in this. It seems to me that I have already lived several lives.

One day I dreamed of something, which I later confirmed by searching for information on this topic (and before the dream, I didn’t know anything like that, wasn’t interested in it, and didn’t even think about it). Those. I found confirmation that this actually happened.

I dreamed of Russia under the reign of Ivan the Terrible. I saw myself from the outside (as if my soul was looking), but I knew that it was me. She was a very stately, beautiful woman, like a figurine. With blacks long hair, gathered under a strange headdress. This woman was from Georgia (as far as I understood), and the dream occurred several months before the war in Georgia. She, as I understood, was the wife of Ivan the Terrible, but she had such a cool disposition that she was a match for her husband.

The dream took place in two different places(the plot developed either in Russia or somewhere in Georgia). I remember landscapes, buildings. After this dream, I looked for information about Ivan the Terrible. It turned out that he really had a wife from there (a noble person who became famous for her obscene acts and wild disposition). She was one of the seven wives of Ivan the Terrible.

Dreams where you were not in the form of a person, but in someone else’s form - this is not nonsense, but different levels development of consciousness, different experiences.


But my distinct dreams were very different. One was very bright, like me galloping on four hooves. Exactly four, and precisely hooves. I’ve never ridden a horse in my life, that’s one thing, and secondly, those were MY hooves. The muscles rolled, and the feeling of speed, and the ground disappeared from under my feet, and such delight... and I felt the mass differently, and the inertia of movement, and the smells were perceived differently - a very vivid dream.

There was also detailed dream that we are a flock of migratory birds, and are gathering in warmer climes. It was very detailed and full of feeling.

Recently I had a dream-vision that I was a tree, like an oak, most likely. I stand very proudly, I grow, I feel the juices circulating through me. A completely serene state, very little self-awareness, compared to a human one, about five percent. There is only a feeling of sun, confidence, strength and dimensionality of time.

There was also the most powerful vision - the moment of conception, apparently. The entry of the soul into the material world. How I am gathered from a nameless, serene euphoric state of “not me” to one point, how I am sucked into some kind of shell, to one point. I have never experienced anything more terrible than this feeling in my life, coupled with a deep understanding of the reality of the memory.

There was also a dream about death. I was torn in half by an elevator in my dream. The soul flew away from the body - and rushed away.

Speed! Freedom! Lack of personality. Enormous speed, boundless freedom, jubilation, bodies - no! How clumsy it turns out to be! When I woke up, I thought - why did they push me back here! It’s all heavy, clumsy, disgusting. These thoughts are in letters! For what? When you can just be someone without thoughts, without personality, without memories - just a bundle of energy.

Using dreams as a gateway to early incarnations is a unique opportunity to realize that everything that happens in our lives has a starting point. The most valuable thing is that by remembering your past experiences through dreams, you can easily influence the present and prepare the future.

Is it possible to “order” a dream about a past life?

To dream about a previous incarnation, the first step is to set the intention to see it. Try to formulate it as precisely and confidently as possible. Of the two requests “I want to see some past life where I was/was happy” and “I want to see a past life where I had a harmonious relationship with my loved one,” the second one is more clearly formulated.

When formulating the “order” of a dream, avoid:

Indefinite words: something, some, etc.

Broad topics - the more precise the request, the better.

When ordering yourself a dream about a past life, remember the rule of the subconscious: if a thought or idea is considered by our consciousness (mind) to be correct or true, then the subconscious will accept it and immediately begin to work on translating this thought-idea into reality.

The first time you try, you may not get what you asked for. This means absolutely nothing. Try again. So you, step by step, will gain your experience by viewing dreams to order.

What would that mean?

When you see another dream about your past life, try to remember it well. Get yourself one good habit ask yourself and your loved ones in the morning about who dreamed what.

Ask yourself:

  • How does what you saw in a dream relate to today?
  • What emotions and feelings did I have in the dream?
  • Why did they show me this dream?
  • How did you watch it - in its entirety or in fragments?
  • What exactly did you remember - images or sensations?

By working with your dreams, you will begin to better understand what is happening in your life and why.

How to watch your dream in reality

Using the tools of reincarnation, you can finish watching dreams that you haven’t finished watching without waiting for the night. Or, if you have some unclear moment in a dream, you can easily view it using simple techniques.

When I was 3-4 years old, I had the same dream. I was scared, I always woke up and cried. In my dream I was led along stone high levels down, and everything around was in a green fog.

Then I stopped dreaming about him, but I still remember him today. I recently decided to see what was so terrible about that dream. It happened during the day, I sat down and relaxed, plunging into a state of not-before-sleep. Having entered the picture that my memory stores, I began to move around in the dream space. I went downstairs and then walked along the corridor, which spiraled towards the center.

In the center there was a room like a pyramid, and in the middle there was a low column, and on it a book with letters in red and black. Then a bald man appeared, and golden light scattered from the book in all directions. It felt like I was going through some kind of initiation.

Coming out of this state, I felt that my whole body was filled with not only warm, but hot energy. Warmed up very well. It turned out to be not so scary - to return to your childhood nightmare.

I would like to wish you not pleasant dreams, but educational and useful dreams. Learn to accept your dreams as part of yourself. Decipher your dreams, but not with the help of dream books, but on your own. Over time, you will develop your own system of meaningful images.

What dreams do you have about past lives? How do you feel about them? What do they mean to you? Share in the comments.

Source of quotes: Simonov V.A. "Life after death.

Copying of materials strictly with the indication of the journal Reincarnationika.

Dreams are a series of thoughts and sensations that come to you while you sleep. Your body is completely at rest when you sleep and dream about things that may be interesting, romantic, scary, bizarre, and sometimes illogical. And all this is somehow connected with your subconscious!

There are many reasons why different types dreams and the categories into which they are classified. There are basically two types of dreams, the ones you remember and the ones you can't remember. The dreams that you can remember are the ones that managed to have a deep impact on your mind, and sometimes they can even mean something important.
Psychologists over a period of time, after thousands of studies, have discovered that there is special features dreams that indicate that you are remembering your past life in your sleep!
Some moments in life are captured in our memory like photographs. These are the same images from a past life that come in dreams and guide us.
The dreams of your past life act as pillars that guide you in your present life so that you don't repeat the same mistakes over and over again!
So, here are the 5 main signs!

1) You act and look different in your dreams

We've all had that dream where we couldn't recognize ourselves. This is an indicator of your past life. Your face remains the same, but other than that everything else changes. Your behavior, environment and even your name.

2) Your current injuries and accidents are also present in your dreams

What is important to you now always has its roots in the past. If you have encountered serious trauma in your current life and it has upset you terribly, then you will find it in exactly the same place in dreams related to your past.

3) A constant feeling of incompleteness or lack in your dreams

Dreams directly or indirectly depict our deep-rooted desires. If you deeply desire something in your present life, then you lacked it even in your past life. This constant feeling that something is missing.

4) Deja vu

Almost all of us have experienced this feeling at least once in our lives. It feels like this isn’t the first time you’ve experienced this moment. You just know what's going to happen or what someone is going to say next.

5) You feel older than your actual age

They say that souls live forever; it's just physical bodies die. That's why some people feel like their soul is a million years old. Over time, their souls matured, glowed and tired. Their approach to things is very different from most people their age. This indicates that your soul has been reincarnated!


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