Why do you dream about a past life? How to remember a past life - techniques available to everyone.

If you are interested in the question of how to remember a past life, most likely you are a person who is completely fascinated by mysticism. It is quite possible to find out who you were in a past life, the methods are described below varying degrees difficulties.

In the article:

Remember your past life through meditation

You have long been concerned about the question - how to remember your past life? Special meditation will help with this. If you already have experience in meditation, it will be useful. Most likely, you already know that the temperature in the room should be comfortable; cold and stuffiness will distract you. Turn off the TV, radio, mobile and home phones, door bell. Nothing should distract you. It is even advisable to choose the time so that as little noise as possible comes from the street.

In addition, you need to take care that you are not distracted by hunger, thirst, or feeling full stomach. It is also advisable to keep room illumination to a minimum. After preparation, you can make yourself as comfortable as possible so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you. You can lie or sit in any position you like.

Close your eyes and imagine White light, which envelops your entire body. It is impenetrable to any energetic dirt, ill-wishers and entities living in subtle world. The white shining cocoon is needed for protection - you have a difficult journey ahead, and during it it is better to keep the cocoon in front of your mind's eye. By the way, it doesn’t have to be white, you can represent any other color.

Now imagine that you are standing in a large hall. At the end of it you should see a door. Don't rush to open it. Try to imagine the room in as much detail as possible. Evaluate the interior, lighting, ceiling height and other external components. Remember this room, you will continue to imagine it when working with past lives.

Have you looked at the hall? Now slowly approach the door. Every step must be taken with an awareness of its purpose. Listen, and you may be able to hear the sound of your steps. Pay attention to the floor - what is it?

As you already understand, behind this door is information about your past life. But don't rush to open it. First, feel the texture of the handle, feel how it turns in the door, what sounds the parts of the lock make. The door itself also needs to be considered. Realize that behind this door you will find the answer to your question - how to remember your past life on your own.

You should unconditionally believe that what you see behind the door is related to your past life. It is possible that over time it will turn out that some of the information will be false - you will be able to find out when you receive more experience in such meditations. There is no need to doubt, doubts will nullify all efforts.

Open the door and accept information about your past incarnation. Few people here manage to get a lot of information the first time. For example, it could be a completely unfamiliar face that is preserved in the memory of your past incarnation. Or maybe you will only see color. By repeating this meditation, you will learn that this color was on your favorite carpet or dress, and a certain wall was the wall of your home or place of work.

If images stop appearing or do not appear at all, this indicates a lack of strength. In order to return to the present, return to the hall, close the door to your past life and go to the place from where you came to it. Give yourself the mindset that once you reach it, you can return to the present, open your eyes and remember everything you saw.

It is impossible to remember your life with the help of a one-time meditation experience. But you can start working on this by meditating regularly and conjuring up a hall with a door in your imagination. Over time, you will learn everything about your past incarnation if you are persistent enough. By the way, a person has not only one past incarnation, and information from different lives may get mixed up. Over time, you will learn to distinguish between them and find out how many lives you have actually lived.

How to remember past lives yourself at home - the magic of dreams

Is it possible to remember your past life in a dream? It is believed that dreams- these are a kind of doors to other worlds. Do you often dream about things you have never seen before? real life? Most likely, these are references to your past incarnations. In order to remember your past life through dream analysis, you first need to learn how to remember them.

Keep a dream journal. There, every morning you are supposed to write down everything that you can see during your night's rest. By the way, having such a diary is also important for those who want to learn.

Have you learned to remember dreams? Now before going to bed you need to give yourself a clear instruction to see your past life in a dream. Perhaps you won’t succeed the first time, and with experience, sometimes instead of past lives you will contemplate certain events from everyday everyday life. Every person dreams of such things from time to time, and if you remember all your dreams and analyze them, sooner or later you will discover information about your past incarnation.

It will be much easier to remember past incarnations for people who have already mastered lucid dreams, or other variants of the state, which some authors of books call a phase. When you find yourself in this state, imagine a door behind which is something connected with your past incarnation. Open it and remember everything you see. As with the meditation above, the images may not be clear. Eg, brown spot upon further examination it will turn into a cow or horse.

Find out who you were in a previous life - fortune telling using mirrors, water and a magic ball

Fortune telling with a magic ball is difficult, and not every person has such a magical attribute. It can be replaced with a mirror or even a regular container with water. Let's start with the last one.

The size of the container can be any, but not smaller than a glass. There should not be any patterns or protrusions on it. Fill the container clean water of absolutely any origin, and observe its surface. Don't be distracted by anything; it's better if the phone and doorbell are turned off. Just think that you want to see your past incarnation. Don't allow any other thoughts. After some time, you will see images in the water that will be related to your past incarnation.

Fortune telling on mirrors is known to almost everyone. You can see anything in the reflection of a mysterious magical object, if you have experience in such activities. Learning to see the past and future in the mirror is a whole science.

So, darken the room. Complete darkness no need, a night light or candles will do just fine. Place the mirror so that it reflects a plain wall or a blank sheet of paper. You should not see your reflection. It refers to the current incarnation; there is no need to overload the reflection with unnecessary information. Keep in mind that in the past you looked different, perhaps even belonged to the opposite sex.

Relax and contemplate what is reflected in the mirror. Think only about what you want to see, what happened in a past life. After a while, a foggy area will appear in the center of the mirror, and after the fog clears, you will be able to see images that will answer your questions about past lives and reincarnation.

Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

Numerology calculations can help you find out who you were in a past life. Numerology- a fairly accurate section of esotericism. With its help, you can calculate various numbers that are related to a person. Numerologists are sure that the date of birth hides valuable information about talents and inclinations, quantity vital energy, character and even the fate of a person.

So, how to remember past lives by date of birth? Your date of birth contains information about your past incarnation. Each person is born at a time strictly determined by the universe.

In order to pass, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. More precise information, such as hours and minutes, is taken into account by professional astrologers. Such calculations give more exact information, however, few know their secrets.

How to remember past lives - methods of coinciding events

If you want to remember past lives, methods that do not require any skills, such as the ability to meditate or be aware of yourself in a dream, tell fortunes in mirrors, or see images in water, will help you. They are simple and accessible to every person, however, these exercises do not always work the first time.

The clock method was used in the recent past during hypnosis. You will need a clock that ticks, that is, a mechanical one. Relax and listen to the ticking, keep your eyes closed. Remember any episode from your life that was associated with a ticking clock. Maybe you listen to it every time before going to bed? Or maybe the clock is ticking loudly in your boss’s office?

Watch the selected event for some time, scroll through it in your memory. Move on to the next ticking clock memory. And then try to remember an episode from a past incarnation in which you also heard ticking. Observe all the images and sensations that appear before your mind's eye. The essence of this method is that every person heard the ticking of a clock; this everyday sound can be the start for restoring the memory of a past incarnation.

Finally, if none of the above methods work for you, try thinking logically. You have some talents, inclinations, favorite things, preferences. WITH huge probability they are somehow connected with what happened in a past life. Why do you like your favorite scent? What is it connected with, what associations does it evoke? When did you first feel it? Such questions may lead you to obtain information about a past life from your own memory.

It is also worth thinking about talents. If you sing, think - when did you start singing? What emotions does your favorite activity evoke? Why did you suddenly decide to sing? How did you realize that you would be able to do this? Past lives are believed to have a strong influence on the present. Often people who had talents in a past incarnation also have them in their current incarnation.

Is it possible to remember a previous life under hypnosis?

If attempts to find the answer to the question of how to remember your life yourself at home have not been successful, you can try hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis is often too much challenging task For modern man, so you can try to rely on a professional in the field of the human subconscious.

Dream interpretation of the past

Who wouldn't want to have a time machine? With its help, it would be possible to look into the future, or even better, to go into the past in order to relive positive moments or correct your mistakes.

Why do we dream about the past? Does such a vision mean simple nostalgia for times long gone?

Time Traveler

Dreams in which events develop in a different time often occur to dreamers. You may find yourself in the future, seeing events expected in reality. It is possible that the dreamer may dream of a situation that has already occurred in reality.

Of course, the dreamer will be interested in whether there is any point in deciphering this vision? Or is this just a figment of the imagination?

The past according to the dream book

It has been scientifically proven that middle-aged or elderly people most often see themselves in the past.

I dream about events that have already happened

This happens due to the fact that they really have something to remember.

English interpreter

What does he think? this dream book, the past in night vision is just a prototype of what happened to you in real life. A sleeping person feels nostalgic and wishes to return to the old days.

It is possible that at this time you are making an important decision, which is based on the events of long ago.

Everyday interpreter

Seeing the past in a dream means that you cannot completely part with it. Something is holding you back, be it an unfinished business, an unclear question, an unfulfilled dream.

If in a dream you find yourself in a bygone time, then you should think about what worries you and gives you no rest. Only by understanding yourself, completing what you started, letting go of mistakes, will you be able to develop normally and move on. By getting rid of the old, you open yourself to the new.

Seeing events of past days in a dream

To see a vivid picture of what happened in the past - you are dissatisfied with what is happening in your life in this moment. It is believed that this vision, if analyzed in detail, will be able to help you understand what exactly does not suit you. All you have to do is make every effort to correct the situation.

Why do you dream about the past? This vision may indicate to you different areas of your life. It could be personal life, and career, and material issues.

This vision is intended to indicate events that require close attention; you should not leave it without consideration. If you manage to do everything right, you will be surprised how your life will immediately improve.

Interpreter Loffa

David Loff believed that returning to the past in a dream is a sign that your cherished dream will come true in reality. It will be associated with a relationship with a certain person whom you have loved for a long time.

Past events are dreamed of before further luck

Or the vision promises a quick meeting with your soulmate, especially if this is what you want.

Interpreter Sivananda

After a dreamed excursion into the past, you may encounter certain difficulties in real life. The interpreter believes that this vision is intended to show you that you should not rely on outside help or ask for it. You yourself have the power to figure out what is happening and improve the situation.

Dream detail

Dream interpreters believe that after a dream in which the dreamer says that I see myself in the past, it is worth thinking about.

What could be the reasons why you have to go back to days gone by? Let's figure out why we have such visions:

Meet yourself from the past in a dream

  • now events are developing very quickly, and the sleeping person cannot get used to it, feels discomfort, it is more convenient for him to be in the past tense;
  • Now you are faced with difficulties, the cause of which is previous mistakes, and higher power point them out to you;
  • found yourself in the past, communicated with a person who was unpleasant to you, relived an old conflict - unpleasant situation what has already happened prevents you from living fully;
  • I dreamed about the past in which you met your former self - significant events will soon occur in life, and they will all be positive;
  • for a lonely person to meet his former self - for a fateful meeting with his soulmate, listen to the advice given to yourself in a night vision, they will help strengthen your feelings.

Guest from the future

Why dream about the past in a dream that you personally never had in reality? If in a dream you find yourself in years gone by, studying history, then such a night vision promises you success in the professional field.

When pictures of the unknown past pass before the eyes of graduates of schools, technical schools, universities, then these people are ready for adult life. They will be able to withstand difficulties and adversity with dignity. The troubles of the past period will not remind you of themselves.

A similar prediction can also be applied if the dreamer is in difficult situation when his life changes dramatically. Don’t worry, you can handle everything on your own, you have the fortitude and knowledge.

I started dreaming about my past life many years before I knew it was possible. I was 4-5 years old, and the dream really scared me. Subsequently, the dream was repeated several times with absolutely no changes. He followed me until adolescence, and then disappeared. I have never seen it for more than 15 years, but I still clearly remember not only what happened in it, but also my emotions.

Be a Surgeon

I am a man, I work as a surgeon. Operation in progress, there is a man lying on the table in front of me, he is almost entirely covered with a sheet, only the place where I am operating is left. The nurses help me. Bright lamps are shining above me. The operation is not complicated, but there is something wrong with my hand, it doesn’t listen to me. I am making a mistake, it is fatal, the person cannot be saved, he dies right on the table.

I go into shock. This is the first time this has happened to me. I can't handle my remorse. I am completely consumed by guilt. I don't believe in afterlife, so I think that the person is irretrievably lost. He could have lived if I had managed to save him. And now he is nowhere, he is gone. Not only did I deprive him of the opportunity to exist, but I am also guilty of his loved ones who will never be able to be with him again. The eyes are obscured by the endless blackness of emptiness. She scares me so much that I wake up.

If we put aside the fear of sleep, it brought me amazing sensations. During it, I felt like a different person. This man was a self-confident atheist. He did not take into account the opinions of others, always knowing that he was right. At the same time, he strived to help others. But he did this not out of love for his neighbor, but because he considered anyone weaker than himself. He was obliged to help because he was stronger. The burden was both exhilarating and depressing.

In the case of the patient's death, it became unbearable. The surgeon felt that only he was to blame. He should have, but he couldn't. This is a heavy blow and the emotions that overwhelmed the doctor were acute. Every time I dreamed about this life, I experienced them in its entirety. They are awful.

Why did I dream about my past life

I have repeatedly wondered why this particular life appeared in my dreams. Now I have come to the conclusion that the Surgeon still lives in me. I also suffer from the desire to help: I ​​give food to everyone, pick up stray animals, offer help, even if it’s hard for me to help. Like the Surgeon, not out of love for others, but because I consider them potentially weaker. Who if not me?

What a relief it is to understand that I don’t owe anyone anything. The surgeon in me rejoices. Liberation came to me through books. From them I learned that everyone creates their own reality through thoughts. People and animals are more than their current selves. They choose how they are born, how they die, and what they experience during their earthly existence. I am not responsible for anyone but myself.

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According to some theories, we all come into this world more than once. The intangible part of a person - the soul - does not disappear after death, it is reborn in a new manifestation. Moreover, this is not necessarily another person, to live new life possible in the body of a butterfly, animal, as a mighty oak tree or delicate flower. But the people of India believe that the soul of the deceased will move into the first baby that is born in this family. Therefore, at the funeral, the relatives of the deceased not only do not shed tears, but, on the contrary, rejoice and celebrate, because a new meeting is just around the corner.

Is it possible to find out who you were in a past life? How to do this using dreams

Everyone would be interested to know about their past incarnations. It is believed that all previous lives leave an imprint on the subconscious level and this information can be retrieved by turning off consciousness, that is, by falling asleep.

Immerse yourself in proper sleep Meditation techniques will help. If you carry it out correctly, then, plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus, you will see what you want to know.

How to do it:

  1. It is better to meditate in the room where you will sleep in the future. Ventilate it well, eliminate all irritants: mobile phone, computer, loud ticking clock, etc. A specially created environment will help you relax. Choose something that gives you a feeling of calm - quiet music, aroma sticks, dim lighting, etc.
  2. Listen to your inner self. To do this it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation. It will help to do this correct breathing. Alternately take deep, slow breaths in and out for several minutes. Concentrate on your breathing. Imagine that you are in the center of the Universe, there is nothing and no one around you, you are alone in the whole world.
  3. When you step away from the bustle of the world, imagine entering your past life. Perhaps it will be a simple door. Or maybe some kind of transport will take you to your destination. Before entering a past life, think about whether you are ready for this. When you feel it’s time, without opening your eyes, accept comfortable position for sleep and immerse yourself in the world of dreams. Everything you see this night will matter. Immediately after waking up, you may also have unusual images in your head. Try to remember them. Most likely, with their help you will be able to find out who you were before.

You probably won't succeed the first time. Some people need more attempts, others less. If you have not been able to delve into the past on your own, you can sign up for a session with a professional hypnologist.

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“Our dreams are space,

where we can remember what,

as it seemed to us, we didn’t even know.”

Tilda Swinton

  • What dreams do you have?
  • Simple or exciting?
  • Perhaps you wake up from nightmares or “don’t see” dreams at all?

Everyone's dreams are different. Whatever they are, they always reflect your state at the moment. Eat interesting group dreams in which you can see yourself in your own past lives.

Why we see dreams about our own reincarnation and why they are needed, we will understand if we know what gives rise to them.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious

Without going into details, let's look at what happens in a dream. And here we need to talk about the work of consciousness and subconscious.

So, consciousness.

This is a brain function that:

  1. Receives information from external sources through the senses - through vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
  2. Compares this information with the experience stored in the subconscious.
  3. Analyzes and makes decisions based on this analysis.

Our consciousness is active when we are awake and “works” on fast waves called beta waves. In this state, the subconscious is an outside observer. The subconscious can become involved in case of emergency when a person is awake. This is called a state of affect.

At the moment when the human body relaxes, the waves receiving signals from the outside slow down, and the person enters the alpha state. This borderline state between sleep and wakefulness gives the opportunity to turn on our subconscious.

The subconscious is like a huge information base. The subconscious is non-judgmental, neutral towards a person. The entire experience of the individual, all his beliefs and habits of thought are stored here. The subconscious has access to information field Universe.

Any question asked to the subconscious can be easily resolved, and any, even the most crazy idea can be implemented. That is, the subconscious is a catalog of countless options for the development of any situation. You just need to know how to access it. Often the opportunity to use your subconscious is blocked by consciousness and judgment.

To summarize the above: during sleep and during wakefulness, our brain works at different frequencies. To perceive external signals, it uses faster waves, and during relaxation, when there is no need to receive external signals and process them, it uses weaker ones. It is at the moment of slowing down that access to our subconscious opens. Sleep provides an opportunity to look into the subconscious.

Consciousness stores the experience of the individual from birth to the present moment, and the subconscious mind stores the current plus the experience of all previous incarnations. And if at night you see yourself in past eras, out-of-date clothes, but at the same time you experience strong feelings, sensations or emotions - know that this is how they open up a gateway to your past lives.

Nobody dreams about what doesn't concern them

What we see in our dreams, sometimes even seeming crazy to us, always concerns us. Everything that scares us, that we want to get rid of, is hidden in our subconscious.

Blocked by consciousness, hidden deep during the day, it comes out in the form of dreams at night.

A reliable security system is built into the sleep mechanism. You always see only what your psyche is ready to work with. Even if it’s the worst nightmare from which you wake up every time in a cold sweat. Nightmares are a topic for a separate article. And we figure out why we have dreams about past lives.

These are your memories, your experiences that your mind forgot about, but your subconscious mind remembers and your body remembers.

Why remember past incarnation experiences?

To restore your memory. To unite consciousness and subconscious. And build your life yourself, without prompting.

For quite a long time I was a collection of individuals. Individual memories of the most diverse past formed a kaleidoscope in the place of my usual memory. The ability to manage the situation again returned to me through giving up the struggle for power. I let them out and gradually became all of them. Each of them poured into my consciousness. It became bigger and deeper, but it was still me.”.

B. Monosov “A mad ride on a pale horse.”

Dreams about past lives are directly related to life today. These are a kind of mirrors. And, having understood what, how and why they “show” you in them, you can understand a lot of what is happening in your current life.

In dreams about the past, you can find the causes of illnesses, fears and experiences of real life that are not clear at first glance.

Reincarnation dreams can be filled with creative energies. Even if you think that you are far from creativity, in a dream you will feel that this is not so.


I often had dreams at different moments about how I was a man, and always different, at war somewhere. Wars also different - sometimes historical, important, sometimes as if they were some kind of wild tribes. So, they constantly cut my back with a sword, or threw a stone hammer at my back. In general, I had some bad luck with my back in my dreams.

In my life, I have fear when someone is behind me. I don't like it when people stand behind me. Moreover, it hurts exactly in those places that were damaged in the dream.

Often in dreams about early incarnations you can see yourself in the role of a historical figure. Here you can pay attention to the potential that is inherent in the type of activity, the trace this person has left in history. As a rule, such dreams encourage a search for confirmation of the reality of the events that occurred.


I remember once I had a dream. I am in a German patriarchal town. Approximately 18th-19th century. Everything that happens is alive, colorful, super-real!

With me - two of mine best friend, and I know their names. Rudolph and... (now I forgot the second name). I am surprised to discover that I am a young man! There is...life...events happening around. And so, at the very moment of awakening, a certain voice pronounces my name on German. I wake up, pulling this German name, or rather, surname, out of sleep “by the tail.”

The reality of the dream was so vivid that I don’t immediately understand where I am: I want to get out of bed and I run into the wall. I’m sitting... thinking, trying to understand - WHO IT was there, or vice versa. The pronounced surname looks somewhat distorted.

Finally, it dawns on me. This is a German poet! What do I know about him at that moment in his life? What was such a German poet? That's all! I run to the bookcase, vaguely remembering that there is something there somewhere. Here she is! An anthology of German literature! I feverishly flip through the pages. Here! Several poems by the poet... I don’t remember whose translation. I'm reading. God! These are MY poetic formulas! MY poetic images! A few days later, a book “comes” into your hands: Alexander Deitch - Biographies of three German poets! One of them is mine.

I read quickly. My worldview! My morals! My fierce love! Even the zodiac sign is Aries! And the most amazing thing: among several of his portraits, one is an absolute copy of me, or rather, one of my teenage photographs. I'm 11, he's 22! Well, you probably already guessed that this is one of my incarnations. For me, this fact is not a guess at all, because it has been confirmed by some very reliable sources.

The name of my dream poet is Friedrich HOLDERLIN.

I believe in reincarnation, definitely. I think this phenomenon is very logical. And I don’t see much mysticism in this. It seems to me that I have already lived several lives.

One day I dreamed of something, which I later confirmed by searching for information on this topic (and before the dream, I didn’t know anything like that, wasn’t interested in it, and didn’t even think about it). Those. I found confirmation that this actually happened.

I dreamed of Russia under the reign of Ivan the Terrible. I saw myself from the outside (as if my soul was looking), but I knew that it was me. She was a very stately, beautiful woman, like a figurine. With blacks long hair, gathered under a strange headdress. This woman was from Georgia (as far as I understood), and the dream occurred several months before the war in Georgia. She, as I understood, was the wife of Ivan the Terrible, but she had such a cool disposition that she was a match for her husband.

The dream took place in two different places(the plot developed either in Russia or somewhere in Georgia). I remember landscapes, buildings. After this dream, I looked for information about Ivan the Terrible. It turned out that he really had a wife from there (a noble person who became famous for her obscene acts and wild disposition). She was one of the seven wives of Ivan the Terrible.

Dreams where you were not in the form of a person, but in someone else’s form - this is not nonsense, but different levels development of consciousness, different experiences.


But my distinct dreams were very different. One was very bright, like me galloping on four hooves. Exactly four, and precisely hooves. I’ve never ridden a horse in my life, that’s one thing, and secondly, those were MY hooves. The muscles rolled, and the feeling of speed, and the ground disappeared from under my feet, and such delight... and I felt the mass differently, and the inertia of movement, and the smells were perceived differently - a very vivid dream.

There was also detailed dream that we are a flock of migratory birds, and are gathering in warmer climes. It was very detailed and full of feeling.

Recently I had a dream-vision that I was a tree, like an oak, most likely. I stand very proudly, I grow, I feel the juices circulating through me. A completely serene state, very little self-awareness, compared to a human one, about five percent. There is only a feeling of sun, confidence, strength and dimensionality of time.

There was also the most powerful vision - the moment of conception, apparently. The entry of the soul into the material world. How I am gathered from a nameless, serene euphoric state of “not me” to one point, how I am sucked into some kind of shell, to one point. I have never experienced anything more terrible than this feeling in my life, coupled with a deep understanding of the reality of the memory.

There was also a dream about death. I was torn in half by an elevator in my dream. The soul flew away from the body - and rushed away.

Speed! Freedom! Lack of personality. Enormous speed, boundless freedom, jubilation, bodies - no! How clumsy it turns out to be! When I woke up, I thought - why did they push me back here! It’s all heavy, clumsy, disgusting. These thoughts are in letters! For what? When you can just be someone without thoughts, without personality, without memories - just a bundle of energy.

Using dreams as a gateway to early incarnations is a unique opportunity to realize that everything that happens in our lives has a starting point. The most valuable thing is that by remembering your past experiences through dreams, you can easily influence the present and prepare the future.

Is it possible to “order” a dream about a past life?

To dream about a previous incarnation, the first step is to set the intention to see it. Try to formulate it as precisely and confidently as possible. Of the two requests “I want to see some past life where I was/was happy” and “I want to see a past life where I had a harmonious relationship with my loved one,” the second one is more clearly formulated.

When formulating the “order” of a dream, avoid:

Indefinite words: something, some, etc.

Broad topics - the more precise the request, the better.

When ordering yourself a dream about a past life, remember the rule of the subconscious: if a thought or idea is considered by our consciousness (mind) to be correct or true, then the subconscious will accept it and immediately begin to work on translating this thought-idea into reality.

The first time you try, you may not get what you asked for. This means absolutely nothing. Try again. So you, step by step, will gain your experience by viewing dreams to order.

What would that mean?

When you see another dream about your past life, try to remember it well. Get yourself one good habit ask yourself and your loved ones in the morning about who dreamed what.

Ask yourself:

  • How does what you saw in a dream relate to today?
  • What emotions and feelings did I have in the dream?
  • Why did they show me this dream?
  • How did you watch it - in its entirety or in fragments?
  • What exactly did you remember - images or sensations?

By working with your dreams, you will begin to better understand what is happening in your life and why.

How to watch your dream in reality

Using the tools of reincarnation, you can finish watching dreams that you haven’t finished watching without waiting for the night. Or, if you have some unclear moment in a dream, you can easily view it using simple techniques.

When I was 3-4 years old, I had the same dream. I was scared, I always woke up and cried. In my dream I was led along stone high levels down, and everything around was in a green fog.

Then I stopped dreaming about him, but I still remember him today. I recently decided to see what was so terrible about that dream. It happened during the day, I sat down and relaxed, plunging into a state of not-before-sleep. Having entered the picture that my memory stores, I began to move around in the dream space. I went downstairs and then walked along the corridor, which spiraled towards the center.

In the center there was a room like a pyramid, and in the middle there was a low column, and on it a book with letters in red and black. Then a bald man appeared, and golden light scattered from the book in all directions. It felt like I was going through some kind of initiation.

Coming out of this state, I felt that my whole body was filled with not only warm, but hot energy. Warmed up very well. It turned out to be not so scary - to return to your childhood nightmare.

I would like to wish you not pleasant dreams, but educational and useful dreams. Learn to accept your dreams as part of yourself. Decipher your dreams, but not with the help of dream books, but on your own. Over time, you will develop your own system of meaningful images.

What dreams do you have about past lives? How do you feel about them? What do they mean to you? Share in the comments.

Source of quotes: Simonov V.A. "Life after death.

Copying of materials strictly with the indication of the journal Reincarnationika.



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