How to properly administer ear drops to children. Effective ear drops - types and how to apply them correctly for adults and children

Natural fur was used as a material for clothing back in ancient times, when harsh weather conditions told our ancestors that the skins of killed animals would be useful for making warm clothes and blankets. More than one millennium has passed, and man has learned to make fur, dye it, bleach it, tint it... But the main achievement in this area has been the tanning of leather and fur.

IN currently The fur dressing process is automated, but includes all the same basic processing steps as thousands of years ago. Only despite this, natural fur remains a highly valuable material, and owners of expensive types of it are financially secure and successful people.

and their characteristic features

Depending on the type of animal, fur is divided into:

  • beaver fur (quite warm and moisture-resistant material);
  • otter fur (one of the most wear-resistant);
  • raccoon fur (warm and very popular fur, relatively inexpensive);
  • marten fur (also warm, hypoallergenic and fairly wear-resistant material);
  • ermine fur (very rare, expensive and not the most practical option);
  • Karakul (expensive material with unusual colors);
  • fox fur (beautiful and practical material);
  • seal fur (easy to care for, suitable option for very low temperature);
  • mink fur (beautiful, moisture-resistant, practical, rather expensive material: the cost of 1 meter of mink skin is more than 6,000 rubles).

This is not the entire range; there are other types of furs.

Processing natural fur - stretching the material

Now it’s worth addressing the question of how to stretch the skin or process previously prepared fur. To do this, you need to moisten the skin. It is better to do this with a brush or spray bottle. Water quality plays an important role here. It is better if it is distilled, without various impurities of metals, chlorine and other elements.

After this procedure, the skin should lie for about 30 minutes. Exact time Duration depends on the thickness and elasticity of the material. It is very important not to allow excess moisture - the fur must remain dry!

Stretching the skins can begin at the moment when the skin is almost dry. Editing should be done in the direction of the pile. The skin is straightened and pinned with nails or to a board. When stretching, try not to damage the structure of the skin and hair. If the pile is long, then such material is attached with the fur facing up, and if it is short or of medium length, then the fur is attached to the board.

The material should be stretched strictly in a certain sequence: first prick the bottom of the product, then the middle, then stretch it evenly to the left and right from the center and diagonally from bottom to top to the edges. After finishing stretching, leave the product to dry completely. On average, this time is about a day. Then remove the skin and leave it for at least 2 hours to cure. It should be noted here that the more the wet material is stretched, the more it will shrink. Having finished talking about how to stretch the skin, you can proceed to other processing methods.

Fur processing - fatting

Fattening is necessary only if the elasticity of the skin is reduced, then work with fur begins. To eliminate dryness of the skin tissue after the drying stage, before removing the stretch, you should wipe the material with a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth soaked in glycerin. After this, leave the skin until the glycerin is completely absorbed, and only then remove it from the stretch. This procedure will prepare the skin for cutting, making it soft and elastic.

Then you can remove the material from the board, comb the fur and start cutting. Wavy edges should be straightened immediately.

Fur color

If natural fur is heavily polluted, it should be cleaned before dyeing, since the paint does not penetrate well into the contaminated fur. To do this, take an alkaline solution.

Solution composition:

  • 2-3 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. detergent;
  • 2 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 liter of water.

When coloring, the underbelly should be treated with glycerin or a rich cream should be applied to avoid it from drying out.

Fur pelts are usually dyed darker colors. When colored more light color You will first need to lighten your hair using hydrogen peroxide.

Fur is dyed by placing the skin on a wooden board and securing it with pins or small nails. Use ordinary hair dye for this. Before the procedure, the fur can be slightly wetted to make it easier to distribute the paint. Exposure time - according to the instructions on the package. We wash off the paint without removing the skin from the board in the shower, then dry it and lift the fur with a hairdryer. It will take the most time to dry the flesh.

Tanning hides

During the drying process and other procedures, the hide is subjected to mechanical processing, as a result of which the material becomes brittle and hard. Tanning helps strengthen the structure of the skin of mink, otter, raccoon, marten and other animals, which occurs due to the penetration of tanning substances into the skin, which bind protein fibers. After this procedure, the skin remains plastic and soft, and its resistance to decay and influence increases. high temperatures. The material also withstands repeated exposure to water, painting and subsequent drying.

Tanning can be done either using chemical substances, and natural tanning agents of vegetable origin.

Let's consider one of the tanning methods. To do this, you will need a half-liter jar, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Fill it with two cans of water and bring to a boil, then boil for 10-15 minutes and leave to infuse for a day. Then the broth is filtered and applied cold with a brush to the skin from the inner side and dried on spacers. During the drying process, knead slightly.

This was one of the stages of how to stretch the skin at home.

Wear resistance of fur

An important indicator of the quality of fur is its wearability. Otter fur is considered the most wear-resistant. Products made from it will last 20 seasons without any restoration. In second place in terms of wearability is beaver fur, in third place is fur seal. Products made from the most popular and desirable types of fur - sable, mink and arctic fox - will last 12, 9 and 7 seasons, respectively. The least likely to be worn are the fur of a hare (1 season), long-haired rabbit (2 seasons) and marmot fur (3.5 seasons). You can also touch more deeply on the topic of wear resistance of some types and talk about how to process rabbit skins, but this is a different matter.

Fur wear resistance indicators:

  • hair strength;
  • core strength;
  • bond strength between hair and leather tissue;
  • thickness and density of the skin;
  • thickness of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue;
  • hair density, etc.

In turn, for example, the strength of the bond between the hair and the flesh depends on the type of fur, the season of production, and also on compliance with the technology for processing the skins. So, during the molting period, the connection between hair and skin is minimal, so fur should be harvested in late autumn. During this period, the skin has the best characteristics.

How to distinguish a fake?

There are often cases when natural fur is counterfeited with cheaper material. For example, a marten after giving the appropriate appearance They pass off as sable, nutria as beaver, and mink is often replaced with a rabbit or marmot.

In order to recognize a substitution, you need to pay attention to the fur. The beaver, for example, has longer guard hairs than the nutria, and the undercoat is thicker. The spine of rabbit fur is much softer than that of mink. And the marmot's fur is of different lengths, unlike the mink's, which has a perfectly even hairline.


The love of most of us for natural fur is in our genes, from the moment when our ancestors realized all the advantages of wearing products made from it - softness, warmth and comfort. You can independently answer questions about how to stretch the skin, how to process it and make it beautiful. You can also buy ready-made material.

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How to sew faux fur and leather

Faux fur and leather are an alternative to expensive fur skins and natural leather. In addition to the relatively low cost, these artificial materials have a number of other advantages.
Firstly, faux fur and leather can be the most unusual flowers, shades and patterns.
Secondly, these materials are much easier to sew with your own hands; you do not need a special furrier or sewing machine to sew leather. However, in order to sew clothes from such artificial materials, you need to know some of their tailoring and cutting features.

Features of sewing products from faux fur

Even novice tailors can sew clothes from faux fur. You just need to take into account the features of such fur and choose models of a fur coat, vest or jacket of a simple cut, with minimum quantity seams.

It is not recommended to make darts, folds, patch pockets, or gathers on women's items made of faux fur. But in some products, especially children's clothing and berets, you can use a small gather; it looks unexpected and attractive, although it creates certain difficulties when sewing.

Instead of slotted loops for clothes, it is recommended to make loops from cord or thin strips of leather.
Buttons are not sewn to the material with threads, but are attached using a loop of cord or a strip of leather. You can fasten it with hooks or special decorative clips and buckles.

When processing the side and bottom of the product, an adhesive edge is laid to strengthen the edge of the fabric against stretching. In products made of faux fur on a knitted base, the edge (photo above and below) is laid along all sections. The edge can be made of cotton tape 1.5 cm wide, which has an adhesive coating, which makes it easier to attach the tape to the fabric base of the faux fur.

If possible, faux fur trims should be one-piece. They must be installed in the sides, collar, bottom of sleeves and cuffs. It is advisable to use non-adhesive materials such as calico and calico.

When sewing products made from natural fur, they are made end-to-end and joined on a furrier's machine, so seam allowances are not given. Faux fur can be sewn with a regular stitching stitch on a straight-stitch machine, so when creating a pattern and cutting parts, you need to take into account seam allowances of 1-1.5 cm.

Faux fur products are made without fitting, so the details of such a product must be cut according to proven patterns. To do this, it is advisable to first test them on inexpensive fabric. If necessary, make adjustments to the patterns and only then begin cutting fur or leather.

How to cut faux fur and leather

Faux fur should be cut in the same way as natural fur, on the wrong side.
To cut, lay out the faux fur fabric in one layer with the wrong side (fabric) side up. If faux fur looks like natural fur, its pile should be directed towards the bottom of the product. In any case, the cut details should be laid out in one direction.

Before laying out the pattern on fabric, faux fur and leather, you should check the location of the pattern on the fabric, the direction of the pile, and also make sure that there are no defects in the fabric. If a defect is found, a mark is made on the fabric with threads of a different color and when laying out the parts, this place is left unused.

You can cut faux fur using a very sharp special knife, or another cutting tool with a very sharp razor blade (stationery knife). The knife should cut only the fabric base without damaging the fur pile. If you do use scissors, it is advisable to cut only with the tips of the blades, cutting only the base fabric, without cutting off the pile.

Marks are applied to the reverse side with pins, chalk or special felt-tip pens. It is most convenient to pin parts with long, strong pins with large plastic heads.

The connecting seams of faux fur products are not ironed; the seams are straightened and pressed with your fingers.

Connecting faux fur parts

1. Tuck the faux fur hair away from the cuts and pin the pieces right sides together so that the pile does not stick out beyond the edges of the cuts.

2. Sew the edges with a wide zigzag stitch with a small interval between stitches, so that the needle extends beyond the edges on the right and left. If you have an overlocker, you can stitch the edges on the overlocker, just adjust the thread tension first. If you have a furrier machine, you can use that too. These recommendations apply only to fur on a durable basis. Fur on a knitted base must be sewn down on a sewing machine, leaving allowances of 1-1.5 cm.

3. Unfold the stitched parts and carefully pull them into different sides so that the slices move apart and are positioned end to end. The seam should be smooth, with a slight edge along the stitches.

4. The connected seams need to be “cleaned” of lint and fur hairs. Take a long pin with a rounded end or a thick embroidery needle and, from the front side, pull out the fur lint caught in the seam. After this cleaning, the seam on the front side will be barely noticeable.

Methods for processing the cut edge of faux fur

You can hem the bottom of a faux fur item by hand using cross stitches. There is no need to iron the folded hem. The soft, “puffy” edge looks nice, so just smooth it out with your hand. On a product made of thick, long fur, it is better to trim the bottom with a facing made of lining fabric. If you do decide to make a hem along the bottom, hem it not with one, but with two rows of cross stitches.

1. Processing by turning. Trim the seam allowance at the bottom to 2 cm. Cut out a 10 cm wide bias tape from the lining fabric. Fold it in half, wrong side inward, and iron the fold. Stitch the binding to the bottom of the product with a 6 mm seam, placing the binding on the face of the product. If fur lint gets into the seam, pull it out with a thick needle. Fold the bottom of the product along with the facing to the wrong side so that the fur is turned to the wrong side by 1.3 cm. Hem the upper edge of the facing to the base of the fur by hand using a blind stitch.

2. Processing the bottom with two rows of stitches. Trim the bottom edge evenly and finish it with a zigzag stitch along the edge or with a serger (Figure A). Fold the edge to the right side to half the depth of the hem and baste it (Fig. B). Fold the basted edge to the wrong side and hem it with cross stitches, without tightening the thread (Fig. B). Remove the original basting thread, straighten the hem, and hem the finished hem edge, placing the second stitch above the first, along the hem edge (Fig. D).

Sewing artificial leather products

Sewing faux leather products is almost no different from sewing genuine leather.

Artificial leather can be fabric or knitted. Leather on a knitted base has increased extensibility both in the longitudinal and transverse directions, so when sewing a product it is necessary to take this property into account. It is advisable to place a gasket made of non-adhesive materials along all cuts when stitching, as well as along the bottom line of the product, the bottom of the sleeves, and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Unlike genuine leather, artificial leather stretches greatly under the foot. As a result, the lower part fits and, vice versa, the upper part lengthens. Sweeping and pinning with pins will not noticeably help this. The only way out– use a special foot with a wheel or roller. You can put paper strips (photo), which can then be easily removed. Using this method, set the stitch length to 4-5. With a small stitch it will be difficult to remove strips of paper.

In products made of artificial leather on a knitted base, it is advisable to place patch pockets, pockets with a leaf or pockets in the side seams.
When performing finishing stitches, it is recommended to use feet with fluoroplastic soles. This will reduce the “fit” of the skin and facilitate tissue advancement.

Since needle puncture marks remain on artificial leather, artificial leather parts should be sewn down once, without alterations. It is advisable to use previously tested patterns. If the patterns are new, their accuracy can be checked on a model made of inexpensive fabric.

Seam allowances should be the same width, which will ensure precise joining of the cut pieces.

Instead of basting parts with thread, you can use special adhesive tape or paper clips

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Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


According to medical statistics, every toddler experiences otitis under the age of 1 year.

The disease can be quite severe, and often with consequences, so every mother should know the basic rules for instilling medicine in her child’s ears for otitis media.

In what situations is it necessary to put drops in a child’s ears, and what can be used for a newborn and older children?

Mothers often encounter various ear problems with their babies for the first time in the first year of motherhood.

Drops in the ears are prescribed, of course, not in every case.

The main situations in which they may be needed include...

  • Mechanical ear injuries. As a rule, most often they arise from the illiterate use of cotton swabs, as well as in cases when a toddler, left unattended for some time, managed to push a toy into his mouth. ear canal.
  • ENT infections, which include sinusitis and sinusitis, etc. . This also includes complications caused by ENT infection. For example, partial hearing loss.
  • Otitis. It can be medium and internal, external, and also purulent. All drugs that can be used for instillation into the ears are not universal and must be selected by a specialist. In addition, given the tender age of the baby, self-prescription of medications is strictly not recommended.
  • Formation of sulfur plugs or their illiterate removal without the help of a specialist.
  • Removal of adenoids and sinusitis with rhinitis.

What does a doctor usually prescribe for instillation into a newborn’s ears for otitis media?

Among the most popular drugs are…

  • Otipax. These anti-inflammatory drops are often used to treat infants. They eliminate painful sensations with inflammation of the middle ear. The composition contains lidocaine.
  • Sofradex. They are used to treat eye and ear infections. It contains powerful antibacterial components, the main one of which is dexamethasone. These drops are prescribed with caution because serious consequences in case of overdose.
  • Garazon. Prescribed to children over 6 years of age for an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect when removing wax plugs or cleaning the ear canals.
  • Otofa. This drug contains revamycin, a component that is indicated in the treatment of damaged eardrum. In addition, the drug is prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear caused by viral infection, as well as to destroy dead cells and wax plugs.

It is important to understand that self-prescription of drugs, especially for infants (!), has dangerous consequences! For any ear problems in your baby, it is recommended contact an ENT specialist immediately, who will choose and prescribe the correct treatment.

“Ear” problems in a newborn – what should you absolutely not do?

  • Instill products from " home first aid kit» (such as vegetable oil and alcohol, as well as vinegar and peroxide) at the slightest suspicion of a ruptured eardrum.
  • Clean baby's ears cotton swabs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to remove wax with a cotton swab - it only pushes it even deeper into the ear canal.
  • Apply vasoconstrictor drops toddlers up to 1 year old.
  • Drip any ear drops without a doctor's prescription. In general, ear drops for such young children are simply prohibited for use and are prescribed only in extreme cases and only by a doctor.
  • Warm your ears with compresses without a doctor's prescription. Moreover, if the type of otitis is not determined (if mild form A compress can help, but if it’s purulent, for example, it will do a lot of harm).
  • Use boric alcohol with inflammation of the middle ear. This highly toxic drug greatly dries the skin in the ear canal and causes irritation, which increases pain and causes itching and plugs of exfoliated skin cells. In addition, in infants under 1 year of age, this medicine may cause seizures and problems with the elimination of the drug by the renal system.
  • Delete sulfur plugs on one's own.
  • Use medical (and other) alcohol for treatment. By the way, it is not recommended to use it (like boron) before the age of 15.
  • Instill any drugs and remedies if you suspect a damaged eardrum. Its sign will be fluid leaking out of the ear. Naturally, it is simply impossible to determine a ruptured membrane on your own, so a visit to an ENT specialist is mandatory! Through the damaged area, the drug can enter the middle ear, which subsequently leads to hearing impairment.
  • Put eye drops in your ears.

Algorithm for placing drops in the ears of children of different ages - video on how to properly place drops in a child’s ears

Whatever the drops are, they are, first of all, medicine. That is, their choice should be made exclusively by a specialist, as mentioned above.

If the ENT specialist has already prescribed you a drug after examining the child and instructed you on the rules for its use, then all that remains is to read the instructions - how exactly to place drops in the ears of a newborn or older child:


Strictly follow the dosage of the medicine! If specialists prescribed 3 drops, then you need to drop exactly 3, not 2 or 4. Exceeding the dosage will not speed up recovery, but will cause side effects. And reducing the dosage simply will not give the desired effect.

It is equally important to observe a clear procedure time and interval between instillations.

Video: How to properly place drops in a child’s ears?

Do I need to cover my child’s ears with compresses after drops?

Immediately after instillation of the ears, the ear canals should be covered. cotton balls so that the medicine does not leak out.

The balls do not need to be pushed into the ear canals!

Note to moms:

Many medications are toxic to babies! Therefore, after instilling drops in your child’s ears, you need to monitor any changes in his health – whether there is swelling or redness, difficulty breathing or itching and burning.

Of course, the baby will not be able to tell what is burning and itching in his ears, but from his behavior it will be clear that he is experiencing severe discomfort.

If your condition worsens or if you notice signs of an allergy to the medicine, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What about compresses?

Or other diseases, maybe...

  • Dry. This option is used to warm the ear and absorb the fluid that flows out during inflammation. It is also used during the recovery stage to warm up the sore area of ​​the ear. Children are often given special “bunny” ears made of white cotton fabric with cotton wool inside to keep them warm during otitis media.
  • Wet. Infants Such compresses are not used!

Also, warming compresses are not given to children if there is...

  1. Internal otitis.
  2. Purulent otitis.
  3. Complications of inflammation of the middle ear.
  4. Heat.

Remember that any warm compress carries the risk of rapid spread of infection and, what is extremely dangerous, of pus breaking out inside the ear due to inflammation.

The site website provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Whenever alarming symptoms, as well as for treatment recommendations, contact a specialist!

You should know that most ear drops contain corticosteroid drugs. The haphazard nature of these medicines may cause the bacteria that caused the inflammation to become insensitive to the action of the drug. In this case, otitis media may develop into chronic stage.

Thoroughly clean the outer ear canal of wax using cotton swabs. If the ear canal is very dirty, it is recommended to pour a little Vaseline oil into it and thoroughly massage the ear. Wait 10-15 minutes and then clean. Vaseline oil does not irritate or dry the skin, but dissolves sulfur and crusts. It is highly not recommended to use alcohol to clean the ear canal.

Prepare the drops. You should know that the temperature of the instilled medicine must correspond to body temperature. If necessary, you can warm it up by placing the bottle in warm water.

Wash your hands. If the bottle does not have a pipette, prepare one separately. Make sure the instrument is clean. If necessary, disinfect it by wiping it with alcohol.

You should know that it is necessary to instill the medicine into the ear while lying on your side. Only in this case will the drops pass unhindered into the ear canal.

Dial required amount drops into a pipette. As a rule, unless your doctor prescribes otherwise, 2 to 5 drops should be placed in one ear.

Straighten the ear canal as much as possible by pulling auricle up and back. You should know that when treating for up to two years, it is necessary to pull the ear down and back.

Place the drops so that they go down the wall of the ear canal. Let the patient lie in the starting position for 2 minutes. Massaging the ear after instillation is not recommended.


Self-appointment and improper use of drops can cause significant harm to health.


  • Ear drops - application
  • drops in the ears
  • what to put in your ear for pain

Ear diseases are caused by microbes; sometimes a simple draft causes terrible pain. Prescribed as treatment drops containing anti-inflammatory components that should be instilled directly into the ear cavity. But before you start treatment, visit an ENT specialist. He will examine internally ear and make a diagnosis and make appropriate prescriptions.


If necessary, rinse ear howl passage with peroxide. Be sure to blot the liquid with a cotton pad after 3 days of dripping it into the ear. You should rinse while lying on your side. The peroxide should wash away the sulfur and other impurities. If you feel stuffy, sharply tilt your head in the opposite direction to allow all the fluid to drain out.

Carry out the procedure as many times a day as the doctor advised. IN as a last resort, read the recommendations in the annotation for the drug. If you do not follow the pattern, all your efforts will be in vain. Before each procedure, clean your ear with cotton swabs.

Otitis media is a disease characterized by inflammatory process V various parts ear. It is quite common in children and adults. To cure otitis media, you need to see an otolaryngologist.


Treatment of otitis media involves the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics along with ear drops. Ear drops are divided into 3 groups: combination drugs with glucocorticoids (“Garazon”, “Anauran”, “Sofradex”, “Polydexa”, “Dexona”), single drugs with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components (“Otinum”, “Otipax”), antibacterial agents(“Otofa”, “Normax”, “Tsipromed”, “Fugentin”). Suitable drug should be selected by a doctor.

Anauran drops are prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic otitis externa and inflammation of the middle ear. They use 5 drops 2 times a day, for children - 3 drops 3 times a day. Side effects of the drug include peeling of the skin of the ear canal, itching and burning. It is not used in pregnant and lactating women.

Sofradex ear drops have a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic effect. For otitis media they are prescribed 3 drops 4 times a day. Side effects appear as allergic reactions(itching and burning in the ear canal). The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, in patients with hepatic and renal failure.

Otipax has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of otitis in initial stage. It can be used in pregnant women and. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. Otinum drops are prescribed for inflammation in the middle ear. The product is used 3 times a day, 3 drops. Otinum causes allergies only in in rare cases. The drug is contraindicated in patients with eardrum defects.

"Normax" has a wide antibacterial spectrum actions, it can be used to treat purulent, chronic otitis middle ear, external otitis. TO side effects include itching and burning, skin rash. For chronic and acute pathological processes in the middle ear, Otofa drops are often prescribed. The drug has wide range action, it can be used if the eardrum is damaged.

"Candibiotic" is used for otitis media and externa. In addition to antibiotics (chloramphenicol, beclomethasone dipropionate), it contains an antifungal component (clotrimazole). The drug may cause allergic reactions. Candibiotic is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years of age. The most effective drops for the treatment of otitis are Otofa, Normax, Candibiotic, and Otipax.

Inflammation of the ears is quite painful for a child. Such troubles require immediate treatment, which should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. The majority of ear diseases are treated with special drops.

Ear drops will not work as well as they should if you put them in your ears incorrectly. Before you begin treatment, you need to find out in as much detail as possible how to properly instill drops into your ears.

Before talking about how to properly put drops into the ear and what the algorithm for their use should be, you need to remember the safety rules. Ear drops should be used with caution in patients who have recently undergone ear surgery, as well as in those who have a ruptured eardrum.

If the integrity of the membrane is compromised, the medicine can enter directly into the middle ear and damage its structures.. If it goes further and ends up in inner ear, the destruction it provokes can lead to irreversible hearing loss. Therefore, if the eardrum is ruptured, it is necessary to use drops that can be used in such a situation.

If you suspect a ruptured eardrum, do not instill any home remedies into your ears (vinegar, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil). Do not use ear drops to dissolve wax. If the eardrum ruptures after the doctor prescribed the medicine, you need to urgently contact an ENT specialist and inform him about it.

Before the procedure

Before instilling the drops, you need to carefully read the instructions that come with the jar, which indicate how to instill the medicine. This is necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications. It is necessary to carefully inspect the bottle and check the date of manufacture and expiration date. If the bottle is damaged, the drops are of a suspicious color, or the expiration date has expired, you should stop using them.

Before instillation, the drops must be at room temperature, for which they must be warmed in the hand. If they are too cold, dizziness and disorientation may occur.

It is better if at least two people take part in the procedure: it is very difficult to instill drops into your own ears, directing them under right angle. If the medicine needs to be dropped into the ear small child, without outside help this is not easy to do, especially if he resists. In this case, you need to use two adults: one holds, the other buries.

How to give it to an adult

To properly instill ear drops, the patient should lie on his side, with his head on a towel folded in half, with the affected ear facing up. The person burying the drops should sit down next to it or get down on one knee. Then take the earlobe and lightly pull it to the side and up to straighten the ear canal. Apply drops.

Then lightly press on the ear so that the medicine penetrates inside better. Your doctor may also tell you to place cotton wool in your ear after instillation to prevent the medicine from leaking out. The person should lie on their side for several minutes after instillation. This must be done so that the instilled drops spread as much as possible over the surface of the ear canal. If both ears need to be instilled, the person lies down on the opposite side and the process is repeated in the same algorithm. If the doctor did not tell you to plug your ears with cotton, the medicine will leak out onto the towel placed under your head.

We bury children

Instilling drops into the ear of children who cannot maintain one body position for a long time and are capricious requires the help of another person. Moreover, we must keep in mind that sometimes it can be difficult to persuade or force a baby to be in one position: children can be disobedient and capricious. Therefore, the adult helping the person burying the child should gently, without undue pressure, place both hands on the sides of the head of the child lying on his side. Thanks to this, the baby will not be able to unexpectedly jerk his head to the side or try to stand up.

The person placing ear drops in a child's ears should:

  • Sit down or kneel next to the child.
  • Pull the earlobe to the side and down (the ear canal in children does not have the same angle as in adults).
  • Apply drops.
  • Gently press on the outer ear or insert a cotton ball into the ear.

The child should remain in this position for several minutes to allow the medicine to penetrate as far as possible down the ear canal. If necessary, repeat the algorithm with the other ear.

We bury babies

The algorithm for instilling the ears of infants is very similar to instilling the ears of children. The baby needs to be swaddled so that his arms are under the blanket. This will not only calm the baby during instillation, but will also lull him to sleep well. But you will also need the help of another person here to hold your head up.

Another good way to prepare your baby is to lull him to sleep during the procedure, sitting in a chair or lying on the bed. In this case, the mother should lightly press the baby's head to her chest, while the assistant puts drops into the ear. With the other hand, the mother should lightly press the baby’s arms so that he does not grab the ear or the bottle with drops.

The person administering the drops should gently pull the infant's earlobe to the side and down to straighten the ear canal. You need to instill the medicine, carefully counting the required number of drops. You can’t rush: you need to slowly squeeze each drop out of the pipette. After instillation, press on the auricle or insert cotton wool into the ear canal. Then wait in one position so that the medicine spreads through the ear canal.

After instillation

Before instilling drops, the doctor should explain what side effects they have because some medications are ototoxic. You should consult a doctor immediately after instillation if there are negative changes in your condition.

After instillation, you need to very carefully monitor the appearance of allergic reactions (burning, itching, redness, swelling, difficulty breathing), and immediately contact your doctor if at least one of them appears. You should definitely see a doctor if, after instillation, within a few next days the condition will worsen.

People often mistakenly put ear drops into their eyes due to the fact that eye drops and ear drops are very similar in appearance. If this happens, the eyes will immediately begin to burn, then redness and swelling may appear. In most cases, eye problems caused by ear drops are temporary, but there is still a risk of visual impairment.

It is worth noting that some eye drops can be successfully used for ear diseases. But you should always remember - you should never use ear drops for eye drops. Sometimes it is possible to instill drops into the nose, eyes and ears of medicine from one bottle. Such means include steroid drug Betnesol, which relieves inflammation.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs