Blackcurrant oil for facial skin. BOTANIKA Natural fatty blackcurrant oil - “Premiere at Irecommend! First review of blackcurrant oil! As always, methods of application, mask recipes and photos inside!”

The blackcurrant bush is well known to everyone. Every summer, housewives prepare delicious jams, compotes, and preserves from the aromatic berries.

Few people know that from the remaining cake you can prepare an essential oil that is unique in its composition, which will become an indispensable assistant in home therapy and cosmetology.

Blackcurrant seed is a valuable product, from which ether is obtained, saturated with healthy omega fatty acids.

Blackcurrant oil is obtained from the remaining pomace after juice production. There are two ways to produce the product: it is obtained through the process of pressing or extraction with the addition of solvents.

  • The resulting ether has a thick, dense, yellowish texture. The smell of the oil is quite light; it contains unobtrusive notes of currant bush leaves. The product contains a unique composition of beneficial acids and amino substances. Experts call gamma-linoleic acid the most valuable component.
  • Blackcurrant oil is great for internal use; so it is used even more often than externally. The finished ether is suitable for home therapy and enrichment of finished cosmetics.
  • Ether is deservedly considered one of the most effective anti-aging agents. To get the desired result, be sure to follow the indicated dosages without exceeding them. If ether is used incorrectly externally, it can cause an increase in skin oiliness.

Medicinal properties of the product

Blackcurrant seed oil has found wide application in conservative medicine, alternative methods of treatment, and cosmetology. To ensure the desired therapeutic effect, the product must be used correctly and be aware of its medicinal properties:

  • ether is deservedly considered an effective antiviral and antimicrobial agent;
  • it accelerates the wound healing process;
  • used as a diaphoretic, diuretic;
  • the beneficial properties of the oil trigger intracellular regenerative processes;
  • oil can cleanse the blood well;
  • currant ether is a powerful immunostimulant;
  • it can be used as a sedative;
  • proper use of oil will strengthen the body as a whole - this is very important during seasonal colds;
  • Taking the oil internally can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve liver function;
  • in gynecology, ether is recommended to be used to alleviate the condition during premenstrual syndrome;
  • ether has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints and is considered a good preventative against arthritis;
  • the product helps restore the body's hormonal balance;
  • the oil is considered a good anti-inflammatory agent;
  • in dermatology, the product is used to combat skin diseases, acne, acne, and allergic reactions;
  • Black currant oil rejuvenates, tones the skin, and normalizes water balance.


You should not take blackcurrant ether internally on your own. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor to determine the required dosage of the product, course of treatment, time and method of administration.


Blackcurrant oil, like any other natural ester, contains a lot of positive substances that are necessary for the body of every person. Despite all the positive aspects of the product, you should remember about possible contraindications so that the ether does not harm:

  • Oils are prohibited for use by women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Ether is not used to treat children under 12 years of age.
  • The oil is contraindicated for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis and hemophilia.
  • If you have an individual intolerance to the components of the product, you should also avoid using it.
  • Before using ether, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. Apply 1-2 drops of oil to the sensitive skin of the elbow and wrist and wait 10-15 minutes. If there is no discomfort, burning, redness, or itching, you can use the product.

Home cosmetology

At home, you can prepare masks that contain blackcurrant oil.

  • The product is also added to ready-made cosmetics, enhancing their beneficial effects on the skin.
  • You can also prepare a paste from ripe, washed berries, apply it evenly on your face - this procedure will get rid of age spots on the skin and whiten it. Its duration is 5-10 minutes. It should be remembered that the active substances of the oil can stimulate the sebaceous glands - this will cause excessive oily facial skin. To prevent this from happening, the mask can be applied no more than 2 times a week; if the skin is very oily – once a week.
  • Cosmetologists recommend applying face creams enriched with ether to the face before bed, leaving it on until the morning.
  • To strengthen your nails and get rid of calluses on your hands, you can do evening hand baths using preheated oil.

Hair restoration composition

Blackcurrant oil helps restore hair and reduce hair loss. The product also effectively relieves skin diseases, seborrhea, and dandruff.

To prepare a medicinal restorative composition, you should take:

  • almond oil – 1 tsp;
  • macadamia oil – 5-6 drops;
  • calendula ether – 3-4 drops;
  • black currant oil - 3-4 drops.

The amount of base product may vary depending on the length of the hair. Mix the composition and distribute over the roots, scalp, and hair. Wrap your head in polyethylene and a warm towel and leave everything for 4-5 hours. The mask is washed off with plenty of warm water and a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.

Oil wraps

To restore elasticity to the skin, make it smooth and silky, you can do oil wraps by rubbing a few drops of oil into clean skin, then wrapping the problem area with cling film. After 1-2 hours, you need to take a shower and do an intense massage of problem areas. Regular procedures will tighten the skin, having a beneficial effect on its condition.

In order for the beneficial currant ether to fully retain its beneficial qualities, the container should be hermetically sealed after each use. It is recommended to store the oil in the refrigerator.

  • You can add 3-6 drops of blackcurrant ether to 20 ml of base massage oil.
  • In applications for the treatment of skin rashes and allergic reactions, 2-3 drops of oil are applied to a napkin, combining it with a suitable base product. The compress is applied for 15-30 minutes. The procedure can be performed 2 times a day.
  • To nourish and tone the skin after a shower, you can apply a mixture of 10 ml of base oil and 5 drops of blackcurrant ether.
  • To speed up the wound healing process, 1-2 drops of oil are carefully rubbed into the injured area. After this, the wound should be covered with adhesive tape.

Blackcurrant essential oil is a storehouse of natural beneficial vitamins that every person needs.

Simple, accessible recipes will allow you to heal yourself from the inside and forget about problems with your hair and skin.

This article will certainly be of interest to those who have long dreamed of luxurious and shiny hair. To look beautiful, you don’t have to spend money on expensive salon treatments and professional cosmetics.

A currant hair mask is a simple but very effective remedy in the fight against dehydration, dandruff, dullness and split ends. Using our tips for preparing caring cosmetics, you will forget about your hair problems forever.

Currants in cosmetology

Currant is a plant from the gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae) with sweet and sour berries. The cultivated berry contains B vitamins, macro- and microelements, carotene, organic acids and fiber. These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Only two types of plants are used for home cosmetology: black and red currants. Their differences are not limited to the color of the berries. Blackcurrant contains more essential berries, so it has antiseptic properties. And red berries are rich in malic acid, which makes strands smooth and silky.

A currant hair mask is used as an emergency remedy to eliminate cosmetic imperfections. Red and black berries contain coumarins, manganese, iron and organic acids, which improve metabolic processes in the skin. Frequent use of skin care products helps combat dandruff and dry skin.

Medicinal properties of red and black berries

Red currant cosmetics restore the structure of the hair shaft and strengthen its protective sheath. The vitamins contained in the berries stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which increases the elasticity of curls and makes them more elastic. Homemade caring masks help eliminate problems such as:

  • skin irritation;
  • dryness and dullness of strands;
  • dandruff and seborrhea;
  • acne and wounds on the head;
  • split ends;
  • hair loss.

Nutrients are found not only in fresh berries, but also in the leaves of the plant. The acids present in the composition stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. Therefore, masks for baldness are most often prepared based on a decoction of currant leaves.

Preparation of a medicinal decoction

Black and red currant leaves are rich in essential oils, carotene and phytoncides. The latter prevent the appearance of dandruff and fungal skin diseases. You can prepare currant decoction from fresh or pre-dried leaves:

  1. chop 7 tbsp. l. currant leaves in a blender;
  2. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw material and boil for 25 minutes;
  3. cool and strain the liquid;
  4. Pour the broth into a glass jar and store in a cool place.

If you intend to make medicinal masks all year round, dry or freeze the leaves. Unlike berries, they contain less acids, so they rarely cause skin irritation.

Currants are a fortified product that is used not only in home but also in professional cosmetology. We offer several recipes for preparing medicinal masks that will help you heal your curls, make them thicker and shinier.

For hair restoration


  1. dry yeast – 10 g.
  2. red currant berries – 2 handfuls
  3. chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  4. honey - 1 tbsp. l.

How to prepare: Mash the berries and mix them with honey. Dissolve the yeast with a little water. After 5 minutes, mix the fruit puree with yeast and yolks. Microwave the mask for 30 seconds.

How to use: Rub part of the mixture into the root zone. Distribute the remaining mass over the strands with a brush. Wear a plastic cap or plastic bag. Warm up the mask with a hairdryer for 3-4 minutes. Rinse off any remaining makeup with warm water.

For split ends


  1. black currant berries – 6 pcs.
  2. apple – 1 pc.
  3. burdock oil – 15 ml.

How to prepare: grate the apple and mash the berries into a puree. Mix the ingredients, adding burdock oil.

How to use: Using a brush, apply the mixture to the ends of your strands. Wrap them in plastic and leave for 2 hours. Wash off the mask with shampoo previously diluted with water.

Instead of burdock oil, you can use any other base oil - castor, sunflower or olive. For split ends, only peach oil and grape seed oil are not suitable. They contain fewer amino acids that nourish damaged hair.

For intensive hair nutrition


  1. currant broth - 4 tbsp. l.
  2. castor oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  3. homemade yogurt – 20 ml
  4. thyme essential oil – 3 drops

How to prepare: mix essential oil with castor oil and decoction. Add homemade yogurt to the solution and heat the product to a comfortable temperature.

How to use: distribute the mixture over the entire length of the strands. Rub part of the mask into your scalp. Wrap your head in cellophane and insulate it with a towel. After 40 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Precautionary measures

Any currant hair mask should be used no more than 2-3 times a week. If you have dry scalp, reduce the number of treatments to 1 per week. The berries contain acids that inhibit the production of natural fat. If you use cosmetics too often, it will lead to flaking of the skin.

For alopecia, currant tincture can be included in mixtures. But you can use a warming mask only if there are no wounds on your head. Otherwise, you will experience severe skin irritation. To neutralize the effects of acids, add vegetable oils and kefir to your home cosmetics. They stimulate tissue regeneration and smooth keratin scales. Thanks to this, the curls become smooth and manageable.

What to remember?

  1. Berries are highly allergenic, so check your skin for allergic reactions before using masks.
  2. Prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions only from healthy and young leaves.
  3. For dry scalp, add vegetable oils and dairy products to your cosmetics.
  4. Do not use berry juice if you have wounds on your head.

We hope that the recipes for care products proposed in this article will help you in the fight against cosmetic problems.

Good luck and see you in the next article!

The blackcurrant bush is found in every garden. Almost everyone loves to enjoy healthy, delicious jam or berry preserves. The leaves are added to tea leaves and used in pickling to add flavor. An amazing healing oil belonging to the category of esters is extracted from the seeds of the fruit. We will talk about what beneficial qualities it has and how to include it in your daily self-care ritual in this article.

Chemical composition

High-quality cosmetic oil is made from the cake left after extracting the juice. The mixture of peels and seeds is squeezed out in a press, then filtered. The result is a thick, dense, yellowish mass with a delicate, barely audible aroma of shrub leaves. The second manufacturing method is extraction (extraction of oil components with a solvent). But with this method, some of the beneficial properties are lost. It is better to use cold-pressed oil, because it contains a lot of useful elements.

  • Organic fatty acids (phosphoric, tartaric, lactic) are responsible for tissue regeneration, rejuvenate the skin, and promote hair growth.
  • Gamma-linoleic acid - supports brain activity, prevents the development of diabetes and arthritis.
  • Phytoncides - have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects, treat nervous disorders, neutralize purulent processes.
  • Tocopherol - improves cellular nutrition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, slows down the aging process.
  • Thiamine - takes part in metabolism, improves brain activity.
  • Carotenoids - work as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, ensure cell growth and interaction, preventing the development of cancerous tumors.
  • Macro- and microelements (manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium) - ensure the proper functioning of all life systems, fill with vital energy, and support healthy metabolism.
  • Vitamin C - gives vitality, youth, increases immune resistance to viruses.
  • Vitamin PP - supports redox processes, protects blood vessels, calms nerves, promotes detoxification, and participates in hormonal synthesis.
natural product used in cosmetology

Healing properties

Due to its rich composition, the product is added to effective cosmetic and medicinal products. He:

  • actively moisturizes the dermis;
  • reduces wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • minimizes the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • restores the epidermis after burns, including chemical ones;
  • lightens age spots, freckles, acne marks;
  • effectively fights acne, rashes, dermatitis;
  • supports skin barrier function;
  • removes peeling;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis, increases elasticity and turgor of the epidermis;
  • used as a disinfectant for abrasions and wounds;
  • tones the dermis, cleanses pores;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • restores hair structure;
  • used to treat psoriasis, eczema;
  • fixes aromatic bouquet (often used in perfumery).

When taken orally, the product is used as a prophylactic against:

  • diabetes;
  • migraine;
  • obesity;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • woman oncology;
  • artsclerosis.

Contraindications for use

Plant ether can cause allergies, like any other 100% natural remedy. Before use, a test is required: apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait 20 minutes. If there is no itching or redness, feel free to use. In addition, you should refrain from use in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased fat content of the dermis;
  • hemophilia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • epilepsy.
any oil should be used with caution

Methods of application

The product is used in its pure form internally (for the prevention of diseases) and externally (for treating the skin, enriching various beauty products). In this part of the article we will focus on the second method. We will tell you how to use berry essential oil as a base for creating a variety of caring compositions at home.

For face

Whitening lotion


  • dried chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch.

Finely chop fresh herbs and squeeze out the juice. Brew chamomile by pouring 30 ml of flowers. boiling water After 20 minutes, drain the broth and add the remaining ingredients to it. Wipe clean face with a cotton pad morning and evening. All ingredients in combination perfectly whiten the dermis, reducing the number of freckles, post-acute marks and age spots. Do not prepare the product for future use; it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days in a tightly closed container.

Anti-acne remedy

You will need:

  • blackcurrant oil - 20 ml;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • rolled oats - 1 tsp.

Pour a small amount of boiling water over the oatmeal to steam. When they swell, squeeze out and mix with protein and ether. Wash your face and apply the mixture to problem areas. After 30 minutes, remove the product using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Berry seed extract reduces inflammation, oatmeal and protein cleanse and dry the skin.

Mask against dryness


  • black currant oil - 10 ml.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • fat sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Apply the composition to previously cleansed skin, after 15 minutes rinse with warm water. The ingredients of the mask contain a powerful dose of moisturizing substances that will not only saturate the dermis with moisture, but also, by creating a lipid barrier, keep it in the cells.

Anti-wrinkle product


  • blackcurrant oil - 10 ml.;
  • honey -1 tbsp. l.;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tsp;
  • peach ether - 2 drops.

Combine the ingredients in a convenient bowl until a homogeneous, liquid paste is formed. Apply to clean skin, cover with gauze and leave for 20 minutes. After the required time, wash with warm water. Complete the procedure by applying anti-aging cream. Honey and oils contain antioxidants that prevent skin aging and smooth out wrinkles, and cottage cheese gives softness to the epidermis.

Cleansing mask

A simple remedy will help you effectively fight blackheads. You will need:

  • blackcurrant oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Borodino bread - 1 piece.

Pre-steam your face to open the pores. Soak the bread in warm milk, squeeze out the pulp. Mix with berry essential oil. Apply to areas where pores are most clogged with oil and dirt. Leave for 20 minutes and wash with cool water. During this time, the active ingredients will draw out impurities and have a tonic effect. To enhance the effect after the mask, wipe the skin with alcohol lotion and apply moisturizer.

For hair

Shine mask

A mixture of oils will help give dull hair a luxurious, radiant look:

  • currant - 15 ml.;
  • sweet almonds - 30 ml.

Heat the composition in a ceramic bowl to 30 degrees. Apply to clean, barely damp hair, distributing evenly along the length (use a comb for convenience). Attach a bun to the back of your head if you have long hair. Warm your head with a terry towel. Wait an hour. Wash your hair with natural sulfate-free shampoo 2 times.


Mix oils:

  • currants - 50 drops;
  • calendula, macadamia - 20 drops each.

Warm gently in a ceramic bowl. Actively rub the mixture into the hair roots while massaging the skin with your fingertips. Wrap your head in a light towel and put a cellophane cap on top. It is better to use the drug at night, since it must be left in place for at least 6 hours. After this time, rinse your hair thoroughly. Use 2 times a week for 3 months. The hair follicles will become noticeably stronger, there will be less hair falling out, and new ones will begin to grow more actively.

Nutritional composition

An effective drug is prepared from a mixture of oils:

Mix oils:

  • currant - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • from grape seeds - 1 tsp;
  • peach - 1 tsp;
  • mango - 1 tbsp. l.

Dissolve the mango butter until liquid, add the remaining ingredients, stir. Apply evenly to hair, rubbing into roots and paying attention to ends. Leave the mixture overnight, wrapping your hair tightly with plastic wrap. In the morning, rinse your strands thoroughly with shampoo. In such conditions, the medicinal substances of the composition will penetrate the hair structure and heal the curls from the inside. It is recommended to use after winter, when strands look lifeless and break from a lack of vitamins.

Anti-oily mask

If your hair quickly gets dirty due to excess secretions of the sebaceous glands on the scalp, take:

  • blackcurrant oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

The composition is applied to clean skin and washed off with warm water without using shampoo. For recovery, as a rule, application once a week for 2 months is sufficient.

For hands and nails

Regenerating agent

To strengthen the nail plate and nourish the skin of your hands, try preparing a bath. To do this, take the following oils:

  • black currant - 2 tsp;
  • almond - 1 tsp.

Healing compress

During the cold season, the skin of the hands often cracks and becomes chapped, thereby causing discomfort. To soften it and start the regeneration process, do warm wraps in your free time. To do this, soak the bandage in warm water, squeeze it well, then soak it in berry ether. Wrap the brushes tightly and leave for 20 minutes. After removing the material, spread the dermis with a rich cream.

How to choose and store the product?

Buy berry ether in specialized stores or pharmacies. Make sure that the bottle says: “Obtained by cold pressing.” Choose an unrefined product, it contains all the beneficial substances. The composition should not contain preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, or flavorings. Fresh, high-quality ether, slightly cloudy yellow in color, quite thick, which is noticeable when turning the bottle over - it flows down the wall slowly. The aroma is subtle, with a berry note. Shelf life: about 1 year in a dry, dark, cool place. After each use, it is necessary to close the container tightly so that the beneficial elements do not evaporate.

Popular goods

Pure, high-quality essential products are found from the following manufacturers:

  • NaturaSiberica (≈ 400 rubles for 10 ml);
  • Botanica (≈ 800 rubles for 50 ml);
  • RuNail (≈ 200 rubles for 15 ml);

You can find blackcurrant oil in capsules. This release form is convenient for oral administration. Manufacturing companies:

  • New Foods (≈ 700 rubles for 100 capsules);
  • Health From The Sun (≈ 1600 rubles for 60 capsules);
  • Irwin Naturals (≈ 1050 rubles for 90 capsules);
  • Vitalayn (≈ 2000 rubles for 60 capsules);

In cosmetic stores you will find care products with berry ester containing:

  • Facial peeling from Lirene, (≈300 rub.);
  • Hand cream-oil “Blackcurrant” from IRISK (≈ 270 rub.);
  • Rejuvenating serum from Lyeska (≈ 1,700 rub.);
  • Fabric mask with raspberry and black currant extract from Vilenta (≈ 90 rub.);
  • Facial oil “Sisu Recover and Protect Facial Oil” from Lumene (≈ 2000 rub.);

We hope that from our article you learned a lot of useful information about the healing berry ether. Be sure to include it in your body and hair care if there are no contraindications for use. Your skin and curls will radiate health and beauty.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

“Smorid” - in the old days this was the name of the black currant bush, which emits a sharp, unpleasant aroma. In the Middle Ages, currant bushes were cultivated by monks. Currant leaves and buds were used to make infusions, decoctions, and elixirs against lung and heart diseases. Sick people took the dried fruits for high fever and diarrhea.

Why are currants used not only in medicine in the 21st century, but also widely used in cosmetology and cooking? Through chemical laboratory studies, scientists have proven: the berries and leaves of the bush contain a high concentration of essential oils, ascorbic acid, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and the B group of vitamins.

How to make currant essential oil

Currant ester is produced industrially in two ways:

  1. Extracting currant oil using an extractant

“Extraho” translated from Latin means “to extract.” Swollen currant buds with young leaves are placed in a special funnel-shaped vessel with divisions. Under the influence of an organic solution - extractant, oil is released, which accumulates in the lower compartments of the funnel and is extracted through the tap into a special container. The solvent does not mix with the original product when processed by the extraction method.

Extractive olive-colored currant oil has a sharp musky odor with fruity notes with a menthol undertone. In cosmetology, currant oil is used as a stabilizer for the smell of cosmetics and to create modified fragrances in combination with other esters.

  1. Cold pressing of currant grains

Berry seeds are pressed using an industrial method. As a result, a yellowish oil solution with a pleasant berry smell is released. The ether, extracted by cold pressing, is added to medicines, as a fragrance for decorative cosmetics, in masks, creams and other cosmetics for home preparation.

Description of the composition of blackcurrant seed oil

Natural blackcurrant oil ester contains useful natural components that affect the condition of internal organs, skin, hair condition, and the immune system. Chemical composition:

  • Omega 6 fats. They contain gamma-linolenic acid, which is involved in the formation of eicosanoids - substances that distribute energy into the cells and tissues of the body. Fatty acid promotes premature aging of the body, is involved in lowering arterial blood pressure, and tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
  • Omega-3 acids. Promote the production of hormonal substances in the body, participate in the formation of membranes of brain cells, retina, and sperm. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, thin thick blood, and prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Normalizes metabolic processes between folic acid and iron, promotes the flow of oxygen into the blood, stimulates the growth of fibroblasts and collagen fibers. A reduced amount of ascorbic acid contributes to the development of malignant tumors.

  • Flavonoids. Plant polyphenols are involved in restoring protective functions against ultraviolet radiation, slow down photoaging of the skin, and increase metabolic processes in the body. Slow down the growth of certain bacteria and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Antioxidants. Helps increase defenses against cell mutation, neutralizes oxidative processes in the body and free radicals. They are used in industrial production as natural preservatives.
  • Tocopherol. Immunomodulator, participates in the antioxidant process during the formation of cell membranes. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin E promotes the production of collagen fibers, participates in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, and the restoration of liver cells.
  • Fructose. The monosaccharide compound regulates metabolism in subcutaneous fat and reduces manifestations of inflammation.
  • Succinic acid. Participates in cellular respiration, has a rejuvenating effect, prevents the premature structure of cells and the body as a whole.
  • Phytoncides. Active substances of biological origin. Suppresses the development of fungus and pathogens. Reduce purulent and inflammatory processes, stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

Indications for use in medicine

In therapy, the oil is used externally and internally.

External use:

  1. Pustular skin lesions;
  2. Dermatological diseases;
  3. Slowing hair growth;
  4. Seborrhea;
  5. Rheumatism;
  6. Arthrosis of the joints;
  7. Eczema;
  8. Neurodermatitis.

Currant seed oil relieves itching and heals scratches on the skin.

Indications for oral administration:

  1. Dystrophic changes in the heart muscle;
  2. Reduction of symptoms due to hormonal changes in the female body during menstruation and menopause;
  3. Decreased stimulation of liver cells;
  4. Formation of cholesterol plaques in the lumens of blood vessels;
  5. Malignant neoplasms in the genitourinary system.

Useful qualities of oil for the skin of the face and body

Can currant oil be used for treatment in cosmetology? The answer is positive: an essential solution can solve a large number of cosmetic problems. Currant seed oil:

  • Promotes tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the stratum corneum of the skin (hair, nail plates);
  • Prevents the appearance of early signs of skin aging;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Gives skin elasticity;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis;
  • Eliminates the effects of red acne;
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Participates in the formation of a natural protective barrier against the negative effects of the external environment (frost, wind, dust, ultraviolet radiation);

Used after mechanical cleansing of the face to soothe the skin and relieve inflammation; after body scrubbing with peelings. Currant essential oil gently lightens freckles by 1 - 2 tones.

Black currant oil for hair treatment

Essential oil from currant seeds can not only improve the condition of your hair, but also cure many scalp diseases.

Indications for use:

  • Psoriasis plaques on the scalp;
  • Pustular lesion of the scalp;
  • Cut ends of strands;
  • Increased hair loss;
  • Dehydration of hair follicles;
  • Violation of nutritional function in the bulbous apparatus;
  • The effect of chemical dyes and curling compounds on the hair.

Nuances of using black currant seed oil

  1. It is not recommended to use pure oil base in large quantities. To use, the oil is diluted with a basic fatty base at the rate of: fifteen drops of currant oil per twenty milliliters of liquid or creamy cosmetic product (no more than 20% of the total mixture).
  2. Blackcurrant ether is added to massage oil in the following proportion: one part ether + five parts base oil.
  3. Before using the oil orally (by mouth), it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  4. The oil cannot be stored under the influence of sunlight: the ether composition oxidizes, the product loses its healing qualities.

Side effects: contraindications

In some cases, currant oil is contraindicated for external and internal use. When it is not recommended to use seed oil solution:

  1. Age of the child (up to 14 years);
  2. Carrying a fetus in any trimester of pregnancy;
  3. Feeding breast milk to a newborn;
  4. Low blood clotting;
  5. Thrombosis of the lower extremities, venous blockage.
  6. Tendency to allergic reactions to plant components;
  7. Individual intolerance.

Home use: the best recipes with blackcurrant oil

Based on black currant essential oil, you can prepare your own effective cosmetics for treating the skin of the face, body and hair.

Hair mask “Diamond shine”


  1. Sweet almond oil – 50 ml
  2. Blackcurrant essential oil – 10 ml
  • Wash the curls; dry with a terry towel.
  • Mix the components of the oil mask in a heat-resistant glass container.
  • Heat the composition to a temperature of 27 - 30 0 C.
  • Distribute the oil mixture onto the skin; rub into the root zone of the hair.
  • Distribute the remaining oil through the hair to the very ends using a wide-toothed wooden comb.
  • Secure the hair at the back of the head.
  • Create a thermal effect: wrap your hair in cling film.
  • After a couple of hours, remove the oil from your hair using natural shampoo. It is recommended to rinse your hair twice.
  • After removing the oil, rinse your curls with conditioner.

How to whiten age spots using currant oil

  1. Baby cream without additives – 20 g
  2. Currant seed oil – 2 drops
  • Squeeze the creamy suspension from the tube into a bowl.
  • Add currant essential oil to the cream.
  • Mix the mixture with a wooden stick and immediately apply to problem areas of the face.

Attention: the composition should not be applied to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. It is recommended to use the product twice every seven days.

Anti-acne mask for oily skin


  1. Chicken egg – 1 piece
  2. Oatmeal – 5 g
  3. Black currant oil – 50 ml
  • Remove the yolk from the egg; beat the yolk mass with a mixer.
  • Add ingredients according to the list.
  • Mix the solution until it becomes a slurry.
  • Before using the mask, it is recommended to wipe your face with lotion.
  • Apply the product with light movements to problem areas or the entire surface of the face.

Remove the mask after half an hour with a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.

January 15, 2014

, sea buckthorn, peach, all kinds of butters, but sometimes you want to try something unusual. Black currant oil became such a remedy for me. I read a lot about it on the Internet and became more and more confident in purchasing it, since it is intended for dry skin, and in winter I also use oils to care for it, and not just pamper my hair. I was extremely surprised that Irecommend did not find a single review of blackcurrant oil in general, not just this brand. Well, let there be a premiere!

100% natural fatty blackcurrant oil for dry, irritated and aging skin BOTANIKA.

Price- 199 rubles.

Volume- 30 ml.

Aroma- slightly sour, similar to the smell of unleavened dough.

Color- dim light orange.

Consistency- liquid, oily.

Package- dark glass bottle with a screw cap and a dropper dispenser + instructions + cardboard box.

This oil is suitable for external use only!

Oil series- recovery.

Blackcurrant oil is obtained from the seeds of blackcurrant pressing method.

Indications for use:

- dryness;

- irritation;

- withering, lack of elasticity of the skin.

Blackcurrant oil contains vitamin C, which allows you to stimulate collagen synthesis, which is why this product is so valued in the field of skin rejuvenation. This product also has restorative, moisturizing and smoothing properties. Blackcurrant oil can be used for acne, dermatitis and dermatoses. It reduces the symptoms of eczema and relieves itching.

Directions for use:

- as a day cream;

- instead of night cream;

- for removing makeup;

- as a basis for various medical and cosmetic masks;

- as a means for massage.

I’ll tell you about how I used blackcurrant oil.

1. For the skin of the lips.

The weather has been inclement lately: sometimes wind, sometimes snow, sometimes rain. Naturally, the lips suffer from this first of all. I resorted to using blackcurrant oil at the stage severe weathering, large peeling without waiting for cracks. I applied this oil daily at night. 2 drops on each lip u. The oil spreads easily, is quickly absorbed, and leaves a light oily film on the lips. It turned out to be magical in its effect: lips are moisturized, lip skin is elastic, all dryness is gone, irritation and peeling are gone. I have been using blackcurrant oil in this role for a month now to maintain the results.

2. For facial skin.

I started using this oil to eliminate tightness. I applied it a couple of times a week instead of night cream. Black currant oil is also easily distributed over the skin of the face and is quickly absorbed. It's the skin itself moisturizes well, really removes tightness and dryness. But for some reason, the skin at the corners of my lips sometimes dried out even more, so that I began to lubricate these places with regular cream, rather than oil. Otherwise the result is good.

For skin around the eyes This oil is also suitable as it is light. It moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids and makes it more elastic. And one day even completely resuscitated her: it so happened that my face became very weathered while I was long and persistently getting to the place of the service seminar. That same day, in the evening, the skin of the right eyelid was very tight, it shrunk, shrank, and wrinkles formed - the effect of “senile skin.” I panicked and applied blackcurrant oil liberally to both my upper and lower eyelids, and within a few minutes the tightness was eliminated.

3. For nails.

When applying black currant oil to lips, face, hair, be sure to rubbed the remaining oil into my nails. This application makes them more hydrated, protects against dryness.

4. For hair.

Well, of course, my signature use is using blackcurrant oil as a hair mask. As always, below are several of my favorite masks containing this product.

A) In its pure form, I applied black currant oil to the length of my hair. It spreads easily, is quickly absorbed, leaving an oily film on the surface, and does not flow. For my length (chin length), I needed a quarter bottle of oil per application.

B) Macadamia oil

20 drops calendula oil

IN) 50 drops blackcurrant oil

peach kernel oil

I keep all the masks on my hair for a long time, hours by 6. I insulate my head with a couple of plastic bags and a hat. I wash off the masks twice with shampoo, then apply conditioner. Here you need to be careful and choose a product that would not nullify the effect of the masks. The other day I used a balm, which dried out my hair, and now I’m thinking of giving it up completely after using the oil.

Hair after blackcurrant oil elastic, resilient. This oil does not add volume.

Take care of yourself and choose the best for this!



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