Akita inu red. Akita Inu is the most loyal friend

And these are not empty words at all, since the Akita Inu is famous for its intelligence, militancy, nobility, and there is no need to talk about fidelity, because thanks to its love for the owner of one of the representatives of this breed - Hachiko, a monument was erected in Japan at Shibuya station, that in the suburbs of Tokyo. Hachiko became famous for waiting at the station for 11 years for his deceased master.

MirSovetov will tell you about the features of keeping and raising these unique animals.

History of the Akita Inu

Akita Inu is a very ancient breed. In Japanese, "Akita Inu" means "Akita Dog". There is real evidence that the ancestors of these dogs - dogs, outwardly very similar to modern Akitas, lived in the second millennium BC. The breed was finally formed somewhere in the 17th century. Since then, the appearance of the Akita has not changed. Remarkably, during all this time, the Akita was not “improved” with impurities of other breeds. It is believed that the progenitors of the Akita Inu were spitz-shaped dogs and mastiffs, or huskies and mastiffs. Representatives of this breed are universal dogs - they are a fighter, a watchman, a shepherd, and a hunter.

At first, Akitas were the favorites of the peasants, but over time they became the pets of the royal nobility. At the same time, dogs were so exalted that noble owners could assign servants or guards to their pets. And a simple person who somehow offended an Akita Inu could even be executed by order of the imperial family.

During the Great Patriotic War, many Akitas were sent to the front to help the soldiers. At this time, the breeding of the breed was practically suspended, so most of the valuable livestock was lost. But dog lovers were able to restore the breed, preserve it and increase it. Today Akita Inu is popular all over the world and every year the number of its fans is only growing.

By the way, the Akita Inu served as the basis for the development of other Japanese breeds, such as Tosa Inu and Karafuto.

Appearance of Akita Inu

Akita Inu has a harmonious structure - it is moderately muscular, moderately strong, with a wide and deep chest, a heavy and flat head and a straight back. In appearance it seems that the dog is unremarkable, but in fact, the Akita Inu cannot be confused with any other breed, thanks to its original and unusual appearance. The Japanese believe that three animals are harmoniously combined in the appearance of the Akita: a bear, a fox and a wolf - and all this thanks to small ears, slanting eyes and a wide forehead.

The height of the Akita is above average, it ranges from 64 centimeters to 74 centimeters, with a weight of 35-50 kilograms, which makes this breed the largest among all spitz-shaped.

The Akita Inu has a double coat: a short, but very thick and soft undercoat, as well as a longer, hard outer coat. On average, the length of hair on the body should not exceed five centimeters, but on the tail and belly, the adorning hair is slightly longer.

The color of the Akita Inu is acceptable varied: red, white, fawn, brindle, piebald, etc. It should also be borne in mind that the color of this breed does not allow divorce - it must be clear and clean. If the dog is spotted, then the contour of the spots should be clear, not blurry.

Akita inu character

Dogs of the Akita Inu breed are truly unique, as they combine all the known positive qualities that dogs have. Fans of these animals claim that this breed does not have a negative side in character.

  1. A small Akita is a mischievous, cheerful and playful baby, which only with age will turn into a balanced, noble, wise dog.
  2. These dogs are completely uncharacteristic of spontaneous aggression.
  3. Akita is very curious, she strives to always be aware of the events taking place around her. At the same time, the dog will definitely stick his nose into all the affairs of his household.
  4. Akita Inu breed is universal - it feels great both in a large family and with a single owner.
  5. Akita Inu are born nannies - in Japan it is believed that part of the responsibilities for caring for a baby can be shifted to a dog of this breed.
  6. Dogs of this breed are spontaneous and individual.
  7. Akita Inu is considered a puppy until she is two to two and a half years old. Moreover, each owner can mark this period with his dog himself, as growing up, the Akita becomes calm and measured, restrained and collected, more independent.
  8. The Akita Inu has such a developed intellect that it is necessary to deal with a dog from puppyhood until its death, and the word “engage” does not mean the standard repetition of commands, but more intellectual activities.
  9. Akita will respond with friendship to those family members who will treat her with respect and attention.
  10. Akita is very touchy.
  11. Dogs of this breed are very obedient, rather submissive, and do not be self-willed.
  12. This breed is distrustful of strangers, but the Akita will never show its alertness.
  13. Akita Inu does not tolerate other dogs - they are potential enemies for her, so these dogs are most often the only pets.
  14. Akita is a dominant dog, so from early childhood, the dog must politely but firmly explain who is the boss in your house.
  15. Dogs of this breed love to fight with their own kind, mainly for “their” territory, and the house and yard are not necessarily considered “their” territory, the Akita will boldly defend the street or park, and indeed everything that it is considered “their” .

Akita Inu Care

Akita Inu is an absolutely unpretentious animal - thanks to a balanced character and a warm coat, this breed of dog can be kept both in an apartment and on the street in an aviary. And, despite the fact that these dogs are not afraid of frosts, when kept outdoors, it is still necessary to take care of a warm booth.

If the Akita lives in an apartment, get ready for long walks - your pet will need at least two hours in the morning and the same amount in the evening to keep him in good shape. Remarkably, on walks, the Akita will not rush headlong between the trees - for these dogs, unhurried and restrained walks with their heads held high are preferable. But this does not mean at all that your pet is disgusted by dog ​​joys - he is happy to run with friends in a race. It is worth noting that an Akita that does not walk much in the fresh air can become lazy and naughty.

The Akita's coat needs to be brushed twice a week. During the molting period, the procedure must be carried out more often - every day or every two days. Particular attention should be paid to the tail and wool on the stomach, as it can stray into tangles.

Akita should not be bathed often, as regular wetting of the coat can lead to skin diseases. It is advisable to bathe the dog no more than two or three times a year. Wool must be dried well with a hair dryer.

Feeding the Akita Inu

Akita Inu easily gains excess weight, so you need to monitor the shape of the animal. In addition, the choice of food must be approached very carefully.

The best option for dogs of this breed is dry food. Only choose food of the "elite" or "premium" class.

You can transfer the Akita to a mixed diet - alternate dry food with fresh meat, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and fruits. But during the molting of the Akite Inu, you can add vitamins to the feed for hair growth.

Do not forget about water - a dog (and any breed) should have constant access to it.

Akita Inu training

  1. Prepare for the fact that Akita training will take a lot of time, but this does not mean at all that the animal is stupid, on the contrary, it is too smart, proud and independent to carry out unnecessary - according to Akita - commands. The most important thing is to convince the pet that you really have good reasons and that he must follow exactly this command that you give.
  2. Raising an Akita should not be rough and cruel - only soft, affectionate and consistent.
  3. If you show a rude attitude towards an Akita, the dog will “close” in itself.
  4. Akita will never follow commands on the machine - like a sheepdog, she will think about her every step.
  5. After two years, raising an Akita does not make sense - she has already formed her own view of all things. At the same time, it is worth noting that those Akitas with whom no one has worked are not able to develop their natural intelligence.
  6. From a very young age, Akitas need to be taught respect for all family members.
  7. Akitas are born dominant, so the puppy needs to be socialized as early as possible - make the baby friends with other animals on the playground and they will definitely become his friends.

Akita Inu is a muscular and graceful animal, every movement and look of which emphasizes nobility, strength and dignity. The popularity of the largest of the Japanese spitz-shaped dogs is growing every day, not only because of the appearance, but also due to the strength of its character.

Akita Inu, or Japanese Akita dog, is a balanced and self-sufficient animal. Earning the respect of a proud representative of the breed requires effort. Independence and a sharp mind turn the dog from a simple hunter into an active and enterprising guard who effectively guards the territory entrusted to him.

Thanks to a hard textured coat with a thick undercoat, the Akita can live in an aviary, enduring snowy and rainy weather without problems. The indisputable advantage of the breed in urban life is a rare bark. By nature, the Akita is a leader and tries to take a dominant position immediately after the appearance in a new home. To build the necessary hierarchical ladder, pointing the dog to the appropriate place, the owner will have to work hard, resorting to special methods of education and training. Therefore, it is not recommended to have an animal of this breed as a first pet.

Due to their willfulness and independence, it is better for families with children to give preference to bitches, in which flexibility of character and a developed maternal instinct prevail. However, until the child and the animal establish a relationship that will not cause discomfort to any of the participants, it is absolutely impossible to leave them alone.

The growing popularity of four-legged friends around the world was greatly influenced by the story of the legendary Hachiko, whose breed is the Akita Inu. The dog, which continued to wait for its owner from the train even after his death, became a symbol of love and boundless fidelity. The narrative formed the basis of several films that have won worldwide recognition.

Origin story

Akita Inu is a dog breed with a rich history, the origins of which date back to the 2nd millennium BC, as evidenced by the remains found during excavations on the territory of the Japanese Islands. The animal owes its name to the territory of appearance, which is considered the province of Akita on the island of Honshu.

The ancestors of modern Akitas were Matagi Inu, designed to protect a dwelling with a land plot, as well as hunt bears. In the 17th century, dogs began to appear in wealthy homes, when the issue of personal security became a matter of noble families. Four-legged pets began to gain popularity, and their presence as bodyguards was already dictated by fashion and the position of owners in society. A servant was assigned to the animal. And the upbringing and feeding of the Akita was a whole ritual, which subsequently caused the dog to dislike screaming and violence.

When the livestock increased greatly, the functions expanded: the animals became participants in dog fights. To make fights more spectacular, breeders began to cross Spitz dogs with imported mastiffs, thereby increasing the size of the former. The exterior of the Akita began to change, but soon she gave way to the Tosa Inu breed in the ring.

In 1927, breeders were given the task of returning the breed to its original appearance. And before the start of the Second World War, significant results had already been achieved: the exterior approached the original. However, during the years of bloody events, almost the entire livestock was destroyed. Only a few secretly preserved specimens remained, which became the ancestors of modern Akitas.

Akita Inu breed standard

According to the breed standards approved by the FCI, a purebred show Akita Inu must meet the following requirements for the exterior:

  1. Forehead - without folds.
  2. The muzzle is triangular or rounded.
  3. The nose is black (brown is allowed with white color).
  4. Jaws - regular scissor bite.
  5. The eyes are small, triangular in shape.
  6. Ears are erect, triangular in shape with a slight slope.
  7. The physique is strong, muscular with a square format.
  8. Limbs - dense cat's paws.
  9. The tail is set high and carried close to the back with a single or double curl.
  10. Wool - hard hairline with a soft dense undercoat.
  11. Color - pure white, red, sesame or brindle.
  12. Height - 58-70 cm.
  13. Weight - 20-40 kg.

Puppy Selection Criteria

When buying a puppy, there are a number of important nuances to consider:

  1. Before traveling for a future pet, you should carefully study the breed standards or use the services of a specialist.
  2. Since there are no dogs of the Japanese Akita Inu breed without a metric, you need to make sure that its absence is associated only with a lower price, which did not include the cost of processing the document.
  3. When buying, you should look at the bitch, which should be balanced and calm.
  4. If a puppy is acquired over the age of 4 months, it must be socialized and in close contact with breeders and its fellows.

Purpose and character of the dog

The Akita Inu dog is a strong and muscular animal with soft "cat" paws, thanks to which it is an excellent swimmer. She is brave, independent and stubborn. Innate hunting instincts make the Akita an excellent hunter of large prey.

Representatives of the breed are loyal to their family and do an excellent job with the functions of a security guard and even a nanny, when it comes to older children. The Akita's aggressive attitude towards other dogs is often used to develop a fearless fighter.

If the dog remains to winter on the street, then it should be well insulated booth.

Hair care

In order for the coat to remain well-groomed and beautiful, it is enough to comb out the pet 2 times a week. During the shedding period, which lasts quite a long time, the procedure is carried out every other day using a special brush. The special texture of the coat makes it waterproof and dirt repellent, so you should not bathe the Akita more than three times a year. After water procedures with special shampoos, the animal is dried with a hairdryer or towel.

Eye and ear care

The eyes of the pet are wiped daily with cotton pads. Open ears also need regular cleaning due to the constant accumulation of dirt and wax. Hygiene procedure is recommended to be carried out weekly.

Care of teeth and claws

At the age of four months, it is necessary to monitor the timely change of teeth in order to form the correct bite. Followed by weekly teeth cleaning.

To avoid problems with the stand, the pet will need to shorten the claws in a timely manner if they do not wear down naturally. The frequency of the procedure is at least 1 time per month.


A properly selected diet, the main components of which are rice and fish, is the key to the health of the Akita Inu.

Excessive amounts of fats and carbohydrates can lead to various disorders in the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, the best solution is to choose a premium dry food with a composition suitable for the breed.

How to Train and Raise an Akita Inu

Raising a Japanese dog begins with building friendly relationships in which the owner must take a leadership position. Further, the pet gets acquainted with all members of the family, which he will protect throughout his life. The dog is socialized through its systematic contact with people and other animals. This is especially true of cables, which have highly developed fighting instincts.

Due to the lack of craving for rewards in the form of food treats, traditional training methods are very complicated. The optimal approach is a combination of soft mechanics and close contact between the pet and the owner. Due to the temperamental and tough nature, the education of the Akita should be completed by 9 months. Further, the honing of teams and the formation of an adult personality continue.

Pros and cons of the breed

Among the indisputable advantages of the breed are:

  • uncompromisingness, which turns the dog into an excellent watchman;
  • ease of care for wool, which does not have a specific smell.
  • rare barking;
  • unobtrusiveness and independence.

The disadvantages of the Japanese Akita include:

  • the need for a special approach to feeding;
  • the need for constant and special education from an early age;
  • poor heat tolerance;
  • poor livability in the pack.

How much do dogs cost

Akita Inu dogs have a high cost:

  1. Pet-class puppies, which will be brought up as "sofa" pets, cost at least $500.
  2. Tribal dogs will cost $800-1000.
  3. If you need an animal that can win the championship title, then you should prepare $1500-2000.

What is the difference between Akita Inu and Shiba Inu

Asian Spitz dogs Akita Inu and Shiba Inu, the differences between which the beginner may not immediately recognize, are representatives of two separate breeds with their own standards.

Distinctive characteristics:

  1. Growth - Shiba Inu refers to miniature dogs with a height less than half that of Akita.
  2. Character - an adult Akita Inu with pronounced leadership qualities is calm and balanced, while a Shiba can behave like a puppy even at an advanced age.
  3. Appointment - the Shiba Inu has only the qualities of a hunter, unlike the strong Akita Inu, which, with the right upbringing, becomes not only a fighter, but also an excellent guard.

So, before acquiring a Japanese beauty, you should weigh all the pros and cons of the breed, and also take into account its high cost, not only when buying, but also in the process of further maintenance, which includes high food costs.

People have always been interested in animal breeds that have come down to us from time immemorial. And the Japanese Akite Inu is just such a dog - purebred, once sacred, a pet not of ordinary people, but of emperors. Today the breed is known thanks to the legendary Hachiko, the faithful dog of the Akita Inu dog breed. Naturally, interest in these dogs has not weakened so far, and the history of the breed attracts even more admirers.

According to evidence obtained by historians, the Japanese Akita Inu is one of the oldest dog breeds. In addition to genetic analysis, this is evidenced by the remains, which, according to archaeological data, are about 4 thousand years old. In addition, dogs similar to Akita Inu are depicted in drawings from antiquity.

If for our ears the name of the breed sounds somewhat exotic, then for the Japanese this is quite a common combination of words - “inu” from Japanese means a dog, and “Akita” is a province located on the island of Honshu. The breed in its modern form appeared here in the 17th century, and has not undergone any external changes since then.

Initially, Akita Inu were pets in peasant families, and later they were elevated in status, becoming pets of aristocrats and even in the imperial house. And for ordinary people, a pet of this breed has become completely inaccessible. There was even a law punishing offenders of the Akita Inu.

The rarity of this breed lies also in the fact that it is purebred, without crossing with representatives of other breeds.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a special society was created to preserve this breed. This helped to keep it original.

During World War II, Akita Inu breeding ceased, and most of the dogs were sent to the front. In Japan, there are only a few purebred representatives of the breed, but the cynologists still managed to preserve and restore it to its previous level.

Description of Akita Inu

Perhaps someone will find her appearance a little rustic, but the dog is not without charm, it has a special article, and its slanting eyes glow with intelligence.

If we talk in more detail about appearance, then thoroughbred pets have a strong, proportional physique, with heavy bones and fairly well-developed muscles.

External features include the following:

  • Head blunt, triangular in shape. The cranium is wide, between the eyes of the dog there is a barely noticeable notch, which also covers part of the forehead.
  • nose the Akita Itu is large and black. Only white representatives of the breed are allowed slight pigmentation.
  • Ears in dogs, small, especially when compared with the size of the head, open and in a standing position, have a slight rounding at the very tips.
  • Eyes have a normal fit, do not protrude, small size dark brown.
  • dog neck powerful enough, short, with minimal suspension.
  • Back straight, with a muscular lumbar region. The chest is wide and well developed.
  • Skin do not have a strong fit, the formation of small folds is possible.
  • Tail the Akita Inu is large in proportion to the body, is high, usually twisted into a ring and thrown over its back. Sometimes it lies along the back, wrapped around most of the ring, then the tip hangs to one side.
  • coat in dogs it is dense, coarse, the average length of which is about 5 cm. It has a dense undercoat, which is softer than the main coat.
  • Paws that the front, that the rear of the pets of this breed are characterized by power, the rear ones are slightly spaced to the sides. The paw pads are cat-like, straight with thick padding and protruding knuckles.

The color of a thoroughbred dog can be varied, there are white, fawn, red, brindle, piebald Akitas. There is one requirement for all - the color must be clean, the pattern is clear. Divorces and blurring of lines are not allowed. Sometimes the color of the undercoat is slightly different from the main one, but this is quite acceptable.

According to the requirements of the breed, the male must have a height at the withers within 66-71 cm, and the female - from 61 to 66 cm.

This amazing Japanese character

Being a native Japanese breed, the Akita-anu has absorbed the peculiarities of the oriental temperament. Restrained and calm in the presence of strangers, often shows wariness, becomes good-natured and sociable in his family.

Akitas are very active and cheerful, requiring long walks. Dogs are very playful and even being in old age will respond to the call of the owner to frolic.

They immediately become attached to the owner and become true friends and companions. But this is only on condition of full reciprocity.

In addition, representatives are independent and self-reliant. If there are no appropriate skills, then it will not be easy to train a pet. For good luck in this matter, the owner will have to be persistent, and in some places demanding, so that the dog obeys and recognizes the authority of the person. Physical strength does not play any role in this matter, only the strength of the spirit is important. With a serious approach, training will bring positive results.

Akita Inu is perfect for family life with small children. Of course, when a pet comes into contact with younger members of the family, it is necessary to observe it, because it is still an animal.

dog care

If there is a desire and an opportunity to get an Akita Inu, then you should not worry about its content - these pets are very unpretentious. They can live perfectly on the street (the thick undercoat is designed for this), and are quite adapted for staying in an apartment. If a dog is purchased for street life, then it is necessary to provide it with a warm booth for the winter.

Photo of dog breed - Akita Inu

It is worth considering the activity of dogs, since it is necessary to walk the Akita for a long time - twice a day for 2 hours, at least. Otherwise, the animal will find something more interesting for itself, and this does not bode well for the owner.

On the walk, dogs behave disciplined, rarely come into conflict. But they can frolic with their own kind.

It is worth taking care that the dog does not gain excess weight. And for this you need a balanced diet and proper physical activity.

The Akita's coat does not require much maintenance. It is enough to comb your pet 1-2 days a week, at the same time relieving him of tangles. But during the seasonal molts, the dog will need to be brushed almost every day. This will allow the hair to renew itself faster. During this period, you can give the animal complex.

Representatives of this breed should not be frequent, as frequent bathing can provoke the development of various diseases. It is enough to carry out the procedure every 4-6 months. It is necessary to use special detergents, and after washing the wool must be dried.

Feeding a pet should also not raise questions, since there are no particular difficulties. Like other pets, Akita Anu is not recommended to be fed food from your table.

Modern dog breeders prefer to feed their pet dry food, sometimes supplementing the diet with fermented milk products, lean meat, vegetables and broth. The pet should be provided with free access to drinking water.

Photo of the Akita Inu breed

Videos akita

Where to buy and what is the cost of Akita Inu puppies

It is worth saying that not everyone can afford an Akita Inu puppy. Because they are not cheap.

In addition, problems may arise with the purchase, because the Akina Itu is not such a popular breed in the Russian Federation and not every city has nurseries. The largest Akita Inu kennel is located in the capital, so it is in Moscow that it is easiest to buy a puppy.

Nursery in Moscow: http://akita-shinatoinu.ru/nashishenki/28-stranica-schenkov.html

Nurseries of different cities can be found here: http://www.dressirovka.spb.ru/index.php/breeders?catid=32

The price of an Akita Inu may scare away potential buyers, so that this does not happen, you must familiarize yourself with the cost of young animals in advance. It can vary from 40,000 rubles to 70,000.

You can buy a four-legged friend in a specialized kennel (the price is set at around $ 3,000), or you can find the owners of dogs of this breed at a local fair - exhibition. This often requires attending several events. In the second case, a puppy from active show dogs can be much more expensive than in a kennel. If you persevere, you can find a suitable puppy.

Another more way to find a thoroughbred Akita is by using special sites on the Internet. Here you can get lucky with buying a puppy at a lower price.

The Akitu Inu dog is the dream of many. Kind, friendly and smart dog, a godsend for any family.

Akita Inu considered one of the oldest breeds that appeared in Japan. According to many years of studying archival documents, it was found that dogs lived in this country more than eight thousand years ago. Akita Inu breed got its name from the local province of Akita, located in the north of the country.

The dog has such a perfect character that he is able to impress the one who studies the dog better. He is smart, brave, loyal and sociable, and also wise.

Breeders note that the intelligence of animals is so high that they are able to control their behavior in different circumstances, to hide emotions, even if they are positive. Besides, japanese akita inu capable of going to tricks and tricks and is distinguished by independent decision-making.

Moreover, the memory of dogs is simply phenomenal, as they remember both words with commands and some details from life. Up to the point that they ate half a month ago for lunch! A puppies akita inu who were born in nurseries, and then went to different families, remember their sisters and brothers all their lives.

Once the main function of this breed was hunting, but over time they began to guard aristocratic families and palaces. Thanks to the change of functions, the dog acquired new qualities, but did not forget about the previous ones.

Akita puppies remember blood ties all their lives

Among these, three varieties are distinguished - shepherd, hunting and fighting. The classification was given in the middle of the twentieth century, and a little later a new one appeared, depending on the color.

Today, a brindle variation is distinguished, in which there are white, black, red colors, red, where red coloration predominates with white spots interspersed on the muzzle, abdomen and limbs, as well as white.

white akita inu characterized by absolute monochrome except for the tip of the nose. For some reason, it also fell into the same classification american akita inu with a strong physique. Such a dog is large and densely built.

Due to its foldable and strong cut, the dog simply needs good physical activity. Therefore, the training and education of the dog deserve close attention.

Akita inu white color

Breeders advise starting classes from six months - at this time, the dog can be taken to a special site, and, if conditions allow and grows in a private house with a personal plot, conduct training right on the lawn under the windows of your house.

breed standard

Looking at the images, we can see that akita inu pictured looks large-headed and broad-browed, has pocket ears and a famously twisted tail. Due to the original appearance, the animal simultaneously resembles a fox, a wolf, and in some ways even a bear.

An important proportion of the breed is the ratio of the height at the withers to the length of the body. It should be 10:11. It is worth adding that females have a longer body than males.

The Akita's lips are tight to each other, the cheekbones are moderately developed, the jaws are equipped with powerful teeth with a scissor bite. The dog looks at the world with relatively small, almost triangular-shaped eyes that are dark brown in color.

And the darker the look, the better. Thick and round paws make elastic movements. The weight of the dog varies from 32-45 kg for females and from 40 to 45 kg for males. The height at the withers is from 58 to 64 cm for ladies and from 64 to 70 cm for gentlemen.

The requirements for the color are that it be clear and clean, and if spots are present, they must also be well defined. The coat has an undercoat, while the hairs of the coat are longer and coarser than the thick and soft undercoat. The average life expectancy of dogs is 10 to 13 years.

It is worth considering that deviations from these requirements are a serious drawback, in connection with which the animal may be disqualified. The most common are a deviation from the sexual type (a male can have female proportions and vice versa), bite problems, lack of teeth, blue or black spots on the tongue, a short tail and even timidity.

brindle akita inu dog

And disqualifying vices are considered excessive shaggyness, a black “mask”, as well as a tail hanging down.

Care and maintenance

Dog breeds akita inu requires careful and painstaking care, which, in turn, will become the guarantor of an elegant look and feel. The coat needs to be brushed at least once a week to keep it looking healthy and silky.

The dog requires frequent walks, and it is also worth training it there. Weather conditions do not matter - thanks to endurance and well-coordinated figure, the dog is resistant to any climatic conditions. But daily walks will provide the pet with strong immunity.

The remaining subtleties of care and maintenance should be checked with breeders. By the way, an interesting fact: this breed is considered the national pride of Japan, so the owners of nurseries will not sell Akita puppies to anyone. It is important to be savvy in matters relating to the characteristics of this dog.


Due to the specifics of their origin, for a long time dogs knew nothing but rice, seafood, algae and vegetables. Sometimes eggs and game were allowed. This diet is relevant to this day, so this list is the basis of the diet.

It is worth considering that the Akita Inu may be allergic to other products that are standard for other breeds. We are talking about poultry meat, veal, fermented milk products with high fat content, as well as cereals such as corn and oats.

If the owner decides to feed the dog with factory-made food, then he should pay attention to the fact that the dry food does not contain soy. At the same time, food should be saturated with protein, at least a quarter of the entire component.

Babies of this breed are recommended to be fed with cottage cheese, boiled fish and vegetables, and at least four times a day. But here it is worth noting that earlier than the dog turns two, and preferably three months old, it is not worth excommunicating him from mom and dad - let him eat mother's milk longer, earning good immunity.

Adults eat two to three times a day. It is also important to provide a four-legged friend with various vitamin and mineral supplements and clean drinking water. Finally, it is worth considering that the serving size should not exceed 10% of the dog's weight.

Possible diseases of the Akita Inu

There are several categories of ailments that an animal can suffer from. The first group includes problems with the joints, the second is eye diseases, the third is endocrine problems, the fourth is skin diseases.

Separately, it is worth noting that some individuals do not tolerate anesthesia, and also often suffer from stomach volvulus, which can lead to sad outcomes, even death. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to give food in small portions, and if we are talking about store-bought food, then feed only premium segment food.

Among joint problems, dysplasia is the leader, and as a rule, it is inherited at the genetic level. An X-ray examination is used for diagnosis, but not earlier than one and a half years after birth, when the joints are finally formed.

From eye diseases, breeders distinguish retinal atrophy, inversion of the eyelids. The latter ailment is often eliminated surgically. The thyroid gland can suffer from hypothyroidism - insufficient function. Dogs change their behavior, they become cowardly and aggressive, lose weight. In such cases, hormonal treatment is recommended.

Eczema can form on the skin, hair can fall out, but these are usually signs of thyroid problems. Dermatitis is also possible - skin inflammation that appears after injuries or not immediately treated wounds. Considering that Akita Inu are prone to fighting, and the consequences of “beatings” are sometimes not visible under a thick fur coat, special control is required.

akita inu price

Buy puppy akita inu in Russia is not so easy, difficulties may arise. Despite the fact that the president himself has this dog, the breed has not yet received a surge in popularity and therefore is not so numerous.

Specifically, there is no nursery of this breed anywhere except Moscow. And yes, there is only one. Therefore, if you already take a dog, then go after it immediately to the capital.

Wherein price on akita inu, to put it mildly, biting. For example, in the same notorious kennel, puppies of this breed cost from two to three thousand dollars.

Of course, you can take a chance and try to take the dog off your hands, but there is no guarantee that the puppy will later take on the shape of this particular Japanese “chanterelle”, and will not become, for example, a Doberman or St. Bernard.

The third option for acquiring a dog is all kinds of exhibition events. In case of luck, the future owner will acquire his dream right there, on the spot. At the same time, you should not think that in this case the cost will be lower than in nurseries.

It can happen quite the opposite situation, in which the breeder will name twice the price. And this is understandable, because show-class dogs - that is, those that are allowed to show and mating for procreation - usually have a lot of all kinds of titles. A puppy from titled parents is worth a lot.

Sometimes ads for the sale of dogs of this breed are found on the Internet. But here the story is similar to buying from hands or in bird markets. But in the latter case, the price will be pleasant for the wallet - from 8 to 10 thousand rubles.

In 1932, all of Japan was shocked by a story published in one of the Tokyo newspapers. It told about Hachiko, the faithful dog of Akita Inu, who daily came to the railway station to meet his master. One day the owner never returned. It turned out that the man died, but the faithful dog continued to come from year to year to the place where he met his master. The publication of the article had a great resonance, and a monument was erected to the devotee Hachiko. The dog was present at its opening. Years later, he still continued to come to the railway station, where he died 9 years later than his master. During the Second World War, the monument was damaged, but people restored it and now it has become a popular meeting place for lovers, a symbol of fidelity, constancy, and devoted love.

Written sources testify to the ancient Japanese dogs, which were used to hunt large animals. It is believed that this animal appeared long before the emergence of writing, which means that the history of this breed goes back several thousand years.

The homeland of the dog is the Japanese island of Honshu, whose inhabitants lived apart from other islanders for a long time, because it was difficult to get there even in the summer. Years later, local tribes were forced out of the island and came to the territory of modern China. With them they took faithful hunting dogs Akita Inu. So the world learned about the existence of these amazing animals.

At some point, the breed was on the verge of extinction. However, the Japanese authorities took emergency measures and proclaimed the Akita Inu a national treasure of Japan.

Dog breeders used large dogs for several purposes. So three varieties of these dogs stood out.

  • hunting. It is considered the most ancient. It was used while hunting large wild animals, and most often bears. Another name for this breed is "Japanese wolf".
  • watchdog. As time went on, the needs of people changed and the Akita Inu began to be used to protect the homes and possessions of a person.
  • Fighting. Such dogs were very popular in battles, because they were distinguished by their power and strength, which forced even a significantly larger enemy to retreat. However, in 1908 dog fighting became illegal and the breeding of this subspecies stopped.

Some breeders are experimenting with the size and appearance of these animals. So in America a larger animal was bred, which was later isolated into a separate breed and called the Japanese dog.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

It is believed that the Akita Inu breed was bred by domesticating the Japanese wolf. Perhaps that is why the dog has a majestic character, self-esteem, high intelligence.

If at first representatives of this breed were used by Japanese farmers, peasants and hunters, then later the Akitu Inu breed began to belong exclusively to rich people and was even kept at the imperial court.

The Japanese did not invent an intricate name for the dog they bred. The meaning of the name is simple: Akita is the name of the mountainous area of ​​the island where these animals came from, and "inu" is the Japanese word for "dog".

At first glance, you can determine the eastern origin of this noble animal, because it is distinguished by endurance and calmness. However, being in the family, among close people, the Akita Inu reveals its temperamental character.

Characteristics of the Akita Inu breed

The Akita Inu breed is distinguished by its classic exterior, which does not necessitate something to supplement and change. That is why the breeding of dogs is strictly controlled in all countries. Akita Inu is valued for its purebreds. If you want to get a dog directly from Japan, you will have to work very hard. First, you need to obtain a special permit for export. This is a rather laborious and lengthy task. Secondly, Japanese breeders will not sell you a puppy if your dog breeding experience is less than 10 years.

It will be much easier with the acquisition of the American subspecies of the Akita Inu. So you get rid of the strict control of breeders and save on the purchase. The American subspecies is descended from the Japanese Akita Inu, but has significant differences.

  • Wool. The Japanese Akita Inu has a soft, self-cleaning, not very long coat.
  • Color. The Japanese subspecies excludes the presence of dark places on the body. The color must be either completely snow-white, or white-red, or brindle with a white muzzle. Black maxi is characteristic of the American subspecies.
  • Dimensions. The true Japanese Akita Inu is smaller than its American relative. Her body is wide and powerful, but not as heavy as that of her overseas counterpart..
  • Character. The Japanese Akita Inu has a loyal and friendly nature. Representatives of this breed have amazing calmness, while American dogs are temperamental and wayward.

Despite the fact that the acquisition of an Akita Inu is an expensive and difficult task, this dog is worth all the effort, because it is truly an imperial breed.

Breed standard: main characteristics

Despite the color and condition of the coat, the main characteristics of the breed are other external data. A strong, powerful body radiates pride and nobility. Bitches have slightly longer torsos than males. The back should be level with the croup.

The severity of the gender of the Akita Inu is very important. One glance should be enough to determine the sex of the dog. The behavior and movements of animals also differ. Males move with dignity, but at the same time they are agile and mobile. In every movement of the bitch, grace and grace are visible. Puppies should be active and playful.

adult dog size

Breeding of Japanese Akita Inu occurs in accordance with the standards, and over the past 50 years there has been a clear trend towards increasing size. If in the first standard, adopted in 1938, the height of the male at the withers was a maximum of 60.6 cm, now the range has changed and is 64-67 cm of height at the withers. The same picture is with bitches, which, unlike their ancestors (54-61 cm), can be 58-64 cm tall.

The proportions of the Akita Inu are very important.

  • body proportions. The ideal variant is the ratio of the length and height of the body in males 10 to 11. Females can be slightly longer.
  • Muzzle. The forehead should be wide enough, with a hollow in the middle. The muzzle is of medium length, tapering slightly towards the nose, but not pointed. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly expressed. The nose is preferably black, but may be pink or liver in whites. Dark noses are still preferred.
  • Eyes. They should have the shape of a triangle and be slightly slanting, deep set. It is the eyes that give a characteristic expression of the muzzle, exude nobility and oriental calm.
  • Ears. The triangular ears are tilted slightly forward so that when viewed from the side they are parallel to the line of the neck.
  • torso. The structure is wide and strong. The abdomen is tucked up, and the skin does not hang down. Paws are strong and powerful.
  • Tail. It must be twisted and form a complete ring. The tip of the tail should not hang down.

The dog is disqualified if it has the following faults

  • hanging tail;
  • too long hair;
  • black mask on the muzzle;
  • hanging ears;
  • not black nose;
  • speck on a white background.


The Akita Inu has an average lifespan for dogs of 10-13 years, but with good care it can live up to 15 years.

Akita inu character

In puppyhood, which in Akita lasts up to 2-2.5 years, this is a cheerful and mischievous creature. Puppies are incredibly active and curious. If they hear any sound, they immediately find themselves in the epicenter of events. However, representatives of this breed will never be naughty and do dirty tricks. Over time, Akita becomes older, and her temperament is more restrained. However, in the soul - an adult dog always remains a gentle and sweet creature, and will continue to play and have fun until old age, if the owner encourages this.

It is difficult to find serious flaws in an amazing Akita, but the positive points can be listed endlessly.

  • Equilibrium. Akita will never rush into battle without first considering all the options for the development of events. This dog will not bark for no reason and behave aggressively towards passers-by. Even if she perceives a person as an enemy, she will not show aggression, hiding her suspicions. Everything changes as soon as the Akita sees other dogs. She unequivocally regards them as enemies who have broken into her territory, which means she will zealously defend her superiority.
  • Intelligence. The Akita is an incredibly intelligent dog. You can trust her even with your little child. With incredible calm, these dogs hold back both negative and positive emotions. The animal thinks and changes its behavior according to the situation. So if with other people Akita behaves like a balanced and unshakable dog, then with the owner he can have fun like a puppy.
  • mood swings. This feature of many dogs has passed the Akita. She is able to control her emotions.
  • Memory. An amazing ability to memorize words, commands and details from family life. It is believed that Akitas even remember their brothers and sisters, in whom they once lived in a nursery.

Care and maintenance

Like any dog, Akita Inu requires good care, quality nutrition, timely visits to the veterinarian, preventive vaccinations and training. No matter how strong an animal is by nature, it is necessary to control and maintain its health. No matter how golden the character of the Akita is, it must be trained, as well as given the opportunity for outdoor activities and solitude.

Akita Inu is a strong and healthy animal, but it can also get sick:

  • joint dysplasia - a genetic disease that threatens to completely immobilize the animal;
  • eye diseases: entropy, glaucoma, cataract;
  • if you feed your pet incorrectly, he is at risk of stomach torsion.

What to feed

At home, the Akita Inu ate only light and low-fat food - fish, algae, rice. It is not easy to create such conditions for nutrition in our country, so the breed is considered problematic in this regard.

Akitas are very allergic. If you prefer commercial food, be aware that most of these foods contain soy, which Akitas are allergic to. Therefore, it is necessary to choose high-quality and expensive food without the addition of this ingredient.

What foods should be included in a dog's diet?

  • Meat. At least 50% of the daily volume. Only lean meats and fish can be given.
  • by-products. Give exclusively boiled liver, kidneys, lungs.
  • Kashi. You can give rice, buckwheat, millet. You may be allergic to corn and oats. It is better not to feed them to the Akita.
  • Vegetables. Pumpkin, zucchini, boiled carrots are best given with a small amount of vegetable oil for better absorption of vitamins.
  • Fruits. Dogs older than 4 months can be given apples, bananas, pears.
  • Low-fat dairy products. Feed only natural yoghurts and kefirs without sweeteners and flavorings.
  • Eggs. You can give no more than 2 pieces per week.

The selection of a diet can take a long time, as some foods may be allergic. Be patient and observant and you will succeed.

The volume of natural food should be no more than 10% of the weight of the dog, and the amount of industrial food is prescribed on the package. The frequency of feeding depends on age. If puppies up to 2 months eat 5-6 times a day, then Akitas from 6 months and older take food 2 times a day.



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