What does Borjomi water cure? "Borjomi" - the benefits and harms of mineral water

Mineral water considered an inexhaustible source good health And for long years life. But you should drink it only by following certain rules so as not to harm your health. Most often when feeling unwell choose Borjomi water, which has very good advertising. But before using it, you need to figure out how to drink Borjomi correctly and how to distinguish a fake from the original, as well as what its beneficial qualities are.

Useful properties and contraindications

Mineral water contains more than 80 minerals and chemical elements beneficial to humans. The unique chemical composition means that Borjomi mineral water has the following indications for use: :

  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with stool;
  • excess weight;
  • for the gland and gallbladder, kidney diseases;
  • urinary tract problems;
  • ridding the body of toxins and waste;
  • illnesses respiratory tract;
  • recovery water balance in organism;
  • normalization of metabolic processes after overeating.

The benefits of mineral water are manifested in the fact that when it enters the body, alkaline reaction, which is healthy for many people.


Borjomi water cannot be used for constant drinking. If you consume it excessively, you can bring harm rather than benefit to the body. The recommended dosage for therapy can be calculated by the doctor for no more than 30 days. Drinking this water on your own can lead to:

  • disturbances in the alkaline balance;
  • problems of the body's metabolic systems;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • problem in the functioning of organs digestive system.
  • ulcer in an acute stage;
  • chronic dysentery;
  • helminthiasis;
  • heart problems;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

The benefits and harms of Borjomi for the body depend solely on the purpose and duration of use. Children should be given mineral water only in prescribed doses and after consulting a doctor.

How to take Borjomi for medicinal purposes

You can use mineral water to fight colds. To do this, you should drink half a glass of this liquid three times a day before meals. You can lower the high temperature and improve your well-being by preheating Borjomi to 40 degrees.

Against cough

Mineral water is an excellent reliever, has an expectorant effect and promotes the separation of sputum. The recipe, proportions and how to prepare Borjomi with cough milk, as well as how often you can drink this remedy, are described below. For healing drink would need:

  • 250 ml mineral water;
  • 250 ml milk.

The liquids must be combined and heated. Divide the resulting volume into three parts and drink in three approaches during the meal. Not too much pleasant taste the drink can be eliminated by first releasing the gases from the drink. At severe cough You can add a little honey to the drink or butter. This is how they film painful sensations and the sputum comes out better. If there is no water, as a last resort it can be replaced with a solution baking soda, which is also capable of creating an alkaline environment.

For inhalation

In addition to oral administration, Borjomi can be used for inhalation. For correct procedure the following recommendations should be followed:

  • the water bottle should be opened and left overnight to remove the gas;
  • Heat the liquid to 35 degrees and pour it into the device for inhalation;
  • The procedure should be carried out 3 to 4 times per knock, lasting 10 minutes;
  • For therapy to be as successful as possible, at least 10 manipulations should be performed.

You can enhance the effect of mineral water using decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and others. medicinal herbs. Inhalations should not be done when elevated temperature body, after eating and physical activity.

With Mukaltin

Treat cough with milk and mineral water It is also possible for children, but it is better to check with your pediatrician about the dosage. The taste of the drink should be improved natural honey. For cough therapy in children, there is a slightly different recipe based on mineral water. It will require:

  • 1 tablet Mucaltin;
  • 50 ml Borjomi.

Tablet medicine dissolves in water and is taken three times a day. The liquid must be slightly warmed up. This treatment method is also suitable for adults. But you should take 2 tablets three times a day, and increase the amount of water to ½ or 2/3 glass.

In order for the benefits of water to be greater, it should be purchased in pharmacies and trusted stores. The expiration date must be correct. The bottle should be plastic, slightly tapered at the bottom and have a white or transparent cap. The colors on the label should be bright, and back side must be full information in the native language of the importing country about the product. By selecting quality product, you should remember to use it correctly. Maximum daily norm Mineral water intake should not exceed three glasses.

"Borjomi" - natural drinking water natural mineralization. It is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases that affect the digestive system and metabolism. Still, its regular use has some contraindications.

And all this needs to be known to a person who decides to include such water in his diet.

What is the power of Borjomi water?

This water became famous thanks to healing properties. For everyone who drinks Borjomi water, its beneficial properties become obvious. They manifest themselves not only in the form of cleansing the body, accelerated process removal of waste. Borjomi water is used in complex therapy for the treatment of numerous diseases, and it is also recommended to use it simply to quench thirst. Doctors use this drink as a basis for inhalation for respiratory diseases.

The medicinal properties of Borjomi are manifested in its effect on the functioning of digestive processes and in controlling the level of acidity. Drinking liquid while eating improves the digestion process.

A worthy place in medicine

The method of treating colds using this water is also popular. Only 100 gr. Borjomi mineral water should be mixed with the same volume of boiling milk. This mixture can not only eliminate sore throats, but also help with coughing. It is recommended to add a spoonful of honey to it. Periodic consumption of water can eliminate the manifestations of respiratory and viral infections. infectious diseases. This effect is explained by the fact that this elixir controls the acidity of all areas of the body and prevents the formation of pathogenic microflora.

Life-giving moisture

Borjomi water helps with hangovers. It retains fluid in the body, thereby relieving intoxication. A person can feel much lighter if he drinks water instead alcoholic products. Another important aspect is that a certain amount of this water contributes to a surge of energy and strength.

Using this life-giving moisture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract will undoubtedly lead to good results.

Borjomi water: application

Many treatment methods involve drinking 150 milliliters of mineral water (3 times a day). It is recommended to drink mineral water 30-40 minutes before eating. As a rule, such therapy is prescribed for a period of 21 days. In addition, a patient using this water, it is recommended to correct your diet, you must eat only dietary dishes and products. Doctors advise you to reconsider your attitude towards food. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Beneficial "Borjomi" normalizes already on the 4th day of use acid-base balance. Patients say that they noted a decrease in heartburn, and after a week the disappearance of these symptoms, the feeling of bloating also goes away. If water alone is unable to cope with the disease, experts prescribe medications that reduce the acidity level. The most important advantage of this mineral water is precisely positive influence on

The performance indicators of Borjomi water (useful properties) indicate the unique composition of this product.

No side effects from treatment with this water have been recorded. During the therapeutic course, when patients were prescribed Borjomi in conjunction with diet therapy, it was found that most of them had reduced or eliminated complaints, the acidity level was noticeably reduced, and the overall condition of the body was significantly improved.

Borjomi mineral water (the beneficial properties of which are confirmed by all doctors) helps with colds. This product allows you to create an alkaline environment in the body in which pathogenic microflora die. Thus, taking regular mineral water (warm) initiates a speedy recovery.

The result will be most pronounced if you consume 100 grams. liquids 30 minutes before meals. Make sure in advance that the water is at the required temperature. Don't keep it in the refrigerator so you don't have to heat it up later. If a person has a high body temperature or is in a fever, it is recommended to heat the liquid to 40 degrees. This must be done over low heat so that the water does not boil. Otherwise she will lose everything valuable substances, which our body so needs during illness. The best option The mineral water will be heated in a water bath.

Often, when coughing or laryngitis, doctors recommend a cocktail from Borjomi. Beneficial features This product has been helping humanity for decades. In order to prepare the medicine, in addition to water, you will need milk. The components must be mixed in equal proportions. First release the gas from the mineral water. The elixir needs to be slightly warmed. The drink should be warm, but not hot.


Doctors never prescribe treatment with mineral water if the patient has been diagnosed with lung disease, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Patients with cardiac disorders (heart disease, seizures of various nature) cannot count on action useful components"Borjomi". Persons suffering diabetes mellitus, migraines, gout and arthritis, it is highly undesirable to use this product.

Everyone has heard about the healing mineral water called Borjomi, extracted from the depths of the earth in Georgia. What are the benefits and harms of Borjomi - interest Ask for everyone who plans to introduce this unusual water into their diet.

Composition and beneficial properties of Borjomi water

The benefit of Borjomi lies in the richest chemical composition. When drinking a drink, the body receives:

  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium and silicon;
  • potassium and boron;
  • sulfur;
  • many other elements.

All of them are present in mineral water in highest concentration. A valuable properties water are that it:

  • normalizes digestive processes and bile secretion processes, helps liver function;
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid;
  • effectively helps in the fight against helminths;
  • restores damaged water salt balance;
  • has a beneficial effect on respiratory organs and relieves coughing.

Important! Drink Borjomi on permanent basis for the sake of prevention, it is not recommended, otherwise an excess will form in the body mineral salts. The benefits of healing water will be if you use it to solve specific health problems.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink Borjomi?

Borjomi during pregnancy is excellent for heartburn and toxicosis. Usually, medicinal water It is not contraindicated for pregnant women - but it must be used very carefully. The dosage should not exceed 1 glass per day.

The same applies to Borjomi during lactation. Healing water improves metabolism and tones. Everything that Borjomi is useful for, through breast milk the mother goes to the baby. But you shouldn’t drink Borjomi every day.

Borjomi for children

Doctors do not recommend giving mineral medicinal water to healthy children - they can get all the valuable substances from their regular diet. But for children over 1 year old with intestinal diseases, poisoning and constipation, Borjomi will be beneficial.

Attention! Dosage of Borjomi for a child with specific disease determined individually and calculated based on the weight and specifics of the condition. Therefore, only a pediatrician should prescribe water to an infant.

How to drink Borjomi for weight loss

The beneficial properties of Borjomi can help in getting rid of excess weight, since mineral water speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body. But you need to drink it little by little. A glass of healing water before breakfast or after dinner for a month will be enough.

Indications for use of Borjomi

Medicine officially prescribes medicinal water for use for the following ailments:

  • peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
  • diseases of the liver, bile ducts, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • obesity;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Water will also be beneficial for colds and for nervous disorders.

How to drink Borjomi for medicinal purposes

Ways to use mineral water when various ailments are slightly different from each other. It is important to regulate the dosage of the drink, control the temperature of the water and the time of consumption - all this affects the benefits.

Borjomi with cough milk

Mineral water is often used for colds accompanied by a severe cough. At the same time, it can be combined with milk - the benefits of water will become even greater.

  • To begin with, all the gas is released from the mineral water - to do this, the open glass is simply left to stand for half an hour or an hour.
  • Afterwards, water and milk are heated separately from each other in a water bath to 50 degrees, and then mixed in equal proportions.
  • If desired, add honey or raspberry jam to the finished drink.

Mineral water with milk will primarily help thin the mucus in the respiratory tract.

Inhalations with Borjomi for cough

Another way to use Borjomi for colds is inhalation. The water is first heated to 50 degrees, and then they lean closer to the pan, cover their head with a towel and inhale warm steam through their nose and mouth.

Attention! Under no circumstances should the steam burn the respiratory tract. Heat water until high temperatures not necessary, and inhalations should be careful. You need to continue the procedure for no more than 4 minutes.

For gastrointestinal diseases

The main benefits of water are expressed in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • If the acidity in the stomach is high, then drink warm mineral water 1.5 hours before meals, and first you need to release the gas from it.
  • Borjomi for gastritis with low acidity Take literally 4-5 sips half an hour before meals.
  • If you have problems with food absorption and metabolism, it is recommended to drink cold mineral water during meals.
  • For pain and cramps in the stomach, it is recommended to warm the water to room temperature before drinking.

Borjomi for constipation

Mineral water activates metabolic processes, so it is very useful for constipation. 150 ml is taken a couple of hours before meals. Typically, the benefits of such therapy become noticeable already on the first day of treatment.

For the treatment of the liver and gallbladder

Cholecystitis, hepatitis and other diseases associated with the outflow of bile and the liver are direct indications for the use of healing water.

  • For hepatitis and cholecystitis, mineral water is heated to 40 degrees and drunk 1.5 glasses about an hour before meals.
  • During treatment acute inflammation gallbladder and bile ducts Heated water is also taken an hour before meals - but in a volume of 2.5 glasses.

For the treatment of other diseases

Healing water can be used to alleviate the condition of some other diseases.

  • It is recommended to drink Borjomi for pancreatitis not during periods of exacerbations, but between them. Take the drink warm one hour before meals in a volume of no more than a glass three times a day.
  • In case of poisoning, the body loses water and beneficial minerals- but healing water helps restore balance. It is recommended to drink it 1 - 1.5 glasses, three times a day, in small sips.

Is Borjomi suitable for the treatment of diabetes?

Mineral water has no therapeutic effect on diabetes. But it is still often prescribed to patients as aid. Diabetes is accompanied by digestive disorders and slow metabolism, and Borjomi helps eliminate these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the benefit of water for diabetes is that it quenches thirst well.

Borjomi for facial skin

The benefits of water are manifested not only in the treatment of ailments. It is also used in home cosmetology- it tones the skin and tightens pores.

  • Simple washes will help you cope with excessive dry skin and the first wrinkles. healing water. You can rinse your face in the morning and evening. Another interesting option is rubbing the skin ice cubes from frozen mineral water.
  • A decoction based on Borjomi will help regulate skin oiliness. It is done simply - boil mineral water and then brew it in it. herbal tea chamomile, calendula or mint. The product is infused for half an hour, then filtered. The benefits of homemade tonic last up to 5 days.

Borjomi water is sold freely, but in order to benefit from its use, you need to know how much Borjomi you can drink per day.

  • The maximum daily intake for adults is 0.5 liters. However, in practice it is better to limit yourself to even a smaller amount - no more than 0.33 liters.
  • For children, the dosage of mineral water should be determined individually - and only by a qualified pediatrician.
  • In the absence of chronic and acute diseases In general, you should not drink medicinal water just like that. Maximum benefit from water will be if you use it when necessary.

Harm of Borjomi and contraindications for use

No matter how great the benefits of medicinal water, it can be harmful to the body. She does not have absolute contraindications, but in some conditions the drink should be consumed carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Namely:

  • for gastritis and ulcers in the acute stage;
  • during pregnancy.

Mineral water should not be given to very young children under 1 year of age. Overdose must be avoided - it is dangerous for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

How to distinguish Borjomi from counterfeit products

You can often find fake mineral water in stores under a familiar name. But it’s quite easy to recognize a fake without even analyzing the composition of the water.

  • Borjomi is available in glass and plastic bottles of a proprietary bluish-green color. Colored or white and transparent containers indicate a fake.
  • A bottle of healing mineral water should have three labels - on the neck, underneath and on the back. Between the neck and front label on the bottle there is always a deer depicted - the trademark of real Borjomi water.
  • Glass bottles are protected with metal caps, plastic bottles - with transparent plastic caps. Top part The lids are red; the brand name crosses it in the middle - clear, neat, without graphic defects.


The benefits and harms of Borjomi depend on correct dosage healing mineral water, and the drink has few categorical contraindications. If you follow the instructions for drinking water and consult with doctors, the drink will have a noticeable healing effect.

Water is considered an important source of life. Every adult should drink up to 1.5 liters of water in small portions per day. Be sure to drink water 25-30 minutes before meals - this helps improve digestion. If you drink the required amount of water during the day, this will lead to hydration and cell regeneration, and will also prevent dryness.

Borjomi: indications for use

If you drink enough of it during the day, the kidneys, which are the filter of our body, will work properly. Toxins that are in the body with water , excreted through the kidneys.

Every person knows “Borjomi”. The beneficial properties of this water help people cope with various diseases for more than a dozen years now. This water has become a real legend.


One and a half thousand years ago, in Georgia, entire deposits of the healing water “Borjomi” were discovered. Stone baths were found near the spring, indicating that the water from the spring was used for bathing. Long time There were wars in this region, due to which the source was forgotten.

Quite by accident, the deposits were discovered again in the 19th century. Around them, like mushrooms, began to grow buildings of sanatoriums and health resorts. By this time, the popularity of Borjomi had grown and it became known almost all over the world. It is famous for its ability to improve metabolism and treat diseases of the digestive system. It can perfectly cleanse the body from the inside and improve immunity.

The water is of volcanic origin, which makes it special. It is pushed to the surface, from a depth of 10 km, by natural carbon dioxide. The water, which has not yet had time to cool, is enriched with useful substances and minerals.

Instructions for use

For the body to function normally, it is very important to observe drinking regime. If you drink Borjomi, you can replenish fluid reserves in the body, take preventive measures and consolidate the treatment that has been started, as well as adjust the water-salt balance correctly in the body.

"Borjomi" is prescribed for the treatment of:

During the period when the disease worsens, drinking it is prohibited. You can talk to your doctor for more information about how to drink Borjomi.

In most cases, water is prescribed in postoperative period, for prevention against exacerbation chronic forms diseases. It will help you quickly cope with colds and runny nose - simple inhalation, and the person is practically healthy.

It is not worth replacing table water completely with Borjomi, considering it a medicinal table water. Firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, you can harm yourself.

Beneficial features

Have a positive effect on the human body anions and cations that are contained in water. Chemical elements and compounds, of which there are more than 80 in water - all are useful for human body. Among them are compounds of sodium and calcium, chlorine and potassium, which are contained in water, in large quantities. It contains slightly less compounds of silicon and magnesium, strontium and aluminum, sulfur, fluorine and titanium. The composition also contains ash of volcanic origin.

To make Borjomi beneficial specifically for your body, you need to drink it as prescribed by your doctor. The same prescription for the treatment and prevention of the disease is that water should be drunk 30 minutes before meals. slowly, in small sips. A volume of 150 ml will be quite enough.

A doctor may recommend the use of Borjomi for inhalation for diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. At a time when it is very hot outside, Borjomi quenches thirst and restores the salt balance, which is disturbed in the body due to loss of moisture.

Borjomi and pregnancy

Not all women want to drink a lot during pregnancy. Yes, and it depends on the time of year. Borjomi water is useful for everyone within reasonable limits. Pregnant women who have no contraindications can drink one glass of this water per day.

"Borjomi" will save any woman during toxicosis, relieves heartburn. After all, the pills that helped before are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy.

Any water that pregnant women drink should be without gas, and Borjomi is no exception. Do not forget that it is medicinal.

"Borjomi" to help children

If a child consumes Borjomi every day, as the doctor recommends, then the amount of potassium in the body, which is very necessary for normal development, will increase.

For gastritis in children, Borjomi is prescribed. But its quantity is daily diet needs to be strictly controlled. This is usually done three times a day. When the doctor determines the type of gastritis, he will tell you about the water and how to take it:

  • before meals;
  • after meal.

Losing weight with Borjomi

Drink more water than everyone else, people with overweight bodies. To dilute the diet, include Borjomi water in it. It improves bowel function, accelerates lipid metabolism and forms ATP - acid. As a result of its breakdown, additional energy is obtained and the functioning of the enzyme associated with the breakdown of fat improves.

The body, gradually, without expecting it, begins to cleanse itself of waste and toxins. The only condition is to take Borjomi, which does not contain gas. The water must first be opened and the gas released. It is he who stimulates the production gastric juice, causes a feeling of hunger.

Respiratory treatment

For such diseases, mix Borjomi, from which gas has already come out, and milk in equal proportions. The mixture is placed in an inhaler, The duration of this procedure is 5-7 minutes. If an inhaler is not available, then a regular pan is suitable, with which inhalation is carried out, similar to a potato pan.

Inhalation should be carried out not only with therapeutic purpose, but also for prevention. This will help you and your family stay healthy.

Poisoning or hangover

Borjomi can cause uncontrolled combination of substances. This can be seen during alcohol poisoning . Borjomi water can ease a hangover, but not everyone can make this process safe. Beneficial substances contained in water, entering an environment saturated with alcohol and its decomposition products, cause chaotic biochemical reactions. The reactions are not fully understood; the process can lead to irreversible change metabolism.

Contraindications Borjomi

Borjomi both helps and can harm the human body. Some people can just drink a bottle of water and nothing will happen to them. But people are different, and every organism is unique, so you shouldn’t repeat other people’s experiences.

Excessive and uncontrolled consumption of Borjomi water can harm the body irreparable harm. Her constant reception in large doses promotes erosion of the stomach walls, which subsequently causes gastritis or ulcers.

How not to buy a fake

Borjomi is produced:

  • in a glass bottle, the capacity of which can be 330 ml and 500 ml;
  • in a plastic bottle with a capacity of 500 ml and 1 liter.

Each original bottle has a relief image of a deer, and the color of the bottle itself is blue. The bottle has a serial number.

Each container has a tightly glued label, which contains all the information about the manufacturer, his contact details, and also indicates the place of water production.

Bottle stopper– metal, it is put on using a screw thread.


Borjomi water can be purchased at a pharmacy or any grocery store, so a prescription from a doctor is not needed. If healthy man will drink this water regularly and correctly, then improvement general condition It will become noticeable not only to him. This is confirmed by people's reviews.

People who have been prescribed this water for treatment also speak only positively about it. It not only speeds up recovery, but is also excellent prophylactic. The main thing is that everything is correct and in moderation.

Reading time for this article: 8 minutes.

Mineral water called Borjomi is known in many countries due to its extraction method. It is extracted from the depths of nature from 9 wells of the famous Borjomi Nature Reserve. It is known that many mineral waters have health benefits, so they are used to treat various diseases. And if an adult can take this drink, then a question arises. Can children drink Borjomi, and what are its health benefits?

This type of mineral water is extracted from underground wells, where the liquid temperature is 38-40 degrees. It will not be possible to replace such a product or create it similar to the real Borjomi, so today the water has no analogues.

This mineral water appeared in Russia by order of Stalin, since it is produced in his homeland. He believed that such a drink certainly could not poison a person. Therefore, today Borjomi is actively used to treat many diseases in adults.

IN modern world Borjomi can easily be considered a legend, since it has enormous health benefits - this was first discovered in the 19th century, when an unknown colonel was able to quickly cure problems with the stomach and other digestive organs with water. From that moment on, the Borjomi source was known to many, so everyone could drink the drink and be healed of diseases.

Attention! Since 1830, the composition of mineral water has not been changed.

Why is mineral water considered medicinal? The fact is that one liter of water contains 5.5 - 7.5 grams of minerals. According to doctors, the optimal dose for health is considered to be 4 grams of minerals in one liter, so when taking Borjomi it is necessary to observe the measure.

A liter of drink contains about 100 grams of calcium, which is also good for health. Carrying out calculations, you can find that a person needs to take only 1 liter of mineral water per day for treatment, and Borjomi children should be given a little less.

The label of the drink states that you can take it daily for a month, after which you need to take a 3-month break. It is advisable to take Borjomi 1-1.5 hours before meals. If you are going to treat her stomach, you need to release the gases from the mineral water before taking it.

Can children take mineral water?

To understand whether children can take Borjomi, you need to pay attention to the child’s age and contraindications for taking the drink. Doctors do not advise children under 3 years of age to drink mineral water. From the age of three you can take mineral water at the following diseases and states:

  • constipation;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins.

Since water has a laxative and diuretic effect, doctors often prescribe Borjomi to children. After all, babies often develop problems regarding the removal of food and fluids from the body.

To avoid worsening the condition, you should take the drink in the exact dosage prescribed by your doctor. This will remove from urinary tract stones whose size does not exceed 0.7 mm, as well as normalize the healthy functioning of the urinary system.

Since Borjomi contains glycogens ( animal protein, necessary for a person For normal operation body), mineral water can normalize blood sugar and improve liver function in children's body.

Regular intake of mineral water allows you to normalize the level of calcium in the child’s body, on which development depends skeletal system child.

Also, the main indication for taking the drink is gastritis, in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. Set useful substances, present in water, will reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and also restore the acidity of the digestive organ.

Usually in sanatoriums, children with stomach diseases are treated with this mineral water, which should be drunk 3 times a day to alleviate the condition and for medicinal purposes.

Attention! The amount of mineral water children are allowed to take depends on their weight. Doctors say that the optimal dosage is 4 ml of drink per kilogram of weight. The medicinal water should be taken before meals, however, depending on the type of disease that the mineral water will treat, the time of administration may be different.

Why Borjomi is useful

To the question - is it possible for a child to have Borjomi, we answered. Now it is important to understand the benefits of mineral water for children and adults. This healing water can normalize the water-salt balance. It will also help cool you down on a hot day.

Taking a bicarbonate drink is usually prescribed in the following cases:

  • diseases of the duodenum;
  • development of gastroduodenitis or gastritis;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • ulcers of the stomach or other digestive organs;
  • course of diabetes mellitus;
  • actively developing pancreatitis;
  • excessive weight of a person;
  • normalization metabolic process, occurring in the body;
  • treatment urinary diseases(cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease and so on);
  • liver pathologies or actively developing cholecystitis;
  • violation of the outflow of bile;
  • treatment of colds and respiratory organs.

As you can see, Borjomi can be taken for health not only by adults, but also by children. Mineral water is especially often prescribed when a child has a severe cough or cold.

Attention! Drink healing water during exacerbation of diseases is prohibited. That is why it is not worth starting treatment with Borjomi without a doctor’s testimony, because only he will be able to assess the patient’s health status, as well as prescribe the most useful and body-friendly dose of the drink.

Many people believe that mineral water can replace regular table water, but this should not be done, because an excess of calcium, minerals and other substances in the body is also harmful to humans, as is their deficiency.

It is important to note that Borjomi is often prescribed to people as a prophylaxis for certain diseases, which helps prevent their occurrence.



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