Disabled people of group 2 receive a discount on electricity. Issues discussed in the material

In just one month, their energy costs increased by one and a half times because of this.

The authorities have once again raised housing and communal services tariffs. They lifted it quietly, without noise or dust. The first January receipt from Mosenergosbyt was decorated with the following announcement: “We would like to inform you that the procedure for providing benefits for electricity payments to certain categories of citizens in the city of Moscow has been changed.”

This time they decided to save on disabled people of all categories, parents with disabled children under 18 years of age, as well as those who were exposed to radiation during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and during tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Now they will pay not 50% of the cost of electricity, as before, but only half of the consumption standard: for families living in an apartment with a gas stove, it is 45 kWh/person. per month, and in an apartment with an electric stove - 70 kWh/person.

“I am a non-working disabled person of the 3rd group, I live in Moscow,” says reader Irina Podmoskovnaya. - Since 2002, I have had a 50% discount on electricity bills (at that time I still had group II disability).

When in the 1920s I transmitted the electric meter readings in the personal account of the Mosenergosbyt user, the site system calculated the amount due for payment for January 2016, which amounted to 868 rubles. When I received my pension on February 3 and went into Personal Area to clarify the amount to be paid,

I saw that the amount for January suddenly increased to 1415 rubles, that is, it became almost twice as much!

And in the “Benefits” section a strange inscription appeared: “50% of the standard - 50 kW/person.” I believe that such actions are illegal. And from a purely human point of view: how can you pay such sums for electricity alone with a pension of 14 thousand rubles?..”

The Moscow government decree was adopted on December 25, 2015. And the corresponding entry on the Mosenergosbyt website appeared almost a month later, on January 21, 2016. Perhaps officials simply did not want to spoil people's festive mood.

The difference of 547 rubles, of course, is significant for a disabled person. However, the changes have affected one group of the population that I would like to especially mention - parents of disabled children. It is clear that caring for a sick child requires more funds than healthy. The consumption of electricity and water increases significantly.

Previously, we had a 50% discount on all electricity consumed,” says Valeria, mother of a disabled child. - Now we have been given a discount of 70 kilowatts, but the benefit does not apply to overconsumption. We consume on average 300–350 kilowatts per month. When we turn on the air conditioning in the summer, costs will naturally increase even more.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in a family with a disabled child, mothers, if they work, do not work full time - they are forced to care for the baby. At the same time, the percentage of two-parent families is minimal; fathers usually leave. A non-working mother receives a salary from the state for caring for her child, amounting to 6,000 rubles. This is below the subsistence level. Yes. The child is paid a pension. With all the benefits and subsidies, more than 20 thousand come out in Moscow. But, unfortunately, the lion's share of the money goes to medicines, doctors, and rehabilitation.

We heard that they want to change benefits for heating, water supply, sewerage, hot water supply and gas using the same principle,” Valeria almost cries. - I don’t know how we will live...

Payment for housing utilities falls heavily on the shoulders and wallets of the majority of the country's citizens. The amounts on receipts are growing, but income is not keeping up with them. Therefore, benefits for electricity and other types of housing and communal services are now in demand, as are subsidies.

People try to use every opportunity to reduce payments. Let's figure out who gets benefits in 2019.

What are benefits and how do they differ from subsidies?

The state has social function. It obliges him to take care of citizens who are unable to pay for their own needs. In particular, a preferential electricity tariff is established for some categories.

Sometimes people confuse this preference with subsidies. But these are different things.

  1. A benefit is a reduction in pay due to belonging to a special category.
  2. The subsidy depends on the ratio of income and payment for housing and communal services.
  3. Preferential preferences are not legally linked to income. They are established for socially vulnerable or deserved citizens.
Electricity discounts are not automatically provided. You must declare your right to the relevant company providing the service.

Who is eligible for benefits?

It is necessary to understand that part of the payments falls on the budget. For example, if a citizen is given a preference of 50%, then the state is obliged to reimburse the service provider. Moreover, the payer is the region, not the federal budget.

It follows from this that the categories of citizens to whom benefits are established are determined by the regional government by its act. They may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. However, there are categories of people who are universally assigned preferences. Let's consider them.

The following categories may not be eligible. For clarification, you should study the documents of the regional government.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War and hostilities

People who risked their lives for their homeland are respected in the country. They are entitled to the most preferences, including for payment of housing and communal services. The group called “World War II participants” is quite extensive.

It is divided into subgroups. Each one has its own preferences: only for the beneficiary or for the whole family.

The reduction in payments depends on the specific category. So, half of the established norm per person can be paid by:

  • WWII participants;
  • disabled members of their families;
  • rear workers;
  • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad;
  • family members of deceased disabled people/World War II participants.
The preference applies only to the beneficiary.

There are honored citizens whose benefits are taken into account for the whole family. These include:

  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • WWII participants who became disabled later.

For them, the discount will be 50% on the consumption norms of the entire family.

Preferences can be obtained only for one apartment: by registration or by actual residence.

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Disabled people

The next large group of citizens considered socially vulnerable. Electricity discounts for these people have changed slightly in 2018. The percentage of preferences remained the same - 50%. Changes have occurred in the calculation method, causing their payments to increase slightly. This category includes:

  • disabled people of all groups;
  • disabled children.

The preference of half the payment according to the consumption rate applies to the entire family in which this beneficiary lives.

Other categories

Each region is free to expand the list of persons for whom the budget pays. Thus, in some regions of the federation discounts are provided:

  • large families (from three minor children or more);
  • Labor veterans who are pensioners;
  • liquidators of accidents at Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants;
  • close relatives of the liquidators.

On average, each category has a 50% discount. However, for liquidators it applies to all family members. Their close relatives (if they live separately) use it only themselves. For families with many children, preferences vary depending on the region. Their value varies from 30 to 70%.

Low-income families can also qualify for discounts. But they are not installed in all regions.

Who doesn't pay their electricity bills?

There are citizens who enjoy a 100% discount. It is necessary to understand that it applies to standards, and not all electricity used. 100% beneficiaries include:

  • Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union or Russia;
  • orphans or children left without parental care.
Pensioners who do not fall into one of the categories do not have benefits.

Consumption standards

The next point is to determine the indications that are eligible for the discount.

The question is not easy. It often causes difficulties for citizens.

The fact is that the budget does not have the ability to pay for everything that benefit recipients use.

The regional government calculates and determines how much electricity a citizen needs to normal life. This is the consumption norm.

As a rule, the norm is significantly lower than actual consumption.

It must be remembered that the norm depends on:

  • weather conditions of the region of residence;
  • provision of premises with slabs;
  • characteristics of the region itself.

For example, in the capital the standards for 2018 were:

  • for houses with gas stoves:
    • single residents - 50 kW/h;
    • family - 45 kW/h;
  • with electric stoves:
    • single residents - 80 kW/h;
    • family - 75 kW/h.
The consumption rate is set by the regional government. Discounts apply only to her. Citizens pay the rest in full (unless otherwise provided).

Confirmation of preferences

Any discounts on tariffs begin to apply only after a citizen declares them. In the case of electricity, you need to go to the company that provides the population with electricity.

You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • certificate confirming the category;
  • a certificate of family composition, indicating the area of ​​the premises;
  • payment receipts.

At your appointment with a specialist, you will need to fill out an application. It has a set form. Citizens can find the form on the company’s official website and fill it out themselves at home. In addition, you must leave copies of documents confirming your category along with your application. It is checked, since the budget will pay extra.

Since the end of 2018, citizens have been relieved of the obligation to document their lack of debt when preparing an initial or repeated package of documents for applying for benefits. Such information will be requested by officials themselves through their interdepartmental communication channels.

Discounts will begin to apply the next month after the date of application. Preferential tariffs are not established for debtors.

Counting example

Let's demonstrate the logic of discounts using the example of a single disabled person. Let's say he lives in an apartment equipped with an electric stove. The norm for this citizen is 80 kW/h.

The discount will be taken into account according to the following logic:

  1. If less than the specified norm is consumed, then you will have to pay 50% of the electricity used. When the meter reading is 60, it is calculated as follows: 60 kW x 50% = 30 kW.
  2. If more than the norm is consumed (let it be 130 kW), then the calculation is different. First you need to subtract from general indications standard: 120 - 80 = 50. The discount will be 50%. Consequently, you will have to pay on a general basis for 40 kW out of 80 kW. To these should be added consumption that exceeds the norm. 40 kW + 50 kW = 90 kW.
  3. In money as of March 2017:

90 kW x 3.52 rub. = 316.80 rub. (here 3.52 is the price per kilowatt).

You need to carefully look at the distribution of the discount: is it assigned only to the beneficiary or to the whole family.

Regional differences

Discounts and preferences are established by local authorities. This also causes confusion. For example, in the capital, single pensioners are eligible for benefits. And in the region there are no discounts on electricity for such people.

  • honorary donors of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • combatants and others.

To accurately determine the size of preferences and categories of citizens, you need to look at the regulations of the regional government. Typically, this information is posted on the official websites of both the government authority and the company providing the services.

Citizens who are unsure of their rights are advised to contact their electricity supplier. Have all documents with you. If the beneficiary cannot go to the company office, a relative or social worker.

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Last changes

Many citizens have the opportunity to reduce utility bills, including electricity. The state grants them this right. But you will have to use it yourself. To do this, you need to inform the electricity supplier about it.

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February 10, 2017, 18:01 March 3, 2019 13:50

Group 2 disability is not the most severe degree of health limitation. However, such a person’s social status is associated with certain life's difficulties. As support, benefits and compensation are provided for this category of people, which are expressed in money or useful services.

What benefits are available to disabled people of group 2?

Taking into account the difficult moments in the life of this category of people, the state is trying to provide them with support. It is important to know what benefits are provided to disabled people of group 2. Persons with health restrictions can directly benefit from discounts and free services or replace them with appropriate monetary compensation.

Benefits for utilities

Persons with restrictions provided for by group 2 receive privileges to pay for utilities. In the housing and communal services sector, a 50% discount is provided on electricity, heating, gas, sewerage, waste removal and water supply. If there is no central heating in the premises where a disabled person lives, he must apply for the installation of a heating boiler. You will have to pay half the cost for this service.

Social package for disabled people

Plastic bag social services for persons with group 2 health limitations includes:

  • free issuance of medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • providing treatment in a sanatorium or resort when health improvement is required for health reasons;
  • travel on trains and commuter trains; if treatment takes place in another region, the journey is free.

Benefits for disabled people of 2 groups from the social package have their own fixed cost. A person can replace them with cash payments. To do this, you need to visit the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund before October 1. If the application for refusal was submitted earlier, the document is valid until the person with a disability changes his position on this issue. You can apply to cancel the entire package or a specific service.

Providing necessary medications

Preferential medicines, prescribed by a doctor, non-working disabled people of group 2 can receive free of charge. For those who work, medications and some medical equipment and devices receive a 50% discount on the price.

People with group 2 disabilities can receive free of charge or at half price:

  • medicines from the List medicines, which is established by the state or regional authorities (Moscow and the Moscow region have their own approved lists of medicines and medical products for disabled people under the responsibility of territorial social services);
  • products with medical purposes from the relevant list;
  • drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment in a sanatorium

Direction to Spa treatment provides the following registration procedure:

  • The attending physician of a disabled person who has not refused social services, and the commission of the relevant medical institution carry out the selection and referral to a sanatorium.
  • The indications for prescribing such rehabilitation are determined by the attending physician and the head of the department. In addition, contraindications are taken into account. Based on the conclusions drawn and identified diseases, a conclusion is issued indicating the possibility or impossibility of carrying out sanatorium treatment for this citizen.
  • The disabled person is given a certificate recommending sanatorium-resort treatment. This document is valid for six months. During this time, a person with health limitations must submit an application for a trip to the Fund social insurance.
  • Having received the application and certificate, the social organization is obliged to inform the disabled person within 10 days about the possibility of providing a voucher and the date of arrival at the sanatorium.
  • The voucher itself must be given to the patient no later than 3 weeks before arrival. With it, the disabled person must again contact the attending physician to implement additional check.
  • In order to undergo treatment, a citizen is obliged to provide a voucher upon arrival and health resort card.
  • The course of treatment in a sanatorium for a disabled person of group 2 is 18 days, for a child with disabilities of the same category - 21 days.

Benefits for personal rehabilitation equipment

People with disability group 2 have the right to free or discounted purchase of necessary individual rehabilitation equipment, these include:

  • Hearing Aids;
  • wheelchairs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • dental prosthetics and other means.

Orthopedic shoes can be provided free of charge, at a discount, or at full price. It all depends on its complexity. Dental prosthetics free of charge does not include the manufacture of prostheses from expensive materials designed to relieve high wear of teeth, periodontal disease, based on implants, crowns or bridges made of porcelain, metal-ceramics.

Tax benefits

Which tax benefits are provided to disabled people of 2 groups:

  • receiving a deduction of 13% from sold or purchased housing, other property, the limit on the amount is 2,000,000 rubles;
  • the cost of trips to health facilities acquired with the employer’s money, if the employer has already paid income tax;
  • the purchase of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people working in the organization is made without paying taxes;
  • cash assistance up to 4 thousand rubles received by a worker from a former employer does not require tax deduction;
  • they are not deducted from compensation received for the purchase of medicines;
  • property tax individuals disabled people do not pay;
  • The calculation of land tax for persons with group 2 disabilities is made with a 50% discount. If the site belongs to them;
  • if the disabled person purchased it independently vehicle with a power of up to 150 horsepower and uses it, he is charged half the amount of transport tax;
  • tax benefits for notary services are 50%;
  • this category of citizens does not pay state fees for applications to courts of general jurisdiction and filing a claim on property if the amount of damage is less than 1,000,000 rubles.

Is it possible to work with disability group 2?

Group 2 disabled people can carry out labor activity by law, if not the following contraindications according to working conditions:

  • high exercise stress(bending over, lifting heavy objects, long walking, etc.);
  • neuropsychic stress (monotonous work, night shifts);
  • work with microorganisms, spores, bacteria, infectious agents;
  • increased concentration chemical compounds, radiation, extreme temperatures, toxic substances;
  • insufficient or excessive lighting.

Disability pension 2nd group

People with disability group 2 are entitled to a pension, which may increase if the citizen has dependents:

  1. The pension for disabled people of group 2 who do not have children is 4383.59 rubles.
  2. If there is 1 child – 5844.79 rub.
  3. Two children – 7305.99 rub.
  4. If a pensioner has 3 dependent children, he is paid 8,767.19 rubles monthly.
  5. Additionally, people in this category are paid social help RUB 2,397.59

Monetization of benefits for people with disabilities

Monetization of benefits for people with disabilities affected housing and communal services, travel on public transport, medicines and treatment in sanatoriums. In the case of utility bills, a citizen pays their full cost on a receipt, and then they must calculate compensation, which will go to their bank account. Monthly cash payment, which involves expenses for travel on public transport, payment home phone and others, is possible provided that the beneficiary prefers to receive the cash equivalent.

Video: what benefits do disabled people of group 2 have?

Electricity benefits for disabled people of group 2 are determined by state authorities and local governments. However, their size varies depending on the region of the country. To exercise your legal rights, you need to verify information at your place of residence.

Types of discounts

Disability group 2 is assigned after special medical examination individuals who are disabled, but do not need constant outside help and round-the-clock care.

To receive the benefit, you must provide the following documents:

  • certificate of assignment of disability group 2;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • other documentation provided upon request of a representative of the authority social protection.

Benefits for utilities for disabled people of group 2 include a discount on the list of utilities:

  • electricity;
  • water;
  • tidying up the area around a residential building;
  • garbage removal.

It is also related to payments for living space. This direction social benefits may include a discount on the purchase of solid fuel. The benefit and, accordingly, the discount is given to disabled people of group 2 who live in houses where there is no central heating system.

If there is a disability of group 2, an individual may be provided with compensation (half of the required amount for capital repairs). repair work(repairs are being carried out in an apartment building, public property is affected). The calculation of electricity benefits for disabled people of group 2 is carried out according to the established standards of consumed services per individual.

To exercise your rights, you must apply for benefits by contacting the Social Security Administration. In this case, the disabled person must have the following package of documents with him:

  • citizen's passport Russian Federation;
  • a certificate confirming the presence of disability;
  • document for the apartment (registration certificate);
  • certificate of family composition.

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Last changes

In 2015, a law came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which changes and amendments were made to a number of legislative regulations and to the content of the Housing Code.

Previously, a disabled person of groups 1 and 2 in any city in the country paid half the amount for the used electrical energy, gas, heat, water, and the rest of the money was financed from the state budget.

The updated scheme is now in effect. Each region is given the right to independently set consumption standards for housing and communal services.

If a disabled person has not spent more than the norm on services within a month, he pays 50% of the bill. If the standard values ​​are exceeded, the subject pays the amount in full.

For example, the standard value of consumed electrical energy in a particular region is 100 kW per subject per month (if there is a gas stove). The disabled person and his family members living in an apartment building consumed 120 kW. Before the changes were made, compensation was calculated based on the entire volume of energy consumed (120 kW). Now a disabled person will be compensated only 50 kW. If less than 100 installed kW is used, the compensation amount will be calculated based on the resulting value. Benefits for water for disabled people of group 2 and gas are calculated in a similar way.

The changes made by government officials are considered fully justified.

Excess consumption of housing and communal services should not be paid from budget funds, thereby causing damage to other socially vulnerable categories of citizens. We are talking about pensioners, families who are low-income.

Study by the National Center public control in the field of housing and communal services established standards for individual regions and cities have shown that they are quite acceptable. In the capital, people with disabilities live much better when compared with the benefits of provincial cities, which affects the level of material well-being of citizens.

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Regional differences

Although some changes in the provision of benefits for utility services to disabled people of group 2 (this also applies to group 1) have occurred, they will not entail severe consequences for citizens. There are no plans to completely cancel benefits, in particular for residents of the capital. Despite the fact that he enjoys discounts when paying for housing and utilities great amount people (over 4 million). In Moscow, you can count more than 40 categories of benefit population, and every citizen receives assistance from the state even in the face of a worsening economic situation.

Allowed benefits for utilities for disabled people of group 2 are established throughout the Russian Federation in accordance with the uniform current legislation. Their difference is determined by spending standards that are established by federal entities. These include the authorities of the republic, region or region. Due to the current economic situation, individual regions have different opportunities to socially provide local population. This causes differences in payment amounts and different losses among socially vulnerable citizens.

In Moscow, the introduced changes did not have a significant impact on the well-being of citizens, since the normative values ​​are quite adequate.

The difference is compensated by adjustment factors. However, in certain regions it is significant. Some disabled people suffered, losing up to 100 rubles, while for others the loss amounted to almost 1000 Russian units.

On the territory of Tatarstan, the reduction in benefits is quite noticeable (over 25% from 1200 to 800 rubles). The reduction in compensation amounts in the Tomsk region occurred by approximately 650 rubles. The losses of disabled people in Vladimir are also significant - 25%. In the Komi Republic, reductions are from 1100 to 800 rubles. Disabled people are relatively lucky Saratov region, since now they have 720 rubles, and before the adoption of the law they had 830.

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The reduction of benefits in a number of cities, for example, in Krasnodar, Sochi, Novgorod, etc., was provoked by a lack of funds, as well as the availability large quantity disabled people.

In order not to deny anyone their right to social protection, a decision was made to recalculate subsidies.

If we consider the Novgorod region, then on its territory there are almost 70 thousand. preferential categories population, among whom there are many disabled people of group 2. For compensation, the region needs to allocate approximately 17 million annually.

Following directions regional center, in the Chelyabinsk region reductions reached 30%. At the same time, citizens must understand the dependence of the regional budget on the general economic situation in the country. Despite negative side changes, there is also a positive trend.

It is associated with the creation of a database of disabled people who are entitled to preferential payments. This is done to calculate compensation amounts for paid contributions for major repairs. Payments are made not only to category 2 disabled people, but also to category 1 disabled children and parents who live with them. To take advantage of this privilege, you must submit an application.

To the extent financially possible, the state and local authorities try to provide support to people with disabilities. The presence of temporary difficulties can be overcome, benefits for utilities are maintained and provided a significant number citizens.

Support is evidenced by the provision of a wide package of social services to the most vulnerable segments of the population, and the list of them is constantly expanding within the limits of budgetary capabilities.

Today, despite all the attempts of the state to improve the financial situation of its citizens, people are lining up in huge queues to save on housing and utility bills. Many electricity benefits for people with disabilities that were in effect before the crisis still exist, providing this category of citizens with the opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining their home.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What benefits are there for disabled people for electricity?
  • What are the electricity benefits for disabled people of group 1?
  • What are the benefits for disabled people of group 2 for paying for electricity?
  • What benefits are available for paying for electricity for group 3 disabled people?
  • What electricity benefits are there for disabled children?

Where do disabled people receive benefits for electricity and how do they differ from subsidies?

The social function of the state is to take care of the low-income and vulnerable segments of the population. For some categories of citizens, for example, a preferential electricity tariff was approved.

This preference is often confused with subsidies, but it is different concepts. So:

  • Reduced payment for those persons who belong to special categories deserving or socially vulnerable citizens is called a benefit.
  • Legislatively preferential preferences and the amount of income are not related.
  • The subsidy is determined by the ratio of income and payment amounts for housing and communal services.

Discounts on electricity bills are not provided automatically; you must declare your right to receive it to the company that provides this service.

If a citizen pays 50% of its cost, then the rest of the service provider is reimbursed by the state. In this case, the payer is not the federal budget, but the regional one.

The government of each subject of the Russian Federation, by an appropriate act, determines those categories of citizens who can count on benefits. At the same time, some categories of the population enjoy preferences everywhere. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Who is entitled to receive benefits for disabled people for electricity and other housing and communal services

So, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, only regional authorities are authorized to make decisions on providing benefits for electricity payments, including for people with disabilities. This is due to the fact that in each area there are different rules accrual of preferences.

Law on social protection of people with disabilities regulates a number of benefits for payment for water supply and heat supply, as well as residential complex services for citizens.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for disabled people compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of service and payments made for utilities.

The list of expenses for which disabled people can count on compensation in 2017 is as follows:

  • heat and water supply;
  • landline telephone services;
  • rent;
  • property tax for individuals;
  • fuel;
  • major repairs, maintenance of common areas, removal of household waste and garbage, as well as drainage in apartment buildings;
  • electricity.

In 2017, local authorities acquired the right to reduce the amount of contributions for major repairs apartment buildings for disabled people of groups 1 and 2. Based on this, compensation payments also decreased, in other words, there was a modification of benefits for major repairs for disabled people in 2017.

Authorities are often asked the question of whether disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 are required to pay for services for major repairs? The answer is: yes, it is necessary to make contributions, but people with disabilities, having provided documents on payment, receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the amounts contributed in accordance with the rules for calculating benefits for disabled people for housing and communal services.

According to medical indications, a person with disabilities is assigned one of three disability groups. Within each group, in addition to benefits for common types housing and communal services, special types of compensation are also provided.

For example, visually impaired people of group 1 can take advantage of a discount on installing a radio point in an apartment and an exemption from the subscription fee for its use. And although this type of communication is no longer relevant today, it has been preserved at the legislative level.

What preferences for payment of utility services can visually impaired people of group 2 count on?

  • There is no subscription fee for the radio station for visually impaired people of groups 1-2;
  • no monthly fee, as well as free installation of a landline telephone;
  • subsidies for visually impaired people of group 2 to pay for housing and communal services.

Benefits for electricity and other services for disabled people of group 3 are somewhat different, since this disability group is considered working. For disabled people of group 3 and families raising children with disabilities of group 3, specific benefits are not provided for by law. On a general basis, citizens of this category can count on compensation in the amount of 50% for all types of utility bills.

What preferences for payment of housing and communal services can “ordinary” pensioners count on?

Today, unfortunately, people retirement age, which do not belong to any of the categories listed above, are required to make payments for electricity in full.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three main types of benefits for electricity:

  • 100% discount for Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Labor Glory and orphans;
  • 30% discount for families with 3 to 9 children. The discount can reach 70% if we're talking about about a family with 10 or more children. Benefits are valid until the youngest child's 16th birthday;
  • beneficiaries of all other categories make payments for electricity in the amount of 50% of the total amount.

Electricity benefits for disabled people are provided in the form of a reverse payment. What does this mean? Absolutely all citizens receive bills that must be paid on time. After this, the state transfers compensation, the amount of which reaches 30, 50, 70 or 100% of the deposited amount, to a specially opened bank account.

What are the electricity benefits for disabled people of group 1?

Let's consider the list of diseases in the presence of which a citizen unconditionally receives 1 non-working disability group:

  • absolute loss of vision in both eyes;
  • dementia;
  • mental retardation;
  • kidney disease that has led to chronic severe renal failure;
  • limb amputation;
  • malignant tumors with metastases;
  • paralysis of the musculoskeletal system;
  • congenital absence internal organs.

Disabled people of group 1 have the right to discounts on electricity bills, as well as to improvement of their living conditions. To exercise the right to receive preferences, a person with disabilities (or his guardians, trustees, family members) should submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of residence.

For example, wheelchair users must be provided with access to the house using special ramps. In addition, people in this category can count on widening doorways both directly in the apartment and in the common area. If you execute legal rights is not possible for a disabled person, he may be offered options for replacing housing with one that meets his needs.

In addition, if a citizen with disabilities owns real estate, then he will not have to pay personal property tax for it. This state preference applies exclusively to the disabled person himself; it does not apply to members of his family.

What are the benefits for disabled people of group 2 for paying for electricity and other housing and communal services?

What health disorders are the basis for establishing disability of the 2nd group? Their list is as follows:

  • moderate limitation of the ability to move independently, in which a person is unable to walk freely, maintain balance and use public transport without outside help;
  • limited ability to communicate and exchange information without assistance;
  • inability to adequately perceive the environment, determine one’s own location and the current time;
  • limitation of the ability to learn, assimilate information and reproduce it at the school curriculum level;
  • inability to work normally, that is, to take part in the work process without creating any special conditions.

After the official determination of disability by medical workers, the citizen or his legal representative receives the corresponding document.

List of diseases due to which a person may be assigned a 2nd group disability, is wide enough. Among them are:

  • psychical deviations;
  • speech disorders, including problems with voice formation, stuttering;
  • sensory disorders (dysfunction of tactile sensitivity, loss of vision);
  • defeat is vital important systems breathing, blood circulation, etc.;
  • physical deformities, such as deformation of the head, disproportion of body parts.

What benefits are provided to disabled people of group 2 for electricity?

This group of people can count on the following preferences at the expense of the state:

  1. Compensation of 50% on bills for electricity, gas and water supply, sewerage, garbage removal, cleaning local area, major repairs, rent (for social rent).
  2. In the absence of central heating - a 50% discount on coal and firewood.

Let us dwell in more detail on the benefits for disabled people of group 2 in payment for electricity. A discount of 50% is provided if the limit, which is established in each municipal region of the Russian Federation, has not been exceeded. Get detailed information You can find out about the limits in your region at your local housing office.

What benefits are available for paying for electricity for disabled people of group 3?

The criteria for granting group 3 disabled status are determined by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1024n dated December 17, 2015. The normative act states that during the expert assessment the following individual abilities are examined:

  • orientation in space;
  • communication and work performance;
  • assimilation and transmission of information;
  • adequate perception of factors external influence not only physically, but also from a psychological perspective.

The basis for assigning disability group 3 are congenital or acquired diseases. What preferences a citizen will receive from the state largely depends on the category of violation.

So, third degree restriction of legal capacity can be assigned if:

  • mental disorders;
  • disorders of speech, visual, auditory function;
  • congenital and acquired physical disabilities that lead to changes in work the following bodies and systems:
    • limbs;
    • musculoskeletal system;
    • circulation and blood flow;
    • Airways;
    • musculoskeletal tissue;
    • vision;
    • the appearance of painful sensations.

Group 3 disabled people have fewer government preferences than those citizens who have been assigned group 1 and 2 disabilities. Electricity benefits for disabled people of group 3 are provided in the amount of 50% of the accrued amount.

  • electricity;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • heating;
  • rent;
  • cleaning the local area;
  • garbage removal.

The state provides disabled people of group 3 with a 50% discount not only on electricity bills, but also on the purchase of solid fuel if the house does not have centralized heating.

To take advantage of the listed privileges, you must contact the social service and provide a package of documents, including an application of the appropriate sample.

What are the electricity benefits for disabled children?

For parents of disabled children it is provided state aid in payment of housing and communal services, which consists of the following:

  • 50% discount on the cost of utilities (heating, electricity, cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas);
  • 50% discount on the invoice amount for the removal and disposal of solid household waste.

To apply for a benefit, one of the parents of a disabled child must contact the housing office at their place of residence.

How are electricity benefits for people with disabilities calculated?

A 50% discount applies to the volume of consumption of a particular utility service used by a citizen. To determine the volume of consumption, special data recording devices are used. Their readings should not be higher than the consumption standards established by the state.

How to determine the volume of consumption if there are no meters? In this case, all calculations regarding the fifty percent discount on electricity for disabled people are carried out on the basis of standard standards for the consumption of residential complex services.

Who has 100% electricity benefits for disabled people

If a citizen has the right to receive a 100% discount on electricity, then it must be taken into account that it does not apply to the entire volume of the resource used, but to the standards. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, not only persons with disabilities have the right to a 100% discount on electricity payments. physical capabilities. The following can also take advantage of this preference:

  • Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • Heroes of the USSR or Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • children deprived of parental care and orphans.

An example of how to calculate electricity benefits for disabled people

If a disabled person or the family in which he lives, during the billing period (in Russia this is a calendar month), according to electric meter readings, consumed less electricity than the standard provides, then the 50% benefit applies to this entire amount. For example, if the meter reading is 40 kW, then, taking into account the 50% discount, payment will be made for 20 kW.

If the preferential standard for electricity established by law has been exceeded, the 50% discount is valid only within the standard value. The remaining kilowatts will have to be paid at full cost. Let's look at a simple example. The monthly electricity consumption of one disabled person, according to the meter readings, is 250 kW. What kind of electricity benefits for disabled people are we talking about in this case? With a standard of 80 kW, the discount will be 40 kW (50%). As a result, 210 kW of electricity will be paid for.

Let's give another example from life. In accordance with the standards, a disabled person who has a family and uses an electric stove can use an average of 70 kWh. At the same time, a 50% discount on electricity for disabled people applies to 35 kWh. According to the tariff schedule in March 2017, the cost of 1 kWh was 3 rubles 52 kopecks. Thus, for 35 kWh you will need to pay 123 rubles 20 kopecks.

If electricity consumption is less than the standard value (70 kWh), a 50% discount should be taken into account: if the meters show 50 kWh per month, then you only need to pay 25. If the standard electricity consumption for family disabled people with an electric stove was exceeded, from the total amounts are taken away from the preferential 123 rubles 20 kopecks and the balance is paid.

How to get electricity benefits for a disabled person

The first step is to prepare documents for disability. This procedure is complex and lengthy, because you not only have to prepare all the necessary papers, but also defend your rights and interests in the relevant authorities. Unfortunately, you may encounter the reluctance of medical workers to help in this difficult matter. Don’t give up and know that the disabled status will not only provide access to preferential medical care, but will also provide additional in cash in the form of a pension.

To confirm your diagnosis and prove that your health condition really does not leave you a chance to live and work fully, you will need to undergo a medical examination.

Article 95 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 describes in detail the conditions and criteria for recognizing a person as disabled. The diagnosis that doctors gave you must be included in the list of diseases that are the basis for receiving 1, 2 or 3 disability groups. This list is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The main criterion for assigning disability is the presence of a persistent pathology that leaves a person no chance to live. full life. During the examination, specialists will check not only the condition of the patient’s organs and systems, but also his ability to work in his specialty. In this context, we are talking about patients who engage in dangerous and difficult activities associated with night shifts, noise, dangerous conditions labor, vibration, etc.

You should start with a visit to your doctor. He will listen to all complaints, record them in the outpatient chart and give referrals to specialists for further examination. The patient receives a form from the doctor, which reflects the results of tests and examinations by specialized specialists. In some cases, the patient may be referred to additional examination in a hospital setting. Do not forget that the results of most tests are valid for 2 weeks.

The attending doctor prepares all the documents and directs you to undergo a medical examination. social expertise(ITU). If the doctor refuses to do this, he is obliged to justify his decision in writing, and then the patient can independently contact the ITU. The doctor's refusal to provide a written refusal is grounds for going to court.

  • the patient's health status;
  • test results;
  • necessary means of rehabilitation (this could be a walker, a wheelchair, diapers, orthopedic shoes, hearing aid, annual spa treatment, etc.).

The referral form for medical examination must be certified by the signatures of three doctors and the seal of the medical institution.

The medical and social examination takes place on a predetermined day. If the patient’s health condition does not allow him to appear in person at the social examination bureau, then the commission is obliged to come to his home. Experience shows that there are often long queues at the bureau, as many patients have to undergo re-examination. In general, the procedure for registering disability cannot be called quick; it can take several months for a person with limited physical capabilities.

In order for a patient to be assigned a screening day, he must submit a review to the regional ITU Bureau the following documents:

  • Referral to MSA from the attending physician at the clinic, an employee of the pension or social security authority. If the patient has received a written refusal from the doctor, he can contact the regional department of medical and social examination on his own behalf.
  • Passport and its copy.
  • A working citizen is required to provide a copy work book, certified by the HR department, non-working - its original.
  • Certificate of income - if necessary.
  • An employed citizen attaches a production characteristic to the package of documents, which contains information about working conditions. Medical worker The enterprise where the patient works surveys him on issues related to the regulation of activities. All answers are recorded on a special form, which is certified by the HR department and management. Based on this document, which is called a work characteristic, ITU members will decide whether the patient can continue his main work activity.
  • All medical certificates and documents: outpatient card, walk-through sheet, results of tests and examinations, etc.
  • Sick leave (if any).
  • SNILS (original and copy).

A patient who was forced to stop the main professional activity, attaches the following documents to the main list:

  • certificate of work injury(form N-1);
  • document on occupational disease;
  • description of the place of work.

If any documents are not listed, but the patient believes that they may influence the final decision, he has every right submit them for consideration.

After the patient has prepared and submitted a package of documents to the ITU Bureau, he is assigned a day for passing the commission. If the listed documents are not properly executed or are not presented in full, the citizen may be refused an inspection. The MSE procedure is free for the patient.

The approximate waiting period is 30 days. The commission consists of three people. If necessary, a specialized specialist who also has the right to vote may also be invited.

During the meeting of the commission, a protocol is filled out, in which all questions and answers to them are indicated. To thoroughly understand the situation, ITU members have the right to the following actions:

  • examination of the patient;
  • survey of a citizen about his education, family and social status, living conditions;
  • study of characteristics from the place of work.

The decision is made after each member of the commission has voted. If doubts or disagreements arise, the patient may be referred for additional examination. After reviewing its results and analyzing all the necessary additional information, the commission makes a final decision.

Having received the status of a disabled person and the corresponding certificate, the patient proceeds to individual program rehabilitation. He must also contact the department pension fund to apply for a disability pension, and to the USS to get on the waiting list and receive funds for rehabilitation for free.

If the patient does not agree with the decision of the commission, he has the right to appeal it legally. To do this, within a month from the date of the examination, a citizen can file an appeal either to the ITU bureau that conducted the examination, or to a higher organization.

The appeal application, which can be submitted in paper or electronic form, must include the following information:

  • the name of the bureau to which the application is sent;
  • patient passport details;
  • a detailed statement of the claim indicating the name of the regional ITU where the survey was carried out and the composition of the commission;
  • request for a re-examination.

U regional office ITU has 3 days to complete the complaint with all necessary documents and send it to the main bureau. There, a repeat examination is scheduled within 30 days. The patient also has the right to contact independent experts who are not related to ITU.

If the results of the independent examination do not satisfy the patient, he has the right to go to court and receive a final decision on his issue.

The disability group, as a rule, is not assigned according to specific disease, and according to the degree of its severity and the level of disability. Diseases that lead to disruption of life important functions the body, experts classify it into three distinct groups:

  • The first disability group is the most severe. It is assigned to those patients who are not able to take care of themselves and need constant care, assistance and control. Actually this group persons with mental retardation, incapable of self-care, as well as bedridden and dying patients receive disability. Among the diseases that are the basis for assigning 1 disability group:
    • tuberculosis in the stage of decompensation;
    • complete or partial paralysis;
    • absence of both limbs (upper or lower);
    • some serious mental disorders;
    • absolute blindness.
  • The second disability group is assigned to those patients who have moderately severe diseases and who do not need constant assistance and supervision. Some of them continue to work, but with some special conditions. The status of disabled person of the second group can be assigned to patients with the following diagnoses:
    • partial loss of visual or hearing function;
    • epilepsy, which is accompanied frequent attacks;
    • absence of one of the limbs;
    • repeated heart attack, stroke, etc.
  • The third disability group is assigned to those citizens who serve themselves independently, but are forced to stop their main professional activity. The reason for this may be the need to change jobs to a job with a lower wages and qualifications, for example, when reducing volumes production activities enterprises.

After receiving the status of a disabled person, a citizen undergoes personal rehabilitation program, which theoretically should alleviate his condition. Patients undergo regular re-examination to confirm and extend the group:

  • disabled people of the first group - once every two years;
  • disabled people of the second and third groups - every year.
  • In what cases is permanent disability established, which is not subject to re-examination?

    • if the disabled person is an age pensioner;
    • if the patient is diagnosed with an incurable condition, which prevents him from fully living and working. The list of such diseases is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
    • if the disability group has not changed over the past 15 years and has been regularly confirmed;
    • if the assigned disability group was replaced by a more severe one;
    • if the first disability group was confirmed within 5 years.

    To obtain information about what electricity benefits people with disabilities can expect and how to get them, you should submit an application to the housing office at your place of residence.

    If a citizen has two or more grounds for being assigned a disability (for example, he is disabled and a participant in military operations), then he himself chooses one of the benefits, since the discounts are not cumulative.

    To take advantage of the electricity discount for people with disabilities, you must contact the territorial office of the Social Security Administration (USS) and provide the following package of documents:

    • photocopy of passport;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • medical certificate confirming the disability of the relevant group;
    • pension certificate (if available);
    • account number;
    • a handwritten application for the provision of benefits for disabled people for electricity or other housing and communal services.

    If there is arrears in payment for residential complex services, the citizen will be denied benefits.

    What changes affect benefits for people with disabilities when paying for electricity from 2017

    Relatively recently, disappointing information appeared in the media about the abolition of electricity benefits for people with disabilities. And since in 2017 tariffs for this type utilities increased, many citizens reacted to this information with concern.

    According to analysts, there are no plans to cancel discounts for 2017, and people with disabilities will spend approximately the same amount on electricity as last year. However, some innovations did affect the preferential system.

    IN to the greatest extent The changes affected those disabled people who belong to the category of low-income citizens and live in Moscow. First of all, this:

    • citizens who cannot find a job due to illness;
    • families that include disabled minors;
    • Russian citizens who cannot provide for themselves due to injuries and injuries received;
    • persons who have become disabled due to radiation exposure.

    The 2017 budget, of course, provides benefits for disabled people for electricity and other housing and communal services, but not in the same quantity. From this year, people with disabilities will be given a 50% discount on the following types services:

    • city ​​heating;
    • cold and hot water supply;
    • electricity and natural gas;
    • sewerage

    The 2017 law continues to provide a 50% discount for people with disabilities on electricity and other utilities listed above. However, changes have been made to preferential treatment calculation, due to which the amounts payable for housing and communal services will increase.

    This year, the recalculation of benefits for disabled people will be carried out according to a different system, which is based on the total volume of utilities consumed by a low-income citizen. This indicator reflected by special devices designed for keeping records of utility bills. During the inspection, the control and statistical authorities, which record all indicators, should prove that the meter readings of low-income citizens do not exceed the consumption standards approved in the Russian Federation.

    If people with disabilities do not have data metering devices, then all calculations regarding the 50% discount for people with disabilities on electricity and other utilities are carried out on the basis of average indicators.

    We have already mentioned that in 2017, not only disabled people, but also low-income Russian citizens can apply for benefits for housing and communal services. Not only residents of Moscow, but also those Russians who live in other cities of the country will be able to take advantage of this right. Electricity benefits for people with disabilities and low-income citizens will be calculated based on the total amount of resources used, recorded during the reading of meter readings. The volume of consumption in this case should not exceed standard values. As for the consumption of electricity by disabled people, there are also standards that do not exceed the limit allowed by the state:

    • for disabled people who live in a family, 40-45 kWh per month is provided for a gas stove and 65-70 kWh for an electric stove;
    • a single citizen with disabilities can use 75-80 kWh during a month when using an electric stove and 45-50 kWh for a gas stove.

    Preferential standards not used in the current month are not carried over to the next reporting period.

    If a citizen who takes advantage of electricity benefits for the disabled, during calendar month has consumed less than the standard value of the resource, then the discount applies to the entire volume of consumption. In other words, if during readings the device shows consumption of 40-50 kWh, then you will have to pay half, that is, 20-25 kWh.

    If the volume of preferential consumption standards exceeds the figure provided for by law, then the disabled person will have to pay an amount that is within the standard rates, taking into account a 50% discount. Anything above the standard is subject to payment at the normal rate.

    Let's look at an example. When taking readings, the meter showed that the family in which the disabled person lives used 300 kWh of electricity in a month. The preferential discount, which is 50% of the standard 70 kWh, is 35 kWh. As a result, 265 kWh are subject to payment in full, and 35 kWh are eligible for preferential rates.

    Do benefits for people with disabilities when paying for electricity differ in different regions?

    Economic situation in different regions Russia has significant differences, so individual regions were allowed to independently determine the consumption standards for electricity and other housing and utility services for disabled people and low-income citizens in 2017.

    During 2017, single Russians over 70 years old can count on an additional 50% discount on major renovations of their home (whether it is a house or an apartment). If a citizen has reached 80 years of age, he can be completely exempt from payments of this type.

    Expert opinion

    Benefits for disabled people when paying for electricity depend on the economic conditions of the region

    Svetlana Razvorotneva,

    Executive Director National Center public control in the housing and communal services sector

    We studied and compared standards, after which we concluded that these indicators are quite high everywhere. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, electricity benefits for disabled people and consumption standards are established by regional, regional and republican authorities. For this reason, the size of discounts in different parts of the country differs significantly, because the economic opportunities of the regions are not equal. In the capital, conditions are more favorable in this regard, but in provincial regions, benefits are often small, and life there is more difficult for people with disabilities.

    Information about the experts

    Svetlana Razvorotneva has been the executive director of the National Center for Public Control in the sphere of housing and communal services "Housing and Communal Services Control" since 03/01/2013, the head of the central executive committee of the all-Russian NGO "All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government", a Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the 3rd and 4th convocations, a member of the supervisory board of the Reform Assistance Fund Housing and communal services, candidate of psychological sciences.



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