Kidney agenesis pathological anatomy. Kidney agenesis: causes and consequences of the anomaly

Summer residents often use decorative vines to disguise unsightly walls and hedges. If you select several for an open area different varieties Prince, you will get an elegant composition that will bloom for a long time. Learn about the varietal diversity of climbing crops and its cultivation in unprotected soil.

Characteristics of the prince

The plant is closely related to another climbing flower -. But at the same time it looks more sophisticated due to the delicate petals. Sometimes knyazhik is called wild hop or lozinka, as well as bindweed. If there is good support, the vine grows up to 3 meters in length, clinging to the protrusions with curled leaf petioles.

Other features:

  • stem - flexible, with many shoots;
  • root - fragile, fibrous;
  • leaf plates are carved, located opposite each other;

  • flowers - single, large (about 10 cm in diameter), similar to bells, heads down;
  • color - white, pink, blue, purple. There are princes that combine 2 shades;
  • flowering - from May-June;
  • fruits are round, pubescent. Ripen in late summer or early autumn.

Attention! When planting a princeling, remember that the plant contains poison. IN folk medicine Anti-inflammatory, restorative decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it. But cooking and drinking them without consulting a doctor is prohibited!

Types and varieties of princelings for growing in the garden

Botanists have described 8 types of climbing crops. Of these, only a few are found in the garden plots of Russian gardeners. Each variety of princeling has its own varieties. In total there are more than a hundred of them.

The most famous:

Alpine. This species blooms with blue-violet bells ranging in size from 2 to 6 cm. It can produce buds twice per season: at the beginning and end of summer. Varieties:

  • Pamela Jackman - profusely produces bright purple flowers;
  • Lemon Dream - distinguished by a white-lemon color;
  • Francis Rivis - blooms bluish-violet, etc.


Large petal. Flowers of rich color and up to 9 cm in size bloom in May. These princes are resistant even to 30-degree frosts. It is not surprising that more than 2 dozen varieties have been bred based on this beautiful species in all respects. Some of them (all are semi-double):

  • Ballet Skist - will decorate the garden pink flowers, reminiscent of an elegant ballerina’s tutu;
  • Markham's Pink - purple-pink variety;
  • Cecile - blooms with violet-blue bells.

Large petal

Siberian. Forms flowers 3-4 cm in size. Color - pure white or mixed with yellow. This prince winters well and can bloom 2 times in one season. Due to the fruits, it retains its decorative effect even after withering.


Okhotsk. Distinctive feature- 8 petals in an inflorescence. You can see them in June, when blue-violet or blue buds bloom on the princeling. The most popular variety is Carmine Rose, where the soft pink color harmonizes with purple.


Planting the prince in the garden

When choosing a location, it is better to give preference to a slightly shaded area than an open area with scorching rays of the sun. The soil should be fertile, loose, with neutral acidity. Make sure that the place where the prince is planted is not blown by winds. One more thing, no less important condition, - presence of support. It can be a pergola, a fence, any mesh.

To root the seedling, dig a deep and wide hole. Approximate guidelines are 0.5-0.6 m in all directions. Place a 10-15 cm layer of broken brick or crushed stone drainage at the bottom. About a month before planting the prince, pour 5-8 kg of humus, 2-3 cups of wood ash and 50 grams of superphosphate in granules into the hole. If the soil is acidic, add about 100 g of slaked lime.

Landing of the prince:

Advice. For rooting, choose a day in May, although some summer residents prefer to plant the crop in late summer or even autumn.

Features of care, pruning and propagation

The plant in its first year of life loves water, but will not tolerate stagnation. Moisten the soil at least once every 7-10 days, and even more often during drought. After this, loosen the ground. Make sure the plants are mulched. As the crop grows, you can slightly reduce the intensity of watering.

For rich color and abundant flowering, feed the flower. Alternate liquid organic and mineral “nutrition”. Apply fertilizer once a month after watering the prince. A total of 3 feedings will be required: during the development of shoots, during the formation of buds and after flowering. Regularly trim dry branches and wilted inflorescences, shorten the remaining shoots by 1/3.

The prince needs rejuvenation once every 5 years. If the variety is not resistant to frost, the shoots are removed from the support and covered with spruce branches, and the root collar is mulched. The prince is rarely affected by illnesses and pests. To control, use fungicides and insecticides.

You can propagate the culture like this:

  • seeds. Before spring sowing, they are kept in the cold for 2 months. In autumn, the material is planted without preparation;
  • division. Adult princelings separate in April;
  • cuttings. Requirements: length - 3-6 cm (taken from the middle part of the branch), the presence of 2 nodes. They are cut in the summer and rooted in a greenhouse, in a mixture of expanded clay and sand. The top is wrapped in film and stored until next year.

The simultaneous cultivation of Alpine, Siberian and Okhotsk princelings will make the dream of a continuously blooming corner of the garden come true. It will alternately be dotted with flowers of different shades from late spring to early autumn.

Called princes. Planting and caring for these unpretentious plants is not at all difficult, and they delight with their bright and abundant flowering from the beginning of May.

Description of the prince

These flowers are a shrubby vine and are close relatives of clematis. A woody stem with many flexible graceful shoots, covered with numerous openwork pinnate leaves, can rise to a height of up to 3 meters.

The flowering period of princelings occurs in the first half of summer. An elliptical bud is formed on long stalks (up to 12 cm). Gradually it turns into something similar to Knyazhik. It differs from clematis in the arrangement of sepals and the presence of unfused petals, which the latter does not have at all. Flower colors vary various shades- from white to purple.

By the end of summer, rather peculiar fruits appear in their place. They are a spherical head consisting of numerous fluffy columns. Due to their unusual appearance, the fruits, covered with pubescent pink hairs, are popularly called “grandfather’s curls.”

Prince varieties

Originally from the mountainous regions of Europe, today the most common species in Russia is the Alpine princeling. The flowers of a true representative of this variety are violet-blue, up to 6 cm in size, and already bred thanks to selection work, they can have a wide variety of colors.

The Alpine princeling is attractive because it can bloom again closer to autumn, although not as abundantly as the first time, but, nevertheless, quite beautiful. Usually, old vines are periodically pruned in order to rejuvenate the bush.

Prince of Okhotsk is one of the most frost-resistant varieties and inhabits mainly the forests of the Primorsky Territory. It is practically no different in height from its alpine counterpart, but the flowers are somewhat different - they can have up to 8 petals.

It blooms in the second half of summer with white or yellowish flowers, the length of which is up to 4 cm. They exude a very pleasant aroma that attracts large quantities insects, especially bees. This is the most unpretentious plant clematis family. Siberian princelings can be planted both in the sun and in partial shade.

Knyazhik large-petalled grows mainly in Siberia and Far East. It has very unusual, almost double flowers of blue-purple color. These are the princelings most susceptible to frost. Planting and caring for them have some differences. For example, in winter these plants must be removed from their supports and covered to protect them from frost.

Growing conditions

Many gardeners are happy to plant princelings in their gardens due to the amazing unpretentiousness of these plants. When choosing a place for planting, you should give preference to areas that are well lit by the sun or slightly shaded. Bottom part It is recommended to shade the shoots by planting around plants that have a non-aggressive root system. Just like clematis, princelings have very delicate flowers that may be damaged in the event of bad weather. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide protection for plants from the wind.

Any soil is suitable for these flowers, loamy and fertile soils are especially good. The only exceptions are swampy and waterlogged areas.


This procedure does not cause any problems. The most different methods- Princes can reproduce by seeds, cuttings, layering or division of rhizomes. The plant variety does not matter at all.

In the fall, the seeds are collected and sown in some container, burying it in the ground for the winter. The cuttings are prepared in such a way that each has up to two internodes, and the lower end has an oblique cut of at least 3 cm. They are planted at the end of June in greenhouses, where they are periodically watered and ventilated.

Dividing the bush is usually done in the spring, before the start of the growing season. To do this, dig up an old bush and divide it into parts, each with roots and buds.

Reproduction by layering is considered the simplest and most promising. The young shoot is tilted to the ground and pinched, covering it with earth. After it takes root, the plant can be separated and transplanted to another place.

Princes: planting and caring for seedlings

These flowers are usually planted in the ground in the spring, in May, or in the fall - in September. Planting holes are pre-prepared at a distance of 100-150 cm from each other and measuring 60 x 60 cm. A drainage layer of about 15 cm is placed at the bottom. This can be crushed stone or broken brick. Then the pits are filled with humus or compost with the addition of superphosphate (50 g) and wood ash (3 cups). For acidic soils, you can use slaked lime (80-100 g). It is important that there is at least 30 cm to the foundation of the nearest building.

The plant should be planted very carefully, as the fragile roots may break. In this case, they must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with ash. The roots are spread over the surface of the mound made in the planting hole and covered with earth. Then the plants are watered and mulched. The root collar of seedlings should be deepened by 6-10 cm, and in adult plants - a couple of centimeters more.

To prevent the prince from becoming infected with fungal diseases, after planting it is recommended to sprinkle the root collar with sand and wood ash or coal and pour over a 25% solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting seeds

Seed propagation is quite often used when it is necessary to grow princelings. Planting and caring for seedlings is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners. In pots filled with earth and sand in a ratio of 2:1, the seeds are sown and covered thin layer sand, adding lightly. Then water and cover the soil with glass.

When at least 3 pairs of leaves appear on the plant, you can plant it on prepared ridges consisting of turf soil, humus, leaf soil, sand and peat. Plants are planted in rows, the distance between which is at least 25 cm. Seedlings must be shaded and watered as the soil dries. When new leaves appear, the soil between the rows is thoroughly loosened and mulched.

Only the following autumn or spring are the young plants transplanted to a permanent place, most suitable for a flower such as the prince. Photos of areas where these plants fit harmoniously into the design and are a worthy decoration of the garden can help with this.

Diseases and pests

Among the most common diseases to which princelings are susceptible are powdery mildew, rust, brown spot and they can be combated by treatment by special means and removing damaged parts of the plant.

Snails and slugs often damage princeling leaves. They have to be removed mechanically. Spraying the plant with karbofos will protect it from mealyworms.

Using a prince

These plants are great for hanging on poles, stakes or shelving and can make amazing additions to walls, hedges or stairs. A light and elegant princeling can highlight the advantages of other plants in the garden. Photos of gazebos, balconies, trees decorated with this flower amaze with their originality and beauty.

In addition to their decorative function, princes are also very useful. Medicines Based on this plant, it has long been used in folk medicine to treat headaches, epilepsy and rheumatism.

Princes and clematis belong to the ranunculaceae family. They are so similar that some botanists classify them as one genus - clematis. The only difference between the plants is that the flowers of the princeling have small and almost invisible petals, bordered at the bottom by large, brightly colored calyx leaves. Clematis has no petals at all, but only differently colored different types a calyx of 4-8 leaves, which we take for the flower itself.

Prince Alpine "Tage Lundell"


Prince Alpine- Atragene alpina L. Grows in Central Europe along the banks and rocky cliffs of rivers, in bush thickets. A liana that grows up to 3 meters in height, attached with long twisting petioles to a support and hanging from it in thick garlands.

The flowers are broadly bell-shaped, 2-6 cm in diameter, azure-blue or bluish-violet. The prince blooms in May-June. Numerous, clustered, fluffy fruits ripen in August-September. It has varieties (forms) with pink and white flowers.

Prince Alpine "Willy"

Varieties with flowers of different colors:

  • "Pink Flamingo" - a vine 2-3 meters high, pink, drooping flowers 6-7 cm long. Abundant flowering in April-June, again with single flowers in July-August. First trimming group.
  • "Pamela Jackman" - a vine 2-3 m high, flowers blue-violet, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Flowering on last year's shoots in May. First trimming group.
  • "Willy" is a liana 2-3 m high, flowers from white to deep pink, drooping, 5 cm long. Abundant flowering in May. First trimming group.
  • "Francis Rivis" - a vine 2-3 m high, blue flowers, drooping with long (5-8 cm) petals. Blooms profusely in May-June. First trimming group.

Grows best in shade and partial shade (northern exposure), especially in the southern regions, where it suffers from drought (even with watering). Shoots should be shortened for the winter. It is propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings, both lignified and summer. Seeds sown in a greenhouse in October germinate in June.

Recommended for vertical gardening of low objects, fences and tree trunks, planting among stones (for rock gardens). deserve widespread in more northern areas Russian Federation. In culture since 1792.

Prince large-petalled- Atragene macropetala. Its homeland is Eastern Siberia, the Far East, China, Korea, where it is found on forest edges of coniferous and deciduous forests. Very rare in culture. Grows even on Kola Peninsula in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, but its culture is more reliable south of St. Petersburg.

Has the most intensely colored flowers. They consist of four oblong, up to 5 cm long, covered with soft hairs, blue-purple, and before blooming even black-purple sepals and numerous linear-shaped blue-purple petals almost the same length as the sepals. This prince blooms in May-June, and the fruits ripen in July-August. It is also propagated by seeds and cuttings, the rooting rate of which is over 50%. In the photo above is the variety "Lagoone".

Prince large petal "Maidwell Hall"

Prince large-petalled Markham's Pink

There are many varieties known, bred mainly in Canada. In the conditions of the Moscow region it is different active growth, blooms very profusely on last year's shoots in May-early June.

Varieties with different flower colors:

  • "Estrella" ("Estrella") - a vine 3-4 meters high, blue flowers, with a double corolla, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Blooms profusely on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer. First trimming group (regulating). Winter-hardy.
  • "Memm" ("Memm") - a vine 3-4 m high, white flowers, with a double corolla, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Abundant flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer. First trimming group.
  • "Rosy O"Grandy" ("Rosy O"Grandy") - vine 2-3 m high, flowers are pink, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Abundant flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer . First trimming group.
  • "Maidwell Hall" - a vine 2-3 m high, flowers blue-violet, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Abundant flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer. First trimming group.
  • "Jan Lindmark" - a vine 2-3 m high, flowers blue, bell-shaped, drooping, 4-5 cm long. Abundant flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer. First trimming group.
  • "White Swan" - a vine 2-3 m high, flowers white, narrow, drooping, 3-4 cm long. Abundant flowering on last year's shoots in May-June, individual flowers appear throughout the summer. First trimming group.
Prince of Okhotsk - Atragene ochotensis Pall. Grows in Eastern Siberia, Primorye, China and North Korea, found in coniferous and deciduous forests at an altitude of 600-800 m, often on rocky slopes.

Prince of Okhotsk. Photo by L. Dorofeeva

Shrub liana. Reaches 3 m. Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter have a wide bell-shaped shape, consist of 4-8 violet-blue or azure sepals, softly pubescent on the outside, and linear-shaped, pubescent and much shorter petals. Flowers appear in June, fruits ripen in late July - September.

Prince of Siberia- Atragene sibirica L. Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests from Karelia to the upper reaches of the Volga and the eastern Urals, in Siberia, in the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains. Prefers forest edges and coastal thickets, rocky slopes and rocky deposits. This is the most beautiful liana of the Siberian taiga. Protected in nature reserves.

Prince of Siberia

The stems of the Siberian princeling rise along the support to a height of up to 3 meters, entwining it with leaf petioles. The flowers are large, look like a wide drooping bell, 3-4 cm long, with white and yellowish-white sepals covered with soft hairs.

At the end of flowering, the prince does not lose its decorative effect, since original fruits appear on the plant.

In appearance, the Siberian princeling is similar to the two previous species, from which it differs large sizes, the color of the flowers, in addition, the timing of flowering: the Alpine prince blooms in the spring, the Okhotsk prince - in early summer, the Siberian prince - in midsummer, sometimes again in the fall. Their combined use allows you to create beautiful flowering compositions with different terms flowering and different in color. Cuttings give a high percentage of rooting.

Place and conditions

Princes are light-loving, but in the sun the flowers and leaves become smaller. Plantings should be protected from the wind, since the stems, as well as large flowers, are very delicate and can be damaged by the wind. The princeling is winter-hardy; even in the north of the European part of Russia it overwinters without shelter.

"Lemon Dream"


This plant is very unpretentious, it can grow on any soil, except waterlogged and swampy, but it is desirable that it be light, loose, permeable, with good drainage. Loamy, slightly alkaline or neutral, fertile soil is best suited for princelings.

When is the best time to plant?

It is better to plant the princeling in the spring. You need to start with preparing the planting holes. Before planting, add 5-8 kg of humus, rotted manure or compost, 50 g of granulated superphosphate, 2-3 cups of wood ash into the hole. If the soils are acidic, you need to add 50-100 g of slaked lime. At the bottom of the hole for drainage, lay broken brick in a layer of 10-15 cm, crushed stone, and vermiculite.

IN middle lane and further north best time for planting - May, and in the fall - the end of August and September. The soil is prepared for spring planting in the fall, and for autumn planting - a month before planting. The distance between very tall plants should be at least 150 cm, and plants of smaller species should be planted at a distance of 70-100 cm.

Prince of Tangut

It is better to plant two-year-old rooted cuttings and seedlings that tolerate transplantation well. Before planting, all shoots above the first or second pair of buds are cut off. Broken parts of roots must be cut off when planting; process the remaining weak solution potassium permanganate and sprinkle with crushed charcoal or ash.

A mound of earth is poured into the bottom of the hole and the roots are spread on it. Then they are covered with damp soil. The soil is compacted, watered and mulched. When planting, the root collar should be buried 5-10 cm for young seedlings and 10-12 cm for adult plants. On heavy soils it is deepened by 5-8 cm, on the lungs - somewhat more. This protects the root collar in the north from freezing, and in the south from overheating.

"Ballet Skirt"

To prevent infection with fungal diseases, the root collar is sprinkled with a layer of sand (a bucket) mixed with wood ash (250 g), crushed charcoal and watered with a 0.25% solution of potassium permanganate. If buds appear in the first year after planting, they should be removed for better plant survival.

We take care of the princes

Princes are watered after 7-10 days so that the soil is saturated to a depth of 40-50 cm. 2-3 days after watering, the soil is loosened to retain moisture. In extreme heat, watering should be done two to three times a week. Also, princelings should be watered thoroughly before winter.

It is very important for proper growth to attach plants to a support, this helps to avoid mechanical damage and diseases.

Fertilizing on personal plots is carried out at least twice a month. The first feedings are carried out at the beginning of shoot growth and during budding, the subsequent ones - after flowering and pruning. From organic fertilizers add liquid urea (10 g per 10 liters of water), mullein (1:10), bird droppings (1:15). From mineral fertilizers, complete fertilizers (10-20 g per 10 liters of water) or nitroammophoska (10 g per 10 liters of water) are applied.

We protect from misfortunes

Powdery mildew. Most common in the south, it affects all parts of the plant. A white cobwebby coating appears on the leaves, the leaves and shoots turn brown and dry out. Control measures: collection of fallen leaves, pruning of diseased shoots and burning them; Treatment with drugs against fungal diseases is recommended.

Rust. It also affects all above-ground parts of the plant, on which reddish-yellow spots - swellings - form. Control measures: spraying with preparations for fungal diseases.

Brown spot. It affects only leaves on which brown or white spots with a purple border are formed, and black dots appear on the surface of the spots. Damage to shoots begins with young leaves and can lead to the death of the entire above-ground part of the plant. Control measures: to combat brown spot in early spring and late autumn, the plant is treated with copper or iron sulfate (0.1%), Bordeaux mixture (0.5-1%), copper-soap emulsion (0.2-2.%), topsin -M (0.1-0.2%); the affected plants are completely cut off and burned, the ground around them is sprayed with a 0.2% solution of foundationazole or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

"Pink Flamingo"

"Stolwijk Gold"

Root-knot nematode. Forms swellings on the roots. Control measures: it is recommended to treat the soil with nematogon or carbothione 30-40 days before planting.

Slugs and snails. Leaves are damaged. Control measures: it is necessary to collect pests and destroy the eggs they lay; spraying the soil with metaldehyde (0.5-1.5%).

Mealybug. Damages leaves and shoots. Spraying with karbofos (0.3%) is effective against it.

We reproduce

Seeds are mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:3. The mixture is moistened and placed under the snow or in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 5°C. This technique reduces germination time. Thus, without stratification, in Alpine princeling it takes up to 250 days from sowing to germination, and with stratification its duration is less than 70 days.

For sowing and picking, which is carried out at the stage of 3-4 pairs of leaves, the ridges are prepared from a mixture of 2 parts of turf soil, 1 part of humus, 1 part of leaf soil and 0.5 parts of sand and peat. The distance between picked plants should be 3-4 cm, between rows - 25-30 cm. Picks are shaded with shields and watered as needed. The row spacing is loosened and mulched after the appearance of new 2-3 pairs of leaves.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent location either next fall or in the spring after overwintering. When transplanting, the root collar should be deepened by 2-3 cm. For the winter, the plants are pruned, hilled, and covered with snow. Vegetative propagation is considered the most promising for breeding princelings.

In the middle zone, it is better to divide the bush in the spring in April, before the start of the growing season. Bushes 5-6 years old with big amount The shoots are dug up in a lump and, trying not to damage the root system, they are divided into several plants, so that each of them has roots and renewal buds. Then the plants are planted in holes with fertile soil, deepening the first node of the shoot to a depth of 8-10 cm. The number of new plants depends on the degree of development of the mother bush.

When propagating by layering in the spring, several grooves 5-10 cm deep are dug in a radial direction from the bush. The shoots are placed in the grooves and covered with earth. The end of the escape is brought out. The cuttings are watered and fed. After a year, the rooted cuttings are separated from the mother plant. They are cut between nodes into individual plants, which, after planting, can bloom in the first year.

"White Swan"

Reproduction of princes cutting method gave top scores when taking cuttings in late June - early July. Rooting is carried out in greenhouses. The substrate is a 10-15 cm layer of expanded clay. It must be covered with 7-8 cm of washed river sand. The greenhouses are covered with film frames. Better conditions for rooting are created if the substrate is heated and watered in doses. The temperature of the substrate and air should be 20-25°C.

Used for cuttings middle part escape with one or two nodes. An oblique cut is made under the node and a piece of shoot 3-6 cm long is left. The cuttings are planted at a distance of 5-10 cm, the buds should be buried 2-3 mm.

To bring the rooted cuttings to independent development, another season is needed, so they are transplanted into containers (pots or plastic bags), installed in a greenhouse. The top of the cuttings is mulched and watered.

Good results are obtained when cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator. Without treatment, the rooting percentage is also high - 50-70%. Rooting of princelings lasts 20-30 days.

In the garden

Used for vertical gardening. Princes can be used to decorate trellises and trellises. Light, transparent, beautiful and at the same time comfortable and durable supports enhance the decorative effect and emphasize the advantages of plants. On such supports the princes look like flowering carpets.

Climbing princelings take up little space when planted and can be planted where trees or shrubs cannot be planted. Their long shoots with varied leaf colors, many flowers of magnificent color and size and original silvery fruits can decorate large areas, providing shade, protection from sun rays and dust.

From Delenka: We will definitely publish a guide for you on the types of pruning of clematis. For now, let’s just note that pruning group 1 assumes that the plant is not pruned at all, only dried shoots are removed. In large-petalled clematis, it is also recommended to remove 2-3 top nodes to stimulate tillering.

Dicotyledonous ranunculus plants, princely plants, are not as common in home gardens as everyone’s favorite clematis, but in the gardens of true lovers of the natural landscape, these woody vines find a worthy place. Prince flowers are indispensable when creating compositions in a natural style, as they appearance as close as possible to natural flora. Princes- this is a small group natural species and varieties and hybrids obtained on their basis, which in most respects are very similar to clematis, but have a fundamental difference in the structure of the flower: inside the perianth, consisting of four or more colored sepals, there are petals. This circumstance served as the basis for separating them into an independent botanical genus - Prince ( Atragene) . The genus is not numerous; according to various estimates, it includes from 7 to 13 species. However, in some classifications these plants are considered as a garden group (Atragene Group) among. Photos and descriptions of popular types and varieties of princelings can be found on this page.

Advantages of princely flowers

According to the description, the flowers of the princes are not as varied in shape as the flowers of clematis - they are predominantly bell-shaped, they can be simple and double, and of different colors. As can be seen in the photo, the petals of princely flowers are small (often no longer than the perianth segments) and, as a rule, so inconspicuous that their presence has practically no effect on the decorative effect:

But due to the characteristic drooping shape of the flowers, hanging on long stalks, many find princes more graceful than clematis. Princes bloom earlier than clematis - in May-June and only on last year's shoots, so shoots after flowering are not pruned. The great advantage of princelings is their high frost resistance; they confidently winter in the Moscow region, withstanding frosts down to minus 35-40 ° C without being removed from their supports. In addition, they are extremely resistant to lack of light and can grow and bloom for many years in conditions of only reflected light without loss of decorativeness. Sometimes in warm summers, princelings can bloom a second time in August-September. Belong to the first pruning group. Princes do not prune, or rather, they occasionally carry out anti-aging pruning. After four to five years, heavily overgrown bushes inevitably become bare below, which in many cases reduces their decorative value. Therefore, it is believed that once every few years they need to be completely cut back to the ground in order to stimulate the regrowth of young shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering (in June), so that during the summer new shoots will have time to grow, which will flower in the spring of next year.

Sometimes, in order not to weaken the bushes, especially old ones, they do in the following way. If very lignified shoots can still be divided, part of them after flowering is carefully cut to the base, and the second part is left to vegetate.

On next year After flowering, the remaining old shoots are cut out, thereby completely renewing the entire vegetative mass.
Due to their high frost resistance (minus 40-45 °C), princelings are especially interesting for cultivation in regions with fairly harsh winters. Therefore, many different varieties with flowers have now been bred, various shapes and sizes - simple and double, drooping bell-shaped and open with soaring sepals, with a diameter from 3-4 cm to 7-9 cm.

Types and varieties of garden princes from the clematis group

In culture and breeding work they are mainly used the following types princes:

Alpine prince ( Atragene alpina)

Large Petal Prince ( Atragene macropetala)

Korean prince ( Atragene koreana)

Siberian prince ( Atragene sibirica)

Prince of Okhotsk ( Atragene ochotensis)

Fori prince ( Atragene fauriei)

Western prince ( Atragene occidentalis)

The most popular varieties of princelings in the Moscow region are:

Ballet Skirt (macropetala)

The flowers are pink with a slight warm tint, double, wide, creamy inside, 5-6 cm in diameter. It blooms on the shoots of last year, in May-June. The length of the vine is 1.6-2 m. Regulatory and rejuvenating pruning is recommended once every 4-5 years.

Blue Princess (alpina)

The flowers are lilac-blue, greenish-cream inside, double, 4 cm in diameter, fragrant. It blooms on last year's shoots, in May - June, sometimes again in September. The length of the vine is 2.2-2.5 m. Regulatory and rejuvenating pruning is recommended once every 4-5 years.

Columbine (alpina)

The flowers of this variety of princelings are intensely lilac in color, simple, white-yellow inside, 5 cm in diameter. It blooms on the shoots of last year, in May-June. It is distinguished by exceptionally abundant flowering. Can be successfully grown in containers. The length of the vine is 2-3 m; regulating and rejuvenating pruning is recommended once every 4-5 years.

Frankie (alpina)

The flowers are blue-violet, simple, open, 5 cm in diameter. Look at the photo - inside the flowers of this variety of princes are white and yellow:

It blooms on last year's shoots, in May - June, sometimes again in the second half of summer. The ideal variety for container growing is Frankiepax. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. Regulatory and rejuvenating pruning is recommended once every 4-5 years.

IN Lately gardeners have noticeably increased interest in clematis, this is explained by their high decorative value, due to the abundance of flowering, variety of colors, shapes and sizes of flowers, duration of flowering and openwork foliage. Princes are very similar to them, they have small petals, which clematis do not have, and there is a calyx of four to eight sepals, differently colored in different species and varieties, which we take for the flower itself.

The Central Siberian Botanical Garden (CSBS) has a collection of clematis species and varieties, the main part of which was created as a result of introduction work begun in 1999.

Features of clematis

Clematis are varied in decorative qualities and biological features. Most clematis are leaf-climbing vines , the plant itself, with the help of leaf petioles, is able to cling to supports.

The minority are climbing clematis , are not able to independently climb the support and secure themselves on it, so they must be tied up themselves. There are short ones upright forms of clematis .

Species clematis are distinguished by small flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter, but we rightfully classify them as highly ornamental plants for their lush flowering. They are distinguished by:

  • high winter hardiness (does not require Siberian conditions winter shelter or light shelter),
  • resistance to drought and fungal diseases,
  • unpretentious when grown, but grow better on drained loams with a slightly acidic, alkaline or neutral reaction.

Clematis flowering

Clematis look spectacular on a support against the background of a lawn, next to conifers, surrounded by other flowers, and can be used to decorate walls, fences, and gazebos. In Siberian conditions, their flowering begins in June and continues until stable frosts.

The earliest, in June, clematis straight, Manchurian, whole-leaved, then paniculate, purple, oriental, glaucous, large-flowered varietal, virginian, and serrate-leaved clematis bloom.

Soil for clematis

Acidic soils must be limed. Saline, waterlogged soils are unsuitable. Light frosts are not dangerous for them. Almost all clematis are light-loving and grow well in areas protected from the wind. Planting - late May, June, August, early September. Water once a week, generously. Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Clematis propagation

Propagated by seeds, summer cuttings, layering, and dividing the bush.

We will look at tall clematis and princelings that successfully grow in our Siberian conditions.

Clematis short-tailed(Clematisbrevicaudata)

Liana 5-7 m long. Stems are climbing or creeping, strongly branched, furrowed. The leaves are doubly pinnately compound, the lower lobes are trifoliate or trifoliate, the rest are entire, 2-5x1.5-4 cm, acute, notched serrate, rarely coarsely toothed, almost glabrous. The flowers are bisexual, white in multi-flowered inflorescences. The fruits are pubescent.

Naturally grows along river and stream valleys, pebble deposits, rocky outcrops, and among bushes in the Far East.

In TsSBS - liana 3-5 m. Blooms 15-30 days, July-August. Every year, part of the annual shoots freezes over, up to the snow line in severe winters. It grows well and is preserved under trees. Prefers fairly fertile and moist soils and is not drought-resistant. Not salt tolerant. Shade-tolerant. Growth is fast. Propagated by seeds (stratification 4 months at a temperature of 2-5°C), layering and summer cuttings.

Photo: short-tailed clematis

Clematis serrata(Clematisserratifolia)

Strongly branched liana 1.5-3 m. Stems climbing or creeping, strongly branched, furrowed, bare. The flowers are broadly bell-shaped, yellowish, up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary, bisexual. The leaves are double-, less often triple-triple-compounded, the leaflets are entire, toothed-serrate, pointed. The fruits are pubescent achenes.

Naturally distributed in the Far East, Korea, and in areas warmer than Novosibirsk. Grows on pebble deposits, in coastal bushes and on rocky slopes.

In Novosibirsk: the liana, reaching 2-3 m by the end of summer, blooms from the beginning of September until stable frosts. The fruits are gray or yellow-brown, fluffy. The seeds do not ripen. In severe winters it freezes to the snow line, sometimes to the soil level, recovers well, sometimes damps out. It bears fruit from two years of age. The leaves are not colored in autumn.

It is content with relatively infertile and insufficiently moistened soils. Photophilous. Growth is fast. Decorative throughout the growing season, and especially during flowering and fruiting. As a late-flowering vine, it enriches the range of ornamental plants in autumn. Recommended for use in vertical gardening with support heights of up to 2 m; it can be used as a ground cover plant on slopes, since it forms a lot of wildly growing and intertwining vines with lush greenery around the planting site. Propagated by summer cuttings and shoots.

Photo: serrated clematis

Clematis purple(Clematisviticella)

Shrub vine up to 3-4 m. The leaves are compound, most often with 5-7 leaflets, double-pinnate. The flowers are drooping, half-open, 2.5-5 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in groups of three. There are 4 sepals, they are violet, lilac, purple, blue colors and shades. The anthers are greenish-yellow. It blooms June - July - August on the shoots of the current year. Sets large seeds.

The species and its forms (Kermezina, pink, etc.) are recommended to be widely used for vertical gardening. Origin: Western Transcaucasia, Southern Europe, Asia Minor, Iran. Propagated by seeds (stratification month); cuttings. Seeds are sown in autumn and germinate the following year from mid-summer to autumn. Unpretentious. Light shelter for the winter is desirable.

Photo: purple clematis

Prince handsome (Siberian)(Atragenespeciosa)

Monoecious deciduous semi-shrub vine with thin, climbing stems 0.6-4 m long, climbing up supports using leaf petioles. The leaves are compound, double-triple. The flowers are bisexual, solitary, broadly bell-shaped, drooping, creamy-white, 2-6 cm in diameter. There are usually 4 sepals, the outer petals are pubescent, 2-3 times shorter than the sepals. The fruits are small, pubescent, silvery, with heads.

It is found almost throughout Siberia (forest region), in Europe, Central Asia in forests, forest meadows and edges, rocky slopes, cliffs, and along river banks. People call them princelings - bindweed, grandfather's curls. In our conditions, it blooms in June - July, bears fruit in August - September from two years. Grows well in soils of average fertility, sufficiently moist, in partial shade. Not salt tolerant. Growth is fast. Propagated by seeds, summer cuttings, layering. Seeds of species of this genus are frozen for 2-3 days at minus 5-8°C and then stratified for 4 months at 2-5°C. Used in vertical gardening to decorate low walls, fences or for planting near trees and shrubs.

Photo: Prince of Siberia

Prince of Okhotsk (Atragene ochotensis)

Monoecious deciduous vine up to 3 m long. Stems are climbing, less often creeping. The leaves are compound, double-triple; leaflets ovate-lanceolate, entire, 2-3-lobed or separate, toothed-serrate, slightly pubescent. The flowers are bisexual, violet-blue or azure, broadly bell-shaped, up to 7 cm in diameter, solitary. The fruits are pubescent, in the heads.

It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, in thickets of bushes in floodplains, on forest edges and rocky slopes, rarely on rocks in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, and foreign Asia.

In TsSBS it blooms from 3 years of age for 2-3 weeks, from the third ten days of May. Seed ripening in August - September. Perennial shoots freeze only in severe winters. Prefers sufficiently moist and fertile soils, is not drought-resistant, not salt-tolerant, light-loving, tolerates light shading.

Can be used in landscaping, like the handsome prince. Their combined use allows you to create beautiful flowering compositions of the same appearance, but with different flowering periods and different colors. Medicinal plant. Propagated by seeds, layering, summer cuttings.

Clematis and princelings deserve wider use and can decorate any corner of the garden.

Photo: Prince of Okhotsk



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