How long does the flu last for high fever in children? How long does a high fever last for the flu?

Influenza is a fairly common disease that is often observed in children. This pathology is accompanied big amount symptoms, but one of the most characteristic is considered to be elevated body temperature.

This is a rather unpleasant condition that raises many questions among parents. So how many days can a child have a fever and how to alleviate his condition with the flu?

Why does the temperature rise with the flu?

Fever with influenza is considered defensive reaction the body against the entry of infectious agents - viruses or bacteria - into the child’s body. During the penetration of pathogens into the body, protective blood cells - leukocytes and macrophages - begin to be produced. They release endogenous pyrogens into the blood, which not only stimulate the body to fight the virus, but also cause an increase in temperature.

Fever has the following meaning for a child’s body:

  • stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and other body reactions;
  • inhibits the reproduction of viruses;
  • increases the antitoxic function of the liver;
  • stimulates the excretion of decay products by the kidneys;
  • increases the activity of enzymes;
  • increases the bactericidal characteristics of blood serum.

All these processes take place when the temperature rises to 38 degrees. If this indicator is 39 degrees, there is a danger of convulsions, hallucinations, delirium. This can lead to respiratory, circulatory, and central nervous system disorders.

Therefore, fever is considered normal reaction body to the ingress of foreign microorganisms. It is necessary to reduce the temperature during the flu only when it exceeds a certain limit and poses a danger to the health of the child. It is also very important to pay attention to how many days the fever lasts.

Stages of fever

This state goes through several stages:

  1. Temperature increase. During this period, the balance between heat transfer and heat generation is disturbed. Moreover, in a child, heat generation increases with stable heat transfer, and therefore the temperature rises due to heating.
  2. Temperature retention. After this indicator reaches a certain peak, trembling and chills disappear, but a feeling of heat appears. Skin acquire a pink tint, become wet. As a rule, the temperature during the flu rises in evening time days.
  3. Decrease in temperature. This stage is characterized by normalization of thermoregulation processes and a decrease in temperature. This process can happen suddenly or gradually. To increase heat transfer, the body turns on a system for removing fluid from the body. Therefore, urination increases and sweating increases.

So how many days does a fever last for the flu? If the disease proceeds without complications, signs of intoxication may persist for 1-2 days, and the entire febrile period usually does not exceed 5 days. In mild cases, the temperature rises slightly. If complications arise, the fever lasts quite a long time.

In addition to fever, the flu causes headaches, general weakness. A runny nose and cough are often observed. At toxic forms nosebleeds, vomiting, convulsions and even loss of consciousness are possible.

Types of fever

The classification is based on the level of temperature rise:

  • Weak (subfebrile) - up to 38 degrees.
  • Moderate (febrile) – 38-39 degrees.
  • High (pyretic) – 39-41 degrees.
  • Very high (hyperpyretic) - more than 41 degrees.

Reducing the temperature during flu to 38-38.5 degrees is strictly not recommended. Unjustified use of antipyretic drugs contributes to more long period recovery and creates conditions for increased reproduction of the virus.

If the child has a tendency to convulsive syndrome, you need to bring down the temperature, without waiting for it to rise to 38 degrees. It is also recommended to use as a prophylaxis for seizures. drinking plenty of fluids and provide fresh air.

How to lower the temperature during the flu?

If a child has a temperature of up to 38.5 degrees, but tolerates it normally, no additional funds use is not recommended. In such cases, a fever helps fight the infection. As the child sweats profusely, he loses a lot of fluid. Therefore, when the body temperature rises, it is necessary to provide him with plenty of fluids. Children after a year can be given fruit drinks, decoctions, juices.

It is very important that the liquid is at room temperature. Drinking plenty of water helps cleanse the body of toxic substances and promotes blood thinning. In addition, fluid intake promotes increased sweating, which helps transfer heat into the body. environment and thereby reduce the temperature.

If a child has a temperature of more than 39 degrees, he can be wiped with a sponge dipped in water. At the same time, it is important to ensure that it is not cooler than 30 degrees.

If the baby has pallor and dry skin, cold hands and feet, this method cannot be used. Due to spasm small vessels it can lead to a more pronounced increase in temperature.

If there is a need to use antipyretics, it is recommended to choose drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. When body temperature increases to 38 degrees, medications are given to children:

  • younger than 3 months;
  • at severe chills and severe pain;
  • with unusual behavior, pale skin;
  • when seizures occur in combination with fever in the past;
  • for pathologies of the nervous system;
  • with heart disease;
  • at hereditary forms metabolic disorders.

It is very important to pay attention to how many days the child’s temperature lasts. If this period exceeds 5 days, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, the viral infection has worsened bacterial complications. In children, influenza most often leads to the development of pneumonia or otitis media. This is enough dangerous conditions that require antibiotics.

He will tell you how to deal with colds and viral diseases in pregnant women. pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky:

Influenza is a serious viral disease, which is sometimes very severe and accompanied by certain symptoms. If it turns out that the sick person actually has the flu, then you should take Urgent measures to cure.

When the disease proceeds without complications, recovery usually occurs within a week. In this case, the temperature rises quickly and immediately, but also drops after about 3-5 days. If the patient complies bed rest and is treated according to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the disease goes away without complications.

Flu symptoms

The most important difference between influenza and others colds is a severe intoxication of the body. Hence the unpleasant and painful symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • strong headache;
  • feverish condition;
  • vomiting and hallucinations (in severe cases);
  • weakness and malaise;
  • sweating;
  • loss of appetite

These symptoms are due to intoxication of the body as a result of the vital activity of the microorganisms that caused the disease. And the most important symptom is the temperature during the flu, how long it lasts depends on the degree of poisoning with the waste products of viruses.

Temperature with flu

The temperature during influenza can rise to very high values, but can stay within 37 ̊ C. Close relatives and the patient himself are always interested in how long the temperature can last. At normal course illness for no more than 6 days.

If the flu is caused atypical pathogens(bird, swine, and other types of flu), the temperature can last two weeks. This is considered within the normal course of the disease. When the temperature lasts longer than these values, then there is reason to think and immediately call a doctor at home.

Such anomalies indicate that the body cannot cope on its own, and the processes of complications have begun. This happens when the patient violates the regimen, does not take medication on time, does not support immunity and is engaged in work during illness.

How to deal with fever

We have already found out how many days the temperature lasts with the flu, and now let's talk about how to deal with it. First, let us understand that it is under no circumstances possible to reduce the temperature if it does not reach 38 ̊ C. The body itself fights this quite successfully.

Such a moderate temperature is considered somewhat normal and contributes to:

  • normal functioning of the liver, which fights intoxication of the body;
  • enhancing the formation of protective antibodies;
  • excretion of waste products of microorganisms by the kidneys;
  • activation of enzymes and blood properties

If the temperature rises above 39 ̊ C and is constantly present, you should be prepared for the appearance of convulsions, delirium, and disturbances. respiratory functions. This is very dangerous, so the flu treatment regimen should not be tolerated.

Methods of helping the body at high temperatures

Sometimes it happens that all the symptoms have practically disappeared, but the temperature does not drop. How, in this case, can you help your body fight fever? Doctors and traditional healers Everyone is unanimous in their opinion that if you have a fever, you should definitely drink a lot of fluids.

This is done so that the body removes toxins that appear during the flu with water. Tea with lemon, with milk, herbal teas and tinctures perfectly help cope with intoxication. Drink up to 2 liters warm drink per day and the temperature will drop faster.

To prevent self-infection from occurring, the room should be regularly ventilated. If the air is very dry and hot, use a humidifier. Optimal temperature The ambient air should be 18°C. In such conditions the patient will be quite comfortable. Don't forget about daily wet cleaning.

Since the flu is caused by viruses, be sure to use antiviral drugs during treatment, such as: Kagocel, Arbidol, etc. Medicines of this type successfully affect viruses and help the patient cope with the temperature faster.

Before using medications, be sure to read the contraindications. In modern medicines against influenza, substances that increase arterial pressure. Usually, for the flu, the doctor prescribes medicines with paracetamol and high content vitamin C, which are good for relieving symptoms of the disease. Helps well if you have a cough regular tablets cough and herbal remedies.

In conclusion, it is worth saying once again that one should take care of one's health, especially in those periods when epidemics are going on. And treatment should begin immediately. Very good in initial period Antigrippin helps the disease. It relieves headaches, thins the blood, relieves stress from the heart muscle, and prevents viruses from actively developing.

What to do if your child has the flu? Signs, treatment and prevention of the disease

Flu in children is not uncommon, it is one of the most common seasonal diseases. Toddlers get the flu 5 times more often than adults, and for them this disease is much more dangerous due to high risk complications. The flu should not be left to chance, only treated folk remedies and, moreover, wait for the disease to “go away on its own.” Every parent should know what are the flu symptoms in children, which doctors to contact and what preventive measures should be accepted.

Causes of influenza in children

No matter how widespread the myth about the cold may be, first of all it should be clarified that you do not get the flu from walking without a hat and getting your feet wet. Hypothermia as such does not provoke the disease, but it increases the chances of infection: cold causes spasm of small blood vessels and does not in the best possible way affects the functioning of the immune system.

Influenza is a viral disease, and the influenza virus spreads quickly and has a high degree of virulence (variability). The influenza virus mutates almost every year, and it is almost impossible to develop stable immunity to it - even if you have already had the flu this season, nothing prevents you from catching it again if you encounter a different strain of this virus. This is why flu vaccinations must be carried out annually.

Influenza epidemics occur every year in the autumn-winter period, and pandemics covering the whole world occur every 15–20 years.

It is very easy to get the flu. It is most often transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets- it is enough for someone to sneeze next to your child. But this virus can also be transmitted by everyday means (dirty hands etc.). The virus itself is unstable and can be easily destroyed with any household antiseptic or detergent, but similar hygiene standards only supported at home. And children themselves, who have not fully grasped the importance of hygiene, often wash their hands irregularly, like to exchange toys, drink from the same glass, etc., which only increases the risk of getting sick.

Symptoms of the disease

In the first 2–3 days after infection, the child feels well, there are no signs of illness. But as the virus spreads in the body, the condition worsens sharply. Usually the onset of influenza in children is acute, it begins with a sudden increase in temperature to 39 o C and even 40 o C (this is especially typical for children under 5 years of age). Chills, muscle pain and aching joints, headache appear; a dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat may also be present. Due to intoxication, appetite decreases and vomiting may begin. The toxins released by the virus destroy capillaries, leading to nosebleeds or a rash. Sometimes toxic damage affects the central nervous system, leading to delirium, convulsions, and hallucinations.

Treatment of influenza in children

Doctors distinguish several forms of typical influenza in children:

  • Mild form - temperature not higher than 37.5 o C, slight cough, irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Moderate form - headache, pain in muscles and joints, weakness, chills, nausea and vomiting, temperature up to 39.5 o C, cough, difficulty breathing.
  • Severe form - temperature up to 40.5 o C, confusion, delirium and hallucinations.
  • Hypertoxic form - extremely fast development and course, temperature up to 40.5 o C, nosebleeds, rash, delirium and loss of consciousness, convulsions.

In mild to moderate forms, the child’s condition improves after about 3–4 days, but the cough and sore throat may persist for another 10–15 days. The prognosis is almost always favorable. The severe form is more dangerous and is fraught with complications. Even more dangerous is the hypertoxic form, which often leads to death.

Treatment of influenza in children depends on the severity of symptoms and the form of the disease.

Mild and moderate forms usually do not require hospitalization. The main method of treatment is to provide correct mode. The child should lie in bed, in a warm but well-ventilated area. The diet these days should be light. A child who has the flu loses his appetite and should not be force-fed. It is better if the patient eats a couple of spoons of soup on a voluntary basis than a full three-course meal under duress. All the same, the case will end with vomiting, additional stress and irritation of the already inflamed mucous membranes of the larynx.

The flu diet should be light and rich in protein, while the dishes themselves should be warm (but not hot) and have a delicate texture. Soups, soufflés, purees - the most optimal menu if your child is sick with the flu.

For viral diseases, drinking plenty of fluids is very important. It, like food, should not be hot. Hot tea or a decoction will burn the already inflamed mucous membranes and make it difficult to restore them. It is better to give your child warm herbal teas, natural juices(only not sour), fruit drinks, compotes, water.

Children's flu medications

Treatment of influenza in children must include antiviral drugs- this is the basis of therapy. Today, oseltamivir (Tamiflu, from 2 weeks of age) and zanamivir (Relenza, for children over 7 years old), Cycloferon, Ingavirin are used for this. These drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, because, being antiviral, they do not help with bacterial infections, and it is almost impossible to distinguish a viral lesion from a bacterial one, for this you need laboratory tests. In addition, these drugs have contraindications and side effects.

Of great importance symptomatic treatment. If the temperature is high, it is better to bring it down to prevent hyperthermia. Cool compresses on the forehead and rubbing of the skin are indicated weak solution alcohol, and also - if the temperature is above 38.5 0C - taking antipyretics, such as ibuprofen.

To ease breathing during rhinitis, rinsing with purified sea ​​water, for example, “Aqua Maris”, “Aqualor”, as well as vasoconstrictor drops and sprays - "Nazol Baby", "Otrivin Baby" and other products designed specifically for children (concentration active substance they are lower than in similar drops and sprays for adults).

There are two types of cough medicines - some suppress the corresponding reflex, stopping dry nonproductive cough, others thin mucus and promote its secretion, making it easier wet cough. Using the wrong product can cause very serious complications: a mistake when selecting a medicine on your own can be costly, so a doctor should make a diagnosis and prescribe any medications.

What are the consequences of improper treatment or lack thereof?

Flu is primarily dangerous due to its complications, including:

  • pneumonia, including its most dangerous type - viral hemorrhagic pneumonia which develops rapidly and often leads to death;
  • meningitis and encephalitis;
  • muscle diseases, such as myositis, which is characterized by severe pain in muscles;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis.

Prevention of influenza in children: how to protect your child?

It is impossible to completely exclude contact with the virus. Therefore, preventive measures should be aimed not so much at isolating the baby, but at reducing this likelihood and strengthening the child’s immune system.

Strengthen protective forces the body will help:

  • a diet with a minimum of fast food and highly processed foods;
  • according to the doctor's indications - additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • daily walks and playing outdoors.

During an epidemic it is necessary additional protective measures:

  • frequent ventilation of rooms to reduce the concentration of the virus in the air;
  • regular hand washing and not only before eating - often the virus enters the body in this way;
  • regular wet cleaning with antiseptic detergents.

Timely vaccination is especially important for the prevention of influenza, which is carried out annually in the fall, before the start of the epidemic season.

With the onset of cold weather, the time begins viral diseases. One of the main diseases of a viral nature is influenza, which affects not only children, but also adults. It is very easy to catch the flu virus, as all you have to do is drive through public transport, visit kindergarten or school or simply communicate with a sick person.

With the flu, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, which is especially pronounced in many children. A child's fragile body is exposed to viruses, on the basis of which the temperature rises. At the first signs of infection with viruses, the child changes very much: it becomes lethargic, constantly naughty, refuses food. The first thing you should pay attention to is the readings of the thermometer. If the value persists and does not subside for a long time, then you should resort to the use of antipyretic drugs.

Why does body temperature rise

An increase in temperature is a kind of protective function of the body in response to the influence of pathogenic factors. How many days the flu temperature lasts in a child is a question that every modern mother wants to get an answer to. For duration of maintenance high readings thermometer influence various factors, in particular this:

  • severity of intoxication;
  • a form of flu;
  • patient's age.

As soon as the virus that has entered the body begins its active pathogenic effect, the immune system human includes a protective function. The body produces white blood cells and macrophages, which help protect the body from negative factors. With the flu, the child will always have a temperature until the production of leukocytes and macrophages is carried out.

If the temperature in a child with influenza does not exceed 38 degrees, then measures to reduce it should not be taken. But be sure in this case, you need to control the readings of the thermometer every 30 minutes. If the thermometer readings exceed 38-39 degrees, then it is required to immediately take measures to reduce the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs, as well as by calling an ambulance. Thermometer readings above 39 degrees are very dangerous, as this can lead to the development of seizures, delirium and hallucinations in a child. With such factors, it may occur fatal outcome or the patient may experience serious pathologies.

How long does the temperature last?

About how long the temperature lasts with the flu in a child, you can only answer approximately. In the absence of complications during the flu, intoxication of the body will continue for several days. The period of fever will not exceed 5-6 days. If to feverish state infection occurs, then the patient heat will be observed for 7 days or more.

The question of how many days the temperature lasts for influenza in children is not entirely appropriate, since factors such as:

  • the age of the patient, because what less baby, the longer the temperature maintenance time;
  • strengthening protective function, because in most cases, if a child has strong immunity, then the temperature stabilizes to normal on the sixth day;
  • a form of the disease, since the more severe the type of illness, the longer it will be to maintain high readings of the thermometer, which must be constantly brought down.

An important factor that influences how many days a child will have a fever is the method of treatment. Lack of treatment only aggravates the disease, and taking the right measures contributes to a speedy recovery. When the temperature is high, the first thing parents need to do is try to reduce it to 37-38 degrees.

What to do with a fever with the flu?

The ideal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius. This indicator is influenced not only various diseases, but also factors such as the child’s mood, eating, bathing, as well as games and other types of emotional experiences. According to generally accepted standards, body temperature up to 38 degrees is elevated, which does not require taking antipyretic drugs. Temperatures above 38 degrees are high and require appropriate measures to be taken to reduce them. To do this, resort to the use of antipyretic drugs or call an ambulance.

If a child's temperature rises with the flu, this indicates normal operation immune system. When the temperature rises even by a few degrees, not only a child, but also an adult feels bad feeling, his activity decreases and he also feels tired.

Fever for more than 5 days: why?

If a child has a high fever for more than 5 days, this indicates improper treatment. If you have the flu, your child should be given bed rest to help him recover faster. If bed rest is not observed, then even therapy is not always able to get the child back on his feet in such a short time. Every person remembers from his childhood that the duration of the flu is no more than a week.

To speed up the healing process, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. Moreover, this can be either simple boiled water or juices, fruit drinks, compotes and tea without sugar. If you ignore these recommendations, the temperature may persist for more than 5 days. The liquid helps remove toxins and breakdown products from the body, thereby renewing and improving well-being.

If the value of up to 38 degrees lasts more than 5 days, then you should inform your doctor about this. This temperature is considered low-grade, which indicates the development of more serious complications.

Possible complications

Flu is serious illness which is viral in nature. Often, especially in the absence timely treatment, the child has viral infection bacterial may join. In this situation, the duration of treatment for influenza is delayed by 5-6 days.

If a child's temperature rises to 39 degrees during flu and lasts no more than 5 days with proper therapy, then this indicates a high degree of immunity. In this case, the baby’s parents only need to monitor the thermometer readings and take timely measures. In the event that the child has several days elevated temperature, then you should visit the hospital for full examination. Typically, a high thermometer reading with the flu is one of the main symptoms. In addition to fever, the child experiences the following symptoms:

  • appearance of cough;
  • headache;
  • a sore throat;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • deterioration in general health.

If the flu is accompanied by such symptoms, then the development of the following complications: bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis or meningitis. If parents have diagnosed that their baby has a high fever for more than 5 days, they should immediately go to the hospital. In practice, in children at any age, the temperature subsides 3-4 days after the use of antipyretic drugs.

It is important to know! If, after using an antipyretic drug, your child’s temperature continues to rise, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Disease Prevention

No matter how strong a child’s immune system is, the body will sooner or later be exposed to viral infection. And that counts normal, because after illness the body becomes even stronger. Only in this case it is important that the disease proceeds in mild form and did not cause complications.

24.02.2012, 15:36

The child is 4 years and 3 months old.
I got sick with the flu and already felt bad on Sunday.
I took Arbidol, antipyretics, and pharyngosept.
The temperature still remains - in the evening - at night 39-39.5-40.
During the day 37.5 -38.5.
Last night we started taking antibiotics (Summamed forte), because... hard breathing and a severe cough.
The temperature at night was still 39.
Now 38. :ac:

Please tell me if this is normal long-term fever for the flu?
Or should I be worried?

Thank you in advance!

24.02.2012, 17:31

I would be grateful for your answer - how many days can a child have a fever with the flu?

24.02.2012, 18:15

With ARVI, the temperature can last for 14 days. How many days does the child have? febrile temperature? Have you taken the UAC?
Hard breathing and cough are not a reason to prescribe antibacterial therapy. How is the child feeling?
Is the diagnosis of influenza laboratory confirmed?
When was the child examined by the pediatrician?

24.02.2012, 19:29

The child was examined by a doctor on Wednesday.
We have a local flu epidemic - 15 people in the group got sick within a few days, 7 people fell ill within one day, at the same time as us.
I got infected from the child - temperature is 40, my mother-in-law and husband - they all have the flu.
The doctor diagnosed the flu because... all the children in and around the group are sick with the flu.
The pediatrician prescribed antibiotics because... Before this, the child had never been able to recover without antibiotics, unfortunately.
Very susceptible to complications, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.
We haven’t taken any tests yet, because... Everyone has a fever - we don’t leave the house.
But they tested it just recently before illness in the hospital - everything was normal.
The child’s health was not very good - in the first days, the child’s whole body ached - shoulders, face, head, legs, arms, fingers...
There was vomiting, the temperature almost never dropped, and he was delirious.
There were convulsions when the temperature dropped and at 36.6.
The temperature lasts for 6 days, but the doctor said that with this flu it should be high for no more than 2-3 days.
The child has lost weight, does not eat at all, has a wet cough. It was dry - they prescribed Herbion with plantain. So we give it + loratadine. Also snot.
Severe bruises under the eyes.
It is clear from the child that there is no need to think about recovery yet. ((
We will be grateful for your advice.

24.02.2012, 21:44

Yes, even the child moans all the time in his sleep and last days I suddenly began to fall asleep, although for the first few days I did not sleep during the day even at high temperatures.
Weakness is very visible in everything - in movements, in appearance, even my voice became weak.
Apparently, he’s tired of being sick for so long and doesn’t eat anything.
Can you help somehow?
Tell me, please, if the cough is no longer dry, maybe it’s worth giving Herbion with primrose, and not with plantain?

25.02.2012, 09:18

I beg you, help!! The cough is again dry, raw and simply debilitating!!!
The child cannot eat or drink because of the cough - he vomits everything!
He takes it specifically for the throat - faringosept, oralsept, Gerbion with plantain (for obsessive cough).
The temperature is holding.
Tell me how I can relieve the cough???

25.02.2012, 10:05

Or should I be worried?

The child must be seen by a doctor immediately! Preferably in a hospital emergency room.
groans all the time in a dream and the last days began to suddenly fall into a dream
Weakness is very visible in everything - in movements, in appearance, even the voice has become weak. The temperature remains
Do not self-medicate.

25.02.2012, 10:28

I already understood, thank you, I haven’t been able to get through to the emergency room since the morning - they don’t answer the phone. ((

I got through. They said that they would not come, give Nurofen and continue the antibiotic.
Although I said that the child couldn’t even get up today. :(

25.02.2012, 10:47

Take your child, call a taxi and go to the hospital.

26.02.2012, 23:43

On Saturday morning, I finally got into an argument with the ambulance until they arrived - the child was vomiting white foam in front of them, they called an ambulance.
When we arrived at the hospital, the child could no longer sit even on his own. He didn’t stand, didn’t speak, his eyes were foggy, he slept all the time, like he was in wax.
The temperature is 39, the x-ray is clear, the acetone test is higher than the highest value - there it is mid-violet and equal to 15 (++++), and my son’s test was almost black, i.e. acetone above 15.
In terms of weight, the child lost 3 kg in a week.
They inserted a catheter and began to drip. Glucose, ringer, saline and some medications.
They dripped all day and half the night - only 5 bottles - 1 liter (child weight 19 kg).
After the 3rd bottle, the child woke up, his eyes were conscious, but he didn’t remember anything - neither the ambulance nor how he ended up in the hospital.
Acetone after all these droppers in the morning is three pluses (and the drops were finished at one in the morning).
Also, despite the infusion, after a couple of hours the skin was already dry, on the arms - from the hand to the elbow, there were dry, barely noticeable round plaques the size of a coin and under the skin, the lips were cracking.
The temperature continues to hold - today it was 39 and above again, although again it was dripping all day according to the same pattern.
Also today we finally got an enema - the child hasn’t gone to the toilet for a week. The “relief” did not affect the temperature.
The obsessive cough was reduced with a medicine that affects the cough nerve center, they said - something with the receptors.
I don’t know if this is important, but for about the last six months I sometimes noticed the smell of acetone from the child’s urine, but I thought it was just me, or someone went to the toilet in front of him, sorry, but the smell remained, because... half of the family are diabetics, in general, they drove this thought away from themselves.
Now, when I’m sick, I didn’t notice the smell of acetone, but it turned out to be so strong.

Please tell me, in the hospital they say that usually a day of droppers is enough to reduce the acetone to at least one plus.
This is true? And if it hardly drops here, is this a reason to worry?
Maybe additional examinations are needed?

And they also said that if tomorrow the temperature still does not drop, they will inject another antibiotic. Should I agree?

Thank you in advance! I would be grateful for any advice!

27.02.2012, 00:29

27.02.2012, 00:34

District hospital, children's hospital (Kyiv, Obolon).
The laboratory is closed on weekends, I offered any money - but there is simply nowhere to do blood tests!! They told me to buy tests.
Blood and urine tests will be taken tomorrow, but after several days of IV drips, I think they will no longer be informative. (((
What tests would you recommend?

27.02.2012, 00:46

what kind of hospital are you being treated in? Are tests and examinations, except for the acetone test, available? And if this test is a urine test, specific gravity did you pay attention? It more reflects dehydration. While the child does not eat, has a fever and is sick, it is unrealistic to reduce acetone to 1 +

Dehydration is very severe..
But also by eye. After the first liter of droppers, the son did not even pee.
Today has already started, but the temperature keeps.
As I understand it, now there is no other way out - just drip, try different antibiotics and wait for the temperature to drop by itself?

27.02.2012, 00:51

if the temperature persists for more than a week, the minimum to start (regardless of previous treatment): general blood test, ESR or C-reactive protein, electrolytes, biochemistry, urine analysis - I hope that they get answers on the same day. And then, depending on the clinic and the results. Do you notice an improvement in the child’s well-being? How and how do doctors explain his condition? Examination and a correct assessment of the clinic by a full-time doctor is more important than any laboratory testing or online consultation

27.02.2012, 00:55

As I understand it, now there is no other way out - just take drops, try different antibiotics and wait for the temperature to drop on its own? Apparently until tomorrow, until the laboratory there is no other way out - just take drops, continue treatment with antibiotics and wait for the results of the examination and examination by the department doctor

27.02.2012, 01:02

Thank you!
While all the doctors are talking, you will tell everything to the ward doctor on Monday. The hospital duty officers arrive - either a neurologist, or someone else, apparently, whose shift it is. There is one doctor on duty for the entire hospital.
They come because my son is marked “under the supervision of the doctor on duty, under the supervision of the intensive care unit.”
There seems to be improvement, he’s still even walking, but so far he’s managed to bring his temperature down to 37.5.
The improvement is clearly visible especially on the IVs.
But there is no appetite or thirst yet. Let's just say - remove the IVs and it will be the same as on Saturday, IMHO.
I don’t quite understand why we need another antibiotic if the current one is clearly “out of stock.” (((

Tell me more, please, my son has always had low sugar- 2.8 -3.3 the maximum was 4, and even after eating this.
Could this have anything to do with the current acetone? Sorry if the question is stupid.

27.02.2012, 01:40

And also, please tell me how strict the diet should be?
They left us the following products - hospital soup, porridge with water, crackers and biscuits. That's all.
The child ate a couple of spoons of soup (coffee) and cookies throughout the whole day (I barely persuaded him and shoved him in).
But! I asked for chicken and juice! It’s not a fact that he would eat it - food makes him sick, but he asked HIMSELF. We were banned.
Is it really that important now? And is it better to not eat at all than to still eat and drink what your heart desires?

My stomach hurts a lot. We have already operated once - it did not bring relief, everything came back. But there were no problems with “peeing”, except that when my son pees, his little pussy inflates like a balloon.
Perhaps such insensitivity when urinating is a consequence of the disease?
Please tell me how to help my child recover from this serious illness?

And also, sorry about this topic. Tell me what tests need to be taken - they are worried White hair The child (for a long time) also has new gray hair, which recently began to grow on his eyebrows - it grows, not adjacent to the skin, but forward. It curls, oh. It grows quickly, becomes long - it makes it difficult to watch. I cut it - it’s new.

Combined with acetone and the rest, gray hair suggests endocrine problems. Or is this a normal option for a child?

I would be very grateful for your advice.



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs