Who has the right to receive a ticket to the sanatorium? What benefits are there for spa treatment and how to get them?

One of the relevant and important issues for all car owners is a topic related to compulsory motor liability insurance. In other words, the new MTPL reform in 2018 is one of the discussed topics that has been raised for several years now.

But it is already officially known and announced that all changes relating to this insurance policy will be introduced directly from January 1 of this year.

But what should we expect and what should we hope for? What results will all these transformations lead to, and are they really necessary for this system? We will try to find answers to all these questions together by carefully analyzing and studying the current situation.

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According to the resolution, this year it is expected to introduce compensation in kind under compulsory motor liability insurance throughout Russia. Although, after all, only in a few regions of the country with the greatest unprofitability of the “motor citizen” reform will begin a little earlier, or rather, it has already begun at the end of 2017. It is worth noting that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation retains the final right to determine the regions where the advantage of “repair” payments will be established for all MTPL policies, regardless of the date of their purchase. It is worth noting that this content of the document has already been approved and confirmed by the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoly Aksakov. According to him, the government proposed several options for resolving this issue, but after a long discussion it was decided to settle on this option.

According to Aksakov, the law will tentatively come into full force only by May 1. However, the transition period may last until December 31, 2018. It is until this set date that the clause will be in effect, on the basis of which the Banks of Russia can independently determine the most problematic regions.

But why did they move the deadline? Agree, the law on compulsory motor liability insurance was originally supposed to come into effect back in 2017. But, most of the politicians and deputies agreed that this amendment should start simultaneously throughout the country, so it would be most correct to introduce it directly from January 1, 2018, and before that point in time to resolve and settle all the necessary issues. But, despite the fact that the law will be considered official and full-fledged only from this year, Banks of Russia still have the right to introduce independent compensation in certain “toxic” regions.

Another question arises: will the essence of the law remain the same, or will amendments be introduced? Here all that is known so far is that the essence of the new law on compulsory motor liability insurance is that compensation under this insurance policy will be paid by default and will not be covered in cash, but in the form of car repairs. At the same time, the law prescribes a number of which, first of all, relate to payments. Simply put, the payment under the policy can be expressed in monetary terms, but only in the following cases.

  1. Death of the victim.
  2. Causing grievous bodily harm.
  3. Complete loss of the car.
  4. Impossibility of organizing repairs.

These are perhaps the most significant and important exceptions to the rules. What amendments to new law about compulsory motor liability insurance can be noted, which every motorist should be aware of..

It is worth saying that after discussing all these amendments, it was proposed to postpone the date of introduction of this law. So, for example, the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Shevtsov stated that repair work According to compulsory motor liability insurance, it is best to start in 2020, but at the same time, corresponding recommendations are required from deputies to increase tariffs by an average of 3 times. At the same time, many believe that all the amendments introduced will cause serious concerns among motorists, since end result under these conditions of the law, they will receive repairs with “dust and putty,” that is, of absolutely poor quality, and at the same time they will find themselves completely unprotected due to the workload of the courts. Whether this will actually be the case, time will tell, and the first results can be talked about closer to the end of this 2018.

Not many pensioners know that they are entitled to receive free travel on Spa treatment. The procedure itself is not that complicated, but in our bureaucratic society, processing all the documents is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In our country there is special group citizens, which are called beneficiaries. They have some advantages over ordinary people. A variety of benefits relate to many areas of life, these can be benefits for paying rent, benefits for various taxes, benefits for travel to public transport and others. Beneficiaries include veterans and participants of the Second World War and other military operations, children without parents (orphans), families whose income is less than the subsistence level, people who survived the siege of Leningrad. But ordinary pensioners in our country also have a number of benefits. Moreover, the opportunities that are available to pensioners thanks to benefits are not inferior in variety to the above-mentioned categories of citizens.

The Russian Federation guarantees its citizens (including pensioners) a lot of social guarantees, and this position of the government has been supported for many years. And, therefore, benefits for pensioners should not be perceived as something supernatural, but should be treated as a norm of life. About what benefits do pensioners have, read in our corresponding section.

But to receive pension benefits The retirement age is not important, the main thing is timely application to the Pension Fund and registration of pensioner status in accordance with current legislation.

Which pensioners are entitled to a free trip to a sanatorium?

Receiving a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment is precisely one of the benefits that is entitled to any pensioner. By law, every pensioner has the right to receive a voucher and further free treatment in a sanatorium. This right can be exercised no more than once during the year. It is important to know that the state reserves for a pensioner not only the right to free sanatorium and resort treatment, but also the right to full reimbursement of travel expenses there and back. This happens if the location of the sanatorium is at a sufficient distance from the pensioner’s place of residence, and also if the pensioner himself cannot get to the place of treatment for health reasons.

What is needed to receive a free trip?

Obtaining a free voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment is a standard procedure, the stages of which are defined by law. But the bureaucratic side of the issue makes this procedure very difficult. Unfortunately, this procedure is not developed to such an extent that, for example, today you came to a social agency, and tomorrow you packed your things and left for a sanatorium. As people say, you will have to “run around” and even “make a fuss.” A Russian person does not need to explain what such words mean.

The main obstacle is collecting a package of documents to submit to the social service. However, the government understands that people apply for vouchers old age Therefore, we try to simplify the registration procedure as much as possible. As for the package of documents, it consists of an identity document (passport), a pensioner’s ID (pension certificate, it is the main document confirming the right to benefits), a work record book and, most importantly, a doctor’s medical report on the need to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment .

Required documents

When collecting documents, take care of photocopies of your documents in advance, and it is advisable to have several of them, plus be sure to have the original document with you. When copying a passport, it is enough to stop at two pages - this is the page indicating the place of issue and your data, and the page with registration. When confirming your pensioner status, you will also submit a copy, but you must have the original document with you.

The focus of the sanatorium specifically on treatment makes it necessary to provide a certificate, which you must obtain at the clinic at your place of residence. It should indicate your diseases and recommendations for undergoing treatment in the sanatorium-resort area.

You must have 2 medical documents. The first document is a medical certificate in form 070\u (a special document for submission to the social authority when receiving a voucher), as well as a medical certificate in form 072\u, or in other words, a sanatorium-resort book . But, if certificate 070\у is mandatory when collecting documents for issuing a voucher, then you can issue a sanatorium and resort certificate (072\u) just before departure, if you receive a voucher. Both certificates are obtained at the clinic at your place of residence, and you are required to issue them without waiting in line. The mandatory presence of these certificates is necessary so that directly at the sanatorium you receive treatment that takes into account all the features of your diseases. That is, treatment must be carried out according to a personally drawn up program.

As noted above, a pensioner can use the right to sanatorium treatment once a year. But only if this right was not used for another reason. What does it mean? For example, you are both a pensioner and have a disability group, which means you are entitled free trip to the sanatorium and as a disabled person and as a pensioner, but you can only use one of the grounds. That is, if you used the right to sanatorium treatment as a pensioner, then you cannot use this right as a disabled person and vice versa. An important aspect is that treatment is provided to you once a year.

But, an option is possible when a pensioner can, without having a “double right,” go for treatment to a sanatorium more than once. This applies to cases where there are real medical reasons the need for this type of treatment. Moreover, both vouchers will also be provided at the expense of public funds. The basis for repeated treatment within a year will be a referral from the attending physician with additional notes in the certificate.

In addition, the biggest obstacle may be the lack of a voucher itself. The deadline for submitting a package of documents to receive a free trip does not always coincide with the availability free seats at the sanatorium where you will be sent. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn for quite a long time, which is why it was mentioned above that the certificate in form 070\u must be made immediately, since it is submitted as part of a package of documents, and health resort card may be issued later. But the fact of a long wait does not cancel your right to a voucher, and when it appears, or rather that you will definitely receive it, the social authority is obliged to notify you two weeks before your planned departure.

But even in this case social workers try to meet potential vacationers halfway in advance next year, compiling a list of people who would like to exercise the right to a sanatorium. Based on these data, the total number of vouchers that will have to be received by the social authority next year is calculated.

In any case, every pensioner must remember that the right to receive a free voucher for sanatorium and resort treatment is assigned to him by law and can be exercised within a year.

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By the time it ends labor activity people often accumulate a large number of diseases. Many people still want to talk to their grandchildren, work at their dacha, and see the world. Social politics The state involves providing pensioners with vouchers to a sanatorium to receive medical and social rehabilitation. It’s worth figuring out who has the right to purchase them for 2018, how the queue is formed, what documents need to be submitted and where.

Conditions for obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium for pensioners free of charge

Before carrying out the planned sanatorium-resort treatment, you must obtain a certificate in form 070/u-04. You should visit a doctor at a city clinic. Local therapist:

  • will give directions for tests and examinations;
  • conduct a medical examination;
  • will evaluate the indications for carrying out therapeutic and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • determine the diagnosis of the underlying disease;
  • will note contraindications for health improvement;
  • will give recommendations for performing procedures;
  • will send the patient to medical commission to finally resolve the issue.

During the consultation of therapists:

  • a study of the medical history of the pensioner-beneficiary will be carried out;
  • the main diagnosis was assessed and accompanying pathologies;
  • the possibility of sanatorium recovery will be established, taking into account the location of a certain climate zone;
  • results will be taken into account medical and social examination for invalids;
  • they will issue a certificate 070/у-04 with a validity period of six months;
  • make a mark in medical card;
  • will determine the profile of the institution for the treatment of the underlying disease.

To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to meet a number of conditions. Applicant for free wellness:

  • must be of age statutory for retirement;
  • officially registered with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • belong to preferential category, defined by law;
  • cannot continue to work - this will be an obstacle to receiving free treatment;
  • must not be a participant in other programs for beneficiaries, for example, separately for WWII participants;
  • a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense is undergoing rehabilitation in departmental sanatoriums.

You need to know - sanatorium treatment for pensioners is free in 2018, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • The allocation of a voucher is possible once every two years;
  • disabled people can take advantage of the benefit annually;
  • if there are special medical indications sanatorium treatment can be provided more often than once a year;
  • benefit includes free pass to the place and back - the pensioner purchases a ticket, and the payment is made by the state according to the documents presented;
  • list medical organizations taking into account specialization by disease, it is approved at the regional level.

Who can get discounted vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018

The list of persons entitled to assistance from the state is stipulated by Federal Law-178. the federal law determines the circle of pensioners who can queue for discounted vouchers to sanatoriums in 2018. The service is provided only to those who have stopped working. Sanatorium treatment can be used no more than once a year:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in hostilities from 1941 to 1945.

The right to receive a sanatorium-resort rehabilitation treatment pensioners have benefits:

  • employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system, the military, participants in international and local conflicts in Russia, the USSR, including those who are retired and in reserve;
  • military personnel who did not participate in hostilities in the Second World War, who served for six months, and who had orders and medals during this period.

Citizens of Russia who have documented their benefits can get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018:

  • military personnel of motor troops and battalions delivering cargo to Afghanistan in 1979-1989;
  • citizens who worked at military facilities and transport ships during the Second World War;
  • those with a disability group, including children;
  • family members of deceased (dead) combat veterans, participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • residents of Leningrad who survived the siege;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, citizens equated to them who were exposed to radiation.

Pensioners who do not belong to any category, if they have a doctor’s referral, can receive social vouchers in 2018. To do this you need:

  • achievement retirement age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • does not apply to categories of citizens who have social support;
  • official registration in Pension Fund RF;
  • do not have benefits provided to former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • not to work;
  • have a doctor’s certificate confirming the need for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Legal regulation

To get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, you need to know what legislative acts issues regarding the provision of benefits are regulated. Social protection bodies of Russia are guided by Federal and regional laws, based on the realities of local budgets. The issue of providing benefits to people of retirement age is regulated by law:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal law on the provision of benefits;
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense - for military pensioners with benefits;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main document for the legal regulation of the issue of providing benefits to pensioners is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On State social assistance» No. 178-FZ, in force since July 17, 1999. He stipulates:

  • the possibility of receiving a referral for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications;
  • full list available benefits for pensioners;
  • conditions and procedure for receiving them;
  • category of persons entitled to free sanatorium and resort treatment.

A normative act defining the principles and procedure for the implementation of social measures to improve the health of pensioners is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004. The document stipulates:

  • treatment is financed by the federal budget;
  • the referral to the resort is of a declarative nature - occurs on the initiative of the applicant;
  • the pensioner presents documents - indications for treatment, belonging to a preferential category;
  • the need, after a course of rehabilitation, to present a coupon about the intended use of the funds - stay for treatment.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free in 2018

If sanatorium-resort rehabilitation is planned, the applicant must prepare a package of documents and deliver them to the territorial social security authorities at the place of residence. To get in line for a trip to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018, a citizen must:

  • formalize an official refusal to receive money - compensation for state support, according to the system of monetization of benefits;
  • bring a package of documents to provide free sanatorium-resort treatment.

Social Security Administration at the place of residence where the pensioner-beneficiary applied:

  • ten days from the date of submission of the application informs the applicant about the decision taken on the provision of a voucher or refusal with an explanation of the reason;
  • issues a referral for sanatorium-resort treatment, observing the priority;
  • notifies the applicant about his serial number in the lists of applicants for preferential health improvement;
  • upon return from the sanatorium, will require you to provide a tear-off coupon confirming the fact of treatment.

Where to contact

How to get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018, where to apply? This depends on the source of funding for the benefits provided to a certain category of citizens. Free referral provided by the Foundation social insurance RF:

  • the list of beneficiaries is established by Law No. 178-FZ;
  • funding comes from federal budget;
  • For medical and rehabilitation activities, sanatoriums located in various resort regions of Russia are offered (referrals abroad are not provided).

You can submit an application and get in line for vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees in 2018 by visiting:

  • Social security authorities at the place of residence, MFC, if funding is provided by the regional budget. Vouchers are provided to restore the health of any pensioners after inpatient treatment. Preference is given to local sanatoriums.
  • The structures of law enforcement agencies - the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - which deal with social issues, preferential provision for military retirees, and organize financing. Treatment is carried out by departmental sanatorium-resort institutions.

Organs social protection, arranged by subject Russian Federation, solve the same range of issues, including queues for vouchers to a sanatorium for pensioners in 2018. They are subordinate to the local administration and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Territorial social protection bodies may have the following names:

  • Department;
  • control;
  • department;
  • ministry;
  • Committee.


In order for a pensioner on benefits to receive a free voucher for sanatorium treatment, you need to prepare. The events will not take much time. It is required to perform a certain algorithm of actions:

  • visit your doctor;
  • obtain certificate No. 070/U-04, establishing the need to undergo medical and health-improving sanatorium activities;
  • prepare documents and their copies confirming identity, rights to receive a pension, benefits;
  • visit social protection authorities;
  • write an application for a trip;
  • wait for the outcome of the consideration of the issue.

What documents need to be provided

In order for the social security authorities to accept an application for free health resort treatment, the pensioner needs to collect a set of documents. Queuing up to receive a voucher is possible if you have a full set of required papers. You must bring:

  • application for a discounted voucher for treatment
  • a pension certificate confirming the registration of retirement, in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • SNILS.

In addition, social security authorities at the place of residence will require:

  • documents certifying rights to benefits;
  • certificate 070/U-04 about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment (its validity period is six months);
  • a health record issued by a physician at a local clinic;
  • additionally, if necessary, a certificate of the amount of pension provision;
  • conclusion of a medical and sanitary examination when drawing up a referral for the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Preferential queue for a voucher to a sanatorium in 2018

Social protection authorities accept applications and documents from all pensioners without exception who have rights to preferential sanatorium and resort treatment. To ensure equal conditions, the issuance of vouchers to citizens is carried out according to the queue. Applicants are registered based on the date of application. An electronic queue for sanatorium-resort treatment is formed if the applicant provides:

  • personal data on the disease profile, according to a doctor’s certificate;
  • information about the application and the valid date of submission;
  • PFR data on the social services provided.

How to find out your turn

A person belonging to the preferential category of citizens who has submitted documents to receive sanatorium-resort rehabilitation must find out the status of his queue. For this he has several options. A pensioner with benefits can:

  • visit the social security authority where you submitted your application and personally find out your serial number queues to receive benefits;
  • go to the website of the Social Insurance Fund branch by entering SNILS in a special field, find out your place among those wishing to receive a referral for treatment.

Pensioners and Moscow residents who have benefits for free sanatorium treatment and recreational activities can save time by going to the website of the city Department of Social Welfare. It has a special form that you need to fill out and click on the “Search” button. The form for informing about the status of the queue includes personal data:

  • applicant's surname;
  • his name and patronymic;
  • date of birth of the pensioner;
  • SNILS number (filled in according to the proposed template).

The system can provide information online, a few seconds after filling out the form. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

  • personal appeal to the visitor;
  • his SNILS number;
  • date of application for preferential treatment;
  • disease profile;
  • the place where the applicant is located among the total number of applicants;
  • serial number when registering.

Features of preferential queue for military personnel and persons equivalent to them

There are 37 sanatoriums assigned to the Ministry of Defense for military pensioners, where they can receive vouchers. Each has a website where information about available places is posted. Veterans of law enforcement agencies can receive preferential vouchers if they are not working at the time of application. The application is reviewed for 30 days, after which a response is given regarding whether it will be placed on the waiting list or rejected. Family members of military pensioners have the right to treatment with partial payment for the voucher:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • spouses;
  • children under 23 years of age – full-time students;
  • parents.

The formation of the queue of vouchers for 2018 began in November of the previous year. The authorities responsible for distribution compile lists that anyone can view in person or online on the website. To receive a voucher, a military retiree must:

  • choose a sanatorium that suits your profile;
  • find out availability;
  • pass the medical examination;
  • receive a certificate in form No. 070/у-04;
  • provide a package of documents;
  • submit an application to the regional department for sanatorium and resort provision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The regulations for preferential treatment of military pensioners are determined by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333. According to the document:

  • free sanatorium vouchers provided to Heroes of Russia, the USSR, full holders of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, and disabled people;
  • when flying to the place of treatment, an economy class air ticket is paid;
  • for road transport, a bus with soft seats is paid for;
  • in case of using a railway connection - a reserved seat ticket;
  • You can receive treatment once a year.




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