Regional perinatal center GAU KO (Kaliningrad). Regional perinatal center, Kaliningrad

My son turned 18 last week. He is in 11th grade. I hope he gets a scholarship and studies well. BM no longer wants to pay alimony. I paid 30-35t. It had long been agreed that he would not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son’s education from alimony. But a couple of years ago, my new husband and I bought an apartment with a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. My son wants to go to enroll in the city where BM lives. And bm is against it. Have you been able to negotiate with the bankers so that they help with money after 18 years?



Good morning, my inquisitive and insightful friends, Vangas and Sherlock Holmes! I present to your attention a guessing game for a poetry competition that is festive in all respects. I suggest you use your brains and bring it to clean water our cunning cryptographers.
The field for scattering brains is here:

List of authors:
To live well
Sucker Punch
Quokka Smiley
Lena Tokareva
Brother Organization
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4

So, let's go!


Irina Krasavina

Girls. Help my sick brain. I am currently in the process of depriving my brother of parental rights. I contacted guardianship, collected papers from the hospital, the police, references from the school and kindergarten, which my youngest niece used to go to from her brother’s last place of work. There is evidence from neighbors and his friend that he drinks and does not work. The guardianship authorities assessed the living conditions of us and our brother. He is against deprivation of rights, he said that he would stop drinking and take the children for himself. But... one nuance became clear. My brother now lives with the same lady, I knew this for a long time, they drink together, they both don’t work. And this lady is now pregnant, and as I understand it, they want to sign.
Putting aside my shock at the situation and the lack of brains of both, I am interested in the question. If he suddenly stops drinking (which I highly doubt) they may refuse to deprive me of his rights? Will he be able to take the children?

P.S. and one more question. Is it possible to do something about this madam? Well, I don’t know, maybe forced treatment or something else. She's pregnant and drinks((((how is that possible?
In short, I will be glad to receive any advice and examples from life.


Daria S

Hello everybody. We're having a bad day today. The child fell ill on Monday coughing until vomiting and so Ra. Yesterday I had a very high temperature of Ra.
Grandma came to help us and shouted to me from the kitchen that she was dizzy, then she fell. I called an ambulance. They told me to put me on the bed, measure the pressure, (it was 150) and give me a capoten. And they said the call would be forwarded to emergency services. Okay, I'm sitting and waiting. Mom’s blood pressure is rising, it’s already 180, she’s red, 40 minutes have passed, I’m calling again, and as I understand it, urgent Care, this is a doctor from the regiment. I called the regiment, they said wait for two hours. What is this? What needs to happen for the ambulance to arrive? As a result, the regiment called me back and said that after my call they transferred the call back to the ambulance. The brigade arrived in another half hour. They gave me an ECG, an injection, pills and told me to wait for the doctor.
But. The regiment told me that the call to us was cancelled. I asked if I should wait for the doctor, with high temperature? They said he would come to me.
Question. Mom is lying there, dizzy, when will she be able to get to the doctor? The holidays are ahead, will she be left without help? This is fine? The neurologist comes on Tuesdays. They put a crisis and a violation cerebral circulation. The neurologist is treating us, they did the UBD in January, they gave us Cerepro, then they injected us with Picamelon and that’s it. I should prescribe pills.
Has anyone gone to a paid ambulance? Phone number, if I can find anything. Does it make sense?
What should we do anyway?


And this grandmother comments - and I am outraged that it is my granddaughter who will put on this cap after others. Let everyone sew individually, we'll hand over the money. what if someone has a scab on their head (). or lice. I say - well, in general, sick people should not be allowed into the garden, but if they are the same lice - then children come into close contact and without caps, they are instantly re-infected. but this is just me, purely abstractly, and she has her own granddaughter. maybe she's right? Would you allow your children to wear a shared hat?


Kaliningrad Perinatal Center is autonomous medical institution areas. It provides services in gynecology, neonatology (including those newborns who were born in other cases of pregnancy and childbirth. The center simultaneously operates a clinic for adults and a maternity hospital with separate rooms with all amenities. This allows childbirth to be carried out in the presence of relatives. There is also a department in which care for newborns. Many former patients note that the entire clinic is equipped modern equipment. Medical service here it was highly appreciated by the patients who stayed within the walls of the institution.


The Perinatal Center, known throughout Kaliningrad, has the following advantages:

  1. Comfortable.
  2. Combination of classical obstetrics and modern European technologies.
  3. Possibility of conducting family births.
  4. Providing advisory and medical support to women and children through air ambulance services.
  5. Separate delivery rooms.
  6. Modern means of pain relief.
  7. Use only disposable consumables.
  8. Possibility of choosing a midwife and doctor for individual births.
  9. Highly qualified 24-hour care for newborns.


Perinatal Center (Kaliningrad), whose official website ( contains full information about all services provided, works in the following areas:


The Perinatal Center, popular throughout Kaliningrad, conducts childbirth, during which the presence of family members of the woman in labor is provided. This service is becoming increasingly popular in the city. Many women who have given birth this way note that thanks to the opportunity to carry out a family birth, which the clinic provides, the birth of a child becomes truly a holiday.

The birth of babies is carried out in separate boxed rooms equipped with modern equipment for cardiomotor monitoring, ultrasound monitoring, and infusion pumps. The premises are also equipped with climate control and medical gas supply systems. As the patients themselves note, all conditions for a comfortable and safe birth are provided.

After the birth of the newborn, it is allowed to stay together with the child in the “Mother and Child” ward. Preference is given to free breastfeeding. There is a department that cares for premature babies and newborns with critically low body weight.

Many mothers in labor express their sincere gratitude to the specialists of the Perinatal Center in their reviews. In particular, high praise professional qualities received by Dr. Lyubitsky. Thanks to Boris Nikolaevich, the world was born a large number of healthy kids. Former patients also note the professionalism of Dr. Isakov and obstetrician Bakal. It should be said that all the center’s specialists strive to create the most comfortable conditions for each patient during the prenatal period and for young mothers and their children after birth.

Perinatal center (Kaliningrad). Reviews

The Family Planning Department provides health care families with reproductive disorders, problems of gynecological endocrinology, are carried out genetic counseling, works Teenagers are also seen here by specialists in various fields, including a psychologist. Patients who were examined and treated at the center spoke positively about the quality of the staff’s work.

The undoubted advantage of the institution, according to many women, is the use of high-tech equipment, as well as wide range services provided. The Perinatal Center, famous throughout the city of Kaliningrad, provides medical and diagnostic measures using invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis, ultrasound, endoscopic surgery, physiotherapeutic techniques. The system is organized rehabilitation therapy and rehabilitation.

The departments of medical, psychological, social and legal assistance children and women. The Perinatal Center provides consultations on family and marriage issues. In addition, various diagnostic procedures are carried out. In particular, the Perinatal Center, popular throughout Kaliningrad, conducts ultrasound, clinical laboratory, X-ray, laparoscopic and other studies.

Stay at the clinic

The undoubted advantage of the Perinatal Center, according to many patients, is the accommodation conditions. For women, there are double rooms equipped with Dezar installations. They are designed to sterilize and purify air. The wards are also equipped with the necessary supplies for child care, liquid soap and a disinfectant, a cabinet for storing children's things. You can also use the bar-refrigerator and the nurse call button. The staff, as the patients themselves note, responds very responsively to every call. In service-type rooms, a microwave oven, an electric thermos and a TV are additionally provided. There is a refrigerator in the dining room.

In the corridor of each department there are coolers with hot and cold water. There are also relaxation corners where women in labor can communicate with relatives. The perinatal center in Kaliningrad provides a service for registering newborn children, after which parents are issued a birth certificate. The territory of the institution has all the amenities. Here patients have the opportunity to relax in the fresh air.

Health care

In the presence of compulsory medical insurance policy the service is free of charge. The following doctors work at the center:

  • obstetricians-gynecologists (including for children and adolescents);
  • endocrinologists;
  • urologist;
  • sexologist;
  • geneticist;
  • family psychologist.

The Kaliningrad Perinatal Center conducts all types of ultrasound in the field of gynecology using 3D and Doppler examination, examination of the thyroid and mammary glands, cytogenetic studies of the fetus and adult, tests for hormone levels, spermograms for compatibility, for the presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted. In addition, DNA diagnostics of genes is carried out to identify hereditary diseases, counseling, management of pregnant women with a risk of miscarriage and after IVF. The center operates a 24-hour hospital to provide therapy to patients suffering from diseases gynecological nature, as well as women with pathological pregnancies up to 22 weeks. Being a structural component of the State Autonomous Institution "Regional perinatal center"(Kaliningrad), the institution applies its clinical techniques.

The following activities are carried out at the medical institution:

  • preparation for pregnancy;
  • predicting healthy offspring, medical genetic consultations;
  • diagnosing congenital and hereditary diseases;
  • consultations for pregnant women and diagnosis of fetal pathologies;
  • treatment and diagnosis of childless spouses.

Invasive and non-invasive diagnostics

Research is carried out using analysis of serum marker levels and fetal ultrasound at the time of screening. Invasive examination is carried out using material to detect pathologies in the fetus, implementing the national program "Health" on the basis of the Center for Psychology and Rehabilitation, aimed at detecting hereditary metabolic diseases.

When I found out in November 2013 that I would become a mother, there was no doubt where I would be registered and give birth, of course, at the Regional Perinatal Center. I registered with a very to a good doctor, she managed my entire pregnancy and delivered babies (I had a c-section). Everything cost a pretty penny, of course, but it was worth it. On July 29, I arrived at the emergency department with my things, I was processed and taken to the department of pathology of pregnant women (as I understand, those who are about to undergo a caesarean section are there, and probably not only). Absolutely everything in the control center is under electronic keys, like in a labyrinth. Honestly, I kind of got lost there. You can take the key from the owner's sister, leaving 500 rubles as a deposit. There were different rooms there, but I was lying in a room where there were only two people: me and my neighbor. The beds are high, on wheels, the room has a sink, a wardrobe and bedside tables. The bed linen is very beautifully colored and of high quality. The pillow there is small, I took a small one with me. The canteen is there in this department. The food is good. The only unpleasant impression was left by the ANTS. They crawled on the bedside table and on the floor in the common toilet (on August 4 it was closed for washing). See for yourself.

Very beautiful and large aquarium.

And this is hanging on the nurse's desk.

I really liked the operating room. Everything is clean and green. They provide you with a disposable shirt, cap and knee-length shoe covers. You can read about everything that happened here. After the ward intensive care I was put here. As I understand it, this is a treatment room quickly converted into a ward. I didn't like it there. Despite the summer, there was cold coming from the tiles.

A couple of hours later a paid ward became available and I moved there. A paid ward is a ward for one person + Lala of course. It has a large plasma TV, a refrigerator, a changing table, and a sink. In a small corridor there is a microwave oven and a constantly hot thermos kettle. Shower and toilet for two rooms: mine and the next girl's. There is a hairdryer. When vases give a lot of flowers, you can’t put flowers in the ward because of the rain. You can come to your relatives from 12 to 19.00, wearing special robes that are given downstairs. CHILDREN ARE NOT ALLOWED THERE. ADULTS ONLY. We only found out about this on the day of discharge, when my 10-year-old son wanted to come to my room.

The maternity hospital of the regional perinatal center is one of the most popular, where the whole range of obstetric care. Here the traditions of classical obstetrics are combined with the latest perinatal technologies. The regional perinatal center provides medical services, first of all, to women with high and average degree risk, engaged in restoration reproductive health, as well as issues of rehabilitation of newborn children and women after childbirth. The center has all the necessary equipment to provide emergency assistance, and also for diagnostic procedures. The Regional Perinatal Center works closely with the Children's ophthalmological center St. Petersburg, as well as the Russian Research Center for Agricultural Sciences named after Bakulev.


Within the walls of the perinatal center, free gynecological, obstetric, intensive care and neonatological care services are provided. The perinatal center has a consultation and diagnostic department where pregnant women at any stage can register. Held necessary examination, including ultrasound, ECG, CTG, x-ray. There is a clinical laboratory at the perinatal center, and consultations with doctors of other specialties are organized. There is a physical therapy room in which each patient is psychophysically prepared for childbirth and motherhood. They provide a service for collecting blood from the umbilical cord. Childbirth takes place in separate maternity wards, where there are conditions for partner births. To relieve labor pain, epidural anesthesia is most often performed. In the first stage of labor, a woman can move freely, sit on an exercise ball, walk, and take a shower. C-section, stimulation birth process carried out according to medical indications. Immediately after birth, the baby is placed on the mother’s stomach and applied to the breast. There is a pediatric intensive care unit, where there is a special incubator for nursing children from 500 grams.


IN postpartum department There are rooms for 1-2 beds (toilet and shower in the room), as well as special “Lux” rooms for both parents to stay with the baby. Breastfeeding on demand for infants is encouraged. If impossible breastfeeding specialists carry out individual selection artificial feeding. Upon discharge, both the newborn and the postpartum mother must undergo an ultrasound.

From Guest

From Guest

Rybakova Tatyana Yurievna is the most wonderful doctor, thanks to her, the birth went perfectly, a very attentive person, God bless her

From Guest

An institution with qualified staff and modern equipment. It was difficult and long to give birth, but thanks to the golden hands of the midwife and the persistence of the doctor, I have a healthy son.



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