Why does a person cough? What does constant coughing indicate?

There is not a person on our planet who has never coughed or sneezed. Probably every person has experienced discomfort when, when talking or, for example, laughing while eating, food gets into Airways or, as it is commonly called, “in the wrong throat.” The man immediately begins to clear his throat. The situation is approximately the same with the nasal cavity - as soon as we inhale any particles of dust, we immediately begin to sneeze, and sometimes more than once! Of course, such situations cannot be called comfortable, but you should not think about their uselessness. The thing is that coughing and sneezing are very useful protective functions of our body, without which we would have a hard time. So let's figure out what's the matter, why people sneeze and cough.

Why do people cough?

Deep short breath, then accompanied by a rather sharp, jerky exhalation through the mouth - this is how our cough can be described.

This - protective function of our body: when coughing, for example, crumbs of bread that are unwanted for us may fly out of the mouth and, as people say, “got down the wrong throat.” When we are sick, we hate our cough, but in vain... It helps us here too! Only in this case, it “throws out” from our upper respiratory tract not food, but the mucus accumulating there. Do not forget that coughing- this is an indicator of the unsatisfactory condition of our bronchi or When the disease recedes, the mucus, for obvious reasons, stops forming and accumulating, which means the cough disappears. We come to the conclusion that cough is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it serious signal about poor health, and on the other hand, an assistant in recovery.

Why do people sneeze?

Sneezing is also a protective function of the body, ridding our nasal passages of mucus and various dust particles. IN general outline, this happens due to the hairs that completely cover the nasal passage, preventing dust and other unwanted nasties from entering the lungs. But what are the reasons why people sneeze?

The reasons causing this protective reflex, of course, some of them may be individual for a particular person. For example, sometimes we sneeze from dust or strong odors irritating the nose. They are the ones who begin to tickle your nose just before you sneeze: a foreign body that gets into the nose begins to irritate the nerve receptors, a signal goes to the brain, which, in turn, sends a “command” to sneeze. The whole operation takes no less than a fraction of a second! Another one sneezes - very bright light. This can be either a bright light bulb or the sun's rays.

Why do people sneeze in the sun?

Reliably answer to the question “why do people sneeze in bright light”

No one can answer yet. There are several explanations for this, one of which says that the “center of events” is the nose, directly connected to the nerves. When we look at a bright light, the impulse from irritation of the pupil is transmitted through the brain to the nerves of the nasal mucosa - sneezing occurs. According to another theory, our pupils are forced to sharply constrict in the sun, which leads to increased production of Tears, in turn, getting into the nose, irritating its mucous membrane, and again we sneeze.

Be that as it may, know that both coughing and sneezing are only good for us. Never interfere natural processes our body, trying to strenuously restrain these protective reflexes - sneeze and cough with all your heart! Be healthy!

We all sometimes experience a cough due to a cold, flu or other illnesses. But why does cough occur?

In this article we will try to understand why a cough can occur, what it is and what diseases it can be a symptom of.

What is a cough

Coughing is a reflex function of our mucous membrane and respiratory tract. At its core, it is a forced exhalation. By nature, cough is intended as a reaction to a foreign body stuck in the respiratory tract. It is thanks to coughing that a person can spit out a bone that has fallen into the “wrong throat.” However, if the cause of the irritation of the respiratory tract was an infection, the mucous membrane will react in the same way, although in this case coughing may not help.

Types of cough

Before talking about what disease a cough may be a symptom of, you should determine its type. Today, several types of cough are known in medicine:

  • Productive and unproductive. Productive cough characterized by the formation of sputum. This cough is often called wet. From a doctor's point of view, this type of cough is better than a dry cough. Dry or nonproductive cough characterized by the fact that it does not produce sputum.
  • Thanks to sputum, the disease can be detected. Also, expectoration is evidence that a person is getting rid of an infection that is inside the body (for colds and flu).
  • Paroxysmal and obsessive. A persistent cough is a type of cough that is characterized by a so-called sore throat. Usually it is difficult for a person to control the tickle and he begins to cough, which causes additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. However, paroxysmal cough is more alarm signal. It usually occurs suddenly and may indicate that there is a foreign body in the airway. Also, a paroxysmal cough may indicate the development of whooping cough.
  • With and without shortness of breath. A cough that is characterized by shortness of breath may indicate problems of cardio-vascular system, and increased activity bronchi, which indicates bronchial asthma.

Diseases characterized by cough

There are many diseases that are characterized by cough different types. As a reaction to irritation of the so-called cough receptors in the sinuses of the nose and larynx, cough may indicate sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis and other progressive diseases.

  • If the cough is dry and the attacks are accompanied by chest pain, this may be a signal of developing tracheitis. With bronchitis, the cough can also be dry, but its sound is deeper. By the way, the sound of a cough can also determine the disease. For example, laryngitis is characterized by a rough, barking cough.
  • The nature of the cough is no less important. If the cough was dry at first and then developed into wet cough without the use of any expectorants or sputum thinners, then pneumonia may be a likely diagnosis. With it, a dry cough often develops into a wet cough with sputum production. In this case, pain occurs in the lung area.
  • Finally, coughing may be a sign of aspiration foreign body, usually such a cough is characterized by a dull sound when a person coughs due to aspiration, as if he is trying to cough up crumbs that have entered the respiratory tract. Also, such a cough can be characterized by redness on the face and a gag reflex.

Thus, cough as an independent symptom can indicate many diseases, so if the cause of the cough is not clear, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You can learn about how cough can be treated, as well as the causes of cough in children, from the following articles.

WITH nicotine addiction every second adult faces. Bad habit provides detrimental influence for the whole body. If you abuse cigarettes long time, then a smoker's cough will appear. Increasingly, this diagnosis is made in the therapist’s office to people whose age does not exceed 40 years. An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat the disease and how to cope with complications.

Why smokers cough: main reasons

Smoking and coughing are interrelated factors. If for a long time abuse nicotine, then after a few years the body will cease to function as usual. Cough from cigarettes occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Goblet cells of the respiratory organs normal person are restored regularly. Due to this, the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi is cleared of dust particles and harmful components contained in the air. With each puff, it settles on the surface of the organs. great amount toxic chemicals. They slow down the recovery process, provoking regeneration.
  2. Ciliated cells are a natural barrier against bacteria, viruses and dust. They quickly die off if a person smokes 5-20 cigarettes daily. The destruction of the filtration function leads to the fact that the respiratory organs become vulnerable to diseases and other ailments.

Chronic spasm does not occur immediately. Initially, a heavy smoker complains of a morning cough that produces mucus. Sputum when smoking has a yellowish appearance, this is a natural reaction of the lungs to poisoning.

Even people who are close to them suffer from nicotine smoke. smoking man. Coughing attacks will not occur immediately, but a sore throat will appear. Therefore, measures were taken to designate special areas where one can be with a cigarette. This made it possible to reduce the level passive smoking, which also negatively affects the body.

Main symptoms

Smoker's cough is often confused with colds. The addicted person does not even suspect that the habit has had destructive effect on the respiratory system. Before choosing cough remedies, you should study the main symptoms of bronchospasm caused by smoking:

  • A smoker's morning cough is suffocating. Awakening begins with the fact that a person experiences a lack of air. To restore breathing you have to take a vertical position;
  • A smoker's sputum acquires a viscous structure and an unpleasant brown color. In particular dangerous situations There may be pus or bloody droplets. Coughing up blood requires immediate appeal to specialists;
  • shortness of breath appears at the slightest physical activity, even the act of intercourse ends with lack of air and seizures;
  • hurts after smoking rib cage– the patient complains that discomfort appears in any position of the body. Many people describe a burning sensation;
  • decreased immunity - severe cough irritates the respiratory system. At the same time, the body ceases to resist viruses and bacteria. A heavy smoker gets sick at the slightest infection;
  • Cell hypoxia is a common occurrence during smoking. A smoker's cough is a prerequisite indicating that organ cells are dying. The brain, lungs and heart are primarily affected. In this condition, the patient complains of memory loss and chest discomfort;
  • excessive fatigue is common symptom bronchitis in a smoker. A person refuses to participate in various activities; he has only one desire - to go to bed.

How and what to treat a severe cough in a child

The symptoms of quitting smoking are similar to those listed above. The body is not able to instantly cleanse itself of the poisons that have accumulated throughout the entire period of nicotine abuse.

Smoker's cough: how to get rid of bronchitis

The airways of a normal person clear themselves. Selection is not large quantity mucus in the morning is normal. During coughing, the respiratory organs are freed from dirt and harmful organisms.

How to cure a smoker's cough is a question asked by many patients in the therapist's office. Sprays and tablets will not give the desired result. Pneumonia caused by tobacco smoke, is treated for a long time. Of course, accept medications or herbs is pointless if you do not give up the bad habit.

A cough that stops smoking will not go away immediately. You will also have to use medications:

  1. Bronchodilators - their action is aimed at increasing the bronchial lumen. Cough from smoking often occurs due to the formation of edema, which appears due to the death of tissue cells of the respiratory organs. If these drugs are not prescribed, it will not be possible to eliminate this syndrome and with an increase in sputum production, the patient may suffocate. This medicine for smoker’s cough will definitely be present in the specialist’s prescription - Salbutamol.
  2. Cough expectorants for smokers are preparations based on plant extracts. Medicines are necessary to cleanse the lungs of stagnant mucus that accumulates due to cell death. After taking the first days it will stand out brown sputum when coughing. Medicines that will be present in the therapist’s prescription are ACC, Lazolvan or Mucaltin. An expectorant for smokers is prescribed taking into account the patient’s condition, age and weight.
  3. Antiallergic drugs - they are always prescribed when bronchospasm occurs. In any case, swelling forms, which needs to be relieved when you quit smoking. These medications include Eden or Erius.
  4. Antibacterial drugs - they are needed to treat smoker’s cough when they are found on the mucous membrane harmful microorganisms. If their reproduction is not prevented, pneumonia and other dangerous ailments may develop.
  5. Vitamins - treatment with medications is always carried out in combination with taking immunostimulating drugs. They promote cell restoration in organs.

The appearance of green sputum when coughing: causes, symptoms, treatment

Smokers' sputum is always dark in color. Inhalation will help remove it. The procedure is best carried out using herbal decoctions. Exists pocket inhaler for smokers, this drug helps relieve severe attacks, taking a person by surprise and causing suffocation.

How to get rid of smoker's cough using folk remedies

Cough syrup or tablets can always be purchased at pharmacies. Methods also used traditional therapy based on the use of plants, vegetables and other available products. Here are some popular home remedies for smoker's cough:

  1. Milk and dairy products. After drinking drinks, the throat softens. The smoker's mucous membrane suffers from drying out, such products prevent this unpleasant process. If a smoker has a constant cough with phlegm, then it should be added to milk. butter or honey
  2. Beekeeping products – provides positive effects. Honey melted in warm water, serves natural immunostimulant. To prevent a sore throat, you need to eat one spoon of the product.
  3. Black radish is an effective product when smokers have brown sputum. For the bronchial mucosa, this remedy is healing. Radish juice restores cells and strengthens the immune system.
  4. Gargling with herbal decoctions will help relieve persistent irritation. Cough when quitting smoking often appears due to dryness of the mucous membranes. For rinsing should be used the following herbs: thyme, chamomile, mint or sage.
  5. Onion syrup is an expectorant for smokers that is made from onions and sugar. The ingredients are mixed and placed on low heat. The syrup simmers for about 35 minutes. It is consumed 2-3 tablespoons 3-5 times a day.

The consequences of smoking an e-cigarette are the same as those of abusing regular tobacco. When vaping, even more poisons and chemicals settle on the bronchi. A harmless hobby can end in lung cancer or chronic diseases. Refusal of cigarettes when switching to electronic cigarette, you should not wait for the body to begin to cleanse itself.

Cough is main mechanism in the human body, designed to protect the mucous membrane from viruses, allergens and pathogens trying to penetrate the epithelium. Also using this unconditioned reflex the respiratory tract produces self-cleaning from particles of dust, pieces, crumbs of food and other foreign bodies that have reached the surface of the mucosa.

The natural cough reflex does not cause inconvenience to a person - it appears when it is necessary to protect the body from external influence. It’s a completely different matter if the symptom is accompanied by fever, sore throat, lacrimation, etc. unpleasant factors. The causes of cough can be different, and the success and speed of getting rid of the disease depends only on their timely identification.

Why you shouldn’t delay visiting a doctor

In order to accurately determine the factors that provoked the cough, it is advisable to contact qualified specialist, since doing this yourself is not always possible.

At an appointment with a doctor, many signs can tell you about the causes of the problem, for example, when the cough begins, what is its intensity and nature, whether sputum is released when coughing, and whether the illness is accompanied by any additional symptoms.

For example, some patients cough only during the day, after running, playing sports or other motor activity. Other patients complain that the attacks are intense, bother them around the clock and are accompanied by severe soreness in the throat. The doctor’s task is to evaluate all the information received and, based on it, make the necessary diagnosis.

You need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • the problem lasts longer than 2–3 weeks and is not relieved by conventional antitussive medications;
  • during an attack, the patient loses his breath, he feels a lack of oxygen and, as a result, panic;
  • cough is accompanied by other symptoms, such as burning and pain in the chest, whistling sounds when inhaling and exhaling, fever;
  • thick mucus mixed with pus or blood is coughed up, and also if the sputum has a changed color (it can be yellow-green, as well as dark brown and even black);
  • symptoms do not disappear after taking it antibacterial agents, after 48 hours;
  • in children, which may indicate the development of false croup.

All of the listed symptoms should alert a person and become a reason not to delay going to the clinic

The fact is that even a harmless cough reflex, without sharp increase temperature may indicate serious problems with health. For example, tuberculosis can occur against a background of fever, reaching low levels of 37–37.2 o C and not be accompanied by other symptoms, sometimes by increased sweating.

Therefore, coughing for no reason in adults should not be ignored, especially if it is prolonged and causes a lot of discomfort.

The mechanism of development of the cough reflex

If we do not take into account the natural cleansing and protective reflex, which does not cause inconvenience to a person, then it is necessary to consider the mechanism of cough development if it occurs due to any of the pathologies of the respiratory system.

Why does a person cough during an infection, what phenomena is this accompanied by and how long therapy can take:

  • Penetration of bacterial agents into the body can occur either through the nose and ciliated epithelium, or through the mucous tissue of the larynx.
  • Under the influence of viruses, fungi, allergens and bacteria, an active process of inflammation begins in the tissues of the throat, bronchi and nose. Frequent hypothermia, weakened immunity and the presence of chronic pathologies contribute to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the respiratory tract.
  • When the respiratory organs (lungs and bronchi) are healthy, the mucus produced by the tissue is a reliable protector of the body from dust particles, bacteria and allergens. Normally, the secretion of such secretion per day reaches 100 ml.
  • The movement of mucous secretion upward from the depths of the lungs occurs with the help of the ciliated epithelium lining the surface of the bronchi; it seems to push out the formed sputum in order to cleanse the respiratory organs of impurities. Then the person simply swallows this mucus without noticing it at all.
  • When a cough becomes pathological, the volume of mucus produced in the bronchi increases several times, the ciliary epithelium loses its healthy activity and cannot cope with the removal of such an amount of sputum. The situation is complicated by the fact that the secretion becomes viscous and thick, and often becomes infected.
  • Excessive amount of released thick mucus clogs the lumens of the bronchi, unable to go out, and this creates favorable conditions for connecting secondary bacterial infection. The lungs cannot cleanse themselves, so an intense cough reflex appears - a signal that the body needs help.

The process of coughing can be described as follows: a person does deep breath, while opening his mouth slightly, while the muscles of the lungs tense, growing in them internal pressure. Then the glottis opens, through which air forcefully escapes along with the accumulated mucus.

If the cough is not aggravated by an increase in temperature and the addition of a bacterial infection, then the symptoms should go away within 7–14 days after the start of adequate therapy

A prolonged cough in an adult, which makes itself felt for more than a month, indicates problems in the body that are more serious than a common cold - in this case, delaying seeing a doctor is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

Factors that provoke cough

As mentioned above, the most common causes of pathological cough are viral and bacterial infections. Often a debilitating cough in an adult is provoked by prolonged inhalation harmful substances– dust, gases and chemicals, this phenomenon is often observed among workers in hazardous industries.

More details about other causes of the problem:

  • influenza, parainfluenza and other viruses, bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci, mycoplasma, legionella, fungus of the genus Candida;
  • allergies to animal fur, pollen, the smell of plants, as well as to certain foods;
  • settling of small food particles on the surface of the mucous epithelium;
  • inhaling air whose temperature is very different from body temperature - too hot or cold;
  • excessive accumulation of mucus in the nasal passages and sinuses;
  • emotional instability, fear, stress, conflicts – ;
  • lung pathologies of various etiologies– tuberculosis, pneumonia, laryngitis, cancer, bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis, pharyngitis;
  • other diseases – rhinitis, sinusitis, ascariasis, cardiac ischemia;
  • congenital abnormal structure vocal cords, fistula connecting the esophagus and trachea, cleft larynx.

A frequent occurrence - it torments people in the morning, due to the stagnation of heavy resins and carcinogens in the lung tissues

As you can see, the causes of the disease can be hidden in many factors, sometimes not even directly related to pathologies of the respiratory system. Install true factors that caused the disease, it is not easy, and sometimes impossible, on your own, therefore the right decision in the case of a cough of unknown origin, a qualitative examination will be performed.

Types of cough

It seems to the average patient that the cough reflex is only dry or wet, and he may not be aware of other criteria for the problem. Although doctors divide the disease into many categories, based on intensity, duration and other characteristics. For example, but the severity of manifestation is divided into coughing and hysterical cough.

Types of cough in adults according to the duration of the syndrome:

  • Acute form - lasts in most cases no longer than 14 days and indicates the development infectious process in the respiratory organs.
  • Protracted – lasts from 14 days to a month.
  • Subacute – duration from 4 to 8 weeks.
  • Chronic - its causes are often excessive smoking, prolonged inhalation of toxic substances and gases, unfavorable environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence, as well as others chronic diseases, sometimes not even related to the respiratory system.
  • Residual cough– manifests itself when a respiratory disease is not fully cured; at the same time, the patient may experience wheezing and moist rales in the lungs. At residual cough there are no symptoms of fever, it can be relieved with expectorants and mucolytics.

Many doctors simplify this classification scheme when making a diagnosis chronic cough, if its duration is longer than two weeks for unspecified reasons.

The nature of the reflex can also be different. Cough is divided into productive, with sputum production, and dry, which is accompanied by chest pain. With a wet cough, pathogens of the disease are removed from the body along with expectorated sputum, pathogenic microorganisms, most often the transition of a dry cough to this form indicates that the patient is recovering.

The unproductive reflex often causes complications in the form of a sore throat, soreness behind the sternum and muscle tears, since it occurs in paroxysms, without the formation of mucous secretion and is almost always characterized by high intensity.

With a wet cough, a large amount of sputum is formed in the lungs

Depending on the color and consistency of the sputum produced during expectoration, experienced doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis, there is a secret the following types: mucous and transparent sputum, colorless to whitish, purulent sputum light green in color, serous mucus, characterized by a color from yellow to yellow-green, bloody sputum - orange or rusty brown, streaked with blood.

On the background copious discharge clear and liquid sputum, diseases of viral etiology occur, bacterial infections are manifested by the appearance of green mucus, with tuberculosis it will white, and when cancerous tumors Due to tissue decomposition, the discharge may turn dark brown or even black.

Also, the manifestations of the reflex are distinguished depending on when it bothers the patient, in the morning, evening or night. With allergies, a person suffers more often from seasonal cough, which appears in spring and summer, when grasses bloom and plants pollinate.

Diseases associated with cough

Each pathology has its own course, and what kind of cough it is, what symptoms and sensations it is accompanied by, depends precisely on the root cause that caused it. Need to consider various diseases that are accompanied by this syndrome and describe their main manifestations.

Flu and ARVI

For viral pathologies such as influenza or respiratory infection, cough makes itself felt a couple of days after infection. Usually it manifests itself in paroxysms and is not accompanied by sputum production.

A productive reflex can develop during recovery or during the addition of a bacterial infection. In this case, the patient will expectorate sputum mixed with pus or streaked with blood. test severe pain behind the sternum.


This disease in acute stage begins with the onset of seizures wet cough, the sputum is colorless and liquid, then it may become translucent or whitish. The cough itself is loud and deep, but breathing is difficult due to the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the lungs.

The chronic form of bronchitis is characterized by a muffled sound of coughing, the process worsens in morning time, as well as after sudden temperature changes. At chronic bronchitis the sputum is purulent, and treatment gives insignificant results.

Obstructive bronchitis occurs against a background of severe shortness of breath; more often this diagnosis is made in children and people predisposed to allergic reactions. Against the background of obstruction, massage cannot be performed to improve the removal of sputum; you need to wait until it is relieved. acute symptoms inflammation.


Inflammation of the tracheal mucosa is accompanied by symptoms such as itchy throat and nonproductive cough. The disease manifests itself in paroxysms, with intense manifestations dry cough, the patient has a sore throat and pain in the chest. In advanced forms of the disease, mucous sputum begins to be produced, which may be purulent in nature.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the vocal cords and barking cough. The course of the pathology is especially dangerous in young children, since laryngitis causes spasm of the larynx, and this condition quickly leads to suffocation and lack of oxygen. The mucous tissue of the larynx swells greatly, and the cough becomes hoarse and rough, similar to the barking of a dog, hence its name.

There is no sputum production in the first few days; the productive stage occurs only as the patient approaches recovery, after taking medications that help moisturize the mucous membrane, expectorate and relieve swelling.


If a patient develops a dry cough that does not go away with the use of expectorants and mucolytic drugs, the doctor may suspect pneumonia. It may not be accompanied by wheezing during listening, but final diagnosis placed after undergoing an X-ray examination.

Additional symptoms of pneumonia include the appearance of bloody sputum, pain in the area of ​​the affected lung or two at once, in case of bilateral pneumonia. A few days after the onset of the disease, the temperature rises, the patient feels weak and unwell.

A complication of pneumonia is pleurisy, which can be detected during a doctor’s examination. An inflamed lung is practically not audible with a phonendoscope, and the patient complains of sharp pain in the affected area and dry cough.

Bronchial asthma

A cough of an allergic nature is paroxysmal, manifests itself during seasons of exacerbation of the disease (after contact with allergens) or year-round. It is accompanied by suffocation and discharge meager quantity sputum, as well as lacrimation and runny nose, itching and itching in the nose, red eyes.

An attack can begin with direct close contact with an irritant; it can be stopped with the help of antihistamines and antitussives.

Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract

Bacterial or viral nature, accompanied by inflammation of the throat or sinuses - a runny nose, sinusitis (all its forms) and pharyngitis. In these diseases, there is no excess production of sputum, the cough is dry and irritating, tormenting the patient in evening time and at night, causing attacks of headache and muscle pain. Pharyngitis occurs against the background of redness of the throat and inflammation of the mucous tissue, accompanied by soreness and itching.

Measles and whooping cough

These diseases develop rapidly. Literally from the first days after infection, the patient suffers from painful paroxysmal cough. With whooping cough, the patient coughs so hard that he loses his breath, and the reflex itself can cause an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Heart failure

A type of syndrome that appears in pathologies of the cardiovascular system is called “cardiac cough.” It appears mainly at night, occurs without sputum production and occurs in paroxysms.

A cough may be caused by heart problems. chronic fatigue– a person always feels weak and physically exhausted. The symptoms of "" resemble asthmatic, but it also manifests itself in a position where the patient is standing.

At the beginning of the disease, the patient begins to have a dry, obsessive cough, but it does not have a pronounced intensity, so they may not pay attention to it for a long time. Then comes an increase in temperature to 37–37.2 o C, weakness, and sweating at night. The expectorated sputum may contain blood streaks.

The disease is characterized by specific changes in lung tissue

Lung cancer

IN initial stage disease, the cough is unproductive, then, as the disease progresses, sputum production begins. With complications, dark-colored sputum begins to be produced if the tissues disintegrate (which can be observed on last stage cancer), the mucus becomes dark brown or even black.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

With diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux and stomach ulcers, patients may cough while eating. This is due increased content acid in the gastric juice and throwing in a small amount undigested food into the esophagus. Masses of food mixed with gastric juice cause muscle spasms and, as a result, a cough occurs. Treatment of these pathologies is carried out by a gastroenterologist.

Treatment methods for persistent cough in people with signs of the listed pathologies will be very different. Yes, infection bacterial nature treated with antibiotics, viral disease– reception antiviral agents, fungal infection requires the prescription of appropriate groups of drugs.

If the cough is not aggravated by an infection, you can try to treat it at home, read more about possible ways written However, if there is no result of such therapy, you should consult a doctor.

The main methods of diagnosing and identifying the causes of the disease are radiography, sputum analysis to determine the type of pathogen, as well as laboratory research blood. For pathologies not related to the respiratory system, but causing a cough reflex, examination and treatment are carried out narrow specialists– allergist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist and other doctors, depending on what causes the symptoms of the disease.

Cough is a symptom that can be a manifestation of many diseases. Taking this into account, if you have a prolonged cough, you should never use self-medication. The doctor must determine the cause of the disease and only after that can one act directly on those factors that contribute to coughing.

Why does a person cough

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Why does a cough appear?

Cough usually appears with the following diseases:

Allergic reaction; bronchial asthma; respiratory tract infections of bacterial or viral origin such as bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, laryngitis and other diseases; lung irritation chemical; for lung irritation mechanically fine suspension in the air; heart failure; others serious illnesses hearts, in which a person can be plagued by a severe cough; tumors.

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0 0

I got sick in July.
I had severe shortness of breath.
and the cough still doesn’t go away.
Although I drank everything for cough and bronchitis.
They gave me IVs and injections and nothing helps with the cough.
I ate a lot of vitamins.
and still the cough is not cured.
I'm also losing weight.
no allergies.
and I'm not nervous at all.
and some kind of pimple does not go away from above (in the mouth)
what kind of cough? and why doesn't it go away?
I drank absolutely all the tablets and syrups.
They did everything possible for the cough.
and jars and mustard vinaigrettes.
and everything in the world for a cough.
but why doesn't the cough go away?

Added 5 years ago

I saw a pulmonologist.
and in general all doctors!
I visited all the hospitals in the capital.
he prescribed pills. .
but the pills didn’t help at all.

Added 5 years ago

I did a cardiogram and did all the systems!

Added 5 years ago

no allergies!
I have a current COUGH!

0 0

At proper treatment The cough should go away in about a week. But if the cough does not go away longer three weeks, then it's already serious reason for concern. The most common causes of chronic cough are incorrect treatment And misdiagnosis. Usually the first follows from the second, because most often patients make a diagnosis for themselves and prescribe treatment. At the same time, improper treatment of cough even with a common cold is a direct path to bronchitis.
In addition, a persistent cough - dangerous symptom, which may indicate the presence of the most various diseases. For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease, sinusitis, some atypical forms bronchial asthma, heart or respiratory problems, false croup in children, as well as stress and osteochondrosis. Home cough treatments will not cope with these diseases, and in some cases they can be harmful.
Treatment errors
The most common reason a prolonged cough is an error in the treatment of the usual...

0 0

Coughing is a reflex, just like the direct process of breathing. And its occurrence may indicate the appearance of some pathogen:

Allergic; - infectious; -viral;

Therefore, there is always a specific reason for the appearance of this reflex, both serious and not so serious. It irritates the airways, forcing the body to expend energy on clearing them of the irritant.

In general, cough is not a disease, since it is still a symptom, and it can signal more than 50 different diseases or allergic manifestations, they can only explain why a person coughs. As a rule, a dry cough can go away within a few days or progress to the stage of a wet cough with heavy sputum. However, sometimes it can bother a person for a long time. Yes, dry cough long-term It is customary to classify into:

Acute – becomes moist after 2-3 days; - protracted – lasts up to 3 months; -chronic –...

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In the second half of winter, the risk of getting ARVI (acute respiratory infections) increases viral infections) and especially the flu. It's cold outside, the number of people coughing and sneezing in transport, shops and at work is growing. Short daylight hours and vitamin deficiency lead to decreased immunity. How can you avoid getting sick without denying yourself winter outdoor activities?

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Doctors say that from active image There is definitely no need to give up life. Walking and sports on fresh air will only help maintain health and increase the body's resistance. You just need to dress properly so as not to freeze. Woolen items will help with this, as well as clothes that were originally created for extreme sports, but which are worth wearing every day. These clothes are made from fabrics and materials with special properties: heat-insulating, moisture-wicking and windproof. You don’t freeze in it outside and don’t sweat in mall, besides, it is beautiful, light,...

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Any children's cough for a parent it is a big problem and a cause for serious concern. When a child has been coughing for more than a month, nothing helps, examinations do not bring results, and the next package of pills and mixtures only intensifies the symptoms, the parents’ heads are spinning.

What is a cough

Cough is a kind of defensive reaction body. It is necessary for every person who breathes not the cleanest city air in order to cleanse the lungs of accumulated “dirt.”

When a person gets sick, in the nasopharynx, bronchi and even in upper sections the lungs produce sputum. It is necessary to neutralize bacteria and viruses. The body needs to remove this mucus, which is why coughing exists.

Types of cough

According to duration, doctors divide the following types of cough:

Spicy. This type of dry cough usually stops after a few days. Instead, it appears moist, productive, with sputum discharge. Persistent cough lasts from two...

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Unusual causes of cough in people are not always a sign of lung disease; we can cough for reasons unrelated to the lungs and this happens very often. This long and painful cough torments, even when people take expectorants and other drugs for a long time to relieve the cough, but they do not help at all.

Why might a cough not associated with pulmonary diseases, And unusual reasons coughs in people can be caused by a stomach disease, and here's why.

So, the cough problem may be concentrated in your stomach, and this process is due to the fact that the acidity is normal gastric juice has certain boundaries, and the sphincter, which prevents the contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus. It must work well so as not to leak contents closer to the esophagus oral cavity, which may result in heartburn.

In the case when excess acidity appears in the stomach and at the same time the sphincter is not tightly closed, then...

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Often, if the voice disappears, this is not a sign of anything dangerous. Why does my voice disappear? Most often this happens with a cold, when sore throat, during a sore throat. However, in any case, it is better not to risk your health, and if a person has a sore throat or lost his voice, it is better to consult a doctor.


The reasons why a person loses his voice can be very diverse, one of them is laryngitis. At timely treatment This disease is not dangerous, although quite unpleasant. In this case, the voice disappears either partially or completely and is called aphonia. At the same time, the person does not have any pain, including his throat, he feels completely healthy. This disease can develop in children and adults.

Laryngitis can be either acute or chronic. Why is it developing? acute form? The reasons lie in infectious diseases. If the voice is lost for a reason acute laryngitis, then you need to immediately contact...

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