Autism: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Which doctor treats and diagnoses? Treatment of autism, how to treat childhood autism

Autism is complicated mental illness, the symptoms of which appear at an early age. As a rule, parents manage to understand that not everything is okay with their child even in childhood up to 2.5 years. But despite this, accurate diagnosis can only be established when the child reaches the age of five. After all, it is during this period of maturation that the child develops social behavior skills. It should be noted that autism is much more common in boys.

Causes of autism.

To date, scientists have not studied all the causes that lead to childhood autism. Moreover, many reasons for this disease are already known. For example, the cause of this disease is brain damage. This may be caused by an infection. Rubella often causes damage to the brain. Problems with a child’s brain can arise even at the fetal development stage. One of the reasons for this problem is Rh conflict. Also childhood autism occurs due to the disrupted functioning of certain genes. Thus, this disease is hereditary in nature. Some experts claim that the causes of this disease lie in the influence external factors per child. For example, a dysfunctional family, lack of attention and the like.

Symptoms of autism.

The main symptom of this disease is the absence of emotions. Therefore, the disease is very easy to detect even at an early age. Sick children rarely smile. They show indifference to affection from their parents. Often the child may even avoid contact with his mother. With this disease, the child may not respond at all to various bright toys. At the same time, he can spend hours looking at his fingers. Disorders with age emotional state the child is experiencing more and more Such people avoid society. They are closed.

Sick children tend to make unusual gestures. They have a peculiar gait, a strange manner of sitting and eating food. During games, such children prefer loneliness. They don't like anything new. They are characterized by a regularly repeating set of actions. These children love to play with water. They can show emotions and enjoy themselves while bathing. Therefore, many experts recommend playing with children in the water more often.

Treatment of autism.

Due to the lack of reliable information about positive impact psychotropic drugs For children with autism, most experts prescribe medications with caution. Such drugs are usually prescribed only when agitated behavior is noticed. In case of sleep disturbance, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or antipsychotics. Treatment using medications includes agents that stimulate the functioning of brain tissue. Vitamin therapy courses often have a positive effect on the health of a child with autism. With this treatment, vitamins B, C, and PP are prescribed. Without a specialist's prescription, you can buy nootropil at a pharmacy. This drug will not harm the child. Moreover, it can be used as a preventive measure. However, if you notice unusual behavior from your child, consult a doctor. Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. Greater role in treatment of this disease play classes with qualified teachers. This disease does not affect intelligence. Therefore, the main task of the specialist is to liberate the patient.

Prevention of autism.

On this moment does not exist effective measures prevention against childhood autism. The only measure that can significantly reduce the risk of disease is a responsible approach by spouses to pregnancy planning.

Autism is a disorder psychological development child, which is characterized by numerous speech and motor disorders. All these symptoms can lead to disturbances from a social point of view. Children suffering from this disease have distinctive features that parents should identify and treat.

Autism occurs due to certain disorders of brain development, and it affects children quite often, but in order to avoid such problems, some steps can be taken preventive measures that will allow you to get rid of this disease once and for all. This disease occurs more often in boys than in girls. Autism can be hereditary, but at the moment there is no correlation with vaccinations in children.

When the first and main symptoms of this disease appear, you should consult a doctor. This is when the child does not respond by name, has problems in speech development and does not smile at other people. Very often parents have the idea that the child is and lives in his own world.

In order to prevent the onset of this disease, you need to make sure that your pediatrician carefully examines your child, and if any the slightest signs, you need to urgently consult a doctor. This measure will be the first to prevent serious illness.

If it is already too late to prevent and there is a diagnosis, then it is necessary to undergo treatment for autism. early stage, to avoid adverse consequences. Correction of the disease should begin as early as possible to avoid rapid development and progression.

If the child has specific features, then it is necessary to deal with them as early as possible, only in this case they will give maximum effect. You need to do everything possible to avoid of this disease and not move on to its later stages. In order to carry out prevention, it is necessary to have sessions with a speech therapist and other doctors who are directly related to the development of this disease. Even if no signs of autism are found, get tested regularly, as they may be discovered later, and this is not very beneficial for you.

Very often, sick children need behavior control, and at later stages there is a need to undergo drug therapy, since it is this that has a beneficial effect on the body and helps prevent the development of the disease.

The main signs of autism are an increase in pain in children, since they very often may not feel pain, which is why they are subjected to self-torture. It is very important to monitor your child’s speech development and motor skills, since these are the indicators that characterize the presence of a particular disease that requires immediate treatment and diagnosis.


The Autism Research Institute recently published data from recent studies that leave no doubt about the nature of the occurrence of autism - autism is mercury poisoning that occurred in very early childhood. After this publication, the United States began to ban the use of vaccines with thimerosal for children under 3 years of age at the level of individual States. Currently, several states have completely abandoned such vaccines; where this happened, the level of autism dropped sharply from 1 case per 160 children to 1 case per 1300 children! Those. new autistic people are no longer born there. Finally, the UK also banned the use of such vaccines, where the level of autism has already approached a critical level: 1 autistic person in 80 children.

Now many autistic people fully recover after undergoing chelation therapy - cleansing the body of heavy metals, a procedure that is expensive, rather difficult and quite lengthy (takes up to 2 years). In fact, autism did not exist at all before the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccines. Thus, the best prevention of autism would be to maximally prevent the entry of mercury into the child’s body until at least 3 years of age.

At the moment, developing countries and CIS countries are in a special risk zone - the displacement of vaccinations with thimerosal from the market of developed countries automatically led to their appearance on the markets developing countries. Now I receive letters from Russian mothers who have started checking the composition of vaccines: there are simply no other vaccines there anymore! In order for a child to receive a critical dose of mercury, only 3 vaccines with the preservative thimerosal are enough; mercury is a fat-soluble element and therefore has a cumulative effect.

Now in the United States the press is filled with articles about the dangers of modern vaccinations, a few more years and hide the terrible truth will no longer succeed - modern vaccines do not pass the necessary safety tests, and the preservative temirosal appeared on the market 60 years ago practically without them at all. The necessary checks are now entrusted to the manufacturer itself, which automatically means that they are not carried out as they should due to the financial interest of the company not to lose its money. This most ambitious crime against our children will certainly end in the ruin of many of these companies due to the fact that they will soon simply be overwhelmed with lawsuits.

Today, there are 3 main ways a child can receive a large dose of mercury:
- vaccination with vaccines containing the mercury preservative thimerosal;
- eating seafood during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- amalgam fillings for the mother during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Prevent your child from being poisoned by mercury, and your baby is 100% insured against autism. If your child has already received a dose of mercury from the sources listed above, you will have to follow all other recommendations. Completing at least some of them will greatly improve your child’s condition.

It won't be long before you hear from doctors and official sources about what leads children to the point where a completely normally developing baby suddenly experiences a regression in development and develops symptoms of RDA. After all, in this case we will have to admit that in modern world There are so many things that are done “wrong” that our medicine does not help us get rid of diseases, but, on the contrary, creates more and more problems for us over time.

Prevention of autism is completely obvious - autism is a condition into which a child has been driven, completely undermining him immune system. Our immune system is like a vessel; it can withstand a certain amount of external stress, but when its reserves are exhausted, then such a breakdown occurs. It is impossible to predict how it will end; everything is very individual and here, most likely, the so-called genetic predisposition. Unload the child’s immune system in advance, do not let it go through this breakdown - this will be the best for him. reliable prevention autism.

The following precautions will greatly help both your child and you. I didn’t make them up, DAN materials were used as a source of information! conferences and recommendations of our DAN! the doctors. And this is not only the prevention of autism, but also the prevention of all other diseases that arise due to problems with the immune system: Asperger's syndrome, lupus, diabetes, various kinds depression and panic disorders, cancer. Now let’s talk about who needs autism prevention first of all.

According to statistics, very often parents of autistic people or their relatives have problems such as various types of depression (vegetative-vascular disorders, manic-depressive syndrome, paranoia, systematic binge drinking, drug addiction, all this relates to depressive disorders or what they lead to). Children with such parents or relatives are primarily at risk.

A child will be predisposed to autism if at least one of the parents in the family fits the category of what is commonly called “autistic character” (computer geniuses often fall into this category). These people are not autistic, but they do not really like society, they usually do not have many friends, they would rather sit and tinker with hardware than chat with friends. Such statistics also already exist.

Another category of people who need to take a very close look at their kids are people who are a little out of touch with reality, immersed in the search for the meaning of life, and keen on studying philosophical and religious concepts. The logic here is simple - such parents are more sensitive to their surroundings, the child of such parents needs much less so that his body cannot withstand the load of today's cruel world and he does not join the ranks of autists.

But even if the child has no genetic predisposition, but with early childhood If you see at least some of the symptoms listed below, then your child needs to be treated with increased attention. But even minimal manifestations, such as very poor appetite, very great indiscriminateness in food or excessive selectivity, severe fearfulness for no reason or, conversely, a complete lack of fear. Hyperactivity or lethargy, which is atypical for children, can all be the first signs of trouble. This suggests that the child already has problems; if they exceed the norm acceptable to him, he will become autistic. Where is this border? No one knows this, everyone has their own. In such a child, the problem may not reach the level where it is already called autism, but the child will subsequently have problems in contacts with peers, in understanding others, in concentrating, and in remembering educational material etc. All of these milder problems have the same roots in autism.

Don’t listen to those who say that “it’s okay, it will outgrow, mine has outgrown.” In the past, such children often outgrew their problems, but not now. The situation has changed a lot even in the last 3-5 years. I increasingly hear stories from parents about how their older child, having very similar problems in childhood, was able to outgrow them, but the younger one has already become autistic.

So, what you should pay attention to:
Vaccination. Modern vaccines are overloaded with heavy metal compounds that are used as preservatives, the child’s body may not be able to remove them. No one can say which child will successfully remove these compounds from the body, and which will develop mercury poisoning. The symptoms of mercury poisoning are the same as the symptoms of autism. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate children as late as possible. This is especially true for the MMR vaccine (it has 3 components at once and the amount of preservatives in it is unusually large). Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines are currently the most dangerous on the North American vaccine market; they do not yet exist in a preservative-free form. There are other problems associated with vaccines that can lead to autoimmune problems. Now I would not vaccinate a child until at least 3 years old. If you still decide to vaccinate, do not do 2 vaccinations together, never vaccinate a child who has just been ill or who is unhealthy. Don’t do unnecessary vaccinations - think about whether you need to get vaccinated against chickenpox or whether it’s better to get over it. In general, decide for yourself, just know that vaccination is big risk. The child may not become autistic, but may develop another neurological disorder. The statistics for such disorders in the United States look quite ominous: neurological disorders every 6th child is susceptible! You can read more about vaccinations in the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(tm) Children’s Vaccinations

Amalgam fillings; the presence of such fillings in the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a risk factor for the development of autism in the child, according to latest research. The more such fillings a mother has, the greater the risk. Amalgam fillings are made up of 50% mercury and they constantly release this mercury. If you have such fillings, after carrying out the necessary tests you can see the presence of mercury in the blood, this means that your unborn child gets it all the time. Sensitivity is not born child in toxins is up to 10 times higher than the sensitivity of an already born baby to them.

GMO foods. If a child is artificially born, he must eat a formula that does not contain GMO components, they are the ones that greatly undermine the baby’s immunity from early childhood. If the child eats mother's milk, mom's diet should not contain GMO products. I am sure that my baby’s immunity was undermined precisely because he ate Infalak formula, which contains GMO components, until he was a year old. Why did the pediatrician recommend this mixture to us? Lists of infant formulas that do not contain GMO ingredients are available on the Green Peace website. There is also information that Europe, China, Japan, and Malaysia have already introduced laws on mandatory labeling of products containing GMOs. Russia and the States are in a worse situation now, where there are no such laws yet. Feeding a baby foods containing GMO ingredients is very critical for the immune system.

Food intolerances. The diet of a child under 3 years old should not include at least whole cow's milk - it is not digestible even by adults, and it is even better not to give any products made from cow's milk. The same applies to baby formulas; it is better that they are made in goat milk, it contains much more easily digestible casein. You should not give a child under 3 years of age grains and especially wheat (it is now ALL GMO in North America! Russia buys a lot of wheat from Canada). To avoid the development of gluten intolerance, you should not give your child anything other than gluten products before this age. brown rice. This intolerance is most common reason depression and learning problems in adults and children [Source: The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children].

Research shows that heavy metals When entering the body, they affect the enzymatic system and, first of all, these are enzymes that break down the proteins gluten and casein. Undigested peptides enter the child’s blood, poisoning him like opiates. They are also a powerful source of toxins, overloading the child’s already compromised immune system. As a result of creating the wrong nutrient medium in the intestine with such undigested food debris, pathogenic microflora develops in the intestine, which affects the intestinal walls, which leads to the entry of undigested food debris and toxins released by pathogenic microflora directly into the blood, bypassing all protective barriers body. Therefore, the ideal prevention of autism would be the advice given in many books - not to give grains to a child under 3 years of age. Moreover, the mother’s addiction to baking and dairy products during pregnancy puts the child at risk of developing such intolerance.

It is better to use organic vegetables and fruits (not GMO, not poisoned by chemicals), for Russia the best option, probably private traders. They won’t pour so many chemicals into their garden (on a large farm, fruits are sprayed up to 70 times per season with various chemicals). It is better to minimize the consumption of foods that contribute to the growth of yeast infections in the intestines - grapes, vinegar, alcohol (I say this more for nursing mothers). It is yeast infections that often lead to multiple food allergies. A special place is occupied by food products containing chemical components - all kinds of Coca-Cola, chips, hamburgers, all of this costs money, spoils your and your child’s health and does not contain anything useful for the body.

Also avoid seafood, which now contains very high levels of highly toxic organic mercury.

Naturopathy (food supplements). In theory, a baby usually gets everything he needs either from mom's milk or formula. It follows that it is very important to feed the mother correctly and choose the right formula - this is the main thing. Mom should receive mandatory enough vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats and essential amino acids. Protein production is especially critical - from there the growing body receives building proteins; calcium and polyunsaturated fats - building material for the brain (an ideal quality resource fish fat from small sea ​​fish, which has been detoxified, I use Cod Liver Oil) Mom should eat organic foods and they should not be GMO. Everything that mom doesn't get from food, she should get from food additives. During pregnancy and for a child under one year old, this is very critical.

After the child switches to autonomous nutrition, he must get everything from food or from food supplements, if his diet is not varied and does not cover the required standards for all the necessary components. If the child receives less necessary substances, his immune system will not be in normal condition. If the child allergic reaction for some kind of additive, which means he does not assimilate what lies at its basis! So check for food allergies, make sure that your supplements are not made from foods that the child is intolerant to. There is no allergy to vitamin C, but there is often an allergy to citrus fruits from which this vitamin could be made. More important question in naturopathy – choosing a brand. Supplements are different, they must be made from high-quality organic natural raw materials, from non-GMO products and nothing unnecessary should be added to them. There is also such a problem in our world - they write one thing on the label, but inside it is completely different.

Use of household chemicals. Modern household chemicals contain terrible components, and for adults they cause many problems, but children cannot remove toxins, so these problems are many times more serious for them. Switch to safe detergents and cleaning products before your baby is born. If you have difficulties with the financial side of the issue, prepare them yourself. You can go the DIY route detergents.

Cosmetical tools. Even your cosmetics often contain very dangerous components; do not use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For the baby himself, use only safe products. You may not even suspect what terrible chemicals baby oil, baby cream, shampoo, bath foam, etc. contain. toothpaste etc. Use only proven brands! Not much money is needed for a baby and it lasts a very long time, so you shouldn’t skimp on it.

Air. Once you remove (remove, don't just stop using!) all toxic chemicals from your home, your air quality will improve dramatically. For some reason, people often talk about air pollution outside the home, despite the fact that it has long been known that due to the use of toxic products in everyday life, the level of pollution inside the premises is several times or even tens of times higher than the level of pollution outside, regardless of whether where is your house located. In winter, try to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air, and use filters if possible. Remove all containers containing non-flowing water from your home or change it more often - it is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Water. Water today is one of the sources of heavy metals. The body is usually able to remove them, but this puts an extra burden on an already overloaded immune system. The child should not drink water from the tap; use store-bought water for cooking and drinking. spring water or filter tap water, but then it must be a high-quality filter

Dishes. Plastic bottles, cups and plates are now very often used for feeding children. Do not microwave using plastic utensils. When heated, this plastic ends up in the child's food. Do not cook on the stove using Teflon cookware, Teflon contains very hazardous substances. Use only steel and glass utensils to prepare food for your child. Plastic packaging is also not the best solution for storing food.

Use of medications. Even Talenol is not harmless, remember this. He plants kidneys for the child from early childhood. Try to get by natural means. In North America, these are products of naturopathic companies; in Russia, look for medicines produced in Germany and other European countries, which are made on the basis natural ingredients. If you still have to give your child antibiotics, use them with nystatin and probiotics. Otherwise, you risk destroying your baby’s microflora from early childhood with all the ensuing consequences (yeast infections -> leaky gut syndrome -> multiple allergies -> autism symptoms). The same effect can be achieved by giving a nursing mother antibiotics.

By applying at least some of these recommendations, you will already push potential illness away from yourself and your child. As you gradually move along this path and improve the situation around you, you will notice many pleasant moments: your illnesses will simply begin to disappear by themselves. Six months passed before I decided to endure the dangerous toxic household chemicals from home. Now that the body has already been cleansed, I can immediately feel by the change in my well-being whether toxic chemicals are used where I end up or not. And before it was strange transient allergies, headaches, higher fatigue, I had no idea about the origin of these problems. After this, the child completely stopped getting sick, even when he was in kindergarten and the children around him were sick with the flu.

And one last thing. Surely the first thing you thought after reading these recommendations was: “this is impossible to do” or “where can I get the money for all this?” Moreover, the first replica will replace the second even if you suddenly have a lot of money automatically, believe me. Although most of them do not require additional material costs at all or require almost none. But no one says that you have to do everything at once. By clearing your home of unhealthy things step by step, you will create an oasis where your body can find rest. When you begin to feel an improvement in your well-being and see from the behavior of your children that their lives have become easier, you will have an incentive to continue working in this direction.

Autism is a rather severe mental disorder. Autism is also understood as extreme form self-isolation. A person who has been given such a diagnosis tries to avoid contact with the surrounding reality, and he expresses his emotions very poorly. When various life situations arise, he may react inadequately. Despite the fact that people with autism are united general signs, this disease can affect a particular person to varying degrees. For example, some people can lead relatively independent lives, while others must be supervised by specialists and relatives throughout their lives.

Autism is a severe mental disorder

Forms of autism

Asperger's syndrome. One form of autism is Asperger's syndrome. This syndrome is a hidden dysfunction, and therefore it cannot be determined at first glance whether a person has developmental disorders. Most people easily perceive facial expressions, gestures and distinguish intonations in the voice, but a person with Asperger's syndrome cannot interpret such signs. With classic autism of this syndrome there are many general characteristics, but an important difference is that there are no delays in speech development in Asperger syndrome. Also, unlike autism, people with this syndrome are much better able to learn. If you carry out the right support and activities, then a person can live a full, independent life.

People with Asperger's syndrome have difficulties in the following three areas: imagination, interaction with others and communication. As for imagination, such people have difficulty understanding and imagining other people’s points of view, interpreting thoughts, feelings and actions, creative activity is strictly limited and has a certain sequence and repetition.

With difficulties in interaction, people with Asperger's syndrome find it very difficult to create new acquaintances and maintain long-term relationships. friendly relations, since they are quite closed and give the impression of an indifferent person; may violate some social norms that other people do without thinking, for example, standing close to to a stranger or start an inappropriate conversation.

Another difficulty faced by those diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome is the inability to express themselves socially and emotionally, there is no understanding of tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions; do not accept jokes, sarcasm, anecdotes; They have difficulty deciding when to start and end a conversation.

As for the cause of this syndrome in humans, there is no accurate information on this occasion. Research shows that it is most likely a combination various factors- environmental and genetic, which can cause disturbances in the functioning of the brain.

Atypical autism. If a child exhibits general signs of developmental delay, then doctors talk about atypical autism. His distinctive feature from early childhood autism is what is most obvious symptoms begin to appear only after three years. A child with this diagnosis may exhibit all the signs of autism that are characteristic of early childhood childhood, or not all symptoms of this disease are present. This, first of all, applies to children who have severe mental retardation and impairments in the understanding and development of speech. In this case, we can talk about intellectual underdevelopment with features of autism.

There are suggestions that autism is a combination of both genetic factors, and factors environment

Signs of the disease

Autism in children. A child diagnosed with autism behaves as if he lacks the necessary sensory functions, and therefore he does not see or hear anyone. When conducting thorough examination and inspection, the safety of all these modalities is determined. It is very difficult to attract the attention of such a child; he will not maintain eye contact and turn around if you address him.

Any tight emotional connection absent in children with autism and their parents. Signs may appear in the first months of a child’s life, when he does not cling to his mother while in her arms. As he gets older, he will resist in every possible way physical contact, trying to slip out of the embrace.

One of the main signs of autism in a child is poor speech development. He can only repeat some remarks and words he has heard from those around him. Only unambiguous and simple instructions will be clear and accessible, for example, “eat”, “sit down”, “give”, etc. Delayed speech development becomes obvious after the first year of such a child’s life. It is the lack of speech or the inability to understand it that is one of the frequent complaints of parents when visiting a doctor.

Unlike normal children, children diagnosed with autism cannot play with toys. Even if some toy interests such a child, he will play with it in a very unique way. But basically they don’t even show much interest in them, which becomes very evident in the second year of life.

Children with autism cannot care for themselves. Difficulty arises when trying to dress yourself or go to the toilet. Such skills are either completely absent, or their development is greatly delayed. Such a child may also not recognize the dangers that arise when crossing a street with traffic or playing with electrical appliances.

Quite often, a child with autism is prone to outbursts of aggression and rage. He can direct this aggression towards himself, for example, hitting himself on the head, biting, scratching, or direct it towards people around him - peers and parents. Families who have a child with this disease often complain that it is difficult for them to cope with him and with any obstacle or prohibition he becomes very aggressive.

Autism in adolescence. The behavior that is typical for children at an early age will gradually change. The child will acquire more skills, but will still lack understanding of others and the ability to communicate with peers. Enough difficult period Puberty can be a challenge for a teenager with autism. It is these teenagers who have a high risk of depression, fears and epilepsy.

An autistic child tries to avoid contact with the surrounding reality

Autism in an adult. Many adults diagnosed with autism can work and live independently. To a large extent, this will depend on how he knows how to communicate and on his mental abilities. If a person has a severe delay in speech development and has low mental capacity, in this case he will constantly require a lot of attention. If, upon becoming an adult, a person with such a diagnosis acquires a large number of skills necessary for life, then he will be able to live independently, but problems may arise when communicating with other people. The intelligence of such people is often above average.

Causes of autism development and diagnosis

Doctors still cannot name exact reason which causes the child to develop autism. After numerous studies, there are suggestions that this disease is a combination of both genetic and environmental factors, which subsequently negatively affect the functioning of the brain. Parental behavior, upbringing or social environment cannot cause autism in a person.

There is no one specific test to make a definitive diagnosis of autism. Some symptoms of this disease are also observed when normal development baby, so correct diagnosis may be delivered late. But still, the main symptom is a disturbed perception of reality. Diagnosis of certain behavioral characteristics of autism should be accompanied by a very careful study of the child’s developmental history and analysis of anamnesis data. The doctor must interview parents and other people who have daily contact with the child. Observations should be carried out in different life situations child. The team of experts who will conduct testing and observation of the child should include: a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, speech therapist and pediatrician.

International classifiers mental disorders and diseases (ICD-10 and DSM 4) form the basis for the diagnosis of autism. Standardized surveys for parents of an autistic child are also very effective in diagnosing autism. To diagnose early autism, there are special methods, questionnaires and scales.

In parallel with the use of questionnaires, it is recommended to check the state of the brain and find out how it functions. For this purpose, hardware diagnostic methods are used, such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which is used to examine the internal organs and tissues of a person; Ultrasound ( ultrasonography), which carries out diagnostics abdominal cavity, blood vessels and other internal organs; EEG (electroencephalography), this method examines the bioelectrical activity of the brain and the state of all its functional systems; REG (rheoencephalography) - checks the condition of the brain vessels and identifies disorders cerebral blood flow. Diagnosing autism in a child under two years old is quite problematic. This is primarily due to the fact that some symptoms are very mild and doctors cannot consider developmental disorders at a very early age.

Psychological support is very important both for children with this disease and for their parents


The main methods of therapeutic correction of autism include: specially developed behavior change programs; physical therapy; multilateral development emotional sphere; combating fears, aggression and depression. Sand therapy, fairy tale therapy and art therapy have also confirmed their effectiveness. In parallel with behavior correction, they also use drug therapy. Of course, there is no cure for autism, but medications can help overcome some problems, such as aggressiveness, intrusiveness, hyperactivity, and sudden mood swings. For example, if there is insufficient social interaction good effect gives the use of fenfluramine tablets and the antipsychotic haloperidol, and to eliminate hyperactivity the doctor may prescribe the drug inaltrexone. Each drug must be taken for a strictly limited time and selected individually for each patient.

In addition to these methods, a specially designed diet is also used. A child with autism often experiences disorders accompanied by intestinal damage and regular pain. Therefore, it is very important to formulate an individual diet together with a nutritionist.

It is very important to provide psychological support and assistance to parents of children with autism. Parents must undergo special training to help change their child's behavior. Consulting with specialists can help overcome the emotional shock that may occur after a child is diagnosed with autism.

Individual methods therapy for autism for young children. If, after examinations and consultations, the child is finally diagnosed with autism, then it is necessary to begin therapy according to an individually developed program as soon as possible. It is early intervention that will most effectively correct the behavior of a child with autism. Parents also need to be provided with information and psychological support.

Working with your child at home also plays a big role. By playing with him, parents stimulate the development of attention, develop communication and social skills. It is also necessary not to forget about such aspects as teaching hygiene, sleep, nutrition, which play a very important role at this age. This disease is very serious, and therefore the sooner you start working with the child and carry out the necessary therapy, the consequences of autism will not be so severe.

Therapy for children with autism at school age. At this age, a program for a child should be developed, taking into account age characteristics. That is why they must be very diverse and take into account the characteristics of each child individually. It is necessary to encourage him to participate in various activities, adapt existing teaching materials, use video and information technology. Many experts advocate that a child with autism should study with his peers in a regular school.

Dolphin therapy will help an autistic child cope with his fears

Therapy for adults diagnosed with autism. The program that will be developed for an adult with autism should include several main points: the opportunity to study in various centers, the opportunity to work part-time or full-time. It is necessary to constantly provide training for such a person and provide him with support so that he does not experience discomfort while being in society.

Such people will need help as they approach old age, and therefore should also be developed special program, which will take into account the characteristics of this age. Throughout their lives, people with this diagnosis should develop with the help of special therapy which will help you properly develop your personality, acquire the necessary skills, participate in society and do right choice.

Prevention of autism

There are no strictly defined rules for the prevention of autism, but there are some recommendations from experts, using which parents can avoid the development of this disease in their child. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need to be very strict about their diet and try to avoid foods that contain GMOs. This also applies to artificial milk formulas.

Some children's bodies cannot process gluten, as it can cause depressive states. And products with such a component are contraindicated for a child with autism.

It is also worth paying close attention to the vaccinations given to your child, since modern vaccinations contain heavy metal compounds as a preservative. Children's body sometimes the vaccine fails and mercury poisoning can occur. Signs of poisoning are similar to the main manifestations of autism in a child.

Traditional methods of treating the disease

Autism is a disease that cannot be completely cured either traditionally or traditional medicine, but such people can help a child cope with his fears and learn to enjoy the world folk remedies, such as hippotherapy (horse riding), dolphin therapy (swimming in a pool with dolphins) and unique art therapy. One or another method is chosen after consultation with specialists, and each of them is a good help for effective treatment autism.

Advice for parents. Families with a person diagnosed with autism face big amount a variety of treatment methods. But for everyone individual person a single method is selected that will be most useful, taking into account the presence of certain signs of the disease. Some treatment methods have already been used many times and have proven their effectiveness, while others, on the contrary, have been used in isolated cases. To evaluate and choose correct therapy, it is necessary to consult with several specialists to find out their opinion on a particular method. The correct option There will be an appeal to centers specializing in working with people diagnosed with autism. It is also worth reading information on Internet resources and scientific journals.


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April 2 is celebrated annually as World Autism Awareness Day. So let's spread the truth and not lies on this topic!

Prevention of autism is quite obvious - autism is a condition into which a child has been driven by completely undermining his immune system.

Our immune system is like a vessel; it can withstand a certain amount of external stress, but when its reserves are exhausted, then such a breakdown occurs. It is impossible to predict how it will end, everything is very individual and here, most likely, the so-called genetic predisposition plays a decisive role. Unload the child’s immune system in advance, do not let it go through this breakdown - this will be the most reliable prevention of autism for him.

The following precautions will greatly help both your child and you.

I didn’t make them up, DAN materials were used as a source of information! conferences and recommendations of our DAN! Doctor (Research Center at the Autism Research Institute. This institute has been working on the problem of autism for more than 40 years. Every year, conferences are held there among scientists and doctors from all over the world to discuss the latest research in this area. At one of them, the protocol “Stop #autism now!” was signed! ” – “Defeat #Autism Now!”, abbreviated as DAN!). And this is not only the prevention of autism, but also the prevention of all other diseases that arise due to problems with the immune system: Asperger's syndrome, lupus, diabetes, various types of depression and panic disorders, cancer.

Now about who needs autism prevention first of all

  1. According to statistics, very often parents of autistic people or their relatives have various types of problems depression(vegetative-vascular disorders, manic-depressive syndrome, paranoia, systematic binge drinking, drug addiction, all this refers to depressive disorders or what they lead to). Children with such parents or relatives are primarily at risk.
  2. A child will be predisposed to autism if at least one parent in the family fits the category of what is commonly called “autistic personality” (often this includes “computer geniuses”). These people are not autistic, but they do not really like society, usually do not have too many friends, and they would rather sit and tinker with hardware than chat with friends. Such statistics also already exist.
  3. Another category of people who need to take a very close look at their kids are people who are a little out of touch with reality, immersed in the search for the meaning of life, and keen on studying philosophical and religious concepts. The logic here is simple - such parents are more sensitive to their surroundings, a child needs much less of such parents so that his body cannot withstand the stress of today’s cruel world and he does not join the ranks of autists.
  4. However, if even a child does not have a genetic predisposition, but from early childhood you see at least some of the symptoms listed below, then your child needs to be treated with increased attention.

Even minimal manifestations, such as: very poor appetite, very great indiscriminateness or excessive selectivity in food, severe fearfulness for no reason, or, conversely, complete absence fear. Hyperactivity or lethargy, which is atypical for children, can all be the first signs of trouble.

This suggests that the child already has problems; if they exceed the norm acceptable to him, he will become autistic. Where is this border? No one knows this, everyone has their own.

In such a child, the problem may not reach the level where it is already called autism, but the child will subsequently have problems in contacts with peers, understanding others, concentrating, remembering educational material, etc.

All of these milder problems have the same roots in autism.

Don’t listen to those who say that “it’s okay, it will outgrow, but mine has outgrown.”

In the past, such children often outgrew their problems, but not now. The situation has changed a lot even in the last 3-5 years. I increasingly hear stories from parents about how their older child, having very similar problems in childhood, was able to outgrow them, but the younger one has already become autistic.

So what should you pay attention to?


Modern vaccines are overloaded with heavy metal compounds that are used as preservatives; the child’s body may not be able to remove them. No one can say which child will successfully remove these compounds from the body and which will develop mercury poisoning. The symptoms of mercury poisoning are identical to the symptoms of autism.

Therefore, it is better to vaccinate children as late as possible. This is especially true for the MMR vaccine (it has 3 components at once and the amount of preservatives in it is unusually large). /the site generally recommends against vaccinations, citing scientific studies of the connection between autism and vaccines/.

The most dangerous vaccines on the North American vaccine market are hepatitis B and influenza vaccines; they do not yet exist in a preservative-free form.

There are other problems associated with vaccines that can lead to autoimmune problems.

I would not vaccinate my child now, at least until he is 3 years old.

If you nevertheless decide to vaccinate, do not do 2 vaccinations together, never vaccinate a child who has just been ill or who is unhealthy. Don’t do unnecessary vaccinations - think about whether you need to get vaccinated against chickenpox, or whether it’s better to get over it.

In general, decide for yourself, just know that #vaccination is a big risk.

The child may not become autistic, but may develop another neurological disorder. The statistics of such disorders in the United States looks quite ominous: every 6th child is susceptible to neurological disorders!

Amalgam fillings

The presence of such fillings in the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding, according to recent studies, is a risk factor for the development of autism in the child. The more such fillings a mother has, the greater the risk.

Amalgam fillings are made up of 50% mercury and they constantly release this mercury.

If you have such fillings, then after conducting the necessary tests, you can see the presence of mercury in the blood, which means that your unborn child is constantly receiving it.

The sensitivity of an unborn child to toxins is up to 10 times greater than the sensitivity of an already born baby.

GMO foods

If a child is artificially born, he must eat a formula that does not contain GMO components, they are the ones that greatly undermine the baby’s immunity from early childhood.

If the baby eats mother's milk, the mother's diet should not contain GMO products.

I am sure that my baby’s immunity was undermined precisely because he ate Infalak formula, which contains GMO components, until he was a year old. Moreover, this mixture was recommended to us by our pediatrician!

Lists of non-GMO infant formulas are available on the Green Peace website .
There is also information that Europe, China, Japan, and Malaysia have already introduced laws on mandatory labeling of products containing GMOs. The worst situation is now in Russia and the States, where there are no such laws yet. Feeding an infant foods containing GMO ingredients is very damaging to the immune system.

Food intolerances

The diet of a child under 3 years old should not include at least whole cow's milk - it is not digestible even by adults, and it is even better not to give any products made from cow's milk. The same applies to infant formula, it is better if they are made with goat milk, it contains much more easily digestible casein.

You should not give a child under 3 years of age grains, especially wheat (it is now ALL GMO in North America! Russia buys a lot of wheat from Canada).

To avoid developing gluten intolerance, you should not give your child anything other than brown rice products before this age. /It is also useful to feed flaxseed porridge, green buckwheat - approx. website/

This intolerance is the most common cause of depression and learning problems in adults and children. [Source: The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children] Research shows that heavy metals, when entering the body, affect the enzymatic system and, first of all, these are enzymes that break down the proteins gluten and casein. Undigested peptides enter the child’s blood, poisoning him, like opiates. They are also a powerful source of toxins, overloading the child’s already compromised immune system.

As a result of the creation of an improper nutrient environment in the intestine by such undigested food debris, pathogenic microflora develops in the intestine, which affects the intestinal walls, which leads to the entry of undigested food debris and toxins released by pathogenic microflora directly into the blood, bypassing all protective barriers of the body.

Therefore, the ideal prevention of autism can be the advice given in many books, including in the book of our DAN! Doctors - do not give grains to a child under 3 years of age.

Moreover, the mother’s addiction to baking and dairy products during pregnancy puts the child at risk of developing such intolerance.

It is better to use organic vegetables and fruits (not #GMO, not poisoned by chemicals), for Russia the best option is probably private owners. They won’t pour so many chemicals into their garden (on a large farm, fruits are sprayed up to 70 times per season with various chemicals).

It is better to minimize the consumption of foods that contribute to the growth of yeast infections in the intestines - grapes, vinegar, alcohol (I say this more for nursing mothers). Yeast infections often lead to multiple food allergies.
A special place is occupied by food products containing chemical components - all sorts of Coca-Cola, chips, hamburgers - all this costs money, spoils your and your child's #health and does not contain anything useful for the body.

Also avoid seafood, which now contains very high levels of highly toxic organic mercury.

Naturopathy (nutritional supplements)

In theory, a baby usually gets everything he needs, either through mom's milk or formula.

It follows that it is very important to feed the mother correctly and choose the right formula - this is the main thing.

Mom must receive enough vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats and essential amino acids. It is especially critical to obtain protein, calcium and polyunsaturated fats - from there the growing body receives building material for the brain (the ideal resource is high-quality fish oil from small sea fish, which has been purified from toxins; I use Cod Liver Oil).

Mom should eat organic food and it shouldn't be #GMO. Everything that mom does not get from food, she should get from nutritional supplements. During pregnancy, and for a child under one year old, this is very critical.

After the child switches to autonomous nutrition, he must get everything from food or from food supplements, if his diet is not varied and does not cover the required standards for all the necessary components.

If a child does not receive enough of the necessary substances, his immune system will not be in a normal state. If a child has an allergic reaction to some additive, it means that he does not absorb what lies at its basis! So check for food allergies, make sure that your supplements are not made from foods that the child is intolerant to. There is no such thing as an allergy to vitamin C, but there is often an allergy to citrus fruits from which this vitamin could be made.

Another important issue in naturopathy is the choice of brand. Supplements are different, they must be made from high-quality organic natural raw materials, from non-GMO products, and nothing unnecessary should be added to them.

There is also such a problem in our world - they write one thing on the label, but inside it is completely different.

You can read more on this topic here: Naturopathy in North America.
There you will find List of quality brands that you can trust.

Use of household chemicals

Modern household chemicals contain terrible components, and even for adults they cause many problems, but children cannot remove toxins, so these problems are many times more serious for them.

Switch to safe detergents and cleaning products before your baby is born.
If you have difficulties with the financial side of the issue, prepare them yourself.
You can go the route of making your own detergents. On sites like this in the section Nontoxic Cleaning Lots of recipes for making your own environmentally friendly cleaning products. It even describes how to ensure the safety of your own detergent.

Cosmetical tools

Even your cosmetics often contain very dangerous components; do not use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For the baby himself, use only safe products.

You may not even realize what terrible chemicals baby oil, baby cream, shampoo, bubble bath, toothpaste, etc. contain.

Use only proven brands! Not much money is needed for a baby and it lasts a very long time, so you shouldn’t skimp on it.


Once you remove (remove, don't just stop using!) all toxic chemicals from your home, your air quality will improve dramatically.

For some reason, people often talk about air pollution outside the home, despite the fact that it has long been known that due to the use of toxic products in everyday life, the level of indoor pollution is several times, or even tens of times, higher than the level of pollution outside. depending on where your home is located. In winter, try to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air, and use filters if possible.

Remove all containers containing stagnant water from your home or change it more often - it is a breeding ground for bacteria.


Water today is one of the .

The body is usually able to remove them, but this puts an extra burden on an already overloaded immune system. The child should not drink tap water; use purchased spring water for cooking and drinking, or filter tap water, but then it must be a high-quality filter.


Plastic bottles, cups and plates are now very often used for feeding children.

Do not microwave using plastic utensils. When heated, this plastic ends up in the child's food. /It’s better to give up plastic altogether, especially in the kitchen - it contains the known carcinogen besphenol A, - approx. website/

Do not cook on the stove using Teflon cookware, Teflon contains very dangerous substances.

Use only steel and glass utensils to prepare food for your child.

Plastic packaging is also not the best solution for storing food.

Use of medications

Even Talenol is not harmless, remember this. He plants kidneys for the child from early childhood. Try to use natural remedies.

In North America, these are products of naturopathic companies; in Russia, look for medicines produced in Germany and other European countries, which are made on the basis of natural ingredients.

If you still have to give your child something to drink antibiotics, use them with nystatin and probiotics. Otherwise, you risk destroying your baby’s microflora from early childhood with all the ensuing consequences (yeast infections -> leaky intestinal syndrome -> multiple allergies -> autism symptoms).

The same effect can be achieved by giving a nursing mother antibiotics.

By applying at least some of these recommendations, you will already move away from yourself and your child potential danger diseases. As you gradually move along this path and improve the situation around you, you will notice many pleasant moments: your illnesses will simply begin to disappear by themselves.

Six months passed before I decided to remove dangerous toxic household chemicals from the house.

Now that the body has already been cleansed, I can immediately feel by the change in my well-being whether toxic chemicals are used where I end up or not. And before it was strange transient allergies, headaches, higher fatigue, I had no idea about the origin of these problems. After this, the child completely stopped getting sick, even when he was in kindergarten and the children around him were sick with the flu.

And one last thing. Surely the first thing you thought after reading these recommendations was: “It’s impossible to do this” or “Where can I get the money for all this?”

Moreover, the first remark, believe me, will automatically replace the second, even if you suddenly have a lot of money, although most of the recommendations do not require additional material costs at all, or almost do not require them. Nobody says that you have to do everything at once.

Step by step, by clearing your home of unhealthy things, you will create an oasis in it where your body can find rest. When you begin to feel an improvement in your well-being and see from the behavior of your children that their lives have become easier, you will have an incentive to continue working in this direction.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs