Beneficial properties of peaches for the body. Peach masks for facial skin

The list of the most favorite summer fruits includes peach. Juicy, fragrant and delicious peaches are full of nutrients and, among other things, have many beneficial properties that provide beneficial influence for the whole body. Eating these fruits helps strengthen the immune system of both adults and children, improves intestinal function and brings many other benefits. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this fruit and learning about all the benefits. True, peach can be harmful to some.

The first mention of a tall tree from the rose family and almond subspecies was found in Chinese written sources dating back three thousand years ago. Then the Chinese considered its fruits to be among the five best fruits found in the Celestial Empire, and ranked them alongside apricots, plums, medlars and chestnuts.

In addition, peaches were considered a symbol of endless life and longevity. According to one legend, they ripened only once every three thousand years, and flowers and branches necessarily became objects for creating amulets that protected life and gave good health.

Later, juicy fruits migrated to Persia, which gave them modern name. And all because Alexander the Great brought “Persian apples” to Greece.

Their further journey lay to Rome. But after the invasion of the barbarians, the peach trees, the fruits of which actually reached the size of large apples, went wild and began to produce “trifles.”

Europeans began to seriously cultivate the “gift of Persia” only in the 16th century, and in order to return the fruits to the former glory of “Persian apples,” breeders had to work for at least 300 years.

Today, there are many varietal varieties, thanks to which these fruits are grown not only in southern, subtropical, but also northern regions with temperate climates.

What vitamins are in peach?

One peach weighs approximately 85 grams and contains about 39 calories. But per 100 g of product there are at least 44 kcal. Therefore, this fruit naturally belongs to low-calorie foods and will not damage the waist.

Among general list useful substances contained in 100 g of fruit, peaches boast:

  • protein fractions (about 1 g);
  • fats (0.11 g);
  • carbohydrates (reaches up to 9.5 g);
  • necessarily dietary fiber;
  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, quinic);
  • sufficient water content (up to 87 g);
  • saccharides (di- and mono-);
  • starches;
  • ash substances;
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine), including the unique B17 (laetral), which is found only in brewer’s yeast and is used to fight cancer cells;
  • ascorbic acid (or antioxidant vitamin WITH);
  • vitamin E of youth;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin A;
  • biotin, or vitamin H;
  • a number of macroelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and their salts;
  • microelements represented by iron, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine, chromium, manganese, nickel, lithium, aluminum;
  • presence of ethereal aromatic acids: caprylic, acetic and valerian.

IN the right combination peach, all these components give their positive impact on the human body.

What are the benefits of peach?

About useful and healing properties Chinese healers have known the peach tree since ancient times. The peach was called the fruit of a thousand diseases and was called nothing less than the imperial fruit. He was considered a symbol good health and longevity, give a person vitality and heal from many diseases, including diseases of the digestive system, anemia, heart and blood vessels.

The high content of vitamins serves as a good prophylactic against vitamin deficiency and infectious diseases. Many fresh vegetables and fruits lose some of their beneficial properties when cooked. Peach escaped such a fate. Apart from vitamin C, it retains its beneficial properties to a greater extent in canned, dried and dried form, in jam and compote.

Since peach contains few calories, it is recommended for weight loss. The fruit pulp, rich in dietary fiber, improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestines. In this capacity, peach will be useful for those who suffer from constipation, elderly and pregnant women who often have this problem. It improves appetite and relieves heartburn.

Regular consumption of peach helps with diseases of the heart, liver, gall bladder and kidneys, rheumatism and gout.

The presence of phosphorus and potassium has positive influence on brain function, improves memory, relieves nervous tension.

In traditional Chinese medicine, not only the peach fruit is used, but also the flowers and leaves. Peach oil is used to make peach oil with amazing properties, which is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. Peach oil improves metabolism, helps fight subcutaneous fat, improves color and appearance face, giving it a velvety appearance.

Peach flowers have diuretic properties and can remove excess liquid from the body. Peach tree leaves have long been used for stomach diseases and rheumatism. Peach pit helps expel worms from the body.

Peach flowers and leaves are used to treat female diseases such as mastopathy and fibroids. And recent studies conducted by American scientists have shown that plum and peach extract can fight breast cancer.

Benefits of peach

In the human diet, this fruit occupies one of the first places in terms of usefulness. After all, the tender and juicy pulp, which is not characterized by high calorie content, is nutritious and easily absorbed by the body. That is why it is included in the delicacy category.

For anemia, gallbladder diseases and gastrointestinal tract If you have heart problems, it is recommended to eat one peach twice a day or drink half a glass of peach juice before meals.

Constant headaches can be relieved with fresh peach juice or a decoction of peach tree leaves. The same decoction can be used to treat rheumatism.

Diseases are treated with a decoction of leaves Bladder in men.

Peach puree is useful for treating eczema.

Fresh leaves are used to treat psoriasis and shingles. For this fresh leaves crush and add condensed milk. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas.

You can use a decoction of the leaves. To do this, peach leaves are poured with boiling water and infused. A napkin is moistened in the resulting decoction and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. You can wash your skin with the decoction.

In terms of cosmetology, rubbing the pulp of a fresh fruit will fill the skin with moisture, which will straighten wrinkles, eliminate sagging, exfoliate dead cells, and give skin light tone and will rejuvenate them.

Possible harm

In addition to all the beneficial properties of peach, there are some basic contraindications that can cause harm when consuming peach.

First of all, all people should treat peaches with extreme caution, especially those who have allergies or are predisposed to them. The point is that this delicious fruit itself is allergenic and can provoke undesirable consequences, no matter how much is consumed.

Due to the high content of quickly digestible carbohydrates (in particular sugars), peaches are highly not recommended for diabetics and people suffering from obesity.

But no matter how scary the contraindications to consuming the “Persian apple” may sound, its harm will largely depend on the integrity of the manufacturer, supplier and “custodian” of the fruit, whether or not they use chemicals when growing and transporting the fruit.

How to select and store peaches

In big cities, peaches can be bought almost throughout the year. But the main peach season begins from late May to early June. At this time these delicious fruits brought to us from distant places warm countries. True, sometimes they have no taste at all. And the reason is the collection of unripe peaches. Transportation takes time. Therefore, whether or not to buy such peaches is a personal preference.

During the peach season, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the skin. The second condition is for the color of the peach. Although there are many varieties of peaches, fresh ripe peaches are distinguished by their rich color.

On the surface of the skin there may be, as it were, white coating. This is normal for a peach and is not a defect.

Do not buy peaches that are too broken but firm. It will be problematic to ripen such fruits. They are more likely to rot than become edible.

Fresh ripe peaches have a pleasant peach aroma. When lightly pressed it should be slightly soft.

Unripe fruits can be stored in the room in a paper bag. Ripe peaches should only be kept in the refrigerator, as they spoil quickly.

Peaches are used in cooking in a variety of ways. Although most people prefer to eat this fruit fresh (in our country they are still considered expensive fruits), they are used for filling pies and preparing all kinds of desserts.

When slicing peaches, you need to remember that they quickly darken when exposed to air. Therefore, if you are going to bake a pie with peaches, place the sliced ​​peaches in acidified water.

Table nutritional value peaches

Peaches - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Peach (lat. Prunus persica) is a representative of the Pink family, the Plum genus, and the Almond subgenus. The culture is thermophilic and is grown mainly in the Caucasus, Moldova and Kazakhstan. The benefits of peaches are due to the content of many vitamins and useful microelements, necessary for the body human development and health maintenance.

Varieties of peaches and their beneficial properties

All varieties of peaches are conventionally divided into groups. The varietal characteristics of the fruits are quite similar; they differ from each other in frost resistance, sugar content and ripening time, as well as taste qualities.

  • Real or classic: the fruits are pubescent, the stone is easily separated from the pulp (Spring Gold, Collins, Cardinal);
  • Pavia: with pubescence, hard flesh, the stone does not separate (Vivian, Vesuvius, Yueibi Gold);
  • Nectarines: without pubescence, soft and juicy (Fantasia, Crimson Gold);
  • Brugnons: without pubescence, with firm, crisp flesh (Independence);
  • Fig peaches: flattened (Sweet Cup, Vladimir).

If you eat a nectarine or a fig peach, the benefits to your body will be almost the same. The composition of the fruits is almost the same, and does not depend on the group or variety.

Peaches: benefits and harm to human health

Fresh peach fruits should undoubtedly be present in every person’s diet (except for contraindications). People who regularly eat this fruit are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, look younger, and feel healthier.

Eating peaches during diets

Calorie content of fruit: only 46 kcal per 100 g. Despite its sweetness and the presence of carbohydrates, it is often included in diets.

Fruit pile, peel and pulp fibers contain fiber, which stimulates active work intestines: metabolism accelerates, peristalsis improves. Therefore, peaches are useful for frequent constipation.

The benefits of peaches for diseases

The benefit of peach for the human body lies in its potassium content, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E prevents the formation of blood clots and lowers cholesterol levels; iron helps fight anemia and increases hemoglobin.

Calcium and phosphorus take part in the formation of bones and cartilage tissue; salts and toxins are removed. Magnesium and vitamins have a calming effect and improve mood. Vitamins B, C, E, PP saturate the body and increase its protective functions.

Peaches in cooking

The health benefits of peaches don't stop at consumption. fresh fruits for food. They can be cooked, canned, and used for cooking home cosmetics.

In addition to fruit salads and desserts, aromatic fruits are used in cooking meat dishes. Peaches are indispensable for canning: compotes and jams are made from them, juices and preserves are prepared. Juicy fruits used for cooking homemade wine, liqueurs and tinctures.

The benefits of peaches during pregnancy

For pregnant women, the benefits of peach are unconditional: expectant mothers are recommended to eat the fruit during toxicosis. The fruit easily eliminates the urge to feel sick and enriches the pregnant woman’s body with vitamins.

If you are overcome by depression, you don’t have to treat yourself to chocolate or baked goods. The magnesium contained in peaches will easily relieve nervousness and irritability.

The use of peach in cosmetology

By eating 2-3 peaches daily, within a week you can feel lightness and a surge of strength. The fruit is useful for people of all ages.

With regular consumption of peaches, skin cells are filled with moisture. This has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Fruit acids(wine, apple, lemon) are responsible for cell renewal and their youth. Their highest content is in peach pits, so oil prepared from them is indispensable in cosmetology.

Peach face mask recipe

It is necessary to choose juicy and soft peaches; the benefits of such fruits will be more noticeable. The pulp of one ripe fruit must be ground into a paste and 1 teaspoon of starch added.

Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes, rinse warm water. Starch absorbs excess fat, and peach nourishes and softens the skin.

Contraindications to the use of peaches

Large amounts of sweet fruits can be harmful for diabetics as the fruits are rich in natural sugars. Peaches are also contraindicated for those who have an allergic reaction to fructose.

It is important to observe moderation when eating peaches: the benefits and harm to the health of the body can be equivalent. Elderly people, as well as those on a diet, should eat fruits in small portions, preferably in the first half of the day, so as not to overload the digestive system.

Bottom line

To feel good and maintain the functioning of the body, it is recommended to eat one peach every morning; the benefits of such a diet will be noticeable within a week. The fruits of the peach tree can maintain health, youth and beauty of the body, and mineral components and vitamins will help in the fight against many diseases.

In the summer months, peaches, apricots and plums begin to timidly appear on the shelves of fruit stalls. And if some people like the latter and others don’t, then people of all ages adore peaches. Some people are embarrassed by the velvety skin and therefore peel it off, but most people like this “velvet”. Low calorie peaches make them especially popular among women who watch their figure.

One medium-sized peach has only 40 calories.

For example, popular avocado rolls and salads contain 200 more calories with the fruit than without it. And aromatherapy with the aroma of peaches relaxes and calms the nervous system. However, in addition to peach lovers, there are people in the world who are skeptical about their benefits. That is why it is worth understanding the benefits and harms of peaches.

Peaches: benefits

1) Peaches give a weak diuretic effect, which is not superfluous in the treatment of urolithiasis.

3) Potassium salt contained in peach juice strengthens the heart muscles and normalizes heart rate during small deviations from the norm.

4) Phosphorus, found in peaches, is perfectly absorbed by the body and, by affecting the brain, strengthens memory.

5) In addition, peaches contain a large number of iron and equalize hemoglobin levels in patients with anemia.

6) Fresh peaches are good to take during colds. Due to the content of vitamins A, B and C in them, we can talk about a general strengthening effect on the body.

Choosing peaches like prophylactic from the above diseases, you should pay attention to the fact that they are useful only in fresh form. Canned or baked peaches lose a lot of vitamins. It is worth giving them their due, the taste does not suffer at all.

Use of peaches in cosmetic formulations

Peaches are widely used in cosmetology. And not only as an element of a face mask or scrub, but also as an independent food that improves complexion. However, peach masks wonderfully tone and saturate the skin with vitamins. Peach pulp can be applied to fire-affected areas for more fast healing. Undoubtedly, peaches bring only benefits.

Harm of peaches

The choice of fruits does not seem difficult. Simply touching them is enough. They should be elastic and have a fairly bright color. The flesh of a ripe peach can be any color (from white to red), but the peel of a ripe fruit cannot be yellow or, much less, green.

Guarantor of unforgettable taste sensations wasps appear, circling over a tray of peaches. A swarm of these insects indicates the natural origin of the product, as well as the sweet and ripe fruit. If for some reason you purchased unripe peaches, then a few days spent at room temperature will bring them to the desired condition.

The fig peach boasts an unconventional shape. It is only similar in shape to it, and is not its brother, as many buyers think. It is easier to separate it from the stone. Otherwise, it is no different from other peaches.

If, upon arriving home, you find a dry pit in the center of the fruit, it is not recommended to eat such a peach. Most likely, it was grown and stored with the help of chemical additives.

Peaches are harmful to the following categories of people

  • for allergy sufferers or people with sensitive skin;
  • for diabetics varying degrees severity of the disease;
  • people who are prone to obesity;
  • people with increased acidity stomach.

This does not mean that you need to completely remove them from your diet. It is enough to simply reduce the amount of consumption to one or two per day. If you overeat the product, temporary intestinal upset may occur.

Is it possible to eat peaches during pregnancy?

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy is intended to be a preventive measure possible diseases both the woman herself and the fetus. Vitamins and minerals can work wonders. Especially if they enter the body from natural products and in adequate quantities.

Dangerous proximity of relatives during pregnancy leads to imbalance useful amount useful products. The best solution will meet with relatives no more than once a week. This will be a kind of “loading day”.

You should also try to determine the range of healthy products yourself.

For those women who are pregnant in the summer or autumn, it is easier to approach this issue, because fresh fruits and vegetables are found at every step. Everyone's favorite summer fruit is the peach.

So, there is no need to listen to “knowledgeable” people and give up peaches during this already difficult period for the body. Peaches are a very good help for maintaining the health of a pregnant woman at a decent level due to the following properties:

  • It's no secret that peaches are recommended as the first fruit food for a baby. After all, they are the ones who help the stomach to improve digestive system. The most important beneficial property of peaches is their ability to relieve the intestines of a pregnant woman. To do this, it is enough to drink only 50 ml of peach juice before meals.
  • During the first months of pregnancy, women often complain of lack of appetite and nausea. This problem can be easily dealt with by eating a few peaches a day. Then not only will the nausea subside, but the thought of exhaustion will no longer torment the young woman. They quench thirst with their juice and saturate the body with vitamins.
  • Eating peach daily during pregnancy helps the liver function. It will easily digest all incoming fats.
  • The magnesium in peaches will calm frayed nerves and relieve the feeling of fatigue.
  • The presence of potassium will help cope with swelling of the legs, as potassium has a diuretic effect.
  • The benefits of calcium during pregnancy are not even worth mentioning. This element is vital for the structure of the baby's skeleton.
  • Phosphorus makes the brain work even in this seemingly sleep mode. This will reduce friction with management at work before going on maternity leave.
  • Taking folic acid is responsible for the structure of the placenta, and therefore for blood circulation and vascular capacity. Peaches contain this acid in abundance.
  • You can also add fresh peaches or peach juice to your food daily to prevent iron deficiency.
  • Peaches are also useful during pregnancy because they can remove heavy metals from the body.

Restrictions on the consumption of peaches during pregnancy should be rational and reasoned. For example, allergy sufferers or diabetics may feel a slight deterioration in their health. Women suffering from chronic liver diseases and thyroid gland, it is also not recommended to abuse this fruit.

In principle, overusing any product is a bad idea. Everything should be present in the diet in moderation.

Peaches can be eaten for preventive purposes during pregnancy not only fresh or in the form of juice. There are a great many dishes in which peaches are, if not the most important ingredient, then at least a significant and significant one. flavoring agent exactly. These include tomato and peach salads, fruit salads, and confectionery. Even meat is suggested to be baked in the oven or slow cooker with the addition of chopped peaches. In general, the range of recipes is very wide.

It’s just a matter of small things: you need to want to eat healthy and healthy!

The peach tree got its name in honor of ancient Persia, from where it spread throughout Europe. However, this crop was first domesticated in Northern China, as early as 2000 thousand years BC. e.

Traditional Chinese medicine attributes to peach great amount healing properties. In ancient myths it is called nothing more than “ blessed fruit" or " fruit of longevity».

Currently, juicy and aromatic peach fruits are valued not only in China, but throughout the world. Peaches are equally good either fresh or canned. They are included in countless recipes. However, the scope of these fruits is not limited to cooking.

Peach oil and crushed kernels are often used in cosmetics, perfumes and pharmaceutical industry. With its delicious aroma, peach extract is added to food products as a flavoring agent.

Peaches are invariably present in the diet of people leading healthy image life. The fact is that in addition to excellent taste, these fruits can bring significant benefits to the human body. They are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the deficiency of which can cause a number of serious diseases.

To feel the beneficial effects of peaches on the body, it is enough to eat them regularly, in moderation, and take into account that in addition to their beneficial properties, they have some contraindications. How many peaches can you eat a day without fear of consequences? How are peaches beneficial during pregnancy? In what cases are they harmful? Everything that is known about the benefits of peaches can be found in this article.


Fresh peach nutritional information per 100g.



Energy [kcal]

Total lipids (fats) [g]

Carbohydrates [g]

Fiber, total dietary [g]

Sakharov, total [g]

Calcium, Ca [mg]

Iron, Fe [mg]

Magnesium, Mg [mg]

Phosphorus, P [mg]

Potassium, K [mg]

Sodium, Na [mg]

Zinc, Zn [mg]

Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid [mg]

Thiamine [mg]

Riboflavin [mg]

Niacin [mg]

Vitamin B-6 [mg]

Folate, DFE [mcg]

Vitamin B-12 [mcg]

Vitamin A, RAE [µg]

Vitamin A, IU [IU]

Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) [mg]

Vitamin D (D2 + D3) [µg]

Vitamin D [IU]

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) [mcg]

Fatty acid, total saturated [g]

Fatty acids, total monounsaturated [g]

Fatty acids, polyunsaturated, total [g]

Fatty acids, total trans [g]

Cholesterol [mg]

Caffeine [mg]

Calorie content of the product

Peaches are a valuable dietary product that is easily digestible by most people. Despite the high sugar content, these fruits are quite low in calories and cannot seriously harm your figure. The calorie content of a peach is 35-45 kcal per 100 g of pulp. Average weight one fruit is approximately 85-100 g.

25 Health Benefits of Peach

  1. Reduces the risk of developing cancer

    According to scientific research, the rich phenolic and carotenoid compounds present in peaches demonstrate significant antitumor activity. In particular, it has been proven that chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids inhibit the growth of cancer cells , unlike chemotherapy, without providing negative influence

    to surrounding healthy tissue. Anti-cancer properties also has beta-carotene, found in peaches large quantities

  2. . These substances have been shown to be effective against cancers such as colon cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer.

    Women who eat peaches or nectarines twice a week reduce their risk of developing estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer by 41%. Improves skin condition Peaches are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin C eliminates hyperpigmentation, increases collagen production and neutralizes free radicals in

    upper layers skin, thus protecting it from premature aging. Other antioxidants –

    carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein

  3. , due to their ability to absorb light, protect the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. This study was conducted by Wilhelm Stahl at the University of Düsseldorf, in Germany.

    Flavonoids present in peaches also have similar properties. They are photoprotectors, promote collagen production and relieve inflammation. This fruit perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity and radiance. Due to the above qualities, peach extract is often added to anti-aging creams, lotions, masks and shampoos. Useful for diabetes– 26-55, which makes them safe enough for use by diabetics. In terms of the amount of sugar they are inferior to oranges, plums, cherries and bananas. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar levels by reducing the rate of glucose absorption. People with severe diabetes are advised to consult their doctor before including fruit in their diet.

  4. Protects against heart disease

    Scientists from the University of California have found that phenols, which are especially rich in peach peel, help reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and stimulate the production of “good” HDL cholesterol.

    As a result, the risk of developing such dangerous diseases as ischemic disease heart failure, heart failure and myocardial infarction.

  5. Helps prevent eye diseases

    The carotenoids beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein are powerful antioxidants. They play a vital role in maintaining general health eyes and prevention of various ophthalmological diseases.

    Carotenoids protect the retina from harmful effects free radicals and ultraviolet radiation thus preventing the development of cataracts and dystrophic changes retina, which eventually lead to blindness. You can find out the results of such an experiment here.

  6. Replenishes potassium deficiency

    Peaches contain potassium, a vital trace element that is directly involved in the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system and intracellular metabolic processes. Potassium helps regulate the water-salt balance in tissues, preventing excess fluid from retaining in the body. He plays important role in the transport of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Together with magnesium it supports normal work hearts. With potassium deficiency - hypokalemia, develop peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract, muscle pain appears, heart rhythm is disturbed and arterial pressure.

  7. Has antioxidant properties

    Foreign studies indicate that peach peel and pulp are extremely rich in antioxidants. These include vitamin C, chlorogenic acid, lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin. They resist free radicals, protecting the body from various diseases and premature aging.

  8. Good for pregnant women

    Including peaches in your diet during pregnancy will bring invaluable benefits for women and children, because their need for vitamins and minerals is especially high. Vitamin C is involved in the formation of bones, teeth, skin, muscles and blood vessels child. It also helps the body absorb iron, which pregnant women need twice as much.

    Folic acid, which is contained in peaches, plays an important role in the prevention of pathologies in the development of the fetal neural tube. In addition, it participates in the formation of the circulatory and immune systems. Potassium helps fight the syndrome chronic fatigue and muscle spasms in pregnant women.

  9. Improves the functioning of the digestive organs

    Peaches contain alimentary fiber(fiber) and pectin, which help improve digestion and normalize stool. Fiber regulates the gastrointestinal microflora, helping to fight various diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, from gastritis to stomach cancer.

    It also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight and eliminating toxic waste. Organic acids and essential oils stimulate production gastric juice and increase appetite. The juice of these fruits has diuretic properties and helps dissolve kidney and bladder stones.

  10. Supports Nervous System Health

    Thanks to the presence of magnesium, peaches help reduce stress and anxiety and improve work internal organs, central and peripheral nervous system. According to research, Magnesium is a regulator of many processes in the body, and its deficiency causes functional disorders in many organs.

    Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle cramps, heart failure, trembling limbs, and inability to concentrate. Studies have shown that consuming foods rich in magnesium, especially when combined with vitamin B6, is effective in relieving these symptoms. This mineral is also useful in correcting increased excitability in children and helping to recover from anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders.

  11. Helps in the fight against excess weight

    Peaches are perfect dietary product. They contain a large amount of fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, and phenolic compounds, which are known for their ability to speed up metabolism and reduce appetite.

  12. Cleanses the body of toxins

    Thanks to the ability of peaches to breed harmful substances from the liver and kidneys, they can be used to detoxify and cleanse the body. The hepatoprotective properties of these fruits are confirmed by scientific research.

    They are useful to use when drug-induced hepatitis, which arises as a result long-term therapy various diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis and diabetes. These fruits are used in folk medicine different countries, as a detoxifying agent, for example, dried peach pieces, bark and leaves are often included in cleansing teas.

  13. Strengthens immunity

    Vitamin C and zinc contained in peaches play an important role in maintaining stable performance immune system. Zinc is a natural immunomodulator. When there is a lack of it in the blood, the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases, which suppresses the immune system and reduces the rate of wound healing. In combination with vitamin C, zinc helps the body fight infectious diseases such as influenza, pneumonia and malaria.

  14. Prevents premature aging

    Carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals that peaches are rich in have antioxidant properties. In addition to its antioxidant activity, vitamin C promotes collagen production, prolonging the youthfulness of the skin. Selenium strengthens hair and nails. Peach oil is an excellent skin moisturizer and is often added to hair care products. It nourishes and tones hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

  15. Improves the condition of bones and teeth

    Peaches are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen bones and remineralize tooth enamel. It is appropriate to include them in the diet to prevent osteoporosis, which often develops in women during menopause. Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining healthy gums, the condition of which affects the integrity of the jaw bones and teeth.

  16. Promotes blood thinning

    Thanks to the presence of vitamin K, peaches prevent blood stagnation and prevent the formation of blood clots, which often cause the development of dangerous diseases.

  17. Is a source of iron

    Iron is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the protein that makes up red blood cells. They supply oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body, and also utilize waste carbon dioxide.

    In addition, iron is involved in many metabolic processes associated with the processing of toxins, cholesterol metabolism, and obtaining energy from calories. A deficiency of this is vital important microelement entails severe consequences for health, starting from constant decline strength and ending with the most serious pathologies. Nicotinic acid (niacin) and phenolic compounds present in peaches help cleanse the artery walls of cholesterol deposits, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis. This pathology underlies most cardiovascular diseases and is the leading cause of death worldwide.

    Studies confirm the ability of niacin to dissolve the most harmful variety cholesterol - low density lipoproteins. This acid has proven its effectiveness in the fight against atherosclerosis, even in cases of already developed pathology.()

  18. Helps fight anemia

    Anemia occurs when the amount of red blood cells, or hemoglobin, which is responsible for supplying cells with oxygen, is reduced in the blood. This condition is characterized by pallor, increased fatigue, violations heart rate. Most often, anemia is a consequence of a deficiency of iron or folic acid in the body. ( , )

    Especially high risk Pregnant women are susceptible to the development of anemia, since a large amount of iron and folic acid is spent on the formation of the fetus. The problem can be solved by introducing peaches and other foods rich in these substances into the diet.

  19. Has anti-inflammatory properties

    Inflammation underlies many diseases. Substances contained in peaches, in particular zinc, suppress it, preventing the release of inflammatory agents - cytokines and histamines - into the blood. Zinc is also an important nutrient for homeostasis. ()

    Peach seed extract is an excellent remedy for allergic skin reactions characterized by inflammation. Vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve symptoms of diseases such as asthma, rheumatism and gout.

    A decoction of peach leaves effectively removes mucus from the lungs during bronchitis.

  20. Strengthen men's health

    Peach is a source of zinc, the benefits of which for men's health are invaluable. It slows down male aging reproductive system, maintains normal operation prostate gland, increases testosterone synthesis. In addition, these fruits are a mild natural aphrodisiac.

  21. Reduces blood pressure

    Along with apricots, peaches are among the fruits richest in potassium. In one large fruit contains at least 300 mg of this mineral, which is considered a regulator systolic pressure. It relaxes blood vessels, preventing them from narrowing under the influence of hormones, and removes excess fluid from the body. Especially high concentration potassium in dried fruits peach

  22. Stimulates the excretory system

    Peaches have diuretic and laxative properties and can be used as natural remedy to stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. Their regular consumption reduces the risk of nephritis and other pathologies of the liver and kidneys. They also help relieve the symptoms of urolithiasis.

  23. Effective against fungal infections

    Peaches contain a number of substances that have antimicrobial properties that help fight the symptoms of candidiasis, the most common fungal infection. These include tannins, flavonoids and polyphenols. According to the latest scientific data, these fruits can inhibit the growth of Candida albicans fungus and bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The antimicrobial potential is most pronounced in unripe green fruits.

Side effects and contraindications

    Plant foods are rightly considered an excellent remedy for prevention oncological diseases. However, some Scientific research indicate that fruits and vegetables that are yellow and orange in color may increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer in men.

    Peaches contain salicylates that can cause allergic reactions in people with intolerance salicylic acid and its derivatives.

    Peach pits and surrounding pulp contain amygdalin. Uncontrolled consumption of these fruits in large quantities can cause cyanide poisoning, which is released in the body under the influence of amygdalin.

    Peaches should be avoided by people suffering from severe diabetes mellitus or obesity.

    A contraindication to eating peaches is the presence of gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by high acidity.

Daily value of peaches for healthy person should not exceed 600 g.

What else is useful?


Peach is one of nature's most delicious gifts. In the summer, both adults and children do not miss the opportunity to enjoy this juicy, sweet, aromatic fruit.

But this is not only a tasty, but also a healthy product that heals the body, gives beauty, strength, and energy. What health benefits can you get from peaches?

Beneficial properties for the human body

The benefits of peach are explained by its chemical composition. The table shows the substances that are most abundant in the product.

Substance name Quantity % Daily Value
Carbohydrates 9,5 4
Alimentary fiber 2,1 10
Vitamin A 83 mcg 9,2
beta-carotene (more in yellow fruits) 0.5 mg 10
WITH 10 mg 11
E 1.1 mg 7,3
IN 1 0.04 mg 2,7
AT 2 0.08 mg 4,4
AT 5 0.2 mg 4
AT 6 0.06 mg 3
AT 9 8 mcg 2
RR 0.8 mg 4
20 mg 2
Sodium 30 mg 2,3
363 mg 14,5
34 mg 4,3
0.6 mg 3,3
50 mcg 5
Manganese 0.14 mg 7
14 mcg 28
Silicon 10 mg 33,3

The fruits contain malic, quinic, tartaric, citric organic acids and pectins. Seeds contain up to 60% fatty oil, essential bitter almond oil was discovered.

Peaches are a source of antioxidants- vitamins A, C, E, and help the body cope with free radicals, which cause dangerous diseases, including oncological ones.

Fiber protects against colorectal cancer.

Peaches are a mild laxative and diuretic effect, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, improve digestion. Due to the content of metals - iron, copper, they are useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

Potassium keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy, vitamins protect against colds and are useful for acute respiratory infections.

Thanks to the vitamin component, nutritional deficiencies are eliminated and the immune system is strengthened. The fruit produces an adaptogenic effect, that is, it helps the body adapt to unfavorable living conditions.

For women and men

Peaches contain phytoestrogens - natural hormones . Therefore, it is recommended to use the product during menopause and hormonal disorders. They normalize fat metabolism, prevent osteoporosis, and strengthen the immune system.

They are useful for men who are preparing to conceive. The healing properties of peaches are that with regular consumption, testosterone production is activated, which promotes sperm secretion. It is an aphrodisiac that causes sexual arousal .

What are the benefits for children?

The product gives children's body energy, strengthens bones and teeth, eliminates vitamin deficiency, provides immune protection. It is useful to give it to children who do not eat well. because it stimulates the appetite.

If the child does not have digestive problems, then they try to give raw peaches at seven months. The fruits are chosen to be very ripe.

If the child is under 4 years old, the peel must be removed. But at the same time, they monitor the reaction so that digestive disorders or diarrhea do not appear.

Is it useful during pregnancy and nursing mothers?

Pregnant women should include this fruit in their diet, if there is no allergy. This summer fruit:

The fruit is allowed on the menu for breastfeeding women - it will strengthen the body of mother and child. But you need to include it in your diet one slice per day, separately from other new products.

You will find several facts about the healing properties of red currants and popular recipes for traditional medicine.

Fresh, frozen or canned

Certainly, most vitamins in fresh fruit . The best fruit is considered to be the fruit ripened on the tree. In second place in terms of benefits is freezing.

With this storage method, almost all vitamins remain in the pulp, but the concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) decreases by 10% over six months.

IN Lately freezing is gradually replacing canning.

There are several ways to store fruit frozen. The first is simple - cut the fruit into slices, put it in a vacuum bag and place it in the freezer.

In the second method, the peaches are washed and the moisture is allowed to dry. Each fruit is wrapped in paper or newspaper in several layers and placed in the freezer. Before use, remove the newsprint and keep under hot water.

Canned food with syrup also has benefits. The pectin they contain cleanses the body of waste, toxins, and heavy metal salts.

This is a source of fast energy, which is useful at high physical activity. The disadvantages of canned food include great content Sahara.

Comparison with nectarine

But what is healthier – a peach or a nectarine? Although these cultures are related, but there are some differences between them.

  • the taste is sweeter;
  • more vitamin A, C, other nutrients - pectin, calcium, sulfur, organic acids, glucose, fructose;
  • longer shelf life;
  • opportunity to produce dried fruits.

Consumption and calorie content

It is most beneficial to eat the fruits fresh. It is advisable that this be separate appointment food, no earlier than 30 minutes after the main one.

Any fruit mixed with other products, especially those that are difficult to digest, ferment in the gastrointestinal tract.

The best time is the first half of the day, before lunch.

Then the fruits will give the body glucose and provide energy for the whole day.

It is enough to eat 1 large or 2 medium, small fresh fruits per day.

You should also remember about calorie content ( 35-40 kcal per 100 g), especially if you are on a diet.

At chronic diseases Before introducing the product into your diet, you should consult your doctor.

Use in folk medicine

Used in folk medicine Fresh Juice for the treatment of dyspepsia, the symptoms of which are abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting. The effect is achieved due to fiber, which activates the intestines and suppresses putrefactive phenomena.

Juice helps with the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • arrhythmias;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver and stomach;
  • constipation;
  • in stressful situations;
  • during the rehabilitation period;
  • low stomach acidity, etc.

The juice will satisfy your hunger between meals. So, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of juice at one time.

Harvesting peach blossom. Infusions prepared from it help with rheumatism, gastrointestinal ailments, and are effective as a diuretic and anthelmintic.

Even more about the benefits and harms of peaches for human health and his useful qualities, as well as the benefits of fruits for pregnant women, you will learn by watching this video:


Despite the abundance of useful and medicinal properties, peach is contraindicated for some people. So, it is not included in the diet:

Excessive consumption of fruit causes dysbacteriosis, disrupts intestinal function, and overstimulates the nervous system.

The quality of the product, which is determined, in particular, by the seed, also matters. If it has shriveled and dried out, then most likely it has been treated with chemicals for long-term storage.

Other uses

Kernel oil is available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. The drug is used to treat eyebrows and eyelashes for thickness and against discoloration.

The pulp, thanks to the content of vitamin A and E, fights the signs of aging, smoothes wrinkles, gives elasticity, exfoliates, moisturizes. Masks made from fruit are useful for dry, aging skin, and with lemon or protein - also for oily skin.

Mask for sensitive skin


Mash the pulp with a fork or blender, turning it into puree. Add sour cream or butter, starch, which gives the mass a more viscous consistency.

The puree is applied to cleansed skin. After 20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

For normal and oily

Ingredients for oily skin:

  • peach - 1 pc.;
  • oat flakes - 25 g;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Make a puree from the pulp, add flakes and juice, leave for 10 minutes so that the flakes absorb moisture. Apply the mask to a cleansed face, remove it after half an hour and wash with cool water. If the skin is normal, then no juice is added, but oatmeal is added instead of flakes.

For dry

In this video tutorial, watch how to prepare a face mask from peaches with benefits for the skin at home:

Lightening freckles

Peach juice is mixed with flour made from oatmeal, unboiled milk in such proportions as to make a paste. The mask is applied to the face and neck, left for 30 minutes, and washed off with cool water.

Selection and storage

Buy ripe or slightly unripe fruits. Ripeness is determined by color- there should be no green spots on the surface, otherwise the fruit was picked from the tree completely unripe.



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