Microsporia first signs. Microsporia in humans - causes, manifestations on the skin and scalp, methods of treatment

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microsporia is a highly contagious (highly contagious) infectious disease of smooth skin, scalp and nails caused by pathogenic fungi genus Microsporum. It was on the basis of the Latin name of the causative agent of infection (Microsporum) that the name of the disease itself (microsporia) was adopted. Microsporia looks like round, red, scaly patches on the skin, bald spots on the scalp, or white and dull circles on the nails.

Microsporia and ringworm (microsporia and trichophytosis)

In addition to the medical name, this fungal disease there is another widespread name - shearing lichen. The term " ringworm"is a traditional designation for a group of diseases of the skin and scalp, in which the hair is affected and breaks off, resulting in bald spots. And since 100 years ago, doctors were not able to identify infectious agents due to the lack of appropriate methods, all diseases were classified, described and were called mainly by external manifestations.That is why microsporia was called ringworm.

However, with the development of science and technical progress doctors were able to identify not only the signs of diseases, but also to isolate their pathogens, which was literally a breakthrough. During this period, it was possible to establish that the disease, which has always been called ringworm, can be caused by two types of pathogenic fungi - Trichophyton and Microsporum. And then a variety of ringworm caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton began to be called trichophytosis, and Microsporum, respectively, microsporia. But since the external signs and course of trichophytosis and microsporia are the same, these two infections have the same common name - ringworm.

Thus, according to modern ideas, microsporia is a fungal infection ( mycosis), affecting the skin, hair and nails, and at the same time is considered one of the varieties of ringworm.

The causative agent of the infection

Among the fungi of the genus Microsporum, there are about 20 species that can provoke microsporia of smooth skin, scalp and nails. Most often, microsporia is caused by the following types of fungi of the genus Microsporum:
  • M. distorum;
  • M. rivalieri;
  • M. langeronii;
  • M. canis;
  • M. nanum;
  • M. persicolor;
  • M. gypseum;
  • M. cookii;
  • Keratynomyces ajelloii.
Moreover, in 90% of cases, the causative agent of microsporia is a fungus of the species Microsporum canis, and the remaining varieties of the pathogenic microorganism listed are the cause of infection in only 10% of cases.

Methods of transmission of microsporia (how you can get infected)

Microsporia infection is carried out by contact, that is, when touching any objects, substances, animals or people who are sick with an infection, they are its carriers or there are spores of the fungus on their surface. In order to clearly understand the mechanisms and ways of transmission of microsporia in a population, it is necessary to know the varieties of this fungus that affect the way they spread among people.

So, depending on the main host, all types of Microsporum fungi are divided into three varieties:
1. zoophilic fungi - the main hosts are animals (most often kittens, less often dogs);
2. Anthropophilic fungi - people are the main hosts;
3. geophilic fungi - the main habitat is the soil.

Zoophilic, atropophilic and geophilic fungi, when they enter the human skin, cause the same infectious disease - microsporia, but the ways of their transmission and, accordingly, the methods of infection are different.

Yes, transfer zoophilic fungi of the genus Microsporum occurs through direct household contact with infected cats or dogs. And since kittens are most often carriers of microsporia, there are two seasonal peaks in the increase in the incidence of this infection - in the middle of summer and in autumn, when cats give birth. To become infected with microsporia, it is enough to stroke a cat or dog that has an infection or is asymptomatic carriers. People usually get infected from their pet cats or dogs that are in constant contact with their owners, sit on their laps, crawl under the covers, etc.

However, zoophilic fungi of the genus Microsporum can be transmitted to humans not only as a result of direct contact with a sick animal, but also indirectly through pieces of its wool. The fact is that cats and dogs that are sick with microsporia or are carriers of the fungus can leave small and inconspicuous pieces of wool on various household items (furniture, carpets, beds, sofas, armchairs, clothes, shoes, etc.), in which contains fungal spores. A person, touching such pieces of wool containing spores of the fungus, also becomes infected with microsporia.

Thus, the transmission of zoophilic microsporia can be carried out both by direct contact with a sick animal, and by touching objects that have hair and skin scales of an infected animal.

Anthropophilic fungi of the genus Microsporum are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through direct close contact (hugs, kisses, etc.) or through the use of various objects that contain scales of the skin of an infected person (for example, when using a comb, hat, scissors for cutting hair belonging to a person with microsporia). That is, anthropophilic fungi are transmitted in exactly the same way as zoophilic ones, but from person to person, and not from animals.

Infection geophilic fungi of the genus Microsporum occurs through direct contact with soil contaminated with these microbes.

When a person becomes infected with any kind of fungus Microsporum (zoophilic, anthropophilic or geophilic), then in the future he is a source of infection for others who can be infected with microsporia already from him. However, despite the hypothetical possibility of infecting other people, family members of patients with microsporia are very rarely infected.

The ways of transmission of microsporia described above do not fully reflect the picture of how a fungal infection occurs. So, with a simple hit of the fungus on the skin, a person will not get sick with microsporia, since the pathogenic microbe will be destroyed by the normal microflora and the immune system, or simply washed away during the execution. hygiene measures. This means that for the disease of microsporia, it is necessary not only for the fungus to get on the skin, but also for the presence of certain predisposing factors that will allow it to penetrate the skin and provoke an infection.

To such predisposing factors include the following:
1. Traumatic injuries skin;
2. Skin maceration;
3. Reduced immunity.

Thus, microsporia is transmitted from an animal or person to another person only if he has these predisposing factors.

Microsporia in children

Microsporia in children is much more common than in adults, which is explained by two main factors. Firstly, children are more likely to come into contact with sick animals, respectively, they have a higher risk of infection. And secondly, sebaceous glands the skin of children do not produce acids that have disastrous effect regarding fungi. That is, a fungus that has fallen on the skin of a child will provoke microsporia with much more likely than in an adult in a similar situation, because after puberty, the glands begin to produce acids that have a detrimental effect on pathogens of microsporia.

Clinical manifestations, course and principles of treatment of microsporia in children do not differ from those for adults. Therefore, it is not advisable to consider separately the characteristics of microsporia in childhood.

Types of microsporia (classification)

Depending on the leading factor underlying the classification, there are several options for dividing microsporia into different types.

So, depending on the predominant area of ​​​​damage, microsporia is divided into three main types:
1. Microsporia of smooth skin;
2. Microsporia of the scalp;
3. Microsporia of nails.

In addition, specialist doctors distinguish three forms of microsporia, depending on what kind of pathogen caused the infection:
1. Zoonotic microsporia - caused by species of Microsporum fungi that are zoophilic (the main hosts are animals);
2. Anthroponotic microsporia - caused by species of Microsporum fungi related to anthropophiles (the main host is a person);
3. Geophilic microsporia - caused by species of Microsporum fungi related to geophilic (the main habitat is soil).

The division into zoonotic, anthroponotic and geophilic microsporia do not have clinical relevance because they all have the same symptoms, a similar course and are treated according to the same principles. This classification is important for epidemiologists, as it allows them to identify the primary sources of infection and take appropriate anti-epidemic measures if necessary.

The classification of microsporia according to the type of flow, the depth of tissue damage and reaction is also clinically important. immune system for an infection. According to these criteria, the following types of microsporia are distinguished:

  • surface form (foci are located on the surface of smooth skin or under the hair);
  • exudative form (foci are located on any parts of the body and liquid discharge oozes out of them);
  • Infiltrative suppurative form (foci penetrate deep into the tissues, at the site of the lesion there is a strong edema with the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, which gives suppuration);
  • nail shape(foci are located on the nails);
  • Chronic form (a variant of a long-existing surface form).

The incubation period of the disease

The duration of the incubation period depends on the type of fungus that provoked microsporia. So, when infected with zoophilic and geophilic species of Microsporum fungi, the incubation period lasts 5-14 days. And when infected with anthropophilic forms, the incubation period of microsporia lasts much longer - from 4 to 6 weeks. But since most often microsporia is provoked by a fungus of the species Microsporumcanis, which belongs to zoophilic varieties, in most cases the incubation period of the infection is 1 to 2 weeks.

Symptoms (signs) of microsporia

All varieties of microsporia are characterized as common features, symptoms and features of the clinical course, as well as certain nuances that distinguish the forms from each other. Therefore, for a general orientation in the problem, we first of all consider those symptoms that are inherent in all forms of microsporia. And only after that we separately focus on the features inherent in various forms of microsporia.

The very first symptoms of beginning microsporia are red spots formed on the scalp or body. If microsporia affected hairy part head, then spots can appear not only under the hair, but also in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes. With microsporia of smooth skin, spots form on any part of the body.

A few days after the appearance of the spots become pink and rather pale, and their surface is covered with whitish scales. At the same time, the hair loses color and breaks off at a height of several millimeters from the skin surface, creating the effect short haircut. Because of this, characteristic and clearly visible bald spots form on the scalp, on which skin with scales and short hair resembling stiff bristles are visible. In some cases, black dots form on the bald spots.

Sometimes microsporia of the scalp does not cause the formation of bald spots due to hair breaking, but provokes the formation of a large number of scales, which people take for profuse dandruff, which appeared completely unexpectedly for them. Also, in rare cases, microsporia has the appearance of a gray spot on the scalp, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich intense hair falls out.

If lichen affects smooth skin, then initial spots they simply turn pale, acquire a grayish color and become covered with scales. Outside the spot, a well-defined and elevated roller is formed, as if delimiting the affected area from healthy areas. Another spot may form inside the spot, smaller in size, but exactly the same in structure, due to which the affected area takes on the appearance of a target.

Over time, microsporia foci on smooth skin and scalp increase in size and take the form of a regular circle or oval. The size of the lesions can reach 10 cm in diameter. However, their surface is covered with a dense layer of gray scales, which give them the appropriate color. As a result, the border of the spot looks like a red rim, and the inside is painted in a pale gray-pinkish color.

If two or more foci of microsporia are located nearby, then they can merge into a spot. Spots, covered with scales, peel off with varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes peeling is accompanied by severe itching, and in other cases, the stain does not cause any discomfort in principle.

In children and adults with localization of microsporia foci on the scalp, face, neck or upper half body temperature may increase and cervical lymph nodes may increase.

In severe cases of microsporia in the area of ​​the lesion, a strong inflammation of the skin develops with swelling, exudation and suppuration, which is called scab.

In general, microsporia in children and adults proceeds as described. Consider the features and more accurate characteristics of the spots characteristic of various forms of fungal infection.

Skin microsporia (smooth skin microsporia) in adults and children

As a rule, the infection proceeds in a superficial form, which begins with the appearance of a red spot, round or oval shape, which has clear boundaries and rises above the rest of the surface of the skin. It is this spot that is the focus of the lesion. Gradually, the spot increases in size, becomes dense and swollen. The outer border of the spot is transformed into a roller that rises above the surface of the skin, consisting of bubbles and crusts. In the center of the spot, inflammation decreases and the entire area bounded by the outer roller is covered with scaly scales and acquires a pale pink color.

However, the fungus can re-infect an area that is already inside the outer ring. In this case, another ring is formed inside, as a result of which the lesion takes on a bizarre appearance of the target. Such affected areas of the "ring in the ring" type are characteristic mainly of anthroponous microsporia.

The total number of foci of microsporia on smooth skin is usually small and amounts to 1-3 spots. The diameter of the spots is most often 0.5 - 3 cm, but sometimes the lesions can increase up to 5 cm in radius. Closely spaced spots can merge into one. Lesions can be located on any part of the body, but most often they are located on the face, neck, forearms and shoulders.

As a rule, non-inflamed spots of microsporia do not cause any unpleasant sensations. Sometimes it can be moderately itchy. If there is a pronounced inflammation in the lesions, then they are very itchy and sore.

In people with reduced reactions of delayed sensitivity, microsporia can occur in the so-called abortive form. In this case, the lesion has the appearance of a pale pink spot without clear boundaries and bubbles forming a peripheral roller.

In newborns and children under 3 years of age, microsporia occurs in an erythematous-edematous form, in which the lesion is red, inflamed and swollen with a minimum number of scales and peeling.

In people prone to atopy (for example, those suffering from atopic dermatitis), microsporia occurs in a papular-squamous form. In this case, spots appear on areas of the skin characterized by the production of large amounts of sebum such as the face, chest and back. The foci are abundantly infiltrated (dense, swollen) and lichenified (the skin on them is dense and thickened, with a pronounced pattern and impaired pigmentation).

Among women young age(up to 30 years old), suffering from increased growth hair on the shins, foci of microsporia usually appear as red and inflamed nodes with a diameter of 2–3 cm. This is a deep form of microsporia.

Microsporia of the head (microsporia of the scalp)

Most often, microsporia foci are located on the scalp in children aged 5-12 years. In adults, this localization of lesions is rare, since with the onset of puberty hair follicles begin to produce acid, which has a detrimental effect on the microsporia pathogen. And therefore, after the onset of puberty, microsporia in children is cured spontaneously.

A characteristic feature of microsporia childhood is that the infection almost never occurs in babies with red hair.

Microsporia of the scalp is round or oval lesions with a clear border, most often located on the crown, crown or temples. Usually there are 1-2 foci on the head with a diameter of 2-5 cm. Small secondary lesions 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter may appear on the borders of the foci, which are screenings.

On early stages diseases in the affected area, a scaly patch of skin is formed. In this area, at the roots of the hair, you can see ring-shaped scales surrounding the hairs around the entire perimeter. A week later, the hair itself is also affected, which lose their color, become dull, brittle and brittle, and as a result break off at a distance of 5 mm from the skin surface. A short "brush", left in place of broken hairs, dull and covered with a grayish coating, is an accumulation of fungal spores. If the roots of broken hair are smoothed in any direction, they will remain in the position that they were given. The skin under the hair fragments is moderately reddish, dense and covered big amount gray scales.

In the anthroponotic form of microsporia, a characteristic feature is the location of the lesions at the border of hair growth, when one half of the spot is on the hairy part, and the second on smooth skin.

The picture described above is a typical course of microsporia. However, in rare cases, infection occurs in atypical forms, such as:

  • Infiltrative form microsporia of the head is characterized by the elevation of the lesion above the rest of the skin. The skin of the focus is red and edematous, and the hair is broken off at the level of 4 mm.
  • suppurative form microsporia is characterized by a strong inflammatory process, as well as thickening and thickening of the skin in the lesion. In this case, bluish-red nodes are formed with pustules on the surface, through which pus comes out when pressed on the affected area.
  • exudative form microsporia is characterized by severe redness, swelling and small blisters in the affected area. Due to the released inflammatory fluid, the skin flakes stick together and form a dense crust covering the lesion.
  • Trichophytoid form microsporia is characterized by multiple small lesions with weak peeling. The foci are vague, without clear boundaries and signs of inflammation, and the hair is broken off at the level of 1-2 mm.
  • seborrheic form microsporia is characterized by thinning hair in some areas of the head. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch hair thinning, skin is visible, covered with a large number of yellowish scales. If the scales are removed, then fragments of a small amount of hair become visible under them.
These rare forms of microsporia of the scalp are almost always associated with fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck and symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, lethargy, etc.).

Anthroponous microsporia

Anthroponotic microsporia most often develops in children. On smooth skin, it appears as round or oval lesions with a clear border, inside which numerous scales are visible. The border of the focus is formed by bubbles and nodules.

On the scalp, lesions are located on the border of hair growth in the back of the head, crown and temples. As a rule, part of the lesion is located in the hair growth zone, and part is on smooth skin. Such foci are small, vague, with clear boundaries and peeling inside the spot. When located close to each other, the foci can merge, forming one large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage of a bizarre shape. In the area of ​​the foci, the hair breaks off at a level of 4-6 mm and looks short-cut.

Zoonotic and geophilic microsporia

On smooth skin, multiple small (0.5 - 3 mm in diameter) reddish-pink scaly spots of a round or oval shape with clear boundaries appear. Inner surface spots covered with scaly scales. Over time, new ones appear right in the perimeter of the old foci, forming a characteristic "ring in a ring" pattern, which is hallmark microsporia.

When the scalp is affected, large foci are formed, located strictly in the hair growth zone. The lesions are round or oval, well-defined, and covered with whitish scales. The hair in the lesion is broken off at a height of 6-8 mm, and the protruding fragments are covered with a white sheath of fungal spores.

Nail microsporia

Nail microsporia is extremely rare. This form includes lesions on the palms, soles and nails. When the nail is damaged, a dull spot forms on it in the region of the growth crescent. Over time, the spot becomes white, and the nail in this part is fragile, soft and thinned. Quite often, the affected part of the nail is destroyed.

Microsporia - photo

This photograph shows numerous lesions of microsporia of smooth skin.

This photo shows a microsporia lesion in a child.

This photo shows a focus of microsporia of the scalp.

Diagnosis of microsporia

Diagnosis of microsporia is based on examination of the foci, first with the naked eye, and then through fluorescent lamp. After that, if necessary, microscopic or cultural studies are performed to confirm the diagnosis and accurately determine the type of fungal infection pathogen.

The method of diagnosing microsporia through a fluorescent lamp (Wood's lamp) is very simple - a doctor in a darkened room examines the affected area illuminated by such a device. Skin and hair affected by the fungus in the light of the Wood's lamp flicker bright green. The reason for this phenomenon has not been elucidated, but it allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose microsporia.

If necessary, the doctor can gently scrape off a small amount of scales from the affected area with a blunt scalpel and examine them under a microscope, conducting a microscopic examination accordingly. Before scraping off the scales, the skin in the affected area is wiped with 96% alcohol. After that, only scales are scraped off the smooth skin, and fragments of hair are scraped off the scalp. All the collected material is placed on a glass slide, poured with a drop of 20% potassium hydroxide solution and examined under a microscope after 30 minutes.

With microsporia, convoluted filaments of mycelium are visible in the scales, and on the surface of the hair there are numerous spores attached to it like small balls around the entire outer perimeter. Due to spores, the border of the hair is not clear, but blurry.

The cultural method for diagnosing microsporia is used with positive results of microscopic and luminescent in order to identify the type of pathogen fungus. Sometimes it is necessary to determine the optimal treatment tactics. For the cultural method, scales are removed from the affected area and placed on a nutrient medium. In the presence of microsporia on the medium, a colony grows in the form of a flat disk with a fluff on the surface.

In most cases, to diagnose microsporia, it is enough to examine the affected area through a Wood's lamp and then microscopic examination.

Microsporia - treatment

General principles of therapy

If only smooth skin is affected by microsporia, and vellus hair on it remained intact, then enough local treatment antifungal drugs(ointments, lotions, sprays), which are applied daily until the lesions disappear.

If the foci of microsporia are located on the scalp or fluffy hairs of smooth skin are involved in the process, then the treatment consists of taking antifungal drugs inside and applying them externally to the affected area.

Most effective for oral administration for the treatment of microsporia, antifungal preparations containing the following active substances:

  • Griseofulvin;
  • Terbinafine (Terbizil, Lamisil, etc.);
  • Itraconazole (Orungal, Irunin, etc.).
For outdoor processing smooth skin and scalp are used the following means with antifungal activity:
  • Ointments with terbinafine (Lamisil, Terbizil, etc.), clotrimazole, isoconazole and bifonazole;
  • Iodine tincture 2 - 5%;
  • Sulfuric ointment 10 - 20%;
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment;
  • Sulfur-tar ointment.
Taking antifungal drugs orally and applying them externally to the affected skin is continued for a week after the symptoms of microsporia disappear to avoid possible relapse infections.

During the entire period of therapy, a sick person should use separate towels, sponges, combs and other personal hygiene and household items, and not pass them on to other people. All things worn by a person suffering from microsporia should be washed with ordinary powder at a water temperature of 60 o C, which is enough to kill the spores of the fungus. And boil all the items that he used for 15 minutes in ordinary water. Boxes, boxes and other containers where the things of a person suffering from microsporia were stored should be treated with an antifungal disinfectant Terralin.

Microsporia of smooth skin and scalp - treatment

If vellus hair on smooth skin is affected, then the treatment consists of taking antifungal drugs inside and applying them externally to the lesions. If the vellus hair is not affected, then only local treatment, which consists in the external application of antifungal agents. Treatment of microsporia of the scalp is always carried out by the combined use of antifungal agents inside and their external application to the lesions.

So, inside for the treatment of microsporia should be taken the following drugs:

  • Griseofulvin. The dosage is calculated individually from the ratio of 22 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The calculated amount is divided by 3 and taken 3 times a day with a spoonful of oil for 2 to 6 weeks. Once a week, a scraping from the affected area is taken for analysis. After the result of scraping for fungi is negative, Griseofulvin is taken for another 2 weeks at the same dose every other day. Then another 2 weeks at the same dose, the tablets are taken every 3 days.
  • Terbinafine. Take 250 - 500 mg 1 time per day for 4 - 6 weeks.
  • Itraconazole. Take 100 - 200 mg 1 time per day for 4 weeks.
In parallel with taking the above drugs inside, microsporia foci should be treated daily with external agents. It is preferable for external treatment of microsporia foci in the morning and evening to apply different means. For example, in the morning tincture of iodine, and in the evening - Lamisil or in the morning - sulfuric ointment, and in the evening - Isoconazole, etc.

If there is a pronounced inflammation on the skin, then in the first 3-5 days of therapy it is necessary to treat them once a day with Travocort ointment, which contains a hormone with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. When the inflammation decreases, you should switch to the use of any other antifungal ointment (Travogen, Zalain, Lamisil, Terbizil, Terbinafine, etc.).

Hair from smooth skin should be shaved once a week or epilated with a special patch with griseofulvin. With microsporia of the scalp, before starting treatment, you should shave off the hair from the affected area, and do this 1-2 times a week until the end of the course of therapy. You should also wash your hair 1-2 times a week. tar soap or pharmacy shampoo containing selenium sulfide, ketoconazole or povidone-iodine.

Treatment of microsporia in children

In children, microsporia is treated according to the same schemes and principles as in adults. However, the optimal drug for oral administration is Terbinafine (Lamisil, Terbizil, etc.), which should be used in the absence of any contraindications. Children's dosages of Terbinafine for oral administration are determined by their body weight:
  • Children weighing 10 - 20 kg - take 3/4 tablets (94 mg) of Terbinafine 125 mg 1 time per day;
  • Children weighing 20 - 40 kg - take 1.5 tablets (187 mg) of Terbinafine 125 mg 1 time per day;
  • Children weighing over 40 kg - take 2 tablets (250 mg) of Terbinafine 1 time per day.
These dosages are 50% higher than those recommended by the manufacturer, however, they turned out to be the most effective in the treatment of microsporia according to the data. clinical observations and use in children's hospitals.

Itraconazole and Griseofulvin are not recommended for use in children due to their high toxicity.

External treatment of affected areas in the treatment of microsporia in children is carried out with the same drugs as in adults. The optimal ointment for children is Clotrimazole or Lamisil.

Disease prevention

Prevention of microsporia is timely detection and treatment of sick people, as well as limiting contact with animals. When someone in the family has microsporia, then all other people who have been in close contact with him should undergo a preventive examination using a Wood's lamp. All pets should also be examined and treated if necessary.

Microsporia: pathogens, ways of infection, signs (symptoms), treatment and prevention - video

Around a person is constantly great amount microorganisms that can cause various pathologies. Microsporia in children or ringworm is a pathology that affects the scalp or smooth skin of an adult or child. The disease is contagious, so it is necessary to isolate the person and begin immediate treatment. Therapy has a positive prognosis, subject to the rules and regimens for taking medications.

What is microsporia in children

This pathology for the general public is better known as ringworm. This term has become the traditional name for a whole group of ailments that affect the skin and scalp. Microsporia of the skin affects the hair, they break off and bald spots appear. The disease belongs to the group of infectious fungal pathologies, the pathogen (Microsporium) penetrates the skin, begins its reproduction, which leads to the appearance typical symptoms.

Ways of infection

The penetration of the infection occurs upon contact with the carrier; another person, object, animals that are already infected with the fungus can act as its role. There are several varieties of disputes, the method of distribution among people depends on this. There are three main types of Microsporum depending on the main host:

  • zoophilic fungi. The main carriers are cats, dogs and other animals.
  • Anthropophilic. Humans are the main carriers.
  • Geophilic. The main habitat is the soil, here they retain their viability for several months.

Incubation period in children

The duration of this stage depends on the type of fungus that caused microscopy. For example, geophilic and zoophilic spores develop over 5-14 days. If anthropophilic forms of the fungus got under the skin, then the incubation period will take longer - 4-6 weeks. As a rule, infection occurs from sick animals, so the disease manifests itself in humans after 1-2 weeks.


There is a common clinical picture for all types of microscopy, but there are also individual signs of each type of disease that become characteristic features ailment. Common symptoms include the following manifestations:

  1. Spots of red. One of the first signs of the development of pathology, lesions appear on the skin of the head and body. When localized on the scalp, spots may also appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes. When appearing on smooth skin, lesions can be detected on any part of the body.
  2. Whitish small scales. After a few days, the spots become pinkish and fade. Whitish scales begin to form on the surface, there are many of them. By mistake, they can be taken on the scalp for dandruff, and on the body for the first signs of psoriasis in a child.
  3. severe itching. In some cases, foci of peeling are accompanied by this symptom. When a child scratches his head, the parents at first think that it is head lice. Microscopy is often confused with eczema or another type of dermatitis. This is not a mandatory symptom, the disease can proceed without it.
  4. An increase in body temperature. Not observed in all patients, but may be present.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes. This symptom is observed only in some babies on the neck.

Skin microsporia

Depending on the type and stage of the pathology, certain symptoms may develop that simplify the diagnosis of the disease. Microsporia of smooth skin in children and newborns often occurs in a superficial form. Signs include the following manifestations (see photo):

  1. The first to appear is a red spot (center) of a round or oval shape. It has clear boundaries, it rises slightly above the skin.
  2. Then the lesion begins to increase in size, becomes even more dense and slightly swollen. A roller appears along the radius of the spot, which consists of bubbles and crusts.
  3. In the center of the focus, the inflammatory process decreases. The area limited by the roller becomes pink, covered with scales.
  4. Sometimes microsporia re-penetrates the site of primary infection. Another lesion appears inside the old ring. This form is often found in anthroponotic microsporia.
  5. On the surface of smooth skin, as a rule, 1-3 such foci are formed. If the spots are close together, they may coalesce. Foci without active infectious process do not call in most cases do not call discomfort. If there is an inflammatory process, then the child experiences itching and pain.
  6. In newborns and toddlers under 3 years of age, the disease often has an erythematous-edematous form. The lesions are edematous, red and with obvious inflammation, while there are very few scales.

Microsporia head

Ringworm on the scalp often appears between 5 and 12 years of age. At an older age, this pathology is very rarely observed, because the hair follicles are able to produce acid that kills the pathogen. A fungal infection is more often diagnosed in children with red hair, the disease proceeds with the following symptoms:

  1. Peeling areas appear on the dermis, ring-shaped scales form at the hair roots, they surround the hairs around the entire perimeter.
  2. After 1 week, the hairline is damaged. There is a loss of pigmentation, the hair becomes brittle, brittle and very dull. As a result, they break off, leaving only a short "hedgehog" of about 5 mm.
  3. The remaining fragments of hairs are covered with a fungal coating of spores. The skin in these places is dense and moderately red, covered with numerous grayish scales.

These are common symptoms that manifest themselves in this form of pathology, but there are also atypical options. There are the following types of the disease:

  1. infiltrative form. The lesion rises above the rest of the skin. It has a red appearance, edematous, the hair breaks at the level of 4 mm.
  2. Suppurative form. There is a strong inflammatory process, the spot is dense and thick. On the surface, bluish-red nodes with pustules form, which, when pressed, release pus.
  3. Exudative. noted severe swelling. Redness, small blisters at the site of infection. The scales stick together due to the inflammatory fluid, a crust is formed that covers the stain.
  4. Trichophytoid. A large number of small lesions appear on the skin, they peel off weakly. The spots do not have clear contours, obvious inflammation, the hair breaks at the level of 2 mm.
  5. Seborrheic. In some areas of the head, hair thinning is observed. In these places, the scalp with yellowish scales is visible. If you brush them off, the top of them will be broken hair roots.


Dogs and cats are the main source of infection. Penetration of spores occurs not only by direct contact of the child with a sick animal, but by touching objects on which hair and scales remain. In the soil, the fungus continues to live for another 1-3 months. Infection can only occur through contact, probable sources of microsporia can be:

  • objects touched by the patient (human or animal);
  • sick people;
  • sick animals;
  • the soil.


There are two main options for the division of this pathology. The first classification is based on the area affected by the fungus. The disease is divided into three types of this type:

  • microsporia of smooth skin;
  • scalp;
  • damage to the nail plates (extremely rare).

Doctors distinguish 3 more forms of pathology, which are classified according to the type of pathogen that provoked the development of the disease:

Ringworm does not pose any danger to the life of a child or an adult. With adequate and timely therapy hair and skin are completely restored. However, there are situations in which complications of the disease occur if the wrong treatment regimen was prescribed or the doctor was consulted late. Manifested consequences may in following form:

  • inflammation, suppuration of the skin (as in the photo);
  • bald spots appear on the head.
  • irreversible hair loss develops.


The diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the lesions by a doctor, then a fluorescent lamp is used. If the specialist is not sure, then to confirm, accurately determine the type of pathogen, a study under a microscope and a cultural study are prescribed. With the help of a Wood's lamp dark room the doctor examines the lesion. Areas that are affected by the disease begin to flicker bright green.

This hair dryer is not fully understood, but it is one of the fastest ways to diagnose microsporia. For laboratory research, the doctor carefully scrapes the scales with a scalpel and transfers the material for examination under a microscope. Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the affected area with 96% alcohol. Only scales are taken from smooth skin, and fragments of hair are also needed from the scalp.

The collected material is placed under a glass slide, 20% potassium hydroxide is dripped, after 30 minutes the result can already be viewed under a microscope. You can see mycelium threads in the scales, and on the surface of the hair there are a large number of spores, which, like small balls, are attached to it along the entire outer perimeter. This becomes the reason that the hair does not have a clear border, it is more blurry.

A cultural diagnostic method is necessary with a positive result after a luminescent and microscopic examination in order to determine the type of fungus. This will help determine the maximum effective tactics treatment. The scales collected from the affected area are placed in a nutrient medium. In the presence of a fungus, a colony grows in the form of a disk with a fluff.

Treatment of microsporia in children

Determination of treatment tactics for a child is possible only after seeing a doctor and diagnosing the disease. If only smooth skin is affected, then local antifungal drugs (solutions, ointments, creams, sprays) will suffice. Use these medicines until the lesions disappear completely. If the pathology has affected the scalp, then the tactics of therapy change. Required systemic therapy with the use of antifungal agents and the application of local medicines. General recommendations include the following:

  1. On smooth skin, you need to shave your hair once a week, you can use patches with griseofulvin.
  2. If localized on the scalp, before treatment, you need to shave off the hair from the affected area. Repeat this procedure 2 times a week before full recovery.
  3. It is better to wash your head with a special pharmacy shampoo containing ketoconazole, povidone-iodine, selenium sulfide or tar soap

Preparations for oral administration to children

Exist different form medicines for therapy this disease. The appropriateness of their use should be determined by the doctor based on the type of disease, stage and individual characteristics of the child. The following options are considered the best:

  • terbinafine preparations;
  • Lamisil;
  • Trebizil.

If there are no contraindications, then the first option is considered preferable. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the body weight of the child. Exist the following recommendations according to the dosage for taking terbinafine:

  • 10-20 kg - ¾ of a 125 mg drug tablet;
  • 20-40 kg - 1.5 tablets 125 mg;
  • over 40 kg - 2 tablets.

Preparations for local therapy

Be sure to use medicines for external (local) use. External treatment is necessary for both smooth skin and scalp. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Zalain;
  • Travogen;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Travocort;
  • Terbizil;
  • sulfur-tar ointment;

In addition to antifungal ointments, iodine, folk recipes can be used. Affected areas must be treated every day in the morning and evening. For example, after waking up, lubricate with tincture of iodine, and before going to bed, apply a layer of Lamisil ointment. If the disease has reached the stage of severe inflammation, then 3-5 days for initial therapy, a local hormonal ointment Travocort is prescribed, which has a powerful effect on the pathogen. Apply the product 1 time per day.

Treatment of microsporia of the scalp

For the treatment of this form of pathology, griseofulvin is often prescribed. This is an antibiotic that produces a moldy fungus. Produced in the form of tablets (125 mg) and take the medication every day in 3-4 doses after or during meals, along with a teaspoon vegetable oil. This measure is needed to increase the solubility of the agent, increase the time of its action. Microsporia of the scalp in children under 3 years of age is preferably treated with a suspension of griseofulvin.

It is necessary to carry out therapy continuously until the studies show a negative result for fungi. After that, for another 2 weeks, the previous dosage of the drug is maintained, and then for another 14 days they are taken 2 times a week. The course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months, you need to shave your hair every 7 days, wash your hair - 2 times a week. Additionally, it is necessary to use any antifungal ointment (rub into the surface of the head). Griseofulvin has some side effects:

You can not prescribe this medication to a child if he has had hepatitis, suffers from pathology of the liver, kidneys, peptic ulcers, blood diseases and neuritis. If necessary, you can use an alternative to griseofulvin - Lamisil (terbinafine). The drug is used in the form of tablets in a dosage of 125 and 150 g. The dosage of the drug is set in accordance with body weight, you need to take the medicine 1 time per day.

Folk remedies

In consultation with the doctor, home recipes can be used as an additional therapy. Folk remedies can only help initial stages pathology or used for prevention. You can apply the following recipes:

  • squeeze juice from onions, moisten napkins and apply every day to the affected areas;
  • tincture of lilac flowers: for 100 ml of 70% alcohol, put 2 tbsp. l. dry flowers, then strain and lubricate the inflamed lesions;
  • wash the affected areas with a decoction of celandine: 1 tbsp. l. dry grass, take a glass of boiling water and hold on low heat for 10 minutes, then cool, strain.


Main preventive direction should be the personal hygiene of the child, followed by parents. Avoid contact with unfamiliar animals, people who have clear signs ringworm. If the playground looks dirty, with dogs and cats walking on it, then do not let the child play in the sand or walk barefoot on it. If a patient appears in the family, then he is isolated from the rest of the members until complete recovery, and disinfection is carried out in the apartment.

Microsporia in humans is a disease accompanied by skin rashes. Another name for the presented disease is lichen. Since cases of infection with microsporia are frequent, it is necessary to know the symptoms, methods of control and prevention.

Home treatment rules

Treatment of microsporia in humans at home is prescribed and carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Due to the resistance of pathogens to many medicines treatment is complex and combines multifaceted medicines, which allows you to quickly get rid of the disease.

The general principles of treatment include, first of all, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, this is especially true if the lichen is located on the epidermis. In this case, it is important to clean the skin near the spots in order to remove the accumulated dirt.

However, it is not recommended long time being in the water, so taking a shower should be preferred to relaxing in the bath. Should not be supercooled or vice versa for a long time to be in the sun, you also need to moderate physical activity, especially on hot days, since sweat should not be allowed to fall on the lesions.

When microsporia is localized on the head important action is the cutting of hair in the area of ​​​​plaques a centimeter from their edge. This manipulation should be done once a week.

Treatment with medication

There are two fundamental types of treatment - local and systemic, the first of which involves the use of various creams or ointments that are applied directly to the affected areas.

Local treatment involves the ingestion of drugs against the fungus.

For this purpose, drugs such as:

  • griseofulvin;
  • terbinafine;
  • itraconazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • clotrimazole.

The presented medicines block the growth and reproduction of the fungus, and also destroy the pathogen. The effectiveness of taking such drugs orally is due to the fact that the active substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and then “travel” to all organs through the bloodstream. This ensures that the drug enters the deep layers of the skin and destroys the pathogen.

Means for topical application mainly help to rid the surface of the skin of particles of dirt, dust, suppress the spread of the pathogen, in addition, they increase the regeneration of the skin.

As drugs for local therapy, ointments and creams such as bifonazole, ketoconazole, clotrimazole are used. As a disinfectant and antiseptic, a solution of iodine is used, a two percent solution of salicylic acid is three percent, the first of them is applied in the morning, and the second in the evenings.

How to treat the disease with folk remedies

How to treat microsporia in humans using traditional medicine?

Main folk methods in the fight against this disease are:

  1. Two teaspoons of birch buds are combined with three hundred milliliters of medical alcohol, after which the mixture is settled for two weeks. It is used as a lotion several times a day.
  2. The clove of garlic is cut and the affected areas are lubricated with half, it is advisable to perform the procedure in morning time once a day.
  3. Tincture of calendula, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, should be lubricated with lesions about five times a day.
  4. Onion and garlic gruel is applied to the skin two or three times a day. To prepare it, you need to take an equal amount of onion and garlic and skip in a blender.
  5. Five hundred milliliters of apple cider vinegar are added to a pair of garlic cloves and defended for one to two weeks. Then wipe the lesions several times a day.

Do not forget that folk remedies are good only in the initial stages of the disease, with its progression, medicines cannot be dispensed with. However, as an additional treatment, along with medications, the above-mentioned methods can also be used.

What characterizes microsporia in humans

Microsporia is common infectious disease, which is provoked by a fungus belonging to the genus Microsporum. A large number of diseases is explained by the fact that this pathogen is well preserved in the environment and on objects on which it can live up to several years. Moreover, it is observed in significant amount in animals, vegetation and soil.

Microsporia affects both the smooth epidermis and can spread to the scalp.

Often the presented disease is observed in children, this is due to several fundamental factors.

First of all, the fact that the immune system of a child is developed many times worse than that of an adult and, as a result, the body easily succumbs to any infection.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that children like to play with yard cats or dogs, the wool of which may contain this fungus.

Based on this, it should be noted that microsporia has a distinct seasonal nature and a high prevalence is observed in the summer, when animals acquire offspring, to which they can transmit the pathogen. And an extreme but important aspect is that children in the vast majority of cases do not have clear rules of personal hygiene.

Microsporia exists in two varieties. In the first case, microsporia is a superficial lesion of the epidermis, which manifests itself in the form of reddish or pinkish plaques with scaly outlines.

This disease is caused by a pathogen that is transmitted from person to person and causes damage exclusively to people. Another variety is a severe form of microsporia, which is caused by pathogens observed in animals.

The reservoir of infection in this case are cats and dogs. With this disease, deep layers of the skin are involved in the lesion process, this is the beginning inflammatory process and leads to the formation of purulent infiltrates.

In addition, frequent symptoms in this case are a rise in temperature, general weakness and malaise, nausea. The first and second types of microsporia are characterized by the appearance of itching, which can sometimes manifest itself in small degree, and in some cases may have a pronounced intensity.

The root causes of the formation of the disease

Represented pathological condition develops as a result of contact with the skin of the pathogen. This is observed when in contact with infected people, animals, or when in contact with household items on which a pathogenic fungus may remain.

After the pathogen has got on the skin of a person, it quickly begins to penetrate into the deeper layers and multiply. Due to the fact that children under ten years of age are sensitive to microsporia, infection of one child is enough to spread the infection throughout the team.

In this case, we talk about outbreaks of the disease. Adults are less susceptible to microsporia due to the fact that pathogenic action the pathogen is inhibited by fungi of opportunistic microflora, which are located on the human skin.

But this does not mean at all that the risk of infection is completely excluded, since in addition to getting the fungus on the skin, it is important to take into account the general state of the immune system and its ability to fight back the pathogen.

Therefore, in addition to direct contact with infected people, animals or objects, there are several more aspects that provoke the appearance of the indicated disease:

  • severe course of viral or infectious diseases;
  • stressful, depressive states that undermine the body's ability to resist external influences;
  • injuries, microcracks, cuts and other damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • excessive humidity in the room;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene.

It is important to remember that microsporia, transmitted exclusively between people, can occur at any time of the year. While the causative agent of microsporia, which is transmitted from animals, is most active in the warm season, when animals have offspring.

Clinical manifestations of microsporia

Based on localization and clinical manifestations, you can separate several fundamental varieties of microsporia:

  1. Ringworm makes itself felt on the scalp and manifests itself in the form of a plaque that "envelops" the hair shaft. After some time, the spots become less pronounced and become pale, and the hair on the affected area breaks and falls out. Over time, plaques spread over the entire surface of the head and can merge into a single whole.
  2. Microsporia of the smooth epidermis, similarly to the previous case, originates from a small pink speck which grows over time. This type of microsporia is localized throughout the body.
  3. Trichophytoid microsporia is observed on the scalp and is accompanied by the appearance of small spots that are localized throughout the head. In these neoplasms, the boundaries are blurred, the skin is prone to peeling, but at the same time its color does not change as in other cases. The infection proceeds slowly and can sometimes become chronic.
  4. Kerion is a special kind of microsporia. In this case, the lesion is observed in the deep zones of the skin, an inflammatory process and a purulent infiltrate are formed. A massive lesion zone of bright red color is formed on the skin, which protrudes above its surface. The presented process is accompanied by intoxication, high fever, enlarged lymph nodes.

As you can understand, all variants of microsporia are united by characteristic rashes on the skin, which appear as a reddish or pinkish spot of a rounded shape.

In addition, a frequent companion of microsporia is itching, but in most cases it is not pronounced. In severe form of microsporia, symptoms such as weakness, muscle pain, drowsiness, and fever can be observed.

Incubation period and pathogen transmission

Microsporia is transmitted in three main ways:

  1. Contact through direct close contact with an infected person, as well as when talking, coughing, sneezing, or touching characteristic skin rashes sick.
  2. Contact-household, by which is mediated by the use of the same things of a sick and healthy person. Therefore, it is important to remember that when infected, a sick person should have their own set of personal items, and they should not overlap with objects. healthy people.
  3. Through contact with an infected animal. Moreover, in this case, animal hair is sufficient, which settles on various household items, especially on soft surfaces, where the microsporia pathogen can remain viable for up to several years.

The disease in its development goes through several consecutive stages:

  • incubation period;
  • the height of the disease;
  • permission;
  • consequences.

The incubation period of the disease is four to seven days if the infection occurred from an animal, and from four to six weeks when the pathogen entered the body from a sick person. Such a significant time difference is due to the fact that the causative agent of microsporia in animals shows great aggression towards the human body.

During the entire incubation period, an infected person does not experience any specific symptoms and there are no manifestations that would betray the disease, so in most cases the person does not know what is the source of the infection.

The height of the disease is accompanied by the formation of characteristic spots on the skin, which have a pronounced pink color, delineated borders with little pronounced peeling, oval shape.

In the first couple, they are small in size, but during the course of the disease they continue to grow, and can reach several centimeters.

The resolution of the disease is characterized by the gradual disappearance of plaques, which eventually lose their pinkish tint and turn pale, this happens a few weeks after the height of the disease.

The consequences of microsporia directly depend on the depth of the process and its severity, in case severe course scars and scars may form. At mild form no marks remain on the skin.


Laboratory diagnostic methods

Laboratory research methods are based on the diagnosis of such components as skin scrapings, scaly skin elements, and hair fragments. Before turning to the laboratory for help, the patient is examined by a dermatologist, who, by characteristic manifestations, can reveal the presence of microsporia.

Research in the laboratory is carried out in two directions:

  1. Through direct microscopy of biological materials collected from the patient. For this purpose are used light microscopes, which allow you to identify signs of fungal infection.
  2. Isolation of a pure culture of the pathogen by growing it on special nutrient media. This technique is used to determine the species, and in some cases, to establish sensitivity to chemicals, drugs against the fungus.

One of the main methods for detecting the causative agent of microsporia is their ability to fluoresce in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. This ability helps to easily detect various types of microsporia without unnecessary research.

A Wood's lamp is used as a source of ultraviolet light. If under the influence of a lamp hair part has a specific green or acid-yellow color, conclude that it is affected by microsporia.

Among other things, the histological method of research is actively used, which involves the examination with a microscope of biological materials previously stained with dyes. Similar Method detects infection and the severity of the inflammatory process, however, it is impossible to identify the pathogen.

Effective methods of prevention

As you know, preventive measures are used to prevent primary infection or relapse. In this case, the focus is on the isolation of infected people or animals and the complete disinfection of objects with which infected persons have come into contact. Moreover, while a person is dangerous in terms of transmission of infection, he should not appear in places large cluster of people.

In the case of a childhood illness, it is necessary to avoid visiting kindergartens, schools, circles until the child has fully recovered.

For prevention purposes, all people who came into direct contact with a sick person are subject to research. This is done due to the fact that during the incubation period, the sick person could not know that he was the carrier of the infection, therefore, the likelihood of infecting people around him is high.

In addition, one of the important aspects is the use of personal hygiene items, as well as the elimination of contact with yard animals.

Smooth skin microsporia is a type of disease of the same name, in which the fungus of the microsporum subspecies affects the skin, and not the scalp or nails, as with other types of microsporia. Often this disease is called "ringworm".

How does infection occur?

You can get infected with microsporia in kindergarten, in a hairdressing salon and even working in your own garden. Getting into the soil, the fungus retains its viability for another 2-3 months. Accordingly, it can be dangerous, for example, for a child playing in the sandbox. At increased risk are children and adolescents who have not yet reached puberty, as well as young women with fair sensitive skin.

Classification of the disease depending on the route of its transmission


The nature of the rash

With microsporia of smooth skin, pinkish-red spots appear on the body. You can distinguish them from spots that have a different etymology by the following features:

  • spots have clear, sharply defined borders;
  • their shape is oval or round;
  • area - from the size of a pea to the diameter of a five-ruble coin (from 0.5 to 3 cm);
  • as the disease progresses, the spots grow along the periphery, central part at the same time, it becomes noticeably lighter, and the spot thus seems to take the form of a ring;
  • in the center of the spot, mild peeling is observed, small bubbles and nodules appear;
  • you can notice swelling of the affected areas of the skin. The spot rises above healthy skin. As the disease progresses, it becomes more dense;
  • the spots may merge, new foci may appear in the brightened centers of the spots;
  • a person is worried about mild itching, there may be an increase in body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes, especially those behind the ears.

Localization of spots with microsporia

The spots are localized on smooth areas of the skin: on the face, on the neck, in the forearm and shoulders, as well as on the legs and arms, on the back and on the abdomen and on other parts of the body. Very rarely appear on the palms and soles.

Microsporia is a fungal infection that ranks second in prevalence, second only to foot fungus.


Noticing the appearance of red spots of various etymologies on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor - a local therapist, dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Only a doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, since red, scaly spots on the skin can be a symptom of a completely various diseases: alopecia areata, lichen planus, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. Each case requires special treatment.

To date, there are three approaches to the diagnosis of the disease:

  1. Cultural study. The laboratory material (skin flakes) is placed in an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria. If it is a microsporum fungus, its growth will be noticeable on the third day. This method allows not only to diagnose "Microsporia", but to determine which type of fungus has become the causative agent of the disease and to choose the most appropriate treatment.
  2. microscopic examination. Scales of damaged skin are examined under a microscope, as a result of which it is concluded whether microsporia is present or whether the spots are a symptom of another skin disease.
  3. Luminescent study. The affected areas of the skin are observed in a dark room in which a Wood's lamp is installed. When the skin is affected by a microsporum fungus, a bright green glow appears. This method is most often used to study hair, not skin.


Treatment of microsporia of smooth skin is carried out with various antifungal drugs for external use, for example:

  • tincture of iodine 2-5%;
  • chinosol solution 10%;
  • sulfuric ointment 10-20%;
  • sulfur-salicylic ointment 3%;
  • sulfur-tar ointment 10%;
  • "Nitrofungin";
  • 4% epilin patch (applied to the affected areas for 20 days, after 10 it is replaced with a new one);
  • "Sulsen" (paste, soap and shampoo, which are used not only for microsporia of smooth skin, but also for fungal infections of the scalp).

In addition, special creams and ointments are used (as a rule, they are applied to clean skin twice a day):

  • "Bifonazole",
  • "Isoconazole"
  • "Clotrimazole",
  • "Lamisil", "Terbinox", "Terbix" (the main component is terbinafine),
  • "Mikoseptin",
  • "Mycozoral", "Nizoral", "Dermazol" (based on active substance ketoconazole),
  • "Cyclopirox"
  • "Exoderil".

With severe inflammation, prescribe hormonal preparations, for example, "Travocort" and "Mikozolon", as well as antibiotics, for example, "Griseofulvin-forte"

Treatment is carried out according to the scheme determined by the doctor. Every 10 days a control inspection is carried out. Within three months, the patient is registered, removed from him only if there is a persistent negative result for the presence of fungus. As a rule, the treatment of microsporia is carried out for quite a long time. For example, the antibiotic "Griseofulvin-forte" is drunk for about 45 days.

What drugs to treat the child?

Since this disease is most common in children, many are interested in the question of what drugs to treat a child with? Some medicines cannot be used to treat young children, so the choice of the drug must be approached carefully. Most often, from microsporia of smooth skin, children are prescribed Lamisil, Terbizil or Terbinafine. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the body weight of the baby and other factors. Each drug is accompanied by an instruction where this information is given.

For the treatment of adolescents, there are more wide choose drugs: Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Irunin, Itraconazole, Lamisil, Orungal, Terbizil, etc. To determine the dosage, one should take into account body weight, age, localization of the affected areas of the skin, type of pathogen, as well as the stage of development of the disease. There are a lot of factors, so it is advisable to consult your doctor. Only in this case, you can be sure that the drug and its dosage are chosen correctly.


Smooth skin microsporia is a disease that is very easily transmitted from a sick person or animal to a healthy one. That is why it is extremely important to identify its symptoms as early as possible and take measures to protect other people from infection. How to protect yourself and loved ones?

We follow the rules of hygiene when dealing with pets

Since the main vector of the disease is cats and dogs, it is necessary to purchase only those pets that have successfully passed veterinary examination. Existing pets should be periodically shown to the veterinarian to make sure that they do not have diseases dangerous to humans. In particular, it is recommended to periodically examine pets in the veterinary service or in a veterinary clinic for the presence of trichophytosis. Since cats and dogs can be carriers of not only microsporia, but also other diseases (for example, toxoplasmosis), make sure that children do not kiss animals, if possible avoid contact with a dirty tray, always wash their hands after interacting with pets, etc. d. And of course, it is necessary to completely exclude the contact of the child with homeless animals.

Timely diagnose the disease and isolate the patient

Since ringworm is predominantly childhood disease, and in kindergartens, children are in especially close interaction with each other, under these conditions, the disease is instantly transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. It is very important to isolate the sick child from other children as quickly as possible, as well as to examine all relatives who are in Lately contacted him. In all children's institutions, it is periodically necessary to conduct medical examinations in order to diagnose fungal infection using a special fluorescent lamp. Keep in mind that the symptoms of the disease may not appear immediately - the incubation period can be from several days to a week (depending on what type of fungus provoked the disease).

Microsporia is a disease that most often occurs in children aged 4 to 11 years.

Disinfecting the patient's personal belongings

All personal belongings of a sick person must be disinfected. Clothes and bedding can be washed using a normal washing powder at a temperature of 60 degrees. This will be enough to kill the fungus. Household items, if possible, it is better to boil in a saucepan or basin for a quarter of an hour. If this is not possible, treat them with an antifungal disinfectant, such as Terralin. Do not forget to disinfect not only the dishes and comb of a sick person, but also toys (if we are talking about a child), as well as furniture, chest of drawers where his things lay, etc. To protect other people from infection, the patient needs to be given separate dishes and a sponge for washing it, towels, a comb and other household and personal hygiene items.

Microsporia of smooth skin is a subspecies of the disease, which is expressed in the appearance of specific spots on those areas of the skin that are not covered with hair. Most often it is observed in children, but adults are not immune from the disease. According to its symptoms, the disease can be confused with other diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis and others, therefore, for staging accurate diagnosis and the appointment of the correct treatment, it is imperative to visit the attending physician.

Microsporia is a type of ringworm. Its appearance is caused by the fungus microsporum. It affects the scalp, smooth skin, very rarely nails. The disease is classified as highly contagious. The fungus is rapidly transmitted from a sick animal or person to a healthy individual, even through indirect contact. Upon contact with the skin, the pathogen penetrates into the stratum corneum and settles near hair follicles. In the process of reproduction, spores feed on keratin and fill the entire follicle, which provokes hair loss. In advanced cases, they may no longer grow back on the affected areas.

The fungus microsporum provokes a dangerous disease


In most cases, the incubation period lasts 7-14 days. Depending on the type of pathogen, it can take 4-6 weeks. In the place where the skin is damaged by the fungus, a pink-red edematous spot with clearly defined boundaries appears. In the center of the formation, small white particles of dead skin are observed. Along the edge there may be small nodules or vesicles filled with pus. When it pours out, a dense crust forms. On the scalp, in the places of localization of rashes, hair falls out.

In most cases, there are no specific symptoms. Itching is mild. Most often, rashes are located on the head, face, neck and hands.

Specific symptoms can be observed with lesions of the nails, skin of the palms, feet, or with complications of an infectious nature. If the first ones are damaged, the plate thickens, then it begins to crumble. In addition to the nail plates, signs of lichen may not appear anywhere else or affect smooth skin. Blisters never form on the feet and palms. The skin becomes dry and flaky. With complications, the general condition may worsen, the temperature may rise. This is how the transition to the infiltrative-suppurative form occurs.

Symptoms of microsporia depend on the characteristics of the human body:

  • in infants and young women, ringworm usually goes away in a mild form: there is practically no itching, peeling is also mild;
  • in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, lichen is often disguised as the underlying disease, so it is diagnosed late: this course of events leads to the development of an infiltrative-suppurative form;
  • patients suffering from chronic diseases endure the disease very hard, their lichen can recur even after a complete cure;
  • in men, rashes are more often localized in the area of ​​​​the beard, mustache, specific forms can affect the groin area.

Methods of treatment

Therapy is selected depending on the intensity of the rash, the general condition of the patient. The type of pathogen plays an important role in the choice of remedies for lichen. Need to carry out complex therapy, follow certain nutritional rules and follow the preventive measures prescribed in SanPiN. Treatment of microsporia can take from 2 to 6 months. depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of microsporia in humans can be carried out in several ways.

  1. External means (ointments, creams, sprays).
  2. Antihistamines, enterosorbents.
  3. Antibiotics.
  4. Immunomodulators in combination with antiviral drugs.
  5. Diet.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes.

In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to follow the rules for the prevention of this disease. When faced with such a problem, be sure to contact the appropriate institution to determine the necessary treatment.

External means

To stop the symptoms of the spread of the fungus on the skin and increase immunity, use the ointment "Acyclovir" and its analogues: "Fenistil", "Pencevir", "Gossypol". These drugs provide antiviral action and quickly prevent the spread of fungal spores. The tactics of treatment involves the use of drugs in combination with immunomodulators. It is used in cases where the symptoms are mild.

brightly severe symptoms, accompanied by allergic reactions, swelling, stop with hormonal ointments: prednisolone, hydrocortisone. Their active ingredients effectively relieve swelling and prevent an increase in the number of basophils in the marginal areas of neoplasms. Apply no more than 2 weeks.

Effective budget resources external use - zinc, sulfuric, salicylic ointment. They have an anti-inflammatory, drying effect. Can be used for a long time, have no contraindications. The ointment is rubbed in a thin layer into the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

For the treatment of nails, palms and feet, antifungal ointments "Fluconazole", "Clotrimazole", "Lorinden", "Flucinar" are used. The drugs block the reproduction of fungal spores.

"Flucinar" is suitable for the treatment of palms and feet

Antihistamines and enterosorbents

Skin rashes are the result of allergic reaction caused by a long stay of the pathogen in the human body. Antihistamines designed to reduce the body's production of histamine and stop itching. Which allergy pills to take, the doctor decides based on blood tests. The duration of admission depends on the manifestations. Treatment can last from a week to three.

Assign "L-Cet", "Citrine", "Claritin", "Alerzin", "Aleron".

To remove toxins from the body faster, it is recommended to take enterosorbents. They quickly collect toxic substances throughout the body and remove them naturally. Duration of admission should not exceed 1 month. One of the most effective means of this series is Enteros-gel. He renders positive influence on intestinal peristalsis.


Which antibiotics are needed to treat lichen is determined by analyzing the microflora. Scrapings are taken from the affected areas and they check which type of pathogen caused the disease. Griseofulvin tablets are usually prescribed. They are recommended to be taken with a spoonful of vegetable oil. This speeds up the effect. The dosage is determined depending on the body weight of the patient. The drug is continued until complete recovery at the prescribed dosage. During treatment, tests are carried out. If they are negative, reduce the dosage and continue taking another 1-2 weeks. Effective in the treatment of ringworm are "Terbinafine", "Itraconazole".

"Terbinafine" - an effective antibiotic


What combinations of drugs to take, the doctor decides. With immunomodulating agents, you must be very careful, because violations of the dosage and time of administration can significantly aggravate the condition. Immunomodulatory therapy is mandatory in the treatment of microsporia.

Usually, Laferobion and Groprinosin (Isoprinosine) are prescribed in combination. For 20 days, take "Groprinosin". This antiviral drug designed to fight viruses and bacteria. Then 5 days take "Laferobion". It is better to buy the drug in candles, their action begins much faster. After a 10-day break, the course is repeated.


Hypoallergenic nutrition is indicated for all patients without exception. A dairy diet is recommended. Duration for adults is 1-2 months, for children 10 days, no more. From the diet it is necessary to exclude:

  • sweets;
  • fried, fatty, salty;
  • alcohol;
  • bread.

At the time of treatment, sweets should be excluded from the diet.

Mineral and vitamin complexes

An organism weakened by drugs can again undergo a disease if it is not restored in time. Recommended intake of mineral complexes, including vitamins:

  • A, E (to restore the structure of the skin, hair, nails);
  • C (helps improve the body's resistance and accelerates regeneration);
  • Ca (it is necessary after taking enterosorbents).

The most effective products from this series are Merz, Alfavit, Vitrum, Arbidol, Neurobeks. good alternative pharmaceutical preparations can become sea buckthorn. It contains all the vitamins and minerals needed to restore the skin and hair.

"Neurobeks" - vitamin complex

Folk remedies

Not all tablets and ointments are suitable for patients. In such cases, it is customary to use folk remedies. It is strictly forbidden to treat ringworm at home on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Aloe is unique. Its juice quickly heals wounds, restores the skin, and has an antiseptic effect. In the treatment of microsporia, blood purification can be prescribed using an aloe extract purchased at a pharmacy. Such therapy is often used in the treatment of skin diseases, it allows you to purify the blood. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Each time the dosage of the extract increases.

At home, you can use aloe juice or its leaves. It is important to know that only a plant that is at least 3 years old is suitable. Take a sheet and cut it. Apply juice to all affected areas. You can additionally take the juice of the plant inside. To do this, take a couple of teaspoons of juice, a little honey and dilute boiled water. So you quickly cleanse the body and raise your immunity.

At ringworm you can wash your head and body with decoctions of calendula with chamomile. Mix dried herbs in equal proportions and pour boiling water. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes. It can be used for lotions and compresses.

A good remedy for the treatment of microsporia is a decoction of celandine. In this case, you will need fresh flowers, leaves and stems. They are poured with boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, and then, wetting the swab in the decoction, wipe the affected skin 4-5 times a day.

Calendula and chamomile in the form of a decoction are suitable for washing your hair.

Prevention measures

Due to the fact that the disease spreads very quickly, the population must be informed about how microsporia is transmitted in order to avoid an epidemic. Newly identified patients, as well as their personal belongings, must be immediately isolated from healthy people. Everyone contact persons need to purchase antifungals and apply them during water procedures, after 7-8 days to see a doctor and take tests.

Sanitary rules require complete ban for patients to visit any public places. Within a three-day period, a complete disinfection of surfaces, things and other objects with which the patient has come into contact both at home and at work, in the garden, and at school should be carried out. For processing, special disinfectants with chlorine in the composition are used.

Prevention of microsporia at home:

  • all family members are recommended to undergo immunomodulatory therapy;
  • limit contact with the patient;
  • after contact with the patient, the hands must be treated with "Citeal";
  • all personal hygiene items, things, bedding must be constantly processed (washing at high temperature, obligatory ironing);
  • rooms must be well ventilated.

The rules for the prevention of the epidemic require the submission of a report to the FBUZ and its branches, skin dispensaries about the presence of a patient with lichen.

As soon as you find suspicious skin rashes, you should immediately consult a doctor. You cannot heal yourself. After suffering lichen, it is recommended to adhere to preventive measures because immunity to the disease is not developed. Carefully follow the rules of hygiene and teach children to do so. Try to treat infectious diseases in time.

stick proper nutrition. 1-2 times a year, carry out a maintenance course of immunotherapy, after consulting with your doctor. Avoid contact with street animals. Monitor the health of your pets. They can become infected with the fungus when they walk near the doorstep. From the street on shoes, you can bring any bacteria and fungi, so disinfect this area more often.

"Citeal" is suitable for the treatment of hands after contact with the patient


Microsporia in humans is contagious contagious disease. The fungus can be very harmful if it is not destroyed in time. The danger is the transition to an infiltrative-suppurative form, which quickly takes chronic course. With such complications hairline the head may not recover at all. An even greater danger is the addition of an additional infection and the presence of chronic diseases.

The spread of fungal spores in the body can lead to cancer or disorders in the central nervous system. Treat the disease in time and follow the rules of personal hygiene.



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