Drugs that slow down the growth of cancer cells. For the treatment of uterine cancer

A tumor is a malignant neoplasm in the human body, which leads to an irreversible change in the functions of the affected organs. Due to the fact that malignant neoplasms are very dangerous for human health because they grow very quickly and are capable of metastasizing, it is necessary to take all measures in order to stop the growth of the tumor. In most cases, the success of cancer treatment depends on how quickly the growth of neoplasms was stopped. Today, due to the fact that cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases modernity, designed whole complex measures that are the answer to the question of interest to many - how to stop tumor growth.

How to Stop Tumor Growth - Traditional Remedies

Most effective means to stop tumor growth is the application of chemotherapy. This procedure is to take special medicines, which are aimed not only at stopping the growth of the tumor, but also at completely killing it. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that in order to achieve the desired effect, the patient must undergo full course chemotherapy, which is quite toxic, and in most cases causes a number of complications. That is why doctors must cope with these complications in time, since there will be no sense from an incomplete course, and continuing treatment in such conditions is a rather dangerous undertaking that the patient’s weakened body may not be able to cope with.

Also, a fairly popular way to stop tumor growth is radiation therapy. This therapy provides pernicious influence on tumor cells and stop their growth. This type treatment can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. This procedure is absolutely painless, and is based on irradiation of the tumor. At the same time, by the end of the course of treatment, the patient may experience discomfort. This therapy on average lasts about 6 weeks, and the tumor is destroyed for another 10 days after last procedure.

When cancer treatment surgically is not possible, and chemotherapy and radiation therapy do not bring the desired result, there is the possibility of using immunotherapy. This method stop tumor growth is to activate specific immunity, which actively fights the tumor. This method compared to the rest, it is not so popular, because it was tested not so long ago, and unfortunately there are not so many specialists who can effectively apply this method of treatment.

How to stop tumor growth - unconventional ways

Apart from traditional means fight tumors, there are also means traditional medicine, which in some cases can be of some benefit. For example, cancer patients use all sorts of drugs to stop tumor growth. herbal preparations, seek help from traditional healers, psychics, and also seek help and support in the church. It should be noted that in the war against cancer, all means are good, and have the right to exist.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that these methods to stop tumor growth are often ineffective, and some of them pose a real danger to the life and health of the patient. That is why, if one of folk remedies, in your opinion, can help you, it must be used in parallel with traditional methods treatment, otherwise, tumor growth may reach a critical point, and cancer treatment will become impossible. In addition, before taking any traditional, or unconventional drug to stop the growth of the tumor, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

© Olga Vasilyeva for astromeridian.ru

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Cancer is an oncological disease that is characterized by an atypical and uncontrolled division of mutated tissues due to the occurrence of genetic changes in them at the cellular level. At the same time, cancer cells lose control over the processes of division and growth, which causes the formation of a malignant neoplasm.

In structure cancerous tumor It is customary to distinguish between two main elements:

  1. Parenchyma, which is made up of cancerous tissue.
  2. Stroma, which is a complex of fibrous structures, blood vessels And nerve endings. Thanks to these elements, the development and formation of the tumor occurs.

Tumor growth is a concept that refers to the process of increasing newly formed tissues due to the pathological division of affected cells.

Tumor Growth: Classification of Cancer Growth

Oncologists distinguish two main forms of tumor growth :

  1. expansion process. The accumulation of malignant elements is produced in the form of a nodular lesion. In some clinical cases the increase in the volume of cancerous tissues is limited from neighboring organs and systems due to a special fibrous capsule. The pathological spread of cancer causes compression or damage to nearby tissues.
  2. infiltrating growth. This type of cancer is considered the most aggressive form of neoplasms. Deep penetration is typical for this type of growth. cancer cells to neighboring body systems.

If oncological process hollow internal organs are affected, then such cancer diseases. may include the following types tumor growth:

  1. Exophytic spread of cancer, when a malignant neoplasm rises above the surface of the organ wall.
  2. Endphytic tumor - the growth of oncological elements occurs inside the outer shell of the internal organ.

Tumor growth factors

Growth factors are called special chemicals and controlling cell growth. These substances are produced by the body and provoke cell differentiation, the processes of cytological division and the life span of cells. The impact of oncological factors on body tissues is carried out through receptors that are located on the entire surface.

There are two types of tumor growth factors:

  • Epidermal, which controls cell growth.
  • Endothelial growth factor of blood vessels responsible for the blood supply of a cancerous tumor.
  • Platelet growth stimulator that stimulates the development of nutrients.
  • Fibroblast growth factor that causes increased division of malignant cells.

The action of each of the factors begins from attachment to the corresponding surface receptors of cells.

How to stop tumor growth?

Stop tumor growth possibly blocking the spread and formation of malignant growth factors. IN last years medical research is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Decreased levels of growth factors in the body.
  2. Blocking specific receptors on cancer cells.
  3. Neutralization of intracellular signals that arise as a result of the contact of the oncological factor and the malignant element.

Most of these methods are already in use in modern pharmaceutical preparations. It has been experimentally established that cancer cells are very sensitive to the effects of carcinogens. Therefore, the impact on tumor growth factors it is possible to achieve stabilization of the cancer process, and in some clinical cases, oncology can be completely cured.

Anticancer drugs

  1. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors. These substances block the chemical signals of the tyrosine kinase enzyme, which is involved in the processes of malignant growth. Anticancer drugs can block both one type of this enzyme and neutralize several types of tyrosine kinase.
  2. proteasome inhibitors. Proteasomes are tiny, barrel-shaped cellular elements, which break down excess intracellular protein into microscopic structures. For growth oncological tumor these proteins are used. Proteasome inhibitors cause the accumulation of uncleaved protein in the thickness of the neoplasm, which subsequently provokes the death of the mutated cell.
  3. MTOR inhibitors. This drug inhibits the formation of chemicals such as cyclins that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. It also stops the synthesis of proteins that form new oncological vessels necessary for the development of malignant tissue.
  4. Histone deacetylase inhibitors. These agents destroy a group of enzymes that remove certain chemicals from a protein molecule. Such processes contribute to the stabilization of cancer cells and stop their division. In some clinical cases, scientists even stated the death of pathological elements.

Possible side effects:

Are common undesirable consequences taking such drugs include: feeling tired, chronic diarrhea, rash and discoloration skin, loss of appetite, lowering of vital signs of blood, pain in the oral cavity.

It is important to know:


Treatment of metastases - serious problem for cancer patients. One of the methods for the destruction of metastases, that is, secondary foci of the tumor, is chemotherapy. The goal of chemotherapy is to suppress the growth, stop the spread of cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be carried out before and after the removal of the main focus. Official medicine claims that with the help of given treatment can save or prolong the life of the patient. However, does chemotherapy kill metastases? Some researchers doubt and cite relevant statistics.

What are metastases?

Metastases are new tumor foci that develop in the most different places an organism from cancer cells that have broken away from the primary neoplasm. Such cells "travel" through the body with the blood or lymph, and they also spread inside the body cavities.

The presence of metastases, especially during their active growth dangerous for the patient. As a rule, even more dangerous than the main tumor. Therefore, it is believed that chemotherapy for metastases should begin as early as possible in order to have time to destroy cancer cells before secondary foci cause irreparable damage to organs and tissues.

What is chemotherapy?

This procedure involves taking pills or drip introduction drugs that are cellular poisons. Anticancer drugs destroy internal structure cell membranes cancer cells causing their death. Unfortunately, not only cancer cells, but also blood cells, mucous membranes, gonads, bone marrow. Therefore, as a result of chemotherapy, many side effects develop.

In modern medical practice usually a combination of several drugs is used, as a rule, such treatment is more effective.

It is very important to correctly set the dose of the drug. Most often this is determined individually. There must be a balance between the effectiveness of the destruction of cancer cells and the degree of development of unpleasant side effects, that is, maintaining an acceptable quality of life for the patient.

How to understand if chemotherapy helps in a particular case? For this, special studies blood. You can hear the opinion that the degree of manifestation of side effects indicates the degree therapeutic effect. In fact, these processes are not related. In most cases, the effects of chemotherapy drugs are due to several conditions:

  • The degree of development of cancer,
  • patient's age,
  • The volume and nature of the main treatment (surgical intervention).

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is given to reduce tumor activity and size to surgical treatment. Adjuvant chemotherapy is ancillary treatment, which is prescribed after surgery to remove the main tumor. Palliative chemotherapy is a treatment that aims to alleviate suffering, prolong life and, if possible, improve its quality. This method is used for active tumor processes that cannot be stopped or slowed down, also in cases of inoperable tumors.

Can chemotherapy beat cancer?

Someone manages to completely cope with the disease, since cancer cells are destroyed, and with side effects the body gradually copes. In other patients, the cancer cells remain alive and active, and the movement of metastases after chemotherapy continues.

Why chemotherapy is ineffective:

  • There is a weakening of the general immunity of the body,
  • Due to systemic drug action healthy cells begin to produce specific proteins that feed cancer cells and promote the process of metastasis,
  • Possible individual reaction organism.


Is it possible to stop the growth and spread of tumors of such types as, for example: thymus ( thymus), lungs, stomach, cervix, breast, and also improve the condition of patients with tumors of the esophagus, larynx or prostatitis (adenoma)? Yes, you can. There are many ways to do this.

In some cases, complete resorption of the tumor occurs or its growth slows down. long years for about 20-30 years or more.

All of the following treatments help with the condition:

  1. Treatment should begin with the type of tumor established by a medical examination, an oncologist. So, for example, they suggest a tumor of the thymus gland - and treatment should be started with the indicated method, i.e. prescription No. 9. Then, continue treatment experimentally for prevention due to your health.
  2. Treatment should be repeated after the first course annually with only one prescription according to the disease profile. That is, if, for example, a tumor on the thymus has resolved, then it is necessary for three to five years in a row once a year - for four months to repeat the course of treatment for the purpose of prevention. Since the blood is affected, the tumors tend to return - sometimes spontaneously, and sometimes unobtrusively for well-being (for some time) and more often - a disease is observed in the form of the formation of lymph nodes on the neck, arms.

Especially metastases can be born with a careless attitude towards your body. A preventive course will put a barrier to the return of the disease, even in a new capacity, because it will restore the blood formula.

  1. A medical examination revealed that the patient has a concomitant disease. Important omen! After all, as a rule, in addition to the main disease, there are also enemies - lodgers, who sometimes force the patient to consult a doctor with a complaint about this, a concomitant disease, since. it torments the patient more than the tumor itself. The tumor can be silent for a long time or disturb at first less than asthma, which often coexists with lung cancer. For example, stomach cancer is often accompanied by a disease sigmoid colon, hemorrhoids with constipation; thymus disease is accompanied by leukemia, etc. Often through the fault of the patient, treatment is on according to the formula - treat the disease,

and not the patient, a concomitant disease, not the main one. Of course, it is quite difficult to detect the main one from a bunch of concomitant diseases - that is, a tumor, especially in the early period.

This material indicates folk signs of diagnostics, signs that are found in certain places of the skin (the pattern and color in these areas are modified). You need to check yourself more often, and if these indicators are in doubt, be sure to consult, at least with your local doctor, and do not discard the proposed

way. This is a true opportunity, proven over decades, to support yourself and prolong life.

For each type of disease - its own terms of treatment and necessarily parallel treatment of concomitant diseases.

IN Everyday life There are many products that can prevent the development of many diseases. Including such a formidable one as cancer. Nutritionists advise not only to constantly invite them to your plate, but also to replace its contents - the usual cue ball with salad for vegetables and beans. Olive oil (rapeseed) in combination with herbs and spices will not only be a good addition, but also a strong barrier to diseases.

Parsley as a medicine, and garlic as penicillin

Cruciferous vegetables. Cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese) is characterized by the presence of anti-cancer molecules (glucosinolate, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols (I3C). The last two contribute to the removal of certain carcinogens from the body. In addition, they block precancerous cells and prevent them from developing into malignant tumors.

Good for steaming or sautéing with a little olive oil. Do not boil as this destroys the sulforaphane and I3C.

Vegetables and fruits rich in carotenes tend to differ beautiful color. Red, orange, yellow, green, they are not only pleasing to the eye, but also to the body, as they contain vitamin A and lycopene, which can prevent the spread of cancer cells of various strains, including some aggressive ones, such as brain glioma.

Look for them in pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes. And also - in persimmons and apricots. Useful material, included in them (lutein / carotenoid, lycopene, phytoene, canthaxanthin), strengthen immune system and help fight cancer cells.

For a better release of lycopenes, tomatoes need to be cooked, for example, to prepare a sauce from them. And the presence of such fatty components as olive oil helps to improve their absorption.

Onion and garlic. Antibacterial properties garlic have been known since ancient times. However, it was most widely used for these purposes during the First World War. Dressing wounds with garlic helped prevent the spread of infections. Further studies have shown that the sulfuric substances of this plant significantly reduce the carcinogenicity of nitrosamines and N-nitrogen compounds.

They also have a detrimental effect on lung, prostate, colon, and leukemia cancer cells.

Cook well: chop onion or garlic and sauté in a little olive oil with pre-steamed vegetables.

Garlic is best crushed rather than chopped. This contributes to the active release of molecules. They are better absorbed if dissolved in a small amount of oil.

Ginger root has long earned the fame of an anti-inflammatory agent. However, few people know that as an antioxidant, it more effective than vitamin E. It helps him to fight some cancer means. It also prevents the formation of new blood vessels.

Ginger infusion will help relieve the feeling of nausea, which often occurs during the course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

How to cook: sauté grated ginger with vegetables in a little oil.

Make an infusion: chop the ginger, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can drink both hot and cold.

Herbs and spices. It turns out that we use kitchen herbs (cumin, rosemary, basil, oregano, mint, etc.) not at all because we want to enrich dishes with a beautiful aroma, but also because we subconsciously understand: essential oils, which are so rich in herbs and spices, protect against many diseases. And not only from colds, as is commonly believed. They also hit cancer cells with all their might and, by blocking their enzymes, do not allow other tissues to be captured. Moreover, in terms of the strength of the impact, some of them, such as celery and parsley, are comparable to the mechanism of the drug Glivec.

Why Asian women are less prone to breast cancer than European women

Soy. In the diet of Asian women, this product is listed from an early age. Scientists believe that this is why they are much less prone to breast cancer than Europeans.
And all because soy isoflavones sex hormones (like estrogen and testosterone) block the stimulation of cancer cells.

How to use: Replace regular dairy products with tofu or tempeh for breakfast.

Tofu can be added to first courses, instead of meat. This - good source proteins.

Seaweed. In addition to soybeans, seaweed is also widely consumed in Asia. And not by chance. Many of them impede the development oncological diseases due to the fact that they contain molecules that slow down the growth of cancer cells. And fucoidan, which is hallmark food algae such as kombu and wakame, stimulating immune cells, thereby blocking cancer.

How to use: Seaweed can be used in salads or first courses.

Shiitake mushrooms. Due to the antitumor effect, mushrooms of this group (maitake, enokitake, cremini, portobello, Parisian champignons, etc.) help to resist neoplasms, mostly of a benign nature. In Japan, these mushrooms are widely used during the course of chemotherapy, as they help to strengthen the immune system.

How to use: Can be added to vegetable soups and chicken broths, and also bake with vegetables in the oven.

From the life of a sweet tooth: raspberries for breakfast, chocolate for dessert

It is no coincidence that red fruits (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.) cause universal love. Calling with their color to linger near them, they thereby help to form a whole army against cancer cells in the body. And all thanks to ellagic acid and numerous polyphenols, which slow down antigenesis, removing carcinogens from the body.

How to use: for breakfast, in fruit salads or muesli.

Quick-frozen fruits do not lose their properties, and therefore they can be enjoyed in winter.

Citrus. Thanks to anti-inflammatory flavonoids, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits have a unique effect. By stimulating the liver, they thus contribute to the removal of carcinogens from the body.

How to use: Chopped zest can be sprinkled on fruit salads, breakfast cereals, and infused in teas and decoctions.

Turmeric is known to the world for its strong anti-inflammatory properties. However, in addition to this, it does not allow the formation of new vessels and programs cancer cells for destruction.

How to use: mix ½ k. l. turmeric with 1 k. l. olive oil and a pinch of pepper. Drop the agave syrup. Add to soups, vegetables, salad dressings.

Black chocolate. But only one that contains at least 70% cocoa. Only then can you count on a powerful team of antioxidants, proanthocyanides and polyphenols that limit the growth of cancer cells. Permissible 20 g is enough not to gain extra calories and at the same time to prevent the disease.

How to use: As a dessert, a few squares along with green tea.

The combination of chocolate and milk has a detrimental effect on the molecules contained in cocoa.

Red wine: in small doses - medicine, in large doses - poison

Green tea. Doctors recommend drinking six cups of this drink daily as a preventive measure. It significantly inhibits the growth of vessels necessary for the development of tumors and metastases due to its rich content of polyphenols. Along the way, being a powerful antioxidant, it also “programs” cancer cells to die using apoptosis.

How to drink? Brew in the usual way and drink for an hour.

Pomegranate juice was not in vain sung by the healers of Persia. Not knowing about the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice, they successfully treated many diseases with it. Modern doctors say: pomegranate juice helps to significantly reduce prostate cancer and advise men to definitely include it in their diet.

How to drink? Drink a glass every morning during breakfast.

Red wine. The polyphenols found in grapes increase significantly during fermentation. And on eternal question, which wine is preferable, white or red, scientists answer in favor of the latter, since polyphenols are found in the seeds and skins of grapes. By protecting cells from aging, they also (resveratrol) slow down the development of cancer.

How to drink? No more than one glass a day. According to some studies, large dose can lead to the development of cancer.

Thank you so much for trusting and supporting my healing practice. I convey to you my deep gratitude from my numerous patients for your newspaper, which gives the sick hope for recovery, instills a sense of compassion, love for all living things and for nature, and gives tried and tested advice from experienced herbalists. I give each patient a favorite newspaper - "Herald of Hope" , be sure to put one number as a gift with an offer to subscribe. Letters of thanks are sent out informing you of a subscription to your newspaper. I work a lot: in the antenatal clinic, and also continue the healing practice. The knowledge gained at the advanced training courses for medical workers helps me in my work, I take something from medical newspapers and from VN. Many years of experience as a health worker helps. I am happy that I am fulfilling my destiny and I thank the Almighty for giving me love for Man and Nature. There are many positive results.

Hemlock especially strikes me. It helps with oncology, and with myomas, cysts, saved many from polyps in the nose, epilepsy, and infertility ( when infertility is associated with ovarian dysfunction), adenoma, prostatitis, fibrocystic mastopathy, fibroadenoma - probably there is no indication without the positive impact of hemlock.

Many in their letters ask questions about the treatment with plant poisons. I have prepared answers to their questions, if you think it is necessary and useful, please print it, let it be a small help to my favorite newspaper.

Any diseases ( including oncology.) is a consequence of our thinking and nutrition, a signal that we are in disharmony with the environment. The first step should be the healing of the soul, cleansing from envy, cruelty, wrong deeds, resentment against someone. If a person does not perceive these small signals, he receives a stronger warning in the form of trouble, starts to get sick, and if after that he does not change his behavior, he may pay with his life. Therefore, I advise all the sick and healthy to begin and end each new day with prayer. Accept people for who they are. And in order for medicinal herbs to give an effect, it is necessary to free the body from the toxic decay products accumulated in it. Treatment should begin with cleansing the intestines with enemas, but it is undesirable to abuse enemas, since during prolonged cleaning, the necessary and useful is expelled from the intestines. coli, dysbacteriosis develops, which is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the intestines ( constipation or frequent stool, stool with mucus, bloating and rumbling). It is better to cleanse the body by taking infusions of diuretic, choleretic and laxative herbs: knotweed, horsetail, plantain, dandelion, corn silk, calendula, flax seeds, nettle, yarrow. You can take infusions of white birch leaves, lingonberries, chamomile, goose cinquefoil, oregano, clover flowers, sweet clover, decoction of rose hips and roots, milk thistle seeds. It is also useful to take decoctions of unpeeled oat grain, which contains all micro and macro elements, as well as starch, fats, proteins, vitamins of group B, E, K.

Chemotherapy leads to the defeat of not only malignant cells, but also has a detrimental effect on the mechanism of division of normal ones. As a result, hematopoiesis is disturbed, the number of white blood cells decreases, and immunity decreases. After stopping the course of chemotherapy, the tumor may begin to grow rapidly. To prevent this from happening, before starting chemotherapy ( radiotherapy) between courses and after the end, you need to conduct a course of cleansing for 2-3 weeks, taking infusions of the above herbs. Take adaptogens: ginseng, leuzea, red brush, red root ( taking into account blood pressure indicators).

I want to remind you of the miracle milk thistle, which enhances metabolic processes in liver cells and protects them from the harmful effects of toxic substances. Take milk thistle when you are undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. This plant is good for liver disorders. There are no contraindications to taking milk thistle. Licorice root in combination with other herbs can enhance the effect of other herbs. Due to the presence of triterpine compounds in its composition ( close in structure to adrenal hormones), licorice has a pronounced antitumor effect, stimulates the immune system, weakens spasms of the digestive tract.

It is effective for cancer patients to take propolis tincture, tk. it kills many types of viruses and fungi, strengthens the immune system, and is well combined with chemotherapy drugs. The use of nettle and burdock internally and externally also softens chemotherapy well.

Do not forget about the saber. It can be replaced with meadow geranium, because. their chemical composition (saponins, tannins, phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, vitamin C and carotene) is very similar, but geranium is richer in minerals: iron, manganese, nickel, zinc. She possesses astringent, antibacterial, wound-healing sv-you, dissolves salts in nephrolithiasis and gout, accepted in the treatment of oncology, epilepsy, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, female genital organs (inflammatory processes, tumors, infertility, bleeding), diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To increase immunity, the use of the ASD-2 fraction is effective. It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. If you are taking hemlock tincture according to the method of Yu.V. Nikiforova (5-30-5 ), then you can adhere to the scheme: at 7-00 hemlock infusion, 7-30 - ASD-2 ( licorice, red root, red brush or propolis), 8-00 collection of herbs ( supporting the gastrointestinal tract genitourinary system, including meadow geranium or cinquefoil), 8-15 water-soluble vitamins - antioxidants, 8-30 breakfast, 8-45 fat-soluble vitamins. In the treatment of cancer, it is necessary to take tinctures of antitumor plants that support the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. Such therapeutic and preventive measures should be taken by cancer patients even after surgical operation within 5 years ( certain courses and breaks), so that there are no relapses, because the disease is insidious and it is necessary to continue treatment:

a) vegetable poisons ( hemlock, aconite, arma-alakasia, wolf's bast, cocklebur, celandine, fly agaric),

b) boosting immunity ( red root, red brush, ginseng, leuzea, eleutherococcus, licorice, propolis, mummy),

c) supporting the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system ( meadow geranium, licorice, horsetail, cinquefoil, calendula, yarrow, chaga, etc.),

d) relieve depression ( hypericum, Maryin root, ginseng) and taking vitamins - antioxidants ( A, C, E, selenium).

Nutrition should be varied so that radionuclides are actively excreted from the body. At the same time, apples, corn, cabbage, pumpkin, oats, brown rice, buckwheat, dried apricots, apricots, nuts, carrots, beets, pomegranates, black currants, garlic, onions, seafood help well.

Coarse fiber speeds up the process of removing waste from the body, draws out carcinogens before they can be absorbed into cells and tissues, and in women removes the hormone estrogen, which can cause breast tumors. Apples have been used as an antidote since ancient times. In the digestive tract, they take the leftovers and "sweep" them out of the body. Next in importance are beets and carrots.

It is better to use dark varieties of beets, it is necessary to include cereals rich in fiber (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat), use juices with pulp. Pomegranate juice is rich in fructose, citric, malic acids, contains macro- and microelements, has a tonic effect, enhances digestion and assimilation of food, cleanses the blood. A short-term 2-day fast has a beneficial effect on the body, but it is better not to carry out a multi-day fast for cancer patients, because. this reduces the body's resistance to adverse factors, including carcinogens, to developing malignant tumors. Proper therapeutic nutrition prevents the development malignant tumors. Observing numerous patients, I came to the conclusion: for patients who have undergone surgery, it is better to take hemlock tincture according to V.V. Tishchenko , and for patients who were refused surgery - according to the method Yuri Vladimirovich Nikiforov . The experience of folk healers proves the high efficiency of taking plant poisons in the treatment of various diseases.

Many in their letters ask whether it is necessary to take vitamins?

Vitamin E ( tocopherol) is an antioxidant. Its valuable property is the ability to neutralize free radicals, which lead to accelerated aging, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. It is called an elixir that delays the aging process, improves performance endocrine system and the function of the gonads, the normal course of pregnancy, cures cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, reduces hot flashes during menopause, prevents the appearance of blood clots. The main sources are vegetable oils, butter, grain products, legumes, flour, cabbage, liver, kidneys, meat, fish, milk, egg yolk.

Vitamin E does not accumulate in the liver, but it is not recommended for people with reduced blood clotting. To avoid bleeding, people who are going to have surgery should stop taking vitamin E 3-4 weeks before surgery, because. it reduces blood clotting, and an overdose can cause an increase in blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Vitamin A ensures integrity epithelial cells, improves vision and hearing, promotes the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, lowers cholesterol. Vitamin A is essential for sperm production and egg development.

Main sources: liver, milk, melon, carrots, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, apricots.

Selenium found in seafood, kidneys, liver, plants: aloe, hawthorn, strawberries, sprouted grains, tomatoes, rose hips, black currants, dill.

Vitamins ( C, A, E, selenium) should be taken in combination, especially to increase immunity in the fight against malignant tumors.

Vitamin C - a water-soluble vitamin - along with vitamins A, E, selenium, belongs to the four most important antioxidants in the fight against free radicals and serves to rejuvenate the body. Vitamin C neutralizes nitrates.

Folic acid removes stored fat from the liver, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is partially synthesized by the intestinal microflora, so taking antibiotics, contraceptives, alcohol, and liver disease contribute to the destruction and removal of folic acid from the body. This can lead to cervical cancer, and in pregnant women, a spinal cord defect in the fetus and anemia. The dose of folic acid for adults is 180-200 micrograms, and during pregnancy it should be increased to 400 micrograms.

Sources: spinach, green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver. Dear readers, remember that powerful healing forces operate in any organism, but their mobilization requires courage and great work, but not despondency. Remember the parable of two frogs that fell into sour cream. One of them, in despair, drowned immediately, and the second began to flounder, whipped butter out of it and got out. Success in recovery is embedded in our thought form.

Read about the healing of the sick in VN. My friend Nadezhda underwent two operations, after the second it was painful to look into her eyes. They pulled her out of hell loving husband and sons. It's been 7 years, she leads active image life, - recently told me: “And your “VN” helped me, but you are so cunning, slipped them on me and left. After I read them, I wanted to fight, I wanted to live, I believed in the possibility of recovery.”

She told the truth - the persuasion was useless, I really "slipped" her five issues of "VN" - the newspaper is a good "psychologist". If you want to know a lot about herbs, get acquainted with competent herbalists, find friends - subscribe and tell your friends and family. I don't think there will be a better gift!

When contacting me, write the diagnosis and concomitant diseases, arterial pressure, full name in block letters and enclose the envelope for the answer.

Recently I spoke with a former paramedic in our village, who said that she brewed geraniums instead of tea all winter, and severe joint pains had already disappeared. He walks freely and does not limp like before.

I do a massage when the uterus is bent. This is good for women who dream of giving birth. From the antenatal clinic I run to the office ( rented an apartment for this), 2 times a week I receive patients, the rest of the days I work on letters, but it’s very hard to work on two “fronts”. I want to leave official medicine and only do healing. Thank God I'm doing well.

Some of the thank you letters

I underwent a course of treatment with the herbs that you sent, and here is the result: there is no more erosion of the cervix, the pressure returned to normal, the breast fibroadenoma decreased by about 1/3, and the brushes from it disappeared. I remember you said that fibroadenoma takes a long time to heal, and after the main course you need to drink other herbs. I beg you to help me.

Kochanova A., Barnaul.

You sent me tinctures and herbs for the treatment of kidney cysts and mastopathy. I am grateful to fate that I accidentally read your article in VN about the treatment of women's diseases. I read a lot of newspapers and magazines, but nowhere have I seen such an article that is necessary for women. I followed all your recommendations, the cyst on the kidneys decreased by half, and the cysts on the breasts completely resolved. The doctor who did the ultrasound kept asking me what and how I was cured - he, unfortunately, still does not believe in traditional medicine.

Send, if possible, the VN newspapers, as many as you have. And those that you sent are read by everyone - relatives and friends. How can I subscribe to the newspaper?


I wrote last year after I read an article in VN. I had uterine fibroids and diffuse mastopathy. After 2 courses of treatment according to your method ( hemlock, upland uterus, collection of herbs and vitamins E), - everything resolved! Thank you very much for the "Messenger" that you sent me.


I was treated according to your method for all 4 courses and I have joy - erosion disappeared, and pregnancy came 4 months after the last course of treatment, when I did not expect it.

Shapovalov family.

Khakimova Gaukhar Anvarovna,

nurse with 30 years of experience, herbal healer, parapsychologist, massage therapist.

453100, Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak,

st. Artema, d. 12, apt. 82.

House. tel.: 23-67-74, office: 22-89-11

from 12-00 to 18-00 (Moscow time).

G.G. - Gaukhar Anvarovna is a competent herbalist, a friendly person, a good specialist. I was convinced of this when I met her in Sterlitamak. Those who turned to her for help were also convinced of this. Even then, I asked her to leave official medicine, and deal only with herbs, because. this business was given to her from God, her grandmother spoke about the same when she taught little Gaukhar to work with herbs, taught to love and learn about nature.

We destroy cancer cells

Pekshev Alexander Petrovich, having arrived from Novokuznetsk to Belokurikha, came to meet and convey greetings from Mikhail Yakovlevich Chenchenkov, and talk about a new method of getting rid of cancer, which Mikhail Yakovlevich is already using in his Hospice.

G.G. - I gave the first information back in 1994 in “ND” No. 33. Then Mikhail Yakovlevich worked as a head. polyclinic of the oncology dispensary in Novokuznetsk. He amazed me with his humanity. But more surprising was what the oncologist surgeon draws. Face of Christ, performed by him, I placed in the 48th issue of “VN”. His dream finally came true, and now M. Chenchenkov is the head of Hospice(House of pain fighting). Alexander Petrovich at our meeting said that Chenchenkov uses a new drug "Photostim" and has already healed who came to his Hospice. As you know, people come to the Hospice not to die, but to live to the end, and they have patients who, having got to the Hospice, after applying "Photostim", - recover!!!

“Photostim” - in principle New Product. There are no analogues in world practice. Even the well-known ginseng and bear bile are inferior to it.

The woman rejoices “Helped the body get rid of diseases, and everyone congratulates: “You look great” and ask: “Where did you do a facelift?”.

The course of taking “Photostim” is one month, after which the product continues to work actively for six months, clearing diseased cells and restoring young healthy cells. Take in the morning 0.5 tsp. in 30 min. before meals ( or at night, not less than an hour after eating), holding in the mouth for 1-2 minutes. Wash down with a mug of milk or mineral alkaline water.

Cont. tel. A.P. Peksheva: 45-66-48, cell: 8-905-905-01-03.

Chenchenkov Mikhail Yakovlevich call: 31-19-16.

The microbe ate the tumor

Unsuccessful searches for methods of combating malignant tumors are going on all over the world, but so far, things have not progressed beyond the scalpel, chemistry and radiation. In our time, success has been achieved Mikhail Vasilievich Golyuk and Yuri Fedorovich Prodan. However, in Russia there is not even a group of objective specialists who are ready to understand folk methods of treatment.

I had a chance during the life of Prodan Yu.F. trace the microbiological picture of the preparation of the blastophage. My 50-page report was attached to Yury Fedorovich's application for a copyright certificate. Since the certificate was not issued, after 30 years I consider it necessary to disclose at least the method of preparation of this remedy.

I had no doubts about the action of the blastophage, because I knew people who were sentenced to an early death and had been living for several years thanks to Yuriy Fedorovich. The discovery occurred when he studied in Saratov at the Medical Institute, and earned a living by photography in a laboratory where there were cultures of cancer cells. For some special filming, he needed such plates, in which instead of a gelatin binder there should be protalbin - a colorless protein substance from the gluten of the dough. He asked the German company that produces such records about the method for obtaining protalbin, but the company replied that it was a secret.

Numerous experiments ended unsuccessfully, but one day Yuri Fedorovich left cuvettes with rolled gluten on the table, and he himself left to take exams in the summer. Upon returning, I found round transparent spots on the gluten plates, in the center of which there were small yellow particles. It was possible to determine that this is celandine pollen, on which (presumably) live microorganisms that dissolve the opaque components of gluten. Yuri Fedorovich prepared infusions and extracts from celandine, which stood in flasks, fermented, became cloudy and emitted an unpleasant odor. Then some of them stopped being cloudy and lost their smell. An incident coincided with this change in the laboratory: the cultures of cancer cells were dissolved.

So the idea arose about the possibility of affecting cancer cells by some microbial factor that appears in a wandering celandine at the time of loss. bad smell. This coincided with the clarification of the liquid, that is, with the destruction of microbial cells that created a cloudy suspension. Yuri Fedorovich knew that the rapid destruction of microbial cells can produce a phage. Therefore, later on, the name blastophage , i.e. phage that destroys cancer cells. Experiments in test tubes confirmed the bold assumption. However, it is one thing - in test tubes, another - in the body. The test on the body took place unexpectedly soon, but not on a laboratory mouse, but directly on a person.

Yuri Fedorovich, as a medical student, was asked for advice by a neighbor who had advanced lip cancer. Yuriy Fedorovich told his neighbor about his experiments, but honestly stated that no tests had been carried out on organisms. Neighbor asked: "Let's check on me" . I don’t remember how the liquid for injection was prepared, but I remember well that the dosage was monstrously large - as much as 5 ml.

The next morning the neighbor's daughter came running: “Oh, tato die!” The temperature was critical, it had to be brought down, but the lower one kept for several more days. After a few weeks, the swelling on the lip shrank, withered, and eventually fell off. This disease ended. The dosages were verified and were already tenths of a milliliter, and the treatment period was extended by 9 months. True, it was used one more time loading dose- 1 ml. Yuriy Fedorovich's sister was diagnosed with stomach cancer, but in this case he knew that she had good heart and it can withstand high temperatures.

The number of those cured increased. Then there was the war. Yuri Fedorovich worked in hospitals. And there they found a job for the blastophager: after several injections, badly burned tankers and pilots smoothed out terrible scars on their stomachs, which did not allow them to straighten up to their full height. After the war, N.N. Blokhin, who was then Minister of Health. Yuri Fedorovich refused him, after which all the misfortunes began. For treatment with an unapproved drug, he was sent to prison, his wife Elizaveta Yuryevna ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

By the time he met Yuri Fedorovich, he had accumulated many common notebooks with the addresses of cured people (more than 5 thousand) and with data on incurable cases. These data allow us to speak, on the one hand, of the outstanding role of the blastophage in the fight against eyelid disease, and, on the other hand, of a wide variety of causative agents of this disease.

So, the same type of tumor - adenocarcinoma - resolves in about half of the patients as a result of treatment. Much less often, the tumor degenerates into an abscess with pain. Almost as often as the formation of an abscess, encapsulation of the tumor is observed. Then the patient can live for a long time with an isolated tumor. The most rare were cases of tumor rejection. IN in general terms are four different reactions different organisms for the introduction of a single agent. There were also transitional cases, for example, the resulting abscess was absorbed by the body itself.

If there was one causative agent of malignant tumors, then all their varieties should have been treatable with blastophage, however, only adenocarcinoma and melanoma are treatable when it is outside. Treatment of sarcoma is first accompanied by a significant improvement in well-being. The tumor continues to grow, but pain does not recur. Death comes unexpectedly: either in a dream, or even during some occupation. Other types of malignant tumors cannot be treated with blastophage at all. As for the cells of Ehrlich's ascites, when they are exposed to a blastophage (in a test tube), they first turn into spheroplasts (increase in volume several times), and then burst, and large bacteria with peritrichial flagellation come out of them. How did they get there? Or are they the causative agents of this process? It is a pity that I was not able to observe the effect of blastophage on treatable tumors in vitro. there was no place to take them.

Yuri Fedorovich established in practice that tumors quickly dissolve in the blastophage and after that it more actively destroys the tumor of the same name in the body. In this way, it was possible to activate the blastophage and reduce the treatment time.

Yury Fedorovich told the microbiologist Academician N.F. Gamaleya, who observed the blastophage during its maturation. Of course, the academician did not have time to experiment himself, but he realized that “a blastophage is a whole unknown world.” Need teamwork different specialists to improve this remedy, but even what is already there can prolong life without pain for a period of two to ten years in old patients and cure many young ones.

Yuri Fedorovich did not hide his achievements from doctors who wanted to help people. During the period of our acquaintance, he helped to arrange the production of blastophage in five institutions. In Riga, in the republican hospital named after Stradyn, began to successfully use and produce blastophage. The author was given a positive feedback on the results of a two-year treatment of inoperable patients. Blokhin literally soared and almost dispersed the hospital and at the congress of oncologists rhymed authoritatively: “ Yu.F. sold - charlatan ”, and here they dared to get positive results! However, in some institutions there were people who were not afraid of Blokhin. Production was established at the Institute of Medicinal Plants, but even there someone sowed skepticism. I happened to meet a patient there, whom the blastophage allowed to live. Her explanations about the action of the blastophage were answered in the standard way: "So you didn't have cancer." Although she had thyroid cancer, the tumor turned into an abscess, and the pus was pumped out with a syringe, after which it was like an empty bag. Another tumor did not grow, but did not respond to treatment.

Yuri Fedorovich died in 1970, and his wife Natalya Nikolaevna ended up in an oncology center, where she was unsuccessfully injected with a contrast agent, after which she died.

The pharmaceutical committee sent a notice that he should come to Moscow and, as the author, sign documents authorizing the production of blastophage. Yuri Fedorovich's heart could not stand it ( had a heart attack) and could not be saved. The production of blastophage was slowly hushed up.

In conclusion, one cannot remain silent about the ability of the blastophage to dissolve scars not only outside, but also inside the body. Women who cannot become mothers due to scarring and adhesions after inflammation manage to give birth after 11-14 injections. As a rule, boys are born. Yuriy Fedorovich laughed that about 140 Yuroks were running in Ukraine, named after him.

Blastophage preparation.

1st stage - aerobic. The glass container is stuffed with force with freshly picked celandine ( in the first pod stage). The jar is covered with two layers of parchment paper, tied loosely and placed in a variable temperature environment. In the first month, the plant mass sharply decreases in volume due to its consumption by filamentous fungi. When the bottom of the container is covered with a dark brown liquid,

2nd stage - anaerobe. Plant residues in the jar are slightly compacted ( their volume is reduced to 1/2 can) and poured with warm boiled water so as to cover the plant mass. The bank is closed by a polyethylene cover. Putrefactive processes are due to the activity of epiphyte bacteria with an admixture of yeast. The composition of bacterial communities changes several times and all bacterial and yeast cells are dissolved by the polyphage. Its sign is the disappearance of turbidity in the liquid, and the unpleasant odor is replaced by the smell of horseradish roots. At this stage, the liquid without plant residues is poured into an enameled pan with a layer of 6-10 cm and covered with a lid. After 10-15 days, the liquid loses all odor. After that, it is filtered through a dense boiled linen cloth and diluted with boiled water ( preferably spring) to obtain the same color as in the standard vial.

The liquid is boiled in an enamel bowl for 10 minutes, and during the boil, the foam is removed to remove excess proteins. The hot liquid is immediately poured into sterilized penicillin vials and closed with sterilized stoppers. Since little air remains above the liquid in the vials, they ( dressed in a hot vial) as the liquid cools, it is drawn inward. Then the bottles are rolled up.

A day later, the vials are boiled again for 15 minutes. and a day later - repeated boiling, and the blastophage is ready. Treatment can be started one month after such sterilization, - maturation processes are going on in the liquid.

Blastophage can be stored at room temperature in a dark place for up to 2 years.

The complete preparation time of the blastophage lasts from 7 to 12 months.

I.S. Vostrov, candidate of biological sciences.

Tumor growth can be stopped

In this material, I want to bring to the attention of cancer patients so that they do not give up, but fight the disease, because you can still be cured - it will not require a lot of money ( wrote in his article a doctor from Ukraine Mykola Klimchuk ). Through the newspaper I want to appeal to all patients - start treatment on your own and do not waste time waiting for a miracle.

Since then, I have been warning everyone (especially those who have undergone chemo and radiation) - do not calm down, do at least three courses with my method. And only then you can breathe a sigh of relief, - Mykola Klimchuk asks everyone and at the same time insists that during compresses, especially when pain appears, take metronidazole 2 tablets 4 times a day.

By the way, metronidazole is incompatible with alcohol, because. alcohol accumulates at the site of the tumor and interacts with the drug after 4-5 days. If such a situation arises, you need to use lingonberries, currants, cranberries, because. these berries kill the fungus. I warn you! During the treatment period, you can not take alcohol, even in a meager dose.

Patients sometimes use drugs containing alcohol (Corvalol,

camphor alcohol, valocardine, etc.). You can do compresses on sore spots, but for no more than 5-10 minutes, but if you put it on for a long time, then the healing process will slow down for 3-5 days. The glucose medicine should be replaced with saline droppers, and in order to remove the negative impact, healers and healers use a fresh chicken egg.

I recommend that cancer patients undergo treatment with hunger, and on other days there is more boiled meat, lard with garlic, pickled vegetables and fruits, where fructose, sucrose and other carbohydrates are formed. This will stop the growth of fungi.

I want to tell you about healing in other ailments. A 60-year-old patient was diagnosed with severe diabetes mellitus. I applied metronidazole treatment combined with acidic foods (lemon, sauerkraut, sauerkraut, etc.) and after a while the woman felt like a newborn.

I applied my method to a woman who has been ill for 2 years and who has difficulty moving around the room: 6 tbsp. strings and willow bark pour 1 liter of water and boil until the broth turns dark brown and make lotions 3-5 times a day. After applying this solution, the wound was sprinkled with metronidazole (Trichopolum) powder. A day later, the wound became dry and I canceled the lotions, and after 2 days the wound cleared completely and young skin formed under it.

Whatever disease attacks you, whether it is itching in the nose, ears, or just in any wound, it is a fungus. Use metronidazole, use pickled beet or kvass from dried wild pears. Protect the impact site as there is a possibility of a tumor appearing in this place.

Translated by G. Goncharenko.

G.G. - Further, Mykola Klimchuk from the Rostov region (which is in Ukraine) writes: I'm afraid of sickness. Todi the results of a decrease in the incidence of cancer to become commemorative already in 2-3 years”. For the purpose of prevention, in order to avoid the disease of those who care for cancer patients, it is necessary to treat the hands with a 9% solution of apple cider vinegar.

Powder "Akan" against cancer

My new article is about powder "Akan", those. "against cancer". This is my novelty, which I consider the most effective. "Akan" has antioxidant, adaptogenic, antitumor activity. The drug consists of the leaves of cherry laurel, peach, herbaceous elder, black walnut, wormwood and thuja occidentalis.

Ancient fruits and leaves laurel cherry officinalis used to obtain tinctures and oils used as a pain reliever for heart attacks and insomnia.

Used in folk medicine as an anti-cancer agent. This is due to the fact that nitrogen-containing poisons in small doses are immunomodulators. In Holland it is successfully used in the treatment of lung cancer and cancerous ulcers. Cherry laurel tincture heals leukemia, malignant lymphomas, lymphogranulomatosis and common lymph node diseases.

Elder herbaceous. Just don't confuse it with black elderberry. Since ancient times, it has been used as an anti-cancer agent. Cases are described complete cure. Most often it is used with neoplasms in the mammary gland , and with tumors of internal organs. Messages about positive results from humans were obtained 7-13 years after the onset of the disease. Usually, with such ailments, patients rarely “stretch” for more than 3 years. From Tula they wrote that they treated their mother with elderberry for melanoma. As a result, after 3 months all metastases disappeared. Physicians who observed the patient in the Oncology Institute. Herzen, witnessed the retreat of the disease, and then the complete victory over it. 23 years later, the former patient does not even remember her past misfortune.

Black elderberry syrup is a strong antitumor agent that strengthens the immune system. Popularly used for blood disorders leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis ). Used to treat rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, kidney disease, muscle inflammation. Flowers with young leaves have a diuretic effect, apply with edema of cardiac and renal origin, diseases of the bladder.

The black walnut is the closest relative of the walnut, but what the black walnut can do, the extract from the green peel or walnut leaves cannot do - this has attracted the attention of doctors. The first message came from Dr. Med. Clark from the USA. Patients who took black walnut tincture were under observation; tumors disappeared. About 200 examples of the treatment of neoplasms have been described. In the future, the baton of the use of black walnut in oncology was taken by the doctor A. Kolpakova, who cured herself of breast cancer. Then she successfully treated many of her patients.

Used in folk medicine in all types of oncology and in benign tumors (mastopathy, fibroma, prostate adenoma), diabetes, hypo- and hypertension, psoriasis, eczema, diathesis, neurodermatitis, rashes various origins, arthritis, Crohn's disease and other bowel diseases .

Peach. Its leaves contain a set of biologically active polyphenolic and other substances. Peach and laurel cherry belong to the same family of rosaceae, similar in chem. composition. It should be noted the similarity of the diseases for which they are recommended.

Peach leaf extracts have long been used in folk medicine. A.A. Pleshakov used an aqueous extract for the treatment of cancer patients at III and IV stages.

In the United States and some countries in Europe and Asia, it is widely used for cancer letril, which is extracted from the seeds and leaves of peach and almond. There is a known recipe for the use of these nucleoli ( 5 pieces per day or more), but keep in mind that they are still poisonous.

Tests of the Cancer Center. N.N. Blokhin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences showed that the prophylactic administration of the drug to mice for 10 days before inoculation of a malignant tumor led to the fact that in 25% of the rodents the tumor did not develop at all. And for the rest - its growth slowed down. Tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of patients with stage II-IV cancer. The course of the disease in many people is combined with unbearable pain, and the use of the drug for 4-5 weeks led to a significant reduction and even complete disappearance of the pain syndrome and negative effects of chemotherapy in almost all patients, which indicates an improvement in the quality of life of cancer patients. This allowed the Ministry of Health of Russia to officially recommend peach preparations as an additional treatment.

After 3 months of admission in women symptoms of adenomyosis, mastopathy disappear, the menstrual cycle normalizes, blood loss decreases, and with a decrease in blood loss, an increase in hemoglobin content is observed, and in men there is a positive result in the treatment of the prostate.

No wonder that in China peach was used along with ginseng and was a symbol of longevity.

Wormwood. Its main indications are: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, acute and chronic. hepatitis, cirrhosis, gastric cancer, colitis, tuberculosis, insomnia, as an anesthetic, antihelminthic agent, as well as in chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Thuja occidentalis is used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Especially in diseases such as herpes simplex, shingles, warts, condylomas. Promotes the resorption of neoplasms on the skin, on the mucous membranes, on the glands and internal organs with a glandular structure. Perhaps this is due to the content of special resins, essential oils.

"Akan" take 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals with water. Drink until you get well.

Contraindicated during pregnancy. An overdose can lead first to the appearance of excitation, and then to depression of the respiratory center and central nervous system.

Can be combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy and taken after surgery. During treatment "Akanom" not recommended to use poisonous herbs but the treatment is compatible with other treatments. You can order Todikamp, ​​Todiklark and many more from us. other drugs for serious illnesses. It is better to carry out treatment against the background of general strengthening therapy with the intake of royal jelly, an abundance of vegetables, fruits, juices, including beet juice, germinated grain sprouts, green tea. Be sure to treat the intestines for dysbacteriosis.

“Akan” is packaged in bags. The price for 100 grams is 100 rubles.

Garbuzov Gennady Alekseevich.

354002, Sochi, PO box 159.

Tel.: 97-17-71.

How to do enemas?

If oncology, enemas are done every day, and in the first week 5-6 times a day, alternating the composition.

2 tbsp celandine herbs insist in 1 liter of boiling water until cool, strain. Some dilute celandine juice with water 1:1 and do enemas to get rid of polyps.

Each family should have an Esmarch mug, it is better if each has an individual one.

New mug needs to be washed hot water with laundry soap. At a height of 1.5 m from the floor, hang a mug, kneel ( lubricate the tip sunflower oil ) and lower yourself on your elbows, breathe deeply with your stomach, your mouth is open. If there is pain in the abdomen, close the faucet without rising from your knees, stroke your stomach counterclockwise and open the faucet again. And so several times. If persistent pain occurs, stop the fluid infusion. Massage the stomach, and when you urge to go to the toilet, empty the intestines.

Many complain that the liquid does not hold, which is why they refuse enemas, and the liquid does not hold because the intestines are clogged with feces. Therefore, be patient and wash it in portions, introducing a total of up to 3 liters of fluid per day.

In an old grandmother, the intestines took only 200 g of liquid. She cannot jump to the toilet, because. she has a broken leg. We have adapted in the following way. She prepared 3-4 liters of boiled cooled water with salt and apple cider vinegar, all the urine that she collected during the day. She got up on her knees and elbows, introduced as much liquid as she would go in, and immediately substituted the pot. And another enema. So, until all the water is used up, and then the urine. It took 4 (!) months to wash the intestines. The turn has come to the evaporated urine. And only when a real jellyfish jumped out of the intestine did it begin to enter up to a liter. After regular cleansing, he has been living for the sixth year, although the doctors have discharged him to die.

In another woman, the liquid, on the contrary, entered easily and freely up to 2 liters, but the stool was like that of a sheep - peas. And then I had to tinker. Enemas were done for a long time and acidic water, and urine, but only a jellyfish jumped out on the evaporated urine - an improvement began. At that time, I did not yet have the experience that I had accumulated during this time, but, seeing the results of cleansing and analyzing them, I think that it was a precancerous condition.

Bowel lavage is half the battle. It is necessary to restore its microflora, because. Only a healthy intestinal microflora is a strong immune system. It synthesizes hormones, enzymes, proteins and vitamins. Instead of useful microflora in the intestines, pathogenic one appears, which gradually leads us to various diseases.

To restore the microflora, I have been using Narine fermented milk drink for several years. If you simply introduce bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, then they will not take root well and the result will not be achieved. And Narine quickly copes with the settlement of beneficial microflora. But remember that beneficial microflora lives and reproduces only on food fibers. These are bran bread, cabbage, beets, whole grain cereals. You need to drink Narine for at least 3 months, and in the case of oncology - much longer.

Treatment is a creative process. No one can create a plan that suits you for you. I, as a pharmacist, created a methodology, to replenish which You can do it yourself, using the materials of "VN", which contains the wisdom and age-old knowledge of our people, the experience of the healed, the achievements of modern healers. What is the experience of Gennady Mikhailovich Fedorov worth? He was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - prostate cancer. But he did not lose his head and did not give himself into the hands of official medicine. And he armed himself with newspapers and collections of “VN”, herbs and tinctures, again received from the editorial office, created his own technique and was healed! Now he actively helps others and is constantly in a creative search.

Having spent 2 weeks in Belokurikha, observing the life and work of the editorial office from the inside, I can say with all responsibility that this is a unique, surprisingly well-coordinated team of like-minded people, in which everyone, in their place, does work with full dedication of warmth and the only desire is to help everyone who applies to newspaper.

In creating such a team of like-minded people, of course, merit Galina Ivanovna, because with her purposefulness and perseverance, she confidently leads "Herald of Hope" to the set goal. But for almost 6 years she worked alone, and only after moving to Belokurikha did she recruit a reliable and beloved team. There are no publications in Russia like the Vestnik Nadezhda. This is practical help with herbs and coordination of the work of Russian healers ( and there are already more than three hundred people). An important factor is that when creating the newspaper, Galina Ivanovna decided: “All mailing is only on trust!”, she did not change this principle even after 15 years of publication of the newspaper. People pay, of course, with the same trust, because The newspaper helps its readers first of all. Therefore, be friends with the Messenger of Hope, read it, subscribe to it, apply the advice from it, and it will help you find the right path to recovery.

Pokhodyaeva Alevtina Stepanovna.

398035, Lipetsk, PO box 245. Tel.: 33-65-01.

Orchis spotted

Every year in May-June, a beautiful plant of the orchid family opens up to everyone, with a delicate smell - this is spotted orchis or cuckoo's tears. Every spring, the whole family eats once a day milk porridge from orchis tubers, it is best to have breakfast. And no matter how hard you work later, you don’t want to have lunch. This is because the plant itself is high in calories. Orchid tubers contain 50% mucus and 30% starch, as well as sugar, polysaccharides, mineral salts, glucosides, essential oil. After a two-month intake of orchis, a charge of vivacity will appear on whole year and sickness will subside.

Orchis has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory, tonic, tonic and hormonal action, regulates carbohydrate, water-salt metabolism in the body, functional state male and female gonads.

In the countries of the East, dishes are prepared from orchis ( milk soups), drink tea, chew during long, multi-week crossings through the deserts, with serious illnesses, and with injuries.

The Chinese make ice cream with orchis, buying it from other countries at a high price!

Orchid has an anticonvulsant effect.

Decoction: Pour 10 g of tuber powder with a small amount of cold water, then, stirring, bring to a boil. Take 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 p. in a day in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastric catarrh, gastritis, colitis ), diseases of the bronchi and lungs , oral cavity and nasopharynx, sexual weakness for men. This is one of best plants restoring potency . Treats the genitourinary system: prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis. Treats all gynecology.

Tincture: 50 g of powder from orchis tubers pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Drink 1 tbsp. 50 ml of water 3 times a day before meals for restoring strength, improving vision, hearing, as well as sexual impotence and anemia.

Tubers of 5 years of age are taken, small ones are children, they cannot be touched. Orchid seeds do not reproduce well. Digging up the tubers, pick up the young, and the old ( there are always two of them - old and young) must be added.

Dry tubers are peeled and dipped for 3-5 minutes. boiling water to prevent germination. Orchis is a rare, ornamental and medicinal plant, miraculous power which has been known for centuries!

They wrote to me:

“My son is sick ( multiple sclerosis). I didn't have to wait long for an answer, and lo and behold! They asked for only a few seeds, but a parcel arrived, and even free. Your herbalists, just like you, work with complete trust. This is in our hard times! May God grant you great health and success in your work with herbs and with us patients. Low maternal bow.

Tyumentseva Z.Ya., Krasnoyarsk kr.”

“I would like to thank you for your help, diligence and kindness. Thanks to the newspaper for printing the addresses of experienced herbalists who know all the ways to help people. Egusheva V.M., p. Veseloyarsk.

Repina Svetlana Viktorovna

385776, Rep. Adygea,

Maikop district, st. Novosvobodnaya,

st. Yuzhnaya, 10.

A tumor is a malignant neoplasm in the human body, which leads to an irreversible change in the functions of the affected organs. In view of the fact that malignant neoplasms are very dangerous for human health because they grow very quickly and are capable of metastasizing, it is necessary to take all measures to stop the growth of the tumor. In most cases, the success of cancer treatment depends on how quickly the growth of neoplasms was stopped. Today, due to the fact that cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases of our time, a whole range of measures has been developed that are the answer to the question of interest to many - how to stop tumor growth.

How to Stop Tumor Growth - Traditional Remedies

The most effective way to stop tumor growth is the use of chemotherapy. This procedure consists in taking special medications that are aimed not only at stopping the growth of the tumor, but also at completely killing it. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that in order to achieve the desired effect, the patient must undergo a full course of chemotherapy, which is quite toxic, and in most cases causes a number of complications. That is why doctors must cope with these complications in time, since there will be no sense from an incomplete course, and continuing treatment in such conditions is a rather dangerous undertaking that the patient’s weakened body may not be able to cope with.

Also, a fairly popular way to stop tumor growth is radiation therapy. This therapy has a detrimental effect on tumor cells and stops their growth. This type of treatment can be used both independently and in combination with chemotherapy. This procedure is absolutely painless, and is based on irradiation of the tumor. At the same time, by the end of the course of treatment, the patient may experience discomfort. This therapy lasts an average of about 6 weeks, and the tumor is destroyed for another 10 days after the last procedure.

In cases where surgical treatment of cancer is not possible, and chemotherapy and radiation therapy do not bring the desired result, there is the possibility of using immunotherapy. This way to stop tumor growth is to activate specific immunity, which actively fights the tumor. This method, compared to the others, is not so popular, since it was tested not so long ago, and unfortunately there are not so many specialists who can effectively apply this method of treatment.

How to stop tumor growth - non-traditional ways

In addition to traditional means of fighting tumors, there are also traditional medicines that can be of some benefit in some cases. For example, cancer patients use various herbal preparations to stop tumor growth, seek help from traditional healers, psychics, and also seek help and support in the church. It should be noted that in the war against cancer, all means are good, and have the right to exist.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that these methods to stop tumor growth are often ineffective, and some of them pose a real danger to the life and health of the patient. That is why, in the event that one of the folk remedies, in your opinion, can help you, it must be used in parallel with traditional methods of treatment, otherwise, tumor growth may reach a critical point, and cancer treatment will become impossible. In addition, before taking any traditional or non-traditional drug, in order to stop the growth of a tumor, it is necessary to consult a doctor.



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