What painkillers will help with kidney pain. What to do at home if your kidneys hurt: useful recommendations from experts to eliminate pain

The organ or as it moves along the ureters. The movement of the stone can be caused by bumpy driving, drinking too much or very little, playing sports or lifting heavy objects.

Pain in the kidneys is called renal colic and one of its most common causes is urolithiasis, but it also occurs with:

  • narrowing of the ureteropelvic region of the kidney or ureter;
  • tumor lesions;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • injuries of the kidney and ureters;
  • gynecological inflammatory diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the retroperitoneal space.

How does renal colic manifest?

When blocking the lumen in pyelocalyceal system or when the ureters are compressed, the excretion of urine from the kidneys into the bladder stops. As a result, the pressure in the kidney increases sharply, it stretches and the fibrous capsule stretches behind it.

As is known, in the most renal tissue there are no pain receptors, but the capsule has them sufficient quantity and when stretched, it immediately reacts with pain. The pain can last for hours and radiate to the groin, scrotum, vagina, penis, suprapubic region and lower back. The patient rushes about, trying to take the most comfortable position, but, as a rule, none of them reduces the intensity of pain.

Pain can migrate as the stone moves and stops at places of physiological narrowing. An extremely rare option is mirror pain, when painful sensations occur on the opposite side, and not in the compressed ureter.

If these measures are ineffective and pain attack does not go away or new symptoms are added to existing symptoms, hospitalization is required.

Indications for hospitalization may be:

  • Intractable colic;
  • A sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted;
  • Stopping the outflow of urine in the only kidney;
  • Development of acute obstructive pyelonephritis.

In general, the prognosis is favorable, especially with rapid elimination of renal colic. If you delay in seeking medical help, a complication may appear - phonic reflux - the reflux of urine from Bladder back to the kidney, with the development of acute pyelonephritis.

No-spa is a popular antispasmodic that experts prescribe to both children and adults. It is widely used for renal pathologies, including acute ones. But does the drug cure diseases?

No-spa for kidney disease

Familiar pills yellow color with a biconvex surface are available in blisters or in a bottle with a dispenser. The drug is also commercially available in ampoules of 40 mg/2 ml for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

The composition is as follows:

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride (active substance)
  • Magnesium stearate, povidone, corn starch ( auxiliary components tablets)

No-spa is a myotropic antispasmodic that reduces tone smooth muscle, thereby relieving pain and spasms during internal organs. The effectiveness of the medicine for kidney disease is very high - the painful sensations lose their intensity in just a couple of minutes. No-spa also helps with pathologies genitourinary system– cystitis, urethritis.

Operating principle

No-shpa, or rather her active ingredient, By chemical structure is close to other antispasmodics, but in comparison with many it exhibits prolonged and more strong effect. The effect of the drug on the kidneys is due to the fact that drotaverine inhibits a special enzyme - phosphodiesterase 4. A decrease in the activity of this enzyme causes a temporary disruption in the flow of calcium into the tissues. As a result, spasm is relieved and smooth muscle fibers are relaxed. The tablets have no effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, acting at the level of smooth muscle.

Typically, the drug is prescribed for acute or moderate pain in the kidney area as a symptomatic (pain reliever), and its effectiveness is manifested in case of spasms of any origin (muscular, nervous). However, there are also therapeutic results for pain in the kidneys from taking No-shpa.

No-spa does not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, so it can be used even in patients with cardiac pathologies (with the exception of severe forms heart failure). The medicine is prescribed to children from one year of age and to adults for various nephrological pathologies accompanied by spastic conditions.

Use for various diseases

The drug is indicated for diseases of the urinary system, including:

  • Spicy;
  • ICD();
  • , jades;
  • Tenesmus of the bladder;
  • Pylorospasm, etc.

For renal colic

Renal colic occurs in different cases– as when a stone moves against the background urolithiasis, and with inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys. She represents sharp pain in the kidney area (one, rarely two), spreading to the lower back, accompanied by increased pressure, nausea, vomiting (not always). No-spa as a powerful antispasmodic is used when the kidneys hurt due to renal colic. quick fix spasm and to minimize pain.

Because of high risk availability surgical pathology It is undesirable to relieve such pain without calling a doctor - taking pills is only a temporary measure until the ambulance arrives. It is acceptable to take Baralgin or No-shpa. Dosage - 80 mg - 2 tablets (maximum single dose). In a hospital setting, a patient with renal colic is usually administered the drug intravenously in a volume of 40-80 mg.

For stones and sand in the kidneys

The antispasmodic properties of the drug allow it to be used in acute and chronic form urolithiasis, that is, during acute colic against the background of sand or stone discharge, as well as with regular aching pain in the lower back due to nephrolithiasis.

The optimal dosage for an adult is 1-2 tablets per dose 2-3 times a day. Maximum daily dose– 240 mg. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 5 days.

For kidney inflammation

Pyelonephritis can cause acute pain, which can be relieved by taking No-shpa before visiting a doctor. At chronic pyelonephritis the drug will help eliminate aching symptoms, discomfort in the lumbar region. Dosage – 40 mg per dose for moderate pain, 80 mg for severe pain. It is not recommended to be treated with antispasmodics on your own (without a doctor’s prescription) for more than 2 days, but the course can be extended by a doctor in conjunction with taking antibacterial drugs. For children, the maximum daily dose is 120 mg (in three doses), for adults – 240 mg. It is contraindicated to be treated with No-shpa in severe forms. renal failure.

Special tablets for removal pain not in the kidneys: usually used medicines groups of antispasmodics, analgesics, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) intended to relieve pain various localizations and origin. And in emergency medical care at renal colic You should not use tablets for pain in the kidneys, but stronger painkillers that are administered parenterally.

Indications for the use of tablets for kidney pain

The main indications for the use of tablets for pain in the kidneys are relief of attacks of pain due to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) and glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the renal glomeruli); acute and chronic renal failure; hydronephrosis or polycystic kidney disease, as well as nephrolithiasis (renal stones).


Since these drugs belong to different pharmacological groups, their pharmacodynamics are different.

The basis of the analgesic effect of Drotaverine hydrochloride is the blocking of the regulating passage nerve impulses the enzyme cAMP-phosphodiesterase, which changes the biophysical processes of Ca 2+ ions entering muscle fiber cells and relieves their spasms, causing pain. Mebeverine has a similar mechanism of action active substance the drug Meverin, but in this case the transport of Na+ ions through cell membranes is blocked.

The neurotropic antispasmodic Hyoscine has only a peripheral effect, and its active ingredient(a synthetic analogue of the belladonna alkaloid hyoscine butyl bromide), by blocking muscle receptors of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, inhibits the transmission of impulses of the parasympathetic nervous system.

The pharmacodynamics of Spazmolgon is associated with the combined effect of its components: metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride and fenpiverinium bromide. Their total effect is expressed in the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) and a decrease in the production of anti-inflammatory lipid mediators-prostaglandins and a decrease in smooth muscle tone, resulting in the removal pain syndrome.

All non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Dexalgin) also inhibit COX, which leads to a reduction in the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines.


After reception therapeutic dose Drotaverine hydrochloride is partially absorbed, enters the blood and binds to plasma proteins. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed approximately an hour after use.

The biotransformation of these tablets for kidney pain takes place in the liver, and the metabolites are excreted from the body by the kidneys and intestines within two days.

The active substance of the drug Meverin undergoes metabolism before entering the systemic blood flow and is excreted by the liver and kidneys.

The absorption of Hyoscine after oral administration is insignificant (no more than 8%), and binding to blood proteins is low (about 5%), but this is enough to relieve spasms of pain in the kidneys (the therapeutic effect of a minimum single dose lasts from 6 to 10 hours). Metabolism takes place in the liver, breakdown products are excreted through the intestines.

After absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, spasmolgon forms active metabolites, which are detected in the blood within 1-1.5 hours. The drug undergoes partial breakdown by acetylation in the kidneys and is excreted in the urine.

Once in the stomach, all NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Dexalgin) are absorbed and enter the systemic circulation with a maximum concentration in plasma after 60-120 minutes. Binding to blood proteins reaches 98-99%. Therapeutic effect lasts on average 4-5 hours. Biotransformation of NSAIDs occurs in the liver by conjugation with glucuronic acid, and metabolic products are quickly eliminated (after 4 hours) through the kidneys. More than half of the drug Ketorolac entering the gastrointestinal tract is excreted unchanged. Drugs in this group do not have a cumulative effect.

Using pills for kidney pain during pregnancy

Myotropic antispasmodics (Drotaverine, Meverine and their generics) for kidney pain during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor who, as written in all instructions, should evaluate the benefits for the mother and possible danger for fetal development.

The same principle of using the antispasmodic Hyoscine, however, these drugs penetrate through the GPB and give side effects(we will discuss them below). This calls into question their safety for pregnant women. Moreover, the absence of data from manufacturers about the negative effects of these drugs does not mean the absence of such effects.

During pregnancy, using Spazmolgon tablets for kidney pain is not recommended, and all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited.

Contraindications for use

All tablets for kidney pain have certain contraindications for use. Drotaverine hydrochloride is contraindicated in cardiovascular pathologies(high blood pressure, coronary and cerebral atherosclerosis, tachycardia or disruption of the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles), kidney or liver failure, when treating children under 12 years of age. This antispasmodic is not prescribed in the presence of closed-angle glaucoma and enlarged prostate gland.

Meverin contraindications include bad individual tolerance drug and age under 14 years, and Hyoscine tablets are not prescribed if there is: colon hypertrophy, neuromuscular diseases autoimmune nature, angle-closure glaucoma, swelling of lung tissue, and also if the patient is under 7 years of age.

Spasmolgon is contraindicated in cases of sensitivity to aspirin, blood diseases with a decrease in the level of leukocytes, partial dysfunction of the liver or kidneys, severe atony of the gallbladder or bladder and prostate adenoma.

Contraindications to the use of all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include allergies to acetylsalicylic acid, peptic ulcer stomach, coagulopathy, arterial hypertension, severe heart failure, as well as kidney and liver failure.

Side effects of tablets for kidney pain

Basic side effects Tablets for kidney pain are as follows:

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride can cause nausea, vomiting, problems with intestinal function, headache, increased heart rate, arrhythmia, decreased blood pressure, bronchospasm and difficulty breathing, urticaria, hyperhidrosis, and sleep disturbances.
  • Meverin and its synonyms can lead to allergic rashes on the skin and angioedema.
  • Hyoscine can cause dry skin and mouth, skin rashes, violations heart rate, shortness of breath, ischuria (urinary retention) and anaphylactic shock.
  • Taking Spazmolgon tablets may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, epigastric pain and exacerbation of existing gastrointestinal diseases; headache, dizziness and accommodation disturbances; malfunctions of the urinary system, as well as negative changes in blood composition.
  • Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs often cause heartburn, bloating, gastric ulcers, edema, hypertension, urticaria and bronchospasms. In the process of taking these tablets, it happens headache, shortness of breath, weakness, sleep disturbance, as well as rapid heartbeat and blood pressure surges.

Names of tablets for kidney pain

Pain in the kidneys is relieved by:

  • myotropic antispasmodics: Drotaverine hydrochloride (others trade names– Drotaverin, No-shpa, Spazmol), Meverin (Duspatalin, Niaspam);
  • neurotropic antispasmodics: Hyoscine (Buscopan, Spanil);
  • combined analgesic drugs: Spazmolgon (other trade names - Spazgan, Revalgin, Baralgetas);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Ibuprex, Nurofen, etc.), Ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketorol, Toradol), Dexalgin (Dexketoprofen).

Diuretic drug plant origin Canephron N contains lovage root powder, centaury herb and rosemary leaves; It is not a pain reliever, but is used as an auxiliary herbal remedy for uncomplicated cystitis and irritable bladder syndrome - to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and enhance urodynamics.

Method of use and dosage of tablets for kidney pain

Tablets for pain in the kidneys are taken orally (without chewing, washed down with water). Drotaverine hydrochloride(40 mg tablets) it is recommended to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets (240 mg). Single dose for children under 12 years old – 20 mg.

Meverin (Duspatalin, Niaspam) 200 mg is prescribed, an interval of 12 hours is required between doses.

Pills Hyoscine Take 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The same doses of tablets for pain in the kidneys Spazmolgon, while this medicine do not use for more than three days in a row.

Ibuprofen(tablets of 200, 400 and 600 mg) adults are recommended to take 200-800 mg three times a day (after meals). Pills Ketorolac taken one at a time with an interval of 6 hours between doses. Doctors do not recommend using this drug to relieve pain for longer than 5-6 days.

Single dose Dexalgina depends on the intensity of pain: 1/2 (12.5 mg) or whole tablet(25 mg). The next dose can be taken only after 8 hours, and the permissible daily dose is 75 mg. Reception this drug also limited in duration.

To avoid complications, you must have certain knowledge of how to relieve kidney pain before the arrival of an ambulance or medical consultation. Negative sensations of this kind always appear suddenly and indicate either the presence serious pathologies, or about dangerous inflammatory processes that can cause the most serious consequences, up to fatal outcome. The pain symptoms of such localization may be completely different and may be felt in various ways, be on the threshold of acceptable sensitivity or be aching, dull in nature, but in any case require medical intervention.

As preventive measures you can use an anesthetic for pain in the kidneys, which is not remedy, but helps reduce negative feelings that can sometimes lead to painful shock(most often with ).

Self-medication, leaving the processes indicated by the body’s reaction to take their course in the expectation that everything will resolve and pass, is unacceptable, because it can only lead to an exacerbation or the need for surgical intervention.

Approximate localization of pain and possible diagnosis

Do not regard any pain in the lower back as symptoms of kidney disease. Natural filter human body located just above the lumbosacral region, closer to the ribs. The kidneys, contrary to popular belief, are located in the upper part of the lower back. Therefore, before sinning on paired organs, you should figure out whether the pain you experience is neuralgia of the back. Another common misconception is that uncharacteristically expressed renal colic is mistaken for neuralgia. Both delusions are equally dangerous because they assume different tactics neutralize pain.

Take off discomfort for neuralgia, ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, heat, and analgesics should be used, while for renal colic such actions will not only not help, but will also cause harm. If you have certain knowledge, which is acquired if the attack is not the first, these two diseases are quite easy to distinguish. Kidney pain is accompanied by:

  • blurry, unsharp vision of objects;
  • fever, chills, increased temperature;
  • often nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but small amounts of urine, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • negative sensations when urinating, often burning;
  • change quality characteristics secreted fluid (turbidity, darkening);
  • sharp pains that move from the lower back to the lower abdomen;
  • increasing pain symptoms.

Renal colic does not go away in any position, is accompanied by a general difficult situation of the patient, most often vomiting, less often - dizziness and nausea without vomiting. However, you should not diagnose yourself, since there are other vital signs nearby. important organs, which can give similar symptoms. You shouldn’t wait until you go to the urologist and wait until the pain goes away on its own. It is necessary to provide first aid, which can only be an auxiliary measure until the medical team arrives.

Antispasmodics and painkillers, other necessary actions

Many patients benefit greatly from the use of a hot heating pad, which, despite all the visible effects of its use, should be kept for no more than 15–20 minutes. For some people, the condition improves hot bath, which also needs to be limited until the etiology of pain is clarified. For many diseases with similar manifestations, for example, with uncharacteristic manifestations of cardiac pathologies, a bath can cause significant harm.

It is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition with significant fluid intake, herbal decoctions with a mild diuretic effect.

However, this should also be dosed, because the cause of pain can be a stone stuck in the ureter, the advancement of which under the influence of diuretics can lead to damage to the walls of the urethra.

If the pain is completely unbearable, before the doctor arrives, you can take No-Shpa, Solpadeine, Papaverine, Platiphylline, provided that this is not the first attack and the diagnosis has already been made. But if the pain unknown etiology, taking medications can lead to difficulties in determining pathology. Antispasmodics based on drotaverine help with problems with urine excretion, sand coming out, migrating stones, and small stones leaving the body. They expand the lumens of blood vessels and ducts, and eliminate spasm of smooth muscles.

You can take medications at the same time combined action, the most famous of which are: Spazmalgon, Baralgetas, Baralgin, Spazgan.

If you add analgesic drugs to the medicinal cocktail, for example, Analgin, Tempalgin, Panadol, Efferalgan, then the pain can be reduced to bearable, and at the same time the clinical picture can be made completely unclear.

Moreover, the drugs for renal colic received by the body as injections act faster and are less lost on the way to localizing pain in the intestines and stomach.

Application folk remedies will not have any significant impact. The action is to add to a warm bath medicinal decoctions, infusions or taking them orally if they have a diuretic effect. Try to relieve sharp pain in the kidneys with folk recipes useless.

Pain in different kidneys

may indicate not only renal pathology. This may be discomfort from a penetrating ulcer. duodenum, which is also characterized by nausea and vomiting, purulent inflammation, kidney carbuncle, retroperitoneal phlegmon. These are precisely those cases when a delay in death is similar, and only a professional physician can determine the pathology and differentiate the symptoms for diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes pain of similar localization can cause an attack acute pancreatitis, which is no better than previous assumptions, and requires completely different help.

Severe pain in the kidneys from behind can be equally likely to be pyelonephritis, pathology in urethra, migration of stones, spondyloarthrosis (defeat intervertebral disc), radiculitis or lumbosacral osteochondrosis, but nephrological pathologies are also not excluded.

The only difference in symptoms for kidney disease is redness of the urine. But if its outflow occurs with difficulty, then it is quite difficult to notice.

Kidney pain with right side very often and manifests itself more strongly than on the left, and signals more serious things. You can relieve an attack using the same antispasmodics, analgesics and weak diuretics in combination with a heating pad, a bath, lying on your side, but, in addition, there are much more urgent steps to diagnose and begin treatment of the pathology that caused it. Neither self-diagnosis nor home therapy in this case will not help.

For sporadic, prolonged, aching, not particularly intense pain in the renal area, you can first of all advise a medical consultation and healing process. Short-term and unstable relief can be brought by constant and persistent daily actions:

  • Promotion daily value liquid, the consumption of which should be at least 2 liters. This helps to flush the organs, removing from them stagnant sediments and toxins accumulated as a result of disruption of activity.
  • The use of folk remedies in the form of diuretic decoctions and herbal infusions, as well as medicinal fees from plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Many stoic experts and lovers of waiting kidney pain They recommend a decoction of rose hips, juniper needles, corn silk, other irreplaceable means.

  • Be careful with your body, during which you should avoid shaking when driving, lifting heavy objects, overheating, hypothermia, jumping, and excessive physical exertion.
  • Food restriction, exclusion harmful products, for example, spicy, salty, smoked, tomatoes, dates, mushrooms, chips, dried apricots, dairy products, instant coffee. Compliance strict diet, stopping drinking alcohol, especially beer, as well as sweet carbonated water and weak alcoholic drinks, to give up smoking. All this can have a certain effect if the pathology has not yet received sufficient development.
  • You can relieve pain with analgesics and antispasmodics, but take no more than 1 tablet over several hours.

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, unbearable or sharp sensations in the kidneys, you will still have to see a doctor, but it will become much more difficult to provide help.

What to do for kidney pain

The tactics of behavior for pain in the kidneys are almost similar both in acute and poorly tolerated and in mild cases. severe symptoms. After the person is provided with rest and a heating pad, antispasmodics, diuretics and analgesics are given, the following algorithm of actions is recommended - immediate appeal to the doctor. How to relieve kidney pain? On certain time it is possible, but it will appear again and again with alarming regularity. The only significant difference is that a severe pain symptom requires calling a doctor at home, and with weak and aching, relieved pain, the patient can go to the clinic on his own.

Despite the fact that paired organs are among the vital ones, the lesions and pathologies that can develop in them are varied and threatening.

In addition to the well-known ones, there are also such as kidney tuberculosis, a pathology of the genitourinary system caused by the separation of stones, in which the walls of the ureter can be damaged, blocked pelvis, ureteral spasm, pyelonephritis, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries, thrombosis renal artery, benign and malignant tumors and a whole list of terrible diseases that can lead to death.

Ignoring the body’s signals about the required help, simply drowning out pain symptoms by using medications general action without appropriate treatment is not just a neglectful attitude towards one’s own health, but also a criminal disregard for the serious danger to which the body is exposed due to kidney disease.

Kidney pain most often occurs suddenly, so before visiting a doctor it is necessary to get help. It is very important to pay attention to general symptoms, since pain in the lower back does not always indicate problems with the kidneys. Another disease may also be the cause.

Symptoms of kidney pain

With pain in the kidneys, sensations in the lumbar region are cramping and relaxing. In this case, the person’s condition is aggravated by attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Another sign is frequent urge to urination.

In some patients, the presence of blood is observed. You could say that this is main symptom pathological condition kidney

Pain in the lumbar region also has a certain character. The sensations are not localized only in the back, they spread down the stomach to the groin. At the same time, the intensity of pain constantly increases.

Renal colic occurs exclusively in attacks. They last for several minutes, after which the pain subsides, and after a while it returns again. During an attack, a person may feel tremors in the limbs, weakness and impaired consciousness.

First aid

At severe pain in the kidneys should be called ambulance. If the attacks of pain are tolerable, then first aid can be provided at home. However, after the pain is eliminated, the patient should see a doctor to undergo and begin treatment.

Basic steps

A person who suddenly begins to suffer from renal colic, first of all, needs rest. To assess the patient's condition, you should put him to bed and give him an analgesic drug. You can alleviate the condition by covering the lumbar area with something warm. Some experts recommend applying a heating pad to your lower back.

But it is important to know that there are no contraindications to this method. Heat is one of the ways of relaxation, which helps to relax the renal pelvis and ureteral muscles. This method significantly reduces the intensity of pain.

As soon as the attack stops, it is necessary to measure the temperature, as well as. If necessary, it is better to call a doctor at home.

Read also:

Omission right kidney: symptoms, causes and effective methods treatment of the disease

Renal colic can occur suddenly, and the pain can reach such intensity that a person can literally roll on the ground. But since relief occurs within a few minutes, the patient, unaware of repeated attacks, does not take any action. It is important to begin to act after the first attack in order to prevent the intensity of the next one.

Taking painkillers

Some doctors do not advise taking painkillers during the period of renal colic. Drugs in this group, of course, reduce pain, but they also have a strong effect on the kidneys themselves and have side effects that can aggravate the patient’s condition. Therefore, they should be taken with extreme caution.

At severe attacks you can take tablets such as Benalgin, Tempalgin or Pentalgin. But you should not abuse analgesics; it is better to go to medical institution. For relax general condition You can use anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Citramon, Brufen.

All these drugs are used exclusively to eliminate attacks. You should not take them constantly without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication with such medications can lead to exacerbation of the disease. Do not forget that the kidneys indicate the development of a pathology that must be treated.

Water treatments

Baths help effectively with kidney pain. The water temperature should be high enough, but naturally not so high that a person gets burned. You can add a few drops to your bath pine oil, thus the effect of its adoption will be greater.

The benefit of bathing procedures is that all muscles (external and internal) relax and spasms become smaller. Taking a bath significantly alleviates the condition and improves the functioning of organs.

You should know that you should not take a bath alone. Together with the patient, there must be another person in the room, near whom there must be ammonia. If the patient becomes ill, he should be provided with appropriate assistance.

You need to stay in the bathroom for no more than 20 minutes, even if a person does not want to get out of the water due to the relief of painful sensations.

Folk remedies for kidney pain

Despite the fact that most take a long time to prepare, they can be taken as first aid for kidney pain. This simple recipes, components for which are found in almost every home. The following recipes can be made quickly, and since colic is repeated more than once, the remedies will be useful:

  1. A decoction of mint and chamomile. Dilute a tablespoon of each herb in a glass of water.
  2. Compress with oil. IN sunflower oil add chamomile. After which it is heated. A piece of cloth is moistened with oil and applied to the lower back. They cover from above.
  3. A decoction of rose hips, calendula or St. John's wort. A tablespoon of any herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and drunk after ten minutes.
  4. Milk compress. A roller prepared from cotton wool and a bandage is very moistened warm milk and apply to the area of ​​pain.


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