Reference GFR values ​​for men and women. Reasons for decrease and increase in glomerular filtration rate

"Filtrum-Sti" is a medicine included in the group of enterosorbents intended for the treatment of poisoning of various origins and etiology.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Filtrum STI?

The active ingredient in the Filtrum-Sti preparation is represented by hydrolytic lignin, the amount of which is 400 milligrams per tablet. Auxiliary components: calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, croscarmellose sodium.

Filtrum-Sti is available in dark brown, capsule-shaped tablets. Minor dark inclusions are allowed. The medicine is supplied in packs of 10 pieces. You do not need a prescription to purchase enterosorbent.

What is the effect of Filtrum Sti tablets?

The active component of the pharmaceutical product Filtrum-Sti is a substance of natural origin and is created from wood subjected to hydrolysis treatment, which results in the production of a substance containing hydrocellulose and phenylpropane.

The drug has detoxifying, antidiarrheal, antioxidant, and hypolipidemic effects.

Hydrolytic lignin is characterized by extremely high ability to adsorption and is capable of binding significant amount potentially dangerous chemical compounds present in the intestines.

Hydrolysis lignin can adsorb the following chemical compounds: salts of heavy metals, exogenous and endogenous toxins, including bilirubin, urea and cholesterol, xenobiotics, allergens, radioactive isotopes, ammonia, pathogenic bacteria, medicinal substances, ethanol.

One more important characteristic of hydrolytic lignin should be noted. This substance, like other plant fibers, can have a mild stimulating effect on the intestinal walls, which enhances gastrointestinal motility and increases the speed of movement of the contents of the intestinal tube.

The drug Filtrum-Sti helps to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, which increases the body's defenses, stimulates nonspecific immunity and resistance to external pathogenic factors.

Hydrolyzed lignin itself is non-toxic and is completely excreted from the body unchanged. It is not subject to systemic adsorption. Complete elimination period active substance drug from the intestines is determined by the intensity intestinal peristalsis and can range from 24 hours to 2 days.

What are the indications for use of the drug Filtrum St?

The instructions for use allow taking enterosorbent Filtrum-Sti (tablets) in the following cases:

Drug poisoning;

Poisoning with salts of heavy metals and other poisons;

Purulent diseases with severe intoxication;

Food and drug allergies;

Metabolic diseases leading to pathology of lipid metabolism;



Included complex therapy infectious pathology;

Detoxification measures carried out in hazardous industries;

Before using enterosorbent, you should consult a specialist. Many potentially dangerous diseases can masquerade as a harmless pathology.

What are the contraindications for use of Filtrum Sti?

The instructions for use do not allow taking the drug Filtrum-Sti in the following cases:

Atonic conditions of the intestines;

Exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach;

Intestinal bleeding of any location.

In addition, do not use the product when individual intolerance medicines.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine Filtrum Sti?

To increase the adsorbing surface, it is recommended to take Filtrum-Sti tablets after preliminary crushing, drinking the right amount water. You can take other medications recommended by a specialist no earlier than an hour later.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the patient. Adults are recommended to take 2 - 3 Filtrum-Sti tablets up to 4 times a day. After consultation with a specialist, the dose of the pharmaceutical product can be increased to 30 grams.

The duration of detoxification measures is usually 3 – 5 days. Treatment allergic pathology may take up to 20 days or more. To obtain all the information, you should contact an allergist.

What are the side effects of Filtrum Sti?

Due to the absence of systemic adsorption of hydrolytic lignin, taking the drug is rarely accompanied by any side effects, which most often include allergic reactions.

Long-term use of enterosorbent Filtrum-Sti, which we continue to talk about on this page, can lead to the development of constipation, hypovitaminosis, which can give a very variable clinical picture. The development of hypocalcemia cannot be ruled out.

special instructions

Long-term use of the medicine (20 days or more) may lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Because of this, after detoxification therapy, a course of fortification is recommended.

How to replace Filtrum Sti, what analogues should I use?

Hydrolyzed oxidized lignin, Polyphepan granules, Lignofepant, Entegnin, Hydrolyzed Lignin, Lignosorb granules, Lignosorb paste, Polifan, Polyphepan paste, Lignin, Lignosorb, as well as.


Filtrum-Sti should be used in accordance with the indications and recommendations of a specialist. In addition, upon completion of detoxification measures, it is necessary to conduct a course of fortification, which will help increase protective forces body and normalization of immune status.

Be healthy!


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Reviews about the drug: FILTRUM-STI, tbl 400 mg No. 50

    So in my first aid kit I replaced the charcoal with Filtrum and the mezim with Enterosgel, progress!)))

    No. 109 | 14.12.10 13:49 | Rektro

    Filtrum is the best thing for children, but I can’t imagine how to feed a small child with coal. I envy the children; in my childhood all the medicines were terribly disgusting.

    No. 743 | 05/13/11 12:01 | Eno4ka

    I use this remedy for diarrhea. Helps almost instantly.

    No. 1801 | 21.08.11 18:19 | Dmitry Danilin

    My first aid kit has been updated with the necessary and useful tool FILTRUM-STI. Effectively copes with diarrhea =)

    No. 1802 | 08/21/11 18:21 | Vladislav Tretiak

    I work in a hazardous industry, fumes, fumes in the air. I use these tablets. I have no complaints about my health yet.

    No. 1803 | 21.08.11 18:23 | Vasily Nuzhdin

    I use the drug after taking a course of antibiotics. Removes all this rubbish from the body.

    No. 1804 | 21.08.11 18:28 | Lika

    Helps in the treatment of intestinal and food poisoning. Thanks to the manufacturers for the medicine.

    No. 1805 | 21.08.11 18:30 | Shurka

    Helps very well against alcohol poisoning. How many times have you saved? High five to Filtrum!!!

    No. 1806 | 21.08.11 18:32 | Ivan Smolov

    My husband really loves to drink (((and as a result, poisoning with low-quality alcohol (or simply too much) is not uncommon). Filter is a godsend for him. It removes all this dirty stuff from his body in a couple of hours.

    No. 1807 | 21.08.11 18:34 | Annita Pletina

    Amazing product. Helps me a lot from poisoning. When the temperature rises, vomiting, you can’t get out of the toilet, you think, well, I’d give anything for an antidote. And now it has been found, and it is effective.

    No. 1808 | 21.08.11 18:38 | Valentina

    My work is related to dangerous production, the production of plastic products. And in order to somehow relieve the body from these fumes, I use Filtrum-Sti as a preventive measure.

    No. 1809 | 21.08.11 18:42 | Sergey Boyarintsev

    It helps a lot against poisoning! very fast. and the best thing is that both children and adults can

    No. 1906 | 01.09.11 23:41 | Nadia

    Helps with a hangover, you can get back to normal very quickly

    No. 2962 | 11/18/11 22:42 | Andrey

    for filtrum poisoning, remedy No. 1.

    No. 3193 | 08.12.11 18:12 | Inga

    Filtrum-sti is an excellent drug. both in case of poisoning and before drinking alcohol) to prevent a hangover)

    No. 3217 | 10.12.11 15:02 | Leysan

    I always have Filtrum with me. It’s a very good product.

    No. 3281 | 16.12.11 00:43 | Yasya

    excellent tablets. irreplaceable. especially during the New Year holidays;)

    No. 3357 | 22.12.11 18:46 | Rose

    A friend advised me to buy Filterum as soon new year holidays and of course the festive table.

    No. 3361 | 22.12.11 23:37 | Christie

    Filtrum helps very quickly with poisoning, everyone in the family is happy with the effect and speed of action

    No. 3382 | 12/24/11 00:41 | Nika

    I drink when I’m poisoned, I forgot about it a long time ago Activated carbon, and my husband also drinks Filtrum for hangovers.

    No. 3387 | 24.12.11 02:58 | Daria Markina

    Good drug, before the New Year it is especially relevant

    No. 3416 | 26.12.11 02:35 | Elya

    Once he helped me out when the day before an important meeting I was seriously poisoned. I was “like a cucumber” at the meeting.

    No. 3427 | 27.12.11 03:05 | Natalia

    I have chronic urticaria from the consumption of honey and other bee products. Again, due to a violation of the diet, a rash appeared - I took Filtrum-sti, Tavegil - everything went away faster than usual (usually just Tavegil: the main part of the rash lasts for half a day, in 2 days it goes away completely along with the itching)

    No. 3456 | 28.12.11 02:12 | Mila

    I like Filterum, it helps and helps quickly. indispensable when traveling and on vacation

    No. 5667 | 06/19/12 10:13 | Sonya

    I periodically drink Filtrum for prevention, so that the body is cleansed and there are no skin problems.

    No. 5769 | 22.06.12 15:04 | Alma

    I learned this secret for hangovers. What if you take two Filtrum tablets before you start taking it and go to the toilet - you won’t have a hangover in the morning - I’ll try it and report back!

    No. 6590 | 22.08.12 18:23 | Volodya

    I have already heard about this drug from many friends. Everyone praises. I'll have to try it

    No. 6599 | 23.08.12 14:43 | Lelik

    I give Filtrum to my husband for a hangover, it works great

    No. 6635 | 26.08.12 17:40 | Catherine

    We take Filtrum with us into nature, children often experience minor poisoning from the dirt around them, so far we have coped with this problem perfectly well.

    No. 6640 | 27.08.12 15:24 | Alyona

    Ekaterina, try giving it BEFORE the hangover, so to speak, right before drinking, you will be pleasantly surprised-)

    No. 6685 | 08/30/12 00:56 | Lisya

    There are no complaints about the drug. It helps great, it can’t compare with coal. The filter is a powerful sorbent.

    No. 6697 | 08/31/12 00:10 | Alexei

    If you compare it with coal, then of course it’s better to choose Filtrum, first of all, it acts much faster, which is very important for poisoning, for example, and it’s more convenient to take, you don’t need to eat handfuls like coal

    No. 6940 | 09.19.12 17:10 | Lyudmila

    helped more than once even with severe hangover

    No. 6968 | 21.09.12 19:25 | Vladimir

    Stops diarrhea quickly; with my weak intestines, it’s generally an irreplaceable thing for me.

    No. 6985 | 23.09.12 11:38 | Zarina

    I see I’m not the only one who takes Filtrum for hangovers, it’s a really good thing

    No. 7020 | 26.09.12 19:37 | Edik

    after big holidays I took activated carbon, but there was no desired effect, they recommended Filtrum. I advise you too

    No. 7689 | 13.11.12 19:15 | Katarina

    I had a stomach ache, took the Filtrum STI course, everything went away.

    No. 7690 | 13.11.12 19:29 | Katarina

    Yes, it helps with poisoning and to prevent hangovers: you don’t feel so bad the next day.

    No. 8044 | 07.12.12 14:07 | Oleg Vorkutin

    I've been suffering since childhood food allergies. I took the Filtrum course. The allergy became noticeable. I think I’ll drink it again to consolidate the effect.

    No. 8090 | 09.12.12 16:35 | Denis

    Great substitute for charcoal! Modern drug.

    No. 8093 | 09.12.12 21:46 | Marina

    Last summer we went on vacation to Gelendzhik and got poisoned by poppuna fish. Two hours after dinner, the whole family was already with churning stomachs. I had filtrum with me for poisoning. We drank it and in the evening everything was fine. Super!

    No. 16484 | 04/08/15 08:37 | Tatiana

    I keep it in home medicine cabinet, in case of poisoning and for my husband from a hangover. In winter, when he starts going fishing, he then complains that his head hurts due to a hangover and he feels bad. And if you drink Filtrum in advance, then there will be no problems with your health later.

    No. 16510 | 04/13/15 13:55 | Galina

    The toilet and basin are my company after the holidays. Not always, of course, but it happens (I think I’m not the only one who experiences this). I tried a lot different ways fight hangover. But Filtrum helps best - 2 tablets before the feast, 2 during the feast and 2 at the very end before bed. It's a great system, you know.

on the use of the drug
for medical use

Registration number:

P N001189/01-140113

Trade name of the drug:

Filtrum ® -STI

Dosage form:

tablets 400mg


Active substance: hydrolytic lignin (polyfan) (in terms of 100% substance) - 0.4 g,
Excipients: low molecular weight medical polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone) - 0.041 g, calcium stearate -0.004 g, croscarmellose sodium (primellose) - 0.005 g.

Description: Pills dark brown, with grayish-brown inclusions of a biconvex capsule shape with a notch.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A07BC

Pharmacological properties

Filtrum ® -STI is a natural enterosorbent consisting of hydrolysis products of wood components - lignin polymer, the structural elements of which are derivatives of phenylpropane and hydrocellulose.
It has high sorption activity and nonspecific detoxification effect.
Binds and removes pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, medications, poisons, salts from the body heavy metals, alcohol, allergens, as well as an excess of certain metabolic products, including bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, metabolites. responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.
Non-toxic, not absorbed, completely eliminated from the intestines within 24 hours.

Indications for use

As a detoxifying agent in adults and children with exogenous and endogenous intoxication of various origins:
  • acute poisoning medications, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, alcohol and other poisons;
  • complex course foodborne diseases, salmonellosis, dysentery, dyspepsia;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;
  • hyperbilirubinemia and hyperazotemia (liver and kidney failure);
  • food and drug allergies;
  • prevention of chronic intoxication among workers in hazardous industries.
  • Contraindications

    Individual intolerance to the drug. It is not advisable to use the drug during exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers or intestinal atony.

    Directions for use and doses

    Orally, preferably after preliminary crushing, with water an hour before meals and taking other medications.
    The dose of the drug depends on age, body weight and severity of the disease, the drug is taken 3 - 4 times a day, average single dose for children up to one year - 1/2 tablet; 1 - 3 goals - 1/2-1 tablet; 4 - 7 years - 1 tablet, 7-12 years - 1-2 tablets; for adults - 2-3 tablets. If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor daily dose can be increased to 20-30 g in 3-4 doses.
    The duration of treatment for acute conditions is 3-5 days, with allergic diseases And chronic intoxications up to 14-21 days. Repeated courses of treatment after 2 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Side effect

    Rarely - allergic reactions, constipation.
    Long-term use can lead to impaired absorption of vitamins and calcium, and therefore prophylactic use of multivitamins and calcium supplements is recommended.

    Interaction with other drugs
    Possible reduction therapeutic effect some medications taken by mouth at the same time.

    special instructions

    The drug can be used in complex therapy with other drugs, subject to the rules of separate administration.

    Release form

    10 or 15 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil.
    1, 2 or 5 blister packs of 10 tablets each, or 2 or 4 blister packs of 15 tablets each, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard pack.

    Best before date

    2 years.
    Do not use too late indicated on the packaging.

    Storage conditions

    In a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    Over the counter.

    Owner of the registration certificate
    PJSC "AVVA RUS". Russia, 121614 Moscow, st. Krylatskie Hills, 30. building 9.

    Manufacturer/organization receiving claims:

    PJSC "AVVA RUS". Russia. 610044 I. Kirov, st. Luganskaya, 53A.

    "Filtrum sti" is one of the drugs belonging to the extensive pharmacological group intestinal sorbents and detoxification agents.

    The medicine is widely used to treat intestinal infections accompanied by acute intoxication, as well as allergies caused by the negative influence of irritating agents.


    “Filtrumsti” has high absorbent properties, effectively binds internal metabolic products that arise during the functioning of organs and systems: urea, cholesterol, bilirubin and metabolites that have the ability to synthesize toxic elements.

    Penetrating into the gap between the walls of the thick and small intestine, the active components of the drug absorb harmful and hazardous substances and remove them from the body. The medicine is active against all toxic elements, including:

    • industrial poisons;
    • toxic chemical substances;
    • ethanol breakdown products;
    • allergens (food and medicinal);
    • heavy metals (in the form of salts);
    • waste products of microorganisms.

    When is it appointed?

    "Filtrumsti" can be prescribed for any conditions accompanied by the formation of toxins, the ingestion of allergens or toxic substances. Indications for use are:

    Note! Use for preventive purposes is permitted after consultation with a supervising physician.

    How to use?

    The dosage of the drug in each specific case requires individual adjustment depending on the degree of intoxication, diagnosis, concomitant chronic diseases and pathologies, as well as the patient’s age and weight. Standard drug dosage recommendations are given in the table below.

    The duration of therapy using Filtrumsty depends on the degree of damage: for acute infections and intoxications, treatment ranges from 3 to 5 days; chronic toxic lesions and allergic reactions require more long-term treatment(2 to 3 weeks).

    Note! An increase in the daily amount of the drug is possible in cases of urgent need and in case of ineffectiveness therapeutic doses. Correction of the dosage regimen is allowed only under the supervision of a physician.


    The drug has practically no absolute contraindications(the exception is cases hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug). Among the relative restrictions are:

    • anacid gastritis;
    • constipation (“Filtrum sti” can increase the severity of such manifestations);
    • diabetes mellitus (the granulated form of the drug contains sucrose, so its amount must be taken into account when calculating the daily amount of sugar and its derivatives consumed).

    Pregnancy and lactation

    “Filtrumsti” does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, as it is excreted from the body unchanged.

    The drug is considered safe for use during pregnancy, but it is still not worth taking it without consulting a gynecologist.

    Lactation is also not a contraindication for the use of the product, so nursing mothers can receive therapy using Filtrumsty after consulting a pediatrician.

    Side effects

    The drug is well tolerated and undesirable consequences after taking it, they are diagnosed extremely rarely (mainly when taking doses several times higher than those recommended by the manufacturer and the attending physician).

    Most common side effect which can be observed during the treatment of “Filtrumsti” is the occurrence and intensification of constipation, as well as a feeling severe bloating.

    In some cases, allergic skin reactions (rash, dryness, itching, irritation) may occur. These phenomena should resolve within 24-48 hours after starting drug therapy.


    If large doses of the drug are used, it may increase side effects.

    Composition and release form

    "Filtrumsti" is produced in the form of tablets containing 400 mg of the main active ingredient - hydrolytic lignin. This is a substance that promotes the “recycling” of waste, toxins, poisons and other debris from the large and small intestines. One package may contain 10, 20, 30, 50 or 60 tablets.


    “Filtrumsti” is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, therefore it does not penetrate tissues and organs and does not affect their functioning. Displayed in its original form with feces.


    Sold without a prescription. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date engraved on the packaging. The maximum permissible storage temperature is 30 degrees.

    Thank you

    Filtrum represents sorbent natural, natural origin which has quite long history applications in medicine. Filtrum is an easy-to-take form (tablets) of hydrolyzed lignin obtained from plant materials. Hydrolytic lignin was successfully used by regular military units of the German army to combat intestinal poisoning. Filtrum has a high sorbing capacity, binding toxins of any nature in the intestinal lumen. It is the high sorption properties and versatility of the drug that determine its effectiveness in eliminating many pathological symptoms, the appearance of which is associated with toxic effects various substances - from bacterial waste products to alcohol.

    Lignin is a brown powder that is quite unpleasant to ingest. And the sorbent drug Filtrum is the same hydrolyzed lignin, but compressed into tablets, which are psychologically much easier for a person to take orally with water. Therefore, in the form of Filtrum sorbent tablets, people have the opportunity to use highly effective drug without experiencing any discomfort from it appearance and taste.

    Release forms, composition and names

    Today, drugs with the word "Filtrum" in the name, containing as active component hydrolyzed lignin , are produced in two dosage forms:
    1. Tablets (Filtrum-STI, Laktofiltrum).
    2. Chewable lozenges (Filtrum-Safari).

    Tablets are produced by different pharmaceutical factories, therefore they have differences in trade names finished drugs. So, today there are “Filtrum-STI” and “Lactofiltrum” tablets, which are the same drug, but produced by different companies. Lactofiltrum is often called "Lactum filtrum" or "Lacta filtrum", but these are distorted names perceived by ear. The correct name is "Lactofiltrum". Also sometimes tradename"Filtrum-STI" tablets are pronounced incorrectly, and it turns out "Filtrum-city". In this case, "Filtrum-STI" = "Filtrum City".

    The drug Filtrum-Safari, which is produced in convenient form chewable lozenges with chocolate or berry flavor. This form of release is positioned as for children. But adults can also take lozenges, they just need several high dose. Children easily agree to take a tasty lozenge with pleasant taste chocolate or wild berries, which saves parents from having to persuade their child to eat the “nasty” medicine.

    The active component of both Filtrum tablets and lozenges is hydrolyzed lignin, which is the sorbent itself. Lactofiltrum tablets, in addition to lignin, also contain lactulose (fructooligosaccharide), which is a prebiotic and helps lead to intestinal microflora into a state of equilibrium after resorption and elimination of toxins. Excipients contained in tablets and lozenges are as follows:

    • Filtrum-STI tablets – povidone and calcium stearate;
    • Lactofiltrum tablets – croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate;
    • Filtrum-Safari lozenges – myristic and lauric acids.
    Filtrum-STI is available in packages of 10, 20, 30, 50, 60 or 100 tablets, and Lactofiltrum - in packages of 10, 20, 30, 50 or 60 pieces. Filtrum-Safari lozenges are available in 10 pieces per package.

    Therapeutic action and effects

    Lignin in Filtrum tablets and lozenges causes the following therapeutic effects drugs:
    • enterosorbing effect;
    • detoxification effect;
    • antidiarrheal;
    • antioxidant;
    • hypolipidemic (reduces the concentration of cholesterol and its fractions in the blood).
    All preparations – Filtrum-STI, Laktofiltrum and Filtrum-Safari – have the above properties. Thanks to lignin, tablets and lozenges bind toxic substances in the intestinal lumen, thereby stopping their negative impact on the human condition. Removal toxic substances causes the detoxification effect of sorbents, due to which the body is cleansed and physiological processes are normalized. Sorbents have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines themselves, accelerating recovery and significantly reducing the severity of the pathology.

    Filtrum tablets and lozenges bind:

    • medications;
    • bacterial, viral or fungal toxins;
    • salts of heavy metals;
    • radioactive isotopes;
    • ammonia;
    • alcohol and its breakdown products;
    • bilirubin;
    • cholesterol;
    • allergens.
    Filtrum sorbents perfectly cleanse food masses in the intestines of toxic substances, stopping diarrhea and preventing their absorption into the blood. The drugs have a positive effect on local immunity and do not disrupt the intestinal microflora, that is, they do not cause dysbacteriosis.

    Laktofiltrum tablets contain one more active ingredient– lactulose, which is a prebiotic. Lactulose enhances the growth of beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which they produce as a result of their vital activity a large number of lactic, acetic and formic acids. These acids stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and reduce the production of toxins in the intestines. These processes improve intestinal motility, eliminating constipation. Thus, Lactofiltrum combines the properties of a sorbent, as well as a drug that normalizes the intestinal microflora and suppresses the formation of toxins.

    Filtrum-Safari lozenges also contain lignin sorbent and prebiotics fructooligosaccharides. Prebiotics normalize the intestinal microflora and improve its functioning. Lauric and myristic acids in the lozenges have the property of inhibiting growth and reproduction pathogenic microorganism and fungi.

    Indications for use

    The general indication for the use of Filtrum tablets and lozenges can be formulated as the treatment of poisonings and intoxications caused by various substances and reasons. However, due to differences in the composition of the drugs, each of them has high efficiency to treat a specific condition. Exact indications for use of each dosage form The filters are shown in the table:
    Filtrum-STI tablets Lactofiltrum tablets Lozenges Filtrum-Safari
    Acute poisoning with medications, poisons, alcohol, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, etc.Intestinal dysbiosis, including after taking antibioticsAcute viral intestinal infection
    Complex treatment foodborne infections, salmonellosis, dysentery and dyspepsiaComprehensive treatment of irritable bowel syndromeAcute bacterial intestinal infection (for example, salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.)
    Elimination of intoxication in purulent-inflammatory diseasesComplex treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis"Traveller's Diarrhea"
    Elimination of increased concentrations of bilirubin and urea in the blood in renal and liver failureAllergic pathologies (dermatitis, urticaria)Poisoning with poisons, medications, alcohol, toxins, salts of heavy metals
    Comprehensive treatment of food and drug allergies Complex therapy of acute respiratory infections
    Prevention of intoxication in people working in hazardous industries Intestinal dysbiosis of any origin

    Filtrum - instructions for use

    Let us consider the features of using each dosage form of the drug Filtrum separately, so as not to cause confusion.


    Tablets are taken orally 1 hour before meals or other medications, 3 to 4 times a day. Filtrum-STI should be washed down with water. It is best to crush the tablet before taking it and drink it in the form of a fine powder. Typically, the use of Filtrum-STI tablets for the treatment of an acute condition is carried out for 3 to 5 days. And chronic diseases require the use of tablets in courses lasting from 14 to 21 days. Courses of therapy can be repeated, but not earlier than at two-week intervals. When treating acute intestinal infections, symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, pain, fever and chills usually disappear on the 1st – 2nd day of using Filtrum-STI tablets. But the normalization of appetite, general well-being and stool occurs after 3 – 4 days of using the tablets.

    The dosage of Filtrum-STI tablets depends on the age and body weight of the person, as well as the severity of the disease. The average single dosages of tablets are as follows:

    • Children under 1 year – half a tablet per dose.
    • Children 1 – 3 years old – 0.5 – 1 tablet per dose.
    • Children 4 – 7 years old – 1 tablet per dose.
    • Children 7 – 12 years old – 1-2 tablets per dose.
    • Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age – 2-3 tablets per dose.
    If necessary, the daily dose can reach up to 50 tablets, which are taken, dividing the total amount by 3 to 4 times. However, such a dose of sorbent can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and under supervision.

    If you use Filtrum-STI tablets for a long period of time, you must take calcium supplements and vitamins. If a person is constantly taking any medications that cannot be stopped temporarily, then Filtrum-STI tablets must be taken at least one hour before taking any other medications.


    The tablets are taken orally with a glass of clean water. It is better to crush the tablet first and take it in powder form. The sorbent must be drunk 1 hour before meals and other intakes. medicines. Lactofiltrum tablets are recommended for use in courses lasting 2–3 weeks. However, when treating acute infections and poisoning, you can stop taking the drug after normalization general condition. The dosage depends on the age of the person:
    • Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age - take 2-3 tablets three times a day.
    • Children 8 – 12 years old – take 1-2 tablets three times a day.
    • Children 3-7 years old - take 1 tablet three times a day.
    • Children 1-3 years old - take half a tablet three times a day.
    When using Lactofiltrum for longer than 2–3 weeks, you must take multivitamins and calcium supplements. Long-term use of tablets is possible only with the permission of a doctor and under supervision.


    The lozenges are taken orally, chewed well and washed down with a small amount of water. Filtrum-Safari should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals and other medications. The duration of use of chewable lozenges is on average from 10 to 14 days. However, it is recommended to focus on the symptoms of intoxication (fever, headache, chills, etc.) - when they disappear, it is necessary to stop using the drug.

    Chewable lozenges Filtrum-Safari can be taken daily as prophylactic if there is a threat of food poisoning or intestinal infection. Preventive use of lozenges normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of food poisoning.

    The dosage is determined by the person’s age:

    • Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age - take 2 lozenges at a time.
    • Children 7 – 14 years old – take 1-2 lozenges at a time.
    • Children 5 – 7 years old – take 1 lozenge at a time.
    • Children 3 – 5 years old – take half a lozenge at a time.

    Filtrum-STI for children

    Filtrum-STI tablets contain a universal sorbent of natural origin. The sorbent binds various classes of substances, therefore it can be used to eliminate intoxication of any origin, which occurs, for example, when purulent infection, poisoning by poisons, alcohol, food, medicines, etc. Lignin contained in the drug does not cause allergies, is not absorbed into the blood and lymph from the intestinal lumen and is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours. The complete safety of Filtrum-STI tablets makes them possible to use even in newborns.

    Filtrum-STI tablets must be crushed, the resulting powder must be shaken in a small amount of water, and the child should drink this shaker in a spoon, mug or bottle. Any intoxication in a child can be relieved with the help of Filtrum-STI tablets so that the baby does not suffer from headaches, vomiting, fever, etc. In European countries and the USA, the tactics of using sorbents are widespread. So, doctors use sorbents to treat unpleasant symptoms intoxication due to colds, flu, post-vaccination reactions, etc. In Russia, parents can also resort to similar practices.

    In the presence of acute illness with symptoms of intoxication, you must take Filtrum-STI tablets until your general well-being normalizes. Usually in such cases the duration of treatment is from 3 to 10 days. To treat allergies, you can take Filtrum-STI tablets in a course for two weeks. The frequency of administration is 3–4 times a day, and the dosage depends on age. Average dosages of Filtrum-STI in children of different ages the following:

    • Up to 1 year – half a tablet three times a day.
    • 1 – 3 years – 0.5 – 1 tablet three times a day.
    • 4 – 7 years – 1 tablet four times a day.
    • 7 – 12 years – 1-2 tablets four times a day.
    • Over 12 years old – 2-3 tablets 4 times a day.
    Other medications should be taken 1 hour before using Filtrum. Children should not take Filtrum-STI tablets for a long time, as this can severely impair absorption useful substances in the intestines, as a result of which the child may develop a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Filtrum-STI tablets are a drug that quickly eliminates symptoms of intoxication and food poisoning, therefore they are used in short courses when the need arises.

    Filtrum Safari for children

    Chewable lozenges Filtrum-Safari are a modification of Filtrum-STI tablets, created specifically for children. It is difficult for a child to understand the need to take various bitter and nasty pills, so parents must invent all sorts of tricks, resort to tricks, use bribery, etc. Filtrum-Safari lozenges have been eliminated this problem, since they include natural ingredients, giving the preparation the taste of chocolate or wild berries. Thanks to this, the child does not resist and happily eats the tasty lozenge, which is actually a sorbent.

    However, lozenges can only be used for children from the age of three, since they must be chewed. In addition to the sorbent, Filtrum-Safari lozenges contain a prebiotic, which normalizes the intestinal microflora, relieving the child of dysbiosis.

    Unfortunately, children quite often experience various food poisoning or intestinal infections, which make parents worry and significantly worsen the child’s well-being. Filtrum-Safari lozenges will quickly relieve a child from diarrhea and symptoms of intoxication, and parents from worries and worries. In addition, the drug can be used to remove any toxins (viral, bacterial, etc.), allergens, heavy metals and undigested food debris from the child’s body. For example, lozenges will effectively eliminate indigestion that develops as a result of overeating at a friends birthday party, etc. The drug will also relieve intoxication ( headache, chills, fatigue, etc.) for colds, flu, viral infection and other pathologies.

    Lozenges are taken until the child’s general condition is normalized. Dosage depends on age:

    • Children 7 – 14 years old – 1-2 lozenges three times a day.
    • Children 5 – 7 years old – 1 lozenge 3 times a day.
    • Children 3 – 5 years old – half a lozenge three times a day.
    Lozenges can be given to children who suspect an intestinal infection in advance, without waiting for symptoms to develop. For example, when a child has eaten something suspicious, you can give him a lozenge for prevention.

    Use during pregnancy

    For obvious reasons, no tests have been conducted on the effect of Filtrum tablets on the condition of a pregnant woman and fetus. Therefore, there is no scientifically confirmed data on the safety of the drug for women and children. Due to this circumstance, sorbent manufacturers do not recommend using the drug during pregnancy. But animal experiments confirmed the complete safety of Filtrum for pregnant women.

    In practice, Filtrum sorbents are successfully used by pregnant women to combat intoxication, intestinal infections And various poisonings. In addition, the drug is often used to eliminate vomiting, nausea and other symptoms of gestosis or toxicosis in pregnant women. The drug also increases the amount dietary fiber, normalizes peristalsis and intestinal microflora, relieving a woman of constipation.

    There have been no cases reported to date negative influence Filtrum on the fetus. However, pregnant women should remember that the sorbent reduces the amount nutrients entering the blood. Therefore, when pregnant women use the drug, they should simultaneously take microelements and multivitamins.

    It is allowed to take Filtrum only for treatment acute conditions during short period time - no longer than 7 days. You should not take the sorbent for prevention. Dosages for pregnant women correspond to those for adults:

    • Filtrum-STI – 2-3 tablets 3-4 times a day.
    • Lactofiltrum – 2-3 tablets 3 times a day.
    • Filtrum-Safari – 2 lozenges 3 times a day.
    The drug should be taken half an hour before meals.

    Application for weight loss

    Filtrum sorbent will help you remove a few extra pounds, but it will not produce a magical effect. Weight loss will occur due to the removal of toxins, waste and residues accumulated in the intestines undigested food. It is due to the removal of these substances that weight loss occurs. Property of splitting body fat Filtrum does not have. A diet combined with the use of a sorbent will achieve best results compared to just following a diet. Filtrum, taken as part of a diet, effectively binds and quickly removes from the body the breakdown products of fat cells and toxins entering the intestinal lumen. Thus, a person who follows a diet and takes the sorbent will be able to significantly reduce weight without deteriorating well-being.

    While using Filtrum for the purpose of losing weight, you should not exercise physical exercise, since the drug has a strong effect on physiological processes. Many people may experience strong intestinal motility, movement of food masses and other symptoms that do not contribute to the normal tolerance of strong physical activity.

    Filtrum will compensate for the lack of dietary fiber in the diet, thereby normalizing the process of food digestion, peristalsis and stool. The drugs will also provide positive impact on the intestinal microflora, preventing or eliminating the phenomena of dysbiosis. For the purpose of losing weight, the sorbent is taken as follows:
    1. Filtrum-STI – 3 tablets 4 times a day.
    2. Lactofiltrum – 3 tablets 3 times a day.

    Filtrum-Safari lozenges are usually not used for weight loss purposes. The course of taking Filtrum in this case is 14 days. People suffering from anacid gastritis, diabetes mellitus or constipation should avoid using Filtrum for weight loss.

    Side effects

    Filtrum-STI tablets can lead to the development of allergic reactions or constipation as side effects. At long-term use Possible disruption of normal absorption of vitamins and calcium.

    Laktofiltrum tablets can cause flatulence, diarrhea or allergic reactions as side effects.

    Children's lozenges Filtrum-Safari as side effects can lead to the development allergic reaction or diarrhea.


    The only contraindication to the use of Filtrum-Safari lozenges is the presence of an allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Filtrum-STI tablets are contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:
    1. Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
    2. Intestinal atony.
    3. Drug intolerance.

    Lactofiltrum tablets can be used with caution in conditions for which Filtrum-STI is contraindicated. However, Lactofiltrum cannot be used in the following conditions:
    1. Intestinal obstruction.
    2. Gastric and intestinal bleeding.
    3. Galactosemia.
    4. Sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.


    Filtrum tablets and lozenges have drugs - analogues and synonyms. Synonyms are medicines, which also contain hydrolyzed lignin as an active component. And analogues are drugs that also have a sorbing effect, but contain another substance as an active component.

    So, synonyms of Filtrum include the following medications:

    • Granules, paste and powder Lignosorb;
    • Polyfan powder;
    • Granules, paste, tablets and powder Polyphepan;
    • Entegnin tablets.
    To analogues of Filtrum in the domestic market pharmaceutical market The following medicines include:
    • Diosmectite powder;
    • Microcel Powder;
    • Neosmectin powder and suspension;
    • Polysorb MP powder;
    • Smecta powder;
    • Enterodes powder;
    • Enterosorb powder;
    • Enterumin powder;
    • Enterosgel gel and paste;
    • Enterosorbent granules SUMS-1.


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