Raspberry application. Raspberries - benefits, harm and contraindications

Sweet aromatic raspberries are not only wonderfully tasty, but also very healthy.

It is no coincidence that it is customary to keep a jar or two of raspberry jam at home.

In summer you need to enjoy fresh raspberries, and in winter you can use dried or frozen berries.

Along with its beneficial properties, raspberries have contraindications that you also need to be aware of.

Raspberries: pulp composition and properties

Fragrant garden berry has magical properties. It can bring down the temperature, treat a cold throat, soften a cough, alleviate the condition of any acute respiratory disease, sore throat, pharyngitis, bronchitis.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the benefits of scarlet berries are much greater, and the harm of raspberries (which also exists) cannot be ignored, especially when we're talking about about babies and pregnant women.

Beneficial features raspberries and contraindications for its use are explained by the composition of the berry. Particularly important for human body the following substances that scientists discovered in the composition:

Salicylic acid (it acts as an antipyretic), as well as citric and malic acids;

Flavonoids (quercetin, cyanidin, kaempferol), which have antimicrobial properties, inhibit the proliferation of certain fungi and bacteria;

Antioxidants (for example, ellagenic acid), preserving cell youth, neutralizing free radicals and anti-aging;

A large number of microelements: magnesium to strengthen the heart, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, phosphorus;

Vitamins C (ascorbic acid), PP, B1, B6, E;

Vitamin K (phylloquinone), which ensures normal blood clotting.

By the way, according to antioxidant properties raspberries are almost twice as big as strawberries, three times more than kiwis and ten times more than tomatoes.

The healing properties of raspberries

Raspberry berries can have an antitoxic effect on the body, act as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic natural remedy. Tender raspberry pulp helps cope with various ailments:

Stops bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;

Reduces the intensity of stomach pain;

Increases appetite;

Protects against colds and flu;

Removes increased load from the urinary system, is an excellent diuretic, relieves swelling;

It is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, as it prevents the accumulation cholesterol plaques on vascular walls;

Useful for anemia and leukemia;

Able to reduce blood pressure and improve blood composition;

Helps cope with painful sensations with exacerbation of arthrosis, radiculitis and arthritis;

Due to its ability to reduce bleeding, it is useful for hemorrhoids.

Sweet raspberries can be eaten if you have diabetes, as they practically do not raise blood sugar levels. The berry saturates the body with vitamins and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, useful for constant stress And physical activity.

Useful properties of raspberries for women and children

It is important to know that raspberries have beneficial properties and contraindications for women and children. This berry is indispensable for the female body, as it stimulates the muscles of the uterus. Women who are planning a pregnancy should include raspberry infusions and fresh berries into your diet to ensure you receive essential substance– folic acid. The successful bearing of a fetus in the first stages of pregnancy depends on it.

What are the benefits of raspberry tea or a decoction of its leaves:

Relieves too heavy periods;

Does menstrual cycle regular;

Reduces discomfort and pain during critical days.

Folic acid, contained in raspberries, helps not only to get pregnant safely, but also to bear a child. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the harmonious, proper development fetus

The harm of raspberries during pregnancy may include excess active substances, especially in the second half of pregnancy. One and a half to two months before giving birth, the consumption of raspberries should be limited, as it can tone the uterus and provoke premature birth.

Moreover, if expectant mother abuses raspberry desserts, it can harm the baby’s health. Potential Harm raspberries may cause allergies in the unborn baby. Despite the beneficial properties of raspberries, contraindications for its use are the presence allergic reaction and from the mother.

As for children, pediatricians recommend introducing them to berries from the age of two to three, when the immune system completes maturation. After the first use, it is important to monitor the reaction for several days. If the body accepts the treat without negative consequences, you can periodically include raspberries in your children's diet.

For children without allergies, raspberries can be a wonderful way to strengthen the body in autumn and winter, during outbreaks of acute respiratory infections. It saturates with useful substances, prevents vitamin deficiency, supports immune system. And most importantly, children really like raspberries and you can use them to make many healthy and wonderful dishes. delicious dishes.

Raspberry leaves: beneficial properties

Not only berries are useful, but also the leaves of the raspberry bush. The vitamin C content of the leaves of the bush is several times higher than that of sweet berries. They have an equally rich composition of useful substances and have effective anti-inflammatory and general strengthening properties. How to use raspberry leaf:

For taste and benefit, it is simply added to regular tea when brewing;

Brewed for prevention during the season of colds and flu epidemics, and also as a drink to strengthen the immune system;

Healing decoctions from raspberry leaves are prepared separately and taken orally for bronchitis, colds, viral diseases. The drink will help soften the cough, stimulate mucus production, and reduce fever;

For hypertension, decoctions are taken to reduce blood pressure;

As a rinse, it is used in the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity;

Porridge from fresh leaves apply to cleansed facial skin for treatment acne and inflammation;

Rinse hair and wash with a decoction of raspberry leaf. Hair becomes strong and shiny, and skin is smooth, radiant and beautiful.

Used for healing and strengthening fresh and dried leaves raspberries Perfect time for collecting raw materials for long-term storage - the end of May, when the concentration of useful substances is maximum. To preserve the benefits, the leaves are dried in a shaded place so that they are not exposed to direct rays of the sun.

Harm of raspberries

Delicious raspberries can not only improve health, but also have a negative effect on it. The point is not only that berries, like any food product, can cause allergies. Scientists have discovered oxalate substances in the berries. These are salts of oxalic acid, which can provoke the development of the following ailments:

Stones in the kidneys, gall and bladder;

Exacerbation of gout;

Exacerbation of stomach ulcers;

Erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

That is why you should not eat either the pulp or raspberry juice during periods of exacerbation peptic ulcer, gastritis, any kidney disease, if diagnosed urolithiasis.

Since the plant contains substances that stimulate blood clotting, it is important to take this feature into account when taking it medicines, promoting blood thinning or clotting. You should definitely consult your doctor.

Harm from raspberries frequent use berries may result in disruption thyroid gland and suppression of the production of a number of hormones. Negative Impact noted on the pituitary gland, although the reasons are still not clear.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of raspberries

Heat treatment of the berries leads to the fact that some useful qualities is lost. That's why raspberry jam It is not as good as fresh berries or berries grated with sugar in taste, but is less healthy.

Of course, during the berry season you need to eat a lot of fresh raspberries. You can make smoothies, desserts, and cocktails from it. Fresh berries should be stored in the refrigerator, covered with a clean cloth, but no more than three days.

Drying berries is acceptable in a natural way or in the oven. You can simply grind fresh berries with sugar and store them in the refrigerator. Last method Preserve the benefits of raspberries by making syrup from them. The squeezed juice needs to be seen

Today I want to talk about delicious and healthy berry. Raspberry berries are natural antibiotics, which makes this berry useful. Raspberries are probably my favorite berries. Bright color, rich taste, wonderful aroma makes raspberries a special berry. Have you tried wild raspberries? The taste of these raspberries, as well as the color, differ from garden ones. I love taking a walk in the forest in the summer and picking raspberries at the same time. It is believed that forest raspberries are many times healthier, tastier and more aromatic than garden raspberries. You can also make various desserts from raspberries. But today I want to talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of raspberries.

My mother dried raspberries for the winter, made jam, when we bought a freezer, she now freezes them. Also, my mother dried raspberry leaves and twigs in order to cook very tasty and aromatic tea.

Raspberry fruits are consumed both fresh and frozen. Raspberries are used to make juice, jelly, marmalade, and compote. Raspberries are used to prepare tincture, liqueur, and wine, which has high taste qualities.

Calorie content of raspberries.

Raspberries contain about 60 kcal, which makes raspberries a low-calorie product.

Raspberries have a very rich composition. Raspberries contain fiber, carbohydrates, glucose, fructose, tannins. Microelements: copper, manganese, iron, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E, PP.

And raspberry seeds contain about 20% fatty oil. Raspberry seeds are used to make oil that is used in cosmetology. This valuable oil for the face and hair and the oil is quite expensive.

Raspberries. Medicinal. Beneficial features.

Probably the very first remedy for high temperatures is raspberry tea. In addition, raspberries are used for flu, colds, and bronchitis, both raspberry leaves and fruits are used.

Raspberries not only have excellent taste, but are also useful in treating many ailments. Raspberries are a proven medicine for colds. Raspberry tea helps get rid of colds, along with linden and cranberry tea.

  • Since raspberries contain a large number of vitamin C, it can be consumed if you have vitamin deficiency.
  • Raspberries have anti-inflammatory healing properties.
  • Raspberries are rich in antioxidants.
  • Raspberries help improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  • In folk medicine, raspberries have proven themselves to be an excellent antipyretic. Due to the content of salicylic acid in raspberries, raspberries are a diaphoretic.
  • Raspberries strengthen the walls blood vessels.
  • Raspberries are useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. And not without reason, since raspberries contain potassium and magnesium, two important microelements for heart.
  • Raspberries contain vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting factors.
  • Raspberries have antiemetic and anti-sickness properties.
  • Raspberries have a mild analgesic effect.
  • Raspberry branches and berries are used as a general tonic.
  • Raspberries perfectly quench thirst, as do drinks made from this berry.
  • Raspberries are useful for women because they have good action on the skin.
  • Raspberries are also valuable when there is low hemoglobin in the blood. You can learn how to increase hemoglobin in the blood without resorting to medications from the article ““.
  • Folic acid, which is part of raspberries, has beneficial influence on female body, both during preparation for pregnancy and during pregnancy itself.

The beneficial properties of raspberries manifest themselves in treatment hypertension. Moreover, you can eat raspberries without restrictions.

Raspberries are eaten in fresh, but for treatment, raspberries need to be prepared. And in winter, drink delicious and aromatic tea. To do this, the berries are dried, frozen, raspberry jam is made, and the raspberries are ground with sugar. I freeze raspberries and grind them with sugar.

Raspberry masks are good for facial skin, help smooth out fine wrinkles, improve complexion, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels on the face. It is better to combine raspberries for making masks with sour cream or natural yogurt.

How to choose raspberries?

Of course, if you have your own garden plot, cottage, house and you grow raspberries, this is wonderful. But, if not, then you have to buy raspberries. How to choose raspberries? Choose berries according to appearance. The berries must be whole and dry. Sometimes you can find crushed raspberries on sale, but it’s better not to buy them.

Also, you can try raspberries before buying. And if you don’t like raspberries, you don’t have to take them, but feel free to choose further. You should also not buy rotten raspberries, with a moldy smell, or damaged ones. The berries should be dry, fresh, aromatic, and bright red in color. These berries can be frozen and used for jam or dried.

How to freeze raspberries?

Before freezing raspberries, they must be carefully washed and dried to remove excess moisture. I dried the raspberries on a paper towel, which was very convenient. Place the raspberries on a paper towel, berry by berry, being careful not to damage the berries.

I froze raspberries in two ways. First, when I washed the berries and dried them on a paper towel, I put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer. But, such raspberries just look like “porridge” and are suitable for tea or compote.

But this year I decided to freeze the raspberries by spreading them out thin layer. Place the berries at a short distance and freeze them. So I froze the raspberries in portions. And I poured the already frozen ones into bags and stored them in the freezer. These raspberries look beautiful and can be used to decorate any dessert or cake. You can use these raspberries to make tea.

Raspberries do not lose their properties during heat treatment, unlike other berries. Therefore, raspberry jam or compotes always have the same properties as fresh raspberries.

Frozen raspberries can be stored in the freezer for about one year.

Raspberries ground with sugar. Recipe.

To prepare raspberries grated with sugar, we need raspberries and sugar. I prepare these raspberries in a 1:2 ratio, that is, one part raspberries and two parts sugar. Thus, if you have a kilogram of raspberries, then you need to take two kilograms of sugar.

The raspberries need to be sorted, washed, and dried. Next, I pour the raspberries into a bowl, add sugar to the berries, and mix everything well with a wooden spoon. When stirred, the berries will release juice.

I store these raspberries in glass jars in the refrigerator. These raspberries are healthier than jam and are always on hand. I put the grated raspberries into dry sterile jars and close the lid. I usually use screw top jars. Which in turn is very convenient.

Raspberries can not only be frozen and made into jam, but also dried. You can buy beautiful dried raspberries at our market. But, you can dry the raspberries yourself. Berries are usually dried in dryers.

Can be dried in the sun. Raspberries are laid out on a tray in a thin layer and dried in the sun, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

The berries are periodically turned over. Drying the berries this way takes about a week. Since the berries should be brought into the house at night so that moisture does not get on the raspberries in the morning. You can dry raspberries in the oven.

Dry raspberries can be stored for about 2 years. It is better to store in a glass jar.

The benefits of raspberries. Raspberry treatment.

During the cold season, raspberries will “come” to the rescue. Here you can already defrost frozen berries, use dry berries or raspberry jam.

Useful properties of raspberries for colds, fever, cough.

At high temperatures, colds, flu, bronchitis, you can brew dry raspberries. To do this, take a tablespoon of berries and pour a glass of boiling water and leave. Let it sit for about 30 minutes.

In order not to add sugar to tea made from dry or frozen raspberries, I suggest you replace it with honey. Honey will enhance the beneficial properties of raspberries. You can eat honey as a snack with tea.

Instead of dry berries, you can add raspberry jam or mashed raspberries with sugar. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of raspberries and leave. Drink warm.

You can prepare a decoction from raspberry leaves. To do this, pour one tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for about two hours, and filter. Drink half a glass three times a day.

Raspberry drinks are best consumed hot when you have a fever or a cold. It is recommended to immediately drink two cups of raspberry tea. Go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket. Or as people say, “sweat.”

A wonderful, tasty and aromatic tea is obtained by mixing 1:1 linden and raspberries, raspberries and oregano.

When you have a cough, you can make this drink. To do this, mix dry raspberries, coltsfoot, and oregano in equal proportions. 4 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured with a liter of boiling water and left in a thermos for about 2 hours. Strain and drink warm four times a day.

The benefits of raspberries for strengthening the immune system and for vitamin deficiency.

Raspberries, due to their vitamin content, are useful for strengthening the immune system and restoring the body's strength after past illness, as well as with loss of strength, with vitamin deficiency. You can eat fresh raspberries in season, and frozen ones in winter.

To make tea, I use raspberries mixed with rose hips, which, like raspberries, are rich in vitamins, including vitamin C. You can learn more about rose hips from the article on the blog ““? I take two tablespoons of raspberries and rose hips per liter of boiling water, leave it in a thermos for a couple of hours. Strain the infusion and drink it warm. You can drink it with honey as a bite.

Raspberries are good for women, men, pregnant women and children. The main thing is that this berry brings great benefit for our body. Raspberries help pregnant women cope with colds and high temperature, because you don’t really want to take medications in this situation. And unlike medications, raspberries do not harm health.

Raspberries for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Raspberries increase appetite and improve performance digestive system. Due to its fiber content, raspberries normalize intestinal function.

Raspberries help stop vomiting, diarrhea, and reduce stomach pain.

Moreover, raspberries contain phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on molds and Staphylococcus aureus.

Raspberries help remove waste and toxins from the body thanks to the pectin contained in the berries.

The benefits of raspberries for children.

Children are the most precious thing we have. And I want to use it for treatment natural remedies, if this has happened. Raspberries can be introduced into the diet of children from the age of two. Of course, it’s worth giving your child a few berries to try and see the reaction. If everything is in order, then you can eat raspberries. Of all the berries, my daughter's favorite is raspberry.

Raspberries are an excellent remedy for colds. In case of fever, this is simply a salvation. After all, at a temperature you need to drink as much as possible, and raspberry tea is tasty, aromatic, and healthy. Moreover, children like it more than medicine. But, the main thing is that, unlike medical supplies raspberries are not harmful.

In addition, frozen raspberries, as well as raspberry tea, can be given to a child with vitamin deficiency, to strengthen the immune system and after an illness.

How many raspberries can you eat per day?

Opinions on this matter are contradictory. But everything is good in moderation. My kids eat as many raspberries as they want during the season. I don't limit them to two berries. Of course, they don’t eat a kilogram at a time. They eat approximately 150-200 grams at a time. This is taking into account that the children ate raspberries several times a day.

Adults can eat 1-2 glasses of raspberries per day.

Raspberries. Contraindications. Harm.

Although raspberries are safe natural medicine and are considered natural antibiotics, raspberries should not be consumed in some cases.

  • Raspberries are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance to berries.
  • Raspberries are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenum. During the period of remission, berries can be consumed in small quantities.
  • Raspberries are harmful when kidney stone disease, for kidney diseases.

Still, if you doubt whether you can eat raspberries or not, it is better to consult your doctor before treating or eating raspberries.

Raspberry leaves. Useful properties and contraindications.

In addition to berries, the raspberry bush has medicinal properties and raspberry leaves. Raspberry leaves, as well as berries, have a rich composition. The vitamin C content in the leaves exceeds its content in the berries.

  • Raspberry leaves are used as an antipyretic.
  • Gargle with infusion of raspberry leaves for sore throat and diseases of the oral cavity.
  • A decoction of raspberry leaves helps normalize high pressure. How to normalize blood pressure if you have high blood pressure can be read in the article ““.
  • In addition, a decoction of raspberry leaves is taken for colds and flu.
  • A paste of crushed raspberry leaves is applied to the face for skin inflammation.

Collect raspberry leaves from therapeutic purpose in May. Green leaves are picked without damage. Dry the leaves in the shade. Lay out in a thin layer so that the leaves dry faster.

Infusion of raspberry leaves.

An infusion of raspberry leaves is taken both for the prevention and treatment of colds, bronchitis, sore throat, and high fever.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 4 tablespoons of leaves and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Leave for about 2 hours and strain. Take this infusion warm, half a glass several times a day.

Treat yourself with raspberries and raspberry leaves for health. Just remember to read the contraindications before using raspberries. I hope the information was useful to you.

I have prepared articles about their properties, but now let’s quickly begin to describe some of the properties of raspberries.

Raspberry composition

I will describe the composition of garden raspberries, since wild raspberries are less common and the composition and amount of substances in them is poorer.

Raspberries contain:

1. Carbohydrates- up to 11%, but there is very little sucrose: mainly fructose and glucose.

2. Organic acids and their salts: salicylic, folic acid - 6 mcg per 100 g, citric, nicotinic - 0.6 mg, a little formic acid, malic - up to 2%.

3. Vitamins: provitamin A (up to 0.6 mg per 100 g), B1, B2 -0.05 mg, C (up to 45 mg), PP.

4. Raspberry seeds contain up to 22% fatty oil and beta-sitosterol, 0-sitosterol and other phytosterols. All of them have antisclerotic properties.

5. The raspberry aroma is due to the presence essential oil. In addition to it, the following were found in raspberries: pectin (up to 0.8%), fiber (4-6%), tannins, anthocyanins, as well as flavonoids (42-85 mg per 100 g: hyperoside, kaempferol-rhamnoside, astragalin, iso -quercitrin).

6. Microelements: potassium, iron, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc.

I would like to note: raspberries contain little vitamin C, but there is a microelement - iron, which is more in raspberries than in other fruits (up to 3.6 mg per 100 g).

Raspberry leaves also contain useful material. I'll tell you a little about them.

Composition of raspberry leaves.

Raspberry leaves, as well as berries, are known for their medicinal properties. These properties are explained by the presence of vitamin C, flavonoids, and various mineral salts and organic acids.

Raspberry leaves also contain astringents and tannins, which help with intestinal upset and give the plant hemostatic properties. Raspberry leaves also contain enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Medicinal properties of raspberries

I want to remind you about colds: for their treatment they use decoctions from different parts garden raspberries. They act as a strong antipyretic and diaphoretic. These properties are explained by the presence of salicylic acid. Paying attention!! Dried raspberries contain 20 times more salicylic acid than fresh ones. Usually, when you have a cold, you make tea from dried berries. I offer you a recipe for a cold:

2 tbsp. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over spoons of raspberries and then either boil for 5 minutes or leave for 10 minutes. It is better to drink it before bed in two portions: 1 glass of hot tea within 1-2 hours.

For bronchitis I advise you to drink the same tea. However, there is one more tea recipe that helps with bronchitis. I offer it to you:

mix equal parts the following herbs: raspberries, coltsfoot leaves, oregano. Take this mixture (1 tablespoon) and brew it with 1 glass of boiling water. We drink the infusion warm.

And if you have - flu, then I suggest making an infusion of raspberries and linden flowers in a 1:1 ratio.

Infusion recipe:

The mixture (1 tablespoon) is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After it has infused (20 minutes), it should be strained. The infusion should be drunk hot, 1 glass before bed.

For various inflammatory throat diseases or, for example, during a sore throat You can make a decoction of the berries or an infusion of the leaves to gargle. Proportion: part raspberries to 20 parts water.

if you need to sweat, then make the following infusion:

100 g of dried raspberries are brewed in 600 g of boiling water. After 30 minutes you can drink. The infusion is drunk hot, 1-3 glasses before bedtime.

If you are treating bronchial asthma , then I recommend, as a supplement, a decoction of raspberry roots. Raspberry roots are harvested either during flowering or in late autumn.

Add 0.5 liters of water to the roots (50 g). The composition is boiled over low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Cool. This decoction should be drunk 3-6 times a day in portions of 50-70 g.

A mixture of raspberries, lettuce leaves and linden flowers helps in the treatment of diphtheria and measles in children. Infusion recipe:

Mix raspberries, linden and lettuce in a 1:2:1 ratio. The resulting mixture (3 tablespoons) is brewed with 4 cups of boiling water. After the mixture has infused (1 hour), it is filtered. Drink 6 times a day, 50 g.

The use of raspberries for cardiovascular diseases

If you have once suffered a heart attack or stroke, or are generally predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, then try to eat as many raspberries as possible. Raspberries strengthen the walls of blood vessels. How tonic The following tea composition works well:

In equal parts we brew raspberry fruits, black currant leaves, rose hips, lingonberry and birch leaves as tea. We drink 100 g of infusion 2 times a day before meals.

The use of raspberries for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

All parts of raspberries are used in folk medicine. For example, for stomach pain or to improve digestion, as well as to improve appetite, for diarrhea or as an antiemetic, raspberries are used. A tincture of raspberry parts: flowers, leaves, and young twigs will help get rid of heaviness or heartburn in the stomach.

I offer a recipe for the infusion:

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of collection from parts of raspberries, brew with boiling water (1 cup). Let it sit and you can use it after an hour. Directions for use: 3 times a day, 20 minutes after meals. Serving: 1/3 cup.

If you have severe diarrhea or one of inflammatory diseases intestines, then I advise you to take water infusion from raspberry leaves. For infusion, they are taken in a ratio of 1:20.

During the treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcers as additional means It is recommended to take raspberry juice (0.5-1 tablespoon) 15 minutes before meals.

For hemorrhoids, you can use lotions from the infusion. For him

mix raspberry leaves and berries, take the mixture at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. spoons for 2 cups boiling water.

Relieve pain from renal colic Baths from the following collection will help:

take raspberry leaves (20 g), add cuff leaves (10 g), as well as birch branches (100 g) and marsh grass (10 g). This collection is brewed in 5 liters of boiling water and filtered after 1 hour. The resulting infusion is poured into a bath of hot water.

A mixture of raspberries and linden flowers can be used as a diuretic. A decoction is prepared from this mixture. I offer a decoction recipe:

take equal parts of raspberries and cordate linden flowers. This raw material (1 tablespoon) is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. They bet on water bath and boil for 30 minutes in a sealed container. Cool for about 10 minutes, then strain. The decoction is taken hot before bed, 200 g.

The use of raspberries for skin diseases and bruises

Fresh leaves help heal wounds.

And for bruises, you can prepare a decoction of dry leaves and use it for lotions.

At skin diseases, such as acne, rashes, eczema and some others, as well as for the treatment erysipelas An infusion of the tops of leaves and flowers is used both externally and internally. I offer a recipe for the infusion:

A glass of boiling water is poured into the dry crushed mixture of raw materials (10 g) and filtered after 0.5 hours.

By the way, the same infusion can be used as an eye lotion for blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Note: both fresh raspberry leaves and decoctions of raspberry flowers are useful for treating acne. I suggest infusion recipe from fresh raspberry leaves:

Grind a few raspberry leaves and apply on acne. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off warm water. You can wash your face with the infusion.

To treat herpes, it is recommended to use raspberry branches. Make a compress. To do this, apply a paste of young twigs to the sore spot.

The use of raspberries for general ailments

For those who have rheumatism or are tormented by polyarthritis, we advise you to try an infusion of raspberries, coltsfoot leaves and oregano herb:

Take raspberries, coltsfoot and oregano in a ratio of 2:2:1. This mixture (2 tablespoons) is poured with a glass of boiling water and filtered after 1 hour. The infusion is consumed 4 times a day half an hour before meals (50 g each).

Those with diabetes are advised to take raspberry juice daily: start 50-70 g half an hour before meals, and then (if you tolerate the juice well) gradually increase the dose to 1 glass.

For people with diseases such as hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency, scurvy or anemia, the following infusion is very useful:

Prepare a mixture of raspberries and rose hips in equal parts. Then this mixture (10 g) is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool for 45 minutes. The infusion is ready. They drink it 2-3 times a day, 70 g.

Connoisseurs traditional medicine It is believed that raspberry infusion (1-1.5 l), which is drunk within 2-3 hours, reduces headache and treats intoxication after alcohol.

An infusion of roots and woody branches of raspberries have a calming effect on neuroses and neurasthenia.

The use of raspberries for the treatment of female organs

Ma raspberry tea - helps to make regular cycle menstruation It has a calming effect during menstruation, relieves discomfort during the premenstrual period.

If you're worried too much heavy bleeding during menstruation, I suggest making the following infusion:

We make a mixture of equal parts of raspberry leaves, strawberry leaves, oak bark, yarrow and cinquefoil herb. Pour this mixture (1 tablespoon) into 1 glass of boiling water and after 5-6 hours put it on low heat. Boil for 15 minutes. We use this infusion for 5-8 days, 200 g per day.

If the vaginal mucosa is inflamed or leukorrhea is bothering you, then I advise you to rinse intimate place infusion of raspberry leaves.

Contraindications for consuming raspberries

1. People with gout or nephritis are not advised to consume berries, since raspberries contain a large amount of purine bases.

2. Some people may be allergic to raspberries.

3. A decoction of raspberry leaves is contraindicated for pregnant women up to 34-36 weeks, since raspberry leaves tone the muscles of the uterus, which in turn can trigger the process of childbirth, or for people who have chronic constipation. And there are also people with individual intolerance raspberries

4. Note!! Due to the fact that raspberries contain salicylates, which are similar in composition to aspirin, under no circumstances is it possible Use a decoction of raspberry leaves along with aspirin!

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Tea with raspberries

Raspberries are one of the favorite berries of both children and adults. In summer, it delights with juicy, aromatic berries, which are so pleasant to pick from bushes heated by the sun. And when autumn weather comes, fragrant tea with raspberry jam will warm you up. Raspberry jam is not only a delicious delicacy, but also famous medicine against colds, which since childhood has helped lower the temperature, strengthen the body and quickly cope with the insidious disease. At the same time, raspberries are very tasty, and both children and adults happily accept the treatment.

In what cases can raspberries be used as medicine?

Raspberries are an indispensable medicine in winter, as they have a pronounced antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, raspberries can tone, regulate metabolic processes, have a hemostatic, diuretic and vasodilator effect. Raspberries also have an antibacterial and wound-healing effect, can relieve pain and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and remove sugar from the blood.

Not only fresh, dried or boiled raspberries are used as components for the preparation of medicines, but also leaves and flowers, which can also be dried. Fresh raspberries used for atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Dried berries Raspberries are used to prepare diaphoretic and antipyretic medicines. It can be used even in the treatment of neuroses.

2-3 teaspoons of raspberry jam in a cup of tea will help reduce your child's fever safely.

Decoctions or infusions of raspberry leaves are used in the treatment of respiratory organs, fevers, diarrhea, stomach bleeding. For sore throat and stomatitis, infusion of raspberry leaves is used to rinse the mouth and throat, and for conjunctivitis and acne, it can be used to wash your face.

Healthy raspberry recipes (Video)

Raspberries contain a lot of salicylic acid, which is a very effective anti-inflammatory and remedy. Wherein salicylic acid from raspberries does not provide harmful influence not the stomach wall, unlike tablet forms. Therefore, raspberries from temperature are one of the most safe means, which can be used in children. But we must take into account that it is much more effective than many drugs, so before you pounce on raspberry jam, you need to drink enough liquid so that you have something to sweat.

Dried raspberries can be brewed together with anise seeds and coltsfoot, so its effectiveness will increase.

In winter, raspberries can be a real salvation from sore throats, including sore throats. You need to pour 20 g of flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, and then strain and even squeeze. The resulting infusion is taken a full tablespoon three times a day.

1. Description of the plant.

The medicinal plant common raspberry is a perennial subshrub up to 80–120 cm high. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. The raspberry rhizome is sinuous, woody with many adventitious roots. New shoots are formed from the root every year. The stems of common raspberries are biennial. The shoots of the first year after planting are herbaceous, green, covered with thin thorns, and have no fruit. The shoots of the second year of life are already lignified, yellowish, often covered with thorns, and fruit-bearing side branches grow from the axils of the leaves. The leaves are oval, dark green above and whitish below, alternate, petiolate, drooping down and have 5-7 teeth. Flowers white, five-membered, small in size, collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a red multi-drupe, which is easily separated from the cone-shaped receptacle when the berry is ripe. Raspberries bloom in June - July, and the fruits ripen in July - August, that is, 30-40 days after flowering.

2. Where the plant is common.

Common raspberries are common in the European part of the CIS, in Far East, Western Siberia, in Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia. It grows in the forest zone: in clearings of coniferous and mixed forests, forest edges, among bushes, in ravines, along river banks. It is grown in industrial gardens as a fruit and berry plant. It is even found in the mountain tundra. It is also enjoyed by gardeners in their garden plots.

3. How it reproduces.

Raspberries reproduce by offspring. The rhizomes and adventitious roots of the plant form buds that germinate and produce shoots on next year. Raspberries are planted in autumn and spring as suckers. Immediately after planting, it must be watered and the shoots shortened by 50 cm. When planting, the bushes are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. The recommended distance between rows is 60 cm. The shoots that have produced a harvest die off and need to be cut out.

4. Harvesting raspberries and storing them.

IN medicinal purposes use berries, leaves and flowers of raspberries. Ripe berries need to be picked in dry weather and sorted. When picking, arrange thin layers of raspberries with leaves to avoid crushing them. Next, the fruits are dried during the day and dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 C. There should be no caked lumps in the dry berries. The fruits are considered fit for consumption for two years.

Leaves and flowers should be collected in June - July. After collection, they are dried under a canopy. They are considered usable throughout the year.

5. Chemical composition medicinal plant.

Raspberries contain pectin, organic acids (tartaric, malic, salicylic, caproic, formic), carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose), proteins, tannins, fiber, B vitamins, PP, ascorbic acid, slime, fatty oil, flavonoids, carotene, acetoin, etc.

6. Use of medicinal plants in medicine.

Raspberry fruits have an anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect against colds. Dried berries are included in many diaphoretic teas. Fresh fruits useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension. As a sedative medicine Common raspberry is used for neuroses, neurasthenia, and as an astringent for diarrhea. Raspberries are used to increase appetite when gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicinal infusion raspberry leaves are recommended for heavy menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, as a remedy that relieves postpartum pain and prevents miscarriages.

For gargling, mouthwash, sore throat, stomatitis, for washing with conjunctivitis and acne, raspberry leaves are used externally.

7. Effect of a medicinal plant on the body.

Since ancient times, common raspberry has been considered a medicinal plant and has healing properties. Raspberries improve the functions of the intestines and stomach, restore metabolism.
Raspberry medicinal drugs are used as antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vitamin, sedative, and astringent.

8. Method of using a medicinal plant.

The berries of the medicinal plant raspberry are included in many diaphoretic preparations. I will give several recipes for decoctions and infusions for home use.

Infusion of raspberry flowers for colds and sore throats.

Pour 20 g of flowers into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion dried fruits raspberries as a diaphoretic.

Pour 2 tablespoons of raspberries into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the raw materials. Take the hot infusion 2 glasses at a time.

Infusion of raspberry flowers and leaves for external use for hemorrhoids.

Pour 10 g of leaves and 10 g of flowers into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Use the infusion for douching.

Infusion of raspberry leaves for colitis.

Pour 4 teaspoons of crushed leaves into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, and squeeze out the raw materials. Take half a glass 4 times during the day before meals.

A decoction of raspberry leaves for external use.

10 g of crushed raspberry leaves pour 250 ml hot water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool and filter. Use in the form of baths and lotions for acne or erysipelas.

Raspberry juice for stomach pain or colds.

Half a glass of juice three times a day orally.

Raspberry juice for sclerosis.

Drink 1 glass of raspberry juice every day.

Juice of fresh raspberry leaves for freckles.

Apply the juice of fresh leaves to the face to reduce freckling.

9. Contraindications to the use of common raspberries.

Raspberries should not be consumed if you have gout or nephritis.



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