Cracking in the neck in children. Strong crackling in the neck when turning the head

The cervical region is complex set bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, muscles and blood vessels.

Thus, there are many structures that can generate pain and crunching when a person moves their neck incorrectly or has suffered a cervical spine injury.

Cracking in the neck can come and go quickly without any treatment because it has physiological causes. But sometimes it is a sign of various diseases.


There are two types of crunch in the cervical region: with and without pain. In the second case, the reason may be related to:

  • hypermobility of the articular joints of the neck;
  • improper functioning of the flexor-extensor muscles of the neck-shoulder region;
  • or an anatomically incorrect position of the cervical vertebrae as a result of curvature of the thoracic region.

All this is treated with massage, neck exercises and physiotherapy.

To the less harmless, but still painless reasons crunch in the neck is a disorder of calcium metabolism, due to which calcium begins to be deposited in the ligamentous apparatus and on the articular planes.

air bubbles

Human joints contain fluid and gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. When a fluid is under pressure, which happens when a force is applied to a joint, the release of the gas creates a "crunchy" sound.


As a result of degeneration of the intervertebral discs, abnormal growths called osteophytes can form on the bones in the neck. The growths can cause narrowing of the inside of the spine or the opening where the spinal nerves exit. Cervical spondylosis most commonly causes pain and crunching in the neck. Although cervical spondylosis rarely progresses, corrective surgery may be helpful in severe cases.

Diseases of the spine

If the crunch in the neck is accompanied by numbness or tingling along with stiffness (stiffness) neck muscles, this may be due to a herniated disc. In this disease, the intervertebral disc is destroyed due to injury or as a result of osteochondrosis. Doctors try to treat the condition with physical therapy, painkillers, and heat, but sometimes surgery is needed.

Spinal disorders such as spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis also cause neck stiffness, cracking in the neck, and pain. Stenosis is a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen, central canal, or lateral pocket of the spine that puts pressure on the nerves and is more common with age. Osteoarthritis is damage to the joints as a result of aging and cartilage wear.

Cracking in the neck when turning the head

Rapid stretching of ligaments sharp turn Heads can cause clicks and crackles in the neck, especially if there is enough force acting in the opposite direction from turning the head, possibly from severe muscle spasm.

Adhesions in the joints can also cause cracking and popping noises when the head is turned. Technically, this sound is usually more like a grinding sound.

Osteochondrosis as the cause of a crunch in the neck

The term "osteochondrosis" means a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral discs. The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, due to the specific nature of this disease, differ from the usual manifestations that occur when the disease is limited only to the region of the spine.

This disease leads not only to a crunch in the neck, but also to a violation cerebral blood flow, oxygen starvation causes insomnia, depression, headaches, dizziness and even panic attacks. The disease often leads to the development of vegetovascular dystonia.


A crunch in the neck can be a consequence of spondylolisthesis - the displacement of one vertebra (one of the 33 bones of the spine) in relation to another.

Spondylolisthesis in the neck can be the result of an injury. Often this condition is caused by bone spurs and herniated discs, less often by cancer (malignant tumor) or osteoporosis. The latter disease has become easier to prevent thanks to developments from Germany: women using Estramon during menopause are much less likely to experience problems with bone fragility.

At malignant form an osteoporosis specialist may prescribe Imukin.


Cervical spondylosis is also called cervical osteoarthritis. This is a condition associated with changes in the bones, vertebral discs, and neck joints. Typically, these changes are caused natural process aging. As we age, the discs of the cervical spine gradually break down, lose fluid, and become more rigid. Cervical spondylosis usually occurs in middle-aged and older people.

Cracking neck when turning the child's head

In children who turn and tilt their heads sharply, a crunch in the neck is often heard. Parents should not panic. Most likely, the child has increased mobility of the vertebral joints.

Also, a crunch in the neck can be explained by congenital anomalies in the development of connective tissues. In both cases, doctors prescribe massage sessions and physiotherapy exercises. They usually help and the crunch goes away with age. Poor posture in a child who stoops when walking or spends a long time in the “bending over the table” position leads to a crunch in the neck.

Physiological crunch

In most cases, clicking and crackling sounds from the neck are harmless. The load on the vertebrae is caused by spasm of the trapezius muscle of the back or the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck. The spasm is usually unilateral, but can occur on both sides of the neck and back. The spasm causes "shortening" of the muscles and stretching of the bones of the spine (vertebral column). When a person tries to move their head in the opposite direction from the spasm, a clicking or popping sound is produced.

Neck hurts and crunches: diagnosis and treatment methods

Neck pain can occur anywhere in the neck, from the bottom of the head to the top of the shoulders. It may extend to upper part back or arms. Neck pain is common, especially in people over 50 years of age.

Which doctor to contact

In case of crunching, numbness and (or) pain sensations that have arisen in the neck area in front or behind, you should contact your therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, refer to other specialists, such as a neurologist, traumatologist or rheumatologist.


To diagnose neck problems, a doctor will ask questions about symptoms and perform a physical exam. He will check how well the patient can turn the neck. If the patient complains that the neck hurts and crackles after an injury, or if the pain does not go away after a few weeks, the doctor will prescribe additional research, such as X-ray, MRI scan or CT to see the condition of the muscles and tissues of the neck, as well as the bones of the neck, spine, roots spinal nerves and spinal cord.

Methods of treatment

Medications can temporarily relieve neck pain and reduce soft tissue inflammation. Pain relief will allow the patient to move their neck so that they can begin to perform simple gymnastics which will prevent new pain sensations. Usually, when the neck cracks, hurts and crackles, painkillers, muscle relaxants and antidepressants are used.

Over-the-counter pain relievers include:

  • Creams or gels, such as "Bom Bengue", which are rubbed into the neck.
  • Analgesics, such as paracetamol, which reduce pain.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen or naproxen, which can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Prescription pain relievers include:

  • Muscle relaxants for the treatment of acute pain and spasms in the neck.
  • Narcotic pain relievers for the treatment of severe short-term neck pain.
  • Antidepressants to treat persistent (chronic) pain.
  • Corticosteroid injections. They are rarely used for neck pain. But these drugs can be helpful for symptoms such as pain or numbness in the arm, leading the doctor to believe that a nerve root is pinched or inflamed (radiculopathy).

In addition to drug therapy and exercise, your doctor may also prescribe electronic muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and/or electrical muscle stimulation.

One massage session can significantly relieve sharp pain in the neck. But, depending on why the neck hurts and crackles, several sessions may be required.

At chronic pain in the neck area, a long (from one hour) and more frequent massage (three times a week) is required for recovery.

A folk way to treat neck crunch and pain is a flannel compress with a gruel of honey and grated raw potatoes for an hour, on the affected area.


Here are three simple exercises you can do daily at home:

  • Keeping the body in vertical position, slowly tilt your head to the left, causing left ear should approach the left shoulder. Maintain this position for 10 to 20 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform five repetitions and then tilt your head to the right shoulder in the same way.
  • Tilt your head to the left, bringing your left ear closer to your left shoulder. Instead of holding this position, turn your neck slightly forward and look at the floor. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds before returning to the initial state. Perform five repetitions and then also tilt your head to the right side of the neck.
  • Tilt your head to the left, bringing your left ear closer to your left shoulder, but instead of holding that position, tilt your neck back slightly and look up at the ceiling. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds before returning to the starting position. Perform five repetitions and then also tilt your head to the right side of the neck.
  • Sit up straight and start neat and slow (these are the most important conditions) rotation of the head first to the right, then to the left, trying to lower the chin as low as possible. The entire exercise should take about 2 minutes. You need to rotate your head three times a day.


To prevent pain in the neck, do not sleep on your stomach. In this position, the neck is tilted to the side for long period time to allow the person to breathe. This position irritates small spinal facet joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the neck. The best sleeping position is either on your back or on your side (similar to the classic fetal position).

Deep tissue massage is beneficial even for a healthy neck, as it reduces muscle spasms, fights inflammation, and promotes relaxation. You should undergo a prophylactic course of neck massage twice a year.

Cracking in the neck when turning the head is quite common. Yes, the crunchy feeling can be the result of overwork or muscle spasm. However, more often this phenomenon is a symptom (possibly the first) of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine.

The specificity of the cervical region is that it must provide high mobility of the head. This ability provides a special structure of this part of the spine. However, the fragility of the cervical vertebrae and the relative weakness of the muscles allow the development of pathologies.

So you felt that your neck crunches when you tilt your head to the side, but you think that such a phenomenon is also possible in healthy people and you probably heard about it from your fellow athletes. This is the case. However, you can calm down only after contacting the clinic and receiving a conclusion there that everything is in order with your neck.

The cervical spine consists of only 7 vertebrae, and the first two are so unusual that they have their own name. Atlas (the very first) connects to the occipital bone and supports the head. The epistrophy (or axis, the second vertebra) is axial and has a process (tooth) that serves as the axis for the first vertebra.

Thanks to this, a person can turn his head to the right and left. The seventh vertebra also has a unique structure: it has the longest spinous process, which is well palpable with fingers.

For reference. The center of gravity of the head is in front of the spine, and so that the head does not fall on the chest, nature has provided strong muscles and ligaments. The ligaments of the cervical vertebrae are interconnected, providing a wide range of movement of the neck.

But it happens that, tilting or turning his head, a pensioner, a young man or a child is surprised to hear a crunch in the cervical spine. Is it dangerous?

Why do you have a crackle in your neck

The main causes of the appearance of a crunch:

  • consequences of fractures and ligament injuries;
  • prolonged forced fixation of the neck in one position, leading to microtrauma, when spasmodic muscles “pull together” two adjacent vertebrae;
  • developmental anomalies in children and adolescents that cause spinal instability;
  • autoimmune disorders, when autoantibodies appear in the intervertebral discs;
  • impaired thermoregulation of the body, when the body is cooled through the neck (“wrapped body in winter, and the neck is naked” - yes, yes, an absurd medical fact at first glance!);
  • violation of microcirculation and, as a result, nutrition of the disk due to vascular disorders.

For reference. Cracking the neck various diseases. This is just a symptom characteristic of osteochondrosis, spondylosis , rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases that cause destructive changes discs, vertebral joints and individual cervical vertebrae.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the patient feels pain (chronic or acute) - backache (cervicalgia). This is characterized by pain, aggravated by movement, a feeling of discomfort and a crunch in the neck when moving the head.

Vertebrae deformed as a result of the disease, the shape of which is changed by osteophytes - bone growths, can compress the vertebral artery (vertebral artery syndrome, or SPA). At the same time, the neck is very crunchy. The patient may feel:

  • pain with a sharp turn;
  • dizziness;
  • limb numbness, etc.

Smoothness cervical curvature(lordosis) due to a herniated disc, marginal osteophyte or neoplasm can also manifest itself as a crunch.

Important. Spondylosis - local aging of individual segments of the spine - is also a common disease, one of the symptoms of which is a crunch in the neck when turning the head. Bone growths in this disease resemble a beak, deposits of calcium salts in the surrounding tissues are possible.

Dyshormonal spondylopathy is a severe disorder mineral metabolism. The neck crunches when the head is tilted to the side, the vertebrae on the x-ray resemble biconvex lenses with a marginal seal around the diseased vertebra (“work syndrome”).

Absolutely healthy child the neck may crackle:

  • as a result of muscle spasm (when he diligently plays sports, for example, some kinds of wrestling, where the muscles of the neck are constantly working);
  • as a result of an injury, the consequence of which is the displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
  • with birth defects;
  • due to weak muscles of the cervical region;
  • with subluxation of the small cervical joints of the spine (the child sits at a desk for a long time and diligently, hunched over and grimacing).

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis

A multi-symptomatic disease only at the level of the neck has 26 sections. Since the deformation of the disc, then the vertebral joint, vertebrae involves nerves and blood vessels in the process, the pain can spread along the arm, chest, affect the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Sometimes the pain that occurs at the beginning of the disease gradually becomes permanent. After a while, it will manifest itself immediately after sleep. If you try to turn your head, the discomfort will only intensify. The neck crunches, an attempt to lightly “push through” the cervical processes with your fingers causes discomfort.

De Klein's symptom: if you turn your head with the intention of reaching the shoulder joint - pain intensify, dizziness and “flies” in the eyes are possible.

Attention! If the head "floats", nausea, tinnitus, loss of balance are felt - pinched vertebral artery and spinal nerve. Therefore, it is better to be examined by a doctor in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can understand the cause of the crunch in the neck after diagnosis. It should be understood that diagnostic procedures the first stage can give an answer - there is a problem or this moment Everything is fine.

But if the problem still exists, then at the second stage, clarifying diagnostic procedures are needed, since the symptoms of many pathologies are similar.

X-ray research methods

For any diseases of the cervical spine, spondylograms (radiography of the spinal column) are performed in mutually perpendicular as well as oblique projections.

Important. However reliable signs X-ray data are not enough to assess: of the 16 best known, only 5 are informative, but cannot serve as a sufficient criterion for the disease.

If there are indications for surgical intervention, as well as in difficult cases contrasting research methods are used:

  • myelography;
  • discography;
  • epidurography, etc.;

Computed tomography (CT)

Popular CT scan also has disadvantages:

  • method is invasive, patients receive high dose exposure;
  • does not give a complete picture of the state of the vertebrae and their impact on the spinal cord;
  • measurement errors, etc.

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging

The advantages of this diagnostic method include:

  • harmlessness;
  • the possibility of obtaining a tomogram in any plane;
  • high sensitivity to pathological changes;
  • the possibility of visualization of blood vessels, etc.

Attention. If the patient has pacemakers, vascular clips, and other metal elements– MRI due to high magnetic field and radio frequency radiation is contraindicated.

Treatment for severe cracking in the neck

If diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis, spend orthopedic treatment. First of all, it is necessary to unload the spinal column. The patient is laid on a hard surface, a small pillow is used under the head, and a roller with a special recess is used under the neck.

Doctors also advise warm sand in a bag, which additionally warms up the cervical region, relieving muscle clamps and improving tissue nutrition. The so-called "Glisson's loop" is used to stretch the cervical region, mainly in the horizontal plane.

When the neck crackles when turning the head, the complex drug treatment includes:

  • analgesics (to relieve pain);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, ibuprofen, etc.);
  • decongestants (for example, furosemide, since inflammation accompanies swelling);
  • sedatives (sedatives - nozepam);
  • myorealaxing (reducing muscle spasms - sirdalud) drugs.

For reference. If a crunch in the neck is accompanied by pain, physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.) is carried out for relief.

It copes well with the crunch syndrome and manual therapy. The main movements of the massage therapist are aimed at stretching the neck and gently kneading the muscles. There should not be any sharp jerks.

Prevention of diseases of the cervical spine

For reference. The main task of preventing neck crunch is to reduce the static and dynamic load.

Therefore, if a person is forced for a long time to maintain a fixed posture, for example, while driving a car, it is recommended to change body positions more often, warm up, make slight tilts and turns of the head.

Cracking in the neck and muscle spasms are well relieved by external creams and ointments.

  • sleep on an orthopedic pillow, individually selected taking into account the lordosis of the neck;
  • massage;
  • regular physical exercises aimed at strengthening muscles;
  • mobile games for fresh air- the body receives required load, relieving static muscle tension;
  • water procedures, steam room and sauna - as a training of blood vessels (contraindicated in case of exacerbation).

How to get rid of a crunch in the neck - exercise therapy

To strengthen the muscles of the neck, get rid of the crunch in the neck and to improve tissue trophism, gymnastics is shown.

The subtlety here is as follows: before starting the exercise, straighten the spine as much as possible and stretch the top of the head up

When the head pushes the sky, the neck muscles stretch, stimulating an increase in the distance between the vertebrae. Such movement also promotes blood flow to this area: the nutrition of the spinal joint increases, which means that the nutrition of the disc improves. The crunch in the neck disappears.

Attention. The vertebral discs have practically no blood vessels, receiving nutrition from the joint fluid. Tilts and turns of the head (make sure that the neck is extended), gentle head rotations, rolls of the head along the chest and back - very quickly remove the annoying crunch when moving the neck.

Perfectly "cracks down" on the symptom dance move: move the stationary head in a circle. The head, like a precious vessel, is motionless. Only the neck works. This is the famous oriental pa.

Self-massage - healing touches

If your neck crackles when you turn your head, you can conduct a massage session on your own in a sitting or standing position. head a little
lean forward to relax the neck muscles. You can use the head support:

  • cushion or pillow;
  • a rolled up blanket;
  • "bricks" for yoga.

All techniques are performed simultaneously with both hands. This is stroking the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine, rubbing at the places of attachment of the muscles of the neck and back. Kneading is carried out across, grabbing tissue and gently kneading.

Also use the technique of "tweezers longitudinal kneading" (pinching), clapping with the palm of your hand. All techniques are alternated with stroking. The same technique ends the massage. It may take several sessions for the crunch in the neck to disappear.

Many people have heard the sound of a strong crunch more than once when turning or tilting their head sharply. It can occur not only in patients with osteochondrosis, but also in absolutely healthy people. Some experts believe that such a crunch in the neck appears when the force on the joint exceeds the force of the reaction of the muscles that prevent unnecessary movements of the articular surfaces.

In other words, if the muscles of the cervical region are in a too relaxed or constrained state, then a crunchy sound may occur during an ordinary turn of the head. However, the crunch may not always be unreasonable, sometimes its occurrence can serve as a kind of signal from the body about certain problems.

Exists whole line causes that can cause a crunch in the cervical spine. The following reasons are most often distinguished:

  1. Strong mobility of the intervertebral joints in thin people. Doesn't have any negative consequences except psychological discomfort from sound.
  2. Muscle tension in athletes. The crunch disappears after the muscles are warmed up.
  3. Accumulation of calcium salts in tendons and muscles in violation of calcium metabolism. The result of this is an overload of various segments of the spine and the development of a functional block, the removal of which occurs with sudden movements, which is accompanied by sound.
  4. Cracking in the neck can be caused by various posture disorders that lead to a change in the relationship between muscles and bone structures.
  5. The crunch is also caused by osteophytes (bone outgrowths that occur when bone formation is impaired).
  6. Arising due to instability of the cervical spine, subluxations small joints. The process calls dull pain and constant discomfort, especially with a long stay in one position.
  7. Uncovertebral arthrosis is a disease of the intervertebral joints. Accompanied severe pain in the area of ​​the damaged vertebra after the movement.
  8. Hypermobility in the joints of the spine in children. Occurs when there is a deviation in the development of connective tissue.
  9. Spondylolisthesis is a disease during which the neck clicks when turning and tilting. This is due to the displacement of the vertebra forward. Cracking in the neck due to a violation of the relationship bone structures spine.


Therapy of a crunch in the neck must begin with the identification of its cause. For healthy people, this phenomenon is not dangerous and does not require medical intervention, and for people with spinal column disorders, certain schemes have been created that represent both traditional and surgical methods.

The simplest and most effective method is to control the condition of the muscles. They need to be constantly strengthened with special gymnastics. It is recommended to avoid painful tension, change posture when it appears, and perform stretching exercises. Do not forget that you can not load the spine with prolonged actions when you are in a state of physical overwork.

It is important to remember that you can not do gymnastics with pain, violation of this rule can lead to aggravation of the condition!

If speak about medical intervention, then the most popular means that prevent crunching in the neck are manual and osteopathic techniques, good effect gives physiotherapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to block the pain syndrome. With spinal hypermobility main goal is to achieve stability of anatomical relationships. To create such stability, a neck collar is used.

If following these tips does not bring the desired result and the crunching in the neck will still continue, you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist can help identify the disease on early stage and prevent its development.

Each person experienced a crunching in the neck when turning the head. The process is not always accompanied by pain, sometimes a crunch appears even in healthy people. Rarely with such a problem turn to the doctor.

In fact, under some circumstances, unpleasant sensations arise from physiological reasons due to muscle fatigue or spasms. But it is better to consult a doctor when a problem arises to find out why the neck crunches, because sometimes given state cause pathological changes in the spine.

Why does the neck crackle

The causes of a crunch in the neck are conventionally divided into two groups:
  • crunch with pain syndrome;
  • painless crackling.

A crunch without pain or other uncomfortable signs is not dangerous. It occurs due to a hereditary disposition or overwork of the cervical muscles. A crackling sound appears when the head moves, when the muscle fibers do not extinguish increased load . This occurs when spasms or excessive relaxation of the muscles.

In addition, with age, the condition of cartilage, ligaments, tendons of the cervical vertebrae deteriorates, and the amount of joint fluid decreases. This does not always lead to pathologies of the spine.

A crunchy sign when turning appears in quite healthy people for the following reasons:

  • high mobility of the neck joints that occurs when turning in thin people, children;
  • insufficient level synovial fluid;
  • muscle spasm and strong tension during sports lessons;
  • wrong posture at the table, increasing the load on this department.

Cervical crunch sometimes appears with a sharp unnatural turn of the head. It occurs due to the weakness of the cervical muscles due to hypodynamia.


Constant cervical crunching when turning sometimes indicates ailments of the spine. A crunch in the cervical region with pain occurs with osteochondrosis. Then the degenerative reactions of the cartilaginous matter reduce the height of the intervertebral discs. So, movements are limited, especially when turning and tilting.

With a severe degree of osteochondrosis, the vertebrae collapse due to friction between themselves, as a result, outgrowths are formed - bone osteophytes, which can cause a crackling whistle.

When the cervical discs are destroyed, they change shape, become flat, then lose their shock-absorbing function. Nerves and blood vessels are compressed, and pain occurs at the turn with irradiation to the arm. Additionally, dizziness headache, the sensitivity of the upper limbs changes. All these symptoms serve as a reason to consult a doctor.


Why does the neck crackle when the head is tilted if the patient has spondylosis? With this disease, the bone and cartilage matter on the vertebrae grows, the vertebral discs are deformed, forming gaps and cracks. Subsequently, there is a protrusion of the nucleus of the disc, there is intervertebral hernia.

Bone growths grow - osteophytes, which narrow the openings of the spinal canal. The spinal cord and nerve fibers extending from it are compressed, causing pain. Pain is localized in cervical region and between the shoulder blades.

Turning the neck to the sides and tilting occurs with a crunchy sound. In severe cases, the progression of the disease appears such signs: dizziness, decreased visual acuity, tinnitus with headache. This ailment occurs in patients after 45 50 years, characterized by chronic course.


Video - click when turning the neck


A crackling signal in the cervical vertebrae during head rotation and turning sometimes occurs with spondylolisthesis. The disease develops when cervical vertebrae shift among themselves. Most often, C4 and C5 (fourth, fifth) vertebrae of the neck are shifted relative to each other.

This is due to congenital anomalies, trauma, or metastases from other organs. At the same time, the mobility of the affected section when turning is limited, painful sensations arise, since the vessels and nerves are compressed in the spinal canal.

Everyone gets sick age categories people, sometimes the crunch at the turn during spondylolisthesis is experienced by the most able-bodied population aged 25-45 years.

Other reasons

When the cervical vertebrae crunch, there may be other reasons. For example:

  • subluxation of the vertebrae - the most common subluxation of the first vertebra occurs. C1 is called the atlas because it connects the vertebral axis and the skull. Atlas provides head tilts, all other cervical vertebrae perform the function of turning. Subluxation of the rest of the vertebrae occurs between C4 and C5, as well as between C6 and C7.
  • Uncovertebral arthrosis is a pathology of the arches of the articular processes or vertebral discs. The transverse canal changes structurally, the vascular and nerve bundles are pinched. Pain and crunching of the neck appear when turning and tilting, when raising the shoulders, sensitivity is disturbed.
  • curvature of the spine in the cervical region - normally, the human head leans slightly forward. If there is a deviation, it moves back, shifts to the left or right side, sometimes pushed too far forward. In most cases this pathology not visible with a simple eye but if the disease is not treated, the pathology will progress.

Associated symptoms

If a crunch is heard when turning for physiological reasons, this is not dangerous and does not deliver big trouble. But if there are other signs, it is urgent to go to the clinic.

The following symptoms indicate diseases of the spine:

  • soreness with irradiation under the shoulder blades, upper limbs, back of the head;
  • muscle spasm, which limits the rotation-tilt of the head;
  • if they are affected nerve roots, there is tingling, numbness, sensitivity decreases, the skin turns pale;
  • frequent pain head, it occurs due to impaired cerebral circulation or problems with innervation;
  • sometimes there is dizziness, nausea, tinnitus;
  • often disrupted coordinated hand movements.

When the neck crunches on a turn with such a symptom, it means that you need to consult a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

radicular syndrome

With such a pathology, the crunch of the cervical vertebrae occurs due to inflammatory response, may be accompanied by pain when turning. When it occurs, the thickness of the cartilaginous tissue decreases, osteophytes grow, and hernias occur. All this contributes to the development of radicular syndrome.

The symptoms are quite extensive:

  • numbness in the back of the head and crown;
  • sagging chin;
  • there is pain in the neck and crunching;
  • soreness of the scapula, collarbone, shoulder girdle;
  • numbness and pain in the arm, loss of sensation, restriction of movement.

When turning the head, the pain intensifies, accompanied by a crunch. The picture of symptoms depends on the localization of the pathology, on which root is affected.

Is cracking your neck bad?

Previously, it was believed that the joints can crunch only in old age. Lately young people began to experience. They are the ones who ask: is it possible to crunch your neck? Joints begin to crackle when they are slowly destroyed, that is, harmless phenomena can turn into serious illness.

Is it harmful to crack your neck, ask those patients in whom the progression of the disease is imperceptible at first glance. But their body is already letting you know that destruction is not far off.

Such people need to be explained why it is impossible to crunch your neck. Any sounds, such as crackling, clicking, crunching when turning, do not occur by chance, but due to pathological processes. Ultimately, all this will lead to defects in the structure of the cartilage. It is better to pay attention to the crackling sound until the pain is felt than to wait for it to appear. painful symptoms with a serious problem.

Diagnostic methods

When it starts to crackle when turning, you need to contact a neurologist, traumatologist, orthopedist or vertebrologist. It is these specialists who are able to identify exact reason and determine the diagnosis.

Initially, an x-ray examination is prescribed in the direct and lateral projection. Sometimes the crunch of the cervical spine requires more thorough examination. Then the patient is sent for computed tomography and MRI of the cervical spine, if necessary, appoint ultrasound diagnostics vessels.

Methods of treatment

When diagnostics did not reveal serious pathologies, it is clear that the neck began to crackle due to muscle weakness or excess stress. How to get rid of the crackling sound of the neck, if it occurs on natural causes?

They are saved from this sensation by strengthening the muscular apparatus. Showing sports, massage, you should avoid prolonged stay in a motionless position, hypothermia, injury.

If a disease of the spine is detected and the neck crunches when turning the head, then what should I do? Then, to get rid of the pathology, choose medical measures, considering the reason and personal characteristics.

Medical therapy

Most often, doctors prescribe:
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Voltaren, Indomethacin in tablets, injections, folk medicines;
  • muscle relaxants - Baclofen, Mydocalm;
  • medicines for pain relief - Baralgin, Reopirin;
  • vasodilators - Eufillin, Cavinton, Actovegin.

If the spine is too mobile, a special corset will help get rid of the crunch when turning. When eliminated acute symptoms, other therapies are ongoing. Apply technique manual treatment, prescribe multivitamins, antioxidants, chondoprotectors to restore cartilage tissue.


The treatment of neck crunch is always supplemented by physiotherapeutic procedures, the methods of therapy are selected individually for each patient.

  • Electrotherapy - includes electrophoresis, iontophoresis, diadynamic currents with the use of analgesics, biostimulants, anti-inflammatory fluids.
  • UFO - quartz or ultraviolet irradiation promotes blood flow, the formation of vitamin D.
  • Magnetotherapy - a low-frequency field stimulates bioprocesses, improves local metabolism.
  • Laser therapy - reduces swelling, pain, regenerates cartilage tissue.

If it is impossible to turn the neck or it crunches when turning, then the spine is specially stretched using various devices and apparatus. The patient is fixed on an inclined surface with special belts. Under the weight of the body, the spine relaxes and stretches naturally. This eliminates pressure on the nerve roots, reduces pain.


If it crunches in the neck when turning and tilting the head, it is shown physiotherapy. It is prescribed after cupping pain. Do not start exercising during an exacerbation.

  • Sitting on a chair, gently turn your head to the left, to the right until it stops. Exercises do not abruptly 10 times.
  • Sitting, pull the chin forward and back, repeat at least 10 times.
  • Tilt your head to the side, touching your shoulder with your ear.
  • Turn the chin to the left, lift it up, hold for a few seconds, lower, return the head to the IP.
  • Make circular movements with the chin with a wide amplitude.
  • Fold your hands into the lock, put them under the chin, counteract the forceful pressure of the hands on the chin.

Performing gymnastics should be daily, as blood flows to the muscles of the neck, nutrition and oxygen supply improve, and a person gains relaxedness, lightness, freedom of movement.


It is hardly possible to cure a neck crunch at home with a serious problem, but sometimes folk recipes will not be superfluous in combination with highly effective drugs. For this, compresses, rubbing, infusions, decoctions based on medicinal herbs are used.

Each person in his life at least once encountered such phenomena as in the neck when moving the head in different sides. And this phenomenon frightens many and makes you think about your current health.

Is crunching when turning the head a harbinger of illness or is it completely safe? We will try to answer this question in this article.

The structure of the cervical

Ours includes separate segments, between each segment there is a kind of cartilage tissue pad to create cushioning and flexibility of the whole structure.

The neck, in turn, is the base of the spine and consists of the first 7 segments or vertebrae. Each vertebra has its own designation in Latin with a letter and a number.

Also passes through the neck large veins and arteries that provide blood supply to the brain, there are ligaments and tendons, and neck muscles provide head movements in different directions. They also protect the spine from injury.


In the opening of each bone segment of the spine there is a channel for spinal cord. Flexibility and mobility of the cervical region is provided by intervertebral discs, which consist of a special tissue in which there are no blood vessels.

Why is there a crunch when turning the head?

Just a couple of decades ago, it was believed that only age people crunching may occur in the joints. But recent studies have shown that it is precisely people under the age of 30 who most often experience such phenomena. The reason for this, among other things, is the rejuvenation of many joint diseases.

From the point of view of anatomy, the joints, which are also found in the neck, usually become the source of a crunch or clicks. In addition, tense muscles can often crunch when bending in the neck.

Facet joints of the spine

Doctors in their practice divide the causes of the crunch into physiological (not dangerous) and pathological (dangerous). If the crunch is accompanied by other symptoms, then you should be more careful about this and consult a doctor.

Other symptoms

In itself, a rare crunch or clicking sound (as if sand crunches) when moving your head should not be frightening, but if you have the following symptoms, you can suspect a serious illness:

  • limitation and tension in the cervical region, attacks of hypertension and acute pain outbreaks;
  • may feel dizzy, general malaise and weakness, nausea;
  • pain syndrome or spasms in the head, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, tinnitus and discomfort in the heart area;
  • a crunch in the shoulders or clicks is heard, the limbs or face go numb.

These symptoms indicate problems and pathologies in the body, so you should immediately undergo a diagnosis in the clinic.

Physiological or non-dangerous causes

The so-called physiological crunch of the joints appears on different reasons, usually being physiological norm work of the human body.

At full health there may be a crunch in the neck, due to processes in the tissues:

  • Crackling sounds are often a sign of the presence of nitrogen bubbles in the joint cavities and fluids., which collapse upon friction and contact. Such bubbles in the body are the result of normal metabolic processes and do not disrupt the functioning of organs.
  • In people with genetically determined thinness with active or sudden movements, a crunch may appear in the joints, often in the cervical region.
  • Sometimes in newborns, crackling sounds can be heard in the cervical region., this is due to the insufficiency of synovial fluid in babies, in the process of growing up, the symptom disappears.
  • People who are actively involved in sports, or vice versa, for beginners, there is often a crunch in the neck, which indicates insufficient warming up of the muscles before training. In this case, it is enough to carefully stretch the muscles of the neck.

Health-threatening causes of crunching

There are a lot of dangerous causes of crackling sounds and clicks in the cervical region, experts distinguish such diseases and conditions:

  • Degenerative spinal changes, its bone and cartilage tissues, .
  • If it develops or osteophytes occur, bone growths of the edge of the vertebrae, which interfere with normal mobility and cause pathological crunching and clicking.
  • Metabolic diseases cause the accumulation of calcium salts in the tissues. Especially dangerous is the deposition of calcium crystals in the joints.
  • Violations of physiological curves and curvature of the spine.
  • Even a slight dislocation of the joint neck will inevitably become a source of crunching and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • When there is a lack of shock-absorbing fluid in the joint in an adult, this also causes crackling sounds.

Signs of osteochondrosis


A disease such as osteochondrosis is caused by the general aging of the body, in which cartilage tissue cracking and gradually disintegrating. At the same time, blood circulation is disturbed in the joints of the neck, the nutrition of the discs decreases with time, and deformation of the bones of the spine occurs.

If it develops, then in addition to crunchy sounds, there will be a strong and acute pain syndrome in the limbs and upper shoulder girdle. Unfortunately, today this disease cannot be completely cured, however, modern adequate medical, hardware physiotherapy can completely save the patient from the manifestations of the disease.

The development of osteophytes in osteochondrosis

Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia, being a close companion of osteochondrosis, is a source of pain symptoms, crunching and neurological manifestations. Due to a change in the shape of the intervertebral disc, its compression, the entire spinal column is deformed.

neck hernia


One of the consequences of chronic osteochondrosis and disc herniation is cervical spondylosis, in which a bone outgrowth, an osteophyte, forms on the outer edge of the vertebra. These growths touch each other in the process of moving the neck, which may cause clicks or a crunch.

The diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is made in the presence of displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other. The level of symptoms depends on how severe the displacement is.

With spondylolisthesis in the cervical region, the crunch is not the most big problem, since in addition to the crunch, this diagnosis is accompanied by increased pain and severe neurological symptoms in the form of shoulders, dizziness and weakness.

Salt and calcium deposition

A constant strong crunch occurs if there is also calcium. With metabolic diseases in the articular and bone tissues there is an accumulation of calcium and salt crystals.

With the progression of the pathology, a person often hears crackling sounds, especially when he makes deep head tilts to the right and left.

Unkovertebral arthrosis of the joints

Unco-retebral spine is a serious disease in which, due to thinning intervertebral disc so-called uncovertebral joints grow on the vertebrae. The disease always causes increased pain symptoms in the area of ​​the affected vertebra, intense crunching when moving the neck in different directions.

Curvature of the spinal column

Curvature of the spine in the cervical region can occur due to trauma, wrong image life or genetic disease. and cause deformation and degeneration of the tissues of the patient's spine, curvature of the vertebrae relative to each other causes a crunch.

Types of posture disorders

Why does a child's neck crackle?

Children often frighten their parents with specific sounds in the neck and other articular joints. Normally, this crunch is not dangerous, it occurs due to the excessive flexibility of children's joints. Often, when exercising or exercising in a child, you can catch a crunch in the knees, hips and shoulders.

Most often, the neck crunches when tilting the head in adolescents, since at the age of 12 to 18 years there are hormonal changes in a child's body, joints develop faster than ligaments and muscles. Therefore, the child's joints may have an increased range of motion.

Still crunchy sounds in a child may appear due to congenital diseases ligamentous apparatus and tendons. Such diseases are successfully treated with physiotherapy and constant gymnastics.

Cracking when massaging the neck

Often patients of massage therapists complain of an unpleasant crunch during the procedure.

The causes of the crunch in this case may be:

  • In some cases, the cervical region reacts with crunches during massage due to weak ligaments and muscles this section of the spine, if you are inactive and far from sports.
  • Masseur incompetence. The specialist develops the cervical region quite strongly, and in case of instability of the vertebrae, a clicking may appear during the procedure. However, then some time after the end of the massage, there should be no negative or painful sensations.
  • If the massage procedure is carried out during the period of exacerbation of cervical dorsopathy, then inevitably it will crunch due to the thinning of the intervertebral discs.

A qualified massage specialist always takes into account at what period of the disease it is possible, and at what massage is contraindicated.


Cracking in the cervical region along with neurological manifestations reason for applying for medical assistance. For consultation and treatment regimen for existing symptoms, you need to contact a neurologist or vertebrologist.

After manual examination and palpation cervical area, the doctor recommends undergoing some studies to help make the correct diagnosis:

  • Mandatory dopplerography of the veins and arteries of the cervical and head.
  • X-ray examination of the neck.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electromyography and encephalography in the presence of pain in the head.

Blood test for the presence rheumatoid factor is needed to differentiate the diagnosis in case of suspected arthritis, to identify inflammation in other organs. Also, the patient may be assigned to take a sample of synovial fluid and analyze the level of urea.


With a harmless crunch, to prevent the development of the disease in the cervical region, it is necessary to observe the mode of work, sleep and nutrition. Another important point is to strengthen the muscles of the neck, training the flexibility and endurance of the ligaments.

To prescribe adequate treatment dangerous crunch need exact setting diagnosis. If the pathology is still detected, then the first step in treatment will be the removal pain symptoms and inflammation medication. After passing acute period you can start therapeutic gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy.

Exercise and exercise therapy

The complex treatment of almost all disorders of the musculoskeletal system includes physiotherapy exercises. Physical therapy rooms operate in medical institutions at the place of residence, where a doctor specializing in therapeutic exercises will help you choose desired system classes.

Approximate description of gymnastics for the development of flexibility and endurance of the neck:

  • Head movements forward and down, while the forehead must be supported with a hand, as if preventing the slope.
  • With both hands holding the head on the back of the head, you need to try to throw your head back.
  • Tilt your head to the right and left while resting your hand alternately on the right and left temple. At the same time, try to tighten the muscles of the neck on the right and left.

This gymnastics should be performed more often, preferably on a daily basis for 5-10 minutes, to feel the impact and effectiveness. Using the simplest gymnastic techniques in combination with other methods of treatment, you can get rid of the crunch and pain manifestations.

The second method in the treatment scheme for the cervical spine will be physiotherapy prescribed by a physiotherapist:

  • UHF, mud and ozocerite applications, myostimulation and electrophoresis The choice of procedure depends on the severity of the disease.
  • useful not only as a treatment, but as a method of prevention. Self-massage can also give an effect if you get a consultation with a vertebrologist and a neurologist.
  • You can take a course of massage with a manual therapist. The use of special massage creams and gels with essential oils cypress, chamomile or fir helps to get a relaxing effect.
  • Good effect to eliminate pain and crunch, normalization of the mobility of the cervical zone gives reflexology, hirudotherapy and hydrotherapy.
  • Applicators with small needles increase blood flow to the site of application, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the delivery nutrients to bone and cartilage tissue.

Good reviews about the treatment of neck diseases have applicators Lyapko and. The use of devices reduces the strength of neurological disorders, normalizes blood circulation, relieves headaches, numbness of the upper back and neck.


To restore the normal functions of the joints and muscles today are used various groups effective pharmaceuticals:

Non-traditional methods

Such methods are considered manual therapy cervical-collar zone, acupuncture, as well as the methods of chiropractors and osteopaths.

Manual therapy is used to eliminate muscle blockade, decompress nerve endings, treat trigger points, stretch the vertebrae, and also if there is a displacement of the vertebrae or injury to the facet joint.

Acupuncture method is used to stimulate the energy points in the body, helping to relieve tension, pain and inflammation. Many do acupuncture professional doctors, including some physical therapists, masseurs and chiropractors.

Treatment with folk remedies

resort to alternative medicine should be taken with caution, it is better to consult your doctor first.

Proven Recipes traditional medicine often cope with pain and inflammatory symptoms:

  • Tincture of bee deadness on vodka. Pour dead bee half a liter of vodka and let it brew for 20-21 days in a dark corner. Strain the tincture thoroughly. Slightly dilute one teaspoon of the product with water and drink three times a day.
  • Medicine from radish, honey and salt. For tincture, finely grate 200 g of black radish, add 100 grams of high-quality honey, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ordinary salt. Pour vodka in a volume of 70 ml. The composition is left to infuse for about 3 days. The tincture is used to rub the sore neck.
  • has long been used as a healing agent and in joints. The easiest option is to prepare a drink to drink before bed or in the morning with meals. Take and dilute 3 g of regular cooking gelatin in 50 ml boiled water until complete dissolution.

To warm and relax the muscles of the neck during massage procedure recommend using camphor for oil based, which can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy.

Prevention of crunch in the neck

Even in the presence of physiologically determined crackling, measures must be taken to prevent premature aging organism:

  • Regular classes light gymnastics for the neck will strengthen the muscular frame of this department and keep the joints and ligaments in good physical shape. At the same time, you should try to avoid heavy loads on the spine, go in for sports under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • Bad habits, a large number of oily and high-calorie food badly affect the state of the body. A intake of trace elements and vitamins, healthy balanced diet On the contrary, it will serve as a prevention and strengthening of blood vessels, bone and cartilage structures.
  • It is recommended to avoid a long static position of the head and neck. during the day, otherwise the bones and joints face premature wear.
  • Targeted crunching in any joint should be avoided, this can provoke a number of diseases, doctors do not welcome these actions.



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