Homeopathic remedies for sprained muscles and ligaments. Injuries and damage Homeopathic remedies for weak ligaments in children

Crotalus horridus (Crotalus gorridus)
Hoarseness; weak low voice.

For hoarseness after whooping cough.

Eupatorium (Eupatorium)
Hoarseness in the morning, with sore chest when coughing; holding his chest with his hands.

Gelsemium (Gelsemium)
Paresis of the muscles of the larynx after hysteria and negative emotions, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, which is manifested by their drooping.

Graphites (Grafites)
Hoarseness with variability of voice when excited, from high to low and vice versa.
Hoarseness, worse from singing.
Singers cannot control their vocal cords.

Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Yuz: Gargle with a solution: 20 drops of Hamamelis extract per 0.5 cup of water.

Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur)
Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Arum triphyllum alternately after 2 hours. For a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx - after 2 hours.
For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises,
as well as with the accumulation of mucus in the throat.

Kali carbonicum (Kali carbonicum)
Hoarseness and loss of voice with the slightest runny nose.

Kali chloratum (Kali chloratum)
Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - x6 and Calcarea sulfurica alternately.

Kreosotum (Creosotum)
Yuz: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water.

Lepidum bonarense (Lepidum bonariense)
Cough with hoarseness and expectoration of small amounts of blood; dry, salty saliva.

Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis)
Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C6 and Belladonna after 2 hours alternately and gargle with Phytolacca
(1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water).

Petroleum (Petroleum)
For singers after a cold.

Phosphous (Phosphorus)
Severe hoarseness. The patient can barely speak in a loud whisper.
Tendency to worsen in the evening or in the first half of the night.

There is pain in the larynx that worsens when talking, or the patient cannot speak at all.
Yuz: 6C and Arnica alternately every 2 hours. With paralysis of the vocal cords and complete loss of voice.For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly.

For hoarseness after diphtheria. For prolonged hoarseness.

Phytolacca (Fitolyakka)
Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness, gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water).

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla)
Hoarseness is better in open or cold air. With a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx.

Rumex (Rumex)
Yuz: x3 and Arum triphyllum alternately every 2 hours. For prolonged hoarseness.

Selenium (Selenium)
Must clear mucus from throat frequently, especially when he begins to sing.
Hoarse voice.

Homeopathic remedies used to treat muscle and joint pain, sprains

Homeopathic remedies for internal use:

  • Aconite 6CH
  • Arnica 6CH
  • Rus toxicodendron 6CH
  • Ruta 6CH

    Homeopathic remedies for external use:

  • Arnica ointment 10%
  • Wolfsbane turnip-fighter

    Indications for use:
    -muscle and joint pain resulting from hypothermia after exposure to dry cold wind;
    -muscle and joint pain that occurs at the onset of colds with chills, high fever after hypothermia;
    -muscle and joint pain that occurs after emotional stress, accompanied by anxiety, fear, fright.

    Characteristics of pain:
    - aches in muscles, joints;
    -feeling of weakness, bruise in the limbs and body;
    -painful sensitivity of the body to touch.

    Muscle and joint pain increases significantly:
    - at night time;
    - lying in bed;
    - lying on the affected side.

    - sitting, not moving;
    - at rest.

    Symptoms associated with pain:
    muscle and joint pain are accompanied by:
    - motor restlessness, the patient cannot lie still, constantly changes place;
    - anxiety;
    - a feeling of numbness, tingling, crawling sensation in the affected parts.
    Examples: Feeling of bruising, heaviness, numbness, shooting pain in the shoulders that occurs after hypothermia. Back pain, as if bruised, with numbness, tingling, stiffness, cannot lie still, constantly changes body position.

    Arnica-arnica montana.

    Indications for use:
    muscle pain, sprains that occur after physical strain.

    Characteristics of pain:
    - pain, weakness in the body and limbs;
    - Pain like a bruise in the muscles.

    Muscle and joint pain intensifies:
    - from the slightest touch;
    - from movement;
    -by cold;
    - in the evening and at night.

    Muscle and joint pain decreases:
    - when laid in a horizontal position.

    Symptoms associated with pain:
    muscle pain is accompanied by:
    - a feeling of goosebumps crawling all over the body with every movement;
    - stiffness of limbs;
    - restlessness in bed, cannot find a place where the pain will decrease.
    Examples: Pain, as if bruised in the limbs, with a crawling sensation with every movement, which occurs after excessive physical exertion.

    Rhus toxicodendron – poisonous sumac

    It has a pronounced effect on fibrous tissue, articular ligaments, and tendons.
    Indications for use:
    pain in muscles, joints, tendons along the nerve trunks.

    Pain occurs as a result of:
    - physical overexertion;
    - lifting excessive weights;
    - hypothermia when exposed to damp cold;
    - getting wet in the rain;
    - soaking the feet.

    Characteristics of pain:
    - tearing, tearing pain in tendons, ligaments;
    - feeling of weakness throughout the body;
    - pain along the ulnar and sciatic nerves;
    - pulling, tearing pain;
    -pain as if stretched;
    -pain as if bruised.

    The pain intensifies:
    - at rest;
    - at the beginning of the movement;
    - when rising from a seat or climbing stairs;
    - in the evening and at night;
    - in damp, cold weather.

    Pain decreases:
    - from movement;
    - from changing position;
    - when walking;
    - lying on a hard surface;
    - from rubbing;
    - from applying heat.

    Symptoms associated with pain:
    -feeling of weakness in the limbs and body;
    - trembling in the limbs;
    - motor restlessness in the limbs.
    -pain and stiffness in the cervical spine extends to the space between the shoulder blades, which occurs after physical strain;
    - tearing pain in the shoulder area with weakness, trembling in the arms after lifting heavy objects;
    -pain and stiffness in the lumbar spine when rising from a place;
    -pain, as if bruised, in the hip, knee joint, combined with motor restlessness, worsens at night, at rest.

    Ruta-ruta fragrant

    Acts on tendons, cartilage tissue, eye muscles, periosteum, nerve trunks.

    Indications for use:
    - damage to the tendons (especially the wrist) - tendinosis, epicondylitis that occurs after lifting weights, overexertion when working at the computer in musicians and athletes;
    - Achilles tendon strain;
    - pain in the wrist joint, in the radius, in the bones of the hand;
    -lumbago, sciatica;
    - overwork of the eye muscles when sewing, working at the computer;
    -bone bruises.

    Characteristics of pain:
    -painful sensitivity of muscles, tendons, bones when touched or pressed;
    - excruciating pain;
    - stabbing pain;
    -pain, as if bruised, sprained.

    Increased pain:
    - with prolonged tension of one group of muscles and tendons (working with a computer mouse, “tennis elbow”);
    - from cold and dampness.

    Pain reduction:
    - from light movement;
    - from a change of position.

    Symptoms associated with pain:
    -weakness, fatigue in the affected parts;
    -numbness in the affected limb.

    -pain in the eyes, accompanied by headaches with eyestrain;
    -pain in the wrist joint when pressed, as if bruised;
    - stabbing pain and stiffness in the wrist with numbness in the hands, after overexertion of the hand;
    - lameness after a sprained ankle;
    -a feeling of shortening of the tendons that limit the popliteal fossa with pain, especially when going down the stairs;
    - excruciating pain in the Achilles tendon with soreness when touched after stretching, bruised pain in the hips with heaviness, fatigue in the legs after walking;
    -lumbago, sciatica, worse before standing.

    Mode of application:

    1 - 7 granules, depending on age, 3-4 times a day, 3-7 days until improvement.

    The proposed recommendations describe the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of sprains, muscle and joint pain that arise from physical overexertion and exposure to external weather factors. The success of treatment is determined by the similarity of the therapeutic effect of the homeopathic drug to the patient’s symptoms.

    When choosing a homeopathic medicine, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the indication for use, but, first of all, to the characteristics of pain and modality (factors that increase or decrease pain), symptoms accompanying pain. If independent use of recommended homeopathic medicines does not lead to improvement, you should consult a homeopathic doctor.

    The use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of various types of injuries shortens recovery time. Homeopathy restores health quickly, gently and completely.

    Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of injuries

    Today my Chihuahua dog came from a walk limping. Walking through the forest in the summer, you can always be at risk of being bitten by a tick. But a tick bite is usually noticeable, but here no damage was found on the dog’s body. She simply tucked her left hind paw and periodically licked it. Perhaps she injured her, although I did not find any painful places on my leg. Having decided that this was an injury, I gave her 1 ball of our “magic” remedy - Arnica. Half an hour later my dog ​​was already running on all four legs.

    Arnica is a truly magical remedy for any injuries, their consequences, hematomas, bruises! It is used both before and after operations - with the aim of speedy healing of wounds, reducing pain reactions and having an anti-inflammatory effect. For bone fractures and sprained ligaments. Before and after tooth extraction. The use of Arnica allows you to avoid the use of antibiotics in the postoperative period, for example, during dental implantation operations. It prevents the development of suppuration. Helps athletes with muscle strain. Arnica will help anyone after heavy physical activity with muscle pain. After childbirth for mother and child, especially after the use of forceps, when bruises are visible on the child’s head. Arnica is of particular importance for head injuries and concussions. Cases have been described where, many years after a head injury complicated by deafness in one ear, the patient was cured with a single dose of Arnica in high dilution. Even with the flu you can use Arnica!

    If a patient is unconscious after an injury, one dose of arnica can revive him.

    If Arnica is given in time to patients with myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident, the results of subsequent treatment will be much more positive in terms of prognosis. This is the ability of Arnica to simultaneously stop internal bleeding and resolve the resulting hematomas.

    A patient in need of Arnica usually does not want to be examined, believes that there is nothing wrong with him, and touching the injured area is extremely painful.

    If you have witnessed someone's injury or been injured yourself and the severity of the injury causes the slightest concern, you must call an ambulance. Until the car arrives, you can contact your homeopath and take the necessary homeopathic remedy. If the injury is closed, that is, there is no open bleeding surface, then Arnica will always be appropriate. You can use potency C30 - 3 balls. You can repeat the dose every 4 hours. In case of severe pain, you can take it every 15 minutes.

    Many have read or heard about cases where, after a long period of time after an injury, a malignant tumor forms at this site. And we all know how often our children get injured. If you give Arnica to such a child or adult, it will prevent the formation of a tumor, since it promotes the resorption of the hematoma and leaves the injury without consequences.

    In homeopathy, besides Arnica, there are many useful remedies for treating injuries. For example, for injuries to the chest, abdomen and pelvic organs, the drug Bellis perenis (daisy) is used with excellent effect. This is an excellent substitute for Arnica in cases where there has been an injury to the mammary gland or after childbirth, when everything hurts and is inflamed.

    If nerve damage occurs, for example, a pinched finger or tailbone injury, then Hypericum is the best medicine. It is also used for puncture wounds and to prevent tetanus. In addition to Hypericum, puncture wounds are remarkably treated with Ledum. Ledum is also able to cure complications of puncture wounds when suppuration occurs at the wound site. It is also the best medicine for insect and small rodent bites and prevents tetanus.

    In case of joint sprains, damage to ligaments, cartilage, the homeopathic drug Ruta is used. It has a special affinity for the wrist and ankle.

    If the patient feels better from movement, and severe pain occurs only at the beginning of movement, then the drug Rus toxicodendron is used. It is also used by athletes for muscle strain. It is also the best remedy for trauma and damage to the vocal cords of singers and speakers. If the pain worsens from movement, the drug Bryonia is used.

    For bone fractures, Symphytum is used to speed up the healing of fragments. It is also used for eye injuries.

    In cases of lacerations, it is better to use Calendula - both internally and for treating wounds. When treating incised wounds, especially surgical ones, it is better to use Staphysagria. After operations for oncology, it prevents the occurrence of metastases.

    Poisoned wounds are treated by Lachesis and Apis. If the patient is exhausted, weakened, and the bruises on his body do not go away for a long time, then Sulfuricum acidum is often used after Arnica.

    For household burns, you can use the drugs Causticum, Cantharis, etc.

    All these homeopathic medicines help the homeopathic doctor successfully treat injuries. It is not advisable to use these remedies without consulting your homeopathic physician because not all injuries require homeopathic remedies. Your doctor may have prescribed you constitutional treatment, which, even without intervention, will protect the body from the effects of injury and help the body cope.

    But having these medicines in the C30 potency in your home medicine cabinet, you can, after consulting with your doctor, help yourself and your loved ones.

    The following drugs are most often used to treat injuries and their consequences:

    Acidum sulfuricum Allium cepa Ammonium muriaticum Arnica Arsenicum album Bellis Bryonia Calcarea fluorica Calcarea phosphoricaCalendulaСamphora Castor equi Causticum Conium Echinacea Hamamellis Hypericum Lachnanthes Ledum Mezereum NatriumsulfuricumOpiumPhosphorus Rhus toxicodendron Ruta Silicea Staphysagria Symphytum Veratrum album Read the description of all drugs and choose the drug that best suits your sensations and pain.

    Order the 3rd or 6th decimal dilution from the pharmacy, or the 3rd or 6th hundredth dilution. Dissolve 2-3 grains in half a glass of water and take a sip throughout the day. If the pain is very severe, you can take it every 20-30 minutes until it subsides. Then take it less often.

    Acidum sulfuricum(Acidum sulfuricum)

    Mechanical injuries, bruises, their bad consequences, with hemorrhage, rawness and purple-blue skin. Allium cepa(Allium caepa)

    Damage to nerve tissue. Pain along the nerve. Neuralgic pain after wounds and amputations. Phantom pain. The pain spreads along the damaged nerve, it is “thin”, pulling. The pain is relieved by fresh cool air and worsened indoors. Ammonium muriaticum(Ammonium muriaticum)

    Phantom pain. Arnica(Arnica)

    After bleeding and blood loss. Spinal injury. When a spinal injury occurs, both bones and nervous tissue (spinal cord, nerve roots) are damaged. Of course, muscles, ligaments, and joints also suffer, so Arnica is the first remedy, especially for hematoma.

    For all accidents, bruises and blows. For overtired, capricious children who cannot fall asleep. If you can't sleep on a hard hotel bed.

    For fresh bruising, swelling, pain and shock. Arsenicum album(Arsenicum album) Crushed wounds. Bellis(Bellis)

    With the consequences of a bruise or compression of the mammary gland in cases where there is hemorrhage, but the mammary gland remains soft. Bryonia(Bryony)

    Stretching, rupture. The site of injury is located near the joint, swelling and pain when moving. Calcarea fluorica(Calcarea fluorica)

    Fractures. Used after operations, reducing the likelihood of adhesions.

    For people with connective tissue weakness. Lax joints and muscles, as a result of which there is a tendency to sprains and dislocations. Fearful, indecisive, but diplomatic people who always benefit from it. Children with lymphatic diathesis, very dense lymph nodes and hyperextensible joints (check at the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb). Anomalies in the location of teeth and enamel defects, sometimes the formation of purulent fistulas due to periodontitis. The laxity of the joints causes frequent sprains and recurrent lumbago. In this case, the pain intensifies at rest, at the beginning of movement, but with continued movement it decreases (like Rhus toxicodendron). Worsening: damp cold, better from local heat.

    Calcarea phosphorica(Calcarea phosphorica)

    Bone fracture, bones do not heal. Calendula(Calendula)

    Traumatic injuries to mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous fat (wound surfaces). Сamphora(Camphor)

    Traumatic shock. Collapse with cold sweat. It is especially indicated for a combination of collapse and convulsive syndrome (sharpened facial features, rolling eyes, clonic convulsions). 0 - D3 every 5 minutes. Castor equi(Castor equi)

    Bruised tailbone. The drug has an effect on the coccyx area and helps eliminate long-term pain after wounds and bruises. Causticum(Causticum)

    Damage to nerve tissue. Indications are the same as Hypericum with the characteristic feeling of damage "as if it were hardened and like a wound." Subsequent urinary retention (but not due to transverse paralysis). Ruptures of the tissues of the joints. Conium(Conium)

    Consequences of back bruises and blows to the spine. In case of consequences of bruise or compression of the mammary gland, when there is a lump. Of course, if there is a lump in the mammary gland, a neoplasm should be excluded. However, we can, without wasting time, begin treatment before the end of differential diagnostic studies, when nipple soreness is noted and the mammary gland is enlarged.

    Bruises of the mammary gland and its soreness before and during menstruation. D3 for the consequences of a bruise.

    If the breasts, testicles, etc. are pinched. Echinacea(Echinacea) Damage to tissues with crushing. Increases resistance to microbes. Hamamellis(Witch Hazel)


    Injuries to the nervous system, mainly to nerve endings, including concussion and brain contusion, traumatic damage to nerve trunks.

    Damage to nerve tissue. Indications for use: bruised fingers - pain in the postoperative period caused by damage to nerves during surgery - pain in the jaw caused by damage to the mandibular nerve during anesthesia during dental interventions - phantom pain after high amputations. For persistent neuralgic pain after injury. Bruised tailbone. Puncture wounds.

    Broken fingers and toes. Cramps after injury. Prevention of tetanus. Lachnanthes(Lakhnantes)

    Spinal injury. Localization of pain in the cervical spine. A feeling of dislocation in the neck, neuralgic pain radiates to the back of the head, temples and nose or through the shoulder girdle to the fingers. Indications: upper cervical syndrome, sling injury (torticollis), spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine. Ledum(Ledum)

    Puncture wound, insect bite, subcutaneous hematoma.

    Bruises. Mezereum(Mazereum)

    For persistent neuralgic pain after spinal injury. Sharp stabbing, cutting neuralgic pain with numbness and a feeling of coldness that occurs after a fall or concussion. Trigeminal neuralgia, Herpes zoster, especially postherpetic pain. Predominant localization: back of the head, chest, legs. The patient is characterized by increased sensitivity to cold air and touch. Consequences of slingshot injury. Natrium sulfuricum(Natium sulfuricum)

    Mental consequences of brain injury.

    Fall, its chronic consequences. Chronic consequences of strokes. Opium(Opium)

    Traumatic shock. State of stupefaction. The patient hardly answers questions, but the face is hot and red. Opium is especially indicated for head injuries, as well as for sunstroke. Phosphorus(Phosphorus)

    Damage to nerve tissue. Burning sensations. Rhus toxicodendron(Rus toxicodendron)

    Against the consequences remaining after injuries, morning and evening.

    Rose: Sprains, tears: after Arnica 4 times a day until pain relieves.


    Bone fracture. Pain associated with injury, prolonged muscle effort, stress on ligaments and periosteum.

    Fall, followed by a feeling of pain and paralysis everywhere, especially in the limbs and joints. The patient tends to change position frequently.

    Sprain and strain

    Rose: Sprains, tears: if the injury site is located near the surface of the bone and inflammation begins. Use instead of Rhus 4 times daily until symptoms relieve.



    Lack of vital warmth. Weakness of connective tissue, joints. Connective tissue contains a lot of silicic acid. Due to disruption of assimilation processes in the metabolism of silicic acid, typical constitutional weakness develops with symptoms characteristic of the pathogenesis of Silicea: the patient quickly gets tired and quickly becomes despondent. These patients are characterized by shyness, gentleness and stubbornness, irritability, fearfulness. Very chilly people who are always cold. They feel better in summer than in winter. Everything improves under the influence of heat and local thermal procedures (for example, headache). Cold, sweaty feet with an unpleasant smell of sweat. Tendency to suppuration, small wounds quickly fester. Staphysagria(Staphysagria)

    Incised, surgical wound. Symphytum(Symphytum)

    Indicated for damage to synovial membranes, tendons and periosteum. Affects joints in general. Bone fracture. For rapid formation of callus in fractures. In case of non-union of bones during fractures. With increased excitability, irritability of the stump after amputation. For irritation of the bones at the fracture site. Tingling pain and soreness of the periosteum.

    Yuz: In case of damage to the bone and periosteum: lotions from Symphytum (1 teaspoon per 10 teaspoons of water) and inside C3. Veratrum album(Veratrum album)

    A state of collapse with pallor and coldness of the skin. Collapse, coldness and pallor of the skin, cold sweat, an expression of doom on the face.

    The following drugs are most often used to treat this pathology:

    Alumina Ammonium carbonicum Argentum metallicum Argentum nitricum Arnica Arum triphyllum Belladonna Bromium BryoniaСalcareaCalcarea iodata Calcarea sulfurica Carbo vegetabilis Causticum Drosera Eupatorium Gelsemium Graphites HamamelisHepar sulfurKali carbonicum Kali chloratum Kreosotum Mercurius solubilis Petroleum Phosphous Phytolacca Pulsatilla RumexSelenium SiliceaSpongia Sulfur Read the description of all drugs and choose the drug that best suits your sensations and pain. Order the 3rd or 6th decimal dilution from the pharmacy, or the 3rd or 6th hundredth dilution. Dissolve 2-3 grains in half a glass of water and take a sip throughout the day. Alumina(Alumina)

    Soreness, rawness and dryness of the throat, causing a constant urge to cough - after a long time the patient coughs up a little viscous thick sputum. Temporary relief from warm food and warm drinks. Ammonium carbonicum(Ammonium carbonicum)

    For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises, as well as accumulation of mucus in the throat - C3. Dr. Hughes: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Ammonium carbonicum x2 in a glass of water. Argentum metallicum(Argentum metallicum)

    Soreness and burning in the throat, which is aggravated by talking. In nervous, hysterical women and in men after loss of semen. Argentum nitricum(Argentum nitricum)

    Hoarseness caused by thick, viscous mucus in the throat, forcing the patient to cough up.

    For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly - x3. Arum triphyllum(Arum triphyllum)

    Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Hepar sulfur alternately after 2 hours. Belladonna(Belladonna)

    Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C3 and Mercurius solubilis alternately after 2 hours and gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 glass of water). For cough with tickling in the throat. Bromium(Bromium)

    For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly - C2.

    For hoarseness after diphtheria. Bryonia(Bryony) Hoarseness, worse in open air. Frequent need to take a deep breath, forced to straighten the lungs. Сalcarea(Calcarea)

    Hoarseness with soreness, worse in the morning.

    Calcarea iodata(Calcarea iodate)

    For a cough with tickling in the throat - C6 after 2 hours. Calcarea sulfurica

    Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - C6 alternately with Kali chloratum x6 (Kali chloratum). Carbo vegetabilis(Carbo vegetabilis)

    Severe hoarseness, worse in humid air, especially in the evening (it can be very strong in the morning if the air is humid).

    Hoarseness in the morning up to complete loss of voice.

    For hoarseness after measles. Causticum(Causticum)

    Hoarseness, worse in the morning, with rawness and sudden loss of voice. The muscles of the larynx refuse to function; he cannot pronounce words. Hoarseness with a low bass voice. Chronic hoarseness remaining after acute laryngitis.

    For hoarseness after whooping cough. Eupatorium(Eupatorium)

    Hoarseness in the morning with chest pain during coughing - holding chest with hands. Gelsemium(Gelsemium)

    Paresis of the muscles of the larynx after hysteria and negative emotions, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, which is manifested by their drooping. Loss of voice during menses, which are scanty and late. Graphites(Grafites)

    Yuz: Gargle with a solution: 20 drops of Hamamelis extract per 0.5 cup of water. Hepar sulfur(Hepar sulfur)

    Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Arum triphyllum alternately after 2 hours.

    For a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx - after 2 hours.

    For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises, as well as with the accumulation of mucus in the throat. Kali carbonicum(Kali carbonicum)

    Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - x6 and Calcarea sulfurica alternately. Kreosotum(Creosotum)

    Yuz: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water. Mercurius solubilis(Mercurius solubilis)

    Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C6 and Belladonna alternately after 2 hours and gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water). Petroleum(Petroleum)

    For singers after a cold. Phosphous(Phosphorus)

    Severe hoarseness. The patient can barely speak in a loud whisper. Tendency to worsen in the evening or in the first half of the night. There is pain in the larynx that worsens when talking, or the patient cannot speak at all.

    Yuz: 6C and Arnica alternately every 2 hours. With paralysis of the vocal cords and complete loss of voice. For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly. For hoarseness after diphtheria. For prolonged hoarseness. Phytolacca(Fitolyakka)

    Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness, gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water). Pulsatilla(Pulsatilla)

    Hoarseness is better in open or cold air.

    With a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx. Rumex(Rumex)

    Yuz: x3 and Arum triphyllum alternately every 2 hours. For prolonged hoarseness. Selenium(Selenium)

    Must clear mucus from throat frequently, especially when he begins to sing.

    Severe hoarseness, some soreness and burning, cough, worse from talking, reading, singing or swallowing.

    For hoarseness after croup. Sulfur(Sulfur)

    Chronic hoarseness in the morning and evening, if Causticum does not help. Aphonia in the morning, especially with sore throat.

    Locally: Spray the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Ammonium carbonicum x2 or Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water.



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