Cancer zodiac sign birth. The most interesting facts about the zodiac sign Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) By temperament Cancers are phlegmatic, belonging to the elements of water. They are under the auspices of the Moon and Jupiter, having cancer, an elephant, a clover flower and an olive as talismans. Auspicious colors for the representatives of the sign include blue, green, silver and white. It is considered unfavorable grey colour. The stones of the sign are sapphires and agates, as well as beryl. The metals of Cancer are silver, tin and gold (only white). The most favorable numbers are 2-4-5-8, and the days of the week are Monday, Thursday and Friday.

cancer characteristic

Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. Even an accidentally inflicted insult can become a cause of serious depression for the representatives of this sign, while at the expense of their own energy they are able to convey their mood to people around them. At the same time, Cancers do not always demonstrate the behavior of classic melancholics. They have a sense of humor and the ability to joke interestingly.

Cancer life does not go in a straight line. It is always a sequence of successful and unsuccessful periods, while Cancers are able to stop for rest even at the moments of take-offs. They are not inclined to show pressure and aggression to achieve the goal. Much more often they use starvation and cunning.

Nobility and a disposition to selfless help are inherent in the soul of Cancers, but they do not often use these traits in practice, so many people around them are confident in their maximum selfishness. Representatives of the sign highly appreciate themselves and their abilities, they like to be in the spotlight and in the rays of glory. At the same time, they are able to easily exchange honor and respect for material preferences.

Conducive to calm family life, while secular parties are not characteristic of its representatives. Very often, Cancers show generosity towards the closest people, but at the same time remain stingy towards strangers. And this applies not only to financial resources, but also to the manifestation of feelings.

Cancer women. They are characterized by the appearance of external softness and peace of mind, while their state of mind is dependent on the environment. In life, representatives of this sign always need support from relatives and closest people. They make wonderful friends and mothers, and Cancer wives never allow family adultery.

Cancer men. Their main feature is the tendency to accumulate. Each Cancer feels confident only in conditions when he has the necessary “reserve” behind him for a rainy day. Initially, it seems that cancer people are very stingy, but in fact they are as rational as possible in their spending. Representatives of this zodiac do not tend to invest as much as possible in solving problems, especially those of secondary importance, however, in most cases they successfully achieve their goals.

Cancer character

In front of people, Cancers prefer to demonstrate calmness and poise, but they manage to hide their true feelings, filled with experiences, very, very rarely. Often they cannot be hidden even behind the thickest shell of external calmness.

Those born under the sign of Cancer do not differ in impulsiveness, but at the same time they can show a very changeable mood. Resentment or anger can seize them for no apparent reason, and all this can also quickly disappear, returning the representatives of the sign to their normal state.

Cancers are different high speed decision-making, while they do not practice a direct path to the final goal. Before embarking on the last roll, Cancers always think through their actions as much as possible and always try to have one or more retreat options in reserve.

Cancerians are much more likely to think about current needs than about castles in the air in the future. Representatives of this sign do not like unnecessary financial risk, preferring to accumulate funds rather than waste them. Even in reliable projects, Cancers do not invest all the money, preferring to always have a margin to avoid complete collapse in the event of an unfavorable development of the situation.

Often, representatives of this zodiac are vindictive, but rarely put it into practice because of their own caution and unwillingness to aggravate the situation. Most of the bad deeds Cancers do in secret, so that others do not guess about it. In many ways, therefore, the representatives of the sign have very few truly irreconcilable enemies.

  • Positive features: Loyalty, good intuition, the ability to defend the interests of their loved ones to the last. Very emotional, they are able to empathize with a person in a conversation with his problem, while often they replace logic with intuition and achieve excellent results, since it practically does not fail them.
  • Negative Traits: Excessive gullibility to people, constant petty grumbling and a tendency to be pessimistic about the situation. In moments frequent drops Cancer moods can turn into a real nightmare for others, they show discontent, find fault with trifles and resent everything in a row. Suspicion of others does not allow Cancers to quickly make friends.

Cancer Career and Profession

The owners of the zodiac sign Cancer are most often characterized by the desire to work with the head, and not with the hands. Among the representatives of this sign, there are a lot of people of an analytical mindset who prefer to think over the information received, find certain sequences and patterns. Most of all, Cancers show love for history. It is the love of everything ancient that turns Cancers into excellent antique dealers, able to evaluate an object not only on the basis of its appearance, but also on the basis of historical facts.

Having a developed imagination, they are not prone to creativity. The ability to inspire confidence, coupled with the ability to keep secrets, allows cancers to achieve great success in the legal profession, as well as as psychiatrists or psychologists.

Crayfish are distinguished by great excitement, but at the same time they are deprived of luck. As a result, they are far more likely to be successful entrepreneurs than successful players. Regardless of their position, Crayfish are very responsible in their work, performing it with the utmost scrupulousness. Not surprisingly, they are respected not only by leaders, but also by colleagues.

Due to the love of the earth, excellent farmers or gardeners can turn out from crayfish. Good prospects open up before the representatives of this sign in cooking. If they can overcome themselves, and refuse to use products that they did not finish yesterday, success as a cook is guaranteed to them.

Cancer Health

Excessive sensitivity of Cancers can negatively affect their psychological state causing various kinds of disorders and depressions. At the same time, experiences negatively affect the body's ability to resist various infections and sickness. At the same time, the presence of an impressive state is able to cure Cancer in the shortest possible time and provide him with health and vigor for a long time. long years, until old age.

The main problems of Cancers are the skin and rib cage. The very delicate skin of the representatives of the sign is prone to inflammation, and even the smallest wounds heal for a very long time. Serious problems representatives of the sign with the kidneys, as well as with the stomach, may experience. Ulcer is among them one of the most common diseases.

Fresh air and water procedures are capable of providing Cancer with good health. The sea is able to save Cancers from all mental and physical ailments, and the sea is even more important than family well-being or success at work.

Culinary habits of Cancer

Cancers can understand frequent use fatty or spicy foods are harmful to health, but this cannot stop them from eating their favorite foods, no matter how harmful they may be. Same thing with boiled vegetables and cereals. No amount of utility will convince Cancers to eat them. It is worth recognizing that the need to stick to a diet is a real problem for representatives of the sign.

For Cancers, in general, eating a variety of exotic foods is contraindicated, especially when it comes to meat or fish dishes as well as sour vegetables. They can not only lead to the appearance allergic reactions but also cause food poisoning.

Famous Crayfish


  • Julius Caesar, George Bush and Princess Diana

Politicians and businessmen:

  • Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Konstantin Borovoy

Artists and Writers:

  • Rubens, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rembrandt
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anna Akhmatova


  • Mike Tyson, Ralf Schumacher.
  • But a completely cancerous character manifests itself with the moon, emphasizing their changeable emotional condition. The zodiac is recognizable by laughter, as it infects everyone around with positivity. It's very strong and cheerful person. If he is at a holiday, then he either bursts out laughing at someone else's joke, or amuses himself. Against the backdrop of a peaceful nature, this is the first thing that catches your eye.
  • Usually, Cancer, as a sign of the zodiac, does not go in pursuit of popularity. But he never refuses to be the center of attention. At the same time, they do not show a manic obsession with fame, but they will not miss good chance or opportunity.
  • It is worth noting that humor also plays the role of a shield behind which it is easy to hide your sadness, fear and pain. Moreover, depression reaches unprecedented depths. If the zodiac is in a negative mood, then you will understand it immediately and even become a member.
  • Interestingly, the birth month of the sign dooms them to eternal pessimism. That is, they do not arrive in constant despondency, but some kind of bitterness is always present nearby. They never sob excitedly, but if they cry, then it comes from the very heart. Behind the external bravado is hidden vulnerable soul, which can be hurt even with a sideways glance. This is one of the most touchy signs, and sometimes they themselves cannot understand the reason for their sadness. Understanding what happened is a challenge for any other zodiac, because Cancer closes and is simply silent. This serves as a punishment and a reproach so that you realize for sure that you caused his bad mood.
  • Sometimes a sign is ready to take revenge, like Scorpio, but does not do it openly. Uncertainty makes them hide under the shell and take refuge in solitude. Feeling unwell is so strong that it hurts those around you.
  • This is a creative and patriotic person, tied to his native land. They perfectly capture all the lessons sent by life, and do not step on the same rake. They show empathy for people and carefully keep other people's secrets. But it will be difficult for you to get through to his feelings, since Cancers are quite secretive. It is unlikely that the zodiac will sit down with you over a cup of tea and begin to share their experiences.
  • He is used to dig into everything that interests him. Capable of loving unconsciously. These are born family men who create home coziness and comfort. Family and friends come first. And first, the zodiac needs to work hard for their happiness, and then for themselves. But they don't like scandals. Push and he'll go away.

Cancer - under this sign of the zodiac go people who were born from 22.06 to 22.07. Such people are quite sociable, they have well-developed thinking, especially logical. Cancer people also have a romantic streak. With imagination and fantasies, cancers are all right. They will always come to the aid of people, they will not leave them in trouble. Like everyone, crabs have their flaws. They can be narcissistic and suspicious. Often changeable in their opinion, emotions can overflow.

Cancer children generally have exemplary discipline, diligent study. Such children need to feel love for themselves and need affection. Small crayfish value the hearth very much and it is difficult to tear them away from it. The child is very sensitive to everything that happens around. Such children should be protected from his fears, as well as from the worlds he imagines. A small cancer is quite easy to manage, this child will eventually grow into a rather compassionate person. You can trust him and shed light on your secrets, even on the shoulder of a child you can cry, he will pity you.

: June 22 - July 22

The date of birth of representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer is from June 22 to July 22. They are under the control of the Moon, and the element that affects Cancer is Water. White and silver colors contribute to success. Aromas of Cancer - lily, bergamot, acacia. The talisman is a silver month. The middle of summer, the warmest, most fertile time of the year.

Compatibility horoscope: people born under the zodiac sign Cancer are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

We present to your attention a detailed description of a person born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer.

Cancer Happiness Secrets

You are not always able to maintain smooth happy relationships, because you are a person of moods with a tendency to indecision. This is especially noticeable in "crayfish" men who tend to change their assessments of what is happening, despite the fact that they are zealous defenders of people dear to them and have a noticeable sentimental streak.

You are a wonderful "get it", you are persistent and reliable. You have an instinctive, almost telepathic understanding of your partner's feelings and moods, but you certainly need to learn to be firm and decisive, as well as to curb your tendency to grumbling and dislike criticism. Don't give too much of great importance your parents' opinion of your family life and do not resort to odious comparisons that can destroy family happiness.

However, you can be called a good, if not bold, lover. Learn to intelligently manage sudden changes in your mood. As a rule, representatives of your sign tend to naturally calm down and settle down soon after the start of family life. Home and household mean a lot to you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Ruling planet Cancer: Moon.

Characteristic sign Cancer: water-cardinal-negative.

The sign of a teacher, a prophet.

The nature of the owner of this sign: sensitive and compassionate, prone to mood swings, stubborn, ambitious, attentive and accurate, susceptible to the effects of subtle energies.

Positive qualities of Cancer: perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, heightened mental susceptibility, the gift of persuasion, law-abiding and idealism, vivid imagination.

Negative qualities of Cancer: changeability of moods, a pronounced inferiority complex, indecision, inability to forgive, pessimism, vulnerability.

Cancer Personality

According to the traditional view, "crayfish" people are great lovers of the hearth. For all their great devotion to family and home, other special features of their personality are known. So, they crave to be seen and the center of attention.

You are unusually receptive; your susceptibility borders on hypersensitivity. Your main desire is the desire to be loved, despite the fact that your personal freedom is also dear to you. You have great purposefulness and are able to hold on stubbornly, clinging tightly (not in vain your symbol is a crab) for your loved one, your idea or property. You have the power to achieve the impossible. Your attitude to the world truly makes you remember the crab, moving first forward, and immediately after that backtracking.

We also note the grandiose desire to earn and save a lot of money, which in life you realize only in a very insignificant degree. This urge makes you a diligent worker in large organizations and corporations. However, the original reason for your desire for money is rooted in an unnecessarily large sense of insecurity.

Sometimes this makes you overcautious and timid, discourages taking risks and seizing a good opportunity. Learn to be more entrepreneurial, it's in your best interest. You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, as well as great loyalty.

Your other passion is connected with a strong sexual attraction - perhaps largely due to your affectionate and grasping nature. You need completeness and completeness, otherwise you tend to suppress and prohibit; it all stems from the same feeling of insecurity. It is an undoubted fact that you are sensitive and sentimental and at the same time love money and good food. You have a very strong intuition.

"Cancer" as a friend

The people of your warehouse are worth their weight in gold where loyalty and love for people are important. You are always ready to give, but you are disappointed and upset if it does not bring reward. You will never end a relationship, but don't expect too much from a friendship either.

"Cancer" as a father

You have the excellent qualities of a father, but you feel best in this capacity while your children are very small. Keep up with them and their vision of life as they grow. Don't be intolerant and don't reprimand them too harshly. Your imagination can be very rich and you can encourage the creativity of your children. Pay Special attention to see life through their eyes.

"Cancer" as a mother

You have the highest maternal power over the family and the hearth, you are an example of self-denying maternal love. You are gentle and loving, you collect your chicks closer to the nest, and yet you are too inquisitive about the deep, spiritual feelings of children and worry too much about them. Only by paying tribute to these inclinations, you are able to experience the serene happiness of motherhood.

A look at the decades:

Although all those born between June 22 and July 22 were born under the sign of Cancer, a closer examination, taking into account the characteristics of your decade, will help you to better appreciate the qualities of your character.

If you were born between June 22 and July 1 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Moon, and the traits of a typical "cancer" are very prominent in character. You are tenacious and stubborn, compassionate, loyal and idealistic, but you can be fickle, suspicious, pessimistic and insecure. Try to base more on positive features your personality.

If your date of birth falls between July 2 and 12 (second decan), then your ruler is the planet Mars with all its power and prowess, and he transmits these qualities to you.

You are an even stronger "cancer" and are capable of becoming almost a dictator. You have tremendous energy and mobility and will gravitate towards fame and people's attention.

If you were born between July 12 and 22 (third decade), then you are ruled by the "great benefactor" Jupiter, and you are guaranteed fame, good luck and a considerable amount of money. You were born happy, except for the unfortunate tendency to be overweight! Education and travel bring you the most benefits.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between June 20-23, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Gemini/Cancer transition.

Extraordinary people. Possess psychic abilities, witty, easily amenable to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases there may be a beautiful interplay of mind and heart and, unfortunately, disorder (when one falls under the power of the other), in others, however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world. . These people are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take on any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and such is their peculiarity, their distinguishing feature. If only they would understand this and make a sustained, sincere, focused, and sustained effort!

Health hazards can be posed by diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, skin diseases.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101 years.

As a rule, these are somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Grace" would have suited them perfectly. True dignity is different from pomp and pomp - that's the lesson you should learn in life. You are admittedly amiable, often generous, law-abiding, gifted beyond the ordinary. creativity; you are a good father (or mother) to your children, a wonderful host (or hostess), artistic, often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well-known, and this feature can poison your life. Don't bring it up. This is undoubtedly your "fatal mistake", "flaw", as in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and endowed with great creative imagination, you are at the same time traditional and conservative, even if you are a bohemian. All this is you. A certain magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people are inherent in you from birth. You can be a very "closed" person, and at the same time have a brilliant public image. This is you too.

Health problems can present the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine.

Especially important will be the years: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning points), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

Know what's good for you:

Cancer lucky number: 2, 7, 11, 20, 29, 25, 34, etc. (series of twos and sevens).

Lucky color for Cancer: pink, pale green and white (mostly).

Happy Cancer Day: Monday and Thursday.

Lucky flowers and herbs of Cancer: white rose, white lily, poppy, honeysuckle.

Lucky stones of Cancer: rubies, pearls, moonstone.

Horoscopes & Divination by SIDUS

Triplicity (element): Water

Ruler planet: Moon, Earth's only satellite. The moon periodically waxes and wanes, exerting a powerful influence. It governs emotions and intuitive behavior.

Symbol: Cancer or crab. The impenetrable shell protects the soft flesh inside. At the first sign of danger, the crab hides under the shell and rushes into the water, where it feels safe.

Glyph (graphic symbol):

A pictogram depicting the claws of Cancer, as well as the chest of a person (the part of the body that Cancer rules). The symbolic meaning is two solar circles connected by a pair of crescents. The Moon symbolizes Cancer's desire to keep memories and personal belongings. Circles connected by crescents represent strength and energy expressed through emotion and imagination.

Body parts ruled by Cancer: Chest and Stomach: Cancerians love to eat and struggle with being overweight as they get older. They are prone to disease digestive tract caused by tension and stress.


Stone: Pearl. He turns failure into success, disagreements into harmony, brings the support of influential people.

Colors: Turquoise and silver are the shimmering colors of the water and the moon.

Cities: Venice, Amsterdam, New York

Countries: Scotland, Holland, New Zealand

Flowers: Spur and bear paw

Trees: Species with succulent wood

Animals ruled by Cancer: All species with a shell.

Your Most Attractive Trait: LOYALTY



Cancer is receptive, sensitive, endowed with imagination and empathy, he is kind and emotional, has an active, insightful and intuitive mind.

GOVERNING PLANET Moon, Earth's only satellite. The moon periodically waxes and wanes, exerting a powerful influence. It governs emotions and intuitive behavior.

SYMBOL Cancer or crab. The impenetrable shell protects the soft flesh inside. At the first sign of danger, the crab hides under the shell and rushes into the water, where it feels safe.

GLIF (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx A pictogram depicting the claws of Cancer, as well as the chest of a person (a part of the body ruled by Cancer). The symbolic meaning is two solar circles connected by a pair of crescents. The Moon symbolizes Cancer's desire to keep memories and personal belongings. Circles connected by crescents represent strength and energy expressed through emotion and imagination.


Cancer is a sign of home, family life. Cancerians strive for intimacy, they are happiest in familiar surroundings, among those they love. Capricorn, opposing Cancer, strives for social recognition and high position. Those born under the sign of Capricorn take care of their image, seek power and self-realization in the outside world.

PARTS OF THE BODY RULED BY CANCER Chest and Stomach: Cancers love to eat, and in old age they have to struggle with being overweight. They are predisposed to diseases of the digestive tract caused by tension and stress.

STONE Pearl. He turns failure into success, disagreements into harmony, brings the support of influential people.

COLORS Turquoise and silver - shimmering colors of water and the moon.

CITIES Venice, Amsterdam, New York

COUNTRIES Scotland, Holland, New Zealand

FLOWERS Spur and bear paw

TREES Species with succulent wood

DANGER Cancers are prone to domestic injuries. They often become victims of theft.

What is your secret? Cancer, ruled by the Moon, inhabitant of the water element, is like the sea with its ebb and flow. It's a sign powerful forces moving under the surface. It is very difficult to penetrate deep into it, because Cancers tend to build strong barriers behind which they hide their emotions and heightened sensitivity.

Complex, fragile, unpredictable, emotional Cancer needs constant support and encouragement. You need love and approval, but you are angry with yourself for this need. When you receive them, you give in return the best of what you have. The one who gives you a sense of security can count on your eternal devotion. If you really love someone, no one's slander will affect you. You are blind to the shortcomings of your loved ones.

You are prone to restlessness and silent sadness. People may pour out their souls to you, but the flow never goes in the opposite direction. You carefully keep your secrets. If you are offended, you do not respond with a frontal strike. You take revenge by darkening and withdrawing into yourself, and often this method is very effective. It resembles a ruthless whipping with a dozen boiled spaghetti. Cancer, the symbol of this zodiac sign, has a strong shell that protects soft, vulnerable flesh. The same is true for a person born under the sign of Cancer. He is often harsh, irritable, but has a heart of gold. Behind your hard facade hides sentimentality and softness; you will sacrifice everything for the sake of the one in need. If someone asks you for a favor, your first reaction will probably be no, but in the end you will always say yes. You should be judged by your actions, not your words.

You are the owner. A person who has become a part of your life loses complete freedom forever. You try to keep in touch with friends, ex-lovers and wives, business partners, people you have known since childhood. If you release someone from your life, you do it reluctantly and not completely. This reflects your preoccupation with the past. You live in an aura of nostalgia, events and people from bygone years continue to inhabit your memory and usually become even more dear to you over the years. You are devoted to family, home, continue to share the old-fashioned idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eternity of marriage - even if your personal experience contradicts this.

It is difficult to deceive you, because you are able to catch the subtle nuances of behavior. You have an almost supernatural intuition. A photographic memory and keen powers of observation allow you to skillfully decipher the motives of other people.

Those born under this sign are like a crab moving towards its intended goal in a zigzag. Watch the crab crawling along the shore. You will see a strange broken trajectory as it approaches the target. Cancers avoid a straight forward approach. They take a step in one direction, then in another, even turn in the opposite direction. But in the end they are in the right place.

If channeled in the right direction, your exceptional sensitivity can be a powerful source of strength. If you overcome shyness and resentment, cope with seething emotions, your intelligence and imagination will allow you to succeed in almost any business. Contrary to the impression you give, you are capable of being clever and cunning in business. Cautious and conservative, you have an antenna that quickly picks up people's tastes and market changes. This business instinct, combined with imagination, can be seen in such famous couturiers as Bill Blass, Oscar de la Renta and Pierre Cardin.

Cancerians cling to money as tenaciously as to everything that belongs to them. For you, money means security, but no matter what fortune you have amassed, it will not bring you a sense of complete security. The same is true for your emotional security. Cancerians always lack love and approval, you always need more. It is easy to fall in love with this devoted, loyal, loving and caring child of the moon.

Louis Armstrong Ernest Hemingway Ginger Rogers

Polly Bergen Al Hershfeld Linda Ronstadt

Bill Blass Lena Horne Francoise Sagan

David Brinkley Franz Kafka Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Yul Brynner Helen Keller George Sand

James Cageney Rose Kennedy Carly Simon

Pierre Cardin Kris Kristofferson Neil Simon

Marc Chagall Ann Landers Isaac Baschevitz Singer

Gover Champion Gertrude Lawrence Barbara Stanwyck

John Chancellor Janet Leigh Isaac Stern

Van Cliburn Ann Morrow Lindberg Irving Stone

Jean Cocteau Gina Lollobrigida Donald Sutherland

Tom Cruise Mary McCarthy Sylvester Stallone

Olivia deHaviland George McGovern William Thackeray

Oscar de la Renta Marshall McLuhan Henry David Thoreau

Princess Diana Amedeo Modigliani Mike Tyson

Duke of Windsor Bess Myerson Abigail Van Beuren

Harrison Ford Clifford Odette James Whistler

General characteristics of the horoscope character of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Faithful and devoted in love and family life. In the family they find comfort and self-expression. Sensual, easily hurt, prefer to give more than take. Honest and reliable in work. They do not like innovations, observe many conventions. They have heightened intuition, reaching mysticism, but they hide it, because they do not like to stand out from the crowd. Born under this sign: Petrarch, Lafontaine, Mazarin, Rembrandt, Rubens, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Gluck, Kafka, M. Chagall.

Temperament and character

Intelligence sinks into the soul from "darkness". Cancer has good intellect, an incredible memory, he just should not use it for soul-searching, regret and revenge. It's good if Cancer uses his rich life experience as a weapon to go out with, and not as a nest to retreat into. If only he would stop being afraid of the phantoms he had created and make them work for him, if he would force himself to live in reality and not in dreams! If he thought about his tomorrow and discarded what was yesterday! But Cancer moves back or to the side, gets scared. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fright, holding his breath. No other sign has more potential affection than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always the threat of escape into the subconscious from the cruel reality. None of the signs yearns for home, for the Motherland, like Cancer. Cancer needs time to think, it cannot be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer as a rare plant, there is no greater return than from him. Cancer women love to take care of their body, preferring silks, lace, delicate tones, long hair.

Sign element

Your element is Water! Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people based on minor inferences, events subconsciously fixed. You are more adaptable than you think. You may think that you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems, like water through obstacles. You are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a rock into your pool, it may ripple for days. You are easily susceptible to mood swings. If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with him. You perfectly feel people, events, places. People even think you're crazy or supernatural. You can't explain why, but your premonitions tend to come true. Water signs should also choose partners from the signs of water or earth - water needs earth as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog. Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, patience. Your cons: changeable mood, irritability, evasiveness, stormy melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, spinelessness. Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Scorpio - ice, knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw again. Fish - underground water. They prefer to evade, bypass obstacles, rather than fight them. But the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, and win. favorable conditions: should live near the water: sea, lake, swimming pool in the garden or aquarium. Need a quiet place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views(ideally with water). Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.


Vulnerabilities: stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, organs associated with the processing of food and removing them from the body. These people are full low pressure blood, they should avoid constipation, poisoning the body and leading to depression, during the full moon they should avoid too much sleep, they should not drink a lot of fluids, including soft drinks and water. Many Cancer diseases are psychomatic (due to periods of depression). Here you need to change life habits, food, sleep, not doctors. The parents of a Cancer child should not punish him by locking him in a dark room, should make sure that he does not sleep long in adolescence and does not drink too many drinks during puberty. Cancer at any age should not eat hastily. Cancer women often have painful menstrual periods with migraines and cramps, but they also have the easiest childbirth. They are worse than women of other signs, affected by abortion. Both men and women are prone to stomach ulcers, have hypochondriacal tendencies: they should strive for full employment so as not to indulge their own weaknesses. Preventive measures: diet, warm baths, regular sleep, good rest. Certain nervous depressions can be cured by the careful application of hypnosis or magnetism.


Psychosexual horoscope

Cancer is the most messy sign in relationships. Changeable in mood: he can easily find himself in a tangle of sexual exploits. However, if they love a person, there is nothing that Cancers would not do to please the object of their love. He is not alien to any form of sexual intercourse. Women of this sign like to act motherly towards men. Cancer rules the breasts and is especially aroused by this part of the body. Male Cancers are attracted to older, maternal type women. Cancers have tremendous control over sexual functions: they are able to conduct intense love game for a long time. Cancer men and women love to be caressed. Women of this sign like to play the role of a small, innocent girl who is taken over by a stereotypical, promiscuous man. They are overjoyed at the temptation of erotic pleasure, but pretend they are losing their virginity. This is a sign that produces extremely shy people, but in some cases they turn to the other extreme in sexual relations and play an aggressive, domineering role, sometimes reaching sadism, verbal and physical.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Cancer is a master of non-sexual maneuvers. He requires his partner to follow strict rules, but he himself cannot always fulfill them. No other sign is able to portray such an imaginary virtue, fidelity, sensuality and insult to feelings, like Cancer, when he is personally to blame. Those wet, sad eyes - just the heart breaks! A little boy who was offended, offended. Of course, Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, looking for a faithful husband or wife, producing offspring. But having received all this, she indulges in secret debauchery, justifying her adventures with social activities, deeds, etc. Cancer is a wife who indulges all her weaknesses, annoying her husband with requests to buy expensive things; he is also a boastful husband who always reminds his wife of the price of the luxurious thing he gave her. Naturally very materialistic, aware of the power of things, Cancer usually gives gifts to his loved ones after quarrels. Cancer is also a guilty husband who, returning from a "business trip", brings his wife an expensive gift. This is also a guilty wife who managed to have fun with a pretty telemechanic while her husband was on a business trip. When the husband returns, he sees that she has cleaned the whole house, cooked his favorite food, went to the hairdresser and meets him at the doorstep with hugs, kisses and an innocent childish smile. Cancers are winners in the art of non-sexual maneuvering.

How to Satisfy a Cancer

Make them feel young! They idolize youth (they are followed by Libra and Leo). The only way for Cancer to overcome sexual attraction and to remain faithful is to get into a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Positive character traits

Despite the fact that Cancers are very nervous (negative types), the positive type has a lot of virtues: patronizing paternal or maternal attitude towards people, leadership in risky business and great perseverance. In addition, they have valuable quality that helps them overcome their negative traits- patience. Cancerians can be extremely frugal, prudent and hardworking.

Negative character traits

Cancers are victims of anxiety and fear. They have to overcome the limits they set for themselves. They should not live in their past childhood, but should force themselves to act according to their age by an effort of will. They should beware of the abuse of alcohol and gluttony. They need to learn to endure criticism and stabilize their moods. But the main disadvantage is their inability to enter into a conversation if there is the slightest possibility of being defeated. They cannot be "put against the wall", even if they are to blame for something. They would rather continue to lie than pay for their sins.

Economy of love

Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist who, in the economy of love, stands head and shoulders above his astrological brothers and sisters. There are two types of love economy that Cancer uses. The first type is addressed mainly by young people who are consciously looking for older lovers. They are strongly attached to them, especially if they are showered with gifts and not only things. Because Cancerians revel in the role of a life beginner, they like to submit to an experienced, patronizing teacher who acts in their best interests. Unless they accidentally marry these teachers, they usually maintain their relationship for many years. If they do get married, they rarely stay with the same spouse after age 35. 35 years is a critical age for Cancers. The second type of love economy is practiced by older Cancers. Usually by this time they have acquired a stable position. They drastically change their youthful behavior and find themselves a young lover, to whom they give gifts and share with him the wisdom of an experienced person. If Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, then this happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their old spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while Cancers secretly look after the young.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, the best partners for Cancer should be sought among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three are water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections. After the age of 29.5, Cancerians usually begin to mature and realize their true identity, becoming more and more liberal and less cautious. Then they are compatible with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have to a large extent youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept signs of attention, including gifts from youths who are already over 30 years old. After 41.5 years, Cancers should fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, somewhat mental sign that is always ready to combine its goals and gain power in alliance with the already settled Cancer).

Loyalty score

When you're young, it's bad. The exception is when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with his spouse by a common business or work, when they constantly see each other. best period receiving fidelity from Cancer when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years old, when he is already a seasoned lover and welcomes the refreshing demand for fidelity. Cancerians are also loyal to lovers when they are offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Erotic horoscope


By nature, she is extremely erotic and unrestrainedly strives for sensual pleasure. But, oddly enough, with men behaves coldly and impregnably. It seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit any of her weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and independent. But she is easily excitable, passion captures her and she tries to hide it, which sometimes leads her to rudeness. After intimacy, she tries not to meet her partner anymore, and if this is not possible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able, without thinking about himself, to take care of the complete satisfaction of her desires, she receives considerable pleasure from intimacy. One has only to notice that there are not so many men capable of such sacrifice.


Behind him stretches a long train of offended and abandoned women. But this does not arouse in him a feeling of compassion, since he is little predisposed to it. He is distinguished by selfishness, flavored with a fair amount of snobbery and self-confidence. More experienced women shun him. But he is able to turn the head of young girls, but he leaves them as soon as they get bored with him. Although he is erotic, in bed he only cares about his own satisfaction, sometimes behaves offensively and cynically. Only partners who are prone to masochism get real pleasure from contacts with him. All my sexual life subservient to the care of their own health. Marriage is seen as an attack on personal freedom. He was not created for marriage, because he seeks to suppress everyone around him. His wife is an unfortunate, downtrodden creature. But there are exceptions when an even more powerful and tough woman takes him into her own hands. Taurus, Scorpio are perfect for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo suit you. Contraindicated, Libra, Capricorn definitely do not suit you.

Support in life

Happy husbands have Cancer wives waiting for them at home and creating a warm atmosphere. Cancers have an amazing ability to create a home microclimate. Cancers are the mothers of all signs of the Zodiac, motherly love their husbands and have a subtle intuition, like all signs of Water. Rarely appearing in society, they prefer to create a background for their spouse there as well. They are amazing hosts. The husband feels like the head of the family. Disadvantage - excessive perseverance, reaching conservatism, sometimes incredulity

life companions

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world”, falling in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology essential role Venus plays in love - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The sun in the female horoscope indicates a man who is preferred, in male horoscope the moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorces. CANCER - for them life is boring and empty without love. They love selflessly, completely surrendering to feelings and classical passion. In a state of love, they suffer from lack of appetite and insomnia. They may give the impression of changeable and cold natures, but this is not entirely true. The object of love is difficult to find because of the high claims of the individual. Having fallen in love, they can pursue the object of love for years. Cancers are ideal, faithful wives, good housewives and mother. They usually love their children more than their spouse. Cancer men love good food and take care of themselves, although they know how to cook themselves. Cancer is a domestic man - a gentle, kind, exemplary and exemplary husband. Cancers rarely marry early age, as it is difficult to leave parental home and too attached to the mother. Cancers are possessive and very jealous. Get along well with Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus. Conflict with Libra, Capricorn, Aries.

love horoscope

The most sensitive and emotionally vulnerable of all 12 signs. Can live the richest and most painful life. His success as an individual depends on whether he can destroy the relationship problem with his mother so as not to remain dependent on her. Often rejects the physiological aspect of love. Therefore, this sign is easier for women, problem solving relationships with mothers by becoming mothers themselves. Many are unable to break with the family and remain old maids or companions of their parents. In their youth, Cancers are romantics, they dream of ideal love. They are still, deep water. Imagination is ahead life experience. When realizing the first hobby, their sensitivity, the depth of feelings make them magnificent, tender lovers. But from every sexual relationship they expect exceptional love, understanding, striking, supporting, and in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness. These romantics can be tyrants, possessives, they are usually the first to be hit by disappointment and flee from a hostile world, if possible, to their mother, or seek salvation in solitude. Cancer men can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is true and unshakable. They make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for the family. Others can be capricious, tormented by riddles for themselves, refined and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal, or falls into a fatal irresponsible feeling. He can even commit suicide or the object of love. Some find a woman more experienced and older than themselves, who knows how to identify their potential, mostly lyrical and philosophical. She does this through support and appeasement, and then the return of Cancer is very great. Women are also divided into two types: charming, affectionate, too shy, sometimes frigid, a little cocky with childish outbursts, and women who try to put themselves on a pedestal, instill a feeling of inaccessibility of love. The first type can voluntarily bring themselves to the point of becoming a real object of sex, humble to the point of slavery, overestimating a man, looking for an ideal father in him, a “hen”, they sometimes overprotect their children. Both men and women tend to submit themselves entirely to their partner. They are ideal if they feel loved, and they are the hardest if they do not feel love, while living a difficult, painful life themselves. The only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.

Horoscope for parents

These are ideal parents, patient, loving, interested in any children's problems. Cancer fathers are especially attached to their daughters. Cancers try not to give children a lot of freedom, worry and worry about them, love children more than spouses.

Children's horoscope

By reading the horoscopes of people born under the sign of Cancer from different astrologers, you can find out the most opposite opinions about them. Some argue that these are gentle creatures not adapted to life, in need of guardianship, others that they are the best educators in the world, simply created in order to patronize the weak and small. In some horoscopes it is written that they are chaste and bashful, in others that they are lively and they need an eye and an eye when it comes to the opposite sex. And all this is true. What do they all have in common, besides the fact that they have successfully confused psychologists and astrologers? The closest to unraveling the inner essence of Cancer came the famous American astrologer Gran Levy, who said: "Cancer can be a vine or a support for this vine, depending on the circumstances." He can be anyone, the main thing for him is safety. The main thing is that his outer mask will always not match his inner essence. There can be not only two masks, but three, four, as many as you need, and there will be so many. Remember Martian boy Bradbury? This boy assumed the form that people who were close to him saw in him. So are people born under the sign of Cancer. Very often they put on the mask that their loved ones would like to see. Why do they do it? Most likely because Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. They don't like being bullied or laughed at. And the mask is a protection against intrusion into their inner world. It is not surprising that the same child can develop different opinion at different people. Young Cancers are characterized by hypersensitivity. They react very sharply to the attitude towards themselves and therefore are emotionally vulnerable. And if adults of this type have somehow learned to protect their inner world from insults and alien influence, then children are not yet very good at doing this - you should always remember this. Do not try to invade your child's secret world, respect his secrets. These children should not be frightened, they should not be laughed at. But these children are accommodating with those people who love them. Love your child, try to see only the good in him and you can get everything you want from him. Children born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those they do not like, they can get sick from this. This feature can lead to difficult situations at school, if a child has trouble with some subject, then most likely the reason is that he has developed bad relationship with a teacher. If the teacher at least once allows himself to ridicule this child or express the belief that he is facing a lazy, stupid student, then he will always see only a lazy and stupid student in front of him, because the child loses all ability to think in the presence of a person who treats him badly (even if it only seems to the child). There may be another reason for poor academic performance: he missed something and now does not understand (but not laziness). If you want your child to go from being a slow learner to a high achiever, I'm afraid you have the only way out: hire a tutor, or pick up a textbook and understand this subject yourself. Children are very sensitive to your mood, and if you are nervous, they themselves become nervous. Let the one of the parents who is calmer deal with the conflict situation. Do not scold or punish your child if he does not behave the way you want. It is enough to show him that you are upset. These children are sensitive and affectionate and will never want to upset the person they love. Now about health. At any age, your child can have trouble with food. Cancers have distinct likes and dislikes for food. It is difficult for him to eat food that he does not like. But if he likes food, he cannot stop. Hence the stomach and intestinal diseases. The diet should be balanced and the child should not overeat. Often the child prefers solid food soft. If he has an increased love for sweets, then there may be trouble with his teeth and overweight. He is prone to colds, and may suffer from catarrhs, coughs, asthma, and kidney troubles. And, of course, the impressionable Cancer succumbs to nervous diseases. Take care of him nervous system. Avoid labeling him. Remember that the mask can stick to the child for life. And most importantly, try not to be nervous yourself in any situation. The best treatment for your child is calm, even love. So, your child is too sensitive. Don't scare him, don't punish him, don't threaten him, don't laugh at him. Do not hang labels on the child and do not stick masks: if you tell the child that he is lazy and ugly, he will grow up like that. Don't be nervous in his presence. Don't expose his secrets. What does he need? To be sure that you love him. On a certain diet. In responsible assignments that develop independence, in the absence of petty guardianship. Arrange surprises and holidays for him. He loves miracles.



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