When is the best time to eat fruit? When is the best time to eat fruit: before or after meals?

The fact that fruit contains great amount vitamins, essential and useful minerals known to everyone. Therefore, children from a young age are trying to introduce puree from juicy fruits into complementary foods. You can get a lot of benefit from eating these foods if you eat them in the right way. Everyone should know when it is better to eat fruits, in what form they should be in order to save everything. necessary substances.

When is the best time to eat fruit: before or after meals?

  • If a person is healthy, does not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, then fruits and berries are good to eat in between the main meals - after an hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. All the food absorbed during this time will be completely digested, the acidity in the stomach will remain high, so tasty, juicy fruits will be well processed and will not cause discomfort.
  • If a person has low acidity of the stomach, digestion is sluggish, it is better to eat fruits before meals - stand for half an hour, and only then eat. Fruits contain acids that speed up digestion, provoke additional excretion gastric juice which aids in the absorption of food.
  • If a person has a high acidity of the stomach, sour apples, currants, cherries should be used with extreme caution. If you still really want to, then you should eat them 30 minutes after lunch, dinner. Otherwise fruit acids will add a level of acidity in the stomach, which will exacerbate gastritis or an ulcer.

By the time of use, only melon is an exception. When can you eat it? This melon culture is rich in fiber. It slows down the digestion of the pulp. - only 34 kilocalories. But that doesn't mean you can eat it whenever you want. Doctors advise eating melon 1.5 hours after a meal. It is better to eat fruit, as well as melon, in small portions. In Asia, they like to serve dried meat with pieces of melon. It is eaten after the first, fatty dishes, hearty pilaf. If you taste a piece of melon, the heaviness in the stomach will disappear after 10-15 minutes, as if they drank enzymes for better digestion.

Fruit before meals

We eat juicy fruits before meals, about 30 minutes, then all the vitamins are well absorbed, enter the blood, saturate the body. The secretion of gastric juice is provoked by fruit juices, which help food to be digested well. Light carbohydrates fill the stomach, do not cause hunger after 10-30 minutes. After eating a banana or an apple, you will want less buns. If you eat fruits before meals, you can lose weight.

How long after a meal can you eat fruit?

If you decide to eat an apple, a banana after the main meal, you need to know how foods are digested. It takes about five hours to digest meat, eggs, three hours for cereals, more light food does not stay in the stomach for more than two hours. Depending on what you eat, you need to think about when to eat juicy fruits.

  1. You can get the maximum benefit from eating fruits if you adhere to the following rules:
  2. It is not advisable to eat fruits immediately after the main meal. In a stomach full of food, sugar will trigger the fermentation process.
  3. So that all the necessary substances can be absorbed into the blood, and digestion does not cause discomfort, the pause between eating fruits, berries and other foods should be at least 30 minutes. During this time, the fruits have time to be digested.
  4. What time of day is best to eat fruit? For this meal, it is good to find time before lunch.
  5. You should not combine fruits with hard-to-digest foods.

Fresh fruits, berries are an excellent choice for a healthy, delicious food. If you don't have fresh on hand, you can use frozen ones. And here canned food do not provide the desired benefit.

Fruits are an indispensable component of the diet of every person. They are not only tasty, but also extremely useful. However, if you do not adhere simple rules their use can seriously damage your health.

Daily allowance in the diet

Fruit for humans is, first of all, a source of fiber necessary for normal functioning intestines. It helps to cope with constipation and speeds up metabolism. Fruit fruits strengthen the immune system, regulate acidity, contain many essential minerals and vitamins. They reduce content. bad cholesterol in the blood, are involved in the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases.

The use of fruit and berry combinations energizes, performs an antioxidant effect, improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Due to the fact that fruits bring the body such great benefit, it is recommended to include them in the menu daily. Experts have established that the daily fruit dose should be at least 400 g or 30% of the total diet.

This volume should be divided into several doses throughout the day. single dose It is customary to measure with the palm of your hand. That is, how much fruit fits in your palm, so much is supposed to be eaten at a time. Everyone has a different palm capacity, but on average it is about 100 g. Thus, the number of intakes of fruit ingredients per day will be 4-5 times.

Approximately 1 reception can be measured like this:

  • a handful of cherries;
  • 3 art. l. raspberries;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 peach.

Here are some options for including the optimal amount of fruits and berries in your daily menu:

  • melon - 1 glass, grapes - 1 glass;
  • strawberries - 1 glass, orange - 1 pc;
  • apple - 1 piece, melon - 1 glass;
  • apple - 1pc, dried cherry - ½ cup.

If you use valuable fruits, observing doses, you will achieve a reduction in the risk of developing the following pathologies:

In the course of research, scientists have found that pears, apples and citrus fruits are the best to prevent the development of heart attacks and strokes.

So, 400 g is the optimal amount of fruits and berries, which is advised to consume per day. If you are able to eat a little more volume - this is for the better. The more fruit in your diet, the healthier and more balanced your diet will be. However, it should not be abused.

What time of day to use?

For morning use, citrus fruits and kiwi are good. They energize, which is so necessary when waking up, invigorate and improve mood. In addition, they contribute to the removal free radicals from the body.

Kiwi is quite easily absorbed by the body and does not irritant on the stomach. You can start your morning with oatmeal or cottage cheese with kiwi, or eat the fruit separately. Against all odds, this fruit is allowed to be consumed after meals. It does not cause heaviness in the stomach, but, on the contrary, gives a feeling of lightness. From oranges in the morning it is better to make juice. But lemons are allowed to eat throughout the day in any form.

Probably the most popular fruit is the apple. Everyone loves it and eats it with pleasure: both adults and children. But it is worth considering one feature of this fruit. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, so it is undesirable to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. If you still cannot imagine your breakfast without this product, eat a baked apple or add it to porridge. IN last resort drink a glass warm water. In the morning, give preference to sweet varieties.

Pears take a long time to digest in the stomach. Therefore, eating them in the morning and before going to bed is undesirable. It is best to eat pears between meals, but no more than 2 pieces at a time.

Bananas, grapes and melons are high in calories and take a long time to digest. Therefore, you should not use them at night and immediately after waking up. The best option will use them as snacks.

Watermelon is a berry that many mistakenly consider a fruit. It is suitable for consumption at least 3 hours before bedtime, as it has a powerful diuretic effect. During the specified time, you will have time to excrete all the fluid that has entered the body. Watermelon also promotes gas formation. Therefore, in order not to spoil your sleep, do not eat watermelon at night.

Plums render on digestive system laxative action. Therefore, you should not absorb them at night or before going out.

When is it better to eat fruits - before or after meals?

To get not only pleasure, but also the maximum benefit from eating fruits, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. There is a main rule: you can not eat fruit immediately after eating. Fruit and berry mixtures are mostly quickly digested in the stomach. It takes about half an hour to digest them. For comparison, fish and porridge are digested for 2 hours, it takes 3.5 hours for the assimilation of meat.

When combining the main products and fruit ingredients in the stomach, the former disrupt the evacuation of the latter. As a result, they linger in the stomach and undergo fermentation. The result is gas, heaviness in the abdomen and bloating. In addition, fruits lose precious vitamins and micronutrients. That is why it is better to treat yourself to a fruit dessert half an hour before a meal or 1 hour after.

The best solution is to enjoy fruit in between meals.

The role of fruits in weight loss

If you are fighting extra pounds, then it is better to eat fruits before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. They are a source of carbohydrates, which, if not converted into energy, are stored as fat. Carbohydrates are converted into energy when physical activity, which is maximum at the beginning of the day.

After a power load, having spent a lot of calories, you can safely eat vitamin fruits. You can enjoy them as early as 20 minutes after exercising, while a full meal is shown only after 1 hour.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that losing weight must definitely control the number of calories entering the body during the day. Many fruits have a high glycemic index. Because of this, such types are completely contraindicated for those who seek to lose weight. Consider the calorie content of some fruits.

  • Apple provokes appetite due to the large amount of acids. In the fight against extra pounds, this only gets in the way. Therefore, it is better to choose baked apples. They will keep you feeling full for a long time.
  • Orange. It contains little sugar and enough dietary fiber.
  • Grapefruit. Minimum calories, maximum fiber. An excellent product for weight loss, which is allowed to be consumed even at night, after dinner.

  • Banana. Contrary to stereotypes that a banana is a super-calorie fruit, it is recommended for diets. They replace 1 meal. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa, contains only 2 g of fat (1 pc).
  • Apricot. Low-calorie product containing a lot of fiber.
  • Cherries. There are only 50 kcal per 100 g of fruit.
  • A pineapple. It is a source of enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. Thanks to them, fats are absorbed more slowly and are not deposited in problem areas.

The prohibited list includes:

  • grape;
  • pear;
  • persimmon;
  • papaya;
  • cherries;
  • peaches;
  • figs;
  • dates.

They are prohibited for those who are on the strictest diet. For the rest, their use is allowed in limited quantities.

What to combine fruits with?

Experts advise eating fruits separately, not even combining them. different types. For example, during 1 snack you eat grapes, during another - only a pear. Nevertheless, there are many dishes that involve a combination of various ingredients, including fruit. Cooks combine fruit fruits with other products, depending on the category of the former.

So, sour fruits, which include mandarin, pomegranate, kiwi, go well with kefir and cream. They are recommended to be served with such varieties of cheese as brynza or feta. The most harmonious is their union with walnuts and chicken.

Sweet fruits (bananas, some varieties of apples, dates, pineapple, persimmons) are ideal in combination with fermented milk ingredients. Eat them with kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Fruits do not combine with sausages, beef and pork, fish dishes and eggs. Their joint absorption with milk is contraindicated. This can cause diarrhea and bloating. Also, do not immediately drink water after fruit snacks. This will lead to diarrhea.

Usually , fruits the best way digested raw. So they keep in the maximum number All useful components. It is also allowed to use them in baked, boiled and pickled form. You can not fry and stew them.

If you are a fan of tropical fruits, then please note that their transportation requires some processing. chemicals. This is done to save them. presentation. Therefore, before using such products for food, they should be thoroughly washed and peeled.

Try to choose only ripe fruits for eating. Unripe ones cause indigestion. If you like to eat fruits in a peeled form, do this just before eating. If this is done in advance, they will let the juice out or oxidize in the air.

Another way to consume fruits is through juices and smoothies. They are not recommended to drink on an empty stomach due to high acidity. right time for them - a few hours before going to bed or during breakfast.

Application restrictions

It is important to note to whom fruits are contraindicated. It is also worth knowing who needs to limit their use.

If the fruits contain a large number of acids (and these are all acidic fruits), then people suffering from gastritis with high acidity should not abuse them. Fruit juice will further irritate the gastric mucosa, causing inflammation. If you still allow yourself such products, then eat them 30 minutes after the main dishes.

With gastritis with low acidity such fruits are not contraindicated. But they need to be absorbed strictly 30 minutes before the main meal. They stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and normalize digestion.

Pear activates intestinal motility and exhibits a diuretic effect. It is not advised to abuse it with diarrhea and, on the contrary, it is recommended to eat with constipation.

All fruits with a high glycemic index (which contain a lot of sugar) are introduced into the diet with caution when diabetes. These, for example, include grapes, pears, melons, plums.

So, it can be concluded that fruits are an indispensable part of a balanced diet. Introducing them into the diet enough you will improve your health, gain beautiful figure. However, you will achieve such an effect only if they are used correctly. Otherwise, the fruits will bring only uncomfortable sensations.

You will learn about what fruits you can eat with diabetes in the following video.

Some scientists, as well as strict vegetarians and raw foodists, even believe that fruits are a universal food, containing almost all necessary for a person elements.

Unfortunately, it is not at all surprising that, not knowing the simplest rules for eating fruits, we not only receive less (or even do not receive at all) mass nutrients, but sometimes we harm our body - misuse fruit disrupts digestion, causes heartburn and bloating.

Who are you, fruit?

What are fruits? These are the fruits of plants intended by nature to protect, preserve and nourish the seed, as well as to provide it with water and all the nutrients it needs at the beginning of growth. Therefore, fruits do contain a solid set of useful and extremely necessary to a person substances - fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, water and even enzymes. It remains only to learn how to eat them correctly.

Rule one: only fresh fruit

About harm heat treatment food (as well as about canning, smoking, freezing) everyone has long known, but if many types of food are difficult (tasteless, unusual or completely impossible - like mushrooms, for example) to eat in them in kind, then for fruits and berries this approach is quite applicable.

Jams, canned food, compotes, baked or caramelized fruits, candied fruits are nothing more than sweets, rich only in preservatives and sugar, and in useful substances and enzymes - to a minimal extent.

The only exception is dried fruits, but mostly home cooking(it is better to dry yourself or buy in the markets), and not those that are sold in stores in beautiful packs.

Rule two: fruit is not a dessert!

Many of us are accustomed to eating fruit in the final, after the main meal, as a dessert or, for example, as one of the components of a meal (rice, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, fruit cereals, fruit and vegetable salads and juices), but this is fundamentally wrong.

By reacting with other types of food, fruits cause gastrointestinal tract fermentation processes that manifest themselves in heartburn, swelling, pain and other unpleasant phenomena.

Yes, don't be surprised!

Fruits - perfect food to start the day. Not porridge, not a sandwich, and certainly not a cutlet with pasta, but fruit.

They give us a lot of energy, speed up metabolism, do not require a lot of energy and time to digest, do not cause the usual (but completely unhealthy!) heaviness and drowsiness. You can read about the benefits of fruit breakfasts from Dr. Herbert M. Shelton or, for example, from Alain Carr.

After you have eaten fruit, you need to wait a while and only after this time start eating other food:

after juicy fruits - 20-30 minutes;
after meaty (bananas, dried fruits, dates, figs, etc.) - 45-60 minutes.

Rule Three: Juices, Smoothies, and Fruit Purees

food industry- this is a business, the main purpose of which is still earnings, profit, and not our health.

Like any business, this industry is built on tricks, illusions and, to be honest, deceit. For example, manufacturers successfully use a strong human association for their own purposes: everything that somehow contains fruits and vegetables is healthy and should be consumed in large quantities.

Unfortunately, this is only partly true, and then, if we are talking about natural, raw fruit and vegetables.

sugar, preservatives, flavor additives, flavors and many more unknown chemical components - this is the basis of such products. But not vitamins and nutrients.

Therefore, it is better to drink (and eat!) juices, fruit purees and smoothies only in their natural form (juicers and blenders are helpful), and immediately after preparation, when the fruit pulp comes into contact with air, oxidation reactions are triggered and some of the nutrients are lost.

Rule Five: Nitrates, Pesticides and GMOs

TV, the Internet, newspapers and our impressionable grandmothers endlessly scare us with maxims that there is nothing good and healthy in modern vegetables and fruits - only chemistry, pesticides and the ubiquitous GMO. There is some truth in their words - store-bought fruits are picturesquely beautiful and are stored for a suspiciously long time, which, of course, cannot but cause doubts.

How reasonable people, you must understand that in modern conditions the use of all these substances is almost inevitable, but the harm from them is much less than the benefits of eating fresh fruit.

But we can still take a few simple steps to keep the absorption of all this muck to a minimum:

buy fruits from gardeners, grandmothers, markets or organic stores (the most unsightly in appearance are usually the most natural);
wash store-bought fruits thoroughly (preferably in hot water and with a brush);
eat them without the skin.

Happy and healthy fruit eating!

Many people who are going to lose weight with a diet often ask themselves what is allowed to eat in the evening and what fruits can be eaten while losing weight? As a rule, in an effort to make their figure attractive, women try to choose low-calorie foods, while not limiting the use of fruits. On the one hand, fruits contribute to weight loss, because they contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, fiber, which have a positive effect on the human body, on the other hand, not all fruits are useful, because. they differ from each other in properties and composition.

What fruits help you lose weight

Fruits are a real source of energy, minerals and vitamins. These products are especially useful for losing weight. They can remove toxins, ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive tract, activate the production of gallbladder secretion, and promote the natural cleansing of the body. healthy fruits for weight loss are characterized by low calorie content and a high percentage of fat breakdown.

A diet that contains a large number of berries and fruits is considered the most beneficial. To normalize weight, you need to know exactly which fruits to eat and which ones to avoid in your diet. Bananas, dates, raisins should not be eaten in large quantities. And if you add pineapple, pears, kiwi, grapefruit to the usual menu, then this will cause positive result. effective group, which is often used for weight loss, is considered citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines). In addition, you can eat the following fruits for weight loss and fat removal:

  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grenades;
  • passion fruit;
  • peaches;
  • persimmon.

What fruits are best to eat when losing weight

For many people who decide to stick to a diet, the question remains, which fruits are better to eat when losing weight? To get rid of hated kilograms, nutritionists advise choosing foods with a small amount of sugar. As a rule, sweetness in fruits is measured by the content of fructose. fruit sugar, due to the presence of fibers, is absorbed in the body more slowly. At the same time, people on a diet should consume less sweet dates, bananas, prunes, raisins and persimmons.

Unsweetened grapefruit, kiwi, apple, pineapple are considered useful for losing weight. They speed up the metabolism well, remove fluid, break down fat, enrich the body with vitamins, and improve the digestion process. The list of dietary fruits can be continued with oranges, lemons and berries. They can replace one of the main meals.

low calorie fruits for weight loss

Huge variety store-bought products can confuse anyone. It must be understood that dietary fruits are not all, therefore, only those that contain a small amount of calories should be included in the diet. Low calorie fruits for weight loss:

simple group carbohydrate is called a monosaccharide or fructose. By appearance- These are hard transparent sweet crystals that dissolve well in water. Fructose with the help of enzymes can release alcohol, acids (lactic, acetic). Given organic compound sweeter than glucose. It is absorbed by the body better and faster. Fructose is needed by a person, because. it is a fast carbon. You can not abuse this substance, because. it is capable of:

  • become the cause of severe allergies;
  • impair glucose tolerance and insulin resistance;
  • cause a false feeling of hunger;
  • increase the risk of cardiovascular disease ( safe dose- no more than 40 grams per day).
  • apple - 7 g;
  • orange - 6 g;
  • raspberries (250 g) - 3 g;
  • a slice of watermelon - 12 g;
  • kiwi - 3 g;
  • pineapple - 7 g;
  • pear - 11 g;
  • strawberries - 4 g;
  • a bunch of grapes (250 g) - 7 g;
  • a bunch of cherries - 8 g;
  • banana - 9 g;
  • peach - 5 g;
  • a slice of melon - 22 g;
  • nectarine - 5 g.

What time of day is best to eat fruit?

If you are going to follow the method of losing weight, you need to know what time of the day is best to eat fruit. Many experts advise eating berries and fruits on empty stomach an hour before lunch. The morning should start with citrus fruits: before breakfast, you can eat a tangerine, half a grapefruit, or drink a glass of orange juice. Apples should be eaten after dinner. All other fruits can be taken a few minutes before the next meal.

Is it possible to eat fruit when losing weight before bed? Great benefits for the body evening time render plums, especially for those who suffer from intestinal obstruction. Sweet fruits should be excluded from the diet. It is harmful to eat fruits together with other dishes, as this will lead to poor digestion, bloating and gas in the stomach. Pears should be eaten with caution by people with gastrointestinal diseases. On an empty stomach, they should not be eaten either, preferably an hour after eating.

What fruits can you eat in the evening when losing weight

When following a diet, you often want to eat in the evening. In order not to gain excess weight, you should know what fruits you can eat in the evening when losing weight. Generally, all citrus fruits are ideal option for a late dinner. Although, in addition to grapefruits, oranges and tangerines, there are other fruits that you can safely enjoy even after 7 pm. Allowed fruits for the night when losing weight:

  • Kiwi (100 grams of the product contains only 50 kcal). The fruit is rich ascorbic acid And useful trace elements, is hypoallergenic. The secret of kiwifruit is that it contains soluble plant fibers that dampen the feeling of hunger.
  • Mango (100 grams of the product contains only 67 kcal). Its main advantage is cholesterol lowering and laxative effect.
  • Pineapple (100 grams of the product contains only 47 kcal). The pulp contains bromelain, which breaks down fats well and actively produces gastric juice.

What fruits should not be eaten while losing weight

There are fruits that will not reduce, but only help to gain weight. Having considered what fruits you can eat when losing weight, we will find out their well-known antipodes. The first product that should be discarded while dieting is grapes. It contains a huge amount of fructose, calories, it has a high glycemic index. In addition, grapes can cause a feeling of fermentation in the intestines. What fruits should not be eaten when losing weight:

  • bananas;
  • watermelon;
  • dried fruits;
  • avocado;
  • persimmon.

What fruits can get better

Dried fruits are considered the most high-calorie among all fruits. A high content of carbohydrates appears in them due to the general loss of moisture, so losing weight people should not get carried away with them. But dried fruits can be eaten instead of sugar or sweets, several pieces a day. Here is a small list of what fruits can get better:

  • Grape - sweet berry, the juice of which contains a lot of glucose, does not satisfy hunger and is not able to saturate the body.
  • Avocado is a southern exotic fruit that tastes like a pumpkin or a tart pear. It is considered high in calories.
  • Bananas. Contain a large percentage carbohydrates and starch. Overuse this product can cause weight gain.

Video: what fruits can you eat on a diet

Greetings, friends! From this article you will learn when it is better to eat fruits. It may seem that you can always eat fruits, without special restrictions and rules, the main thing is to eat. So today we will find out when these fragrant and attractive gifts of nature are best eaten, in the morning or in the evening, and dwell on the properties of some of them.

For those people who do not have digestive problems, better fruits and berries are in between meals or an hour after meals. At this time, the digestion process will be in full swing, high level acidity will help to digest the fruit well. You already know, you should stick to them

If you have low acidity or poor digestion, then it is recommended to eat berries and fruits approximately half an hour before meals. The acids that make up their composition will enhance digestion and help the production of gastric juice.

At hyperacidity extreme caution should be eaten especially sour apples and cherries. Only half an hour after eating, you can afford to have a bite, otherwise fruit acids will increase the already high rate acidity. And this can lead to peptic ulcer or gastritis.


A sweet gift of nature, rich in fiber, it is recommended to eat no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. It's about melon. But the recommendations of nutritionists do not apply to Italians, and they serve jerky with melon. And in Asia, melon is eaten after first courses or pilaf. They say that after 15 minutes even after fatty foods the feeling of heaviness disappears, as if after the use of enzymes.


Do you know that a pear eaten in the morning is poison? A pear during the day or even in the evening is very useful. It stimulates the intestines, has a diuretic effect. For lunch as a dessert, it will be very useful.

The pear contains quite coarse alimentary fiber. Interestingly, even when dried, it retains a storehouse useful substances, and therefore it is possible all year round indulge in its sweetness. Just don't drink after the pear raw water and don't eat meat.


It is recommended to eat no earlier than half an hour after eating. Otherwise, you may be at risk of indigestion. On an empty stomach, especially in the morning, do not eat oranges. If you like to drink in the morning Fresh Juice orange, it is better to dilute it with water. After an orange rich in organic acids, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly to keep tooth enamel from erosion.


After dinner, eat some tender kiwi fruits and you will never experience heaviness in the stomach or heartburn. You can combine kiwi with fish, seafood and meat. After fried food, kiwi will reduce exposure to harmful carcinogens.

Helpers in the process of losing weight

Many who want to lose weight avoid eating sweet gifts, worrying about the high sugar content in many of them. But you just need to know when, before or after a meal and which of them should be eaten so that they even contribute to weight loss.

List of best fruits for weight loss

First place occupies this product rich in grapefruit sugar. Such sugar contains few calories and is easily digested. If you want to eat after dinner, it is best to have a grapefruit snack.

Second place takes an apple. It is very useful to start the morning with an apple. And baked apples can be eaten at any time of the day.

Third place- orange. It’s good to have a bite to eat, but separately from other products.

Fourth place took the pineapple. Many have heard that this exotic fruit burns fat and helps digest food faster at lunchtime and in the evening, thanks to great content different enzymes.

In fifth place- banana. He is considered by many to be the worst weight loss doctor, but this is not so. Due to its calorie content, a banana may well replace your lunch or dinner in the afternoon.

So we learned today the answer to a seemingly strange question. But as you can see, dear readers, delicious fruits nature can be used with maximum benefit for the body, just knowing when and with what it is better to eat them.



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