What does the inside look like. Adam's apple in men: what does it mean and why is it needed

Oddly enough, but there are many myths and legends around this organ. The word Adam's apple has Turkic roots and literally means hard. According to Christian belief, the hump on the neck of a man is of religious origin. When the first people in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, ate the Forbidden fruit in the form of an apple from the tree of Knowledge, and then the man learned about the betrayal of the woman and the deceit of the Serpent, he choked on a piece of apple. It was this piece that got stuck in his throat, and now the Adam's apple is passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of the first sin. The Christian faith does not provide for a physiological purpose, that is, why it is needed.

To understand what an Adam's apple is and what it looks like, you need to look at a man's throat. Approximately in the middle of the neck on the front side there is a tubercle. For some representatives of the strong half of humanity, the Adam's apple sticks out strongly forward, and therefore it is easy to notice it. It is wrong to assume that adam's apple is a part thyroid gland. Based on this, we can immediately conclude that no functions associated with endocrine system, the hump on the neck does not perform.

Adam's apple is part of the thyroid cartilage and is considered part of the larynx. It consists of 2 parts, plates. Its main function is to create a kind of protective shield for the thyroid gland, as well as for other organs that are in this area.

If this tubercle is strongly pronounced on the neck of a representative of the stronger sex, this indicates that the man has long vocal cords. The angle of fusion of cartilaginous plates depends on this feature of the organism.

Another widespread, but erroneous opinion: only men have an Adam's apple. This statement is considered incorrect. Anatomical structure women in this area is somewhat different, due to the length of the vocal cords. They are shorter, respectively, and the cartilage plates do not fuse at an acute angle. But the purpose of the Adam's apple remains the same: it is needed in order to protect the organs of the neck from various injuries.

In addition to the obtuse angle of the fusion of the plates, the female tubercle is not noticeable due to the fact that it is additionally covered from above with cervical sebum. You can notice a characteristic protrusion in girls with insufficient body weight.

Adam's apple is not only in humans. The thyroid cartilage is present in almost the entire animal world. With the help of the Adam's apple, an elephant can emit infrasound, which is not audible. human ear, but this large mammal senses sound with its feet at a distance of 2 km. When the Adam's apple is small, such as in bats, for example, it makes it possible to emit ultrasound.

From the foregoing, it follows that the presence of this hump on the neck has great importance not only for humans, but also for representatives of the animal world.

The formation of the Adam's apple occurs in puberty under the action of sex hormones. The formation of the Adam's apple in boys may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the throat. It is during this period that the change of voice occurs. You need to be able to distinguish between discomfort and pain. Therefore, if during puberty a young man has pain in this area, then you should consult a doctor.

The full completion of the process of forming a protective shield occurs at about 18 years of age. The cartilages of the Adam's apple are strengthened, become hard and under the influence of testosterone can increase.

This body takes Active participation both in women's and male body. Why the Adam's apple is needed is not limited to the protective function of the larynx. With its help, a person can speak, as well as eat food.

During swallowing, this part of the larynx partially blocks the airways, and food does not enter them. Adam's apple - desired organ. Without it, it would be impossible to even drink water without health concerns.

When the vocal cords are stretched, in combination with the air passing through them, a sound is generated, that is, a voice. With the help of muscles, you can adjust the position of the protrusion on the throat. The ability to change the position of the Adam's apple makes it possible to control the timbre of the voice. larynx like whole organ can be lowered and raised, due to this the volume of the vocal path will change. And the shape of this path can be changed with the tongue and lips, and then screams, singing or curses will be heard.

The modern development of fashion, namely the unisex style, sometimes makes it difficult to determine the gender of the person standing in front of him. It is the Adam's apple that can help to understand this problem.

Removal of cartilage, i.e. correction of its shape, is dangerous operation. For this reason this procedure carried out in extremely rare situations. And even when a man wants to change his gender, he is not recommended to remove the protruding Adam's apple. Unsuccessful injury to this area can lead to damage to the vocal cords, as a result of which the voice may change or a malfunction of the speech apparatus may appear.

Despite the fact that testosterone affects the growth of the Adam's apple, there is no official confirmation that the size of the protrusion on the neck of a man has a relationship with his sexual abilities.

Organ injury

Although the Adam's apple performs a protective function, in fact this body fragile enough. Pain in the Adam's apple is serious symptom, therefore, if it occurs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Injury to the Adam's apple, despite the fact that it is cartilage, is dangerous for a person, since syncope can occur. The pathological process implies loss of consciousness and even cardiac arrest is not ruled out.

With a serious injury to the Adam's apple, damage to the trachea occurs, resulting in difficulty breathing. A piece of tissue torn off the trachea can begin to work as a valve. It will cut off the oxygen supply to the lungs.

On the throat of each person there is a cartilaginous formation of two plates. The man's Adam's apple forms a kind of protrusion on the throat. It is less noticeable in women, as the plates are connected at a slight angle. Why does a person need an Adam's apple, what function does it perform?

The Adam's apple is less noticeable in women because the plates are connected at a slight angle.

“Hard, tough” is the translation of the word from the Turkic language. You can often hear the name "Adam's apple", which connects it with biblical history about Adam and Eve. When Adam ate the "paradise" fruit, it got stuck in his throat. The resulting lump was called the Adam's apple. If there is a sore throat in the region of the Adam's apple and it is painful to swallow, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause.

The structure and functions of the Adam's apple

The plates forming the Adam's apple protect the pharynx from external influence, create support for ligaments, take part in the "birth" of sounds. The pronounced form of the Adam's apple of a man is due to the heavy load that he has to withstand. The male voice is distinguished by its strength and rudeness, which are provided by massiveness skeletal system, cartilage strength.

AT childhood and in women this protrusion is less noticeable, in addition, it is hidden by the fatty layer on the neck. Resizing is related to hormonal disorders. When male hormones predominate over female hormones, the Adam's apple increases. It is clearly visible in girls of a fragile physique. Why does a person need an Adam's apple:

  • when swallowing, it blocks the airway, preventing water and food from getting into it,
  • as a shield closes the larynx from mechanical injuries,
  • is part of the "voice" system.

If you pronounce a vowel sound for a long time and put your hand to your neck, you can feel the vibration that occurs inside the Adam's apple. In young men, the Adam's apple is soft, quite flexible. When the boy grows up, the plates increase, acquire hardness, the angle between them becomes sharper, more clearly visible under the skin. Excessive increase in bulge does not look aesthetically pleasing. Some men go to the doctor with the question, why is the Adam's apple needed, can it be reduced? This procedure is performed surgically. If there is pain in the Adam's apple, you first need to establish what caused it. After that, you can start treatment.

When male hormones predominate over female hormones, the Adam's apple increases.

Causes of pain

With a complaint that the throat hurts in the region of the Adam's apple, men often turn to the doctor. This is due to the features physical development and hormonal system. When describing pain, the terms are often used: cutting, pulling, aching, stabbing. Usually during eating, it intensifies, does not allow swallowing normally. Its causes are injuries, bruises, problems with the thyroid gland, osteochondrosis. If the Adam's apple hurts, you should not dismiss it, you should immediately see a doctor.

Thyroid disease

Swelling and inflammation of the thyroid gland are characteristic of thyroiditis. The causative agent of the disease is often viruses. Often, the disease develops against the background of the transferred influenza, SARS, parotitis. Her symptoms:

  • feverish state,
  • soreness in front of the neck, radiating all over the head,
  • pain in the Adam's apple when swallowing,
  • hoarse voice,
  • pressing sensation in the gland.

Early treatment will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, completely eliminate the disease. If you delay with a visit to the doctor, then the likelihood of complications is high. The pus accumulated in the thyroid gland can enter the bloodstream and spread further throughout the body.

Another type of thyroiditis is fibrous. It manifests itself in the growth fibrous tissue in the gland itself and around it. The reason for this has not been fully established. The enlarged gland loses its ability to perform its functions. The pain is localized on top of the Adam's apple, medicines practically do not eliminate it. Gradually, the growth thickens, provoking constant inflammation.

Timely treatment will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, completely relieve the disease.

If violated hormonal function thyroid gland, it begins to overproduce hormones. The body perceives them as antigens and begins to “fight” with them. This condition is called hyperthyroidism. It is manifested by severe fatigue, frequent diarrhea, and an allergy to cold. With insufficient production of hormones - hypothyroidism - a person also feels constantly tired, he has frequent constipation.

Other reasons

From impact or strangulation, cartilage fracture can occur. He is accompanied acute pain aggravated by coughing or swallowing. When pressed, the crunch of debris is clearly audible. The danger of this condition is the occurrence of asthmatic breathing, laryngeal edema, emphysema.

At cervical osteochondrosis a bundle of vessels and nerves passing through the neck is compressed. Due to this, muscles and ligaments begin to hurt. With the development of the disease, edema increases, the structure of the spine changes. To clinical manifestations diseases include soreness of tissues below the Adam's apple, bloody sputum appears when coughing. drilling or Blunt pain usually aggravated in the morning, manifested by turning the head, sneezing, laughing.

Tuberculosis of the larynx often develops in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Its initial stage is asymptomatic. As the disease develops, characteristic signs appear: chills, irritating cough, sputum, swelling of the larynx. At the bottom of the Adam's apple, a foreign body is constantly felt. The voice becomes hoarse, over time it can completely disappear.

The patient, when swallowing, complains of the difficulty of passing food, saliva, as if something is interfering. A person cannot swallow food normally, so he loses a lot of weight. Severe illness leads to aspiration pneumonia. It is characterized by the ingestion of food into the respiratory tract. Tuberculosis treatment requires admission special preparations. For examination, they turn to a phthisiatrician, for a consultation - to an otolaryngologist.


The vital activity of pyogenic bacteria in soft tissues leads to the accumulation of pus. Gradually, the inflammation spreads, covering a larger area. characteristic feature this disease is her fast development. Sometimes only a couple of hours pass, the abscess blocks the respiratory canal, and the person suffocates. Symptoms of phlegmon:

  • fever, chills,
  • sharp pain
  • shortness of breath, respiratory failure,
  • hoarseness of voice, often complete aphonia,
  • increased pain when turning the neck.

Feeling the region of the Adam's apple, you can feel a dense formation. It does not have clear boundaries, it is painful, the skin over it is shiny. Changing the position of the body increases the pain. Deep phlegmon usually progresses rapidly, contributes to the onset of sepsis. The condition worsens sharply, the pain covers the entire head (ears, temples, neck), swelling of soft tissues increases. When the abscess breaks, pus is poured into the respiratory tract, causing acute inflammation.


Quite rare, but at the same time one of the most dangerous diseases remains thyroid cancer. From the tissues of the gland is formed malignant tumor- knot. It forms a slight elevation under the skin. initial stage disease does not manifest itself. The only sign is that the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged. Over time, the tumor grows, begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissue. The person has difficulty swallowing, feeling foreign body in the throat frequent cough, veins in the neck swell. When metastases cover the ligaments, the voice changes, becomes hoarse, hoarse, completely disappears.

In humans with thyroid cancer, constant sensation as if he had choked on food or water.

Increasing, the tumor delivers more more problems. The pain intensifies, food passes through the throat with difficulty, blood appears when coughing. A person has a constant feeling as if he choked on food or water.

If the Adam's apple is sick, do not ignore this symptom. Often he is the first to signal serious problems with health. The sooner the patient seeks help, the more chances to recover, to avoid complications.

Adam's apple is a protruding cartilage in the anterior wall of the larynx, consists of 2 plates. Representatives of the strong half of humanity have a small angle located between the cartilaginous plates, so the Adam's apple noticeably protrudes forward, thereby protecting the throat from injury. Many factors in a man's body affect the size of the Adam's apple: for example, in children or women, the larynx is smooth; and a large Adam's apple in men depends on the physiological and anatomical and characteristics of a person, a genetic predisposition.

Features of formation and structure

Many people do not think why men need an Adam's apple: some believe that only a strong half of humanity has an Adam's apple. Misconceptions on this topic today there are quite a lot, but it is worth noting that the presence of an Adam's apple is characteristic not only of a man - female gender this feature of the larynx is also inherent.

This ledge is also called the "Adam's apple": according to legend, Adam appeared when he tasted the forbidden fruit. A piece of this fruit got stuck in his throat, and in the future, all men developed this feature of the larynx, symbolizing original sin.

The Adam's apple gradually begins to form in boys from the age of 14, but there are also examples when a pronounced Adam's apple is observed in women.

There are operations to reduce the size of the Adam's apple, for example, chondrolaryngoplasty, which is usually often used by men who decide to change their gender.

Big Adam's apple in men, from an aesthetic point of view, many of its owners are not satisfied, and some even complain about pain in the throat due to the protruding large cartilage on the neck. Removing the Adam's apple can solve this problem.

Adam's apple functionality

Let's see why we need an Adam's apple? It performs important functions in the male body:

  • Protective factor - the larynx is a vulnerable part human body. Here are different nerve endings, vessels, organs respiratory system, digestive tract which are protected from external influences by thin skin tissues. Therefore, the Adam's apple is a kind of protective device for the throat, it prevents it from being squeezed, i.e. suffocation;
  • Vocal formation - in men, the voice is lower and rougher than the female. This feature associated with the process of tension of the ligaments, it is formed during puberty gradually with an increase in the Adam's apple;
  • Prevention of the penetration of saliva into the organs of the respiratory system.

Clinical picture


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Pathology of the Adam's apple

A blow to the Adam's apple can cause dangerous consequences for men's health Moreover, such injuries can provoke fatal outcome. When a serious injury occurs, a signal enters the brain that activates the syncope reflex - the person falls into an unconscious state, myocardial contractions stop, and the heart stops. Therefore, it is so important to prevent injuries in the Adam's apple.
Often men develop various pathologies, which are associated with soreness in the Adam's apple zone:

  • Hyperthyroidism - increased production hormones in the thyroid gland. For this process, it is distinctive - increased sweating, tachycardia, diarrhea, nervous state;
  • Hypothyroidism is a decreased production of hormones. Characteristic features this phenomenon - constipation, fatigue syndrome, cold intolerance;
  • Thyroiditis - this inflammatory process occurs in the usual or acute form. The causative agents are infectious phenomena in respiratory tract. It is inherent in it - pain attacks in the Adam's apple zone, expansion of the thyroid gland, the occurrence of purulent neoplasms in the larynx;
  • Tuberculosis of the throat cancerous growths- as tumor-like neoplasms increase, they will appear painful symptoms in the region of the Adam's apple, pain attacks are also possible when breathing, swallowing;
  • A fracture of the cartilaginous larynx is often the cause of pain. A blow to the Adam's apple can provoke this phenomenon, for which difficult breathing will be characteristic, pain when swallowing or coughing;
  • Chronic fibrous thyroiditis Riedel - distinctive feature the process is the expansion of connective tissues near the "Adam's apple", there is an increase in the thyroid gland, which causes pressure on the trachea, esophagus;
  • Laryngitis - occurs due to viral infectious phenomena, cold moments. Is inflammatory process in the throat. Characterized pain attacks in the area of ​​the Adam's apple, dry cough. There is swelling of the mucous tissues of the larynx, which causes squeezing of the throat.

Any patient's complaint about pain in the "Adam's apple" zone should be examined in detail by a doctor, with a diagnosis of the disease, and clarification of the diagnosis. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in this situation.

Surgical methods of correction

Today there are surgical methods modifications of the "Adam's apple":

  • Complete removal of the Adam's apple - performed in situations where the removal of cartilage does not cause complications and other dangerous consequences. In the future, it provokes a modification of the voice timbre. But these changes have the property of irreversibility - an increase in cartilage after the removal has already been done will be an impossible process;
  • Partial removal - performed by a doctor if the possibility is not allowed complete removal Adam's apple. During the operation, the surgeon changes the angle of the cartilage plates, i.e. modifies the position of the Adam's apple from male type on the female form, as in the photo. The performed surgical intervention is less traumatic, but not always taking into account different circumstances it leads to a modification of the male voice.

Any way surgical intervention in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Adam's apple", the removal of the Adam's apple is necessarily performed after thorough examination. How much will this cost operational method, it is necessary to clarify already at the place of the process with the doctor.

At school, they carefully explained how the heart and brain work, what functions the lungs and kidneys perform. But why the Adam's apple is needed, they almost did not tell. As a result, many adults are unaware of the functions of this part of the body. Many are generally mistaken: they believe that this is a sign of the sexual strength of a man or that women do not have such a body part. Let's figure it out true purpose, structure, functions, dimensions of the "Adam's apple" ...

Structure and features

What does the Adam's apple represent? Outwardly, this part of the body looks like a bump protruding from the throat. When swallowing, she moves. There is a misconception: the Adam's apple is part of the thyroid gland. This is mistake. The protrusion on the throat has nothing to do with the gland, but is the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx. The structure is quite simple - it includes double cartilage plates connected under:

  • Right angle (in adults sexually mature men).
  • Obtuse angle (in young children, women, some men with an inconspicuous "Adam's apple").

Thus, the Adam's apple exists in all people, regardless of gender, age. It's just that in the representatives of the stronger sex it is larger, more noticeable. In small children and women, the throat bump is “hidden”.

By the way, in children of both sexes, the throat looks the same before puberty. After reaching adolescence, boys develop a cartilaginous bump that increases throughout puberty. In sexually mature men, the bump does not increase (it can only harden, become less mobile, which is associated with compaction cartilage tissue). And vice versa - if before the end of puberty male Adam's apple did not appear, then in 25-30 years he will not appear.

Main functions

Why do men and women have Adam's apple? And in general, do you need an Adam's apple or is it a rudiment, without which a person can live in peace? Adam's apple is needed - it protects the throat and participates in the formation of the voice:

  • Protection of the throat (larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords) from physical damage. Upon impact, the load first goes precisely to the cartilaginous bump - it hurts, but not fatally.
  • Participation in the formation of the voice. Here necessary elements stretching the vocal cords. It has been noticed: the more a man has an "Adam's apple", the rougher his voice will be. In women, the voice is thinner and higher because this part of the body is less pronounced in them. AT adolescence in boys, the voice changes - the Adam's apple changes the angle of the connection, the voice becomes rougher, begins to stretch the vocal cords in a different way).

Relationship with potency

There is an opinion: the protruding "Adam's apple" in guys is a sign of strong potency. This is only partly true. Formation in puberty depends on testosterone levels. The more intense it is male hormone, the more pronounced will be the throat bump. Potency also depends on testosterone. When a man becomes an adult, his "Adam's apple" stops changing, and the level of the hormone can fluctuate, and, accordingly, potency becomes worse. That is, the connection with sexual functionality can be traced in adolescence, in mature men the relationship is lost.

When the seal on the throat is imperceptible

There are times when the Adam's apple is invisible in men, the neck is even. In fact, it is, it just formed at an obtuse angle. There are two more reasons why men can have a flat throat:

  • If the representatives of the stronger sex have a large fat layer on the neck, then it will seem that there is no Adam's apple.
  • At puberty, the young man produced little testosterone - as a rule, such a guy will have a high voice.

The visual absence of a protruding Adam's apple in a man (in the absence of other anxiety symptoms) is not a sign of pathology - it is considered physical feature buildings.

Too big protrusion

A large cartilaginous lump on the throat is dangerous, should it be removed? A large Adam's apple in men, as well as a small cartilaginous bump on the throat, is not a deviation, it's just that the cartilaginous formation has grown together at a sharper or more obtuse angle. There are no standards by which it can be determined that this part of the human body sticks out too much or too little.

If an adult man notices that his Adam's apple has begun to grow larger, an urgent need to visit a doctor - after puberty, the cartilaginous protrusion cannot increase. Changes in the size of the throat can mean inflammation or tumors, an urgent need to diagnose, start treatment.

A person should know about his body, if not everything, then at least as much as possible. More from school course we will learn how the heart and brain work, what functions are assigned to the liver and kidneys, how oxygen enters the lungs and spreads throughout the body, and so on. However, many of us do not even suspect why a person needs it and why the Adam's apple is clearly pronounced in men, unlike women.

Article outline

What is a kadik?

Of course, the vast majority of people still in adolescence, and even in adolescence, find out what kind of protrusion is so strongly visible on the throat of their father. Parents explain that this is an Adam's apple, however, not everyone can clearly tell why our body needs this element, and even more so, why it is so visible in men, but not in women.

Everything is quite simple - the male Adam's apple, or as it is also called the Adam's apple, is two fused cartilage covering soft tissues and some organs of the throat. In the representatives of the stronger sex, these cartilages grow together in a special way, at a right angle.

Exactly because of this reason given element so clearly visible, especially if physiological features ordered so that the cartilage fused at a particularly acute angle.

As for, their Adam's apple is almost never visible externally, since the cartilages grow together not at an acute angle, but at an obtuse one. This phenomenon has given rise to many tales and rumors that women do not have an Adam's apple, however, this is just an unfounded delusion that has no evidence.

Adam's apple functions

As for the functions of the Adam's apple, why it was given to us by nature, and so on, everything is just as simple as that. The throat, fused at the front wall, is a rather rigid plate, which hardens more with every passing year.

If we consider the purpose of this plate, then it performs a number of extremely important functions:

  1. , thyroid gland and vocal cords from possible external damage. That is, if a person suddenly gets hit in the throat, becomes a victim of suffocation, or any other power loads on the front of the neck take place, then the cartilage plate can completely save a life, then there will definitely not be any questions why it is needed.
  2. The second is extremely important function belongs to the category of voice education. The point here is that the Adam's apple in men and women takes a direct part in speaking. That is, when we want to say something, the vocal cords are stretched due to the element being discussed, thus taking part in the formation of speech. For the same reason, in boys, during growing up, the voice “breaks”, becoming rougher. There is a "breaking" due to the fact that the Adam's apple begins to take on a sharper angle, hardening and tightening the vocal cords more.

Biblical opinion

Speaking about why the Adam's apple is not visible in women, and vice versa in men, this fact has its own interpretation in the Old Testament. It says that when Adam ate the forbidden fruit, a piece of fruit got stuck in his throat, forming that very visible protrusion. However, why the piece remained in the throat is not mentioned in the Old Testament, so few people take this opinion seriously.


As can be seen from everything written above, the male Adam's apple is a rather important part of the body, and not an ordinary protrusion on the throat, which is not clear why it is needed. Protective functions throat and a rather large role in the formation of speech assigned to the Adam's apple, both in men and women, so all this information is a direct answer to the questions why and why.


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