Do animals have cancer cells. What types of neoplasms exist? Methods of oncology treatment in our clinic

Mammary cancer. Cancer stages.

Mammary cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in animals. Mostly female animals at the age of 10 years are ill.

Cancer Risk Factors mammary glands:
- Genetic predisposition;
- Late onset of menarche and pregnancy;
- Hormonal status (excess production of estrogens or some of their fractions);
- Use of hormonal contraceptives.

Stages of breast cancer:
Stage 1 - a single node is determined, small in size, soft in texture, painless. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. There are no metastases.
Stage 2 - the size of the tumor is less than 2-5 cm (depending on the size of the animal), compacted, painless. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. There are no metastases.
Stage 3 - there is a disintegration of the tumor, metastasis. Possible opening of the tumor. Enlarged lymph nodes.
Stage 4 - tumor growth spreads to various organs and tissues, necrotization appears.
According to histological examination, malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands are divided into carcinomas, sarcomas and mixed (carcinosarcomas).

From benign neoplasms, mastopathy is isolated (the most common forms are local and diffuse fibroadenomatosis), but they are very rare in animals, unlike humans.
Tumor growth can be local (i.e., the process is clearly limited, encapsulated). Otherwise, the process can be widespread (metastases), lymphogenous, hematogenous or direct infiltrative way.
Any tumor-like process can be accompanied by inflammation.

Clinical picture:

Most often it consists in the appearance of a seal in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. Clinically, signs may not appear for a long time (up to several years). Single glands or multiple glands may be affected.ns. With an inflamed tumor, the clinical picture is most pronounced. During the examination, palpation can detect dense formations with clear boundaries (sometimes painful) in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands. Hemorrhagic, purulent exudate with an unpleasant odor is released from the affected surface. In this state, the animal suffers. Often refusal to eat, weight loss, lethargy, decrease or increase in body temperature.


Need to submit:
- general clinical blood and urine tests,
- (for the diagnosis of chronic concomitant pathology),
- mammary glands,
- chest and abdomen.
To determine the classification of the tumor, a biopsy of the breast material with a histological examination is required.

The main type of treatment of the tumor-like process is the surgical method. The extent of the operation (called a mastectomy - removal of the breast) depends on the stage and grade of the cancer, the size and location of the tumor, the presence of ulceration, the presence of metastases, and the involvement of the lymph nodes.
After surgical treatment, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal and immunotherapy may be required to prevent relapses and metastases.

In the last stages of cancer, treatment, unfortunately, is not possible. In such cases, you can only make life easier for the animal by conducting antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic therapy.

The prognosis of tumors depends on many factors, such as histological type, the presence of metastases, enlarged lymph nodes, tumor size, tumor growth rate, age of the animal, and the presence of comorbidities.
One of the preventive measures for breast cancer is females after the first estrus cycle (estrus), annual preventive examinations and.

Cancer ... This terrible diagnosis happens in cats and dogs. Most often it occurs in animals whose age approaches the 10-year mark.

Oncology affects different organs, scaring pet owners. In this case, it is important to timely detect the disease with the help of a veterinary oncologist - a veterinary oncologist, while it is in the 1st stage and is in the nature of a benign tumor.

Before you buy an animal, you need to get information about possible hereditary diseases of different breeds, we recommend that you contact the oncological veterinary clinic for such information. Who is more prone to cancer, have certain breeds been identified or are there any statistics on the occurrence of cancer in animals? Bullmastiffs often develop hemoblastosis, large breeds of dogs have osteogenic sarcomas, and boxers have subcutaneous tumors. To avoid serious consequences, after the age of 5 years, cats and dogs should be regularly examined by veterinarians in order to identify a genetic disease at the very beginning and successfully localize it. If you find a tumor in a dog or cat, contact your veterinarian oncologist immediately. Do not tempt fate when it comes to such a serious disease. The tumor can be different, often it manifests itself as a bump in a dog or cat. Checking your pet regularly will help you detect lumps and tumors in dogs at a stage where treatment is still possible.

Oncology in cats and dogs, types of cancer

1. Tumors in dogs and cats which are found in the brain and are caused by the degeneration of cells. They can affect the organs of vision, hearing, gait, general health, can cause tissue infiltration, hydrocephalus.

2. Lymphosarcoma in dogs and cats covers not only the brain, but also the lymph nodes. The nature of the formation is caused by man-made disasters and the presence of a high concentration of carcinogens in the air. Until the end, the disease is not cured, therefore, a number of measures are being taken to alleviate the condition of the animal. Someone will help in this surgery, another - radiation therapy.

3. Mastocytoma in dogs and cats- tumors in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, less often occurs directly on the body of the animal, in front of the eyes, may be the result of an incorrectly performed surgical intervention. Most often observed in sharpei, setters, bulldogs, terriers.

4.Breast cancer in dogs and cats. The tumor is dangerous by rapid progressive growth and metastases in tissues. Able to penetrate deep into the blood and lymphatic vessels. With a nodal type of cancer, an operation is prescribed, with a diffuse spread of the disease throughout the body, chemotherapy is performed before surgery.

5. Liver cancer in dogs and cats. It is also a fairly common cancer. Positive results have been seen in the treatment by cryodestruction (cooled liquid nitrogen).

Oncological diseases are dangerous because they do not appear immediately. The owners most often "sound the alarm" when the external tumor reaches a large size, and they are unaware of internal tissue damage. Preventive check-up of the condition of the animal will help in solving problems in the early stages of diseases.

Evidence-based medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds, and almost everyone has access to sites with correct information - but the word "cancer" remains intimidating. Many tumors have long ceased to be a death sentence, especially in the case of early diagnosis. Nevertheless, oncological diseases are surrounded by a huge number of myths, conjectures and horror stories - and we tried to refute a dozen of them.

We have a cancer epidemic now

Indeed, in developed countries, oncological diseases occupy one of the first places among the causes of death of the population, catching up only with cardiovascular diseases or even ahead of them. At the same time, cancer is still a rather rare disease, different types of which are diagnosed in only a few dozen out of 100 thousand people a year. The catch is that the tumor develops due to a series of genetic mutations in a single cell - these mutations lead to its non-stop division, bypassing the body's stop signals.

Cells become resistant to apoptosis (the so-called "programmed" death), they begin to attract new blood vessels to feed the tumor, and also penetrate into other organs and tissues - they metastasize. This often takes years or decades. According to statistics, in 77% of people with malignant tumors, they occur after 55 years. It is not surprising that in countries where the vast majority of people live through this threshold, oncology is widespread.

Previously, people did not get cancer

The term "cancer" appeared in the fifth century BC thanks to Hippocrates. Traces of malignant tumors were found at different times in the mummies of Ancient Egypt, Peru and Chile, in the bones of the ancient Romans, in the medieval cemeteries of England and Portugal. King Ferdinand I of Naples died five hundred years ago from advanced colon cancer, and a noble Scythian warrior, whose rich tomb was found in 2001 on the territory of the modern Republic of Tyva, had prostate cancer.

In other words, cancer has been with people for a long time, and even our distant ancestors did not escape it. The only known remains of Homo kanamensis and another yet unnamed proto-human showed signs of a malignant bone tumor, osteosarcoma. According to conservative estimates, about 200 cases of fossil cancer have been described. It is worth making an allowance for the fact that many of the remains are only partially preserved, and targeted searches for oncological diseases in them are not carried out even now.

Previously, people had less cancer

It is difficult to confirm or refute this point impartially. In addition to the fact that advances in medicine have allowed people to survive to cancer, the massive spread of smoking and obesity has not improved the situation either. But it cannot be argued that cancer was extremely rare in the past. The English paleontologist Tony Waldron studied the death register for 1901-1905 and found that the probability of detecting signs of cancer in the bones of men is 0-2%, and in women - 4-7%. At the same time, only directly primary bone tumors can be found in the bones - this is less than 0.2% of all oncological diseases, as well as metastases of some other types of cancer. Tumors of soft tissues in the remains, from which only the skeleton has survived, as a rule, can no longer be detected.

Later, scientists from Munich obtained the same results: with the help of special equipment, they found five cases of cancer among 905 skeletons in Egyptian necropolises and thirteen cases in 2547 remains in a medieval cemetery in Germany. An interesting conclusion suggests itself: although life in ancient Egypt and medieval Europe was different, people suffered from cancer in the same way.

Cancer rejuvenated

Statistically, this is true: according to a recent report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, cancer prevalence in children has increased by 13% over the past twenty years. But everything is not as simple as it seems - and, fortunately, cancer in children remains an extremely rare disease (about 14 cases per 100,000 children a year).

Scientists tend to believe that this increase in prevalence is primarily the effect of more accurate diagnosis and high awareness. Perhaps in the future the numbers will increase even more: today's data covers 100% of children in North America and Europe and only 5% of Africa and Asia. In poorer countries, childhood cancer is more likely to simply go undiagnosed.

Wild animals don't get cancer

All animals suffer from cancer: both wild and domestic, and especially laboratory ones. Most often, tumors are diagnosed in domestic animals - there are many of them and they undergo veterinary control. In addition, they are often the victims of inbreeding, which increases the likelihood of passing defective genes to descendants. Wild animals also get cancer. The population of Tasmanian devils - marsupial mammals from Australia - is on the verge of extinction, because their cancer has evolved and is able to spread through bites.

The myth that there are animals that do not get cancer has been massively circulated twice. The first time was when scientists noticed that cartilage does not contain blood vessels, and decided that it contains some substances that inhibit their growth. The most important feature of malignant tumors is the formation of new blood vessels, so scientists decided to study the corresponding properties of cartilage tissue. True, they were ahead of them by charlatans who flooded the market with shark pills: the shark skeleton consists exclusively of cartilage.

The scientific community fell victim to the myth for the second time. Attention was drawn to naked mole rats - small rodents that have a phenomenal life expectancy, up to thirty years. On this wave, Russian scientists even received a prestigious award for discovering the mechanism of resistance of naked mole rats to cancer, but after a couple of years, these rodents also found cancer.

Cancer can be contracted

The extremely seductive theory that cancer is an infectious disease cost the US National Cancer Institute hundreds of millions of dollars in almost wasted money in the 1960s. In fact, it is now known that there are viruses that can provoke the development of certain types of cancer: the human papillomavirus causes the anus, penis and pharynx, the hepatitis C virus causes liver cancer, and the Epstein-Barr virus causes Burkitt's lymphoma.

Humans can only contract cancer through direct transfer of tumor cells from a donor to a recipient, such as during an organ transplant. True, two-thirds of even such cases end up with the new host's immune system killing the implanted tumor.

The main cause of cancer is chemical carcinogens

At one time, bacteriologist Bruce Ames invented a test that allows you to study the effect of chemicals on the genetic apparatus using bacteria, that is, to determine the carcinogenicity of these substances. Talk about chemical carcinogens caused a great public outcry and affected all industries. True, Ames later partially rehabilitated artificial chemical compounds: it turned out that natural substances can have the same properties. Of the 28 natural substances that a cup of coffee contains, 19 are plant carcinogens. True, they can cause the development of a tumor only in large quantities, and this is possible only in laboratory animals.

Chemical carcinogens are also justified by the history of the American Pripyat - the town of Love Canal, built on a toxic waste dump. For thirty years of retrospective research, former residents have not found an outbreak of cancer. Nothing was found among the residents and liquidators of Chernobyl, except for more frequent thyroid cancer in children and adolescents: its development was associated with food contamination with radioactive iodine in the first months after the disaster.

In fact, the main carcinogens have long been known - these are ultraviolet radiation, components of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Other important risk factors are obesity and certain infections. Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke and other lifestyle elements is far more important than any parabens in cosmetics that have only been shown to be carcinogenic in the lab.

The Veterinary Center "Northern Lights" has a team of specialists in the treatment of oncological diseases in animals.

Oncological diseases in animals (colloquially, “cancer”) is a group of diseases arising from the growth of a tumor in the body. A tumor (neoplasm) is a pathological, unregulated by the body, growth of any tissue of the body. It consists of mutated cells that continuously multiply and transfer their properties to the daughter cells of the neoplasm.

Oncology in dogs and cats, as well as in many other types of pets (ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and other exotic animals) is one of the most common reasons for visiting a veterinarian. We are pleased to inform you that now our clinic has a group of doctors whose specialization is veterinary oncology. Let's get acquainted:

Babenko Tatiana Anatolievna- chief doctor of the clinic, surgeon-oncologist, oncologist-chemotherapist, engaged in animal oncology for more than ten years. Since 2005 - an annual participant of the All-Russian Conference on Oncology of Small Pets, since 2006 - a full member of the ANO "Institute for the Development of Comparative Oncology".

He performs oncological operations of any complexity. The main areas of scientific interest are breast cancer in dogs and cats, neoplasms of the oral cavity in dogs and cats (sarcomas, squamous cell, osteosarcomas), lymphomas of dogs and cats, post-vaccination sarcomas (“vaccination tumors”) in cats. As well as skin neoplasms of dogs and cats (“skin cancer”), including skin grafting to close extensive skin defects and methods of reconstructive surgery after removal of volumetric neoplasms of the abdominal and chest wall.

For ten years of work in the veterinary clinic "Cobra" has gained extensive experience in the treatment of oncological diseases of exotic animals. He successfully performs operations for hyperplasia and carcinoma of the adrenal glands, insulinomas in ferrets, as well as breast cancer in rats, guinea pigs and rabbits.

Fomicheva Daria Vladimirovna- Surgeon-oncologist, oncologist-chemotherapist.

Engaged in animal oncology since her student days, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Surgical treatment and postoperative chemotherapy of mammary gland tumors in cats”. Every year she attends the All-Russian Conference on Oncology of Small Animals, and has twice acted as a speaker. He has several publications on the topic of his dissertation. He is a full member of the ANO "Institute for the Development of Comparative Oncology".

The main area of ​​scientific interests is the surgical treatment of breast cancer in cats and dogs, chemotherapy methods for breast cancer in dogs and cats, soft tissue sarcomas in dogs and cats.

Skorokhodov Vladislav Anatolievich- oncologist-chemotherapist.

In 2014, he completed a refresher course at the Biocontrol veterinary clinic on the topic “General Oncology”. The main area of ​​scientific interest is chemotherapy for lymphoproliferative diseases (lymphoma in dogs, lymphoma in cats) and chemotherapy for mammary tumors in dogs and cats, supportive treatment during chemotherapy in animals.

The cooperation of veterinary oncologists from different areas allows our center to provide competent assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in your pets in Moscow. We have knowledge, experience, as well as all the necessary equipment - X-ray, ultrasound, equipment for biopsy. Having your own oncologist-pathologist makes it possible to quickly make a diagnosis. The presence of a large operating room and experienced surgeons allows for a successful operation. And oncologists-chemotherapists will competently conduct chemotherapy if necessary and make sure that the side effects are minimal.

Cancer diagnosis is always a big challenge for both the animal and its owner. We will do everything in our power to help your four-legged friend and support you in difficult times!

Remember, the sooner the animal is examined by a doctor, the more likely it is to be helped. If you notice a neoplasm (tumor) in your animal, do not postpone the visit.
The following symptoms should also alert you:

  • sudden weight loss, sometimes without loss of appetite
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhea and constipation with no apparent cause
  • chronic intermittent vomiting, vomiting of blood
  • gradual increase in the volume of the abdomen
  • sudden bad breath
  • shortness of breath, open-mouth breathing, cough
  • persistent swelling after rabies vaccination in cats
  • long-lasting lameness
  • convulsions, seizures

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, take it to the veterinarian!

Price list for services section "Oncology"



Plastic surgery/transposition of the skin to replace extensive defects

Regional mastectomy in a dog

Removal of skin neoplasms up to 1 cm

Removal of skin neoplasms from 1 to 5 cm

Removal of skin neoplasms over 5 cm

Removal of formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue up to 1 cm

Removal of formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue from 1 cm to 5 cm

Removal of formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue over 5 cm

Removal of formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue requiring removal of regional lymph nodes

Unilateral mastectomy in a cat

Unilateral mastectomy in a dog

Veterinary oncology. Symptoms of cancer in animals. Treatment of oncology in animals.

Oncology is a word that causes unpleasant associations in almost every person. Not only people, but also many animals are susceptible to this terrible disease. And although the exact causes are not yet well understood, it is obvious that poor environmental conditions, various radiations, the influence of carcinogens, hormonal disorders, heredity, and much more contribute to its emergence and development.

As a separate area, veterinary oncology received a powerful impetus and began to develop about 10 years ago, but its achievements do not lag behind conventional medicine. Thanks to this, the sick animal has a chance for recovery or supportive treatment. Animal oncology is a common occurrence in the practice of the VET ERIA veterinary center, which, with timely access to specialists, gives good treatment results.

Oncology in animals

Occurs, as a rule, in individuals of older and advanced age. Pets have a longer lifespan, which puts them at risk. Tumor diseases are especially common in animals older than 7 years. As the practice of our clinic shows, timely diagnosis and treatment increases the life of a pet for up to 3 years, which is quite significant for an animal.

There are the following types of tumors in animals:

benign or malignant;

primary or metastasized;

single or multiple;

superficial or inside an organ, cavity;

tumor of the central nervous system.

According to the type of affected tissues, neoplasms in animals are:

cancer, carcinoma, adenoma - epithelial;

sarcoma, osteoma, fibroma, lipoma - mesenchymal;

melanoma, pigmented tumor - melanin-forming;

tumor of the nervous tissue;


Therefore, it is very important to conduct an examination to identify the type of tumor and in which tissues it develops. This will allow predicting the outcome, methods and order of treatment.

The main signs of oncology in animals:

- the appearance of seals of various shapes and densities in any part of the body;

- the presence of ulcers or erosion of the skin and mucous membranes;

- weak activity, lethargy, impaired coordination, fatigue;

- exhaustion, weight loss;

- difficulty swallowing, eating, breathing problems, urination;

- constant vomiting, blood in the stool, shortness of breath, bad smell from the mouth;

- enlarged belly;

- yellowness of mucous membranes and skin;

- bleeding, sneezing blood, poor blood clotting and much more.

This is not a complete list of symptoms of such a dangerous disease as oncology in animals. Treatment and diagnosis should be started as soon as possible. Only then can you give your pet some time of life.

Note that advanced oncology is especially dangerous, the symptoms of which are similar to other common diseases. Therefore, the life and health of a pet depends primarily on your attentiveness. As a preventive measure, we recommend conducting periodic examinations of adults for a disease such as oncology in dogs.

Treatment is carried out by the following methods:

surgical intervention;


radiation therapy;


Surgery is the main treatment, in which the tumor itself is removed directly. Therapy is used as an auxiliary method that fights metastases and the further development of the disease. The type of treatment is chosen after a thorough diagnosis, and it can be combined. In addition, it must be taken into account that up to 60% of malignant tumors can reappear in the same place.

Many are afraid of the financial side of the issue, but it is not so great, just find out! Cancer in any animal is a terrible disease with minimal chances of recovery. However, it is quite possible to extend the life of your pet!

After all, we are responsible for those who have tamed ...

To contact our oncologist, you need to make an appointment by phone



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