Kadik depends on what. Big Adam's apple in men

Why do men have an Adam's apple, but women do not. Why is it needed and what is its role in the human body?

What is an adam's apple

Why do men have an Adam's apple around their neck? A protrusion in the throat area is present in all representatives of the strong half of humanity. In some it is less pronounced, in others it is quite large.

What is an adam's apple? Adam's apple is a ledge thyroid cartilage in the region of the larynx. Due to the peculiarities of the structure (forms an acute angle), it is not only palpable under the skin, but also significantly protrudes above its level. This cartilage is also present in women, but is less pronounced and is masked by adipose tissue.

Adam's apple on the neck begins to appear in adolescence when the body of a young man undergoes hormonal changes. In this case, the configuration of the thyroid cartilage changes, which leads to a significant protrusion of the angle outward. The more testosterone is produced, the more noticeable the throat protrusion becomes.

Adam's apple (cartilage) plays important role in the functioning of the human body. Basic meaning:

  1. support. Located on the thyroid cartilage endocrine glands- thyroid and parathyroid.
  2. Structural. Combines some elements into one configuration - 2 parts of the thyroid cartilage, epiglottis and hyoid bone.
  3. Voice-forming. Attached to the Adam's apple vocal cords that provide sound.
  4. Protective. The throat protrusion is localized in front of the trachea, protecting it from damage. Under cover are the vocal cords. During meals, the Adam's apple closes the airways so that food does not accidentally enter the bronchi.

Big Adam's apple together with a change in the timbre of the voice, it is a kind of sign of puberty in a man.

Why does the Adam's apple hurt?

In some cases, the protrusion on the neck can hurt. Most often discomfort appear after an injury or other mechanical impact on cartilage.

But this does not always happen. AT certain situations if the Adam's apple hurts, this indicates the development of a serious pathology. It is also important to take into account other concomitant symptoms, since only in the complex they have diagnostic value. The main causes of pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Adam's apple:

  1. Decreased production of thyroid hormones followed by the development of hypothyroidism. Of the other signs, there are chronic fatigue, constipation and poor perception of cold and frost.
  2. Hyperthyroidism. Develops due to increased synthesis of hormones thyroid gland. Clinical manifestations include palpitations, heavy sweating, nervousness, diarrhea.
  3. Thyroiditis. The inflammatory process in the thyroid gland often occurs as a result of complications infectious diseases nearby organs. Most often, the development of the disease is provoked by pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. In addition to pain in the Adam's apple, patients complain of signs of malaise due to severe intoxication of the body. endocrine gland increases in size, which means that the development of sepsis is not excluded.
  4. Laryngitis. Pain in the Adam's apple occurs when the inflammatory process spreads from the larynx to the thyroid cartilage. The manifestations of laryngitis come to the fore: strong paroxysmal cough, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  5. Fracture of the cartilaginous larynx. The main reason - traumatic injury. The pain is localized not only in the region of the Adam's apple, but also spreads to nearby areas. Patients complain about severe discomfort when breathing, swallowing and coughing.
  6. Cancer and tuberculosis of the larynx. Pathological process with any of these diseases is common. At malignant formation pain does not appear initial stages development, and when the tumor significantly increases in size.
  7. Riedel's thyroiditis. As a result of a pronounced proliferation of thyroid tissue, compression occurs nerve endings and blood vessels.

If you experience pain in the region of the Adam's apple, you do not need to let everything take its course. This may be the first sign of a serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist for examination and examination as soon as possible.


According to biblical legend, male Adam's apple is a reminder of original sin on the part of Adam. Tradition says that Adam the Forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to taste it. But it was not there! The apple got stuck in his throat. Here "" is a symbol of sin.

First of all, it is worth noting that both men and women have an "Adam's apple". All statements regarding the fact that there is supposedly no Adam's apple are incorrect. Their "Adam's apple" is surrounded by fat and is located in the center of the throat. That is why it is not as noticeable as.

In men, the "Adam's apple" for one single reason: the male larynx contains the longer than the female. In addition, it is sex hormones that directly affect the change in the shape of the Adam's apple, as well as the transformation of the length of the vocal cords. It is not difficult to guess that the protruding Adam's apple, in turn, affects the voice of men.

Under the influence of sex hormones, the Adam's apple increases, and their voice is noticeable. It happens at a certain youthful age. In other words, "Adam's apple" is a male secondary sexual characteristic that creates additional volume in the larynx to resonate their voice.

This leads to the appearance low frequencies in a male voice. The youth's voice first breaks and then becomes low. However, this is not the case for all males. In some men, it becomes high or sharp. But be that as it may, a protruding Adam's apple is an integral part male body.

In continuation of the topic of secondary male sexual characteristics, it should be noted that the Adam's apple is a frank evidence of male gender. And there's no getting away from it! If we talk about transvestites and transsexuals, then it is the Adam's apple that is the visible part that betrays them. Some representatives of the trans culture generally remove their Adam's apples with surgical methods.

Removing the "Adam's apple" is a very risky step, since you can seriously harm your health. Since the Adam's apple greatly affects the low voice, operations to remove it are resorted to, mainly by some transgender men. Similar operations are carried out in large Russian cities, as well as in a number of European countries and Thailand.

Prominent in men and completely invisible in women, the protrusion of the larynx is called in Latin prominentia laryngea, that is, Adam's apple or "Adam's apple." By physiological reasons this part of the cartilage is more noticeable in the stronger sex than in girls.

The Adam's apple is formed when two plates of the thyroid cartilage fuse together. The vocal cords are much longer than, so the angle of their connection is sharper. The protrusion of the larynx is therefore more pronounced. Although there are differences in the size of the "Adam's apple" among young people. For some, this detail of the body protrudes far forward, resembling the keel of a ship, while for others, the fusion of cartilage occurs at an obtuse angle, so such an Adam's apple is more delicate.

Another reason that explains the fact that the cartilaginous protrusion of the larynx in women is less noticeable is the presence of a fatty layer. It is present in everyone, regardless of whether they have excess weight or not.

Sometimes a rather pronounced "" occurs in some women, usually in these cases there are other secondary

Why the Adam's apple in men comes forward and begins to appear in boys in adolescence often worries teenagers. But it happens that women are also worried about a noticeable protrusion on the front surface of the neck. What is a male Adam's apple and what is it for? Why do men have an Adam's apple and women don't, and is it possible to remove the excess throat protrusion? Let's figure it out together.

Throat protrusion

Biblical legend says that the man's throat appeared at the moment when Adam choked on an apple stuck in his throat. In contrast to this, modern medicine claims that the Adam's apple is a protrusion of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. Its structure is such that the two plates of cartilage covering the trachea are connected at an angle. This angle protrudes forward, like a "bump", and is well felt under the skin.

Refuting the popular belief that women do not have an Adam's apple, doctors argue that it is also characteristic of women. Only in them it sticks out less, is covered with adipose tissue and is less noticeable than in men. During puberty, under the influence of testosterone in boys, the structure of the thyroid cartilage undergoes changes. Its angle is sharpened, the very structure of the cartilaginous tissue becomes more similar to bone, and the well-known “bump” appears on the guy’s neck.

Functions of the thyroid cartilage

We figured out what a protrusion on the neck is. But why does a man need an Adam's apple? The answer is modern medicine.

Its main functions include:

  • Supporting - on the cartilage are the thyroid and parathyroid gland.
  • Structural - the Adam's apple connects two plates of cartilage, the hyoid bone and the epiglottis.
  • Voice-forming - the vocal cords are attached to this structure.
  • Protective - covers the anterior surface of the trachea.

A large Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic in men, because, reacting to elevated level testosterone, changes its structure and becomes bulging. This deformation in the Adam's apple contributes to a change in voice: the guy has a low, attractive timbre for women. So the “bump” protruding on the neck of the guys is a necessary sexual attribute.

How to reduce the protrusion?

As a rule, neither guys nor boys think about how to remove the throat protrusion. This worries women who may have it in the background hormonal changes or significant weight loss, as well as transsexuals. They want the "bump" on the throat to disappear, and the neck takes on a more feminine look.

The operation to reduce the throat protrusion exists. It is called chondrolaryngoplasty and is a cosmetic surgery. That is, it is performed at the request of the patient, without a special referral from doctors. But it is necessary to prepare for chondrolaryngoplasty, as for any operation. Necessary:

  1. Submit a general and biochemical analysis blood.
  2. Consult a general practitioner and anesthetist.
  3. Take an x-ray of the throat.

AT simple version surgery will not change the timbre of the voice. Indeed, in order to remove the baritone, it is necessary to change the entire voice box. And this is a more complex operation.

Thus, all people have a throat protrusion. But in women and boys it is not visible. And in men, the Adam's apple is not just a bump, but an important sexual characteristic that additionally performs many functions. Therefore, men never have the thought of removing it.

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Adam's apple is a protruding cartilage in the anterior wall of the larynx, consists of 2 plates. In representatives of the strong half of humanity, the angle located between the cartilaginous plates does not big size, therefore, it is noticeable that the Adam's apple strongly protrudes forward, thereby, therefore, it protects the throat from various injuries. Many factors in the body of a male person affect the size of the Adam's apple, for example, in children or women the larynx is smooth, and a large Adam's apple in men also depends on the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the person, the genetic predisposition of the man.

Many people do not think why men need an Adam's apple, some believe that an Adam's apple appears only in males. Misconceptions on this topic today there are quite a lot, the presence of an Adam's apple is characteristic not only of a man, female gender this feature of the larynx is also inherent.

Why do men have an Adam's apple? Why is it needed? It is also called "Adam's apple" - according to legend, it appeared to Adam when he tried the forbidden apple. A piece of this fruit got stuck in his throat, and therefore this peculiarity of the larynx, symbolizing original sin, formed in the future in all males. "Adam's apple" gradually begins to form in boys from the age of 14, but there are also examples when women have a pronounced Adam's apple.

There are operations to reduce the size of the Adam's apple, for example, chondrolaryngoplasty - usually it is often used by men who decide to change their gender.

A large Adam's apple in men from an aesthetic point of view does not suit many representatives of the strong half of humanity, some men complain about pain in the throat due to protruding cartilage on the large neck - removing the Adam's apple can solve this problem.

Adam's apple functionality

Why do you need an Adam's apple? He performs important features in the male body:

  • Protective factor - the larynx is a vulnerable part human body, here are different nerve endings, vessels, organs respiratory system, digestive tract that are protected from external influence thin skin tissues. Therefore, the Adam's apple is a kind of protective device for the throat, it prevents it from being squeezed, i.e. suffocation;
  • Vocal formation - in males, the voice is lower and rougher than, for example, in females. This feature associated with the process of tension of the ligaments, it is formed during puberty gradually with an increase in the Adam's apple;
  • Prevention of the penetration of saliva into the organs of the respiratory system.

Pathology of the Adam's apple

A blow to the Adam's apple can cause negative consequences for men's health, like injuries can provoke fatal outcome for a person. When a serious injury occurs, a signal enters the brain that activates the syncope reflex - the person falls into an unconscious state, myocardial contractions stop, and the heart stops. Therefore, it is so important to prevent injuries in the Adam's apple.
Often men develop various pathologies, which are associated with soreness in the Adam's apple zone:

  • Hyperthyroidism - increased output hormones in the thyroid gland. For this process, it is distinctive - increased sweating, tachycardia, diarrhea, nervous state;
  • Hypothyroidism is a decreased production of hormones. Characteristic features this phenomenon - constipation, fatigue syndrome, cold intolerance;
  • Thyroiditis - given inflammatory process proceeds normally or acute form. The causative agents are infectious phenomena in the respiratory tract. It is inherent in it - pain attacks in the Adam's apple zone, expansion of the thyroid gland, the occurrence of purulent neoplasms in the larynx;
  • Tuberculosis of the throat cancerous growths- as tumor-like neoplasms increase, they will appear painful symptoms in the region of the Adam's apple, pain attacks are also possible when breathing, swallowing;
  • A fracture of the cartilaginous larynx is often the cause of pain. A blow to the Adam's apple can provoke this phenomenon, for which difficult breathing will be characteristic, pain when swallowing or coughing;
  • Chronic fibrous thyroiditis Riedel - distinctive feature the process is the expansion of connective tissues near the "Adam's apple", there is an increase in the thyroid gland, which causes pressure on the trachea, esophagus;
  • Laryngitis - occurs due to viral infectious phenomena, cold moments. It is an inflammatory process in the larynx. Characterized pain attacks in the area of ​​the Adam's apple, dry cough. There is swelling of the mucous tissues of the larynx, which causes squeezing of the throat.

Any patient's complaint about pain in the "Adam's apple" zone should be examined in detail by a doctor, with a diagnosis of the disease, and clarification of the diagnosis. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in this situation.

Surgical ways to change the Adam's apple

Today there are surgical methods modifications of the "Adam's apple":

  • Complete removal of the Adam's apple - performed in situations where the removal of cartilage will not cause negative consequences for men's health. In the future, it provokes a modification of the voice timbre. But these changes have the property of irreversibility - an increase in cartilage after the removal has already been done will be an impossible process;
  • Partial removal- performed by a doctor, if the possibility is not allowed complete removal Adam's apple. During the operation, the surgeon changes the angle of the cartilage plates, i.e. modifies the position of the Adam's apple from male type on the female form, as in the photo. The performed surgical intervention is less traumatic, but not always taking into account different circumstances it leads to a modification of the male voice.

Any way surgical intervention in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Adam's apple", the removal of the Adam's apple is necessarily performed after thorough examination in the hospital. How much will this cost operational method it is necessary to clarify already at the place of the process with the doctor.

"Adam's apple" or male Adam's apple - recalls the difference in gender in men and women. Adam's apple, scientific name"Prominentia Laryngea" is a cartilaginous formation around the larynx with plates of the thyroid gland. Here are a few simple questions that are often asked about this anatomical detail.

Why is Adam's apple called Adam's apple?

Following the biblical parable, the first man on Earth, Adam, ate the fruit of paradise, which was forbidden. It was for this heavenly pleasure that Adam was punished: he choked on an apple, and it stuck in his throat forever in the form of an Adam's apple.

Why do men have an Adam's apple?

The main function of the Adam's apple is to protect the larynx, thyroid gland and vocal cartilage. If you receive a sharp blow to the throat or become a victim of force loads on the throat or neck, then the fused vocal "bump" will save a life, it will prevent injury. Adam's apple affects a person's voice. The more Adam's apple - the lower the voice. Interestingly, during a series of gender reassignment operations, a man's Adam's apple is removed. Due to this, the newly-born woman develops more high voice, which is perceived by others as feminine. Based on this, it is quite confident to say that the Adam's apple is an indispensable attribute of masculinity, clearly indicating the gender of the individual. Adam's apple is not involved in the production of the male hormone testosterone, but during puberty it is formed under the influence of testosterone.

Is it true that the more Adam's apple a man has, the sexier he is?

No, although such a hypothesis did exist. However, studies have shown that the size of the Adam's apple does not affect the level of testosterone in the blood in men. Why some men have a large Adam's apple, while others barely protrude - depends only on physiology and anatomical structure body.

When does Adam's apple appear?

In boys, the Adam's apple begins to grow during puberty at the age of 11 - 13 years. During this period of life, the voice also changes, unpleasant sensations can be observed in the throat. By age 18 or earlier cartilage tissue become stronger, and the voice is established. The plates become harder and harder every year, and with an increase in testosterone levels, they can increase.

Why does the Adam's apple hurt?

A lot of nerve endings are concentrated around the Adam's apple and pain points. A blow to this area is very painful and can even cause cardiac arrest. True, in order to break through this cartilage, you need to strike an incredible force. Pain in the Adam's apple can be a symptom of a number of diseases, including hormonal ones:

Hypothyroidism - insufficient production of hormones in the thyroid gland. As a rule, with this disease, the functions of the thyroid gland are normalized, although the constancy of hypothyroidism in the body is not excluded. It is characterized by fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance.

hyperthyroidism - an overestimated rate of production of the same thyroid hormones. Characteristic symptoms: excessive sweating, nervousness, tachycardia, diarrhea, tremor.

Chronic fibrous thyroiditis of Riedel - a disease associated with the proliferation of connective tissues around the Adam's apple. Thyroid can increase up to large sizes pressing on the esophagus and trachea.

However, the most common cause of Adam's apple disease is laryngitis , that is, the inflammatory process of the larynx. It can be called viral infections and colds upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of laryngitis are as follows: unpleasant sharp pains in the region of the Adam's apple, very specific, dry, barking cough. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells in such a way that it supersensibly and painfully squeezes the Adam's apple and the throat as a whole. Laryngitis does not count dangerous disease and in most cases goes away on its own. However, if laryngitis is started, it develops into a chronic form.

Do women have an Adam's apple?

Adam's apple is hallmark male body, but it is not completely absent in a woman either. It's just not visible. However, a woman can feel her Adam's apple - for this you need to lightly press on the larynx and make a low lingering sound. AT isolated cases Adam's apple can stand out on a woman's neck. This usually happens if the woman's body is dominated by male hormones. As a rule, in the latter case, the Adam's apple is not the only sign of pathology: for example, a woman may have increased vegetation on her body, a low voice, and delayed sexual development.



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