Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion with a laser? How to cauterize cervical erosion? Diagnostics and treatment tactics

In the fight against erosion, the most effective solution to the problem is cauterization. This procedure has been around for over three hundred years. After some time, the cauterized area is overgrown with epithelium. But women who have been prescribed the procedure often worry: does cauterization hurt, how does the intervention work, what are its consequences? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

No pain is felt at all. Maybe slightly. Girls who have had cauterization done say that there is an unpleasant smell, as if the meat was burnt. Sometimes after the procedure there may be a little and After cauterization there are often bloody issues. But there is no need to be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon.


Doctors who ask women whether it hurts to cauterize cervical erosion say that painful sensations this procedure does not deliver. But sometimes an anesthetic is sprayed onto the cauterization site. This is done in order to reassure the patient, since many women are very afraid.

Why is there no pain?

Doctors, answering the question of whether it is painful to cauterize cervical erosion, say that there are few nerve endings in this area. This is why women do not feel pain during the procedure.

Should I cauterize cervical erosion?

Definitely yes! Erosion is a disease, and the disease must be treated. If the disease is neglected, there is a risk of developing oncological diseases and infections. Then it will not be cauterization that will be required, but more serious procedures.

How to cauterize cervical erosion?

First you need to pass flora. If the test results are good, then a time for cauterization is prescribed, and if problems are found, they will first eliminate them, and then only deal with erosion. The procedure takes only 3-7 minutes. After which the woman must abstain from sex for a month - this is important, since the scar must be overgrown with epithelium. The patient must maintain hygiene, otherwise inflammation will begin at the site of erosion and pus will appear. No heavy lifting or bathing hot water, to take a bath. Visits to the pool and sauna should also be cancelled. If a woman follows all the recommendations, then no complications or problems will arise.

Consequences of cauterization

If a woman experiences profuse bleeding, then it is extremely important to visit a doctor in a timely manner. Perhaps the doctor will perform a secondary cauterization. But most likely, the doctor will prescribe suppositories or ointments. The main thing is to maintain cleanliness and sexual peace. Otherwise, you will have to treat with antibiotics and do a second cauterization.

Is there an alternative to cauterization?

Today, the freezing method is widely used. This method differs in that the nagging pain will be slightly stronger than with cauterization. It will be necessary to observe less - only 2 weeks. Which method to choose is up to you! But remember that timely decision problems are extremely important!

Treatment of disease processes uterine cervix Most women understand it as “cauterization of cervical erosion.” Although cauterization itself can characterize only one method of erosion therapy - treatment with electric current, however, in principle, to this concept All methods of treating uterine cervix erosion can also be included. How do they cauterize and is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

The essence of cervical erosion

Erosion of the uterine cervix is ​​a benign pathological process characterized by damage and then desquamation of the flat stratified epithelium uterine cervix of the vagina with the formation of a violation of the mucous membrane and its further covering with the help of columnar epithelium (in normal conditions This epithelium lines only the cervical canal).

Today there are several methods of treating cervical erosion. The choice of treatment method depends on the structure and size of the damage, medical history, duration of the disease and the presence of contraindications. Therapy for erosion of the uterine cervix can pursue the goal of eliminating pathologically changed tissues after preliminary treatment of the inflammatory process (this occurs in 90% of situations).

Methods for treating cervical erosion

Let's consider methods of treating uterine cervix erosion:

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation, or direct “cauterization”);

Chemical coagulation;


Radio knife “Surgitron” (processing via radio waves);

Laser vaporization.

How do they cauterize and is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

Diathermocoagulation of cervical erosion is an old, traditional and widely used method, as well as the answer to the question of how to cauterize cervical erosion. Its essence is to treat the damaged part of the uterine cervix with current. Electrocoagulation is carried out in the first phase of menstruation (4-7 days), preferably after menstruation. After treatment, a scab appears in the cervical area, which begins to gradually soften by 5-7 days, which is accompanied by rich leucorrhoea, probably mixed with blood. Complete healing occurs by 7-9 weeks.

The advantages of the method are accessibility and simplicity, low cost, efficiency (75-98%). The disadvantages of this method are pain, the likelihood of developing a narrowing of the cervical canal and rigidity of the uterine cervix, which causes complications during childbirth, Great chance bleeding during and after the procedure, risk possible development cervical endometriosis, prohibition of use in nulliparous women, the appearance of scars - the so-called. coagulated uterine cervix syndrome.

How effective is it to cauterize cervical erosion?

What is its effectiveness? Is it possible to burn through cervical erosion for all women, without making any exceptions? We will try to answer all these questions objectively in this article. How can you distinguish pseudo-erosion from genuine erosion of the uterine cervix? True erosion is a consequence of damage to the integumentary tissue, accompanied by the rejection of epithelial cells.

When we talk about pseudo-erosion, then such erosion is no longer a wound, but a significant change in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix. In this case, the epithelium begins to become smaller and smaller, and over time it is replaced by another. In fact, pseudo-erosion of the uterine cervix can occur much more often than genuine erosion. Now let’s return to the main topic, namely, methods of treating erosion, and try to answer the question of whether it hurts to cauterize cervical erosion.

How to cauterize cervical erosion - from the history of the technique

As we have already noted above, today there are a great variety of methods for treating cervical erosion. They try to treat erosion of the uterine cervix not only with the help of multi-wave surgery, but also thanks to laser coagulation, so-called liquid nitrogen and certain other methods. One of the ways to treat erosion of the uterine cervix may be cauterization. Cauterizing cervical erosion is a radical way to treat this type of disease. This technique was first used back in the eighteenth century.

At that time, erosion of the cervix was cauterized using a specialized hot device, reminiscent of a blowtorch in its entire appearance. Today, cervical erosion is cauterized using electric current, and in medicine it is called electrocoagulation or diathermocoagulation.

It should be noted right away that cauterization of cervical erosion is possible only in the case of pseudo-erosion. For genuine cervical erosions, this treatment method seems quite dangerous and painful.

Cervical erosion is considered one of the most common pathologies in gynecological practice, since it is diagnosed in almost a third of patients. The choice of treatment method for this disease depends on many factors, so gynecologists use both conservative therapy and different ways cauterization of erosion, each of which has a number of advantages and disadvantages. But first of all, a woman is worried about the question: is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

What is pathology? With the development of cervical erosion, the integrity of its mucous membrane is disrupted. Upon examination vaginal area of the uterus, the doctor can see small defects in the mucous membrane - ulcers, the number and size of which depend on the degree of spread pathological process.

Their formation occurs due to damage and desquamation of flat epithelial cells with subsequent replacement by cells of a cylindrical type, which is present in the cervical canal. The pathology often does not manifest itself in any way and is asymptomatic, but as it progresses, a woman may experience various complications, giving a pronounced clinical picture.

Types of erosion, its symptoms, signs, complications

Cervical erosion is divided into several types:

  • Congenital, caused by displacement of the cervical columnar epithelium. After puberty ends, it heals itself.
  • True, when as a result of infection or hormonal abnormalities, one or more sores appear in the cervical region of the uterus.
  • Pseudo-erosion or ectopia, developing after true erosion and occurring in hidden form, but manifested as a result of the development of complications.

The insidiousness of the disease is that its detection often occurs during an examination, when the woman is already making complaints, which means it was not possible to observe the development of the process over time.

Signs of erosion are mild, but as the process progresses, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the appearance of unpleasant-smelling discharge;
  • emergence pain during intimacy;
  • discomfort in the vagina, increased volume of leucorrhoea;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge, elevated temperature(in advanced stages).

What is the danger of erosion

  • Damage to the mucous epithelium of the cervix, which does not heal for a long time, leads to a decrease in local tissue immunity; extensive proliferation of erosion can negatively affect the state of general immunity.
  • Erosion-ulcers are the gateway for the penetration of sexually transmitted infectious agents.
  • A mucous membrane with defects is vulnerable to the development of inflammation and fungal infection.
  • Without treatment, erosion can provoke stenosis of the cervical canal, which significantly narrows its lumen and does not allow seminal fluid to penetrate inside, which means the fertilization process will be problematic. Therefore, erosion is considered one of the possible reasons infertility.
  • Defects in the cervical mucosa can negatively affect the process of gestation, and during delivery, the cervical area weakened by the pathological process is more at risk of rupture of its tissues.
  • Against the background of the development of erosive damage to the cervical mucosa, the risk of dysplasia with the appearance of atypical cells increases, which can eventually lead to uterine cancer pathology.

Complications of erosion include: vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, dysplasia. Therefore, cervical erosion detected in the patient must be treated. Which method will be chosen depends on the degree of tissue damage and general condition woman's health.

How to treat erosion

What to do if an illness is detected? How are cervical defects eliminated, is it painful? Many women who have the disease are diagnosed early stage, try to avoid radical methods of treatment, believing that it is very painful, so they agree to conservative methods therapy. They can help when the area of ​​mucosal damage is very small and does not involve the deep layers of tissue. When observing it over time, there was no tendency towards an increase in its size, and the course is not complicated by the presence of a strong inflammatory process or the presence of infection.

Conservative therapy

Recovery can be achieved by using medications antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, hormonal. Treatment is carried out with suppositories, tampons soaked medicinal solutions. The affected area is lubricated with special ointments, sitz baths, promoting tissue healing.

There is no unified treatment regimen; for each patient the set of therapeutic manipulations is individual and selected by the treating gynecologist. Acyclovir, Diflucan, Metronidazole are prescribed orally, vaginal suppositories Hexicon, Depanthol. Drug treatment can be supplemented folk remedies: tampons with sea ​​buckthorn oil, suppositories with honey and propolis, douching with soda solution.

Radical therapy methods

If a gynecologist discovers that the affected areas of the cervical mucosa with replaced epithelial cells have a tendency to further growth, the woman is offered treatment operational techniques. They use cauterization as a method of destruction of affected tissues, helping to remove pathological lesions on the cervix.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion, and which method is the most reliable and effective?

Modern medical technology allow cauterization to be performed by exposing the affected tissue to extreme temperatures: heating, evaporation, deep freezing. Unlike conservative therapy, one of the disadvantages of which is the threat of relapse, the cauterization method has high efficiency and allows you to completely recover from pathology.

Assessing the likelihood of pain

It is worth noting that there are very few pain receptors on the superficial areas of the cervix, so they are insensitive to different influences, including thermal. However nerve endings V large quantities are present in the cervix area, this explains the specific reaction in this area to manipulations performed even during examination. Therefore, it is considered most likely that pain syndrome in the area of ​​areas as close as possible to cervical canal, as well as with deep damage to the tissues of the cervix.

Each woman has an individual pain threshold, so what may seem like discomfort to some may cause intense pain to others. For patients with high susceptibility, anesthesia is used when cauterizing erosion.


Cauterization of cervical erosion in some cases, taking into account modern technologies, does not require pain relief. The doctor decides on the need to administer anesthesia if the patient has lesions in the deep layers of the tissue of the cervix, if it is unavoidable to treat a large area of ​​it, or if the ulcers are close to the cervical canal.

Types of anesthesia:

  • In some cases, due to hypersensitivity body, requires administration general anesthesia carried out intravenous injection. For a specific period of time, the appearance of pain is completely eliminated.
  • Local anesthesia is achieved by injecting an anesthetic into the problem area. IN Lately For these purposes, a special aerosol (spray) is often used.

Types of cauterization

How to cauterize cervical erosion? There are several ways:

  • Principle of diathermocoagulation based on the use of alternating currents. Electrical impulses are sent to eroded areas, cauterizing them, which prevents their further development. The treated tissues become necrotic, rejected and replaced by new ones. Now this method is rarely used due to the traumatic and painful procedure, although it is affordable and quite effective.

  • Diathermoexcision, which is a variation of the first method, is carried out using an electrode instrument in the form of a loop, which performs coagulation of the problem area. This method allows you to take a sample of the affected area for testing. histological examination. Used for extensive erosive lesions cervix.
  • Method using the radio knife function. It is carried out non-contactly based on the use of highly targeted radio wave exposure. It is performed with the Surgitron apparatus and is a gentle method, as it does not leave scar tissue. It is considered an almost painless manipulation; only some women report an unpleasant tingling sensation in the vaginal part of the uterus with the presence unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears.
  • Cauterization with low temperature nitrogen(cryodestruction). The altered tissues are frozen and then rejected, gradually being replaced by healthy ones. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of taking samples of affected tissues for research, since they are completely destroyed under the influence of liquid nitrogen. The procedure requires anesthesia, but is highly effective.

  • Treatment chemicals erosive foci performed at the time of colcoscopy with step-by-step application of chemocoagulants. Counts painful procedure and is currently used extremely rarely, as it has increased risk formation of scars and burns.
  • Laser cauterization. Erosive lesions are treated with a laser beam, “evaporating” the affected cells, but without causing a burn. The most effective and gentle technique, painless and reliable, deservedly receiving positive reviews both patients and specialists.


Correct selection of one of the radical methods, as well as its impeccable execution guarantees a woman a minimum of pain when treating cervical erosion and fast recovery body after manipulation.


Erosion is the most common pathological condition cervix. In some cases, erosion can cause cancer, necessitating surgical treatment. Many women are interested in whether it is painful to cauterize cervical erosion. In fact, modern gynecologists can perform cauterization with several surgical tactics, which are applied depending on different criteria.

Erosion is an ulcerative defect that occurs on the epithelium of the vaginal area of ​​the cervix. The pathology is characterized by an asymptomatic course and is most often discovered by chance at an appointment with a gynecologist. The main method of treatment is surgical intervention. In case of erosion, in most cases it is necessary to do cauterization, which is practically not painful.

Doctors advise cauterization only for certain types of erosion. This is due to the fact that some forms of erosion tend to heal on their own without the use of cauterization.

Cervical erosion can be of three types.

  • Congenital. With this form of pathology, there is no need to do cauterization, since the main reason for its formation is hormonal disorders in adolescence. As puberty progresses, the defect in the form of a red spot disappears in most cases, even if cauterization is not performed. The true type of erosion also tends to heal after childbirth. In general, the possibility of malignant transformation is assessed as extremely low.
  • True. This wound-like defect occurs as a result of damaging factors, such as injury or infection. Such erosion almost never transforms into cancer. After two weeks without appropriate therapy, the true form turns into ectopia.
  • Ectopia or pseudo-erosion. At this stage, replacement occurs squamous epithelium cylindrical cellular elements. With pseudo-erosion there is chronic inflammation, and the pathological formation is localized mainly on the posterior lip near the external pharynx. The development of ectopia occurs over many months. The peculiarity of this form is that such erosion does not regress on its own. It is usually recommended to cauterize pseudo-erosion.

Pseudo-erosion is the most commonly diagnosed type of erosion. Risk of cervical cancer with pseudo-erosion depends on many factors. For example, infection dangerous species HPV increases the possibility of developing cancer several times. That is why many doctors strongly recommend that patients with ectopia undergo cauterization, which is practically painless.

Causes and symptoms

Erosion occurs most often in reproductive age. Pathology develops under the influence of the following negative factors:

  • early or late start sexual relations;
  • infections and inflammation in the reproductive area;
  • systematic injuries of the cervix during surgical interventions;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • hormonal and immune disorders.

The formation of a peptic ulcer often occurs due to the influence of several damaging factors.

The clinical picture of cervical erosion is individual character. Almost always, the pathological condition progresses without symptoms. Erosion is usually detected during a physical examination. gynecological chair using a vaginal speculum.

In some cases, cervical erosion is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • contact discharge during sexual intercourse and examination by a doctor;
  • mucous discharge of a purulent nature, which may have an unpleasant odor;
  • profuse leucorrhoea;
  • discomfort in the vagina;
  • nagging pelvic pain.

Typically, manifestations of cervical erosion are associated with infection. As a result, there is inflammatory process, which leads to the formation of ulcers and ectopia. Absence timely diagnosis and therapy often necessitates cauterization of the defect.

Diagnostics and treatment tactics

Diagnosis of erosion is essential. Early identification of pseudo-erosion significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, if the detection of pathology occurred at the beginning of the pathological process, it is possible to prescribe conservative therapy without subsequent cauterization.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion does not represent difficult task and is usually carried out during gynecological examination. The doctor, examining the cervix in the mirrors, identifies a red spot that may have different size and localization. Examining the cervix for dysplasia is not painful.

To diagnose the type of erosion and identify its cause, it is necessary to carry out additional research. Examination for cervical erosion includes:

  • performing flora smears, bacteriological culture;
  • PCR test to detect infections;
  • cytological diagnostics;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

Biopsy is used only when conflicting results are obtained. results of other studies, as well as in case of oncological suspicion.

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the following criteria:

  • types of defect;
  • ulcer size;
  • age and reproductive plans of the patient.

Treatment for cervical erosion can be:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

For congenital erosion, expectant management is used, which involves dynamic observation. This is due to the fact that such a formation usually regresses, even if cauterization is not done.

Conservative therapy includes:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral, antifungal agents;
  • antiseptics;
  • drugs with healing and regenerating effects;
  • complex vitamins.

Drug therapy must be carried out before cauterization of erosion. Cauterization of ectopia is carried out as part of a surgical intervention.

Cauterization methods

Cauterization is possible in outpatient setting at local anesthesia. Thanks to the use of anesthesia, cauterization of the formation is not painful.

The doctor determines how to cauterize pseudo-erosion based on the anamnesis, clinical picture and equipment of the medical institution.

In modern gynecology, cauterization of erosion can be done in several basic ways.

  • Diathermocoagulation. It is recommended to cauterize ectopia in this way only in patients who have given birth. Cauterization is carried out by exposure to electric current. The cauterization procedure is carried out at the beginning of the cycle and has both positive and negative sides. The method is simple and accessible. Healing occurs within two months. However, such cauterization is considered traumatic and may cause pain to the woman during its execution. Moreover, if you cauterize electric shock, scar formation is possible.
  • Cryodestruction. Over time, gynecologists began to cauterize erosion using liquid nitrogen, as it is quite effective and does not hurt. If you do cauterization liquid nitrogen, there is no blood loss and scarring. In this connection, tactics are recommended for nulliparous patients. It is advisable to cauterize a small pseudo-erosion using the cryodestruction method.
  • Laser vaporization. This cauterization is considered the most effective and modern. During the procedure, targeted dosed exposure is used laser beam, which can be used to cauterize ectopia. As a result pathological tissue They heat up and evaporate, which doesn’t hurt at all. Cauterization has no complications, is not accompanied by blood loss and scar formation. It is best to do this cauterization to young and nulliparous women.

  • Radio wave cauterization. Pseudo-erosion can be cauterized using the Surgitron apparatus. It doesn't hurt, it's fast and quite effective. Under the influence of radio waves, pathological areas are evaporated and destroyed. Healing takes about a month, and there is no risk of scarring.
  • Chemical coagulation. It is best to do this cauterization when initial stages pathological process. The method involves applying special solutions to the cervical area that kill ectopic cells. Cauterize chemicals necessary in several successive stages. The tactics are very effective and accessible. However, cauterization in this way is quite painful. After manipulation, burns and scars may occur.

How painful it will be during cauterization and after it depends on several factors. The way in which the doctor is going to cauterize pseudo-erosion, as well as the qualifications and experience of the doctor, significantly influences. In addition, the characteristic pain threshold patients. Some women experience pain during the same procedure, while others experience only minor discomfort.

During the first days recovery period observed bloody discharge which may have an unpleasant odor. After cauterization, pulling may occur. discomfort in the lower abdomen, but it shouldn’t be very painful. If pain increases, fever or bleeding occurs, you should contact medical institution where cauterization was carried out.

Erosion is the formation of an ulcerative defect on the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix, which is asymptomatic.

Therefore, a woman can only learn about its existence during a gynecological examination.

To treat this pathology, they are used, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages.

The first question that arises in patients when choosing treatment methods is their pain. To solve the problem, there are methods without frightening odors or blood; they are quite humane, but at the same time effective.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion, and how is the cauterization procedure performed?


Unlike other methods, this technique is the most gentle. Removal occurs with the Surigon device, which is very often used to eliminate many gynecological problems.

During the procedure, slight short-term tingling may occur. and an unpleasant odor.


Occurs through the influence of cooled gases on tissue.

Her main drawbackcomplete removal affected area, which makes it impossible to study under a microscope cellular composition, for exclusion at its early stage.

This procedure may cause minor nagging pain and rushes of blood. Therefore, its implementation does not require pain relief.

Laser vaporization

Complete evaporation of the lesion guarantees rapid rejection of the pathological film and tissue healing.

It is performed at the beginning of the cycle, without pain relief, and lasts on average from 20 to 40 minutes.

The laser action is aimed only at damaged areas. The treated area is protected by a coagulative film, which prevents bleeding and prevents inflammatory processes.

Due to the rapid impact laser vaporization procedure is painless.

Chemical method

Chemical cauterization is the least effective and outdated method of combating erosion.. It is carried out with the drugs Solkovagin or Vagotil, and is now prescribed quite rarely.

The manipulation itself occurs during colposcopy, which helps to apply the medicine to the lesion with maximum accuracy. During the procedure surface layer is destroyed.

After a few days, the layer of dead cells is rejected, promoting the formation of new healthy tissue.

The chemical method of removing pathology is often very painful, with high probability the occurrence of scars and burns.

Recovery period after surgery

Wound healing after erosion is a fairly long recovery process.



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