Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center for Resuscitation. Maternity hospital kogbuz "Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center", kirov - "review of the hrc kirov. Despite the negative reviews, I have never been rude! photo of the pathology department.

Hello, my name is Nastasya. I want to tell you about the department of pregnancy pathology No. 1 and the obstetric physiological department of the Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center.

I'll start with what I planned natural childbirth after caesarean section. Unfortunately, in our country they are not yet very willing to accept EP after CS. And KOGBUZ is the only maternity hospital in our city that takes on such cases.

The difference between pregnancies was 1 year and 8 months. Closer to the middle of pregnancy, it was finally decided that I would go there to give birth, regardless of how things would be with the seam, i.e. they will recommend me to go under the knife or let me go into labor.

My second pregnancy went pretty well. Sometimes hemoglobin was lowered or did not come very good result smear. All ultrasound showed no abnormalities, the seam did not bother at all, the pregnancy proceeded well. Everything said that I would be allowed to give birth on my own.

At 34 weeks, the mucous plug began to come out. The tone bothered me every evening, and I decided "just in case!" collect packages for the hospital. They stayed safely for two weeks.

Exactly at 36 weeks, late in the evening, I realize that I have started contractions. Light, not very frequent, but THEY. Already at night, having tried the shower and noshpu, I call my sister home (my husband was at work), call an ambulance and check the most important things - documents, phone, charging.

So the fun part is perinatal center. I was issued for childbirth by a not very friendly, tired woman. The young woman-doctor did or made inspection. I handed over my things, took the bags and they took me to "give birth".

The elevator brought us with the escort to the 7th floor. There I was examined by pleasant female doctors. The CTG was removed by a no less pleasant and friendly midwife. The opening was only two fingers, the period was short, the contractions were weak, we decided to prolong the pregnancy, because. At 36 weeks, the baby is considered premature.

In the delivery room, where I was under a drip and another woman (a woman was giving birth), I stayed until lunch. Then I was transferred to the Department of Pathology No. 1. It is located in the HRC, it was not necessary to go outside. Having loaded me onto a gurney, two orderlies took me and all the bags to the pathology. On the way, lovely women asked me how many children I had, what my name was, and if I was going to have a third child. Having delivered the "valuable cargo" to the place, the women said goodbye and wished all the best.

Department of Pathology No. 1.

In the pathology department, I was placed in a ward for five people. There for all of us was a separate bathroom, sink, shower. Everything is quite clean and tidy, we cleaned the toilet once a day. The trash can was changed twice a day. The dining room was further down the corridor. The girls and I tried to sit at the same table. There was also a conference room at the end of the corridor. There in the evening one could watch TV or take a book or a magazine to read. Or admire the many flowers... You know, girls. I have a second baby, I gave birth to the first in the northern maternity hospital in Kirov, and there is something to compare with. Believe me, PC offers much more to its patients!

"Built-in" wardrobe

There are also rooms for three. There is also a paid room with a TV. I didn't care how much it cost.

Food. They feed, I must say, both in pathology and in postpartum ward tasty enough. This is, of course, everyone's business. Personally, I enjoyed it. I can note only one minus. I wanted a little more fresh vegetables and fruits. An apple was given twice a week, fresh salads was not at all. There are five meals a day in the PC. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner. The menu is different every day. Sometimes for breakfast they gave porridge with a cutlet, which did not bother me, I love them.

Staff. Here I want to give a small example-comparison.

I gave birth to my first child in Northern hospital, as mentioned earlier. The day the contractions started, I had a really bad headache. I complained about this to the midwife THREE times. She told me to drink motherwort. Well, give me a motherwort, I say. To which the answer was, it was necessary to take it with you. They don't have... When I went for the fourth time to complain about pain in my head, bleeding and contractions, my blood pressure was measured, and the doctor was called for an examination. It turned out that I already (!) had five fingers open and my blood pressure jumped to 140/100!!! That's when everyone ran. I was transferred to the delivery room and they did an epidural anesthesia without water load, it lowers the pressure a little.

HRC treated my headache differently. I, taught by bitter experience, not expecting anything good, went to the post, asked to measure my pressure, complaining about headache. The nurse told me, "sit down, honey" ... SUN! The pressure turned out to be normal, she offered to drink the motherwort, which was in the public domain in the corridor, next to the kettle of water. I drank motherwort and left to air the room, on the advice of the same nurse. Ten minutes later (it should be noted that the head had almost passed), the doctor on duty arrived at the ward. She asked me carefully what was bothering me. I measured the pressure. Convinced that all is well, wished good night, and if something hurts, do not be shy, come to the post. Ten minutes later another nurse came and took my blood pressure again.

The difference in attitude towards women in childbirth is obvious.

During the two and a half weeks of my stay at the HRC, no one has ever been rude or rude to me. In this regard, the staff is GREAT.

Entertainment (so to speak). Every week, or rather, several times a week, there were some meetings. During my two weeks in the pathology department, I went to breastfeeding consultations twice. Twice I went to a lecture on the hygiene of a newborn (they gave a freebie there!), once women from the FIU came, I could ask a question about maternity capital. And once people from the traffic police came and talked about children's safety on the roads. Considering that almost every day you go to some procedures, examinations, tests or exercise therapy, then there is almost no time to be bored.

Visits. There is a certain daily routine in the department. In the morning, tests, breakfast, procedures, doctor's appointments. Then lunch. Often after dinner they held some kind of lectures, consultations, as I said. Then relatives can come to the first floor. There is certain time visits, but many did not observe it, tk. relatives came from the area. You can bring almost any thing, they almost took away the boiler, pillows - a blanket, bed linen - whatever you want, as long as you feel comfortable. A buffet, a pharmacy and a coffee machine were still working downstairs.

Treatment. My doctor was a very pleasant young woman. She was always very attentive to complaints. Does the water seem to be leaking? Let's do a test. The baby moves badly in the abdomen - running on CTG. For example, I "gave birth" every day. I had training contractions every evening, in the morning, as usual, on a detour, I complained to her about it. Once she could not stand it and called me for an examination together with the head of the department. They did an examination and offered to give birth on my own! According to the tests, the results of ultrasound, the history of pregnancy, everything was fine, why not try it yourself? Something confused me, I asked questions, getting efficient answers to them. I was given a choice - if you're afraid - COP. I'm ready to try it myself - we'll arrange it, all the chances for safe delivery after a caesarean section!

Do I have to say that I was very pleased with this information? After all, on the eve of the birth, having shoveled a bunch of information, I found not so many reviews of women who gave birth in the Kirov HRC naturally after CS. I had my doubts about this. And then the manager herself suggested such an option!

At that moment, I decided to leave everything to chance...

Obstetrics department.

The day X has come. More precisely, the night X. At exactly 38 weeks, in the evening, contractions appeared. Weak. And so long-awaited! The interval between contractions became about 7 minutes by 9 pm. By 11 p.m. it was covered. I went to wake up the nurse. The emergency doctor was called for me. We counted the contractions together, after which the doctor sent me to collect things for transfer to the "birthplace". All manipulations took about an hour.

After examination in the maternity ward, it turned out that the opening of the cervix is ​​only "three fingers", because. I gave birth for the second time, it was quite slow for such a time period (about 7 hours). The decision was made to make an emergency C-section.

Here I did not notice any special relationship. Everyone is very polite on business, friendly.

Technical equipment. I have nothing to do with medicine, but even in my ignorant opinion, the PC is equipped with a very modern ...

So... They gave me papers to sign. Changed into sterile clothes. They did epidural anesthesia. They put it on the table, and in 20 minutes my second son was born!

obstetric physiological department.

The caesarean section itself is not pleasant. (I will tell you a little later about how to tune in and survive the operation and recover after.) After the operation, it is customary to stay in the ward for a day intensive care, then, if all is well, transfer to the postpartum ward follows.

I was in intensive care for about 12 hours. There I was greeted by the same friendly, welcoming, helpful staff. The food was the same as in the pathology department. Food was brought into the room. The child was not taken to the intensive care unit, but it was possible to torture to ask your doctor. Personally, I was told: - Everything is fine with the child, when you are transferred, the pediatrician will come and tell you all the details.

The transfer to the postpartum ward was marked by a great event - meeting with the baby! I ended up in a room for three people. Separately for us was a toilet with a low shower and sink. My child was brought in for feeding only on the third day (due to his state of health), and was transferred to a joint stay only on the fourth day after the operation. But until the moment when they began to bring the son to feed, it was possible once, from 17 to 18, to go to visit him in the children's department, which was located on the same floor as the obstetric physiological department.

Treatment. I received the following treatment: for the first two days, an anesthetic, and until the moment of discharge, an injection in the stomach to prevent thrombosis. And a magnet for the seam ... Actually, that's it. Naturally, treatment of seams twice a day.

Food. The same menu as in the pathology department. They didn’t bring food to the ward, all the girls went to the dining room. Whose children were on a joint stay, went to the dining room in turn. First one, then the other.

Staff. Very responsive women children's department. They always told everything, showed it as many times as needed. If there were not enough clean diapers or diapers issued for the day (4 pcs), then they did not grumble, they gave what was needed.

Son's first bed

The pediatrician spoke in detail about the state of health of the child. She made contact and answered questions to the point.

The attending physician, again, I had a woman. She also listened carefully. Always smiled. It left a very good impression on me!

A separate word about breastfeeding consultants. It so happened that I almost did not breastfeed my eldest son. I listened to a lot of advisers at that moment. The younger child, I intended to feed, no matter what it cost me. So the consultants gave me very good advice which I follow to this day. Everything was explained in VERY detail. They didn’t just tell how it should be, but, literally, chewed on what, why and why. Low bow, girls, if you read!

The only thing I didn't like was that the consultants' advice differed slightly from the advice of a pediatrician trained in the Soviet Union.

One day a woman came and showed me what exercises to do and what they were for. From other departments, the girls said that they had exercises every morning. I think it's great!

My son and I were discharged on the sixth day after the Caesarean section. My dad and husband came to pick us up. Optionally, it was possible to order a solemn extract. The host would say pleasant words, the whole thing would be recorded on camera, mounted and burned to disk. Per separate fee, of course.

I have been in the Perinatal Center for a long time. Despite excellent conditions stay, moral strength was running out. I just wanted to HOME and just to RELATIVES. Therefore, we refused any celebrations, just took the long-awaited, desired child and, tired and satisfied, went home.

Summarizing all of the above, I can say that everything is on the level. From all sides. And the equipment, and medical care, and qualified staff who know how to communicate with their patients ... And I would like to note one more thing. Before entrusting my health, and the health of the child, I asked for opinions and read reviews about the PC. Two camps stood out - those who spoke only good words to doctors, and those who categorically did not want to cross the threshold of this institution again, accusing doctors of all mortal sins. Honestly, I was afraid to run into rudeness or negligence medical workers, but, as it turned out in practice, everything is on highest level. And here you just need to know how to behave. After all, politeness ... she conquers the city. Use it.

Thanks to everyone who read to the end!

Official website of the institution

About the institution

The Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center is the leading obstetric institution that determines the main directions for the development of obstetric, gynecological and neonatal care in Kirov region.

The purpose of creating a perinatal center: the creation of a coordinated, interacting system for the provision of highly qualified specialized obstetric and neonatal care in the Kirov region, aimed at reducing and preventing maternal, perinatal, infant morbidity, mortality, childhood disability.

Chief Physician of the Perinatal Center – Semenovsky Nikolai Vladimirovich, obstetrician-gynecologist the highest category, Excellence in Public Health of the Russian Federation.

Structural unitsperinatal center:

  • Center for Family Planning and Reproduction

    Gynecologists at the Family Planning and Reproduction Center conduct appointments on:

    • preparation for pregnancy, including IVF
    • habitual miscarriage
    • infertility
    • pathology of the cervix
    • menopause pathology
    • medical and mini-abortions
    • contraception
    Andrologist at the Family Planning and Reproduction Center advises men on:
    • family planning
    • examination and treatment of prostatitis
    • male infertility treatment
    • treatment of sexual disorders
  • Consultative and diagnostic department
    - Preparation for pregnancy, including women with a history of recurrent miscarriage, after IVF.
    - Observation of pregnancy: individual approach to every woman.
    - Identification genetic diseases fetus from an early age.
    - Monitoring the condition of the fetus with the help of ultrasound, Doppler and cardiomonitoring.
    - Issuance of birth certificates.
    - Postnatal care.
    - Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth, including family childbirth, the “Waiting” school.
    - Social and legal assistance to pregnant women.
    - "Amalthea" - individual psychophysical preparation of a woman for childbirth using biofeedback.

    Social and legal assistance to pregnant women:

    In the consultative and diagnostic department, a specialist in social work. We carry out social support pregnant women in difficult life situation. We help in solving the problems of maladjustment of mothers who refuse to raise and support children. There is a Crisis Center for Pregnant Women in Difficult Life Situations. The main task of the center is medical and social support for pregnant women who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

    Phones: 555-234, 77-65-03

  • Gynecological departments No. 1 and No. 2

    Gynecological Department No. 1 performs:

    Gynecological department №2
      - prenatal diagnosis
      - abortion for medical reasons
      - treatment of habitual miscarriage
      - treatment of pathology of small terms of pregnancy
  • Pregnancy pathology departments No. 1 and No. 2, day hospital

    Comprehensive treatment of pregnancy complications with modern methods

    Consultations of specialists on extragenital pathology

  • Maternity departments, physiological and observational

    Providing a full spectrum obstetric care by program " Generic certificates". In the perinatal center, priority is breast-feeding, early attachment of the child to the breast, joint stay of mother and child.

  • Postnatal departments, physiological and observational, department "Mother and Child"
    The joint stay of mother and child is -
    - psycho-emotional comfort of mother and child
    - reduced risk of postpartum infection of the newborn
    - normal mental development newborn
    - the possibility of using the method of free breastfeeding
  • Department of newborns
  • Department of the 2nd stage of nursing of newborns

    The main task of the department is to provide highly qualified neonatological care to newborns and premature babies, including those with extremely low body weight and very low body weight, both born in the perinatal center and transferred from other obstetric institutions of the Kirov region.

  • Department of resuscitation and intensive care of newborns

    Provides specialized care and highly skilled medical care newborns with low and extremely low body weight, various pathological conditions newborns.

  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
    - Adequate pain relief during childbirth
    - Anesthesiology allowance for obstetric and gynecological operations
    - restorative treatment of complicated childbirth
    - intensive treatment of women with complications of the 2nd half of pregnancy
  • Department of Functional Diagnostics
  • Department of Obstetric Hyperbaric Oxygenation
  • Physiocabinet
    - Treatment by methods of aroma and herbal medicine, oxygen cocktails
    - Prevention and treatment of pregnancy complications
    - Rehabilitation treatment after gynecological operations.
    - Preparation for childbirth.
    - Prevention and treatment of postpartum diseases.
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • Department of Therapeutic Physical Culture
    The exercise therapy service conducts:
    - Therapeutic gymnastics for pregnant women in various terms pregnancy to prepare
    to childbirth.
    - Therapeutic gymnast in the early postpartum period.
    - Exercise therapy for women with gynecological diseases

History reference

The perinatal center was founded in January 2005 on the basis of the clinical maternity hospital No. 2, which was opened in 1937 and was the first large medical institution built in the city after the October Revolution.

In 1987 began new stage development - the maternity hospital moved to a new building, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the KSMA was located on its basis, the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction was opened. Since January 1, 2005, maternity hospital No. 2 has been performing the functions of the regional Perinatal Center. Currently, the Perinatal Center is rapidly developing. A special pride of the center is a close-knit team of highly qualified employees, 58% of doctors have the highest and first qualification categories.

In 2007, Kirov Maternity Hospital No. 2 celebrated its 70th anniversary.

In December 2010, a new obstetric building, an ART (assisted reproductive technology) department and a department for the 2nd stage of neonatal care were opened.


610048, Russia, Kirov, st. Moscow 163

Registry: 555-215

Information desk: 555-201, 555-205

Obstetric emergency room: 555-225, 555-321, 555-235

Gynecological emergency room: 555-245

e-mail: [email protected] website

Types of medical care
  • primary health care
  • specialized, including high-tech, medical care
Care profiles
  • obstetrics and gynecology
  • anesthesiology and resuscitation
  • neonatology
email: [email protected]

The regional clinical perinatal center (new obstetric building) began work on December 2, 2010. Specialization - servicing women with a high degree of perinatal risk, various pathologies pregnancy, extragenital diseases and complications. The PC also has modern equipment for resuscitation and intensive care of newborns, nursing weak and premature babies with extremely low body weight. The perinatal center is the only place in Kirov where it is possible to artificial insemination(the structure has a department of assisted reproductive technologies).


Due to the fact that the perinatal center is equipped with modern equipment can provide any kind of medical and obstetric care. Operating rooms, resuscitation and maternity departments are located on 9 floors. The consulting center of the perinatal center monitors all births in the Kirov region. All rooms in the center (wards, examination rooms, operating rooms) are equipped with water heaters, which is very convenient when turning off hot water in the town. There are no restrictions on the use of the shower. The building is equipped with seven elevators. The prenatal and labor chambers are combined. A comfortable and safe bed transforms into a birth chair. All births in the perinatal center are free. There is the possibility of partnerships. Epidural anesthesia is used to anaesthetize childbirth. The child is placed on the mother's stomach, applied to the chest. There is a pediatric resuscitation and intensive care unit for emergency care.


On each floor there are bright foyers for relaxation. There is a refrigerator for food storage. All postnatal wards in the center are single-bed, arranged according to the “mother and child” principle. Very cozy, bright and warm rooms are equipped so that the woman is as comfortable as possible. The baby and mother are inseparable from the first days of a newborn's life. Baby feeding on demand. There is an intercom button with medical staff, as well as a "panic" button. Sinks are installed in each room. Toilet and shower in each room. Separate stay of mother and child is necessary only medical indications. There is cable TV and internet. Modern equipment, new technologies, qualified personnel.

05.03.19 10:58:17

+2.0 Excellent

Everyone good day! I would like to write a review about my fifth birth. She gave birth on 02/20/2019. Suddenly, a fifth soul came into our family, and almost immediately I began to look closely at maternity hospitals. Past births took place in different ways, she gave birth in the third maternity hospital and in the first, and together with her husband in a paid box at the second maternity hospital. Therefore, behind great experience and this time I really wanted psychological comfort and human relationship! I am grateful to fate that I met Makhneva Svetlana Anatolyevna, who helped me give birth to a son! This time I gave birth under the contract, the doctor was in touch all the time, at any moment I could write to her or call her on emerging issues, she always answered quickly, she had two appointments before the birth, she is very attentive to the birth process, gives to ripen the baby, does not rush the birth, waits for everything to start naturally. As soon as my water began to leak, we phoned her and she quickly drove up to me. And then she didn’t leave me until she gave birth. Separately, I want to tell you about the atmosphere that I met inside the maternity hospital. I gave birth on the 8th floor, I don’t know what kind of department it is, but Svetlana Anatolyevna works there. The delivery room itself was very comfortable, a beautiful view of the city, they put me on CTG for half an hour, the nurse made the table for me, covered me, brought water, took care of me from the first minutes. 😊 During the contractions, I wandered along the corridor and looked at the beautiful view from the windows, when the active stage had already begun, the doctor herself relaxed my lower back and helped me breathe properly. She talked to me and joked. ☺️ Then we went to give birth on the table, I want to say that I have not seen such a convenient table for childbirth in any maternity hospital before, and this is also important, because the straining period is very relieved. There was also a midwife at the birth and pediatrician, everyone was friendly and rejoiced with me when the baby was born! I don’t remember that I used to recover so quickly after giving birth, there wasn’t heavy bleeding, there were no clots, etc. After giving birth, my uterus contracted very painfully, and unlike other maternity hospitals, they treated this with understanding, gave me a good painkiller and did not prescribe oxytocin! I’ll also write separately about the baby, we don’t vaccinate, and in this maternity hospital no one lectured me that I’m a bad mother, I just signed the waivers and that’s it! The baby was brought to the ward after the first night, they let me sleep, and they didn’t take it anymore. There were two of them in the room. I had a good neighbor, the room has a shower and a toilet, it's very convenient! The food in the maternity hospital is quite normal, and I was especially pleased with the cooler with good water, I like to drink clean water so I couldn't be happier tasty water! The doctors were all attentive and then they were at the examinations and even gave us exercises for quickly tightening the abdomen, I do them - they are simple, but they strengthen very well internal muscles, which is important in the first months after childbirth! The only negative is that there was quarantine and dad was not allowed to visit us after giving birth, but now, in the age of technology, this is a small problem, we immediately talked via video link and I showed him the baby. And Svetlana Anatolyevna, how professional photographer, 😀 I took a few shots right at the moment of birth and a few after, a very pleasant memory remained, because I myself, of course, had no time for pictures. Once again I thank all the staff who took care of us with the baby during these few days, happiness to you, dear ones, and good luck. 🌸🌸🌸

The perinatal center (Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 163) currently operates under the leadership of Semenovsky Nikolai Vladimirovich. The center provides emergency and inpatient care aimed at maintaining pregnancy and giving birth healthy child women who have any abnormalities in the body and pathology and are at risk during childbirth.

A bit of history

The perinatal center in Kirov, while still an ordinary maternity hospital, received its first newborn on November 3, 1937. For years this provided assistance to women in labor and their babies in the status. In August 2004, according to order No. 757, it was renamed the Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center. Kirov gladly accepted this news, because one of the largest and most professionally trained obstetric institutions appeared on their territory.

Types of medical care provided by the center

The Kirov Perinatal Center provides round-the-clock assistance to pregnant women during the prenatal period, as well as during childbirth, if there is a possibility of any complications associated with the preservation of the fetus or labor activity. The types of services provided include:

Departments of the perinatal center in Kirov for women

Kirov Perinatal Center provides a range of services provided by highly qualified doctors. Today, women in labor have the opportunity to use the services of more than 20 specialized departments of the center:

  • Department "Mother and Child". As part of the obstetric physiological department: wards for the joint stay of mother and child with all necessary equipment, a dining room, rooms for physiotherapy, examination rooms, an ultrasound room.
  • Obstetric Physiological Department, the purpose of which is to train women in childbirth in the skills of caring for a newborn (hygiene, breastfeeding). Women who have undergone difficult childbirth receive treatment here, undergo necessary examinations, diagnostics, receive consultations of a psychologist and other specialists.
  • obstetric observation department- a maternity ward, where the team will provide assistance during childbirth taking place naturally or, if necessary, perform a caesarean section. To date, the Kirov Perinatal Center is striving to improve the solution of such problems as childbirth from 22 weeks, the study and improvement of aspects of childbirth and caesarean section.
  • There are two in the center obstetric departments pathology of pregnancy, where highly qualified doctors work. Kirov Perinatal Center Provides Surveillance for Women at Threat premature birth, late toxicosis, placenta previa (department No. 1) and women with severe extragenital and obstetric pathology(Department No. 2).
  • Two gynecological departments whose activities are aimed at diagnosing and effective treatment gynecological diseases as well as termination of pregnancy different terms by doctor's prescription.

Departments of the perinatal center in Kirov for newborns

The Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center has departments for newborns, whose activities are aimed at treating and restoring organ functions in newborns born with abnormalities or earlier than the established date.

Appointment to the doctor

Due to the large influx of patients, uniform distribution load between the staff, it was decided to establish some rules for recording appointments with specialists and further admission for consultations. This applies only to scheduled appointments: an emergency is available around the clock and without pre-booking. You can get to a scheduled consultation in the direction that is issued by the district doctor or other specialist and by appointment. A referral is no longer required for a return visit. The queue for a scheduled appointment cannot exceed 14 calendar days since the recording. When contacting the registry directly, you must have a passport or other document confirming your identity, compulsory medical insurance policy and direction. Registration in specialized institutions or special departments can be carried out independently via the Internet. How else to get an appointment with specialists in the perinatal center (Kirov)? Electronic registry- this type of service applies to the consultative and diagnostic department (psychiatry, sexology, urology) and the department of assisted reproductive technologies (genetics and family medicine).

Paid medical services

Does the perinatal center (Kirov) provide paid services And does he have the right to do so? Paid medical services include:

All these items and their decoding are described in special provision on the procedure for providing paid medical services. A list of additional services provided by the clinical diagnostic laboratory, physiotherapy, radiology, ultrasound, dental and other departments is also attached to the regulation. Also, paid services include the services of a consultative and diagnostic department, a family planning center, a physiotherapy department, CT scan, departments of anesthesiology and resuscitation, some services of the gynecological and labor departments, as well as the department of pathology of pregnancy (operation "caesarean section").

Family Planning Center

Within the territory of medical institution operates a family planning and reproduction center. When opening the consultation, such goals were pursued as the attitude of people to family planning, preparing parents for the birth of children, providing psychological and medical assistance to families with certain problems in the matter of conception. The center also carries the idea of ​​​​proper reproductive education of young people: pregnancy planning, prevention of unwanted conception. The team of specialists included urologists, pediatric and adult gynecologists, endocrinologists, a sexologist, and a psychologist. result well-coordinated work teams are excellent indicators of the desired conception, fertility and sexual education of adolescents.

School for future parents "Waiting"

Since the late 90s, a school for expectant parents has been opened for pregnant women with a program called "Waiting". What does the perinatal center (Kirov) offer? Reviews of women in labor about this consultation and its specialists are extremely positive. The team includes:

  • A psychologist who will tell you how to avoid postpartum depression, harmoniously combine relations with her husband and the new duties of a mother.
  • A neonatologist is a doctor who knows everything about children up to a year old: how to feed, temper, massage, apply medication and non-drug treatment prepare your baby for vaccination.
  • Instructor for physiotherapy exercises: he will tell you how to relax when physical activity, strengthen the immune system and the heart, maintain or quickly restore the figure after childbirth.


2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs